From Safety To The Risk Management Cycle

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Journal of Medical Safety 2009 (2) p.**- p.

** May, 2009

From Safety to the Risk Management Cycle

Dirk Proske
University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Institute of Mountain
Risk Engineering, Vienna, Austria


The paper describes the development from the term “safety”, towards numerical expressions of it as
“risks” and finally the emerging concept of “quality-of-life”; in order to prove the fulfilment of the
requirement of “safety”. The paper starts with a definition of “safety”, but discusses also roughly the
term “optimal safety” and its limitations. The term “safety” is then transferred into the parameter of
“risk”. Since the earliest numerical expressions of “risk” the concept has experienced significant
development and many different risk metrics have been introduced subsequently. The evolution of
risk parameters and the consideration of optimal safety have finally yielded to the development and
application of “quality-of-life” parameters. It is worthwhile to note that this development has been
observed in many different scientific fields such as economy, engineering, social sciences and
medicine. However, the application of “quality-of-life metrics” yields to the same problem as using
the term “safety”. For a start it is extremely difficult to express “safety” in formal numerical
expressions. This is an unsatisfying situation since only formal decisions are testable. In contrast to
the common numerical time-invariant proofs of “safety” or the ultimate goal of “optimal safety”, the
new concept of “risk cycles” considers a never-ending development and change of conditions and
actions and impressively illustrates the limitation of common safety concepts. Therefore in the last
years the terms “risk management” and “risk cycle” have become widely applied.

1 Introduction using different metrics, such as probability

All human activities have to fulfil the requirement measures or risk measures. An overview is given
of safety. Such requirements can be found in the in Proske (2008). However this development of
earliest law collections such as the one by substitutes has yielded to a loss of the original
Hammurabi (Mann 1991). Therefore safety goal, the provision of “safety”.
concepts were introduced historically in many
technical fields; the first application of metrical 2 Concept of safety
global safety factors can be traced back to Philo The term “safety” S is often defined as a situation
von Byzantium around 300 B.C (Shigley & with a lower risk R compared to an acceptable
Mischke 2001). Since this time many different risk:
numerical safety concepts have been developed

existing R ≤ permitted R → S
existing R > permitted R → S (1)
Journal of Medical Safety 2009 (2) p.**- p.** May, 2009

or as a situation “without any danger impending”. other terms “safety” is a feeling, which describes
Other definitions describe safety as “peace of that no further resources have to be spent to
mind” (Proske 2008). The former definition which decrease any threats. If one considers the term
uses the term risk is already based on a “no further resources have to be spent” as a
substitution; therefore the latter term using “peace degree of freedom of resources, one can define
of mind” is a better definition. The author “safety” as a region of a function which includes
considers “safety” to be the result of an evaluation the degree of freedom of resources. Furthermore
process of a certain situation done by every one can assume, that the degree of freedom is
system that is able to perform a decision making related to some degree of distress and relaxation.
process, such as animals, humans, societies or Whereas in safe conditions relaxation occurs, in
computers. Whereas computers entirely use dangerous situations a high degree of distress is
formal numerical representation, humans and clearly reached.
societies may use informal measures and include The possible shape of the function between
cognitive errors. Whether it is true or not that degree of relaxation which ranges from “danger”
humans and societies can visualise more than just to “peace of mind” and the value of the function as
system borders in formal models is an important degree of freedom of resources is shown in Fig. 1.
issue but will not be discussed here (Proske 2008, It is assumed here, that the relationship is non-
Gigerenzer 2004). However since all decisions linear with at least one region of over-proportional
are finally done by humans, their “safety” is growth of the relative freedom of resources. In
understood as a feeling. Furthermore the Fig. 1 this region of maximum growth (point of
decision-making process deals with the question, inflection) is defined as the starting point of the
whether resources should be spent to decrease safety region:
hazards and danger to an acceptable level. In

S = { x | f ′′( x ) = 0} (2)

Fig. 1. Assumed function shape between degree of relaxation and relative freedom of

The degree of relaxation (DoR) can be evaluated

based on a function considering a number of
influence variables a, b, c,…:
Journal of Medical Safety 2009 (2) p.**- p.** May, 2009

DoR = f (a, b, c, d ...) (3)

These influence parameters need to be chosen. compensation tests are used for the efficiency
As already mentioned, the term “safety” considers assessment (Pliefke & Peil 2007). However such
subjective effects, such as trust, control or benefit. measures are strongly based on formal numerical
Wojtecki & Peter (2000) have tried to introduce expression and it is doubtful that such theories
some numerical equivalents for such conditions can be directly related to the issue of safety.
and state that trust may shift the individual Furthermore, in this instance “optimal safety” is
acceptable risk by a factor of 2,000. That means, defined as a condition, which yields to a maximum
if one convinces people through dialogue that a performance of humans, not a maximum utility.
house is safe, a much higher risk (no resources Such maximum performance can be described in
are spent) will be accepted, whereas with only a relation to different degrees of stress and
few negative words trust can be destroyed and relaxation by the Yerkes-Dodson-curve and is
further resources for protection are spent. Many shown in Fig. 2. It can be shown in the same
additional factors, such as voluntariness, benefit, diagram format as Fig. 1 (Proske 2008). Finally
control, age and experience can be considered one may argue that maximum human
(see Proske 2008 or Covello et al. 2001). The performance and maximum utility are the same.
multi-variability indicates that the mathematical Indeed, the major differences are the time
formulation of such a degree of distress and horizons which cause completely different results
relaxation is complicated and often the most (Münch 2005, Proske 2008). The question
important factors are identified by surveys. remains, if “optimal safety” based on numerical
At this point we should also look at “optimal expressions is indeed related to “optimal safety”
safety”. This term is widely used to assess the assumed by individual humans and human
efficiency of certain protection measures. Mostly societies.
the Pareto criteria or the Kaldor-Hicks

Fig. 2. Function between degree of relaxation and relative freedom of resources

Fig. 2 indicates that humans do not reach a no risk based decisions are taken by humans;
maximum performance under extreme safe only risk informed ones. However in engineering
conditions or high degrees of freedom of sciences, subjective elements are usually
resources. Instead, humans tend to return to neglected and only formal numerical expressions
slightly unsafe regions leading to benefits not are used, mainly to fulfil liability requirements.
illustrated in the figure. Therefore a time-invariant Here mainly risk parameters are used as
optimal safety can not be computed. This fits very numerical expressions of safety. Some risk
well to the statement by Arrow et al. (1996), that parameters will be introduced in the next section.
Journal of Medical Safety 2009 (2) p.**- p.** May, 2009

The risk parameter of mortality corresponds with

3. Risk Parameters the classical definition of risk, as it can be found in
3.1 Mortalities many references:

R = P ⋅C (4)

Here, risk R is defined as a product of the the consequences C. Different units are possible
probability P of occurrence of an incident with for the two components. This risk measure is
some negative consequences and the extent of probably the oldest risk parameter (Proske 2008).

Fig. 3. Example mortalities for various situations/actions (Proske 2008)

As an example Fig. 3 lists some of the failure then to airplane failure over the course of a
frequencies of death for people in various actions. year (Fig. 3). In order to improve the quality of the
In Proske (2008), a collection of over 125 values risk measure, a calibration of time is necessary.
for such mortalities in various situations or actions This risk measure is named “fatal accident rate”
can be found. Other adaptations of mortality which usually relates to the number of fatalities
models using distances, areas, volumes, toxicity over a standard time of 108 hours. Example values
measures and weights are also possible and in can be found in Proske (2008).
use. When comparing such mortalities, one has to
consider the basic population and the date of data 3.2 Family of the F-N-diagrams
gathering. However it seems to be that the highest Mortalities and fatal accident rates do not consider
risks are risks of social failure, since in general the the extent of specific singular accidents. The
infant mortality in Mali could be significantly figures will be the same for an accident with one
reduced and War should not be a common fatality which occurs one thousand times, and an
occurrence in human societies. accident with one thousand fatalities which occurs
Unfortunately the parameter does not give only once. Experience has shown that people
evidence of how frequent a person was exposed differentiate strongly between these two cases in
to a certain action over a time period. For example regards to the subjective judgment. Such
people are exposed much longer to building subjective risk aversion can be shown in F-N-
Journal of Medical Safety 2009 (2) p.**- p.** May, 2009

Diagrams. The first of these diagrams were In addition to the loss of life years, it is possible to
developed by Farmer (1967) for nuclear power consider health reductions during a life time and
radiation. F-N-Diagrams became very famous in to calculate the equivalent loss of life time. The
the so-called Rasmussen-report in the beginning terms quality adjusted life years (QALY), disability
of the 70`s of the last century (Proske 2008). adjusted life years (DALY) or health years are
Since the introduction of the first diagrams, a huge used equivalently. Fig. 4 clarifies these terms.
variety of such diagrams has been developed (Hofstetter & Hammitt 2003, Proske 2008). In
using different units such as time, radiation, developed countries, the share of disability
energy and so on. A summary of various adjusted life years amounts to about 10 % of a life
representations of F-N-Diagrams can be found in time, and in some of the African countries it is
Jonkman et al. (2003); Ball & Floyd (2001); and almost 50 % (Proske 2008). Such numbers again
Proske (2008). The proof of “safety” can be done indicate a failure of social structures. This
graphically in such diagrams (Ball & Floyd 2001, situation is demonstrated in detail by Fig. 5, where
Proske 2008). one can find poverty, poor social status or early
school drop out as the highest risk factors. Again
3.3 Lost life years these are social failures. Therefore primarily we
The family of the F-N-Diagrams is excellent for the can state, that the highest risks to humans are
representation of technical and natural risks, as in social failures. Secondly we need some risk
the cases of risks where high numbers of parameters which are able to consider the status
casualties are possible. In cases of health risks, of the social systems.
the situation is more difficult. Additionally, the age
of the person concerned is not considered in F-N- 4. Quality-of-life Parameters
Diagrams or mortalities, but is usually considered The building and development of social structures
during subjective judgement. For example the is closely connected with the term quality-of-life.
death of a person of 90 years of age, caused by Although the famous social critics of the 19th
an illness, will be judged subjectively different, century did not yet know the term quality-of-life,
than the death of a young person. The risk they already regarded the improvement of the
parameter of the lost life years (LLE) considers circumstances of living as the main motivational
this effect. The parameter is defined as the force of human development. One of the first
difference between average life expectation definitions of quality-of-life came from the field of
without the analyzed action/situation and the social charity science (Noll 1999). It was the
average life expectation including the economist Pigou (1920) who coined the term
action/situation. This parameter is widely used in ‘quality-of-life’ at the beginning of the 20th century
the field of medicine, such as regarding cancer and who brought the term into academic
treatment. Cohen (1991) collected lost life days discussion as a target to reach for social actions
for various diseases and various social and as a measure of individual well-being.
circumstances. Further data can be found in
Proske (2008).

Fig 4. Representation of the concept of lost life years (Hofstetter & Hammitt 2003).
Journal of Medical Safety 2009 (2) p.**- p.** May, 2009

Fig. 5. Lost life days in various situations according to Cohen (1991)

The development and usage of the term quality- to many other areas, e.g. medicine. In 1948, the
of-life, has since then, not only touched economy World Health Organization termed `Health` as a
and social science, but has also been introduced condition of absolute physical, mental, and social
Journal of Medical Safety 2009 (2) p.**- p.** May, 2009

well-being (WHO 1948). Over more than the last 1996). These scientific strains led to the
fifty years, this definition has widened aims and development of over 1,500 quality-of-life
criteria for actions of physicians. Not only somatic parameters in the field of medicine (Ahrens &
aspects of health and illness, but also Leininger 2003, Frei 2003, Porzsolt & Rist 1997).
psychological and social aspects, the patient’s However the huge number of numerical measures
well-being and their capacity to act are part of the already indicates an emerging problem. According
physician’s duty. This can all be summarised as to the respective definition, quality-of-life depends
quality-of-life. “Health-related quality-of-life means on a number of variables, which are partly hard to
a psychological construct, which describes the seize numerically. To visualise this, table 1 shows
physical, psychological, mental, social and input variable numbers, for the numerical
functional aspects of the well-being and the estimation of quality-of-life parameters for
function capacity of the patients from their view” psychiatric patients, which have been collected
(Bullinger 1996). Further definitions of quality-of- tabular. The numbers of input variables for the
life can be found in WHOQOL-Group (1994), Frei quality-of-life parameters differ tremendously.
(2003) or Proske (2008). Even the assembly of various quality-of-life
To comply with this definition new target metrics parameters for identical questions reveals
(now known as health related quality-of-life difficulties in the fixing of variables with a
measure instruments) have been introduced. The functional connection.
aim of this effort was to make quality-of-life In some publications, the possibility of a formal
measurable and therefore making treatment metrical description of quality-of-life is
efficiency controllable. The application of quality- categorically excluded (Küchler & Schreiber
of-life parameters is nowadays widespread in 1989). Fig. 6 shows the high dimensionality of the
preventive medical check-ups, in therapy problem. However if one agrees with this
research, quality security and the health economy. statement one loses the possibility to evaluate the
Thousands of scientific publications dealing with efficiency of mitigation measures in a formal
this issue are now published every year (Bullinger numerical way.

Table 1. Quality-of-life measure instruments for psychiatric patients (Frei 2003)

Quality-of-life measure instruments number of parameters
Social Interview Schedule (SIS) 48
Community Adjustment Form (CAF) 140
Satisfaction of Life Domain Scale (SLDS) 15
Oregon Quality-of-life Questionnaire (OQoLQ) 246
Quality-of-life Interview (QoLI) 143
California Well-Being Project Client Interview (CWBPCI) 304
Quality-of-life Questionnaire (QoLQ) 63
Quality-of-life Index for Mental Health (QLI-MH) 113
Quality-of-life in Depression Scale (QLDS) 35
Smith-Kline Beecham Quality-of-life Scale (SBQoL) 28
Quality-of-life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire (Q-LES-Q) 93
Journal of Medical Safety 2009 (2) p.**- p.** May, 2009

Fig. 6. Dimension of quality-of-life according to Küchler & Schreiber (1989)

5. Risk Management Cycle for the management of organisations (AS/NZS

The evolution of the risk management process 2004, COSO 2004, IRGC 2005, Treasury Board
started with the definition of safety, substituting of Canada Secretariat 2001, UK Cabinet Office
the term safety with the numerical representation 2002) or natural hazards (Kienholz et al. 2004).
called risk. Observing that the highest risks are The difference between pure risk assessment
social risks in different risk metrics; the term risk using either certain numerical risk parameters or
has been transferred into quality-of-life measures. quality-of-life parameters is the consideration of a
Such quality-of-life measures may indeed be permanent change of conditions and risks. There
applied to indicate optimal safety. A nice example, will be no optimal solution, since the boundary
either for the case of structural improvement of conditions also change and all mathematical
bridges or for the application of adjuvant therapy models proving an optimal solution simply fail by
is shown in Proske (2008). However since the realising that assumptions and conditions are
numerical expression of quality-of-life is subject to change (SCM 2007). This constant
represented by different metrics, which causes change is visualised in Fig. 7 as the Risk
problems, how useful are such investigations? On Management Cycle. The possibility of failure is
the other hand resources are indeed limited and already considered in its basis. As a conclusion all
have to be spent carefully. So what can be done? of the mentioned numerical substitute measures
Parallel to the development and application of for safety, such as risk measures or quality-of-life
quality-of-life parameters, the focus on risk measures may be applied, although with caution
management cycles has also increased in the last because their validity is limited to certain
decades. This can be seen, for example in a wide conditions. However, such analysis can be
range of codes and recommendations which deal repeated regularly and irregularly.
with this issue, not only in engineering, but also
Journal of Medical Safety 2009 (2) p.**- p.** May, 2009

Fig. 9: Integral risk management concept as a cycle according to Kienholz et al. (2004)

6. Conclusion 7. AKNOWLEDGEMENT
Safety is a general requirement for all human The author wants to express his thanks to the
activities. Therefore it has to be decided in Austrian Research Foundation (FWF) for the
advance whether a situation or action will be safe. support of the study about indeterminacy and
To prove the condition of safety formal numerical safety concepts.
measures have to be introduced. The most
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Entwicklungen. Springer-Verlag Fax: 0043-1-47654/4390
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