Test Systems For Wind Turbines 2012 en

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ZF Friedrichshafen AG

Division Industrial Technology

Business Unit Test Systems
94030 Passau
Phone +49 851 494-5529
+49 851 494-905529
[email protected]

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With Reliability

Wind Turbines

IT / Windpower Test Systems 12 / EN

Driveline and Chassis Technology

ZF Test Systems for

Wind power gearbox

test rig

Nacelle test rig

Following a long tradition in test rig design, ZF has expanded its range
of test systems. Systems for testing wind power gearboxes have been
included for years in the standard range of products. The range of services on offer extends through to large off-shore systems.

The new nacelle test rig comes with up to 18 MW of drive power and wind power simulation. The innovation from ZF Test Systems comprises the combination of low-maintenance standard

ZF Test Systems, the independent system supplier

ZF wind power gearbox test rigs are employed in

The modular structure of the new ZF nacelle test rig

As with all ZF test systems, the nacelle test rigs are

for test systems, is offering test rigs for wind power

the development, production and service sectors. In

provides a construction kit which leaves nothing to

also planned and supplied as turnkey test facilities

gearboxes as turnkey whole facilities with CE- mark-

use round the clock, they reliably fulfil a wide range

be desired:

from one source. They fulfil the highest demands of

ing, thus obviating any safety risks and customers

of test functions:

need for expensive interfaces.

availability, safety, efficiency and economy.

nacelle mounting on adjustable apron

fatigue strength

nacelle mounting with transport frame

Decades of experience and know-how gained in

overload behaviour

test rig with or without wind power simulation

the production of development and series test rigs


wind power simulation in six axes with

for vehicle and industrial transmissions in the high

temperature properties

power range provided an excellent basis for getting

structure-borne/airborne noise

fast change of test unit

quickly and successfully established in the wind

running-in program

patented shaft coupling

power market.


gear-meshing quality

with modular

standard components

Nacelle test rig

10 MW drive power, network fault simulation,
wind power simulation in six axes, patented coupling

left: 6.4 MW Gearbox test rig with damping foundation

Wind power
in six axes

driveline with
patented coupling

Advantages of the ZF
wind power gearbox test rigs

Drive technology: great

movements with little energy

For nacelle and gearbox test rigs, ZF combines the latest measurement,
control and driveline technology with a module concept. This produces advantages in availability, efciency, reliability and through less

ZF driveline technology is characterised by high performance

capability and availability in the harsh every-day routine of testing.
In this respect overload test runs are reliably handled just as
perfectly as shorter cycles for quality inspection.

Power input


Depending on the test unit power, drive systems

On the network side fault conditions can be simu-

Thanks to the electric twist principle,

Individual combination of test units with a

are designed in the low and medium voltage range.

lated on customer request to ensure dependability

power input is only required for losses and

minimum of xtures required.

dynamic procedures.

Test results

The connection of the inverters on motor side via

is dimensioned for overload and continuous run-


Special test unit xture as a basis for reliable

voltage intermediate circuit makes energy exchange

ning capabilities. The latest controls technology

Highly exible adaptation of motor and

test results close to reality.

of motor and generator possible, as a consequence

safeguards critical test cycles, such as changes of

generator unit to test unit geometries.


allowing low power input.

torque directions.


Acoustic measurements during speed run-ups with

Thanks to an active power supply unit a nearly sine-

A back-to-back arrangement and a quick inserting

extensive evaluations, for example order analyses,

shaped current is taken from the mains and genera-

of the test units lead to short test cycles.

produce comprehensive acoustic nger prints.

tor energy is supplied back into the mains.

Tooling times

Automatic mode

The automatic clamping concept reduces

ZF-MODAS reliably and quickly automatizes test

tooling times to a minimum.

sequences, measurements and data management.

in realistic field operation. ZF driveline technology

Use of standard and

proven technologies
and components

Measuring technology: visible quality

The applied testing methods meet the high quality standards
applicable in the automotive sector.
Besides conventional measuring technology, oil pureness is
measured, and acoustic measurements are made with extensive
evaluations like FFT- and order analysis.
High-resolution, dynamic and modularly scalable signal conditioning permits versatile real-time analyses, from standardized

tasks right through to highly complex ones, even for automatic

test operation.
A consistent collection and archiving of all testing and test unit
data ensures traceability of the test results for later analyses.
System supported calibrations and evidences of measuring
capability ensure a return to the international normal.

FFT-evaluation of a body sound measurement

Order analysis of a body sound measurement

Automation technology:
complete control

unlimited scope

ZF-MODAS automates what customers need. Together with the ZFATOS operating panel, it represents a complete and reliably operating automated solution not only for wind power test systems.

In electrical driveline technology and software solutions modularity is

long established. Modular solutions are also consistently implemented in the machine construction and in media technology of ZF test
systems and offer the economic and technical optimum with the
highest reliability.

ZF wind turbine test rigs are controlled, configured

Data management

With ZF wind power test systems the modular con-

faces. With wind power simulation on six axes ZF

or maintained by the standardized self-explanatory

Test rig configuration

cept leads to corresponding solutions in various

depends on reliable, high performance standard

visualization and operating system ZF-ATOS.

Test unit data

areas. Some examples illustrate the advantages:


Various control modes are available for these pur-

Flexibly configurable test sequence

Test systems can be expanded with X/Y adjustment


Evaluation and test reports

of the motor units, even if not initially ordered. In

SQL data base

addition, Z adjustment of the motor-generator set

Data exchange with customer network

can be retrofitted. ZF offers various modular solu-

Modular generation and flexible configuration of

tions for mounting the test unit to be able to eco-

automatic test sequences is possible with the auto-

of motor-generator units

nomically adapt to customers various unit sizes.

mation tool ZF-MODAS.

Test rig control

A safe and reliable future is achieved due to the use

Control modes Service, Setting-up, Manual, Automatic

Control, measurement and automation systems are

of mainstream and standardized components.

Intuitive operation

implemented in subsystems in a modular design to

Real time system

facilitate perfect adaptability to the customers inter-

State-of-the-art control technology

Main adjustments via servo axes

Lifting unit with


FEM-analysis on
damping foundation
ZF automation solutions
ZF-ATOS displays operating states and also facilitates
manual operation. ZF-MODAS conveniently automates
all test sequences.

User interface ZF-ATOS

Test run parameterization ZF-MODAS

Noise protection cabin with sliding doors

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