l8 Chapt6-1

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Chemistry 5


4 October 2002
Gases & Pressure: Intro
ƒ Gases and Periodic Table:

At room-temperature:
H2, N2, O2, F2, Cl2
He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn

ƒ Pressure: Concept & Examples

• balloon:
When blow up a balloon with air or other
substance, the gas exerts a force or pressure
to keep the balloon expanded.

‘pressure’ rising Î good weather
‘pressure’ falling Î storm approaching
landing in airplane Î ?
• Pressure
defined as force per unit area: P(Pa) = F(N)/A(m2), SI units
There are many units used to describe pressure, we will
primarily discuss in terms of unit ‘atmosphere’ ≡ atm
1 atm = 1.013x105 Pa
Measuring Pressure
ƒ How do we measure pressure?
Liquid Pressure:
ƒ how is pressure related to property of liquid”
P = F/A
= W/A, weight is force
= g.m/A, weight is mass times acceleration due to gravity
= g.V.d/A, mass is volume times density of liquid
= g.h.d
hence, pressure is simply proportional to height of liquid!

Electronic Methods?
Direct electronic methods can be
readily used to determine pressure in
many cases.
For example, at lower pressures the
number of gas molecules are literally
counted as an electrical current.
Pressure & Volume
ƒ How are gas pressure & volume related?

1. add force Î decrease

2. Add larger force Î
decrease volume
3. Volume and force
inversely related.

ƒ Boyle’s Law:
For a fixed amount of gas at a constant temperature, the
gas volume is inversely proportional to gas pressure.

P ∝ 1/V
PV = constant
Volume & Temperature
ƒ How are gas volume & temperature
Decrease temperature (pouring
liquid nitrogen on balloon)
reduce volume of gas in
Increase temperature (boiling
water) Î increase volume
of gas in balloon!

ƒ Charles’s Law:
The volume of a fixed amount of gas at constant pressure
is directly proportional to the temperature in Kelvin.

V = constant x T
A Note on Standard Conditions
ƒ Gas properties depend on temperature
and pressure, and thus for comparison
purposes it is useful to define standard

ƒ standard temperature: 273.15 K = 0 oC

ƒ standard pressure: 1 atm = 760 mmHg

Standard conditions of temperature and

pressure are abbreviated “STP”.
Avogadro’s Law

From experiment: Equal volumes of different gases

compared at the same temperature and pressure contain equal
numbers of molecules.

ƒ At fixed pressure and temperature, the

volume of a gas is directly proportional
to the amount of gas.
V = constant x n
at STP, 1 mole gas = 22.4 L

ƒ STP:
Ideal Gas Equation
When two of the three variables pressure (P), temperature (T)
and amount (n) are held constant, we have seen

ƒ Key relationships:
• V ∝ 1/P, Boyle
• V ∝ T, Charles
• V ∝ n, Avogadro

ƒ Equation: V ∝ nT/P
Proportionality constant ≡ R
V = nRT/P
or PV = nRT
ƒ Ideal gas constant:
R = PV/nT
substitute at STP for 1 mole gas
R = (1 atm)(22.414 L)/(1 mol)(273.14 K)
= 0.08206 L atm mol-1 K-1

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