Volume 7, Issue 5, March 7,2010

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Herman Wouk’s thrilling World War II novel The Caine Mutiny contains
an excellent illustration of what happens when someone becomes a
follower of God.
In the novel, a young man from an influential family has enlisted in the
Navy. On the day of his induction, his mother drops him off in her fancy
car and then kisses him goodbye. He shakes hands with the guard as he Volume 7, Issue 5 March 7, 2010
enters the building, and the door closes behind him.
His mother, suddenly worried that he might not have enough money, BORN TO LOSE! Jim McGuiggan
rushes up to the door. But the guard politely stops her. When she de-
mands entrance, he refuses to let her in. She can see her son standing ASSEMBLY TIMES Norman Vincent Peale was visit- thought they had to. Still, they
inside the door, so she reaches for the doorknob. “He’s my son!” she
cries. The guard gently removes her hand from the knob and says softly, Sunday Morning: ing China many years ago when chose cruelty and vice, and
“I know, Ma’am, but he belongs to Uncle Sam now. He’s a sailor.” he came across it. He was pass- whatever else we might wonder
When we believe in Jesus Christ and become His followers, we are under 10:00am Bible Class
11:00am Worship ing a tattoo shop and was aston- about we can't deny the wicked-
new authority. We are subject to new commands.
Now we belong to Him. What was once important to ished to see a tattoo advertised ness and we must call it what it
us loses its significance. We evaluate things differ- Thursday Evening: in English. It was BORN TO is.
ently. Our new desire is to love and serve the Lord 7:00pm Bible Study LOSE. I'm assuming he was
with all our heart (Deut. 6:5-6). Have you joined His I've seen despair in some alco-
ranks? — David C. Egner ___ helped by some companion when
Jesus my Lord will love me forever, holics I've known; people who no
CONTACT INFO he went in to enquire about it.
From Him no power of evil can sever; longer choose to drink but are
He wanted to know if many peo-
He gave His life to ransom my soul— dragged along by the booze they
Now I belong to Him! —Clayton
1 Christina Street ple asked for that par-
Village of Kenosee Lake once chose freely
ticular one and the
Followers of Christ get their marching orders and who now in
from Him. man said it was
Box 184 their sober mo-
quite popular and
S0C 2S0 ments stare into
(306)577-2477 that some
onthe- customers had
ing how and
[email protected] it put on their fore-
During a Provincial Safety Inspection at the where it all began. Some of
___ heads. "Why would anyone
camp it was recommended that we make a change to the them are certain there's no
current septic system for the kitchen. After consultations, LEADERSHIP want to have such a thing tat-
way out, this is how they will end
we were told that this repair could cost up to $5000. At tooed on his forehead?" Peale
their lives—and it frightens them.
the present moment there is not enough money in our Elders: asked him. The man thought for
“Capital Fund” to pay for this improvement. We are ask- Cameron Husband One said to me some time ago in
a moment and then patting his
ing if you could please make a donation to our “Capital Harold Floyd that despairing way, "I'm just a
chest he said, "It must already
Fund” so when improvements like these are needed, we Dale King beat old drunk!"
be tattooed on their heart."
can make necessary changes. If you wish to give, please Jim Sedor
make cheques payable to “Clearview Christian Camp” and Not long before he died it's said
I've known a few people down
mail it to Clearview Christian Camp, co/ Laura Olson , 4 Minister: that wicked Lord Byron mused
the years who threw themselves
McDougall Road, Regina Sk. S4S 5M4. Please include a Rolland Bouchard with himself, wondering if he
note saying your funds should be directed to “Capital Im- (306)577-8418 into wickedness with such aban-
should sue for peace with God.
provements”. don that it seemed as if they
He decided he had gone too far

Puzzles and Cartoons used with Permission. For rights and permissions see http://biblewordgames.com and www.reverendfun.com
Volume 7, Issue 5 March 7, 2010

THE LATEST NEWS AND UPDATES for too long and told himself to have some decency and play ASSEMBLY, March 7, 2010
it out to the end; "Let me be a man." Before he lost his way
THRIFT STORE DAYS the back of the auditorium. send cheques or inquiries to: in the matter of faith and became an agnostic, the famous Lord Take Control Medley 788
We will be working the thrift store More Details will be coming very soon. Attention Haiti Mission historian, Will Durant, begged God with many tears to let A Common Love 705
March 23 & 25  Strathmore Boulevard Church of Christ Lord Byron out of hell. I wonder what he saw in Byron be-
April 20 & 22 CHURCH SCRAP BOOK! 346 Strathmore Blvd His Grace Reaches Me 113
yond the obvious marks of degeneracy that led him to pray
May 18 & 20 If you have any photos that you would Toronto, Ontario M4C 1N3 Lord’s Supper
such a fervent prayer?
More dates coming very soon. like to be put into a church scrapbook 
Shine Jesus Shine 290
 please talk to Ronda. NEW PHONE LIST LAST CHANCE What are we to say of (and to) the multiplied millions who
HOMEMAKERS CIRCLE  We are working on a new Phone list, Message
were born (and are being born) into crushing poverty,
Here is a list of upcoming Homemakers BERNICE please fill out the form at the back of the On Bended Knee 791
abuse, a culture that saw to it that they'd never know any-
Circle events. For more information talk Bernice Lawrence is in the Redvers auditorium and we’ll publish soon. The
to Judith. thing different? I'm talking about those people in their tens Caring and Sharing
Health Centre attached to the Redvers First draft is done, but we need a few
March 12 - Spa Moose Jaw. of millions in every generation who seemed to have tattooed Announcements
Hospital. (3 Blocks south of the school more details before we can print one for
April - Public Speaker/ to be an- (invisibly) on their foreheads from childhood: BORN TO
nounced. on the main drag) everyone. Please Take one more look.
May - Greenhouse.  Thanks. Rolland LOSE.
June - Tea house. HAITI RELIEF 
The specific details will be announced as They grow up (if they get to grow up) and they become sin-
The Strathmore Boulevard church of ANNOUNCMENTS AND
each activity comes up. ners like the rest of us…and yet…they're not like the rest of
Christ will be continuing support efforts in PRAYER REQUESTS
Haiti by sending funds to the church Submit any requests by Thursday us though they are sinners. Their lives are nothing like ours.
there. They are also going to be sending each week to Rolland. They have no faith in Jesus. [How can they have faith in him
We will be hosting the Western Christian
relief workers and building supplies [email protected] of whom they haven't heard?] And because they have no
College Chorus on Thursday, March 18, FOR INFOMRATION ON HOW YOU CAN
(construction materials, food, clothing, 577-8418 faith in Jesus there are those who insist that they SPONSOR A CHILD THROUGH COMPASSION
2010. There will be many students that
water, etc.) to begin the rebuilding proc- were CREATED TO LOSE. [Believe that if you can!] OR FOR A WAY TO SUPPORT THE RELIEF
will need billeting on Thursday night. If
ess. They will be going down in April to EFFORTS IN HAITI VISIT
you are able to help host some of these
help out. If you are interested in helping Sin is sin, wickedness is wickedness and since he came not www.compassion.ca
students please see the signup sheet at
out financially or any other way please to condemn the world but to save it, Jesus must have
My son, if you accept my words and store
thought we were in unimaginable danger. So there's no go-
up my commands within you, turning your
THE FAMILY THAT PRAYS TOGETHER... ing back on that. To make little of sin is to make little of the
ear to wisdom and applying your heart to
understanding, and if you call out for in-
 Marie McMillan—Continued  Brent Peterson—continued re-  Our Shepherds—leadership and
sight and cry aloud for understanding, and if
Still, he came! There is the incarnation and what it led to!
Heal concerns covery care
There is an event we celebrate at a time we call you look for it as for silver and search for
 Bernard and Alicia Krogsgaard - www.petersonfamilyupdate.blogspot.com  Chris Cornforth—continued "Christmas". And his coming forbids us to accept the de- it as for hidden treasure, then you will un-
Missionaries in Mexico  Pamela King—General prayers health concerns. scription: BORN TO LOSE and it brands as sheer nonsense derstand the fear of the LORD and find the
for Her well being
 Bernice Lawrence—Struggling  Health and well being of our the doctrine that there are those who are: CREATED TO knowledge of God. For the LORD gives wis-
with heal problems, recently  Joe Fox—Surgery for His knee congregation. LOSE. dom, and from his mouth come knowledge
moved to Redvers Care Facility. and subsequent unemploy-  Our Community Think noble things of God!
and understanding.
Proverbs 2:1-6

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