Presentation On Gas Metering: by SNGPL-Metering Department

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Presentation on

Gas Metering
By SNGPL-Metering Department
Ideal Gas Laws
• Boyle’s Law:
 At constant temperature, the volume of a given mass of gas is inversely proportional to the
applied pressure. Mathematically,

This means that at constant temperature, the product of Pressure and

Temperature of a given mass of gas is always constant. Thus
P1 V1 = P2 V2 (at constant temperature)


Volume Volume
…..Ideal Gas Laws
 Charles Law:
At constant pressure, the volume of a given mass of gas is directly proportional to its
absolute temperature:-

P= 1 atm.

P= 2 atm.

P= 3 atm.

Volume of a definite mass of


gas (say 1 mole) is plotted

against absolute temperature
…..Ideal Gas Laws
 Pressure – Temperature Law:
At Constant volume, the pressure of the given mass of the gas is directly proportional
to the absolute temperature. Mathematically

• Avogadro’s Law & Standard Molar Volumes:

Equal Volumes of all gasses under the same conditions of pressure and temperature
contain the same number of molecules i.e.
Standard Molar Volume 1 Mole of and ideal gas at STP = 22.414 dm3
(1 dm3 = 1 litrs)

One mole of a gas i.e. 22.414 dm3 at STP contain 6.022 × 1023 , this number
is called Avogadro’s number, NA
The General Gas Equation
 Boyle’s Law:
 Charle’s Law:
 Avogadro’s Law:
Combining these laws we get:

In General we can say:

Ideal or Universal Gas Constant
 The Gas Constant R:
 The value of R is independent of nature of gas but
dependent on the number of moles of the gas and units
of P,V & T used:
Kinetic Molecular Theory
The pressure of a gas is the result of the collisions of the
molecules with the walls of the container. The theory is based
on following assumptions:-
 Gases consist of discrete molecules that are similar as regard to the mass and size
 Molecules are far apart and they exert no attraction on each other except liquefaction
 The volume occupied by the gas molecules is negligible as compared to the total volume
 Gas molecules are in continuous random motion, straight line motion with different V
 Collision of the gas molecules and wall of the contained are perfectly elastic
 Pressure exerted by the gas is due to the elastic collision of the gas with container walls
 The average Kinetic energy is equal to the absolute temperature
 The motion imparted to the molecules by the gravity is negligible
 Laws of mechanics are applicable to the motion of the molecules
Concept of Compressibility: -
Real gas in general, closely follow the General Gas Law,
however, they do deviate, and for accurate measurement this
deviation must be considered. This definition is termed as
so another multiplying factor called compressibility (z) is
used as another correction factor. In case of orifice meter
Fpv (Super Compressibility Factor) = √(1 / Z)
However for other meters the super compressibility factor is
equal to S = 1 / Z = (Fpv)2
Experiments by Charles and Gay Lussac:
At constant pressure, the volume of a given mass of gas increases or decreases by
1/273 of its volume at 0°C for every 1°C rise or fall in temperature

This temperature, -273°C (or -273.15 to be exact) is the temperature at which the
volume of the gas becomes zero is known as absolute zero and is taken as zero of
Kelvin scale.


 Gas Measurement Through Gas Equations:

Pb = Base Pressure = 14.65 psia

Vb = Needs to be calculated
Tb = Base Temperature = 60 °F = 459.67+ 60 = 519.67°R
Pf = Flowing gas Pressure on the meter, fixed pressure or measured by a recorder/ volume corrector
(measured value)
Vf = Flowing gas volume at the flowing pressure and temperature (volume recorded by the meter)
Tf = Flowing gas temperature (measured value)

Pressure Temp. Uncorrected

Factor Factor Vol.

For correction due to compressibility multiply the equation by

appropriate Compressibility Factor.
…..Gas Measurement Through Gas Equations:
 The equation of gas measurement becomes

Compressibility natural gas at base conditions is assumed to be 1

Where S is Compressibility factor

 For meters other than the orifice meters, we need to measure
following flowing gas parameters.

 Flowing volume at line pressure and temperature conditions.

This is accomplished by installing a meter (P.D. meters/ Turbine
 Flowing gas Pressure
 Flowing gas Temperature
 Bernoulli’s Equation :

V2 / 2g + P / ℓ + Z = constant
V = velocity g = Acc. Due to gravity
P = Static Pressure ℓ = Sp. Wt. of fluid = 62.416 for H2O
Z = Feet of Height above
Terms:V2 / 2g = velocity Head in feet (Kinetic Energy)
P / ℓ =Pressure Head in feet (energy stored as pressure)
Z = Head in feet (Height, Potential Energy)

Given Q = 1000 Gallons/min

Dia. = 6” (nominal 6” = 6.065” inside dia.), ℓ = 62.4 lb/ft3
conversion 1 cu-ft = 7.48 Gallons P= 100 psi = 100×144 psft
Pressure P2 = ?

Q = 1000 Gal/min × 1/60 = 16.67 Gallons/sec

Q = 16.67 / 7.48 Gall/sec × cu-ft / gallons = 2.23 cu-ft / sec,
A= =3.14(6.065)2/4=28.89in2 =28.89/144 = 0.2005 ft2
V = Q / A = 2.23 / 0.2005 = 11.15 ft/sec
V12 / 2g + P1 / ℓ + Z1 = V22 / 2g + P2 / ℓ + Z2

(11.15)2 /2×32.2 + 100×144/62.4 +100 = (11.15)2/2×32.2 + P2 / 62.4 +150

Solving Equations we get P2=11300 lbs/ft2

P2= 11300 / 144 = 78.5 psi
NOTE: (i) each 2.31ft of head of water is equal to one pound
per square inch pressure
(ii) The Bernoulli’s equation is considered the foundation for
study of fluid motion (liquids as well as gas) and it may be used
to solve majority of problems in fluid flow.
(iii) The equation we have discussed is for ideal-frictionless
system. If friction is to be considered this equation will look like
V12 / 2g + P1 / ℓ + Z1 – f1 = V22 / 2g + P2 / ℓ + Z2
where f1 =head loss due to friction

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