Volume 7, Issue 1, February 7,2010

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you get what you want and it

comes straight at you.
A friend told me about being in a When Simon Peter saw just how
boat hunting Canadian Geese in many fish there were, the Bible
the dead of winter on a freezing says, he fell to his knees and
lake. Bone cold the said, "Go away from
Volume 6, Issue 13 February 7, 2010
three of them in me, Lord; I am a sinful
a 16-foot alumi- man." Peter got what
he wanted, a good
What Does It Mean To Fear God?
num boat hold
out for a few more catch for a nights
work, but something ASSEMBLY TIMES For the unbeliever, the fear of God God is and develop a reverential
minutes of light and
in the interim had occurred to is the fear of the judgment of God fear of Him, we cannot have true
the last chance at a Sunday Morning:
goose. Sure enough their him. What was it? What is it and eternal death, which is eternal wisdom. True wisdom comes only
that suddenly dawned on him? 10:00am Bible Class separation from God (Luke 12:5; from understanding who God is and
patience is rewarded.
Overhead they hear a flight. Each It wasn't the number of fish; 11:00am Worship Hebrews 10:31). For the believer, that He is holy, just, and righteous.
of them fire their long goose rather, it was who this man was the fear of God is something much Deuteronomy 10:12, 20-21 records,
guns straight up and two of the who had just led him to the big- Thursday Evening: different. The believer's fear is rev- “And now, O Israel, what does the
biggest birds come tumbling gest catch of his life. In no way 7:00pm Bible Study erence of God. Hebrews 12:28-29 is LORD your God ask of you but to
down out of the sky. For an in- could Peter have been prepared ___
a good description of this: fear the LORD your God, to walk in
stant they were exhilarated; for the catch he would soon par- CONTACT INFO
“Therefore, since we are receiving a all his ways, to love him, to serve
then horror griped them. One of ticipate in but for now Jesus
kingdom that the LORD your
those birds was headed straight says, "Don't be afraid, Peter, 1 Christina Street
from now on you will be catching
cannot be God with all your
for the boat. 35 pounds of goose Village of Kenosee Lake
men." shaken, let us be heart and with
at 90 miles and hour. When it
finally hit the boat it nearly sunk (Brent Porterfield, www.eSermons.com, thankful, and so all your soul.
January, 2001) Box 184
it and them with it. Sometimes worship God ac- Fear the LORD
S0C 2S0
ceptably with your God and
reverence and serve him. Hold
awe, for our fast to him and
[email protected]
___ ’God is a con- take your oaths
suming fire.’” in his name. He
This reverence is your praise; he
Elders: and awe is ex- is your God, who
Cameron Husband actly what the performed for
Harold Floyd fear of God you those great
Dale King means for Chris- and awesome
Jim Sedor tians. This is the wonders you
motivating factor saw with your
Minister: for us to surren- own eyes.” The
Rolland Bouchard der to the Creator of the Universe. fear of God is the basis for our
(306)577-8418 walking in His ways, serving Him,
Proverbs 1:7 declares, “The fear of and, yes, loving Him.
the LORD is the beginning of knowl-
edge.” Until we understand who Some redefine the fear of God for

Puzzles and Cartoons used with Permission. For rights and permissions see http://biblewordgames.com and www.reverendfun.com
Volume 7, Issue 1 February 7, 2010

THE LATEST NEWS AND UPDATES (Continued from page 1) ASSEMBLY, February 7, 2010

THRIFT STORE DAYS Secretary, and finance). Be praying now for those whose believers to “respecting” Him. While respect is definitely in- Welcome and Prayer
We will be working the thrift store names you like to put forward. This meeting is primarily to hear cluded in the concept of fearing God, there is more to it than A Common Love
February 23 &25 reports from the different ministries, approve a budget for the that. A biblical fear of God, for the believer, includes under- Listen To Our Hearts
More dates coming very soon. year, and to fulfill the requirements of our non-profit organiza- standing how much God hates sin and fearing His judgment on How Great Thou Art
Anyone interested in volunteering to help out please come any tion status. Please Plan to attend this meeting. Thank you. sin—even in the life of a believer. Hebrews 12:5-11 describes Bind Us Together
of the days listed here! Feel free to talk to Kay  God’s discipline of the believer. While it is done in love My God and I
 SHANNON SMITH & COMPASSION CANADA (Hebrews 12:6), it is still a fearful thing. As children, the fear of Reading: Exodus 20:18-21
HOMEMAKERS CIRCLE Shannon Smith from Lloydminster will be here today to make a discipline from our parents no doubt prevented some evil ac- Message
Here is a list of upcoming Homemakers Circle events. For presentation to us regarding the work of Compassion Canada. tions. The same should be true in our relationship with God. Why Did My Saviour Come
more information talk to Judith. Shannon and her husband Dana are Advocates for Compas- We should fear His discipline, and therefore seek to live our Communion
February - General Craft Night. sion. They work hard to find sponsors for poverty stricken chil- lives in such a way that pleases Him. If That Isn’t Love
March 12 - Spa Moose Jaw. Caring and Sharing
April - Public Speaker/ to be announced. dren throughout the world. Shannon will be presenting to us
immediately following our worship today. If you are interested Believers are not to be scared of God. We have no reason to be Announcements
May - Greenhouse.
June - Tea house. in sponsorship please talk to Shannon today. scared of Him. We have His promise that nothing can separate
The specific details will be announced as each activity comes  us from His love (Romans 8:38-39). We have His promise that
up. ANNOUNCMENTS AND PRAYER REQUESTS He will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). Fearing
 God means having such a reverence for Him that it has a great
If you have an announcement or prayer request that you would
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING impact on the way we live our lives. The fear of God is respect-
like posted in the bulletin, talk to Rolland by Thursday each
We would like to invite everyone to attend our annual general ing Him, obeying Him, submitting to His discipline, and wor-
week. Thank you.
meeting after the potluck on February 21, 2010. During the shipping Him in awe.
meeting we will be electing the executive (Chair, Vice-Chair,
During a Provincial Safety Inspection
 Marie McMillan - continued health concerns.  Pam King at the camp it was recommended that If you call out for insight
we make a change to the current septic sys-
Bernard and Alicia Krogsgaard—missionaries in Paul and Katrina Korchinski - friends of Pam King. and cry aloud for under-
  tem for the kitchen. After consultations, we were told that
Mexico. Paul is undergoing surgeries for Colitis. this repair could cost up to $5000. At the present moment standing, and if you look
Bernice Lawrence—struggling with health prob- there is not enough money in our “Capital Fund” to pay for for it as for silver and
  Our Shepherds
lems this improvement. We are asking if you could please make a
donation to our “Capital Fund” so when improvements like search for it as for hidden
Brent Peterson– 
 Richard and Doris Reynolds—Newly married these are needed, we can make necessary changes. If you treasure, then you will
wish to give, please make cheques payable to “Clearview
understand the fear of the
 Christian Camp” and mail it to Clearview Christian Camp, co/
Chris Cornforth—continued health
 Laura Olson , 4 McDougall Road, Regina Sk. S4S 5M4. Please LORD and find the knowl-
concerns  include a note saying your funds should be directed to edge of God.
“Capital Improvements”.
 Vision and Direction  Proverbs 2:3-5

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