A.1. Models of The Electrical Double Layer
A.1. Models of The Electrical Double Layer
A.1. Models of The Electrical Double Layer
charge on the electrode is exactly balanced in solution by an equal but oppositely charged
amount of ions ( q s ) ; a rigidly held layer exists in a plane parallel to the surface of the
electrode and very close to it (Fig. A.1 (a) and (b)).
This charge originates from the arrangement of electrolyte ions at the interface and/or the
reorientation of dipoles in solvent molecules. A potential difference occurs across the
interface, forming an electric field gradient across the charge separation layer. Ions are
electrostatically repelled or attracted towards the electrode surface and an excess of either
anions or cations is created.
The attracted ion may approach the electrode only so far. The distance is limited by a
monolayer of solvent molecules, which is assumed to exist between the ion and the
electrode. The line drawn through the centre of such ions at a minimum distance from the
electrolyte surface marks the boundary known as the Outer Helmholtz Plane (OHP). The
region within this plane Helmholtz is called the electrical double layer.
However, the interface cannot be represented simply by a parallel-plate capacitor, as shown
experimentally by accurate measurements of real double layer capacitances [4]. The double
layer capacitances are not linear as a function of potential i.e. the numerical value of the
capacity depends on potential. In addition, the electrochemical double layer capacitors are
leaky that is, they can be self-discharged by electrochemical reactions taking place across
the interface. A more appropriate model would be a capacitor and resistor in parallel.
Therefore, an integral capacitance K and a differential capacitance C need to be defined:
and C =
, where q is the charge held by the capacitor and is the
d ( )
potential drop across the interface. The ionic double layer capacity is dependent not only on
the composition but also on the concentration of the electrolyte in a particular system. The
double-layer capacitance per unit area, according to Helmholtz, is given as: CH =
4 d
where is the dielectric constant and d is the thickness of the double layer. The model does
not account for the dependence of the measured capacity on potential or solution
concentration, although the different values found in the presence of different electrolytes
could be accounted for by the variation of d with ionic radius. The Helmholtz model of the
double layer seems to be appropriate for polarizable electrodes in sufficiently high
concentrations of electrolyte (> 1 M). At lower electrolyte concentrations (< 0.1 M), new
features appear in the measurement of double layer capacitance as a function of potential
which cannot be explained by the Helmholtz model.
(A. 1)
Differentiation of Equation A.1 with respect to 0 , leads to the capacitance of the diffuse
layer CG :
CG = zF
zF 0
Cos h
(A. 2)
where F is the Faraday constant, c is the concentration, is the dielectric constant of the
solvent, z is the magnitude of the ionic charge, and 0 is the potential of the outer
Helmholtz plane.
The potential 0 was identified with the potential M on the surface of the metal. That is, the
notion of an inner layer of ions strongly and rigidly adsorbed on the surface of the electrode
as depicted by Helmholtz was incorrect. The model proposed by Gouy and Chapman, (Fig.
A.2) represented substantial improvement over the Helmholtz model in that a dependence of
the differential capacity on both potential and concentration was predicted (Equation A. 2).
In this diffuse layer, the net charge density decreases with distance from the phase boundary.
The Gouy-Chapman model fails to explain the actual capacity-potential curves found
experimentally for all concentrations and measured capacity was much lower than that
calculated from equation A. 2, except in very dilute solutions. The inverted parabolas (Fig.
A.2 (b)) occur only in very dilute solution (< 0.001 M) and at potentials close to the potential
of zero charge. The capacity-potential curves were incorrect and the predicted dependence
on concentration was not observed.
Fig. A.1. (a) The Helmholtz model of the rigid ionic double layer.
(b) The potential profile of the Helmholtz model, where M is the potential at the
metal surface and S is the potential of the bulk solution. Reprinted from [9].
Fig. A.2. (a) The Gouy-Chapman model of the diffuse ionic double layer.
(b) The potential profile for the Gouy-Chapman model. Reprinted from [9].
Fig. A.3.
differential capacity of the interface, CH due to the Helmholtz layer and CG due to the diffuse
layer. The total capacity of the interface C is therefore given by:
(A. 3)
The two adjacent regions act like capacitors in series. This proved to be a significant result
since it indicates the smaller of the two capacitances determines the overall capacitance. In
very low dilute solutions and close to the potential of zero charge, when qM , 0 and a are
relatively small CG should dominate. Stern also recognised the effect of specific interactions
between ions and suggested a distinction between ions which were adsorbed on the electrode
and those which merely approached it to the distance of the closest approach. This idea was
later developed by Grahame [10].
to the electrode surface in fixed orientation and a few more layers of solvent in orientation
intermediate between that of the first layer and that in the bulk-like arrangement
corresponding to the primary and secondary solution shells around an ion.
In 1963, Bockris, Devanathan and Muller [11] proposed a model of the double-layer which
clearly takes into account the predominant role of the solvent in the interface. They
suggested that reorientation of solvent molecules would occur depending on the excess
charges at the electrode and the presence or absence of specifically adsorbed ions at the
surface. The proposed variation of the electrostatic potential with distance is qualitatively
similar to that of the Grahame model. At present, this seems to be the best model to
demonstrate the role of the solvent in the double layer.
electronic charges on the side of the electrode has not been fully clarified and requires
further analysis using surface analytical techniques. Fig. A.5 shows the effect of water
molecules according to this model. The water molecules cover most of the electrode with an
oriented layer of water molecules. At certain sites, the water molecules are replaced by a
specifically adsorbed ion (usually an anion) that has shed its hydration shell. The plane going
through the centres of these ions is defined as the inner Helmholtz plane. Ions that carry a
primary hydration shell are found next and are situated outside the first layer of water
molecules adsorbed on the electrode surface. The plane going through the centres of these
ions constitutes the outer Helmholtz plane. For contact adsorption of an ion to occur,
chemical work must be done in order to rid the ion of its primary hydration sheath and to
remove one or more of the surface water molecules at the electrode surface. The final state is
then stabilised by the specific interactions between the ion and the surface. These effects are
absent for ions adsorbed in the outer Helmholtz plane where interactions are mainly
electrostatic in origin.
A.2. Capacitance
An electrode-solution interface is analogous to a capacitor composed of two metal sheets
separated by a dielectric material (Fig. A.6 (a), whose behaviour is represented by the
following equation: C = q / E
Coulombs and E is the potential across the capacitor in volts. When a potential is applied
across a capacitor, charge accumulates on its metal plates until the charge q satisfies the
equation C = q / E . During this charging process, no current will flow. The charge on the
capacitor arises as a result of an excess of electrons on one plate and a deficiency of
electrons on the other plate (Fig. A.6 (b). The electrode-solution interface behaves as a leaky
Fig. A.4.
(a) The Grahame model indicating the specific adsorption of ions within
the IHP and hydrated ions at the OHP.
(b) The potential profile of the Grahame model, where 1 is the potential
at the inner Helmholtz plane (IHP). Reprinted from [9].
Fig. A.5. The model of Bockris, Devanathan and Muller. Reprinted from [9].
Fig. A.6.
At a given potential there will exist a charge on the metal electrode, q M , and a charge in the
solution, q s (A.6 (c)).
Whether or not the charge on the metal is negative or positive with respect to the solution
depends on the potential across the interface and the composition of the solution. However,
at all times q M = q S . The charge on the metal q M represents an excess or deficiency of
electrons and resides in a very thin layer on the metal. The charge in solutions q S is made up
of an excess of cations or anions in the vicinity of the electrode surface. The charges q M and
q S are often divided by the electrode area and denoted as charge densities, M ,
M vs. E at any point (Fig. A.7 (a)). Since Cd is not constant with E (see Fig. A.7 (b)) for
some experimental examples) its variation leads to the concept of integral capacitance, Ci
defined as the ratio of the total charge density M at potential E to the total potential
difference leading to the accumulation of charge, that is; Ci = M /( E E z ) where
EZ denotes the potential of zero charge (PZC), and Ci is related to Cd via the equation:
Ci =
Cd dE
dE . Thus, C
M C /cm2
E-Ez (v)
M C /cm2
E-Ez (v)
Fig. A.7.
According to the Helmholtz model, Cd should be a constant, however, in real systems this is
not the case. Fig. (A.8 (a)) shows a dramatic illustration for interfaces between mercury and
sodium fluoride solutions of various concentrations. Cd varies with both potential and
concentration [10]. According to the Gouy-Chapman model, as the electrode becomes more
highly charged, the diffuse layer should become more compact and Cd should increase.
Likewise when the concentration of the electrolyte increases, a similar compression of the
diffuse layer should occur, producing a consequent increase in capacitance. These qualitative
trends are actually represented in the data of Fig. A.8 (a). The predicted differential
capacitance from the Gouy-Chapman theory is shown in Fig. A.8 (b). Thus, Cd varies with
potential, and there is a minimum PZC.
The predicted "V shaped" capacitance function resembles the observed behaviour of mercury
in NaF at low concentrations and at potentials (near to the PZC) (Fig A.8 (a)). However, real
interfaces display a flattening in capacitance at more extreme potentials, and the valley (Vshape) at the PZC disappears altogether at high electrolyte concentrations. Also, the actual
capacitance is normally much lower than the predicted value.
In a real system, according to the Gouy-Chapman-Stern (GCS) model, the capacitance
consists of two components can be expressed as:
(see Fig. A.9 (a)) where
Cd C H C D
CH is the capacitance of the charges held at the OHP and CD is the capacitance of the truly
diffuse charge. CH is independent of potential but CD is potential dependent. The composite
capacitance, Cd shows a complex behaviour and is governed by the smaller of the two
components. Near the PZC in systems with low electrolyte concentration, the V-shaped
function characteristic of CD is expected. At large concentrations CD becomes so large that it
is no longer contributes to Cd and one sees only the constant capacitance of CH is observed.
Fig. A.9 (c)) shows a schematic representation of this behaviour. In this model there are still
discrepancies in that CH is not truly independent of potential. Various methods can be used
to measure the double layer capacity. The impedance technique is the most common, and is
applicable to most types of electrode, solid or liquid. The electrocapillary measurement
method is only applicable to liquid electrodes (for example, mercury) [12].
Cd, F/cm2
E-Ez (V)
Cd, F/cm2
E-Ez , mV
Fig. A.8. (a) differential capacitance versus potential for NaF solutions in contact with
mercury at 25 C. Reprinted from [9].
(b) predicted differential capacitancies from the Gouy-Chapman theory.
Calculated for the indicated concentrations of a 1:1 electrolyte in water at 25
C. Reprinted from [4].
Linear profile to x2
2 = 100 mV
Diffuse layer
X, A
Cd, F/cm2
High electrolyte
Low electrolyte
E-Ez, V
Fig. A.9.
(a) a view of the differential capacitance in the GCS model as a series network
of the Helmholtz layer and the diffuse layer capacitances.
(b) Calculated potential profile through the solution side of the double layer,
according to CGS theory.
(c) Schematic representation of the expected behaviour of Cd (according to GCS
theory) as the electrolyte concentration changes. Reprinted from [4].
A.4. References