The Bio Integrated Farm - Chapter 3: All About The Basin

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All About the Basin

The Bio-Integrated Basin

Flooding shallow basins planted with crops is one

of the oldest forms of irrigation. Dug with a simple
spade, basins provide an easy and inexpensive way
to use stored water.
A basin is a shallow depression in the ground,
no more than 6 inches deep. Though its level
like a pond, it serves a different purposea pond
holds water, but a basin allows water to infiltrate

slowly, because a basin has no impermeable clay or

manufactured liner. We design basins so water will
evenly spread across their surface, then soak into
the soil. Because of this, a basin is the perfect place
to irrigate plants or mushroom logs.
Bunds are to a basin what berms are to a pond:
small earthen embankments that contain water.
In flat areas bunds completely surround a basin.
But on sloping land the bund is only necessary on
the downhill side, and the uphill side is excavated
below grade.
As I described in chapter 2, at the Student
Organic Farm (SOF) at Clemson, a turkey nest
pond captures harvested rainwater and discharges
the excess water into a basin next to the greenhouse.
We keep potted nursery plants in the basin, and
when the pond floods the basin, our nursery plants
are watered. Since there are fish in our pond, the
plants also wick up a rich dose of nutrients (from
fish manure) along with the water.

Ancient Basins
and Modern Basins

Figure 3.1. This small basin adjacent to a greenhouse is lined

with landscape fabric. Nursery plants perched on the basin
floor soak up water. Seedlings on the benches are hardening
off. The shade cloth draped over the bench protects mushroom
logs underneath.


One of the first irrigation techniques in recorded

history originated in ancient Egypt on the


T he B i o - I n t e g rat e d Fa r m
floodplains of the Nile River. During the monsoon
season the Nile produced a predictable annual
flood-and-retreat cycle in the headwaters of the
Nile around Lake Victoria. Beginning in July and
continuing through August, floods spread into the
lower reaches of the river.
Basin irrigation was based on raised earthen
berms surrounding leveled fields adjacent to the
Nile River. When floods arrived, the raised berms
restrained the floodwater and allowed it to soak
into the soil of the basin. A gridwork of canals fed
and drained the water from one basin to another.
The Egyptians extended the entire flood cycle by
draining water from upper basins into lower basins
before allowing it to return to the river. As the
water retreated, they planted crops in the saturated
fields that would grow through the mild winter.
The roots of the plants would follow the retreating
floodwaters deep into the soil, which kept them
alive until April and May harvests.
Nutrients from the highlands of Ethiopia were
carried downriver with the floodwaters, and those
nutrients settled out in the basins to fertilize the
crops. The irrigation system was simple enough to
control on the local level, free of the vagaries of war
and politics. With basin irrigation the Egyptians
improved upon the natural hydrologic and nutrient cycles of the Nile, allowing their civilization
to become the breadbasket of the Roman Empire.
Providing proof of the antiquity of this technique, a
relief on the head of a five-thousand-year-old mace
(a heavy club) depicts the Egyptian king Scorpion
with a hoe cutting a grid pattern into the landscape.
The modern bio-integrated basins Ive designed
build upon the irrigation pattern created by the
ancient Egyptians. The rooftops of buildings serve
as the headwaters of the watershed, much like
the Ethiopian highlands form the headwaters of
the Nile. Instead of large lakes such as Lake Victoria receiving water to feed into the Nile, small

of the System
Learn how to use an ancient technique, with
modern modifications, to irrigate your plants
and mushroom logs. With the turn of a
knob, your stored rainwater floods into bio-
integrated basins and distributes itself evenly
over the surface of the soil. Easy and inexpensive, these basins provide an alternative to
pricey irrigation systems. This chapter shows
you how to:
Save time and money by using rainwater
stored in ponds to irrigate and fertilize
potted nursery plants and inground plants
in basins
Create multidepth basins to handle diverse
irrigation needs
Produce shiitake mushrooms in a labor-
efficient way by flood-irrigating inoculated
logs in a shaded area in a basin
Size basins based on available
water storage

bio-integrated ponds store the falling water caught

by a rainwater-harvesting system. Water from the
ponds can be drained into small basins, mimicking
the monsoons that cause the flooding and draining
cycle of the Nile.
The Egyptians grew crops directly in the soil
of their basins, but in the bio-integrated basins
Ive designed, the flooded basin is used to irrigate
mushroom logs and containerized plants. Benches
set up in the basins provide a shaded shelter for
the mushroom logs and also serve as a surface for


A l l A b o u t t h e B a s in
propagating and hardening off plants. Additionally,
solar-heated water in basins adjacent to greenhouses helps modify the microclimate, promoting
warmer temperatures and season extension.
I first experimented with constructing basins
when I was in my early twenties. Nestled in the
Santa Cruz Mountains of California with my new
budding family, I ran a small grassroots nursery.
I cultivated over a hundred different varieties of
culinary and ornamental salviasfrom the more
common pineapple sage and Salvia leucantha to the
rarer Salvia africana and Salvia gesneriiflora.
The nursery plants grew in the shade of fruit
trees my father had planted long agopeaches,
plums, apricots, and pineapple guavas. Looking
back now, it seems only natural that I started my
first nursery and fostered my first irrigation ideas
beneath the protective canopy of his orchard.
Because there was no rainfall from late spring
through autumn in that region, I had to become
innovative with irrigation techniques. I decided
to irrigate from the bottom up, which meant the
plants leaves stayed dry and disease resistant.
In hopes of conserving precious California
water, I placed semipermeable fabric on the sloping
ground around the fruit trees. Impervious to weeds
but porous enough to allow some water to seep
through, the fabric was perfect for lining a series
of basins with which to irrigate my nursery stock. I
positioned the potted salvia plants on the fabric, in
the dappled light of the fruit trees. Then I turned
on the spigot, and as the water filled the fabricated
basins, the salvias wicked up the water through their
roots. The remaining water overflowed to the next
basin downslope to irrigate another batch of salvias.
I hadnt started experimenting with rainwater
harvesting back then (and arid summers dont
present the best conditions for harvesting rain).
Instead, I used well water, conveyed through
irrigation tubing. Although the climate was

challenging, the terrain was accommodating. The

slight slope of the hill passed the water from basin
to basin, employing the physics of gravity to do
most of the work.
Ive built many basins since then and discovered
the benefits of rainwater-harvesting ponds as the
water source for basins. My California system
was labor saving, but by incorporating rainwater-
harvesting ponds, I now save myself the cost of
paying for municipal or well water. I locate my
ponds uphill from the basins, yet as close as possible to limit the expense of running pipe.
This chapter focuses on homemade earthen
basin construction using passive techniques to fill
and drain the basin. However, prefabricated nursery basins designed to flood-irrigate potted plants
inside greenhouses are commercially available.
The floodwater drains into a sump, then a pump
returns the water to an upper reservoir to prevent
waste. You can find instructions and parts for these
systems online.

Connecting Basins
to Greenhouses
The basins at my California nursery served a limited purpose of irrigating plants. But when basins
and greenhouses go hand in hand, exciting possibilities for multiple functions open up.
A basin filled with solar-heated pond water
modifies the microclimate surrounding a greenhouse. Like giant solar panels, small ponds collect
the suns energy during the day in the form of heat.
At the SOF, when I drain the ponds into the basins
in the evening, the pools of water release the suns
energy as heat, creating a warm buffer around the
greenhouse overnight. Ideally, a small amount of
water remains in the basin the following morning
to reflect sunlight into the greenhouse.


T he B i o - I n t e g rat e d Fa r m
Basins also serve as the perfect transition spot
between the greenhouse and the field. Tables placed
in basins become extensions of greenhouses. When
the temperature inside a greenhouse rises too high
for plant propagation, the basin table becomes the
logical location to move plants to, since its right
outside the greenhouse. I also start seedlings in the
greenhouse, then transfer the young plants to the
basin bench to harden off before transplanting
them into the field. The area underneath basin
tables also provides the perfect shady spot for
protecting logs inoculated with edible mushrooms.

perfect. Experience was essential to refine the

process. Every basin requires a different design.
Size and shape depend upon the size of the pond
serving the basin, the recharge rate of the pond,
the soil type of the basin, the slope of the land,
and your aesthetic tolerance to low pond levels, as
summarized in table 3.1. In general, I start with a
basin the same size as the pond, then add or subtract proportions depending on the environmental

Factoring in Water Table and Soil Type

I once thought soil type was the main environmental factor to consider in determining basin
size, but Ive since realized that water table is
equally important.
The coastal plains of South Carolina are called
the Lowcountry for a reason: The land lies only

Basin Basics
Building my first basin was like preparing a recipe
for the first time. I had the right ingredients, and
Id read the instructions, but the results were not

Heat Exchange Experiments

Ive experimented with insulated covers to
capture more heat in pond water (see figure
2.20). In trials at SOF we examined climate
modification using water from a small pond
before and after solar heating with a clear pool
cover. The solar pool cover placed over the
pond increased the pond water temperature
by approximately 10F. I hoped that flooding
this warm water into a basin on a cold night
would modify the temperature for seedlings
growing in flats inside the basin. I measured
this by placing temperature sensors on top of
tables inside the basin and on top of seedling
flats just above the water surface. I also placed


additional temperature sensors outside the

basin at the same height above the ground
in areas without floodwaters. To expand the
experiment I placed the temperature sensors
over and under the row covers.
The results unfortunately indicated the
warmed water flooded into the basin didnt
protect plants in the basin from cold temperatures. Wind may have contributed to
the lack of cold protection, blowing any heat
released from the water away from plants.
More research is necessary to determine
the effectiveness of warmed water for cold



A l l A b o u t t h e B a s in
a few feet above sea level. When I dug a basin in
Jasper County, South Carolina, the heavy clay soil
in combination with a high water table created
an instant pond. But I wasnt building a pond for
water storage; I was constructing a basin for water
infiltration. So the effect was the exact opposite I
was shooting for. Ive learned its best to consider
both factors when designing basins.
In areas with a high water table, digging a
basin even 1 foot deep will create a shallow pond
or wetland. I recommend digging a hole and conducting a simple percolation test to help identify a
problematic situation. Simply dig a test hole 1 foot
deep, then fill the hole with water. When the soil
is saturated, it should drain at a rate of 0.3 inches
per hour; if it doesnt drain at this rate, then the
area may not be suitable for an irrigation basin.
Also keep in mind that in some areas water tables
fluctuate with the seasons.
In addition to percolation, soil type will determine basin performance. The three basic soil types
are sand, clay, and loam. Soil types are like people:
Each type of soil has its strengths and weaknesses,
so its best to know how to work well with all three.
Sandy soils absorb water quickly. In a sandy soil
area, water will sink into the ground before it has a
chance to spread throughout a basin. For example,
by the time a wave laps onto the beach and recedes
back into the ocean, the sandy shore has already
begun to dry. In basins sandy soil promotes good
drainage; however, the trick is in retaining the
water long enough to irrigate the plants. When Im
creating a basin in sandy soil, I use a large-diameter
pipe to fill the basin, and I limit basin size. The
large pipe swiftly floods the basin with a greater
volume of water, and the basin fills quickly because
of its small size. Its like filling a baby pool with a
fire hose instead of filling an inground pool with
a water hose. The goal is retention in sandy soil
basins, because the water will drain naturally.

Table 3.1. Basin Size Based on

Environmental Constraints
Basin Size

Small Medium Large

Sandy Soil

Clay Soil

Loam Soil

Steep Slopes

Flat Areas

Dry Climate

Wet Climate

High Tolerance to Low Water Levels

Low Tolerance to Low Water Levels

Note: This table is based on the assumption that a medium-size basin has
a surface area equal to that of the supply pond. A small basin would have
only half the surface area of its supply, and a large basin would have twice
the surface area of the pond.

Basins arent just for pots and mushroom logs.

Long ago, before the advent of the plastic pot or
the development of mushroom cultivation, the
Egyptians discovered the best use for basinsgrow
the plants right in the ground. If youre planning
to grow plants directly in a basin that has sandy
soil, theres no need to choose varieties tolerant
of wet areas. Most vegetables and plants will grow
successfully in well-drained sandy soil.
Heavy clay soils hold water longer. I adapt to
heavy soils by growing leafy vegetables such as
chard and basil that are more genetically tolerant
of moist areas. A tried-and-true technique for
dealing with clay soil is raising the plant above
the soil level. Either I pot the plant and bury the
pot halfway into the soil or I place the plant into a
raised mound.
The roots of the raised plant can still wick water
when the basin is flooded, but they wont be left
sitting in water too long, drowning from lack of
oxygen, as the basin slowly drains. (Some vegetables may die from a lack of oxygena condition


T he B i o - I n t e g rat e d Fa r m
called scaldingif their roots sit in pooled water
for several days.) So if youre not growing rice in
your basin, I advise raising the plants for better
drainage in heavy soils.
If soil types were fairy tales, loamy soil would
be Goldilockss favorite. While clay holds water for
too long and sand dries out too fast, loam drains
just right. Ideal for basin irrigation, loam allows
water to spread swiftly but also prevents ponding
that damages plants roots. The water-holding
capacity of loamy soil conserves water, but I recommend avoiding loamy soils that have a tendency
to crust or crack. Although its fantastic to find the
perfect soil for basins, its advantageous to learn
how to adapt to any.

If your soil doesnt percolate fast enough, but

youre determined to have a basin, there is a last
resort. Excavate another 18 inches deep at the
bottom of the basin and install an underdrain of
perforated pipe surrounded by three inches of
gravel. Replace the removed soil with a sandy loam
to cover the underdrain and make sure the pipe
slopes downhill to an open outlet. Remember that
tree roots can easily clog the pipe perforations and
might render the drain useless with time.

The Slope Factor

When I lived in the Lowcountry of South Carolina,
where the land is flat as far as the eye can see, I
thought the lack of slopes would be a disadvantage.

Figure 3.2. Water floods from an uphill pond into this narrow irrigation basin on a steep hill. Grains or vegetables may be grown
directly in the irrigated soil of the basin.




A l l A b o u t t h e B a s in
land, with the length of the basin on contour. The
steepness of the slope will ultimately determine the
maximum width of the basin, as shown in table 3.2.

Table 3.2. Basin Width Based on Slope Angle

% Slope

Maximum Basin Width (feet)





How Much Water?

The size of the supply pond dictates the amount of
water available for basin irrigation. A 1-inch-deep
pool of water in a basin should supply a reasonable
amount of irrigation for plants grown in the soil
of the basin or submerged pots. Since some of the
water that enters a basin will be absorbed into the
soil before a pool forms, basin irrigation has an
average efficiency of 60 percent. Therefore, to fill
the basin with 1 inch of water requires 1.67 inches
of water or more. The actual amount of water will
vary depending on soil type. Complex engineering
solutions are available to determine the amount of
water and flow needed, based upon the advance
rate of the water, to fill a large basin. Consult an
engineer for these types of projects. However,
for small basins supplied by small rainwater-
harvesting ponds or tanks, making a guesstimate
has always worked for me.

Source: C. J. Brouwer. Irrigation Water Management: Training Manual.

Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1985.

However, I soon realized that flat land is a blessing

in disguise, because basins need a level bottom. So
flat land makes constructing basins easy, because
very little soil needs to be moved to create a level
basin. Theres no restraint on size, either, so basins
can be broad, capable of retaining a large quantity
of water.
Steeply sloped areas limit the shape and size of
basins. On a slope I design small, narrow basins
that follow the contour of the land to reduce the
amount of soil I have to move to level the bottom of
the basin. The best method to use in steeply sloped
areas is either terracing or forming steps in the

Creative Shaping
I had a few basins under my belt by the time
I built the one next to the greenhouse at the
SOF, but this basin brought its own challenge.
With loamy soil at the site and a turkey nest
supply pond backed up by a tank already in
existence, size wasnt the issue. I knew I could
build a basin with a surface area as large as
that of the supply pond because the soil would


retain the water and there would be no lack of

water supply.
The problem was shape. The basin had to
fit into a compact area sandwiched between
the greenhouse, the road, and the pond. After
considering all the options, I decided to form
the basin in the shape of a half-moon to maximize the space available.



T he B i o - I n t e g rat e d Fa r m
Heres an example of how to figure out how
much water a pond can supply to a basin: If a
basin has the same amount of surface area as the
pond and the pond has an average water depth
of 18 inches, the pond can irrigate the basin nine
times with 2 inches of water if all the water in the
pond is available. However, in a more realistic
scenario, a basin usually needs irrigation after
a dry spell, during which water in the pond has
evaporated. For example, the average depth in
the pond might be only 12 inches because of the
drought, and the tolerable limit for low water in
the pond is 8 inches (to keep fish alive), leaving
only 4 inches of water available for irrigation, or
two irrigation cycles. When plants are established
and growing in the soil of a basin, a single flood
cycle should provide enough water for one week
of plant growth, and a properly sized basin and
pond can supply enough water to get through a
few weeks of drought.
When a pond is drained to supply irrigation for
a basin and must be refilled by rainfall, a seasonal
ebb and flow between wet and dry occurs. The
effect is exaggerated in dry climates and when
excessive water is used for irrigation. Planting
plenty of marginal plants along the edge of a pond
helps fill the aesthetic void as water retreats. In
addition, timing minnow harvests with droughts
finds a use for a drained pond, making the loss of
water more bearable. If a loss of water in the pond
would not be tolerable, design a smaller basin, so
less water will be needed for irrigation.

The desired depth of the water level in a basin

determines the height of the bund. Bunds should
sit at least 6 inches higher than the expected
irrigation height and stand a minimum of 2 feet
wide. To construct a bund, I dig a furrow along the
inside edge of the basin, piling up the soil to form
the raised bund. The furrow then acts as a channel
to divert water through the basin, when theres a
need to move water quickly through the basin to
another location. If a pass-through system is not
needed, the furrow simply fills first before the rest
of the basin fills with water.
Alternatively, I bring soil in from other areas
to form bunds, maintaining a level basin bottom
without the additional channel. Be sure to compact
bund soil to prevent seepage and expect soil to
settle or shrink at least 10 percent over time.
Heres how to construct a basin with bunds:
Step 1. Mark the basin dimensions. On flat land
the shape of the basin can vary depending on
your needs. On sloping land the basin layout
should conform to the contour of the land.
Step 2. Place grading stakes along the inner edge of
the basin in at least four locations.
Step 3. Using a water level or transit level, mark
the grading stakes at the level contour dictating
the bottom of the basin. Make another mark
on the grading stakes at the desired height of
the bunds. In sloped landscapes the marks on
the uphill grading stakes will be belowground
and the marks on the downhill stakes will be
Step 4. Move soil to match the level marked on
the grading stakes, using excess soil to form
the bunds. Small basins are easily built using
a shovel and hoe. If a rototiller is available to
loosen the soil, the job will be easier. If you need
to move a lot of soil or desire a larger basin, you
may need heavy equipment.

Constructing Bunds for Basins

Basin construction is similar to pond construction;
however, a level bottom is critical. Building basins
requires marking the basin dimensions, setting out
grading stakes, forming bunds, then leveling the
bottom of the basin.



A l l A b o u t t h e B a s in

Figure 3.3. Heres the basin by the greenhouse at the SOF under construction. Grading stakes placed around the edge were all
marked at the same contour to indicate the bottom of the basin. The white lines show where twine should be run between the
stakes to serve as reference points to facilitate final soil leveling.

Basin Water Management

Step 5. When you think you have the soil as level

as possible, tie twine or a masonry line taut
between marks on stakes along the perimeter
and in an X across the middle. The twine will
indicate the exact level of soil needed to achieve
a perfectly flat bottom to the basin. If you see
an air gap anywhere between the soil and twine,
fill it with soil. Likewise, if you see the twine
pushed up in any areas, move soil out of the high
spot and into a low area (see figure 3.3).

What goes in must go out. A basic basin needs

an intake pipe to supply water and a drainpipe to
remove water. At the SOF the intake pipe for the
basin by the greenhouse is connected to the supply pond up the hill. Water flows from the pond
through the intake pipe and floods into the basin.
After filling the basin, the water eventually finds
the basin drainpipe located on the opposite side
of the basin. When I need to flood the basin, I seal
the drainpipe with an endcap or plug. When I dont
need to flood the basin or if I want to move water
to the next downhill destination, I leave the endcap
off to allow water to pass through the pipe. When
installing a drainpipe in a bund (a process similar

Once the soil is level in the bottom of the basin,

add a small amount of water; any remaining low
or high areas will become obvious. Its important
to make the bottom perfectly level to conserve and
evenly distribute water.



T he B i o - I n t e g rat e d Fa r m
to installing a drainpipe in a pond, as described in
chapter 2 under Installing an Adjustable Drainpipe),
its important to pack soil carefully around the pipe
where it penetrates the bund, removing all organic
matter to prevent water seepage around the pipe.
Keep in mind that basin water management relies
on gravity. If the elevation of the basin is higher than
the floor of the supply pond, only a portion of the
pond water will drain freely into the basin. Once the
level of the water in the basin is at the same elevation
as the water level of the pond, flow will cease. I slope
intake pipes at a grade of 1.5 percent or steeper to
prevent debris from settling in the bottom of the
pipe and clogging the flow of water.

causes it to crack and fall apart. The recipe cannot

dictate the exact measurement of water, because
other factors such as humidity are at play. Only by
trial and error does a successful baker learn how
much water is necessary to achieve the desired
texture of dough.
Similarly, you can learn how to determine the
optimum irrigation rate by watching the advance
and recession of flood cycles in a basin. Over the
course of time, youll know when enough is enough.

Channeling Water across a Basin

Digging a ditch or channel a few inches deep and
1 foot wide across the floor of the basin between
the intake and the drainpipe lets water bypass the
basin without filling it. This provides efficiency in
managing water. For example, another pond on
the far side of the basin may need water. Instead
of wasting water filling the basin when it doesnt
need irrigating, you can send water directly
through the channel into the next pond, in effect
bypassing the basin. Besides acting as a bypass, the
minicanal also prevents the basin from flooding
during excessive rainfall.
I may dig a ditch in a basin on contour so it will
hold water. Or I slope the channel slightlyat a
0.25 to 0.5 percent slopeto prevent water from
pooling in the channel (see figure 3.5). If a basin
has a sloped channel, position the drainpipe an
inch lower than the bottom of the sloped channel
so it will readily accept the water flowing through
the channel. Placing an endcap on the drainpipe
will allow you to plug it when the goal is to fill up
the basin with water.

Flooding a Basin
Flooding a basin with water follows three predictable phases. Water advances across the basin, it
ponds or wets the surface, then it recesses back into
the soil.
The advance occurs as water spreads toward
the opposite side of the basin. I like to shut off the
inflow before the advance is completed. Water
will still spread throughout the entire basin, but
ponding and overwatering is avoided. However,
not supplying enough water will render inadequate
irrigation to the far end of the basin.
For basin irrigation to work, a large volume
of water must quickly enter the basin and fill the
entire basin evenly before water has a chance to
sink into the ground. If a slow trickle of water
enters the basin, the water simply sinks into the
ground before it has a chance to spread throughout, wasting precious water. A 4-inch intake pipe
is an ideal size for transmitting water from a small
pond to a small basin to allow sufficient volume for
rapid flooding.
Flooding a basin reminds me of making pie
pastry from scratch. Too much water makes the
pastry sticky and soggy, and not enough water

Managing Plants in Basins

Once a basin is connected to a water supply, its
time for planting. Ive grown plants in pots, on
raised mounds, and even on tables to create a


A l l A b o u t t h e B a s in
multistory effect in basins. How you plant will
ultimately depend on what you want to grow.

Its like building a multiuse, multiple-story

apartment complex rather than a single suburban
one-story home. The benches and tables provide
a protected elevated surface for propagating and
hardening off plants, while adding another level of
usable space within the basin.
Putting plants on tables can provide protection
from ants, rodents, and other pests. If ants are
eating my seeds, I simply smear a sticky barrier of
Tanglefoot around the bench legs to prevent the
hungry insects from accessing my seed flats. Putting flats on raised benches also prevent rodents
from rummaging through them for seedlings to
eat. We attach automated misters to the sides of the
bench to irrigate seed flats on the bench top.
To keep costs low, salvage old dilapidated
benches from greenhouse and nursery operations.
Look for benches made from galvanized or painted
metal with replaceable wire mesh tops. The wire
mesh is usually the first to go from rust, but its easy
to replace it with diamond pattern mesh, fencing,
or hardware cloth.

Irrigating Potted Plants

By using basins in my California nursery, I saved a
lot of time, energy, and water. Nursery plants find a
niche in a basin irrigation system. Planted in portable
pots, they wick up water through their roots while
they await a transplant into a new permanent home.
When I keep potted plants in a basin, I prefer
to place them on a long-lasting weed barrier such
as woven polypropylene landscape fabric. The
fabric allows water to pass through easily while
keeping weeds at bay. In sandy soils the landscape
fabric also slows infiltration, improving the basins
performance. I have also created completely
impermeable basins by using thick pond liners
made out of material such as EPDM. However,
I had to use a specialized fitting to install a pipe
to drain the basin, similar to a drainpipe for a
pond (see chapter 2). Its best to use 4-inch pots or
larger, placed directly on top of the landscape fabric. I raise smaller flats of seedlings up slightly on
bricks or trays, allowing the roots to contact the
water while keeping floodwaters from pummeling
the plants.
Because of the daily water demand of containerized plants, a small pond and basin irrigation
system will only supplement normal irrigation
regimes. But pond water stocked with nutrients
furnishes free fertilizer, and as the old saying goes,
every little bit helps.

Tables for Plant Production

For years I used basins only to irrigate potted
plants or start seedlings in raised mounds. I guess
you could say my ideas were at the ground level.
But then I started thinking above the basin. By
adding benches and tables, I could create multiple
uses for basins.

Figure 3.4. Misters automatically irrigate plants set on

benches in the basin next to the greenhouse.



T he B i o - I n t e g rat e d Fa r m

Raising Mushrooms

remain moist, and the logs should feel saturated.

However, between irrigations the outer edges of
the logs should dry completely to prevent competitive fungi from gaining a foothold. Additionally,
I elevate my logs on concrete blocks to prevent
invasion of soil fungi.
The north side of a building creates the ideal
microclimate for the spawn run. The moist, dark
atmosphere provides a perfect spawning ground
for fungi. If rain pours from a gutterless roof into
this area, the additional watershed generates more
moisture needed for good fungal growth. I have
stacked my logs directly under the roof overhang
to catch the additional runoff. During the long
days of summer, I drape shade cloth over the logs
for protection from the sunlight.
I know the spawn run is complete when the ends
of the logs show the white growth of the spreading
fungus. Once the fungus fully colonizes the logs,
I move the logs to the basins for flood irrigation
without fear of infection from other fungi. I elevate
one end of our logs on a rock or brick, leaving the
other end submerged in a channel. The elevated
side prevents the entire log from saturating during
floods. Saturated areas of logs decompose quickly,
so I extend the lives of the logs by keeping a portion
high and dry.
For optimum growth shiitake mushrooms need
60 to 80 percent shade. I cover the benches with
shade cloth, which not only hides the worn look
of old benches but also creates the perfect, shaded,
protected microclimate for mushroom logs. I
guesstimate the amount of shade the bench itself
casts and add this to the amount of shade provided
by the shade cloth. Where the shade cloth contacts
the ground on the front of the bench, I wrap the
cloth around a galvanized pipe and secure the
cloth with cable ties. The weight of the pipe holds
the shade cloth down and makes lifting up the
cloth a cinch.

Besides propagation and seedling protection, the

best use Ive found for basin benches is as a shelter
for shiitake mushroom production.
To grow mushrooms, logs are inoculated with
edible fungi, mimicking the natural decomposition
in a forest. The logs must remain moist most of the
time to stimulate mushroom growth. Therefore,
basins are a prime location for mushroom logs.
First, harvest fresh logs from dormant hardwoods with thick bark. Trees such as red and
white oak make ideal candidates. I also salvage
logs from tree-pruning operations, working with
contractors to obtain logs with a diameter and
length appropriate for our system. Ideally, I use
3- to 6-inch-diameter logs cut into 4-foot sections.
However, tree pruners are more likely to part with
6-inch-diameter logs because branches this size
are difficult to load into chippers. Smaller 3-inch-
diameter logs are easy to chip, so tree pruners are
less likely to leave material this size.
Next, drill holes into the logs every 3 inches in
a diamond pattern. Then inject mushroom spawn
into the holes. Spawn may be purchased from
online suppliers, but Im fortunate to buy ours
from a local producer, Mushroom Mountain.
The spawn comes in a sealed bag of sterilized
sawdust, with the roots of the innocuous mycelium spread throughout the bag. Using a palm
injectoran enlarged syringelike toolI push
the spawn into the drilled holes. Alternatively,
mycelium growing on wooden dowels or plugs
can be hammered into the holes. I coat the holes
with hot wax using a small paintbrush. This seals
in moisture and prevents invasion from insects
and competing fungi.
After inoculation, the mycelium of the fungus
spreads throughout the log in a process known
as the spawn run. During the spawn run, water
the logs frequently. The inside of the logs should



A l l A b o u t t h e B a s in

Figure 3.5. The channel in the basin is filled with water, ready
to receive mushroom logs.

Figure 3.6. The inoculated logs rest in place with one end on
concrete blocks and the other end in the water in the channel.

Figure 3.7. Recycled benches are the first stage in creating

shade for the mushroom logs.

Figure 3.8. Greenhouse plastic spread across the benches

serves as a roof to protect logs from excessive moisture when
mist irrigation is running.

Figure 3.9. Shade cloth hides the rusting benches from view
and provides additional shade.

Figure 3.10. This crop of shiitakes is ready for harvest.




T he B i o - I n t e g rat e d Fa r m
The automated misters on the bench tops are
great for the seedlings but bad for the logs. The
excessive water leads to volunteer mushrooms competing with the cultivated variety. To prevent the
logs from becoming too moist, we put a single layer
of greenhouse plastic in place on the bench before
spreading the shade cloth. The plastic serves as an
impermeable roof over the logs. Holes in the plastic
direct water to specific areas, keeping the majority
of the logs dry. Before I cut holes into the plastic, I
flood the tops of the benches with water and note
any low areas where water pools. Next I cut a hole,
about 2 inches in diameter, in the plastic at the low
point to let water drain. Moving logs a foot away
from drain holes will prevent oversaturation.
Once I control the excessive moisture from the
misters, I can easily initiate mushroom fruiting
by flooding the basins with pond water. Note
that greenhouse plastic adds at least 15 percent
more shade when dirty, so be sure to factor in that
shade when youre figuring out the total amount

of shading. Also, if mushrooms are grown under

benches, avoid using the top of the bench as a permanent place for plants, which would then create a
permanently dark area under the bench.
Ive tried stacking logs in the hope that the fungi
inserted into the uppermost logs will fuse into the
lower logs, seeking necessary moisture. However,
fruiting mainly occurs on lower logs in contact
with water. If you stack your logs, be sure to leave
enough room around each log for harvesting, and
discard mushrooms submerged by floodwaters.
Ideally, we harvest the mushrooms between
floods. But if I happen to walk by and see a luscious
shiitake fruiting from a log, I cant resist the temptation to bring it home and saut it in a stir-fry.
We disburse the shiitake mushrooms through
our Community Supported Agriculture program.
Our subscribing members look forward to receiving shiitakes in their vegetable shares, since these
valuable fungi sell for ten to twelve dollars per
pound in gourmet markets.

Summing Up the Functions

1. Flooded basins irrigate mushroom logs and
nursery plants.
2. Pond water, containing fish waste, floods
nutrient-rich water into basins to fertilize
nursery plants.
3. Basins convey pond water into greenhouse
4. Basins convey runoff water from greenhouse
roof to greenhouse ponds.
5. Solar reflection from basin creates micro
climates for seedlings.


6. Basin benches protect seedlings from pests

and shade mushroom logs.
7. Basin retains and infiltrates stormwater while
protecting lower ponds.
8. Solar reflection from basin modifies microclimate of greenhouse and reflects light into
9. Basins built along pathways provide easy
visibility and access for mushroom harvesting.



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