Cellular Molecular Biology

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The key takeaways from this document are that it provides an overview of a Cellular and Molecular Biology course, including its objectives, lecture and laboratory content, assessment methods, and time allocation for individual study.

The main topics covered in the lectures include cell structure and organelles, membrane structure and functions, cytoskeleton, cell adhesion, cell cycle, apoptosis, and molecular biology of tumor cells.

The laboratory sessions cover techniques such as light and electron microscopy, cell culture, electrophoresis, staining, and methods for studying cell division, viability, and morphology.


Total hours (per semester) of

curriculum (52 )
Discipline Title


Year of study

Semester *

The type of final assessment (E / V /



Discipline conditions (Ob compulsory, Op optional, F - facultative)


Number of credits

Total hours of individual



Total hours per



Total hours of curriculum

Discipline coordinator


Prof. Univ. Dr. Carmen Elena Cotrutz




Morpho-functional Sciences









1. understanding cell and subcellular universe regarding human body
2. knowledges regarding the structure and function for cell and substructres
3. basic knowledge regarding pathology involvment for cell structures and their main functions
Lecture content 24 hrs
1. Introduction to cell and molecular biology. 1h
Definitions. Study object. Importance for medicine. General organization of the cells: prokaryotes, eukaryotes.
2. Cell cover. 2h
Cell membrane classification, membrane model; molecular structure of cell membrane; molecular asymmetry for
cell membranes, glycocalyx
3. Cell membrane functions (I). 1h
Molecular biology of cell membrane transport general aspects, pathological aspects
4. Cell membrane functions (II). 1h
vesicular transport (exocytosis, endocytosis, transcytosis) LD internalization, pathological aspects
5. Cell membrane functions (III) 1h
intercellular signaling and information interchange (ways of intercellular signaling, signal molecules, paracrin
signaling, endocrine signaling, neurocrin signaling, autocrine signaling, cell receptors)
6. Cell membrane functions (IV) 2h

- information exchange via polypeptide and steroid hormones

7. Cytoskeleton, the molecular support for cell motility: 2h
classification, general structure, actin and associated molecules: actin-myosin interaction. Microtubules.
Intermediate filaments, cytoskeleton functions
8. Cell membrane specializations at apical and basal pole. 1h
Morphological , molecular and pathological aspects for microvillia, cilia and stereocilia.
9. Cell adhesion and extracellular matrix. 2h
Junctional proteins, cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. Cell junctions in pathology. Extracellular matrix and its
functions in tissue organization.
10. Nucleus in interphase. 1h
General aspects, molecular structure. Nuclear membrane molecular structure. Chromatin and nucleolus structure.
Interchromatin space
11. Cellular synthesis and secretion, 1h
cellular synthesis and secretion vesicles traffic
12. Cellular synthesis and secretion organelles (I), ribosomes and proteogenesis 1h
13. Cellular synthesis and secretion organelles (II), endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus 1h
14. Energy generating organelle: mitochondria and molecular biology of respiratory chain.
15. Cellular digestion organelles: lisosomes and peroxisomes; implications in pathology 1h
16. Cell cycle: generalities regarding cell cycle, cell cycle horologe control. Interphase, mitotic cell division.
Reductional cell division (mitosis) 2h
17. Cell senescence: general presentation; cell senescence and general aging of the organisms; morphologic and
molecular characteristics for senescent cells; theories regarding cellular aging. 1h
18. Apoptosis: 1h
general presentation; programmed cell death concept. Apoptosis issuing circumstances; Molecular mechanisms
of apoptosis. Morphological and molecular characteristics of apoptotic cells.
19. Molecular biology of the tumor cell 1h

Lab content Schedule 28 hrs

1. Imaging techniques in cell and molecular biology: the light microscope,
fluorescence microscopy, phase contrast microscopy, polarized light microscopy
2. Electron microscopy (I) classification. Transmission electron microscope TEM,
SEM and other electron microscopes
3. Electron microscopy (II) methods for tissue processing regarding examination in TEM
4. Special techniques in cell and molecular biology cell cultures, cryofracture,
ultracentrifugation and cell fractioning, chromatography electrophoresis and DNA separation,
X-ray diffraction.
5. Fine sectioning method (prelevation, fixation, embedding materials, sectioning,
section spreading, slide mounting)
6. Ice sectioning, criotome (technique, indications).
7. Staining and their mechanisms: paraffin and ice sections staining; vital staining of
cells and organelles
8. Smear technique: blood smear CBC, WBC count, blood cells morphology and
9. Citochemistry and IHC: glycogen leukocyte, peroxidase, nucleic acids evidentiation
10. Cellular and nuclear morphology in light and electronic microscopy: cell and
nucleus shape, size, number
11. Cell membrane specialisations aspects in light and electron microscopy
12. Cell organelles for synthesis and secretion, digestion and energy generation:
aspects in light and electron microscopy
13. Methods for cell division study. Cell division in light and electron microscopy
14 Cell and molecular biology methods for identification and quantification of cell
2 hours each lab
1. Alberts B., et all - Molecular Biology of the Cell, 5th Edition, 2009
2. Cotrutz C., Cotrutz C.E. - Cell and Molecular Biology, Course, 1997
3. Steven R. Goodman Medical Cell Biology, Second Edition, 2000
4. Gerald Karp - Cell and Molecular Biology, Third Edition, 2002
1. Basic cell and molecular techniques for cell study
2. Microscopy techniques - light and electron microscopy, biologic sample preparation
3. General aspects regardig cell and its organelles in light and electron microscopy
4. Performing and staining ice and paraffin thin sections
5. Blood smear preparation and interpretation
The final mark is formed by
(Total = 100%)
- answers from semestrial MCQ lecture test:


- answers from semestrial MCQ practical test

- average from weekly tests
- final practical exam



- Final lecture MCQ

1. Tests during semester
MCQ from lectures - 20 questions
Practical/oral test for lab subjects
2. Final exam formed by:
- practical examination 3 questions from lab schedule
- MCQ test (50 questions simple choice from the lectures, duration 1h15 min)
Total time (hours per semester) for individual study
1. Understanding lecture notes
8. Preparing oral presentation
2. Study acording to lecture support


9. Preparing the final exam


3. Study according to references


10. Counselling

4. Study in the library

11. On place documentation

5. Preparing the lab/seminary

12. Internet study


6. Homeworks


13. Other ....

7. Preparing for tests


14. Other


TOTAL hours individual study (per

semester) = minimum
Teaching methods:
1. Interactive problem based lectures baed on rich content multimedia prsentations
2. Labs are developed in workgroups that compare and evaluate experimental data
obtained following guided and supervised labwork
Data completrii:
Prof. Univ. Dr. Carmen Elena Cotrutz

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