Volume 9, Issue 1, August 8, 2010

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Volume 9, Issue 1 www.moosemountainchurch.

com August 8, 2010

“THE MISSION OF GOD!” by Dr. Stan Helton

ASSEMBLY TIMES The Bible is the grand narrative nations around might catch a have accepted the call to join
Sunday Morning:
of the mission of God. From glimpse of who the true God God in his mission.
beginning to end, God is on a really is. The Old Testament
NEW TIME 10:30am mission to reclaim his creature story is really a sad story, a One constant theme in this
Full Family Fellowship and even the creative order. tragedy even. The nation of story is the notion of sending:
We might summarize this mis- Israel never really joins God on God sent Abraham to Canaan,
Thursday Evening: sion as: God’s mission is to His mission, even though God
7:00pm alternating God sent Moses to rescue the
form a distinct people to live sent prophet after prophet to
weeks in homes His Life for the sake of the point the way. Israelites from Egypt, God sent
___ world. prophets to redirect the nation
CONTACT INFO However, God did not give up. of Israel, and God sent his Son.
In the Old Testament, God He sent his Son to show people His Son, in turn, sent the Holy
1 Christina Street sought to form a “distinct” how to participate in God’s Spirit to the community of be-
Village of Kenosee Lake people from the descendants mission. Jesus gathered around lievers gathered at Pentecost.
of Abraham. After promising to himself disciples who would
Jesus then sent his disciples to
Box 184 form a people from Abraham’s take up the mission of God
S0C 2S0 descendants, God will rescue after he had ascended to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and
(306)577-2477 them from Egypt under the Heaven and sent the Spirit of to the outermost reaches of
[email protected]
leadership of Moses to lead God to empower them and to the world. Now it’s our turn
___ them to the promised land guide them. Jesus constituted accept God’s call to send us.
LEADERSHIP where they are to live a God- a distinct people on Pentecost
kind of life, but not just for known today as the church. Stan Helton
Tammeny Oaks Church of Christ
Elders: their own good but so that the Those who belong to Jesus
Cameron Husband
Harold Floyd
Dale King
Jim Sedor

Rolland Bouchard


We will be working the thrift store Our Food Pantry need to be re- Murray and Alice Hughes were
August 10 &12 stocked. Please bring some non- married on June 19. There will be
September 7 & 9 perishable food items to contribute a wedding shower for them on Au-
October 5 & 7 to the pantry next Sunday. Thank gust 15th. We will have a potluck
November 2 & 4 you for your help. lunch after church. To find out what Living the
November 30 & December 2  you can contribute speak with Life of
December 28 & 30 CAMP IS ALMOST FINISHED Ronda. God is evidenced
 Girls Week has just finished, and There will also be a shower for by incredible
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED there is one more weeks to come. Tammy and Anson Palmer on courage
If you are interested in coordinating To find out how you can contribute August 29th. Feel free to bring Do not be afraid for
our children’s time, or being part of at the camp please talk to Rolland. gifts, or talk to Rolland to contribute I am with you…
some practical lessons in the  to one. All of August!
months of June and July, please ANNOUNCEMENTS!
talk to Rolland. If you would like your event men-
 tioned in the bulletin, please talk to After this, the word of
BERNARD AND ALICIA Rolland no later than Thursday Jehovah came to Abram in a
Bernard and Alicia will be coming each week. Thank you for your
through on August 24th, which is a cooperation with this. You can call
vision: "Do not be afraid,
Tuesday. We would like to organ- 577-8419 or email Abram. I am your shield, CAN SPONSOR A CHILD THROUGH
ize supper potluck for that day so [email protected] your very great reward." COMPASSION OR FOR A WAY TO
they can do a presentation on their SUPPORT THE RELIEF EFFORTS IN

work in Mexico.  Genesis 15:1 HAITI VISIT

Volume 9, Issue 1 August 8, 2010

THE FAMILY THAT PRAYS TOGETHER... Activities for Assembly

August 8st, 2010

 Marie McMillan—Continued health con-  Our small gatherings. Welcome, Announcements and
cerns  The Lonechild Family Offering
 Bernard and Alicia Krogsgaard - Mission-  Catherine Taylor– successful and speedy Children’s Time
aries in Mexico recovery from her recent surgery.
 Joe Fox—Surgery for His hip and conse- Anywhere with Jesus
 Pamela and Owen King recently miscar-
quent unemployment. ried. Firm Foundation
 Our Shepherds—leadership and care  It is no Secret
 Chris Cornforth—continued health con-  Matthew 10:5-20
 He Knows Just What I Need
 All of those still struggling with grief.
 Lord’s Supper
Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah
Thy Word


Because He Lives
Rise Up O Men Of God

Caring and Sharing

fovboV (faw-boss) Nominative, Singular, Masculin 1) fear, dread, terror 1a) that which strikes
terror 2) reverence for one's husband
Qarsevw (tharr-seh-oh) translated "take courage" or "be of good cheer"
qarheuvnteV (tharr-say-ewen-tez) to be bold and confident.
The idea of dread is swift to accompany us as humans. We dread anything that interferes
with the ease of our lives. To be bold and confident in times of trial means that we are
cheerful despite the circumstances. This is very different from the world. To find joy in
Christ in every situation is a testimony to your faith. You trust God so deeply that no mat-
ter what comes, you find confidence in Him and are filled with cheer. Be strong and cou-
rageous and do not be afraid!!!
Puzzles and Cartoons used with Permission. For rights and permissions see http://biblewordgames.com and www.reverendfun.com

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