Geodetic Datum 1

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Geodetic Datum


What coordinates?
Which system?
Where is the point on
the ground?
Simon C W KWOK
Geodetic Survey Section
Lands Department
Hong Kong


Geodetic datum
Coordinate system
Map projection
Datum transformation
Positioning error
Practical issues relating to coordinate

Geodetic Datum
The definition:
Geodetic datum is defined as
A set of constants specifying the coordinate
system for a collection of points on the
Earth surface.

Definition of
Geodetic Datum (local datum)
For classical geodesy, a local geodetic datum (e.g.
HK80 geodetic datum) is customary defined by:
latitude and longitude of initial point
azimuth of a line from this point
semi-major axis and flattening of the reference
The deflection of vertical at the initial point

Definition of
Hong Kong 1980 Geodetic Datum
Datum parameters of Hong Kong 1980 geodetic datum
latitude and longitude of initial point
Old trig zeroat the Observatory:
Latitude 22o 18 12.82
Longitude 114o 10 18.75

azimuth of a line from this point

Trig 67.2 to Trig 94 : 292o 59 46.5

semi-major axis and flattening of the reference ellipsoid

Reference ellipsoid : International Hayford (1910)
a = 6378388m

f = 1/297

Local Geodetic Datum

A local geodetic datum is realised by
best fitting the size, shape and location of the
reference ellipsoid to the local region.
Note : An ellipsoid is not a datum.
Many countries have used the same ellipsoid
but they are on different datum as they have
different points of origin.

Definition of
Geodetic Datum (global datum)
For satellite geodesy, a global geodetic datum
(e.g. WGS 84) is defined by :
Three constants to specify the origin of the
coordinate system (x, y, z)
The constants to specify the orientation of the
coordinate system
Two constants to specify the dimension of the
reference ellipsoid (a and f)

Definition of
World Geodetic System 1984
The WGS84 is a geocentric reference system
The origin is the Earths center of mass

The Z axis is the direction of the Conventional

Terrestrial Pole for polar motion
The X axis is the Intersection of the zero
meridian and the equator
The Y axis completes a right-handed,
earth-centered, earth-fixed orthogonal
coordinate system.

Definition of
World Geodetic System 1984
Parameters of the WGS84 ellipsoid
semi-major axis (a) : 6378 137m
flattening (f) : 1/ 298.2572235634

WGS 84 was established by the Department of

Defense of the USA (National Imagery and
Mapping Agency)

Definition of
World Geodetic System 1984
WGS84 is realised by adopting the coordinates of
stations around the world surveyed by Doppler
satellite surveying technique.
The origin of WGS84 is located at the Earth center
with an uncertainty of 1 to 2 meters

Definition of
International Earth Rotation Service
Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) is a
conventional terrestrial reference system
It is defined and maintained by the
International Earth Rotation Service

Definition of
The origin, reference direction and scale of
ITRF are implicitly defined by the coordinates
adopted for the observation sites (Fiducial
Stations and terrestrial sites).


Definition of
The coordinates of the observation sites are
determined by high precision space
measurement techniques (e.g GPS, very long baseline
interferometry VLBI, satellite laser ranging SLR, and lunar
laser ranging LLR).

The origin of ITRF is located at the center of

mass of the Earth with an uncertainty of a few

Upgrade of WGS84
WGS84 was defined in Jan 1987 using Doppler satellite
surveying techniques
used as the reference frame for broadcast orbit on
23 January 1987
WGS84 (G730), upgraded at the start of GPS week 730
used as the reference frame for broadcast orbit on
28 June 1994
WGS84 (G873), upgraded at the start of GPS week 873
used as the reference frame for broadcast orbit on
29 January 1997

ITRF and WGS84

The upgraded (refined) WGS84 (G873) has
improved the accuracy of the position of the
origin of the reference system
WGS84 (G873) is now more closely aligned to
the ITRF and the difference between these two
systems is small.


Position difference
reference frames
The positional differences
between HK80 geodetic datum and WGS 84
about 200 m

between WGS84 and ITRF 96 reference frame

about 2 m


1991 GPS Network

The first GPS network of Hong Kong is
surveyed in 1991
The 1991 network used WGS 84 as the
reference frame
The origins point of the 1991 network is
surveyed by the Special Team Royal
Engineers (STRE) using Doppler satellite
technique, the reference frame is also
called STRE 91.

2000 GPS Network

The 2000 GPS network improves and
densifies the 1991 network.
The Hong Kong Satellite Positioning
Reference Station Network (SatRef) serves
as the Active Control System
Both the 2000 network and the Active
Control System adopt ITRF 96 as the
reference frame


10 km

2000 GPS Network


Layout of Active Control System


Connection of 2000 GPS

Network to ITRF96
Ties 2000 GPS to ITRF96
Based on 2 months continuous GPS
Baseline length
1200 to 5000 km


Connection 2000 GPS

Network to ITRF96
2 Hong Hong GPS Reference Stations

Kau Yi Chau

6 Global IGS Stations

Cocos Islands (Indian Ocean)

Guam (Pacific Ocean)
Lhasa (Western China)
Shanghai (Eastern China)
Tsukuba (Japan)
Yarragadee (Australia)

Linking Hong Kong datum to ITRF system


Coordinate System
( 3-Dimensional )
Geodetic coordinates

Ellipsoidal height, h
Note : need definition of the reference ellipsoid

Cartographers (for mapping of the Earth)
Mariners (for navigation)
Geodetic Surveyors (for geodetic survey of large areas )

Coordinate System
( 3-Dimensional )
Cartesian coordinates
x, y, z
Note : no need to define the reference ellipsoid

Space geodesists (describe the position of the Fiducial
station of the reference frame)

Space scientists (describe the position of satellite orbit)

geodynamic scientist (monitoring of crustal

Coordinate System
( 2-Dimensional )
Projection grid coordinates
Northing, N
Easting, E

Land Surveyor (for boundary survey)
Civil Engineer (for construction works)


Map Projection
Purpose of map projection
To represent a 3-D spheroid into a 2-D flat surface
To allow computation in a simple 2-D coordinate
(Computation, such as distance between points, is
excessively complex when expressed in spheroidal


Map Projection Parameter

Map projection of the Hong Kong 1980 grid
Projection name : Transverse Mercator
Reference ellipsoid: International Hayford (1910)
a= 6378388m f=1/297

Scale factor along Central Meridian : one

Geodetic coordinates at the projection center
trig twoat Patrick Hill
Latitude 22o 18 43.68

Longitude 114o 10 42.80

Hong Kong 1980 grid coordinates at projection center

Northing, 836694.05N

Easting, 819069.80E


Datum Transformation
Transformation model
Seven Parameters Transformation
three translation parameters (dx, dy, dz)
three rotation parameter (x, y, z)
one scale factor (s)

the transformation computation is based on the

3 -D Cartesian coordinate system

Transforming geodetic
coordinates to projection
grid coordinates
Transforming geodetic coordinates (in ITRF or
WGS84) to HK1980 grid coordinates involves 3
Convert geodetic coordinates to Cartesian
Carry out Seven Parameters Transformation (scale,
shift and rotation)
Perform map projection computation using
Transverse Mercator projection formulae

Transforming geodetic
coordinates to projection
grid coordinates
Important notes
Always use the correct transformation
parameter corresponding to the associated
reference frame.


Positioning Error
Measurements are subject to error
Position is described by two elements
The coordiantes: (x,y,z) or (, ) or (N,E)
The error of the coordinates : (x, y, z) or
(, ) or (N, E)
It is not uncommon to have different coordinates of
the same point if we re-measure the point.

Reasons for having

different coordinates
The coordinates difference is within the expected
error range :
No need to worry. It is normal.

The coordinates difference exceeds the expected

error range :
Is the control points based on a different survey origin?
Is there is any systematic error or blunder due to
equipment defects, observation problem and computation

GPS survey accuracy and

terrestrial survey accuracy
GPS survey error :
Error in GPS measurement : 1-2 cm
Error in GPS control point, (e.g. reference station) : about 5 mm

Terrestrial survey error

Error in total station measurement : 1-2 cm
Error in title survey control point
accumulation of error due to control breakdown :
main trilateration, minor triangulation, main traverse, minor traverse,
first generation of title control, second generation of title control, third
generation of title control, forth generation of title control, .
: error can accumulate up to a few cm

Mixing of new control with

old control points
I have one new control point surveyed by GPS and two old
control points surveyed by total station, can I use these
points together to run a traverse?
In this case, the control points are used for controlling the
traverse. If the consistence of these points can meet the
accuracy standard of the traverse (say 1: 7500 for cadastral
survey), they can be used together for running the traverse.
You should carry out the normal procedure of check origin
to check the consistence of these three points. If the results are
acceptable, use the points together.

Survey of boundary features

I have surveyed some boundary stones and house corners. The
positional relationship between these points remain unchanged as
compared to the lease survey results done 20 years ago.
However when I compared the old survey results with the new
results, I find that the coordinates of the points have shifted by
several cm . What should I do?
For boundary survey, the important boundary evidence is the
position of the original or reliable monuments on the ground.
The position of the reliable monuments do not change even after
20 years.
The coordinate differences may be caused by the fact that a
different survey origin is adopted. However, it does not affect
our decision on the position of the boundary line on the ground.

Using GPS to survey control points

separated by a short distance
I have surveyed three control points using GPS. The
accuracy of the established points has met the accuracy
standard (1 to 2 cm). These points are separated by 20
meters. As the lines between the points are short, the angle
between the points (observed by total station) and the
computed angle (using coordinates) does not match. What
should I do?


Using GPS to survey control points

separated by a short distance
To improve the relative accuracy between the points, we
can include the directly measured angle (by total station) in
the least squares adjustment when we compute the GPS
survey results. This method is call inner-constraint. By
doing this we can make the final coordinates agree with
direct field measurements (which should be very accurate
because the line is very short).
In order to avoid mistake in setting the constraint (i.e. the
field measurements), we should observe two sets of
measurements (repeated measurements) to reduce the
chance of having blunder.

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