Principles of Photogrammetry

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EM 1110-1-1000

31 Mar 93

Chapter 10 10-4. Geometry of Aerial Photography

Principles of Photogrammetry
The geometry of a single vertical photograph is shown
in Figure 10-1. The photographic negative is shown for
completeness, but in practice it is typical to work with
10-1. General the photographic positive printed on paper, film, or
glass. The front nodal point of the camera lens is de-
The purpose of this chapter is to review the principles fined as the exposure station of the photograph. The
of photogrammetry. The chapter contains background nodal points are those points in the camera lens system
information and references that support the standards such that any light ray entering the lens and passing
and guidelines found in the previous chapters. Section I through the front nodal point will emerge from the rear
reviews the basic elements of photogrammetry with an nodal point travelling parallel to the incident light ray.
emphasis on obtaining quantitative information from Therefore, the positive photograph can be shown on the
aerial photographs. Section II discusses basic operation- object side of the camera lens, positioned such that the
al principles of stereoplotters. Section III summarizes object point, the image point, and the exposure station
the datums and reference coordinate systems commonly all lie on the same straight line. The line through the
encountered in photogrammetric mapping. Section IV lens nodal points and perpendicular to the image plane
discusses the principles of aerotriangulation. Section V intersects the image plane at the principal point. The
provides background information for mosaics and distance measured from the rear nodal point to the nega-
orthophotographs. A more generalized nontechnical tive principal point or from the front nodal point to the
overview of photogrammetry may be found in Appen- positive principal point is equal to the focal length f of
dix C. the camera lens.
Section I
Elements of Photogrammetry

10-2. General

The purpose of this section is to review the basic geom-

etry of aerial photography and the elements of photo-
grammetry that form the foundation of photogrammetric

10-3. Definition

Photogrammetry can be defined as the science and art of

determining qualitative and quantitative characteristics
of objects from the images recorded on photographic
emulsions. Objects are identified and qualitatively
described by observing photographic image characteris-
tics such as shape, pattern, tone, and texture. Identifica-
tion of deciduous versus coniferous trees, delineation of
geologic landforms, and inventories of existing land use
are examples of qualitative observations obtained from
photography. The quantitative characteristics of objects Figure 10-1. Single vertical photograph geometry
such as size, orientation, and position are determined
from measured image positions in the image plane of 10-5. Single Vertical Aerial Photography
the camera taking the photography. Tree heights, stock-
pile volumes, topographic maps, and horizontal and Vertical photographs, exposed with the optical axis
vertical coordinates of unknown points are examples of vertical or as nearly vertical as possible, are the princi-
quantitative measurements obtained from photography. pal kind of photographs used for mapping. If the axis is

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perfectly vertical, the resulting photograph is termed a

"truly vertical" photograph. In spite of the precautions f
Save (10-2)
taken to maintain the vertical camera axis, small tilts are H have
invariably present; but these tilts are usually less than
1 degree and they rarely exceed 3 degrees. Photographs
containing these small, unintentional tilts are called where have is the average ground elevation in the photo.
"near vertical" or "tilted" photographs. Many of the Then referring to the vertical photograph shown in Fig-
equations developed in this chapter are for truly vertical ure 10-2, the approximate horizontal length of the line
photographs, but for certain work, they may be applied AB is
to near vertical photos without serious error. Photo-
d H have
grammetric principles and practices have been D (10-3)
developed to account for tilted photographs, and no f
accuracy whatsoever need be lost in using tilted
photographs. where
D = horizontal ground distance
a. Photographic scale. The scale of an aerial pho-
tograph can be defined as the ratio between an image d = photograph image distance
distance on the photograph and the corresponding hori-
zontal ground distance. Note that if a correct photo-
graphic scale ratio is to be computed using this defini-
tion, the image distance and the ground distance must be
measured in parallel horizontal planes. This condition
rarely occurs in practice since the photograph is likely
to be tilted and the ground surface is seldom a flat hori-
zontal plane. Therefore, scale will vary throughout the
format of a photograph, and photographic scale can be
defined only at a point.

(1) The scale at a point on a truly vertical photo-

graph is given by
f (10-1)
H h

S = photographic scale at a point

f = camera focal length

H = flying height above datum

h = elevation above datum of the point

Equation 10-1 is exact for truly vertical photographs and
is typically used to calculate scale on nearly vertical

(2) In some instances, such as flight planning calcu-

lations, approximate scaled distances are adequate. If
all ground points are assumed to lie at an average eleva-
Figure 10-2. Horizontal ground coordinates from
tion, an average photographic scale can be adopted for single vertical photograph
direct measurements of ground distances. Average scale
is calculated by

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The flat terrain assumption, however, introduces scale This solution is not an approximation because the effect
variation errors. For accurate determinations of horizon- of scale variation caused by unequal elevations is in-
tal distances and angles, the scale variation caused by cluded in the computation of the ground coordinates. It
elevation differences between points must be accounted is important to note, however, that the elevations ha and
for in the photogrammetric solution. hb must be known before the horizontal ground coordi-
nates can be computed. The need to know elevation can
b. Horizontal ground coordinates. Horizontal be overcome if a stereo solution is used.
ground distances and angles can be computed using
coordinate geometry if the horizontal coordinates of the c. Relief displacement. Relief displacement is an-
ground points are known. Figure 10-2 illustrates the other characteristic of the perspective geometry recorded
photogrammetric solution to determine horizontal by an aerial photograph. The displacement of an image
ground coordinates. point caused by changes in ground elevation is closely
related to photographic scale variation. Relief displace-
(1) Horizontal ground coordinates can be calculated ment is evaluated when analyzing or planning mosaic or
by dividing each photocoordinate by the true photo- orthophoto projects. Relief displacement is also a tool
graphic scale at the image point. In equation form, the that can be used in photo interpretation to determine
horizontal ground coordinates of any point are given by heights of vertical objects.
xp(H hp) (1) The displacement of photographic images caused
f by differences in elevation is illustrated in Figure 10-3.
(10-4) The image displacement is always along radial lines
yp(H hp) from the principal point of a truly vertical photograph or
f the nadir of a tilted photograph. The magnitude of
relief displacement is given by the formula

where rh (10-6)
Xp,Yp = ground coordinates of point p

xp,yp = photocoordinates of point p where

hp = ground elevation of point p d = image displacement

Note that these equations use a coordinate system de- r = radial distance from the principal point to the
fined by the photocoordinate axes having an origin at image point
the photo principal point and the x-axis typically
through the midside fiducial in the direction of flight. H = flying height above ground
Then the local ground coordinate axes are placed paral-
lel to the photocoordinate axes with an origin at the (2) Since the image displacement of a vertical object
ground principal point. can be measured on the photograph, Equation 10-6 can
be solved for the height of the object to obtain
(2) The equations for horizontal ground coordinates
are exact for truly vertical photographs and typically d(H hbase)
ht (10-7)
used for near vertical photographs. rtop

(3) After the horizontal ground coordinates of points

A and B in Figure 10-2 are computed, the horizontal
distance is given by
ht = vertical height of the object

(10-5) hbase = elevation at the object base above datum

DAB (Xa Xb)2 (Ya Yb)2

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the ground coordinate system. Six independent

parameters are required to define exterior orientation.
The space position is normally given by three-
dimensional coordinates of the exposure station in a
ground coordinate system. The vertical coordinate
corresponds to the flying height above datum. Angular
orientation is the amount and direction of tilt in the
photo. Three angles are sufficient to define angular
orientation, and two different systems are commonly
used: the tilt-swing-azimuth system (t-s-) and the
omega-phi-kappa system (, , ). The omega-phi-
kappa system possesses certain computational
advantages over the tilt-swing-azimuth system, but the
tilt-swing-azimuth system is perhaps more easily under-
stood. Figure 10-4 illustrates the parameters used to
express exterior orientation of an aerial photograph.

Figure 10-3. Relief displacement on a vertical


Remember, heights of vertical objects can be determined

on a single photograph, but elevation above datum
cannot be determined.

10-6. Exterior Orientation of Tilted Photographs Figure 10-4. Exterior orientation of an aerial
Unavoidable aircraft tilts cause aerial photographs to be
exposed with the camera axis tilted slightly from verti- b. The tilt-swing-azimuth system is appropriate for
cal, and the resulting pictures are called tilted photo- hand calculations. An auxiliary photocoordinate system
graphs. The equations given above are exact for truly is defined with an origin at the photo nadir and y axis
vertical photographs, and they are used with near verti- along the direction of tilt. The expression for scale on a
cal photography for planning, estimating, and photo tilted photograph is
interpretation. However, an accurate photogrammetric
solution using aerial photographs must account for the
camera position and tilt at the instant of exposure. f
(y sin t)
cos t (10-8)
a. The exterior orientation of a photograph is its H h
spatial position and angular orientation with respect to

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where right photograph. Since the right photograph images the

same terrain as the left photograph, but from a different
y = auxiliary photocoordinate exposure station, the brain perceives a parallactic angle
when the two images are fused into one. As the viewer
t = photo tilt angle scans the entire overlap area of the two photographs, a
continuous stereomodel of the ground surface can be
c. The tilt of aerial mapping photography is seldom seen. The stereomodel can be measured in three dimen-
large enough to require using tilted photograph equa- sions, yielding the elevation and horizontal position of
tions for hand calculations when planning and estimat- unknown points. The limitation that elevation cannot be
ing projects. However, Equation 10-8 does show that determined in a single photograph solution is overcome
scale is a function of tilt, and scale variation occurs on a by the use of stereophotography.
tilted photo even over flat terrain.
a. Lens stereoscope. A lens or pocket stereoscope is
d. Since the swing angle s of a truly vertical photo- a low-cost instrument that is very useful in the field as
graph is undefined, the omega-phi-kappa angular orien- well as the office. It offers a fixed magnification, typi-
tation system is preferred when expressing exterior cally 2.5X. The lens stereoscope is useful for photo
orientation of any photograph. In the omega-phi-kappa interpretation, control point design, and verification of
system, the angular orientation of a tilted photograph is mapped planimetric and topographic features.
given in terms of three sequential rotation angles,
omega, phi, and kappa. These angles, shown also in b. Mirror stereoscope. A mirror stereoscope can be
Figure 10-4, uniquely define the angular relationships used for the same functions as a lens, but is not appro-
between the three image coordinate system axes of a priate for field use. The mirror stereoscope has a wider
tilted photo and the three axes of the ground coordinate field of view at the nominal magnification ratio. Since
system. Omega is a rotation about the x photographic photographs can be held fixed for stereo viewing under
axis, phi is about the y-axis, and kappa is about the a mirror stereoscope, the instrument is useful for simple
z-axis. stereoscopic measurements. Mirror stereoscopes can be
equipped with binocular eyepieces that yield 6X and 9X
e. The angular orientation of a truly vertical photo- magnification. The high magnification helps to identify,
graph taken with the flight line in the ground X or east interpret, and measure photographed features.
direction is
c. Floating mark. Stereoscopic measurements are
=0 possible if a floating mark is introduced in the viewing
system. Identical halfmarks, such as a small filled circle
=0 or a small cross, are put in the field of view of each
eye. As the stereomodel surface is viewed, the two
=0 halfmarks are viewed against the photographed scene by
each eye. If the halfmark positions are properly
The omega-phi-kappa angular orientation system is used adjusted, the brain will fuse their images into a single
in analogic and analytical solutions to express the floating mark that appears in three-dimensional space
exterior orientation of a photograph and produce relative to the stereomodel. By moving the halfmarks
accurate map information from aerial photographs. parallel to the viewers eye base, the floating mark can
be adjusted until it is perceived to lie on the stereo-
10-7. Stereoscopic Vision model surface. At this point, the two halfmarks are on
the identical or conjugate image points of two different
Stereoscopic vision determines the distance to an object photographs. The horizontal position and elevation of
by intersecting two lines of sight. In the human vision the mark can be determined and plotted on a map. The
system, the brain senses the parallactic angle between importance of the floating mark is that all points in a
the converging lines of sight and unconsciously associ- stereomodel can be measured and mapped. Thus, indis-
ates the angle with a distance. Overlapping aerial pho- tinct points, such as hilltops, centers of road intersec-
tographs can be viewed stereoscopically with the aid of tions, and contours can be mapped in three dimensions
a stereoscope. The stereoscope forces the left eye to from the stereomodel.
view the left photograph and the right eye to view the

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10-8. Geometry of Aerial Stereophotographs where d is the negative format dimension. The flying
height above datum is also found using average scale
The basic unit of photogrammetric mapping is the stere- and average ground elevation.
omodel formed in the overlapping ground coverage of
successive photographs along a flight line. Figure 10-5
illustrates the ground coverage along three contiguous f
H have (10-10)
flight lines in a block of aerial photographs. Along each Save
flight line, the overlap of photographs, termed end lap,
is typically designed to be 60 percent. End lap must be
at least 55 percent to ensure continuous stereoscopic (2) Let B represent the air base between exposures
coverage and provide a minimum triple overlap area in the strip. Then from the required photo end lap Elap
where stereomodels can be matched together. Between
adjacent flight lines, the overlap of strips, termed side
Elap (10-11)
lap, is typically designed to be 30 percent. Side lap B G 1
must be at least 20 percent to ensure continuous stereo- 100
scopic coverage.

(3) Let W represent the distance between adjacent

flight lines. Then from the required side lap Slap

Slap (10-12)
W G 1

(4) Match lines between contiguous stereomodels

pass through the center of the triple overlap area and the
center of the side lap area. These match lines bound the
neat model area, the net area to be mapped within each
stereomodel. The neat model has width equal to B and
length equal to W.

b. Parallax equations. The parallax equations may

be used for simple stereo analysis of vertical aerial
photographs taken from equal flying heightsthat is,
the camera axes are parallel to one another and perpen-
dicular to the air base. Conjugate image points in the
overlap area of two truly vertical aerial photographs
Figure 10-5. Aerial photography stereomodel and may be projected as shown in Figure 10-6. When the
neat model photographs are properly oriented with respect to one
another, the conjugate image rays recorded by the
a. Stereomodel dimensions. For project planning camera will intersect at the true spatial location of the
and estimating, photograph and stereomodel ground object point. Images of an object point A appear on the
dimensions are computed by assuming truly vertical left and right photos at a and a, respectively. The
photography and flat terrain at average ground elevation. planimetric position of point A on the ground is given in
terms of ground coordinates XA and YA. The XY
(1) Using average photographic scale, the ground ground axis system has its origin at the datum principal
coverage G of one side of a square format photograph is point O of the left photograph; the X-axis is in the same
vertical plane as the photographic x and x flight axes;
and the Y-axis passes through the datum principal point
d of the left photograph and is perpendicular to the
G (10-9)
Save X-axis.

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(1) Photographic parallax is defined as the apparent

movement of the image point across the image plane of xB
the camera as the camera exposure station moves along p
the flight line. The parallax of the image point in yB
Figure 10-6 is Y (10-14)
h H


X,Y = horizontal ground coordinates

x,y = photocoordinates on the left photograph

p = parallax

Note that the origin of the ground coordinate system is

at the ground principal point of the left photograph, and
the X-axis is parallel to the flight line.

c. Parallax difference equation. The parallax equa-

tions given in b above assume that the photographs are
truly vertical and exposed from equal flying heights;
thus, the camera axes are parallel to one another and
perpendicular to the air base. Scale variation and relief
displacement are not regarded as errors in the parallax
method since these effects are measured as image paral-
lax and used to compute elevations; however, tilted
photographs, unequal flying heights, and image distor-
Figure 10-6. Stereopair of vertical aerial photographs tions seriously affect the accuracy of the parallax
method. Absolute elevations are difficult to determine
using the parallax equations given in b above because
Pa xa xa (10-13)
small errors in parallax will cause large errors in the
vertical distance H-h. More precise results are obtained
if differences in elevation are determined using the
where xa and xa are coordinate distances on the left and parallax difference formula
right photographs, respectively. Since parallactic image
motion is parallel to the movement of the camera, the p(H h C)
hA hC (10-15)
parallax coordinate system must be parallel to the direc- Pa
tion of flight. All parallax occurs along the x-axis in
the axis of flight photocoordinate system. The y and y where
coordinates are equal.
hA = elevation of point A above datum
(2) Given truly vertical aerial photographs and
photocoordinates measured in the axis of flight system, hC = elevation of point C above datum
the following parallax equations can be derived:

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Pa = parallax of image point a 10-10. Photogrammetric Solution Methods

Pc = parallax of image point c Correct and accurate photogrammetric solutions must

include all interior and exterior orientation parameters.
p = difference in parallax (Pc - Pa) Each orientation parameter must be modeled if the re-
corded image ray is to be correctly projected and an
The formula should be applied to points that are close to accurate photogrammetric product obtained. Interior
one another on the photo format. The differencing orientation parameters include the camera focal length
technique cancels out the systematic errors affecting the and the position of the photo principal point. Typically
parallax of each point. If C is a vertical control point, the interior orientation is known from camera calibra-
the absolute elevation of A can be determined by this tion. Exterior orientation parameters include the camera
method. position coordinates and the three orientation angles.
Typically, the exterior orientation is determined by
10-9. Fundamental Photogrammetric Problems resection principles as part of the photogrammetric
solution. The remaining parameters are the ground
The fundamental photogrammetric problems are resec- coordinates of the point to be mapped. Planimetric and
tion and intersection. All photogrammetric procedures topographic details are mapped by intersecting conjugate
are composed of these two basic problems. image rays from two correctly oriented photographs.
Methods of solving the fundamental photogrammetric
a. Resection. Resection is the process of recovering problems may be classified as analog or analytical
the exterior orientation of a single photograph from solutions.
image measurements of ground control points. In a
spatial resection, the image rays from total ground a. Analog solutions. Analog photogrammetric solu-
control points (horizontal position and elevation known) tions use optical or mechanical instruments to form a
are made to resect through the lens nodal point (expo- scale model of the image rays recorded by the camera.
sure station) to their image position on the photograph. An optical analog instrument projects a transparency of
The resection process forces the photograph to the same the image through a lens such that the camera bundle of
spatial position and angular orientation it had when the image rays is accurately reproduced and the projected
exposure was taken. The solution requires at least three image is brought to focus at some finite distance from
total control points that do not lie in a straight line, and the lens. A mechanical analog instrument uses a
the interior orientation parameters, focal length, and straight metal rod, a space rod, to represent the image
principal point location. In aerial photogrammetric ray from the image point, through the lens perspective
mapping, the exact camera position and orientation are center, to the modelled ground point. Analog instru-
generally unknown. The exterior orientation must be ments are limited in function (focal length, model scale
determined from known ground control points by the enlargement, flight geometry) by the physical constraints
resection principle. of the analog mechanism. They are limited in accuracy
by the calibration of the analog mechanism and by un-
b. Intersection. Intersection is the process of photo- modelled systematic errors. Analog instruments cannot
grammetrically determining the spatial position of effectively compensate for differential or nonlinear
ground points by intersecting image rays from two or image and film deformation errors.
more photographs. If the interior and exterior orienta-
tion parameters of the photographs are known, then b. Analytical solutions. An analytical photogram-
conjugate image rays can be projected from the photo- metric solution uses a mathematical model to represent
graph through the lens nodal point (exposure station) to the image rays recorded by the camera. The image ray
the ground space. Two or more image rays intersecting is assumed to be a straight line through the image point,
at a common point will determine the horizontal posi- the exposure station, and the ground point. The follow-
tion and elevation of the point. Map positions of points ing collinearity equation expresses this condition:
are determined by the intersection principle from cor-
rectly oriented photographs.

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mapping of buildings. Close-range applications include

measuring and calibrating irregular surfaces such as
antenna reflectors and industrial assembly jigs, and
three-dimensional mapping of industrial installations and
(10-16) construction sites.

c. Instrumentation

(1) Cameras. Cameras for engineering applications

of terrestrial photogrammetry should be stable,
where calibrated metric cameras similar to aerial cameras. For
highest accuracy, some cameras expose the image
x,y = measured photocoordinates directly on glass planes to ensure image plane flatness.
Film type cameras should have a film-flattening device.
xo,yo = principal point photocoordinates Terrestrial cameras are available in a range of focal
lengths and format size. If the camera is combined with
mij = nine direction cosines expressing the angle measuring capability for orienting the camera axis
angular orientation in a known direction, the instrument is referred to as a
phototheodolite. Stereometric cameras are two cameras
X,Y,Z = ground point coordinates rigidly fixed to a base bar. Since the base is usually
short, stereometric cameras fall into the close-range
XL,YL,ZL = exposure station coordinates category.

The collinearity condition equations include all interior (2) Stereoplotters. Some specialized stereoplotters
and exterior orientation parameters required to solve the have been developed specifically for terrestrial applica-
resection and intersection problems accurately. Analyti- tions; however, these instruments are not typically
cal solutions consist of systems of collinearity equations available in the United States photogrammetric industry.
relating measured image photocoordinates to known and Some analog stereoplotters can accommodate some
unknown parameters or the photogrammetric problem. terrestrial and close-range cameras; but often incompati-
The equations are solved simultaneously to determine ble focal lengths, format sizes, and depth of field con-
the unknown parameters. However, since there are straints make analog stereoplotters unusable for this
usually redundant measurements producing more equa- work. Analytical stereoplotters can accommodate terres-
tions than there are unknowns in the problem, a least trial and close-range cameras because no mechanical
squares adjustment is used to estimate the unknown constraints are placed on the mathematical projection.
parameters. The least squares adjustment algorithm Of course, monocomparators and analytical software
includes residuals vx and vy on the measured photocoor- work equally well for precise applications of point
dinates that estimate random measurement error. mapping.

10-11. Terrestrial Photogrammetry d. Methods. The photogrammetric principles dis-

cussed in this chapter apply also to the terrestrial solu-
a. Definition. Terrestrial photogrammetry refers to tions. Terrestrial photogrammetry differs from aerial
applications where the camera is supported on the sur- photogrammetry in the fact that the camera is acces-
face of the earth. Typically the camera is mounted on a sible. Thus, the camera position and orientation can be
tripod and the camera axis is oriented in or near the measured. Theoretically this eliminates the need for
horizontal plane. When the distance to the object is less control points and resection to orient the camera. When
than approximately 300 m, the method is often referred considering a terrestrial or close-range application, addi-
to as close-range photogrammetry. tional consideration must be given to optimum camera
location geometry, focusing requirements of the camera,
b. Applications. Terrestrial photogrammetry tech- and depth of field requirements to capture the object to
niques can be applied to measuring and mapping large be measured.
vertical surfaces. These applications include topo-
graphic mapping of rugged terrain and vertical cliffs,
deformation measurement of structures, and architectural

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Section II system, the principal distance and projection distance

Stereoscopic Plotting Instruments along the space rod can be varied. Usually a small
range of camera focal lengths can be accommodated,
10-12. General and model scale can be varied within the mechanical
limits of the instrument.
A general overview of existing stereoplotter designs and
general operating procedures is presented in this chapter. (1) The viewing system of a mechanical projection
For the purposes of this chapter, only instruments that stereoplotter is an optical train system of lenses and
perform a complete restitution of the interior and prisms similar in principle to a mirror stereoscope. The
exterior orientation of the photography taken will be operator perceives the stereomodel by looking directly at
considered. Although all types of stereoplotters are the positive image. Image magnification is included to
discussed, it is expected that analytical stereoplotters increase the precision of the floating mark placement in
will become the industry standard because of accuracy, the stereomodel.
efficiency, and capability.
(2) The floating mark is included in the optical train.
10-13. Types of Stereoplotters Its position in the model space corresponds to the inter-
section of the space rods representing the two conjugate
The three main component systems in all stereoplotters image rays. The model carriage where the space rods
are the projection system, the viewing system, and the intersect may be free moving. The model carriage may
measuring and tracing system. Stereoplotters are most include a pencil mount, and the carriage is hand-driven
often grouped according to the type of projection system to trace out a map manuscript. The model carriage may
used in the instrument. be connected to a mechanical drive that can be digitally
encoded. Thus, the movement of the floating mark is
a. Direct-optical projection stereoplotters. Direct- converted to digital x-y-z model coordinates in three
optical projection stereoplotters project a transparent dimensions.
positive of the original negative optically through a lens
to recreate the bundle of image rays recorded by the (3) The accuracy of mechanical projection stereo-
cameras. This type of stereoplotter was the precursor of plotters will typically be in the medium to high range.
modern mechanical projection and analytical stereoplot- Plotters designed for map compilation are in the medi-
ters. Briefly, these stereoplotters use a fixed focal um range. These plotters typically have free-moving
length lens for projection so that the principal distance model carriages that are hand-driven during map compi-
and the projection distance of the instrument are fixed. lation. The Kern PG2, Galileo G6, and Wild B8 are
Thus, the enlargement ratio from positive to stereomodel some examples of medium-accuracy mechanical projec-
is also fixed. For a typical "Kelsh-type" instrument, the tion stereoplotters used for map compilation. Mechani-
enlargement ratio of the stereomodel is five times the cal projection stereoplotters in the high-accuracy range
contact positive scale. The stereomodel is viewed warrant more precise measurement of the stereomodel
directly on a reflecting platen in the model space. The space. In these instruments, the model carriage is
floating mark is on the platen, and as the mark is moved mechanically driven and controlled by operator hand
through the model, its position is traced directly onto a wheels and foot disk or similar control devices. These
map manuscript below the mark. The vertical move- stereoplotters are also more massive and stable instru-
ment of the platen is read out at model scale as the ments than the medium-accuracy compilation instru-
elevation of the floating mark. Direct-optical projection ments, and typically they are universal instruments
stereoplotters are classified as the least accurate instru- capable of analog aerotriangulation. The Wild A8,
ment type. They have been replaced in practice by Zeiss C8, and Jena Stereometrograph are some examples
mechanical projection and analytical stereoplotters. of these instrument types.

b. Mechanical projection stereoplotters. Mechani- c. Analytical stereoplotters. Analytical stereoplotters

cal projection stereoplotters are analog instruments that use a mathematical image ray projection based on the
recreate the image ray using a metal space rod. The collinearity equation model. The mechanical component
space rod pivots in a fixed gimbal joint representing the of the instrument consists of a precise computer-
lens nodal point. Two space rods from adjacent diapos- controlled stereocomparator. Since the photo stages
itives intersect in the model space to define the terrain must move only in the x and y image directions, the
point. Since no lens is included in the projection measurement system can be built to produce a highly

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accurate and precise image measurement. The x and y These instruments will display a digital image on a
photocoordinates are encoded, and all interior and workstation screen in place of a film or glass diaposi-
exterior orientation parameters are included in the tive. The instrument will operate as an analytical
mathematical projection model. Except for the positive stereoplotter except that the digital image will be viewed
format size that will fit on the photo stage, the analytical and measured. The accuracy of digital stereoplotters is
stereoplotter has no physical constraints on the camera governed by the pixel size of the digital image. The
focal length or model scale that can be accommodated. pixel size directly influences the resolution of the photo-
coordinate measurement. A digital stereoplotter can be
(1) The viewing system is an optical train system classified according to the photocoordinate observation
typically equipped with zoom optics. The measuring error at image scale. Then it should be comparable to
mark included in the viewing system may be changeable an analog or analytical stereoplotter having the same
in style, size, and color. The illumination system should observation error, and the standards and guidelines in
have an adjustable intensity for each eye. this manual should be equally as applicable. See also
paragraph 10-15.
(2) The measuring system consists of an input
device for the operator to move the model point in three 10-14. Stereoplotter Operations
dimensions. The input device is encoded, and the digi-
tal measure of the model point movement is sent to the All stereoplotters, whether analog or analytical, must
computer. The software then drives the stages to the be set up for measuring or mapping in three
proper location accounting for interior and exterior consecutive steps: interior orientation, relative orien-
orientation parameters. These operations occur in real tation, and absolute orientation.
time so that the operator, looking in the eyepieces, sees
the fused image of the floating mark moving in three a. Interior orientation. Interior orientation in-
dimensions relative to the stereomodel surface. The volves placing the photographs in proper relation to
operators input device for model position may be a the perspective center of the stereoplotter by match-
hand-driven free-moving digitizer cursor on instruments ing the fiducial marks to corresponding marks on the
designed primarily for compilation, or it may be a hand photography holders and by setting the principal
wheel/foot disk control or similar device on instruments
distances of the stereoplotter to correspond to the
supporting fine pointing for aerotriangulation.
focal length of the camera (adjusted for overall film
(3) Analytical stereoplotters are more accurate than
analogic stereoplotters because the interior orientation
parameters of the camera are included in the projection b. Relative orientation. Relative orientation in-
software. Therefore, any systematic error in the photo- volves reproducing in the stereoplotter the relative
graphy can be corrected in the photocoordinates before angular relationship that existed between the camera
the photogrammetric projection is performed. Correct- orientations in space when the photographs were
ing for differential film deformations, lens distortions, taken. This is an iterative process and should result
and atmospheric refraction justifies measuring the photo- in a stereoscopic model easily viewed, in every part,
coordinates to accuracies of 0.003 mm and smaller in without "y parallax"the separation of the two
analytical stereoplotters. To achieve this accuracy, the images so they do not fuse into a stereoscopic model.
analytical stereoplotter must have the capability to per- When this step is complete, there exists in the stereo-
form a stage calibration using measurements of refer- plotter a stereoscopic model for which three-
ence grid lines etched on the photo stage. dimensional coordinates may be measured at any
point; but it may not be exactly the desired scale, and
(4) Analytical stereoplotters capable of precise map it may not be levelwater surfaces may be tipped.
compilation and aerotriangulation measurements include
(but are not limited to) the Zeiss Planicomp P series, the c. Absolute orientation. Absolute orientation uses
Wild (now Leica) AC and BC series, the Kern (now the known ground coordinates of points identifiable
Leica) DSR series, the Intergraph Intermap, and the in the stereoscopic model to scale and to level the
Galileo Digicart (Figure 7-5). model. When this step is completed, the X, Y, and Z
ground coordinates of any point on the stereoscopic
d. Digital stereoplotters. The next generation of model may be measured and/or mapped.
stereoplotters will be digital (or soft copy) stereoplotters.

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10-15. Stereoplotter Accuracies Section III

Ground Control Datums and Coordinate
Stereoplotter accuracies are best expressed in terms of Reference Systems
observation error at diapositive scale. In this way,
instruments can be compared based on the fundamental 10-17. General
measurement of image position on the positive. Mea-
surement error on the positive can be projected to the Photogrammetric ground control consists of any points
model space so that expected horizontal and vertical whose positions are known in a ground reference coor-
error in the map compilation can be estimated. Stereo- dinate system, and whose images can be positively
plotter accuracy affects the maximum allowable identified in the photographs. Ground control provides
enlargement from photo scale to map scale and the the means for orienting or relating aerial photographs
minimum CI that can be plotted from given photo scale. and stereomodels to the ground. Almost every phase of
The enlargement ratio and the empirical C-factor are photogrammetric work requires some ground control.
discussed in Chapter 7, and maximum values for these Photogrammetric control is generally classified as either
two factors are specified in Chapter 2. horizontal control (the position of the point is known
with respect to a horizontal datum), or vertical control
10-16. Stereoplotter Output Devices (the elevation of the point is known with respect to a
vertical datum). Sometimes both horizontal and vertical
Stereoplotters are connected to a variety of devices for object space positions of points are known so that these
plotting or recording line work and digital data. points serve a dual control purpose. Such points may
Although the direct tracing of map manuscripts on a be referred to as total control.
stereoplotter is a form of output, it is expected that
modern stereoplotters will be encoded and interfaced to 10-18. Coordinate Datums and Reference
a graphical or digital output device. Examples of these Systems
output devices are shown in Chapter 7.
A datum is a reference surface on which a coordinate
a. Stereoplotters may be computer assisted. The system is defined. In surveying and mapping, many
movement of the measuring mark of these stereoplotters datums and many coordinate systems can be defined
is digitally encoded. The digital signal is sent directly that will express the position of points on the earths
to a computer-controlled coordinatograph. The operator surface. It is of utmost importance to know the
can include feature codes in the digital signal that the coordinate system used to reference any control survey
computer can interpret to connect points with the proper or map. Control survey or map data sets referenced to
line weight and type, plot symbols at point locations, different coordinate systems cannot be combined unless
label features with text, etc. The final map product can a transformation of one coordinate system into the other
be produced at the manuscript stage by an experienced is performed. A detailed discussion of coordinate
operator. datums and transformations is given by Soler and
Hothem (1988, 1989).
b. A digitally encoded stereoplotter may also be
interfaced to a digital compilation software system in a. Horizontal geodetic datum. Datums are often
which the compiled line work and annotations appear on separated into horizontal and vertical datums. A hori-
a workstation screen. Similar to the computer-assisted zontal geodetic datum uses an ellipsoid as the reference
stereoplotter and coordinatograph, the compilation on surface. The size and shape of the ellipsoid are chosen
the workstation screen can be displayed with proper line to give the best fit to the earth on a global basis or on a
weights (or colors and layers), line types, symbols, and regional or continental basis. Many different ellipsoids
feature labels. In addition, since the map exists in a have been proposed. The datum definition is completed
digital computer file, basic map editing can be done as by orienting a specific ellipsoid to the earth and defining
the manuscript progresses. Typically, the digital compi- a coordinate system.
lation file is converted (or translated) to a full CADD
design file where it can be merged with adjacent (1) Curvilinear coordinates. Geodetic longitude and
compiled stereomodels and final map editing performed. latitude are curvilinear coordinates that define the posi-
The deliverable product from these systems is often in tion of a point on the curved ellipsoid surface. The
digital form on computer tape or disk. coordinates are expressed in angular units. (Longitude

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is the angle measured in the plane of the equator from local east, north, and up (along the normal), respec-
the reference meridian through Greenwich, England, to tively, at the point. Local rectangular coordinates will
the meridian through the point. Latitude is the angle in appear more natural with respect to the terrain, and the
the plane of the meridian through the point from the coordinate magnitudes will be smaller for computations.
equator to the normal through the point.) A geodetic Photogrammetric aerotriangulation should be computed
height can also be defined as the distance along the in a local rectangular system (especially for large project
normal from the surface of the ellipsoid to the point. areas) since earth curvature and map projection distor-
tion are not present in Cartesian coordinates.
(2) Geocentric coordinates. Geocentric coordinates
are defined for a given datum by placing the origin of a (4) North American Datum of 1927. In the United
right-handed spatial rectangular coordinate system at the States, two horizontal datums are commonly
center of the reference ellipsoid. The z-axis coincides encountered in engineering surveying and mapping: the
with the semiminor axis of the ellipsoid. The x- and y- North American Datum of 1927 (NAD 27) and the
axes are in the plane of the equator with the x-axis North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) (Table 10-3).
through 0-degree longitude. Simple Cartesian coordi- NAD 27, a datum defined by an adjustment begun in
nate computations can be performed in the geocentric 1927 of the national control point network, is a conti-
system. The ellipsoid parameters and curved reference nental datum referenced to the Clarke 1866 ellipsoid.
surface are eliminated from the computations The ellipsoid is positioned and oriented to closely fit the
(Figure 10-7). geoid throughout the North American continent. Since
the NAD 27 adjustment, new control surveys were
added to the network by holding the original framework
fixed and adjusting the new survey to fit the original.
As the network grew without readjustment, distortions
were found that demanded a readjustment of the net-
work to meet modern surveying requirements.

(5) North American Datum of 1983. NAD 83 is a

rigorous least squares adjustment of the entire national
control network incorporating modern high-precision
traverse and satellite measurements. NAD 83 is a
global datum referenced to the Geodetic Reference
System of 1980 ellipsoid. The ellipsoid is earth-
centered and designed to be a best fit to the global
geoid. Thus, the NAD 83 datum will have a larger
geoid-to-ellipsoid separation than the NAD 27 datum in
the United States. Since NAD 83 is a readjustment of
the original observations in the control network, it is not
possible to directly transform coordinates from one
datum to the other. Interpolation methods using control
points adjusted in both datums have been programmed
by the NGS for the purpose of estimating the NAD 83
coordinates of points surveyed in the NAD 27 datum.
Although the NAD 27 datum is still used, it should
gradually be replaced by the NAD 83 datum.

b. Vertical geodetic datum. A vertical geodetic

Figure 10-7. Coordinate reference systems datum is a reference system for measuring vertical posi-
tion or elevation. The reference surface is the geoid,
(3) Local rectangular coordinates. A local rectan- which is an equipotential gravity surface that best
gular coordinate system can be defined for a given approximates mean sea level. Elevation above mean sea
project area. The geocentric coordinate axes are trans- level (the geoid) is measured along the direction of
lated to a convenient point in or near the project area. gravity, perpendicular to the equipotential surfaces. In
Then the x-y-z geocentric axes are rotated to align with the United States, the vertical geodetic datum is the

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Table 10-3
Comparison of NAD 27 and NAD 83 Datum Elements

Datum Element NAD 27 NAD 83

Reference Ellipse Clarke 1866 GRS 80

a = 6,378,206.4 m a = 6,378,137 m
b = 6,356,583.8 m f = 1/298.2572221

Datum Point Meades Ranch Station Earths Mass Center

Best Fitting North America Global

Adjustment Terrestrial data for 25,000 stations and Terrestrial and satellite data for 250,000+
piecewise fits stations

1. a = length of semimajor axis of ellipsoid.
b = length of semiminor axis of ellipsoid.
f = flattening of ellipsoid.

National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. The eleva- correctly, all areas would retain their correct shape and
tion of a point can be combined with the horizontal relative size, meridians and parallels would intersect at
position on the ellipsoid to define a three-dimensional right angles, and great circles and rhumb lines would be
coordinate, latitude, longitude, and height (, , h), by represented as straight lines. Obviously, the earths
the relationship surface, being spherical, cannot be developed upon a
plane without distortion of some of these quantities.

h H N (10-17)
(2) In engineering surveying and mapping, correct
depiction of shapes is important. Thus, the charac-
teristic of conformality is enforced in projections used
where for large-scale mapping. This is accomplished by math-
ematically constraining the projection scale factor at a
h = height above the ellipsoid point, whatever it may be, such that it is the same in all
directions from that point. This characteristic of a pro-
H = elevation above the geoid jection preserves angles between infinitesimal lines.
That is, all lines on the grid cut each other at the same
N = geoid separation above the ellipsoid angles as do the corresponding lines on the ellipsoid for
very short lines. Hence, for a small area, there is no
c. Map projections. A map projection is a mathe- local distortion of shape. But since the scale must
matical function that defines a relationship of coordi- change from point to point, distortion of shape can exist
nates between the ellipsoid and a plane. The purpose of over large areas. Remember that the distortion present
a map projection is to display the curved earth surface in any map projection is not an "error" since it is a
on a flat plane that can be printed on a sheet of paper. mathematically defined function. The distortion must
If field survey observations are reduced to the plane, the simply be accounted for in transforming data from map
computation and adjustment of horizontal control posi- to ground.
tions can be carried out in two-dimensional Cartesian
coordinates. The need for more involved geodetic sur- (3) The most commonly encountered map projec-
vey computations can be eliminated. tions in engineering surveying and mapping are the
State Plane Coordinate Systems (SPCS). NGS has
(1) The final map reference system is a plane developed SPCSs for each state, and many states have
developed from a regular mathematical surface. Devel- formally adopted the systems by legislative action. The
opable surfaces that can be rolled out into a plane in- SPCSs are based on the Lambert Conformal Conic
clude a plane, a cone, and a cylinder. The ideal map Projection or the transverse Mercator projection. For
projection would display all distances and directions complete discussion of the SPCSs refer to Stem (1989).

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(4) State Plane Coordinate Systems are defined for b. Purpose. The purpose of aerotriangulation is to
both the NAD 27 and NAD 83 datums. For the extend horizontal and vertical control from relatively
NAD 27 SPCS definition, the unit of length is the few ground survey control points to each unknown
US Survey Foot. For the NAD 83 SPCS definition, the ground point included in the solution. The supplemental
unit of length is variable among the states. Care must control points are called pass points, and they are used
be exercised when using NAD 83 SPCS values in feet to control subsequent photogrammetric mapping.
since either the US Survey Foot or the International
Foot may be used in a specific state or locality. The c. Geometric principles. The aerotriangulation
conversion factors are given in paragraph 2-10a. geometry along a strip of photography is illustrated in
Figure 10-8. Photogrammetric control extension re-
(5) Another commonly used plane coordinate pro- quires that a group of photographs be oriented with
jection system is the UTM projection. Since this is the respect to one another in a continuous strip or block
standard military reference system, operational support configuration. The exterior orientation of any photo-
mapping work may need to be compiled using this graph that does not contain ground control is determined
system. The UTM system uses a Mercator cylindrical entirely by the orientation of the adjacent photographs.
projection with the axis of the cylinder oriented In a given aerotriangulation configuration, each
perpendicular to the earths polar axis. The UTM coor- photograph contributes to the exterior orientation of the
dinate zones are uniformly spaced around the equator at adjacent photographs through the pass points located in
6-degree intervals and extend north and south from the the triple overlap areas. The term triple overlap refers
equator. A useful reference for the UTM system and to the ground area shared by two adjacent stereomodels
other map projections is Snyder (1982). along the strip. The triple overlap area is imaged on
three consecutive photographs. Thus, when end lap is
Section IV specified to be 60 percent, the alternate photographs will
Principles of Aerotriangulation overlap each other by 20 percent at average terrain
10-19. General
d. Pass points. A pass point is an image point that
The principles of aerotriangulation are reviewed in this is shared by three consecutive photographs (two consec-
section. The basic procedures for sequential and simul- utive stereomodels) along a strip. As the pass point is
taneous aerotriangulation adjustment methods are dis- positioned by one stereomodel, it can be used as control
cussed as background for Chapter 6. Emphasis is to orient the adjacent stereomodel. Thus, the point
placed on fully analytical aerotriangulation procedures. "passes" control along the strip. Only three-ray points
in the triple overlap area serve this pass point function.
10-20. Aerotriangulation Principles A two-ray point in the stereomodel is an intersection
point only and does not contribute to the aerotriangula-
a. Definition. Aerotriangulation is the simultaneous tion function unless it is also a ground control point. A
space resection and space intersection of image rays pass point that is shared between two adjacent strips is
recorded by an aerial mapping camera. The spatial called a tie point.
direction of each image ray is determined by projecting
the ray from the front nodal point of the camera lens 10-21. Aerotriangulation Methods
through the image on the positive photograph. Conju-
gate image rays projected from two or more overlapping Aerotriangulation methods can be characterized in
photographs intersect at the common ground points to several ways:
define the three-dimensional space coordinates of each
point. The entire assembly of image rays is fit to a. Photogrammetric projection method (analogic or
known ground control points in an adjustment process. analytical).
Thus, when the adjustment is complete, ground coordi-
nates of unknown ground points are determined by the b. Strip or block formation and adjustment method
intersection of adjusted image rays. Simultaneously (sequential or simultaneous).
with the ground point intersections, the exterior orienta-
tion of each photograph is determined by image ray c. Basic unit of adjustment (strip, stereomodel, or
resection through the camera. image rays).

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Figure 10-8. Aerotriangulation geometry

Modern instruments and adjustment methods dictate that propagated down the strip causing the horizontal and
an analytical adjustment of stereomodels or image rays vertical strip coordinate datums to bow and twist. Al-
be emphasized. though it is difficult to measure and completely remove
individual systematic errors in each stereomodel, the
a. Semianalytical aerotriangulation. Semianalytical total effect of all the errors acting on a strip unit is
methods use the stereomodel as the basic unit of the readily apparent after initially leveling and scaling the
aerotriangulation process. Stereomodels may be formed assembled strip unit. Discrepancies at the horizontal
by either analogical or analytical methods. After and vertical control coordinates are calculated by taking
interior and relative orientation of each stereopair of the coordinate differences between the known position
photographs, stereomodel coordinates are measured in of each control point and its position in the assembled
an arbitrary coordinate system defined in the model strip unit.
space. For aerotriangulation purposes, the spatial
coordinates of the two exposure stations and each pass (2) Strip adjustment. The sequential strip formation
point in the stereomodel are required. causes the X, Y, and Z coordinate discrepancies at the
control points to form smooth error curves. The error
(1) Sequential strip formation. A strip unit is curves can be approximated by second- or third-order
formed sequentially from the stereomodels by joining polynomial functions. Corrections to the strip pass point
them at the exposure station and pass points shared by coordinates are derived by evaluating the polynomial
the new stereomodel and the previous stereomodel functions at the strip location of each pass point. The
already in the strip coordinate system. Each stereo- corrections are applied to the original strip coordinates
model added to the strip provides the necessary points to complete the strip adjustment process.
to bring the succeeding stereomodel into the strip unit.
The sequential nature of the strip formation procedure (a) The polynomial functions model the error propa-
allows systematic errors to accumulate as the strip unit gation in a single strip unit. Block configurations may
is assembled from the individual stereomodels. Resid- be adjusted by using separate polynomials for each strip.
ual systematic errors in the interior orientation, the rela- The unique strip units in a block are joined together at
tive orientation, and the measurement system are tie points in the overlap area between strips. The

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polynomial functions adjusting adjacent strips are the aerial photographic images. Since the photographic
constrained to yield the same adjusted coordinates at image will have scale variation caused by the perspec-
each tie point in the block. tive view of the camera, photo tilt, and unequal flying
heights, each product must be evaluated according to
(b) The polynomial adjustment of aerotriangulation how the scale variation problem is treated. Scale varia-
is an approximate method that is less accurate than the tion may be ignored, as in an index mosaic, and an
simultaneous adjustment of stereomodels or photo- approximate map substitute is obtained; or the scale
graphs. The purpose of polynomial strip adjustment in variation can be compensated, as in an orthophoto pro-
modern aerotriangulation systems is to perform a pre- cess, and a nearly true map substitute can be obtained.
liminary adjustment of all the photogrammetric and
ground survey measurements. The sequential strip 10-23. Aerial Mosaics
formation and polynomial adjustment is an excellent
way to detect blunders in the data and provide initial Aerial mosaics are constructed from sets of individual
approximations for use in simultaneous adjustments. adjoining aerial photographs. Typically, the outer edge
of the photo coverage of each print is trimmed back to a
b. Simultaneous adjustment of stereomodels. The selected match line, and the photos assembled by care-
adjustment of independent stereomodels as individual fully matching ground detail along the match line. A
units is the logical extension of the strip unit adjustment photo index mosaic is a rough composite of a number of
discussed in the previous paragraph. Sequentially individual photographs of a flight line or set of flight
formed strip units are not used, but rather all lines overlaid one on top of the other without trimming
stereomodels in an entire strip or block are simultane- the photo prints. This composite may itself be photo-
ously transformed into the ground coordinate system. graphed onto a single piece of film. Mosaic and index
Stereomodels without ground control points are carried assemblies form a continuous representation of the ter-
into the ground coordinate system by the pass points rain covered by the photography. Photo maps are maps
and exposure stations shared with adjacent stereomodels. using a photograph (or mosaic) as the base to which
The simultaneous adjustment of stereomodels can rival limited cartographic detail such as names, route num-
the simultaneous adjustment of photographs if the indi- bers, etc., are added. Generally, a photo map is con-
vidual stereomodels are corrected for all systematic structed from an orthophoto, or from several
deformations. However, the development of analytical orthophotos mosaicked together.
stereoplotters that measure precise photocoordinates
warrants that the more rigorous fully analytical 10-24. Uses of Mosaics
aerotriangulation be required for all large-scale and
high-accuracy mapping. The increased need for presenting a pictorial view of the
earths surface has led to the aerial mosaic as a means
c. Fully analytical aerotriangulation. Fully analyti- of showing a complete view of large areas. Because a
cal aerotriangulation is a simultaneous adjustment solu- single photo is limited in area, groups of photos are
tion of collinearity equations representing all the image combined into mosaics to provide the aerial picture.
rays in a strip or block of photography. The adjustment Mosaics are of principal use for presenting synoptic
is often referred to as the "bundle" method. Although views of a relatively large area, and as indexes of indi-
the basic unit of adjustment is actually the individual vidual photographs. The features are usually labeled or
image ray, the solution determines the exterior orienta- "annotated" to facilitate the recognition of critical areas,
tion parameters of the bundle of image rays recorded by or overlays may be prepared to show planning develop-
each photograph, and the adjusted ground coordinates of ments or contemplated changes in an area. For
each ground intersection point in the ground coordinate example, a mosaic can show the location of a proposed
system. highway. Using this technique, laypersons, and particu-
larly property owners adjacent to the proposed highway,
Section V can visualize its effect on their holdings. Photo indexes
Map Substitutes Mosaics, Photo Maps, and are used as a visual record of the photographs of a
Orthophotographs project and as a reference of availability of photographs
over a particular area of terrain. Photo maps are
10-22. General
particularly useful for land use, land cover delineation,
land planning, zoning, tax maps, and preliminary engi-
Map substitute refers to those products where the com-
neering design.
piled planimetric line map is replaced or augmented by

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10-25. Methods of Mosaic Construction photographs. A controlled mosaic or air photo plan is
prepared using photographs that have been rectified to
There are three principal construction methods for the an equal scale, while an uncontrolled mosaic is prepared
making of mosaics: by a "best fit" match of a series of individual
a. From paper prints. This is the simplest method.
The paper prints that are to be joined are laid one on 10-27. Orthophotographs
top of the other so that commonly imaged terrain is
matched. Then the paper prints are cut, along a feature Orthophotographs are photographs constructed from
if possible, so that the edge joins will be as inconspicu- vertical or near-vertical aerial photographs, such that the
ous as possible. The photographs are matched and effects of central perspective, relief displacement, and
pasted to a base. As necessary, the photographs are tilt are (practically) removed. The resulting
stretched to assure a good match of features across the orthophotograph is an orthographic project.
join line. The completed mosaic may be photographed
if a reduced scale mosaic, such as an index mosaic, is a. Orthophotomaps. Orthophoto maps are
desired. orthophotographs with overlaid line map data. The
common line data overlays include grids, property lines,
b. From negatives or diapositives. This method is political boundaries, geographic names, and other
called photomechanical mosaicking. The negatives to be selected cultural features.
used for the construction are overlaid and stud regis-
tered. After the join lines are selected, a mask is made b. Limitation of orthophotographs. The original
that is opaque on one side of the join line and clear on aerial negative from which the orthophotograph is made
the other. A negative of the mask is made for the other is a central projection and, as such, displays relief dis-
photo of the pair to be joined. These masks are also placement and obscuration of features. For example, a
stud registered. After all negatives and masks have building will obscure the terrain that lies behind it. This
been stud registered, a piece of unexposed film is put obscuration results in gaps of information that can be
down (in the darkroom) over the studs and the first gotten only from other sources of information, such as
photo negative and its corresponding mask are registered field survey or separate photograph. Also, optical
and an exposure made. The mask permits only that orthorectifying devices have a finite width and length
portion of the unexposed film under the negative to be slot width that can "rectify" only to an average elevation
exposed. Successive portions of the film are exposed as within that slot. Thus, small objects, such as trees,
this process is repeated for each negative and mask until buildings, etc., are not rectified at all. Normally, only a
the whole film is exposed as a single mosaic. "smoothed" approximation to the actual terrain is recti-
fied. Digital rectifiers with spot diameters as small as 5
c. From digital imagery. Digital (or digitized) to 25 micrometers can, to a much greater degree, over-
imagery can be used to create a mosaic. This method come this latter shortcoming.
has been used most commonly with small-scale satellite
photographs. The method is very computer intensive. 10-28. Uses of Orthophotographs
Either by human or automated correlation, common
points on the two images to be joined are selected. The Orthophotos and orthophoto maps are widely used for
computer can then match each pixel of the one image general planning purposes. The complete and accurate
with the corresponding pixel of the second image. A display of all features in a project area is an ideal medi-
join line is decided upon and the two images digitally um for demonstrating terrain features to laypersons.
"sheared" along the join line. The two sheared images Proposed designs of engineering projects can be super-
are then brought together into a single file having a imposed on the orthophoto map for a vivid understand-
common pixel coordinate system. ing of work to be accomplished. Many factors must be
considered before deciding on a photomap product in-
10-26. Types of Mosaics and Air Photo Plan stead of a topographical map product. The intended use
Maps of the product needs to be classified exactly, together
with the accuracy required and whether height informa-
Mosaics or air photo plans may be uncontrolled, semi- tion is required or not. For many USACE engineering,
uncontrolled, or controlled. They may be constructed operations, and maintenance activities, rectified air
from unrectified, rectified, or differentially rectified

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photo plan sheets may be used in lieu of fully rectified the instrument in the conventional manner for standard
orthophotographs. stereo photogrammetric mapping. The requirements for
ground control or control to be established by aerotrian-
10-29. Methods of Orthophotograph gulation are the same as for photogrammetric mapping.
Preparation The instrument provides the means of scanning the
stereomodel to effect corrections for the varying scales
Orthophotographs are prepared from pairs of overlap- caused by topographic relief. The tilt and other
ping aerial photographs using specially designed ortho- distortions are corrected in the orientation of the
plotting instruments. The photographs are oriented in stereomodel.


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