About Yemoya and The Different Manifestations of The Irúnmolè

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Baba Oddw revealed through his ELGN (medium) in 2008 that the
original ancient name of Yemaya/Yamaya was YEMOYALE, means YEMO Y L
= Yemo the Mother of the Earth. She was the Mother of rnml. The
manifestation of the IRNMOL YEMOYALE that was the Mother of rnml
was known by some as "ASESU". There is another manifestation of the
IRNMOL YEMOYALE that was an YMI J that is known by some as
OKUTI/OKUTE. There is another manifestation of the IRNMOL YEMOYALE that
was the First Woman Initiated to IF as YNIF, she is known by some as
ASHABA. Other part of this information was revealed by the Messenger of
Oddw, the Spirit Tata "G", about the manifestations.
Higher is the IRNMOL that is the Source of the Energy, that energy influence
different humans who are connected to certain specific IRNMOL, then those
people were Initiated by Baba Oddw or his Initiates and then some of then
became R, if more people who were connected to the same IRNMOL
became R, then they will refer as another manifestation of the same
IRNMOL, like the previous teaching about YEMOYALE, according to the
spiritual revelation by the Emissary of Oddw, there were 7 Humans under
the IRNMOL YEMOYALE who became R,, also known as the roads of
the R by some traditions, like the Afrocuban Yoruba Lukumi tradition. The
manifestations that are confirmed by the Messenger of Oddw are: ASESU,
OKUTI, and ASHABA. He said that later they will reveal the other names of the
other manifestations of YEMOYALE.
There are 601 IRNMOL, and Higher there are the 3 IRNMOL NL who are
There are 601 IRNMOL; divided into 200 IRNMOL of the Right Side of
Mercy, 200 IRNMOL of the Left Side of Severity and 201 Neutral IRNMOL.
Humans are connected to the energy of one specific IRNMOL, when Baba
Oddw came to Earth and after his Spiritual Enlightenment there were NO
R, people worship some of the IRNMOL they knew, like the IRNMOL
. After Baba Oddw started to do his Ceremonies of Consecration of the
Heads of People, he connected the human initiated to their IRNMOL, then the
people who develop spiritually and earned the spiritual Merit when they died
they became R.
OLFIN RUN made a Divine Decree to select originally only 400 Humans to
become R Deities, of those 400; 200 Severe were and 200 were Merciful.
Later OLFIN RUN was to destroy Humanity due to the many Depravations
and Degenerations that humans were doing on Earth, and the human UN
known by some as IBU KOLE who was an YMI J (Mother Witch) who had
the Power and Knowledge to transform into any animal or bird she wanted to,
she decided to Save his people and she spiritually travel to the spiritual plane
where OLFIN RUN was, and she Beg him to Save Humanity, and OLFIN
RUN agree to do that just because of the Spiritual Merit that UN IBU KOLE

had. He told her not to reveal about her intervention in the salvation of
humanity with any other human, but after seeing and hearing that everybody
was doing after she Saved Humanity, the sons and priests of each R was
adjudicating the salvation of humanity to his or her deity of worship. Due to all
this UN was so tired that she screamed to the Fourth Winds that she was the
one who save them, at that moment the clouds of heaved spread apart and the
divine voice of OLFIN RUN told UN that she was not supposed to speak
about that, and then from that moment forwards she was to become the last
R, the number 401 R, that she will be in the middle, she will be the
only Neutral R of ALL of them, and that she who was the last one, was
going to be the closest to HIM - OLFIN RUN, who is the Conscious Creator of
the Universe and the one who gave all their Powers to the 401 R. The
source of the Power of the R is Higher, is in the IRNMOL that the R
belongs to. Any of the manifestations of the Irnmol Yemoyale obtain their
Power in the IRNMOL YEMOYALE. So there if the Irnmol, then the R
and then the human connected to the same energy, After the 401 humans
became the 401 R, the ones that left human blood descendants, those
blood descendants are connected to that R who was their ancient
Ancestor, and when they get initiated into the R tradition, that specific
R is consecrated over their heads, and they become Priest or Priestesses
of that particular R.
He said that UN has 25 Manifestations, and BTL has 16 Manifestation.
The Messenger Spirit said they will reveal the other names of the other
manifestations of these people under this specific IRNMOL that became
By Awo Ifalenu, based on the Teaching revealed by Baba Oddw and his
Emissary Spirits (Tata G, Tata A, and others).

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