Universal Soil Loss Equation Usle

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Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE)Predicted Soil Loss for Harvesting

Regimes in Appalachian Hardwoods

S.M. Hood, S.M. Zedaker, W.M. Aust, and D.W. Smith, Department of Forestry
(0324), 228 Cheatham Hall, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Blacksburg, VA 24061.

ABSTRACT: Soil erosion from forest harvesting is a major environmental concern. While there has been
research comparing soil erosion on clearcut regeneration harvests with that on uncut forests, there has been
little focus on the differences among common silvicultural harvests. Forest certification standards that are
currently being evaluated for adoption across the country often encourage uneven-aged systems over evenaged or two-aged systems. We estimated soil loss using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) for forest land
on five harvested treatments in the southern Appalachians. Treatments included a clearcut, leave-tree harvest,
shelterwood, group selection, and uncut control. Results predicted that the group selection would have
approximately 10 tons/ac more soil loss over a 100 yr rotation than the other harvested treatments. The higher
rate was primarily from skid trails when the treatment was reentered for harvesting. These results should be
considered when weighing the benefits of uneven-aged silviculture over even-aged or two-aged silviculture.
North. J. Appl. For. 19(2):5358.
Key Words: Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), soil erosion, timber harvests, silvicultural system.

Forest harvesting is often blamed for causing excessive

amounts of nonpoint source pollution (McNulty 1995, Binkley
and Brown 1993, Sopper 1975). Concern for maintaining
water quality and site productivity led to the passage of water
quality legislation and the subsequent development of Best
Management Practices (BMPs) to minimize the effects of
harvesting (Park et al. 1994). However, harvesting on steep
slopes in the Appalachians is still viewed as a potential
cause of erosion and decreases in water quality
(Kochenderfer et al. 1997).
Forest management uses several harvesting methods to
achieve a variety of goals. Methods are designed primarily to
enhance the value of an existing stand or to manipulate the
regeneration for the next stand, but they can also be used for
aesthetics, water yield, or wildlife management (Smith 1997).
Foresters are now evaluating the effectiveness of two-aged
(leave-tree) and uneven-aged (group selection, single-tree
selection) silvicultural regeneration methods as an alternative to even-aged methods (clearcut, shelterwood, seed tree).
The Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) forest certification
standards call for minimizing clearcuts (FSC 2001), and the
NOTE: S.M. Zedaker can be reached at (540) 231-4855; Fax: (540) 231-3330;
E-mail: [email protected]. The authors acknowledge support of this
project by David L. Loftis, through Cooperative Research Agreement
SRS 33-CA-98-447 with USDA Forest Service, Southern Research
Station, Asheville, NC; the USDA National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program #9503196; and Westvaco Corporation. The
authors thank Bryan Wender and Brian Barwatt for assisting with
fieldwork. Copyright 2002 by the Society of American Foresters.

proposed guidelines for the southeastern United States state

that uneven-aged management systems should be used
when feasible (FSC 1998). The Monongahela National
Forest in West Virginia decreased the amount of even-aged
silviculture during the past 5 yr in response to criticisms of
clearcutting (Myers 1999). Each silvicultural regeneration
method serves a purpose, but the assumption that unevenaged or two-aged silvicultural methods are patently less
damaging to the environment than even-aged systems oversimplifies the issue and may lead to future stand composition and structure that fail to meet the stated management
There is little research comparing the effects of commonly used silvicultural treatments in the Appalachian
hardwoods on soil erosion (Bormann and Likens 1979,
Patric 1980). Most studies focus on nutrient loadings from
harvesting (Bolstad and Swank 1997, Hornbeck et al. 1993)
but do not actually compare silvicultural treatments. Several studies have compared the erosion associated with
different land uses and harvesting techniques. Using the
USLE, Gianessi et al. (1986) found that forestry affects soil
erosion less than any other nonurban land use (Table 1).
Similar results were found by measuring sediment (Yoho
1980, Grayson et al. 1993). Yoho (1980) also reviewed
differences in forest harvesting quality and the resulting
erosion rates. Using BMPs while harvesting reduced sediment concentrations by 20% in Virginia (Park et al. 1994).
Natural disturbances common to the Appalachians such as
NJAF 19(2) 2002


Table 1. Average annual sheet and rill erosion by land use.

Adapted from Gianessi et al. (1986).

West Virginia
U.S. average

........................... (tons/ac/yr) ...........................

* Includes farmsteads, mines, quarries, pits, and other rural lands.

fire, ice, or windthrow can also cause high rates of erosion,

depending on the severity of the disturbance (Scott and Van
Wyk 1990, Shahlaee et al. 1991).
This study compares soil loss estimates from four silvicultural harvest treatments and nonharvested controls in the
Southern Appalachians. These treatments are then evaluated
for the long-term implications of different forest regeneration techniques. The silvicultural treatments included evenaged, two-aged, and uneven-aged methods. Because erosion
is a natural process that occurs on undisturbed forestland, the
erosion rates from harvested areas must first be put into
context with rates from presently undisturbed forests. By
comparing our harvested treatments with a non-harvested
control, we can set baselines and tolerable limits of erosion
that are comparable to those of undisturbed forests (Fowler
and Heady 1981).
The universal soil loss equation (USLE), as modified for
forestland by Dissmeyer and Foster (1984), is the most
widely used method of predicting soil loss in forestry (Lane
et al. 1992). This updated version of the original USLE was
designed for forestland, whereas the original equation was
specific to agriculture (Wischmeier and Smith 1978). The
equation was developed using 35 watersheds in the South that
were also sampled for sediment to compare accuracy. While
there have been some criticisms of the USLE, and there exist
more updated computer models such as the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) and the Water Erosion
Prediction Project (WEPP) (Larson et al. 1997, Montgomery
et al. 1997, Lane et al. 1992), the USLE remains the best
known because of its sound scientific basis, ease of use, low
cost, and direct application in forest systems. The updated
USLE for forestland allows foresters to quickly and easily
compare potential soil loss following different harvesting
methods and evaluate which method is likely to have the least
influence on soil erosion.
It is important to recognize that soil loss predicted from
the USLE is site soil movement, which is not synonymous
with delivery of sediment to stream channels. The USLE
predicts sheet and rill erosion. The Dissmeyer and Foster
guide (1984) defines erosion as the amount of soil delivered to the toe of the slope where either deposition begins or
where runoff becomes concentrated. The equation does
not estimate gully, landslide, soil creep, stream channel
erosion, or erosion from a single storm. The soil that is
deposited downslope does not necessarily have an impact
on water quality. It is only when the eroded soil enters a
stream that it actually affects water quality (Yoho 1980).
Gianessi et al. (1986) estimated that the ratio of gross
erosion to sediment for forestland is 0.50 and 0.52 for
Virginia and West Virginia, respectively.

NJAF 19(2) 2002

Site Selection and Description
The USLE data collection and analysis is part of a larger,
long-term research project designed to examine the effects of
different levels of silvicultural disturbance on the tree, shrub,
and herbaceous strata in Southern Appalachian forests
(Wender et al. 1999, Wender 2000). Four sites were selected
to represent common upland hardwood forest types in the
southern Appalachians; specifically, sites that covered at
least 35 ac with minimal silvicultural disturbance in the last
15 yr and were relatively uniform in stand composition, age,
structure, and geophysical characteristics. Specific criteria
included were: mid-elevation (20004000 ft) stands dominated by red and white oaks (Quercus spp.), hickories (Carya
spp.), and maples (Acer spp.); a maturing overstory between
50150 yr; moderate slopes (104%); average site index
between 6070 ft (base age 50 for upland oaks); and predominantly south-facing aspects.
Two of the sites are located in southwestern Virginia in the
Clinch Ranger District of the Jefferson National Forest. The
sites are located in Wise and Scott Counties in the Cumberland
Plateau physiographic region. The remaining two sites are
located in the Allegheny Plateau physiographic region in
Randolph County, West Virginia. The sites are hilly, with an
average slope of 2%.
The Ridge and Valley and Allegheny Plateau physiographic provinces are characterized by a moderately moist,
temperate, mesothermal climate. Precipitation is distributed
throughout the year, without a distinct dry season, although
spring is consistently the wettest season. Temperature and
precipitation for both regions can exhibit considerable local
variation because of differences in relief, aspect, and vegetation patterns.
The study sites are contained within Brauns (1950) OakChestnut Forest region of the eastern deciduous forest.
Hammond (1998) characterized the pretreatment vascular
plant community of the sites. Quercus species were the
dominant overstory component of all sites. Q. rubra, Q. prinus,
Q. alba, and Acer rubrum were the major components of the
Virginia sites and one West Virginia site. The Virginia sites
had an average preharvest basal area of 127 ft2/ac, while the
West Virginia site had 154 ft2/ac of basal area. The second
West Virginia site was dominated by A. rubrum, Magnolia
fraseri, Liriodendron tulipifera, A. saccharum, and Q. rubra,
and had a preharvest basal area of 142 ft2/ac.
The soils of all sites are derived from sandstone and shale
residuum and colluvium. As is typical of most Appalachian
forests, the soils are rocky, well drained, and acidic, and are
without exceptional moisture-holding capacity. All study
sites fall within the mesic soil temperature class, meaning the
winter-to-summer range of soil temperature at 50 cm is 815oC
(Daniels et al. 1973). Soils were identified using soil surveys
of Scott and Wise Counties, VA, and Randolph County, WV
(Jurney 1951, Perry et al. 1954, Pyle et al. 1982). The Virginia
site soils are predominantly classified as Muskingum series,
a fine-loamy, mixed, mesic Typic Dystrochrept. The West
Virginia sites are predominantly from the Gilpin and Dekalb
series. The Gilpin series is classified as a fine-loamy, mixed,

mesic Typic Hapludult, and the Dekalb series is classified as

a loamy-skeletal, mixed, mesic, Typic Dystrochrept. These
soils are often found together and form the Gilpin-DekalbBuchanan association. While other soil types may be found
on the treatments, the series described are the dominant types
across the sites.
Treatments were implemented in 1999 and included (1)
clearcut (even-aged), (2) shelterwood (even-aged), (3) leavetree harvest (two-aged), (4) group selection (uneven-aged),
and (5) uncut control. Each treatment plot was 5 ac, with no
buffers between treatments. Because there were no buffers
between treatments, data were not collected within 1.5 chains
of each treatment boundary. An on-site project forester
designed skid trail placement in accordance with applicable
BMPs, and all skid trails were located along the slope
contour. Skid trails were designed to be temporary and were
closed to vehicle access after harvesting was completed.
There are no permanent roads in the treatments. Conventional harvesting methods using chainsaws and cable skidders
were employed for all treatments. In the clearcut treatment,
all stems greater than 2 in. dbh were felled. Nonmerchantable trees were felled and left on the site. Mast, snag, or
cull trees could be left for wildlife purposes, but could not
exceed 4 stems/ac. The shelterwood treatment was designed
to leave 50-60 ft2/ac evenly distributed over the treatment
area, with removal of residual trees in 510 yr once adequate
advanced regeneration is present. Residual trees were dominant or codominant stems. In the two-aged leave-tree harvest,
trees in the dominant or codominant crown classes were
retained such that the residual stand consisted of no more than
20 trees/ac (20 ft2/ac). The group selection treatment typically had three small openings (0.250.5 ac in size) with
improvement cutting between the group cuts. This silvicultural treatment will be repeated every 20 yr in the group
selection, with 100% of the treatment area cut after 100 yr. No
silvicultural activity occurred in the control treatment.
Data Collection and Analysis
To examine the effects of harvesting on soil erosion, we
collected USLE data at each site during the growing season
1 and 2 yr following harvest. Collecting data 1 yr after harvest
and a second time the following year allowed us to compare
erosion rates between years to estimate the recovery time to
predisturbance erosion levels. In each treatment, we collected USLE data for each factor in the equation as suggested
by Dissmeyer and Foster (1984) on a grid with 6 plots spaced
2 4 chains apart with a 1.5 chain offset into the 5 ac
treatment plot. Plots were located by pacing from the northwest corner of each treatment. If a plot fell on a skid trail, it
was moved an additional 33 ft so that it was located away
from any skid trails. In addition, we collected USLE data for
each skid trail in the treatment, including length and width to
determine area. In this manner, it is possible to separate
treatment and skid trail effects. The temporary nature of the
plots caused variation in plot locations between years.
USLE Factors
Data collection followed the standards set in A Guide for
Predicting Sheet and Rill Erosion on Forest Land (Dissmeyer

and Foster 1984). The USLE uses a number of factors and

subfactors to estimate soil loss [Equation (1)].


A =

soil loss (tons/acre/year)

R =

rainfall and runoff factor (EI)

K =

soil erodibility factor

LS =

slope length and the slope steepness factor

CP =
cover management practice factor
The rainfall and runoff index (R) is the effect of raindrop
impact on runoff (Risse et al. 1993). Areas of high annual
precipitation and intense thunderstorms generally have higher
R values. We determined R values for each site using
Wischmeier and Smiths map of isoerodent lines of erosion
index units (EI) for the United States (Dissmeyer and Foster
1984). The R factor for all sites is 150 EI units.
The soil erodibility factor (K) reflects each soil types
inherent susceptibility to soil erosion. The Natural Resources
Conservation Service developed K factors for most soil
types. The K factor for the Muskingum and Gilpin soil series
is 0.28, while that for the Dekalb is 0.24. Because soil surveys
were used to identify the soils, and it is not known on a plot
basis what the exact series is, we used a K factor of 0.28 for
all plots.
The LS factor represents the slope length (L) and the slope
steepness (S). These two measurements are combined using
the formula LS = ( / 72.6)m (65.41 sin2 + 4.65 sin + 0.065),
where = angle of slope in degrees; and m = 0.2 for gradients
less than 1%, 0.3 for 1 to 3% slopes, 0.4 for 3.5 to 4.5% slopes,
and 0.5 for slopes of 5% and greater. The slope length was
either measured by pacing or noted as 467 ft if the entire slope
was uniform. A clinometer was used to determine slope
The CP factor is the product of several subfactors and
represents the management practice factor for untilled and
tilled forestland. We treated all treatment plots as untilled and
all skid trail plots as tilled. The major subfactors for the
treatment plots are (1) bare soil, (2) fine roots, (3) canopy
height, (4) steps, (5) onsite storage, and (6) organic matter. For
the skid trail plots the subfactors are (1) bare soil, (2) canopy
height, (3) steps, (4) onsite storage, and (5) invading vegetation. All subfactors were estimated visually for the area surrounding the plot center. The plots were not a fixed size.
We calculated soil erosion estimates (A) for each measurement plot 1 and 2 yr following harvest. Differences between
treatment erosion estimates were tested using PROC GLM in
SAS V8 using a random complete block design (n = 4) with
subsampling (n = 6) (SAS Institute 1999). To test for differences between blocks, we first calculated weighted averages
based on the area in skid trails and treatments. These averages
were then analyzed in SAS using a random complete block
design. Percent area in skid trails was also compared by this
method. All differences among means were tested using
Duncans multiple range test at = 0.05. Statistical analysis
was performed for years 1 and 2 postharvest.
NJAF 19(2) 2002


After obtaining erosion estimates for years 1 and 2, we

extrapolated the data to a 100 yr rotation. We made several
assumptions when calculating these estimates. Recovery
rates after year 2 were based on the ratio of recovery between
years 1 and 2. Once a treatments erosion rate dropped to the
control rate at year 2, we used the control rate for the rest of
the rotation for that treatment. We cut one-fifth of the group
selection every 20 yr and removed the shelterwood overstory
at year 7. For these treatments, we assumed that erosion rates
would again increase to the year 1 and 2 rates after the
additional entries with the same recovery times.


Table 2. Estimated erosion (tons/ac/yr) in treatments excluding

skid trails during a 100 yr rotation with harvest at year 1 in
Appalachian hardwood stands in Scott and Wise Counties, VA,
and Randolph County, WV. Means with the same letter within
years are not significantly different at = 0.05 using Duncans
Multiple Range Test.

Leave tree
Group selection

Estimated erosion in the clearcut and leave-tree treatments, excluding skid trails, was significantly higher than in
the control 1 yr after harvesting (Table 2). The group selection and shelterwood treatments were not significantly different from the control, clearcut, or shelterwood. By year 2 there
were no significant differences among the treatments. On a
rotation-length basis, the group selection harvest had the
highest projected rates of erosion, 24.4 tons over the 100 yr
rotation, due to the multiple entries into the block. This was
over 5 tons higher than the second highest treatment, the
When the treatment and skid trail plots were combined,
the results followed the same trends in year 1 as the treatment plot-only analysis (Table 3). Only the predicted soil
loss from the leave-tree treatment was significantly different from the control at age 2, though it was not statistically
different from that of the other harvested treatments. The
group selection treatment again had the highest projected
erosion rates for the rotation, 29.4 tons. The clearcut, leavetree, and shelterwood treatments had very similar soil loss
rates of approximately 19.5 tons. The control had slightly
more erosion in the first year after harvest than in the second
year. We feel this is likely due to using different sample
points between years and a possible edge effect from adjacent harvested treatments.
Area in skid trails was highest in the group selection
treatment (Table 3). All harvested treatments had a significantly larger percent area in skid trails than the control. There
were no statistical differences among harvested treatments.

Years since
4.41 a
4.01 a
2.17 ab
1.75 ab
0.21 b

0.74 a
0.90 a
0.16 a
0.32 a
0.14 a

for 100 yr for 100 yr

Average and sum estimates were calculated based on the ratio of recovery between
years 1 and 2; e.g., the recovery ratio for the clearcut between years 1 and 2 was 0.74/
4.41 = 0.17. Year 3 estimated soil loss equaled 0.13 tons/ac/yr (0.74*0.17 = 0.13).
However, the value of 0.14 tons/ac/yr was used because soil loss was not allowed to
go below the year 2 control amounts.
One-fifth of the group selection will be harvested every 20 yr, and the shelterwood

These data clearly show that silvicultural regeneration
methods requiring multiple entries into a stand over a rotation
period (group selections and shelterwoods) have the potential
to cause as much or more erosion than one-entry harvests
(clearcuts and leave-tree harvests). While the shelterwood
and group selection treatments initially had lower soil movement rates than the clearcut and leave-tree harvests, after
factoring in additional harvests, the group selection had 15.3
more tons of erosion than the control for the 100 yr rotation.
The shelterwood had approximately the same soil movement
as the clearcut and leave-tree, with about 5.5 more tons than
the control. This is a critical point when deciding what type
of harvest to implement. Multiple entries redisturb recovering skid trails, and it had been documented that up to 90% of
the sediment from logging is due to permanent and temporary
roads (Yoho 1980). While the skid trails in this study are
temporary (there are no permanent roads in the treatments),
repeated entries are expected to create the same disturbance
intensities as in the initial harvests.
The soil movement rate of 0.14 tons/ac/yr found in the
control was similar to the erosion rate of 0.1 tons/ac/yr
suggested for responsibly managed forestland in the Appalachian region by Patric (1980). This rate is based on erosion

Table 3. Estimated erosion in treatments and skid trails (tons/ac/yr) during a 100 yr rotation with harvest at year 1
in Appalachian hardwood stands in Scott and Wise Counties, Virginia, and Randolph County, West Virginia.
Treatment means with the same letter within years are not significantly different at = 0.05 using Duncans Multiple
Range Test.

Leave tree
Group selection

Years since harvest

4.76 a
5.29 a
2.47 ab
2.38 ab
0.21 b

0.84 ab
1.12 a
0.47 ab
0.47 ab
0.14 b

erosion for
Sum erosion for
100 yr rotation* 100 yr rotation*
.................... (tons/ac/yr) ..................

Percent of 5 ac
treatment plot
in skid trails
6.1 a
5.4 a
9.4 a
7.1 a

* Average and sum estimates were calculated based on the ratio of recovery between years 1 and 2. The recovery ratio for the clearcut between years 1 and
2 was 0.84/4.76 = 0.18. Year 3 estimated soil loss equaled 0.15 tons/ac/year (0.84*0.18 = 0.15). Year 4 estimated soil loss equaled 0.03 (0.15*0.18 = 0.03).
However, the value of 0.14 tons/ac/yr was used because soil loss was not allowed to go below the year 2 control amounts.
One-fifth of the group selection is harvested every 20 yr, and the shelterwood overstory removed at year 7, with years 15 erosion estimates assumed after
each harvest period.


NJAF 19(2) 2002

caused by normal geologic processes, regardless of anthropogenic effects. The slightly higher erosion rates in the
control than the rate cited by Patric (1980) could be due to
using the soil survey to identify the dominant soil series
instead of identifying each soil type for every plot. There may
be some soil types in the treatments that have lower K factors,
such as the Dekalb series, that would lower the estimated
erosion rates.
The rate of soil erosion peaked 1 yr after harvesting and
then greatly decreased by year 2. Kochenderfer et al. (1997)
reported that sediment export returned to preharvest levels by
the third year after selectively harvesting a gauged West
Virginia watershed. The results from our study also indicate
that erosion will return to preharvest levels by year 3 or soon
thereafter. Estimated soil movement decreased by approximately 80% between years 1 and 2 postharvest in all harvested treatments. According to Borman and Likens (1979),
sediment yields from a careless clearcut in West Virginia
were 1.35 tons/ac. This mass is roughly one-fifth of the USLE
erosion estimates for clearcutting in this study. Patric (1976)
and Smith and Stanley (1965) estimate sediment losses for
carefully clearcut forests at 0.06 to 0.17 tons/yr.
Because the data were extrapolated over a 100 yr rotation
based on the calculations made 1 and 2 yr after harvest, the
rotation-length estimates will not be as accurate as actual
measurements. The average and total rotation erosion estimates presented here point out the potential long-term management implications of different harvesting methods. We
feel that the rotation estimates are reasonable and even if the
actual numbers do change, the relative proportions among the
treatments probably will not.

Management Implications
Emphasis should be placed on the value of careful design
and placement of skid trails by professional foresters. Depending on how the road and skid trail system is implemented, sediment yields can vary by 25 times (Yoho 1980).
Swift (1986) reported downslope sediment movement ranging from 2 to 314 ft, depending on site and road conditions.
The skid trails in the harvested treatments in this study
covered less than 10% of the total area. Careless logging
without BMPs can disturb up to 40% of the area (Yoho 1980).
The skid trails in this study were also laid out on the contour.
Hornbeck and Reinhart (1964) reported that skid trails placed
perpendicular to the contour on severe slopes in the Appalachians resulted in 40 tons/ac of sediment from the skid trails
in the first year after harvesting (cited from Yoho 1980).
Compare this with the highest rate of erosion from the skid
trails in this study of 5.3 tons/ac in the leave-tree treatment,
and the importance of properly planned skid trails is made
The rate of soil erosion after harvesting in upland hardwoods rapidly approaches undisturbed forest erosion levels.
The skid trails account for the greatest proportion of soil
erosion. Therefore, a harvest treatment requiring multiple
entries into a stand may cause more erosion on a longer time
scale. Every time the stand is entered, the skid trails are

redisturbed and subjected to rates of erosion similar to the

initial harvest. The results presented here identify the relative
impacts of multiple entries. The use of group selection as a
harvest method may not be the best choice from the standpoint of site impact, and other methods should be considered,
unless it is the only regeneration method that will result in
achieving the desired future stand condition. In addition, the
results suggest that erosion rates from clearcut, shelterwood,
and leave-tree harvests return to baseline mature forest levels
within the first few years after harvesting. The results from
this study indicate that one- and two-entry silvicultural harvest treatments that follow BMP guidelines cause minimal
soil movement and can quickly recover to pre-harvest erosion levels.

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