Ivy League Reference Letters 30 Successful Business School MBA Recommendations

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Ivy League Reference Letters:

30 Successful Business School (MBA) Recommendations

Nancy L. Nolan, Ph.D.

Ivy League Reference Letters:

30 Successful Business School (MBA) Recommendations

Nancy L. Nolan, Ph.D.

First Edition
Magnificent Milestones, Inc., Florida

Copyright 2006. Nancy L. Nolan, Ph.D.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval
system without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

Electronic and CD-ROM versions published by:

Magnificent Milestones, Inc.
Post Office Box 100582
Palm Bay, Florida 32910

CD-ROM Edition 10-digit ISBN 1933819057

PDF Edition
10-digit ISBN 1933819049

13-digit ISBN 9781933819051

13-digit ISBN 9781933819044

Printed in the United States of America

(1) This book was written as a guide; it does not claim to be the definitive word on the subject of reference letters. The
opinions expressed are the personal observations of the author based on her own experiences. They are not intended to
prejudice any party. Accordingly, the author and publisher do not accept any liability or responsibility for any loss or
damage that have been caused, or alleged to have been caused, through the use of information in this book.
(2) Admission to business school depends on several factors in addition to a candidate's reference letters (including GPA,
GMAT scores, interview and essays). The author and publisher cannot guarantee that any applicant will be admitted to
any specific school or program if (s)he follows the information in this book.


For students everywhere;

may the size of your dreams be exceeded only
by your tenacity to attain them.


I am deeply indebted to the students, professors, managers, attorneys and admissions officers who have
shared their perceptions and frustrations about recommendation letters. This book, which was written on
your behalf, would not be nearly as powerful without your generous and insightful input.
I also want to thank my colleagues at www.ivyleagueadmission.com for providing a constant source of
support, along with the best editorial help in the business.

Ivy League Reference Letters: 30 Successful Business School

(MBA) Recommendations

Chapter 1: How Academic References / Recommendations Are Used

What Makes a Great Letter
How Reference Letters are Used

Chapter 2: How to Write a Persuasive Reference Letter

Organizing the Letter
Writing Guidelines

Chapter 3: 30 Successful Business School Recommendations

From Professor / Research Advisor
Documenting Volunteer Work
From Employer
From Co-Worker or Peer
Explaining Time Off from Work of School
Explaining Poor Grades / Low GMAT Scores
International Work Experience
Personal / Character References

Appendix 1

Reference Letter Request Form

Ivy League Reference Letters:

30 Successful Business School (MBA) Recommendations

Chapter 1: How Academic References / Recommendations are Used

For most candidates, few experiences are as daunting as applying for admission to business school.
Competition is fierce at top US programs, where candidates search for every viable way to differentiate
themselves. In an exceptional pool of applicants, even a slight difference in GPA and GMAT scores can
make the difference between admission and rejection. Ironically, in their zeal to make the best possible
impression on the admissions committee, most candidates tend to overlook one of the most important
aspects of the application: their reference letters.
Although academic achievements are important, they are only a small part of the admissions decision.
Increasingly, top schools are placing greater weight on the quality and depth of your recommendations. As
admissions officers, it is our responsibility to admit talented, multi-dimensional people with the potential for
success in business. Ultimately, that requires evaluating not just a candidates intellectual ability, but other
traits that are not reflected by grades and test scores.
As a result, reference letters from credible third-party sources who can objectively evaluate your integrity and
character are paramount in the evaluation process. In fact, they often play a key role in whether you are
invited for an interview or offered a seat in the class.
From our perspective, candidates don't place much emphasis on their letters of reference for two reasons:
1. they don't think they can control their contents
2. they don't know what specific steps they should take to improve their recommendations
From our perspective, smart candidates give their reference letters that same level of attention that they give
to their essays. They take the time to find the right people to say the right things in the right level of detail.
In a highly competitive applicant pool, the choice between two equally qualified candidates often comes
down to the quality and depth of their recommendations. Choosing the wrong people to write your letters
can have devastating consequences.
What Makes a Great Letter?
A great letter supplements the data you have provided the school about your academic and professional
history with independent corroboration of your performance and potential. It also provides critical information
about your personality, ethics and integrity that isn't captured anywhere elsewhere in the application. The
BEST references are short, specific and insightful. They are written by faculty members and seasoned
professionals who know you well enough to share specific examples of your best traits.
Here is what the committee hopes to learn from your reference letters:

Your specific qualifications, including the depth of your academic and professional experiences
Your unique traits that aren't covered anywhere else in the application
Your demonstrated commitment to pursuing a career in business
How you compare to other candidates with similar aspirations

From our experience, reference letters are the ONLY reliable indicator of an applicant's essential character
traits, such as humor, maturity and tenacity. Many candidates write compelling essays to convince us that
they are smart, funny team players, but it carries FAR more weight if an objective third-party confirms that. A
thoughtful, well-written reference letter, which includes specific examples of a candidate's strengths, can help
to open the coveted Ivy League door.

How Reference Letters are Used

The most typical question we are asked about references is how they are used in the admissions process.
As a general rule, they supplement the primary admissions criteria, which are your GPA and GMAT scores.
In highly competitive programs, the applicant pool can quickly be sorted into three categories:
a. candidates with excellent grades and GMAT scores: good chance of admission
b. candidates who are borderline cases: application is competitive, but not outstanding
c. candidates with low grades and disappointing GMAT scores: poor chance of admission
Unfortunately, if you fall into category c, even great letters of recommendation may not save you from
rejection. In a highly competitive applicant pool, schools usually screen out lesser qualified applicants by
imposing a minimum "cutoff" for GPA and GMAT scores. Although a reference letter can "explain" a
disappointing academic performance, it usually cannot compensate for it. There are limits to how much
leeway we can give to a candidate who does not present a solid track record of success.
In contrast, reference letters for candidates in category a are usually disaster checks. These applicants
have exceptional grades, GMAT scores and impressive personal essays. On paper, they are everything we
are looking for. Their reference letters must:
a. validate their success
b. document their character, integrity and work ethic
For candidates in category a (excellent grades and GMAT scores), a bad or mediocre recommendation can
be extremely harmful. If your reference letters cast doubt upon the positive picture you have created, or
reveal a serious character defect, the committee will be less likely to take a chance on you.
Surprisingly, nearly 70% of the applicant pool falls into category b, or borderline. These candidates have
competitive grades and test scores, but are otherwise not distinguishable from others with similar numbers.
Their acceptance or rejection often hinges on an exceptional intrinsic quality that captures our interest and
makes a positive impression. In some cases, this can be their commitment to family, their dedication to
community service or their ability to overcome an obstacle. Reference letters from third parties who can
document these activities can make or break their applications.

Chapter 2: How to Write a Persuasive Reference Letter

As a general rule, reference letters include four distinct parts:
1. An introduction, which explains who you are, your relationship to the candidate and why you feel
qualified to assess his/her suitability for the program. Explain how long you have known the applicant and in
what capacity. State your qualifications for writing the recommendation letter. Why should the reader be
interested in your perspective? How many other people of the applicant's caliber have you known, and why
does the applicant stand out?
2. A discussion of the candidate's strengths and how they relate to the needs of the program. Discuss
the applicant's exceptional qualities and skills, especially those that are specific to the candidate's intention
to complete an MBA.
We recommend that authors organize their discussion of the candidate's strengths in the following manner:
a. General assessment of the applicant's performance and potential for career growth, in the context in
which you know him/her. If the applicant was your student, mention how well (s)he did in your classes and
the particular skills (s)he used to accomplish this. If the candidate is your employee, discuss how well (s)he
executes his/her job responsibilities. Highlight key accomplishments and strengths.
b. Next, discuss the candidate's oral and written communication skills. Highlight any publications or
presentations you have observed.
c. Discuss the candidate's maturity level and interpersonal skills. Highlight exceptional personal strengths,
including how well the candidate gets along with others and his/her level of reliability and responsibility.
d. Finally, discuss any special skills or strengths the candidate may possess, such as language fluencies,
multicultural expertise or a commitment to volunteer work.
For each characteristic or trait that you mention, give specific examples or anecdotes to back up what you
say. In reference letters, the power is in the details; generalized praise is not particularly helpful.
3. A comparison of the candidate to others who have succeeded in business school. Give your judgment
of the applicant, his/her qualifications and potential. Why should (s)he be considered over other candidates?
How does he/she compare to other MBA candidates you have known? Write only complimentary, yet
factual, observations.
If asked to discuss a candidate's flaws or weaknesses, choose something that can be presented as an
opportunity for growth. The best choices are traits that the candidate has already taken steps to correct,
such as a lack of knowledge or training in a particular area. Avoid unflattering or derogatory remarks.
4. A conclusion, which summarizes the candidate's outstanding strengths and abilities. Offer a strong
ending, but don't overdo it. Undo praise can be viewed as biased or insincere. List your contact information
if you are willing to respond to follow-up correspondence.
Chapter 3 provides 30 samples of successful reference letters for MBA admission. Each takes a different
approach to conveying the applicants unique strengths, offering an impressive level of detail. Use the
letters as guidelines and inspiration for your own original writing.

Writing Guidelines
1. As a rule of thumb, the "correct" length for a reference letter is one or two typewritten pages. You should
include enough information to supplement the committee's impression of the candidate, without
overwhelming the reader with details that are unrelated to the application.
2. Focus on qualitative information, rather than quantitative. By the time the admissions committee reads
your letter, they have already reviewed the candidate's GMAT scores and transcripts. Rather than repeat
those details, writers should concentrate on insights and perspectives about the candidate's past
performance and their promise to succeed in their chosen profession. To whatever extent possible, give the
committee positive information about the candidate that they could not acquire any other way.

3. Read the candidate's personal statement to get an idea of the strengths that (s)he is trying to convey to
the committee. Ideally, your letter will complement (and build upon) what the candidate has written in his/her
personal statement without duplicating it.
4. Offer a balanced perspective of the candidate. Admissions committees appreciate letters that offer
honest assessments by discussing strengths as well as some areas for growth. Committees are looking for
qualified students with potential; they do not expect perfection.
5. Do not make any statements that you cannot support with facts and examples. Do not editorialize or
speculate. If you give an opinion, explain the incident or circumstances upon which you base the opinion.
Be able to document all information you release. To avoid a possible claim of defamation, do not comment
about the candidate's moral character.
6. Write with enthusiasm. Use powerful words, such as articulate, effective, sophisticated, intelligent,
observant, significant, expressive, creative, efficient, cooperative, imaginative, assertive, dependable,
mature and innovative. Avoid bland words such as nice, reasonable, decent, fairly and satisfactory.
7. If writers are aware of extenuating circumstances that have impacted the candidate's academic or
professional progress, they should obtain the candidate's written permission to disclose that information.
Professional schools find it beneficial to gain the perspective of someone who knows an applicant well,
especially in reference to possible challenges that (s)he has overcome. Nevertheless, these topics should
NOT be discussed in your letter without the candidate's express written consent.
8. Do not reveal any information that could be viewed as discriminatory, including the candidate's race,
color, religion, national origin, political affiliation, age, disability, sexual orientation, physical appearance,
citizenship status or marital status.
9. If you are an alumnus of the school to which the candidate is applying (or have completed a similar
program), feel free to elaborate on the applicant's fit for that particular program. Explain how (s)he will add
to the student body and be a good role model.
10. Type your letter on official letterhead and sign it in ink. This type of professional presentation will
showcase the candidate positively. Handwritten letters are not only difficult to read, but detract markedly
from the writer's credibility. Sadly, admissions committees rarely take the time to read them.
11. If a candidate asks you to address a letter to whom it may concern, note that in the body of the letter.
Also note that the candidate has agreed to take responsibility for disseminating the letter to the proper
12. If your company has concerns about liability issues regarding reference letters, include the following
sentence at the end of your letter:
This information is provided at the request of [name of applicant], who has asked me to serve as a
reference. My comments are confidential and should be treated as such. They reflect my own personal
opinions about the candidate's suitability for business school. No other use or inference is intended.
This type of disclaimer explains the purpose of your letter and confirms that it was not written to hurt the
applicants reputation.
13. Ask the candidate to let you know the committee's decision.
14. Keep a copy of every letter you send. Also note WHEN you send each letter. This will remind you of what
you sent and prevent you from having to write the same letter again.

Chapter 3: 30 Successful Business School (MBA) Recommendations

This publication contains actual reference letters that were written on behalf of candidates who gained
admission to highly competitive MBA programs. These distinctive recommendations eloquently document
the candidates' strengths in the proper perspective, tone and level of detail. They convey the personal and
professional traits that the committee looks for when making tough admissions decisions.
Whether you are a busy faculty member who doesn't have time to write a dozen letters or an applicant who
is trying to write your own letter (and don't know where to start), these successful examples are mandatory
A special note about MBA recommendations: Business schools, more than any other type of graduate
program, prefer that reference writers answer a list of questions about the applicant, rather than submit a
free-style letter. Most top-tier programs have their own form to complete, which captures the writers
thoughts on a variety of the candidates accomplishments and strengths.
Unfortunately, this approach is extremely time intensive; if a candidate applies to six programs, (s)he will
need for each of his/her reference writers to complete six separate forms, with differing questions and length
restrictions. From our experience, few authors have the time to do this. As a result, it is not unusual for
authors to simply send all of the schools one general letter that provides a comprehensive evaluation of the
From working in admissions, I understand both sides of this dilemma. From the schools standpoint, the
questionnaire targets the specific issues that they want to know about; it also imposes a rigid length
requirement to focus the author on the most relevant issues. In a free-style letter, there is no guarantee that
the author will cover the essential points in an efficient manner. From the writers perspective, a
questionnaire removes some of the ambiguity of writing a reference letter by providing the structure and
focus that the school expects.
Otherwise, the questionnaires are strictly for the schools benefit, not the reference writers. Because the
questions and length restrictions vary among schools, writers cannot always use the answers they wrote for
one school for a second or third one. Frequently, the job requires significant cutting and pasting to answer
one question without overlapping the answer to a different question. And for schools with rigid length
restrictions, a lot of critical information may be lost in the editing process.
Our best advice:
1. As a candidate, try to do everything possible to make the job easier for your writers. Read through the
questions on each schools form and target your Match Points to address each one. This will maximize the
chances of the writer using the questionnaires, rather than submitting a general letter.
2. As a writer, organize the questionnaires and coordinate your answers before you begin to write. If at all
possible, answer all of the questions directly on the schools form. If you absolutely, positively cannot take
the time to do this, advise the candidate at the time that (s)he gives you the forms. Let him/her decide
whether or not (s)he is comfortable with your decision to write a general letter.
If you opt to write a general letter, make sure that it addresses all of the points on all of the forms. If you find
it helpful, use titles for each section of the letter, such as key strengths, communication skills, team
work, and weaknesses. Print your letter on official letterhead, sign it in ink and attach it to the schools
questionnaire (which you should also sign in ink). As long as the letter is concise, on-topic and well-written,
it will suffice.
This chapter offers multiple examples of both the questionnaire approach and the use of free-style letters.
As you will see, both can be highly effective.

1. Written by Applicant's University Research Advisor

My name is Dr. Lisa Sanders and I am a Professor of Chemistry at Harvard University. I am delighted to
write a letter of reference for Gloria Smith to support her application to business school.

I have known Gloria for six years through her work at the university. Gloria completed three of my classes
(Chemistry I & II, Analytical Chemistry) and achieved "A" grades in each. She also distinguished herself as a
highly motivated and talented scientist. Most of our students are challenged to complete our traditional
program in chemistry and wouldn't dream of attempting a dual major. Gloria willingly accepted the
opportunity. She graduated from Harvard in 2002 with a dual major in Chemistry and Genetic Biology. In
addition to attaining high academic honors, Gloria also excelled in her laboratory work. To date, she has
published two articles on the effects of reduced salt intake on weight loss in obese children. Throughout her
coursework and independent research, Gloria was always organized, cheerful and willing to help others.
She demonstrated excellent potential for a career in the sciences.
Gloria's research success was partially attributable to her strong interpersonal skills. She works well with all
types of people and quickly puts others at ease. A huge challenge in her research was explaining the diet
and exercise protocol to the participating children and their families. Gloria quickly established a positive
rapport with all 50 subjects and their parents. She patiently answered questions, explained subtle points and
encouraged the children who were ambivalent. Long after the completion of the study, she continued to
keep in touch with several families via email, offering encouraging tips to promote further weight loss. I am
certain that the project would not have been successful without her graciousness and dedication.
I am also impressed by Gloria's initiative outside the classroom. During her sophomore year, she started a
small internet/mail order business selling hand-painted T-shirts. She researched the field on her own and
did all of the web design work herself. I was initially surprised that Gloria took on such a venture, but she
thrived under the bustling schedule. Her shirts were extremely popular on campus; I often saw her selling
them from a small booth she set up outside our student union. I initially chuckled at her creative way to earn
a few dollars on the side. I later discovered that the business netted almost $70,000 during its first year,
which covered her tuition and related expenses.
I had to marvel at Gloria's initiative, organizational skills and willingness to take risks. During the past year,
she also became an employer, as she expanded her business to the local state university in Scituate. In this
capacity, she's already developed many practical skills in marketing, manufacturing, web site design,
advertising, payroll and time management. I am certain that this success is only the first of many for Gloria.
In my career at Harvard, I have seen hundreds undergraduates seek advanced degrees in the sciences. It
isn't often that I am asked to write a reference for a scientist who wants to pursue a business degree. I'm
delighted to support Gloria's efforts to pursue a career that combines her analytical strengths and her
practical business skills. She recently told me that her long-term goal was to own a biotechnology firm that
conducts international biogenetic research. I wouldn't doubt her for a minute. She is in the top 5% of all
students I've seen, both in academic achievement and practical skills. Gloria's drive, persistence and
rapport with people is exceptional. I recommend her without reservation.
Our Assessment: This author is a noted professor at Harvard who rarely writes such strong letters of
support. Her detailed explanation of Gloria's strengths in science and business made a positive impression
on the committee. We were particularly impressed by Gloria's initiative in her business venture. Her
willingness to take risks and expand her business were an excellent fit for her chosen career path.

2. Professor / Faculty Member

I am delighted to write a reference letter to support Lisa Stone's application to business school. I have
known Lisa since 2001 in my position as a Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago.
From her first days in my Fixed Income class, Lisa demonstrated incomparable diligence, analytical skills
and an ability to think on her feet. The class tends to be particularly challenging because a major portion of
the grade is based on class presentations. For each class meeting, students were asked to research a
series of bonds and to select the one most likely to achieve a specific financial goal. On any given day,
students were randomly selected to defend their choices in class. Lisa was an excellent researcher who
understood how to apply basic information to specific scenarios. More impressively, she handled difficult
(sometimes hostile) questions from her fellow students with grace and confidence. Even when her choice
deviated from the "correct" answer, Lisa demonstrated excellent reasoning skills in selecting and defending
her choice. She consistently maintained her poise and sense of humor while other students were reduced
to tears.
Lisa also demonstrated an insatiable appetite for learning. She attended my review sessions before each

exam and asked intelligent, thought-provoking questions. Lisa is a quick learner who is eager to apply her
skills in practical situations. For two summers, she worked as the coordinator for the six-week executive
program at the Kellogg Graduate School of Business Administration. In addition to planning many academic
and social events, Lisa served as a liaison with the international executives who attended the program.
Throughout both busy summers, she was a gracious hostess who helped students overcome their initial
cultural shock. By the end of the six-week course, Lisa had formed several close friendships with leaders
across the globe.
On a personal level, I find Lisa to be a delightful, extroverted young woman who is sensitive to the needs of
others. Despite her aggressive schedule, she always found time to pursue volunteer activities and to be a
leader in her sorority. On one occasion, Lisa invited me to the Sigma Zeta house for an informal "Professor
Dinner," which enabled us to develop a social relationship. I later discovered that Lisa took the initiative to
revamp the mentoring program in the department of business. Under her direction, entering students were
matched with senior business majors at the university. Lisa also organized the business school orientation
day and held events throughout the year to strengthen the mentor/mentee relationships.
I am delighted by Lisa's decision to enter business school. With her considerable skills in finance and
management, she will bring a healthy balance of quantitative and interpersonal strengths to the program. In
my 20-yr career as an educator, I have trained thousands of students with high aspirations for a financial
career. I would easily rank Lisa Stone in the top 10% of that group. In all endeavors, she demonstrates
intelligence, poise and judgement beyond her youth and experience. Her vibrance and tenacity will be an
asset to your program.
Our Assessment: This is a terrific endorsement from a noted professor at a top business school. The power
of the letter is that it captures Lisa's strengths inside and outside the classroom in a concise yet specific
manner. Her ability to give coherent presentations under challenging conditions was particularly impressive.

3. From Professor
I am pleased to write this recommendation on behalf of Layla Bell, who was a student in the finance program
at Northwestern University between 1998 - 2002. I taught her in two classes and also served as interim
department head for the duration of her undergraduate program. During that time, I watched Layla mature
into a poised and accomplished young woman with excellent work habits and superior interpersonal skills.
She remains one of my favorite students.
During her senior project in finance, Layla developed excellent leadership skills when her project team
started and managed an investment club in a local retirement community. Layla's job was to recruit the
participants and explain the risk/reward profile of various investment options. To my delight, Layla did an
exceptional job explaining the different stock sectors to 36 novice investors. She patiently answered
questions, discussed brokerage house options and taught the participants to research their picks on the
Internet. The group not only made money; they had great fun. Throughout the semester, I watched Layla
become more confident in her ability to manage a challenging project. The investment club was an
unqualified success, largely because of her dedication.
Among her many service activities, Layla was a coach of the junior track team and a member of the senior
cross-country team. She also took part in the Mentoring Program by helping entering freshman navigate
their way through their first year of college. In 2001, Layla spearheaded the Mentoring Program's highly
successful holiday fund-raising gala, which raised over $25,000 in scholarship money for underprivileged
students. In acknowledgement of her efforts, Layla was subsequently named Volunteer of the Year on
As a literature buff, I am especially impressed by Layla's passion for the arts. In addition to her academic
success in our rigorous finance program, she is also a talented vocalist with strong ties to community
theatre. In late 2000, while performing in "The Marriage of Figaro, " Layla became fascinated by the short
story upon which the opera was based. We enjoyed several after-class discussions about the work, whose
meaning is often debated by seasoned literary critics. Layla became intrigued by the work's subtleties,
noting that its interpretation would vary depending on how specific words were translated. Layla read the
original French version of the story and wrote a superb analysis of the compromises inherent in the English
translation. Her essay was flawless, including a logical and insightful analysis. The paper remains a crown
jewel in the English literature department.

Students and faculty often noted Layla's considerable talent, failing to acknowledge how hard she worked to
develop it. Layla is a motivated young woman of numerous talents and considerable self-discipline. She is
fun-loving, likable, enthusiastic and trustworthy. Layla's greatest strength, in my estimation, is her insistence
on developing all aspects of her personality. Whether studying derivative curves, writing an essay or
preparing for an operatic performance, Layla gives each endeavor her full focus and attention. With tenacity
and patience, she has achieved several ambitious goals that few others would have attempted. This
passion and determination are rare and precious gifts.
In over twenty-five years of teaching, I have known few other students with Layla's talent and drive. I feel
quite confident that she will be an asset to both student life and academic excellence at XXXXXXX Business
Our assessment: This letter was written by a well-known professor at Northwestern. It's strength is that the
author clearly knows the applicant well and is favorably impressed by her work. The writer did a great job of
citing specific examples of Layla's financial expertise and community service work. She also documented
the candidate's unusual skills as a vocalist and writer. By citing Layla's tenacity and discipline, she
distinguished her from the hundreds of other applicants with similar academic achievements.

4. Professor
I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation for Valerie Douglas, who I knew for four years as a
student at New York University. As part of her BA degree in Literature, she completed two of my writing
classes and impressed me in a number of ways.
Valerie's talent as a writer is exceeded only by her enthusiasm. In my intermediate fiction class, she became
increasingly excited about the course material as the semester progressed. Although she initially avoided
the science fiction genre, Valerie's final short story, "Eccape from Babylon," was simply brilliant. In addition
to creating likeable characters and a suspenseful plot, Valerie displayed a gift for dialogue, along with a
subtle flair for black comedy. Without her knowledge, I submitted the story to Tremors Digest for publication.
They featured it in their August 2005 issue.
I was delighted when Valerie asked me to be her advisor for her senior literature project. Taking a break
from fiction, she opted to do a survey piece on the effects of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on inner city children.
The paper required extensive research, including several dozen interviews with students and teachers in the
heart of New York City. Rather than scale down her project, Valerie worked nights and weekends to ensure
its timely completion. Throughout the project, Valerie proved to be a good listener and insightful interviewer.
Her final draft captures both the innocence of the children and their vague awareness of how life has
changed since the loss of the World Trade Center.
In the summer of 2004, Valerie participated in my Early Classics Seminar series and demonstrated her
strong analytical, critiquing and writing skills. She wrote three strong papers on topics related to the lives of
classics authors and she collaborated with three of her classmates on a skillfully written "period novella." On
our final day of class, Valerie led a well-prepared and professionally delivered group presentation that
showed her deep knowledge of English literature.
Valerie's strong work ethic, coupled with her meticulous attention to detail, enabled her to produce such high
quality papers. Her ability to work well with others, even under stress, allowed her to excel in group
situations. Her strong performance as leader of the group presentation was a result of rigorous preparation
and her excellent oral communication skills, which allowed her to demonstrate how well she knew her
Throughout her undergraduate career, Valerie consistently demonstrated the following skills, abilities and

Successfully plans and completes long-term projects

Interacts effectively with a wide variety of people
Shows initiative, creativity and persistence
Speaks and writes clearly and persuasively

In summary, I am pleased to recommend Valerie Douglas to you without reservation. If you have any
questions regarding the above, please don't hesitate to call me at 555-555-5555.

Our Assessment: This professor, who was one of Valerie's early mentors, provides a valuable insight into
her achievements in her early years as a published author. The reader learns that Valerie has always been
a passionate writer with a gift for personal narrative. When considered in conjunction with her other
recommendations, which documented her subsequent success in the world of publishing, this letter
confirmed that she has always been a woman of character and ambition.

5. Volunteer / Community Involvement

Alicia Gomez-Cabral was a Peace Corps volunteer in Guana between 1999-2001 in the West African Relief
Division. As the Director of Volunteers for West Africa, I served as her supervisor for her two-year tenure.
Alicia was one of the most productive, caring and effective workers I've had the pleasure of knowing. Prior
to her Peace Corps participation, she obtained her BA in Education and had several years of professional
experience teaching high school English. She brought an abundance of enthusiasm to her role, including
language skills, experience in educational program development and a willingness to teach in an
economically challenged area. Alicia willingly gave up the security of Mission, Kansas to work in the small
village of Girmay.
Alicia's mission was to help establish an effective curriculum in the community's newly established public
school system. Although the building and utilities were adequate, the school lacked teachers with bilingual
skills and experience in teaching older students. They also lacked essential supplies, including books,
blackboards, pens and other essentials that we take for granted in the United States. Alicia's group brought
the essential supplies to the school and trained the staff in how to most efficiently use them.
Alicia's group trained their West African counterparts in new teaching methods for English, math and
reading. Despite the ominous barriers of language, poor hygiene and religious objections, they managed to
disseminate their information and expertise. They were particularly challenged by sexism. Guana still does
not acknowledge the educational rights of women and frowns upon women in leadership roles. Yet Alicia did
everything possible to help her female students: she even held classes at remote sites at odd hours over
the weekends. She encouraged young girls whose families did not support their efforts to become educated
and self-sufficient. Alicia encouraged all of her students to dream of a better life and to work hard to prepare
for it.
Alicia was a wonderful role model to the entire community. Despite being female, Alicia earned the group's
respect and the community's support. Her efforts also yielded impressive quantifiable results: during Alicia's
tenure in Guana, the dropout rate decreased by 46% and the teenage literacy rate increased by 29%. Over
time, the newly-built school enrolled more students and extended its services to children in two neighboring
Alicia was an important part of the group's success. She is also a joy to work with; she is compassionate
and kind and highly sensitive to the needs of her students. Even during times of serious physical illness,
Alicia remained committed to her job. She is a dedicated and persistent woman who will easily handle the
challenges of business school.
Alicia shows great promise for a career in business. She has a knack for organizing information and
presenting it in an understandable way. She is efficient and makes creative use of her resources. Her
language skills and her engaging personality make her a natural leader. Amazingly, she also remains
committed to our international relief efforts. Since leaving the Peace Corps, Alicia has written several
training manuals for the Guana school and has offered creative suggestions for their eventual expansion. As
a volunteer, she ranks among the top 1% of those I have worked with. I recommend her without reservation
for any type of assignment.
Our assessment: In business school admissions, candidates with experience in international relief work
have a strong edge. Their commitment to humanitarian efforts automatically shows many of the
interpersonal skills, intrinsic values and dedication that are required to succeed in global business. This
particular letter does an excellent job of documenting Alicia's Peace Corps work. It also validates her
integrity as a human being. The author is a noted leader whose observations were highly respected by our
committee. He has a reputation for being a demanding boss who expects 110% from his volunteers. Once
again, this is an excellent example of having the right author confirm your strengths in a simple, honest

6. Documenting a Community Enterprise

I have had the pleasure of knowing John Frantonio for the past seven years. We first met in 1997,
when we played together in an evening tennis league in Dallas. At the time, John was a college freshman,
full of enthusiasm and ideas. When he asked for my help in starting a volunteer organization to teach tennis
to inner-city children, I was apprehensive, but impressed by John's conviction. He strongly believed in the
value of the program. In December of 1997, we officially began work on Dallas Style Tennis.
Although John didn't have any business experience, he was determined to make the program
happen. He contacted local businesses to raise funds and to pitch the value of our program. John also
researched neighborhoods in Dallas to determine which ones needed a productive after-school recreational
activity. I often accompanied John to local centers and schools to try to raise awareness for the program.
Although he was young, he didn't sound it. He had a clear voice and an innate persuasiveness. John was
so enthusiastic and well-organized that people trusted him. He convinced several high school kids in more
affluent suburbs to volunteer as instructors in the program.
Fundraising was a huge challenge, as we didn't have money for supplies or expenses. John used
his connections with the Southern Methodist Greek Community to organize fundraising events at SMU. He
started small, with t-shirt sales and cash donations from several fraternities, including his own. He also
organized a tennis tournament at SMU, with all proceeds benefiting Dallas Style Tennis. The event raised
several thousand dollars, which was enough to buy equipment for our first set of classes. I was impressed
by John's persistence in fundraising. He kept going long after I would have given up.
We started our first set of classes in the North Dallas area in the summer of 1998. Over time, we
were able to expand the program to the Southside of Dallas as well. By the fall of 1999, we had over 25
instructors teaching 300+ kids throughout the school year. Our program was a collaborative effort that
required the support of many people. Ultimately, it succeeded through a combination of John's
perseverance and my business direction. John is a fast learner and a good listener. Over the years, he
developed a strong business sense.
John knew that for Dallas Style Tennis to succeed, he would have to show sensitivity to others.
Everything we needed, both time and money, came from the goodness of people's hearts. John did
everything possible to satisfy them. Some contributors were very particular about where we spent every
penny. John tracked and reported all spending and updated people weekly on our expenditures and growth.
He became very efficient with our limited resources. He also formed strong one-on-one relationships with
our benefactors and volunteers. They felt a certain sense of loyalty to us, continuing to donate their money
and services. By 2000, our reputation around Dallas was solid, particularly among those who knew our
volunteers and children. At a fundraising dinner in December of 2000, we raised over $20,000 for the
I moved to California in the fall of 2003 and have remained peripherally involved in the program. By
this time, John had outgrown his need for my direction, and easily kept it going in my absence. Indeed,
Dallas Style Tennis would not exist without him.
In creating and running Dallas Style Tennis, John has already cultivated many leadership attributes;
he is compassionate, dedicated and extremely focused. He has strong motivational and management skills.
He's willing to take calculated risks. John also developed a keen sense for how to manage peoples
expectations while remaining focused on his goals. He seems to instinctively understand how to manage
money and be creative with a limited budget.
As the Vice President of Finance for Oracle Corporation, I interact with hundreds of talented young
managers. John is an outstanding young man, clearly in the top 1% of all MBAs I have known. Since we
first met in 1997, John has matured into a successful professional. I am certain that he will bring the same
tenacity and exuberance to business school that he brought to Dallas Style Tennis. I wholeheartedly
recommend him for admission to your program.
Our assessment: Although he does not identify himself until the final paragraph, this author is a highlyrecognized leader in the technology industry. His willingness to mentor John and endorse him so positively
in a reference letter gave John's essay about the tennis program enhanced credibility. We were also
impressed by what this letter DIDN'T say. Rather than try to editorialize on the candidate's academic fit for

an MBA program, the author restricted his comments to his own interactions with John. As a result, we knew
that this letter wasn't forced or coached, which made its contents even more reliable. Fortunately, John also
submitted strong letters from academic references who validated his academic excellence.

7. Community Involvement (JD / MBA Applicant)

I have known Kayleigh Stone for six years as a volunteer and friend. For the past three years, we have
served as Co-Presidents of the Dallas chapter of Gilda's Club, which offers free services and educational
programs for cancer patients, survivors and their families. Kayleigh's talents as a manager, volunteer and
fundraiser have dramatically enhanced our success at all levels of the organization. I have no doubt that she
will be an exceptional manager and public health advocate following the completion of her MBA program.
Kayleigh's greatest talent is fundraising on behalf of cancer research. Like many volunteers, her inspiration
comes directly from the heart. As a child, Kayleigh lost both of her parents to cancers that have been
strongly linked to specific lifestyle choices. After Kayleigh worked through her grief, she became determined
to learn as possible about cancer. Ultimately, she opted to pursue a career as a public health advocate in
the Dallas community.
Between 2001 and 2004, Kayleigh raised over $6 million for the Dallas chapter of Gildas Club, which funded
an additional wing of our Wyatt Street facility. In addition to our original array of educational and support
services, we can now offer free respite services to all caregivers who are enrolled in our hospice program.
Kayleigh also negotiated a reduced fee for contracting services on our Wyatt Street renovation, which
yielded three rooms for out-of-town guests who cannot afford to pay for lodging. Without Kayleigh's
aggressive fundraising efforts, these improvements would not have been possible.
In late 2004, Kayleigh organized a gala benefit on behalf of Dallas-Fort Worth Oncology Associates, which
offers free and reduced price services to indigent and uninsured patients. She also volunteers at the center,
where she draws blood, conducts lab tests and provides emotional support to chemotherapy patients.
Thanks to her early experiences as a caregiver, Kayleigh understands the challenges that patients endure
on their uneasy road to recovery. She is a kind and compassionate friend to all who enter our doors.
Kayleigh is particularly committed to helping patients who lack health insurance. In her role as a public
health advocate, she has repeatedly lobbied Congress about the alarming statistics concerning uninsured
women, who are significantly more likely to have non-diagnosed cases of breast, lung, colon, uterine and
ovarian cancer. Her goal is to negotiate a cooperative solution between patients, practitioners,
pharmaceutical firms and managed care facilities. With her passion, drive and creativity, she is an excellent
person to tackle the job.
With training in public health administration from Harvard, Kayleigh will be better qualified to draft and
influence legislation on these matters. Within her lifetime, she hopes to champion a more compassionate
health care system, in which the needs of the patients are a higher priority than the financial compensation of
the providers. From my experience, she is the smartest, kindest, most determined woman I know. The size
of her heart is exceeded only by her tenacity to succeed. She is the best that our community has to offer.
Our assessment: This letter documents Kayleigh's amazing ability to channel her energy into a cause as
important as cancer research. The committee was deeply moved by her personal story, along with her
continual commitment to help people who suffer from the same disease. Kayleigh's work as a community
advocate was a great fit for the program in which she eventually enrolled.

8. Volunteer / Teacher / Social Worker

It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I am writing to endorse Grace Everett's application to your
program. For the last 25 years at Southern Methodist University, I have been a psychotherapist and
instructor in the Counseling and Student Development Center, as well as supervisor to many volunteers,
interns and social work students. I hope my perspective will be helpful to you as you evaluate this
exceptional candidate.
My first contact with Grace was during the summer of 1999, when she organized a summer conference

outside of Dallas for troubled teenagers. At the time, Grace was a senior in college, full of enthusiasm for
her first "real job" in social work. During the course of the week, Grace immediately established a strong
rapport with the kids, which set a positive tone for the entire workshop. Her creative ideas for presentations
and activities were inventive and entertaining; they were also astonishingly effective.
With participants from a variety of backgrounds, there was always the possibility of conflict and confrontation.
Many of the students felt intimidated by the large campus atmosphere. While setting limits, Grace managed
to respond consistently with respect and compassion. The experience had a profound effect on the
participants and, because of Grace's exceptional skill and professionalism, she has been invited by many
schools to offer similar workshops
Following her graduation in 2000, Grace subsequently completed both her MA and PhD in Social Work at
SMU. During that time, she has distinguished herself as a conscientious and energetic pioneer in the field of
social and emotional learning. I have enormous respect for her teaching and leadership skills, and have
been pleased to work with her on many occasions.
Two years ago, Grace was invited by Kansas State University's Counseling Center to help develop their first
Peer Counseling program. I was eager to have such an extraordinary teacher help with the training of the
students and the development of the program. Her skills, which were so apparent at SMU, were equally
impressive at Kansas State.
Grace was an eager, enthusiastic teacher who was greatly admired by the K-State students. She led group
discussions and facilitated role-plays with great skill, and also helped in the development of outreach
programs. Grace is particularly gifted at identifying students' needs, encouraging their contributions, and
involving them in the planning process. Her passion for her work was evident, and she became a close friend
and colleague during the project.
Grace has expressed a continued interest in advancing to an administrative position in social services. Thus
far, she has instituted many impressive programs for school children and families, and it has been an honor
to consult with her on some of these projects. I have the greatest admiration for her work and believe that
she will ultimately be a leader in our field.
Your program of study sounds ideally suited to Grace's needs and talents. She will be coming to you with the
qualities of a natural therapist: genuineness, warmth, compassion and integrity. She will also bring her
interest in academic research and program development. Just as important, she will bring her enthusiasm for
learning and teaching, well as a resolute desire to understand new theories and ideas. It is exciting to think
of the ways in which she might contribute to your program.
I urge you to carefully consider Grace who is, quite simply, the most remarkable teacher I have ever met.
Our Assessment: This is an exceptional letter about an exceptional candidate. The author provides a
detailed discussion of Grace's strengths as a student, teacher and advocate. As a result, the committee
understood her motivation for pursuing a JD/MBA at this stage in her career. Furthermore, Grace's goal of
working in the non-profit arena was an excellent fit for her background and skills. Her application was wellperceived.

9. Manager
I am pleased to write a letter on behalf of Carter Wainscott for entrance into your MBA program. I first met
Carter in September of 2000, when I hired him to work for me as a Research Analyst at Expedia Cable, a
full-service marketing research firm for music and entertainment companies. My department's
responsibilities are new product development (researching both the products and the software to analyze the
results) and internal research consulting (sampling methodology and multivariate statistical analysis). As a
senior manager at Expedia Cable, my primary challenge is to find more efficient, cost-effective means of
gathering respondent level data. Since joining the firm as a Senior Research Analyst, and more recently as
Manager of Research and Development, Carter has been a tremendous help in accomplishing this task.
Carter is a creative and original thinker. He has strong native intelligence, great insight about people and
excellent problem solving skills. In myriad competitive situations, he has demonstrated excellent powers of
observation and an ability to recommend change. One of Carter's first projects was to handle the technical
aspects of creating a computer-based survey questionnaire, monitoring the telephone data collection

process, and completing the data processing and analysis of the survey results.
By using a highly creative approach, Carter quickly re-defined our expectations of a good project manager.
He participated in discussions with the client and implemented several changes to the script that shortened
its length and clarified the instructions to respondents. Without prompting, he worked odd hours, observing
and monitoring interviewers and supervisors as they began to field this 3000-person study. Within a few
days, he had further shortened and clarified the script by removing redundancies and by improving the flow
for the interviewers. For his creative approach, he received high praise from both interviewers and the
director of our phone center.
Carter also made several highly constructive suggestions to improve our interviewing process. With no
prodding, he wrote a memo to key managers outlining his proposed change in methodology, with a projected
annual cost reduction of $230,000. He also included several pages of observations about our interviewing
and supervisory staff, noting the characteristics and skills employed by the best interviewers. His
recommendations were well received by senior management, both for the value of the content and the skill
and sensitivity with which he presented his ideas.
In processing the survey results, Carter quickly learned to use several advanced statistical techniques,
including Cluster Analysis and Discriminant Analysis. He further demonstrated his technical and analytical
abilities by helping to create a new model for bidding on new business. In late 2003, Carter helped me
identify the most desirable qualifications of computer programming candidates, and he assisted in their
selection and recruitment. In just a few short months, both new hires have made significant contributions to
the firm.
Carter is an exceptional speaker with an impressive command of English, Spanish and Portuguese. He has
also perfected his writing skills over the past few years. In client meetings, his attentive listening and great
enthusiasm has helped him to propose and implement creative solutions to tough problems. His amiable
personality is also a strong asset; he is confident yet self-deprecating, with dry sense of humor. Carter
quickly formed strong relationships with subordinates, peers, clients and members of our management team.
Managers in other departments frequently seek his advice, particularly for important company initiatives.
In every area of evaluation, Carter Wainscott has exceeded my highest expectations and has outshined
others in his peer-group at Expedia Cable. His efforts were recently rewarded with a promotion to the
position of Manager of Research & Development. I have no doubt that he will be a serious and enthusiastic
student, and a successful alumnus of your school. With formal business training, the sky is the limit for this
young man's professional future.
Our Assessment: This letter provided a comprehensive review of Carter's achievements in a highly
challenging position. The author's comments augmented what Carter had presented in his essays and
confirmed his unusual combination of skills in business, languages and statistics. The committee was
favorably impressed.

10. Manager
Please accept this letter of reference for Veronica Stone, Ph.D., who has applied for admission to your MBA
program. It is my honor to recommend Dr. Stone. I have known her since January 1999, when I became
her administrative supervisor upon my employment at Parrish Medical Center.
Dr. Stone has been a mental health counselor in the eating disorders clinic for five years. During that time,
she has demonstrated outstanding talents in both the administrative/managerial as well as the clinical
aspects of the profession. She has consequently earned a reputation as a superb manager of the mental
health program at this center.
Revealing her administrative strengths, Dr. Stone took the initiative to significantly expand the eating
disorders treatment program (in-patient, day hospital and outpatient). By writing persuasive grant proposals,
she was able to secure the funding to hire three new counselors, who serve over 40 clients each week. As
part of the executive search committee, Dr. Stone demonstrated uncanny skill in the selection of her staff,
who continue to practice successfully at Parrish. I am convinced that their loyalty to our program is at least
partially attributable to Dr. Stone's nurturing management style.
Dr. Stone has also distinguished herself as a superb clinician, demonstrating exemplary competence,

compassion and ethics as a psychologist. In providing a broad spectrum of psychological assessment and
treatment, she has more than proven her ability to lead a large and complex mental health care system.
Dr. Stone also devoted much time to developing an outstanding educational program for the early diagnosis
and treatment of eating disorders in grade school children. She regularly lectures on these topics to other
mental health professionals in the community. Dr. Stone also provides excellent consultations to inpatient
psychiatry and medical-surgical units of this center.
Her commitment to education and teaching is highlighted by her recent development of the Psychology
Internship Program for doctoral candidates in psychology. In this capacity, Dr. Stone developed and
coordinated a seminar curriculum for 45 students from 12 universities. The supplementary services provided
by these interns greatly benefit our patients. In addition, the program affords significant prestige for our
medical center in addition to providing the required training for future licensed psychologists.
Fortunately, Dr. Stone's unique combination of administrative and clinical skills is enhanced by her delightful
and sincere personality. In all situations, Veronica has proven to be a wonderfully friendly, witty, sincere and
caring person. Without exception, I have consistently found her to be sensitive, flexible, respected and
admired by patients, peers, subordinates and superiors alike. She possesses a humility that belies her
intellectual brilliance.
I am deeply impressed by Dr. Stone and recommend her without hesitation. I am confident that, if selected
for your program, she will bring the same level of service and commitment to business that she has brought
to psychology. If you have any questions or wish to speak further about Dr. Stone, please feel free to call
me at 555-555-5555.
Our Assessment: This letter captures the many skills that have enabled this seasoned professional to
advance to the top of her field. Dr. Stone's strengths as a counselor, administrator and communicator were
an excellent match for the top-tier programs to which she applied.

11. Employer: International High Tech Firm

MBA Reference Letter: From Employer
How long have you known the applicant?
I have known Raul Hernandez for over five years.
In what capacity have you known the applicant? Please be specific
I first met Raul in June 1998, when he applied for an internship at IBM in Singapore. As the director of the
telecom division, I was his supervisor for his three-month internship. I quickly discovered that he was a
mature young man who could be counted on for help and support. We were delighted to re-hire Raul for a
permanent position as an Associate in January 1999. During his employment at IBM, I observed Raul
closely as he helped to formulate a strategic vision for the Hardware & IT divisions. Although Raul left IBM
in January 2002, I have kept in close contact with him as a mentor and friend.
What are the applicants most outstanding abilities or characteristics?
Raul's greatest contributions to our group were his analytical skills, interpersonal strengths and superior
communication skills. As a Senior Associate, he initiated new ventures and formulated the expansion
strategy for our division. In 1999, Raul established a sound business case for the establishment of the first
private fiber-optic cable landing system in Thailand and won approval for the USD80-million project from
IBMs Board of Directors. Raul also spearheaded the countrys first private cable landing station. By taking
this initiative, Raul became an expert in the field, mastering everything there was to know about the subject.
Raul also employs meticulous attention to detail and a methodical approach to solving problems. When our
group's hardware division was completing a joint venture in software development, senior management had
already approved the purchase of equipment from a supplier. At the last minute, the vendor announced that
he could not fulfill our order. Under strict time constraints, Raul found a more efficient and cost-effective
manufacturer, which saved the company nearly USD900,000 in equipment costs.

I was particularly impressed by Rauls performance in facilitating a joint-venture transaction between IBM
and a leading hardware supplier in Hong Kong. Using his knowledge of both corporate cultures, Raul sorted
out the differences between the two parties and successfully closed the deal. With Raul's encouragement,
our partners in Hong Kong infused USD110 million within a two-month period. In recognition of this stellar
accomplishment, Raul was the first person in IBM history to be promoted to Senior Associate with less than
five years experience.
Because of Raul's excellent analyses and presentations, the group re-focused on more profitable business
opportunities. He added a new dimension to his presentations by completing a thorough political risk
analysis about a particular country where we aimed to pursue business. When analyzing a situation, he
considered all potential pros and cons, which was one of his most salient strengths.
What are the applicants most noticeable weaknesses?
When Raul first joined the firm, his desire for perfection occasionally caused him to have problems managing
his time. This was not a weakness, but an inherent desire to complete all projects with unquestionable
quality. Although this mindset does not hinder him at this point in his career, Raul will benefit from spending
less time and energy on non-critical projects. I have addressed this issue with Raul, who has learned to refocus his attention to more critical issues. I was particularly impressed by how well Raul handled my
observation and immediately applied it to his advantage.
Please comment on the applicants personal and professional integrity
Raul is an honest man who conducts his transactions with the highest level of integrity and due process. In
both his personal and professional life, Raul always keeps his word.
Please comment on the applicants skills in the following areas:
a. Leadership Ability. Raul is a natural leader who will easily advance to an executive position. Raul
demonstrated his leadership skills when he initiated and developed our fiber optic cable project. Although he
was a junior associate, he quickly emerged as the leader of the group.
b. Ability to work with others. Compared to his peers, Raul has superior interpersonal skills and a
charismatic personality. His excellent upbringing and education allow him to be equally comfortable with
CEOs and lower level workers. Raul was always receptive to new ideas and suggestions, often proactively
seeking advice from his colleagues and superiors.
c. Goal Orientation. Raul is goal-oriented in every aspect of his life. In every situation, he has a clear plan
and a quantifiable objective, which he pursues in the face of any obstacle. In the presence of an unavoidable
hindrance, Raul will find an alternate path rather than deviate from his goal.
e. Confidence. Raul is a very confident young man. On numerous occasions, he has successfully fielded
questions from high-ranking managers with impeccable skill. When a board member asked him where he got
his confidence, Raul replied that he worked hard, received good guidance and the rest came naturally.
f. Oral and Written Communication Skills. Raul is one of the most eloquent speakers I have ever heard.
On more than one occasion, he was selected to prepare programs for BGCs social and philanthropic
events. As a senior associate, he also presented our divisions performance review to the Board of Directors.
Raul's exceptional feasibility studies, reports and business plans were instrumental in attracting investors
and gaining capital for our fiber optic cable project and our software development project. Rauls gift of
communication also allowed him to accompany senior executives on business trips abroad. With his fluency
in several languages, Raul is truly an international citizen.
Summary: In my thirty years of corporate life, I have worked with thousands of talented professionals. I
would easily rank Raul in the top 5% of that group. He is an exceptional individual who will undoubtedly
succeed in whatever endeavor he undertakes. Accordingly, I recommend Raul Hernandez wholeheartedly
for admission to your MBA program.
Our assessment: The strength of this letter is the extensive, well-documented discussion of the candidate's
strengths. By providing third-party verification of Raul's leadership skills, the author highlighted many
interpersonal qualities that the committee would never have heard about any other way. Even small details,
such as Raul's confident response to the board member, contributed to our positive assessment of him.

12. Manager: International Confectionary Company

a) How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?
As the Group Vice President of Marketing for the Godiva Corporation, I provide executive direction
to a firm that distributes gourmet chocolates and confections in the European markets. Since 1973, we have
expanded our business into a leading distributor of 50 prestigious international brands, including Godiva
Gold, which is the only European chocolate that is sold in Saudi Arabia. To achieve such aggressive growth,
we have relied upon the talents of our highly motivated employees, such as Mr. Horatio Wing. I have known
Horatio since March of 2004, when he was promoted to Product Manager in our London office. I have
subsequently spoken to Mr. Wing several times at regional meetings and have observed his presentations
and conferences. He is unquestionably one of the brightest and most talented managers we have ever
b) How do you assess the applicants leadership potential and integrity?
Horatio's promotion into management left him directly accountable for all aspects of several
confectionary brands, include a newly launched line of gourmet truffles in Rome. At the time, it had been
over ten years since Godiva tried to enter the Italian market. Accordingly, Horatio faced many challenges to
assess the market potential and launch a new brand. Thankfully, he proved to be fully capable of meeting
the challenge. Within a matter of months, the brand's sales in Italy had greatly eclipsed those in the other
seven countries in which it is distributed. For the first time in history, Italy was the best performer in our
group, contributing over 38% of the brand's total sales. I credit these impressive results exclusively to
Horatio's instincts and aggressiveness.
Succeeding in the highly competitive gourmet food market requires a rare combination of creativity,
dedication and business acumen. From my observation, Horatio is gifted in all three areas. By nature, he is
a highly creative young man who has a flair for global trends in luxury consumer goods. Horatio is also
curious and diligent enough to research areas in which he is not familiar. When faced with an obstacle,
Horatio will find a creative solution, rather than adjust his goal. He constantly impresses his superiors by
achieving goals that were supposedly "impossible" to attain. Most importantly, by facing new challenges with
optimism and enthusiasm, Horatio has brought a much-needed boost in energy to our London office. His
exceptional performance has increased the standard of excellence for other Godiva employees.
c) Based on your experience with this applicant, please describe his/her level of enthusiasm/energy.
Please provide some examples.
In September of 2005, I had the pleasure of working directly with Horatio at our regional sales
meeting in London. As part of the activities, Horatio made a presentation to the executives from Harrod's
Department Stores, which licenses several of the brands that we distribute. Horatio amazed everyone in the
room by communicating the brand's achievements and sales figures in an energetic and imaginative way.
Each part of the launch event, including the promotional activities, animation and merchandizing, was
tailored to emphasize Harrod's high-end concept value. Although Horatio was the least experienced person
in the room, he outshined several of his colleagues. His amazing ability to exceed our clients' expectations
has greatly enhanced our long-term relationships with them.
d) Please assess this candidates ability to work effectively in teams.
Horatio thrives in group situations and works well on project teams. He has a strong intellectual
curiosity and always wants to learn new things. During the launch of gournet truffles in Prague, Horatio was
a key contributor to all group discussions. He listened to the needs of each group and formulated a solution
that met their needs. On several occasions, he participated in brainstorming sessions to identify a solution
to a transportation issue in Spain, which had damaged nearly a ton of liquid caramel. When necessary,
Horatio used his persuasive skills to "sell" these solutions to senior managers. For these reasons, there is
no doubt in my mind that Horatio will be well prepared for all class discussions, both as a listener and as an
active participant.
e) The case method requires the student to work closely with five other members of an assigned
learning team and to take an active and responsible part in daily class discussions in a class of 60
students. How well has the applicant demonstrated the ability and willingness to engage in
thoughtful and assertive oral give and take in such a situation? (Cite examples in support of this

evaluation.) :
Please see b), c) and d) above. Horatio has much to offer his future learning team, both as a contributor and
as a listener. You will be lucky to have him.
f) In what areas does the applicant need the most improvement?
Although Horatio does not have formal business training, he is experienced in the preparation of
financial statements, budget projections and marketing analyses. He is also honest, personable and fully
committed to adding value to our corporation. Horatio's only weakness is his tendency to play down his
accomplishments, which can initially appear to be a lack of confidence. As I have gotten to know him,
however, I have realized that Horatio's humble nature is simply part of his gracious personality. In every
respect, he embodies the spirit of teamwork that I have tried to instill at Godiva.
g) Additional Comments :
Horatio is not only an effective and ambitious professional, but a well-rounded person with many
interests outside the office. Whenever possible, he encourages others to join the fun. When several of our
colleagues were in town from Montreal, Horatio organized several softball games between our two groups.
The outings were a terrific ice-breaking exercises. On another occasion, Horatio suggested that several coworkers join him at the health club. In addition to its obvious health benefits, the experience was great fun
for everyone who participated.
Perhaps the most important thing to know about Horatio is that he is a good person who is
committed to adding value to whatever organization he joins. On a daily basis, he uses his position to learn
as much as possible about Godiva and the markets we serve. With formal business training, there is no limit
to what this talented young man can achieve.

I am currently accountable for 600 employees in 8 regional branches (London, Paris,

Dublin, Rome, Geneva, Madrid, Amsterdam and Prague). Without a doubt, Horatio Wing is one
of our most talented and dynamic managers. I recommend him for your program with the highest
enthusiasm. Please contact me if you require further details about Horatio's tenure at Godiva. I
can be reached at [email protected].
Our assessment: In many cases, candidates are unable to get letters from their direct supervisors for a
variety of political reasons. This letter, which was written by a VP in a completely different department,
presented exactly the information the committee needed to see. As always, the strength of this letter is the
extensive, well-documented discussion of Horatio's strengths. By providing third-party verification of
Horatio's organizational, planning and interpersonal skills, the author highlighted many achievements that
the committee would never have heard about any other way. Horatio's ability to handle the presentation to
Harrod's with minimal supervision contributed to our positive assessment of him.

13. Customer / Client / Peer

I am honored to write a letter of recommendation to support Juan Miguel's application to business school. I
first met Juan during a recruiting event in the spring of 2000. As a software engineer for Texas Instruments
(TI), I was impressed by his ability to speak fluently on many areas of processor design, which is unusual in
recent graduates. With his gracious personality and high energy level, Juan was being courted by several
competitive firms, yet I was determined to get him on board. When he accepted our offer to join TI, Juan
assured me that I would not be disappointed in his performance. Indeed, during the two years that I worked
with him, Juan exceeded my highest expectations.
Juan's greatest strengths are his creativity, initiative and interpersonal skills:
1. Creativity. Juan is one of the most innovative engineers I know. He constantly improvised when he
wrote scripts, which made life easier for the team. In troublesome situations, he inevitably knew the simplest
way to fix design flaws. After just one year on the team, Juan revamped all of our XXXX designs so they
would be compatible with XXXX hardware. After I mentioned the importance of patents as a defensive and
offensive corporate tool, he acquired two patents that were highly praised by the design community.

2. Initiative. From his first days with the firm, Juan demonstrated a remarkable focus and dedication. He
completed multifaceted projects within strict deadlines, regardless of the circumstances. In our department,
many projects came to us on an urgent basis, which challenged our ability to manage our time. Juan always
completed his assignments, including those that were submitted at the last minute. Juan was always eager
to accept extra work, including assignments that required him to work nights and weekends. His high energy
level and can-do attitude were impressive to our clients and senior managers.
Juans ability to take initiative set him apart from the rest of the group. As our project wound down, he
jumped onto the many outstanding tasks, often leading six different initiatives. Whenever the group's energy
levels sagged, Juan rallied the team and encouraged them to rise to the occasion. During the downtime
between projects, Juan initiated a study group to exchange technical ideas. The group's informal meetings
helped the team keep abreast of the latest design methodologies to maintain an intellectual edge over other
3. Interpersonal Skills. When Juan took over the XXXX design, he demonstrated his talent for leadership.
The design was the first of its kind at TI and required Juan to interact with many different groups. Due to the
nature of the work, the job also required him to maintain a tight relationship with his peers at Macintosh. I
picked Juan for the assignment because I knew that he could handle the challenging schedule. With his
combination of quantitative, analytical and people skills, Juan was the only logical choice for the job.
a. Team Leadership. Amazingly, Juan championed the XXXX design project without stepping on the toes
of the senior designers at Macintosh. He also quickly established a great rapport with Macintoshs process
engineers. During impromptu meetings, Juan demonstrated his mental agility, recalling every aspect of the
design, testing, verification and process. Throughout the project, group members knew that they could count
on direction from Juan on every aspect of the design.
With his exceptional planning and organizational skills, Juan finished over a month ahead of schedule. He
soon became the focal point for all the XXXX-related activities, supervising two other follow-up projects.
b. Interviewing skills. About six months into his tenure at TI, I invited Juan to interview new job
candidates. His objective and systematic interviewing technique showed tremendous insight into our hiring
process. By limiting himself to one line of questioning, Juan focused on the candidates thought process,
rather than the rightness of their answers. By maintaining an 80%/20% split between short answer and
open-ended questions, Juan gained an excellent perspective of a candidate's breadth and depth. As a
result, his hiring recommendations were flawless.
c. Maintaining friendships. Juan is a kind and honest man who gets along well with others. From his first
day with the company, he formed strong relationships with subordinates, peers, clients and members of our
management team. Managers in other departments frequently seek Juan's advice, particularly for technical
initiatives. By sharing ideas with his peers and mentoring the new arrivals in the group, Juan has developed
an excellent reputation as a technical resource and a team player. He also makes the effort to continue
friendships after a project's conclusion. When our group was split after a reorganization, Juan maintained
contact with his team members and organized lunch gatherings to keep in touch.
d. Diffusing stressful situations. Juan treated all of his colleagues with dignity and respect, regardless of
their title or stature. On one particular occasion, he worked with a senior designer who resisted sharing
information. After awhile, the man's attitude stalled the progress of the work and threatened Juan's deadline.
Despite his frustration, Juan kept his composure and encouraged the other senior designer to open up to
him. Juan instinctively understood the other man's insecurities and resistance to dealing with a junior
colleague. Slowly and surely, Juan won his confidence with a combination of technical skill and subtle ego
management. I was impressed by his ability to read the situation correctly and to make the appropriate
adjustments to resolve it favorably.
e. Demonstrating humor. It a fast-paced industry like ours, tight deadlines often left team members
feeling stressed. Fortunately, Juan always saw the humor in such situations and didn't hesitate to diffuse
negative feelings in the office. An incredibly good sport, he was the first person to laugh at himself when he
made a mistake, a slip of the tongue or other unintentional gaffe. By keeping us laughing, Juan showed a
human side of himself, which was a refreshing contrast to his normally serious demeanor.
f. Ethics. Juan willingly shared the credit for his accomplishments with his teammates, naming them as coauthors on his two patents. From my observation, he was honest and forthright in all of his endeavors.
In comparison to his peer group:
In my nine-year career in technical management, both at Texas Instruments and Sun Microsystems, I have

worked with over two hundreds scientists and engineers, including several with doctoral degrees. Juan is by
far one of the most impressive employees with whom I have worked. By nature, he a creative and original
thinker. In addition, Juan has strong native intelligence, great insight about people and excellent problem
solving skills. In diverse competitive situations, he has demonstrated excellent powers of observation and
an ability to recommend change.
Management Potential:
Juan has solid potential for senior management in the technology industry. With his combination of technical
and interpersonal strengths, I am certain he will succeed in whatever endeavor he chooses.
After hearing one of Juan's technical presentations, I suggested that he improve his communication skills.
Although his presentations were technically complete, he lacked a professional style. Within a few weeks,
he joined the Toastmasters group to improve his skills. Juan is now a confident and eloquent speaker.
Juan's only other weakness is a lack of assertiveness in difficult situations. Not wanting to rock the boat,
Juan tends to shy away from confrontation and consequently comes off as less forceful than he should.
Over the past year, he has made a concerted effort to be more assertive.
You will not find a more talented or qualified candidate than Juan. I wish him the best in his career and
support him wholeheartedly in his attempt to secure a business education. Should you have any additional
questions about his candidacy, please contact me.
Our assessment: The strength of this letter is in the details. Every point is supported by a concrete
example that puts the observation into its proper context. This letter also provides an eloquent discussion of
the candidate's ability to overcome his weaknesses. The reader walks away impressed by Juan's insight
and tenacity.

14. Customer / Client / Peer

Sanjay Patel has worked with me for the past three years as Director of Placement for Information
Technology & Engineering. I am honored to write a letter to support his application for an MBA program.
I met Sanjay nearly four years ago through a mutual friend who knew of his success in corporate sales.
When Sanjay expressed an interest in starting his own placement firm for information technology specialists,
I offered him a position within my firm, Grayson & Associates. Sanjay assumed full responsibility for
establishing the new division in return for a share of its profits. The deal was the ultimate win/win; I received
the benefit of Sanjay's contacts and expertise in the white hot technology area, while Sanjay received the
benefit of doing business under the Grayson & Associates umbrella, including access to our established
Fortune 100 client base.
Throughout the past three years, Sanjay's division has exceeded my highest expectations. He hit the
ground running, making valuable contacts in my existing client firms. With his knowledge and expertise in
IT, he brought strong credibility to both sides of the recruitment process. Sanjay built a solid revenue base in
his first year, in addition to assuming the financial operations of his division. He worked tirelessly to
implement the plan he originally envisioned, refusing to settle for anything less than a world-class presence.
Sanjay's primary strengths are his engaging personality and his willingness to go the extra yard to meet a
client's needs. He listens patiently to both clients and job seekers, asking insightful questions to pick up
subtle nuances that many other recruiters would miss. His relaxed professional style commands respect
without being off-putting. People who meet Sanjay invariably enjoy his quick wit and dedication.
On several occasions, Sanjay has used his contacts in India to help me fill positions in other industries. He
exhibits the same efficiency and professionalism overseas as he does in the United States. On a recent trip
to India to recruit language specialists, Sanjay served as our intermediary with job candidates, employers, ad
agencies and government officials. He smoothed over piles of documents and red tape to ensure several
successful placements. We could not have closed the lucrative deals without him.

Sanjay shows great promise for a career in business; his persistence, bilingual skills and engaging
personality make him a natural leader. Unlike many of his peers in sales, Sanjay has a strong intellectual
curiosity and is driven to expand his knowledge base. He isn't satisfied to rest on his laurels. Whatever
career path he chooses, I'm certain that Sanjay will bring the same tenacity and passion that he brings to
Grayson & Associates. I recommend him without reservation.
Our Assessment: This letter is brief, but highly effective. The author documented many of Sanjay's
strengths and shed new light on the achievements that he wrote about in his admissions essays. The
committee was highly impressed by Sanjay's ability to succeed in such a highly competitive field.

15. Peer: Entertainment Industry

For the past three years, Samantha Justin has worked with me as a graphic artist in the feature film division
at Columbia Pictures. After observing her diligence, intelligence and solid work ethic, I recommend her
without qualification for the Harvard MBA program.
While working on the three Harry Potter movies, Samantha and I frequently put together creative
presentations, in which we described and outlined the artistic approach to the project, including myriad
illustrations and photographic reference materials. Samantha's creativity, resourcefulness and ability to see
a project through really made these presentations distinctive and successful.
When we went into production on the first Potter movie, Samantha observed every step of the process,
working with people in all areas of production, from the ideation stage through the eventual release of the
film. During this time, she was an effective communicator, often serving as the liaison with scattered
members of the crew. She also coordinated projects involving international crew members on location
shoots, showing an outstanding ability to work collaboratively while guiding the project quickly and
One particular challenge earned her a promotion to Senior Graphic Artist. At the very last moment, we
discovered that we needed to re-conceive several action sequences that had already been storyboarded. It
was after midnight and we had to refigure the scenes for an expensive 8 am shoot. Samantha quickly found
a new storyboard artist and worked with him throughout the night on several potential drafts. At 5 am, she
ran the most promising scenarios by the stunt coordinator and the cinematographer to make sure that the
new sequences worked. Then, she communicated the new plans with crew members from all departments,
making sure that everyone was up-to-date on the relevant changes. At 7 am, after a long, sleepless night,
she even jumped in to draw a few last-minute storyboard changes herself.
Samantha's sensitivity, diligence, energy and sense of humor made working with her a joy. I'm hard pressed
to remember a situation in which I did not learn something from her about how to do my job better. She has
been an exceptional worker, role model and friend.
With her amazing creativity, Samantha will do well as a senior manager in this business, evaluating
properties and determining their optimal creative vision. She certainly has paid her dues in all aspects of the
production process, mastering her skills in writing, photography, storyboarding and editing. Following her
MBA, she will be well positioned to return to a major studio and pursue a position on a senior management
track. I, for one, will be the first person to try to work for her!
Please let me know if you need any additional information.
Our Assessment: This author did an exceptional job of showcasing Samantha's accomplishments in an
entry-level job. The anecdote about her overnight conception of the storyboards was particularly impressive.
Although this author does not have an MBA, she clearly understands the benefit of one in the entertainment
industry. Her paragraph on Samantha's goals was concise and insightful.

16. Peer: Insurance Industry

a) How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?
I have known James McGovern for nearly four years, since he came to work at Allstate Insurance. I am his
colleague in the Risk Assessment Department, where I manage a group of three people who are responsible
for all aspects of risk assessment for our commercial and residential customers. James's primary role is to
analyze potential risks in the homeowner's market in different U.S. cities and make appropriate
recommendations for the coverages that our clients should have. James is one of my key people, whom I
rely upon for support in all aspects of our work.
b) How do you assess the applicants leadership potential and integrity?
James is a natural leader who automatically takes charge of situations and inspires others to follow him. In
addition to his regular duties, he frequently champions projects to the improve performance at our company.
Several months ago, when we faced a staggering liability from the claims relating to Hurricane Katrina,
James integrated all of our New Orleans customers into our central database for rapid expedition. Without
his leadership, the project would have remained on the back burner and not been completed in a timely
James clearly has the potential to advance to a position in senior management. He not only understands
how the insurance industry works, but has the appropriate "street smarts" to appreciate what goes on behind
the scenes. James is always eager to learn more about the industry. He has a vibrant interest not just in
insurance and risk assessment, but in the world around him. With his background in the humanities, he
adds considerable value to any lunchtime discussion on world issues. As an employee of an international
insurance company, his knowledge and appreciation of other cultures dramatically enhances his
relationships with his clients and colleagues.
c) Based on your experience with this applicant, please describe his/her level of enthusiasm/energy.
Please provide some examples.
With his high energy level, James accomplishes far more than many of his peers. He easily juggles multiple
priorities and has never missed a deadline for a project. Whenever possible, James takes the initiative to
create challenging projects for himself. These endeavors are invariably successful, which bring positive
attention to the entire department. I am proud of his contribution to Allstate and have learned a tremendous
amount from him in the years that we have worked together.
On his own initiative, James championed the following projects:
1) Allstate's most important and costly project in the last 20 years was replacing our outdated computer
system with one that is designed to capture all of the information that is needed for risk and regulatory
reporting for the entire U.S. market. James was in charge of testing the system on a rigid two-month
deadline. With management pushing hard for the project's completion, James faced the challenge of
completing four months of work in half the time. To everyone's delight, he worked nights and weekends to
replace the system in just five weeks. Management was ecstatic with the final product, which exceeded their
highest expectations.
2) For several weeks in early 2006, James managed the group in my absence. He inspired his peers to do
an excellent job, while simultaneously leading several challenging projects. Senior managers noted his
exceptional performance, which acknowledges his flair for managing people.
3) Since late 2004, James has been responsible for making sure that Allstate adheres to the rigid
requirements of the Patriot Act to "know our customers." In this capacity, he interacts with all sales
managers that bring in new business. Before a new commercial or residential policy can be written, James
must ensure that the owners of the property have no financial connections to known terrorist groups. His
vigilance in this matter has prevented the firm from conducting business that could place us in a precarious
legal situation.
A key observer of people, James possesses the emotional intelligence to thrive in such a diverse, fast-paced
environment. His success on several key projects is a testament to his ability to recognize and seize an
d) Please assess this candidates ability to work effectively in teams.
James gets along well with people at all levels of the organization. He is appreciative of cultural differences

and has the skills to build solid project teams. James participates actively in meetings, focusing on the facts
and offering suggestions that show an amazing ability to read between the lines. Over the years, I have
received overwhelmingly positive feedback from every unit in which James has done business.
One of James's greatest strengths is his dependability in a crisis. Regardless of his competing priorities, he
is always willing to help his team members when they have a problem. Thanks to his effectiveness in
dozens of stressful situations, I know that I can always count on him to perform difficult tasks under
seemingly impossible circumstances.
e) The case method requires the student to work closely with five other members of an assigned
learning team and to take an active and responsible part in daily class discussions in a class of 60
students. How well has the applicant demonstrated the ability and willingness to engage in
thoughtful and assertive oral give and take in such a situation? (Cite examples in support of this
evaluation.) :
James has excellent interpersonal skills and thrives in group situations. When necessary, he will stand up
for what he believes in and will champion a worthy cause. On several occasions, James met resistance from
associates who did not wish to adhere to the requirements of the Patriot Act. Regardless of their arguments,
James held his ground and insisted that all underwriters adhere to the Federal requirements. In all cases,
James diffused these tense situations with calmness and respect.
f) In what areas does the applicant need the most improvement?
James should obtain an MBA to qualify for a more challenging position. He will also benefit from classes in
management, which will help him to handle the challenges of balancing multiple priorities. Over the years, I
have been amazed by his ability to build a project team from scratch to complete several challenging
objectives. With formal training in business, James will inevitably be able to accomplish more.
Additional Comments :
James is ready to advance his career to the next level. His four years of work experience have given him
the maturity and perspective to appreciate what a quality MBA program has to offer. With his enthusiasm
and creativity, I'm sure that James will make a strong contribution to the class.
Our Assessment: The examples given in answer (c) provided exactly the type of documentation that the
committee needed to see. By doing so, the author positioned James as a self-starter with the ability and
willingness to identify and seize opportunities. The committee was impressed by his ability to make the most
of an entry-level job.

17. Explains Time Off from College (JD/MBA Candidate)

As her faculty advisor at Cornell University, I quickly discovered that Melissa Stone was an exceptional
young lady. She has an impressive intellect, unparalleled ambition and a dynamic personality - indeed, she
has become a role model to other students on campus. Yet few of her peers or faculty members know of
the struggle Melissa has endured during the last two years.
With little advance warning, her younger brother Chris died of AIDS in early 2002. Although Melissa's family
had known of his diagnosis, they were emotionally unprepared for his death. At first, Melissa accepted the
news stoically, refusing to acknowledge her own grief. She decided to keep the news private, rather than
share it with the Cornell community. As the lone faculty member to know the circumstances of Chris's death,
I was both honored and shaken. On one hand, I treasured the trust that Melissa had placed in me to share
such personal information. On the other hand, I questioned whether I could provide adequate support to her
during such a devastating time.
Amazingly, Melissa completed the spring semester with a 3.8 GPA and promised to return in the fall. Over
the summer, however, she decided to delay her return for a full year in order to process her grief. Melissa's
motivation was anything but self-indulgent; within a month of Chris's death, she joined a program at her
local hospice designed to promote AIDS awareness in the community. During her year off from Cornell,
Melissa presented over one hundred seminars on AIDS prevention to local schools, women's groups and
clinics across New York City.

Upon her return to Cornell in the fall of 2003, Melissa continued to teach classes and train new participants
in the AIDS awareness program. During the past year, she has been a visible advocate for AIDS prevention
and remains a popular speaker in the NYC area. To my delight, Melissa's year off gave her an increased
appreciation of life and its wondrous opportunities. In that spirit, she re-directed her professional goals to an
entirely new area. Before her brother's death, Melissa was on track for a career in elementary education.
After her return to Cornell, she committed herself to a business career, with an eye toward public service.
Throughout the experience, I have been particularly impressed by Melissa's concern for those around her.
Instead of thinking of herself, she worried about her parents and how Chris's death affected them. During
her year off from school, she felt guilty about abandoning her roommate and her part-time job on campus.
She even provided a "good ear" to AIDS patients at the hospice. When I visited her, she introduced me to
several patients who were taking experimental drugs for HIV. Melissa knew everyone's story by heart.
During a very difficult time, she had a strong faith in God and genuine concern for the well-being of others.
She confirmed in her heart that advocacy should be her life's work.
During her year's absence from campus, Melissa became well acquainted with several AIDS advocates in
New York City. She was horrified by the shabby treatment that many patients received, either because of
insurance restrictions or the stigma of their illness. She is committed to fighting their cause. In many ways,
her commitment is a way to honor Chris's legacy, by giving a voice to patients whose needs are unfulfilled. I
have no doubt that she will tackle business school with the same style and grace that she brings to
everything else.
As you peruse Melissa's business school application, you will see her grades and GMAT scores, her
numerous awards and accolades, but nothing about her greatest accomplishment of all; she handled
profound grief with quiet dignity and uncommon grace. I desperately wanted to relate this episode, as it
characterizes what this remarkable young lady is all about.
As she graduates from Cornell, I am incredibly sad to see Melissa go, but I am certain that she is destined to
achieve great things. She is smart, dedicated and hard-working. She is kind, determined and strong. She
is selfless and outwardly directed. Under volatile circumstances, Melissa keeps her head and finds a
workable solution. She is everything a business school could possibly desire. Grab her while you can!
Our assessment: This letter captured the human aspects of the candidate in a highly articulate way. In
addition to documenting Melissa's academic record, the letter also provides a valid explanation for her time
off from school. By discussing Melissa's volunteer work on behalf of AIDS, the author conveyed the young
woman's exemplary character and dedication. The committee had a greater understanding of who Melissa
was and what she hoped to accomplish in the future.

18. Explains Time Off (International Relocation)

For the past four years, Ana Giron has worked as an investigative reporter at WKBW television, where I am
the Station Manager. With her background as a legal assistant, Ana carved out a niche doing monthly legal
segments on dealing with landlords, noisy neighbors, botched home repairs and appliances that turned out
to be "lemons." Ana was not only the reporter, but the executive producer, for the pieces. She visited the
businesses, conducted interviews and determined the appropriate focus for the stories. If justified, she also
reported the incident to the appropriate regulatory agency (the police or state attorney's office) for further
investigation. Thanks to audience demand, our segments quickly became weekly, rather than monthly,
Ana is a hard-working journalist with fine investigative techniques. She never accepts information at face
value, preferring to validate every source independently. By far, her best work has been on the legal
segments. During the past year, Ana aired an investigative series on "bad" doctors in Dallas, exposing the
sneaky and underhanded techniques that physicians use to hide their legal problems in other states to gain
licensure in Texas. She reported several sad cases in which patients died after being treated by these
incompetent physicians. In a related career highlight, Ana and WKBW were awarded the 2005 Emmy for
outstanding investigative reporting for her efforts.
Long after the piece was finished, Ana continued to help several of the people she had befriended. She
helped survivors pay for funeral costs and arranged for free mental health counseling. On her own time and
initiative, Ana held fundraisers to help several families find better treatment at accredited facilities. She

continues to visit several patients in Irving, who consider her their "angel." Even now, Ana has never sought
to publicize her efforts, preferring to be a silent benefactor.
Ana's success is particularly impressive considering she has only been in the United States for five years.
She moved to Los Angeles from Brazil in 1999, not knowing a word of English. With aggressive studying,
she became fluent enough to work on-air within one year. I have never regretted giving her the opportunity.
She has an excellent rapport with people of all races, cultures and socioeconomic groups, which greatly
enhances her investigations. Viewers accept Ana as someone who will keep their community safe. With her
tenacious commitment to the truth, Ana is a natural for any type of investigative work.
My reaction to Ana's request to write this letter is bittersweet, as her acceptance to business school will
temporarily derail her career as a newsperson. Although I hate to lose one of my best people, I
acknowledge her desire to take her life in a new direction. Ana's combination of professional and
interpersonal talents are rare in this industry; she understands the news and is emotionally connected to the
public and their needs. She is also exceptionally self-aware, particularly regarding her own strengths. I'm
not certain what Ana's future holds, but I'm certain she will bring the same tenacity, exuberance and passion
to business school that she brings to journalism. For someone with Ana's gifts, the sky is the limit.
Our assessment: In a short space, this author documented Ana's professional strengths, including her
considerable achievements as a news reporter. He also highlighted her skills as an investigator who is fluent
in several languages. By citing Ana's devotion to her community, he gave her application a tangible boost.

19. Explains Time Off (For Health Reasons)

For the past 10 years, Samantha Stone has worked tirelessly for Great Beginnings, a non-profit resource
center for new mothers in the Modesto area. Beginning in late 1994, Samantha was one of the first high
school students to volunteer for us. In the subsequent ten years, she has been a tireless promoter of our
organization in the tri-state area. After graduating from Stanford University in 2002, Samantha became our
Assistant Director of Community Services, a highly visible position in the Oakland community. As expected,
she handles her myriad duties with maturity and confidence.
Looking back, I can't imagine that Great Beginnings would have taken off, much less thrived, without
Samantha's dedication and commitment. Over the years, she has eagerly accepted every challenge we
presented to her, including seemingly impossible ones. At age sixteen, she conducted cold calls to solicit
donations from local businesses. On her own time, she scouted garage sales and flea markets for
inexpensive baby furniture to give to our clients. When our grand opening was delayed for several days
because of computer problems, she arranged for a local college student to fix the glitch at zero cost.
Needless to say, Samantha quickly became the woman to see for a quick resolution to a million thorny
Two of Samantha's salient strengths are her sensitivity and commitment to follow through. On more than
one occasion, I watched her listen to our client's problems and propose a viable solution. Several of our
most popular services, including well-baby care and Mommy & Me play dates, are a direct result of
Samantha's suggestions. Fortunately, her commitment doesn't stop at the idea stage. Samantha is willing
to do whatever is necessary to bring a needed service to the community, even if it means starting from
scratch. No job is too big or too hard for her. To my delight, Samantha takes every opportunity to make
Great Beginnings a better, broader, more accessible resource, regardless of the time and energy that are
In early 2004, Samantha faced a formidable challenge when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. After
our initial shock, we feared that the disease might end (or at least diminish) her ability to work for our group.
Amazingly, Samantha's illness seemed to enhance her commitment as a volunteer, and she returned to
Great Beginnings after a one-year leave of absence. As she recovered from her illness, Samantha came to
grips with two profound revelations; (1) that breast cancer awareness must be a cornerstone of our services,
and (2) that she wanted to champion women's health issues in the community.
For the past two years, Samantha has prepared diligently to create a breast cancer awareness program for
Great Beginnings. Last August, she negotiated a free mammogram program with Modesto Community
Hospital during National Breast Cancer Awareness Week. She also developed an hour-long educational
seminar that she presents at local high schools, colleges and women's groups. With her delightful, outgoing
personality, Samantha is extremely effective at communicating the risks of the disease and the need for

preventive examinations. She easily connects with the audience and spurs them to action.
Perhaps Samantha's greatest strengths are her kindness and concern for others, which will undoubtedly
serve her well in the future. I'm convinced that she has made such a great contribution to our group
because people like her and trust her. They sense her enthusiasm for our cause and want to join in the fun.
I can easily envision Samantha running a non-profit organization that provides quality health care to women
in an underserved, low income area. Based on her performance at Great Beginnings, I can't imagine
anyone better suited for the job.
Our assessment: This letter documents Samantha's amazing ability to survive a tragedy and find meaning
in her pain. The committee was deeply moved by her personal story, along with her continual commitment
to help other women who suffer from the same disease. Additionally, Samantha's work as a community
advocate was a great fit for the program in which she eventually enrolled.

20. Explains a Delay in Education (Due to Visa Problems)

I am proud to recommend a Olivia Chang for consideration to business school. Olivia is a highly
intelligent, perceptive young woman who came to Princeton to study clinical depression in rural women and
children. The project dovetailed perfectly with her previous research at the University of Beijing, where she
published the landmark 1999 paper on the actual vs. published rates of clinical depression in children.
Although many European universities subsequently offered Olivia graduate support, she chose Princeton
because of our close proximity to the Clark Research Institute in New York City. We were honored to admit
Olivia, as she brought a compelling set of skills as a researcher, interviewer and scientist.
We initially expected Olivia to join our program in Fall, 2001, but her plans were unexpectedly
altered by the 9/11 terrorist attacks. With no advance warning, the U.S. State Department declined to issue
student visas to candidates from 96 countries, including China. To our horror, Olivia's paperwork was tied
up for nearly a year until the U.S. government implemented the appropriate security regulations for student
visas. During that time, we held Olivia's position open, as she was our first choice to receive the Marie
Bettencourt Memorial Fellowship. After the travel ban was lifted, we were delighted to finally have Olivia on
our campus for the Fall, 2002 semester.
In just two years, Olivia has completed an impressive national study on the occurrence of clinical
depression in rural areas. On several occasions, she worked with local women's and children's groups to
develop and implement effective educational programs in local schools. Whenever asked, she would travel
at her own expense to the community and give lectures and training seminars to willing participants. I was
amazed by the amount and quality of data she amassed in such a short period of time.
Olivia will graduate this spring with a Masters degree in Clinical Psychology. She has a perfect 4.0
grade point average, despite her insistence of taking the most demanding courses possible. During her time
at Princeton, Olivia has published six articles in peer-reviewed journals and is completing three other
manuscripts for future review. She has presented her work at four national seminars, including the
prestigious National Psychological Symposium, which honored her as their 2003 Researcher of the Year.
She is, without question, the most dynamic and successful researcher I have worked with in my forty-year
Olivia's interpersonal strengths are particularly impressive. From the moment she arrived, Olivia
grew in learning, in character, in depth of understanding. She seeks truth in every area of her life, whether in
discussing psychology or relating to her fellow students and teachers. Because of her positive disposition
and her reflective way of working, Olivia' s searches always bring her to exciting new discoveries. As an
educator, I have watched her grow, both inside and outside classroom, forming strong bonds with all types of
During her time at our institution, Olivia also demonstrated her skills as a writer and publicist. In
conjunction with her work on mental health education, she wrote the text for several book chapters, along
with informational brochures and packets, letters to parents, potential donors, and alumni and other related
correspondence. The feedback has always been overwhelmingly positive, eliciting numerous financial
contributions and interview requests from the media. Despite her obvious potential for personal promotion,
Olivia perfers to keep the focus on our work. She fields interview questions with ease, crediting the entire
team for our accomplishments.

Olivia is consistent, dedicated, enthusiastic and a pleasure to work with. She has vibrant creative
energy and a refreshing idealism. I highly recommend her for business school, where she can spread her
excitement for public health education. We are expecting big things from Olivia in the years to come. In
whatever endeavor she chooses, Olivia will invariably make a unique and valuable contribution.
Thank you once again for the opportunity to recommend such a special and impressive young
Our assessment: This letter was written by a distinguished professor with an international reputation for his
research on depression. His willingness to endorse Olivia's candidacy with such enthusiasm was a
testament to her skills and character.

21. Employer: Explaining Poor Grades / Low GMAT Score

I am pleased to write a letter of reference to support Sheldon Kolinski's application to business school. I
have known Sheldon for nearly five years in my position as Vice President / Chief Appraiser at the First
Pacific Mortgage Corporation. Since early 1999, Sheldon has worked as an Appraisal Review Consultant
under my supervision.
Professional Experience. Before he came work with us, Sheldon had already acquired several years of
experience in the real estate business. While still in college, he obtained his Real Estate Sales License and
Appraisal Trainee License and worked as an appraiser for a competitive firm. During the height of the
refinancing boom in 2000, Sheldon worked over 50 hours per week, in addition to juggling his full-time
course load at Pepperdine University. At the same time, he also purchased several investment properties in
highly desirable areas for his own portfolio. Impressed by his solid work ethic and knowledge of the industry,
I was eager to have Sheldon on board.
Professional Strengths. As an Appraisal Review Consultant, Sheldon works with our Asset Management
Division on real estate transactions across the United States. On any given day, he might review a luxury
home in Aspen, a condo in Miami and a multi-family unit in Brooklyn. As a result, Sheldon has an excellent
command of the factors that affect a property's value in all markets of the US. Despite the volume and
complexity of the work, Sheldon excels at all aspects of selling, managing and maintaining bank foreclosure
properties. He also reviews files for the REO department to help sell off any bad loans or properties on the
books. By establishing fair market values for the properties, Sheldon helps our sales departments sell our
loans quickly, which improves our cash flow.
Despite our best intentions, problems are inevitable in a high-pressure, rapidly changing business like real
estate. There will always be people, obstacles and unexpected circumstances that stand in the way of
completing a transaction. Fortunately, Sheldon is a creative thinker who knows how to solve problems.
Whatever situation may arise, he keeps a level head, considers all available options, and formulates a plan
to succeed. Tenacious to a fault, Sheldon also has the maturity to stay on a project until it is completed. His
diligence is a tremendous benefit to the firm and will eventually propel Sheldon's career to the next level.
Interpersonal Strengths. Like many industries, the real estate business is primarily about people. Those
who succeed do so by providing impeccable service that caters to their clients' needs. With his amiable
personality, Sheldon excels at the interpersonal aspects of this business. In any given situation, he displays
a gracious confidence that immediately puts people at ease. Although most of his colleagues at First Pacific
are significantly older than Sheldon, he immediately fit it. He is an excellent team player who works well with
clients and colleagues of all races, cultures and socioeconomic groups.
Sheldon, by nature, has an inherent maturity that belies his age. Through a judicious use of dry, selfdeprecating humor, he helps people to relax during tense times and stay focused on the task at hand.
During peak periods, it is not unusual for Sheldon to work sixteen hour days, along with long shifts over the
weekends. Regardless of his competing priorities, Sheldon is always in good spirits and is willing to do his
fair share of the work. Generous to a fault, when Sheldon receives praise, he always insists on sharing the
compliments with others.
Communication & Presentation Skills. Sheldon is a skilled negotiator. As part of his job for First Pacific,
Sheldon helps to sell problem loans to investors. In this process, he defends the value of the loans that we
have originated against outside investors who want to discount the value. One investor was a particularly

tough negotiator who was very rigid in her position. Unfortunately, her reasoning was subjective and not
based on facts or logic; she only took loans that "felt right." For most appraisers, this type of investor is a
nightmare, but Sheldon handled her with ease. As the principle negotiator, he simply refused to back down
from his position. In the end, the investor's company bought most of the loans from First Pacific, including
several that the woman had previously rejected.
Motivation & Initiative. Sheldon is extremely motivated to learn more about the industry, both through
formal classes and discussions with his supervisors. In the spring of 2002, Sheldon upgraded his skills by
receiving his Real Estate Brokers License and Residential Appraisers License. He has also completed
classes to qualify for a Certified Residential License, and is pursuing his MAI-Member Appraisal Institute
designation, which is the most distinguished license in the appraisal field.
In every area of evaluation, Sheldon has exceeded my highest expectations and has outshined his peers at
First Pacific. I have no doubt that he will be a serious and enthusiastic student and a successful alumni of
your school. With formal business training, the sky is the limit for this young man's professional future.
Military Commitment. Although Sheldon is clearly a talented professional, his most impressive
commitment is to our country. Since 1997, in addition to his real estate career, he has also been a soldier in
the US Army Reserves. In August of 2003, with virtually no notice, Sheldon left the comfort of his home to
complete a one-year stint in Iraq. Needless to say, we missed him terribly in the office are were delighted by
his safe return.
Unfortunately, Sheldon's unexpected deployment had a negative effect on his ability to prepare for the
GMAT. After working with him for many years, I can confirm that Sheldon's disappointing score on the exam
is by no means indicative of his ability to succeed in business. He took the test in September of 2004, just
three days after he returned from Iraq. Under those circumstances, I am amazed that he did as well as he
did. Although I respect the use of the GMAT as a screening tool, I hope that you will consider the "full
picture" of Sheldon's academic and professional achievements in making your final admissions decision.
Over the past several years, he has developed myriad practical skills that cannot be assessed by
standardized testing. If given the opportunity, he will be a tremendous asset to your program.
Summary. In my 30-year career in real estate, I have worked with hundreds of brokers, loan officers and
attorneys who wanted to build their own successful real estate businesses. I would easily rank Sheldon in
the top 1% of that group.
Sheldon's ability and willingness to commit to a real estate career as a college student was a powerful
predictor of his future success. I am particularly impressed by Sheldon's willingness to defer his professional
career in favor of attending graduate school. He has repeatedly turned down my offer of a promotion to
focus his energy on obtaining his MBA. With his entrepreneurial flair, I am certain that he will add a unique
perspective to the student community. Please contact me at (email address) if you would like to further
discuss Sheldon's application.
Our assessment: In addition to documenting Sheldons impeccable work history, this letter also provides a
valid explanation for his disappointing GMAT scores. Although Sheldon discussed these issues in his
essays, his credibility was enhanced by third-party corroboration of the events in question.

22. Business: Low Grades: Language Deficiency & Dramatic Personal Loss
1. How long have you known the applicant and in what context? Please comment on the frequency
of your interactions.
I am pleased to write a letter of reference to support Jai Lin Chong's application to business school. I have
known Jai Lin for five years in my role as the Information Services Director of Business Solutions for San
Francisco Edison (SFE). As a Consultant with Premier & Server Computing (PSC), Inc., Jai Lin has
reported to me since 2000. During this time, he has contributed immensely to the success of my department
and has become a key resource on our most critical projects.
2. Have the applicant's responsibilities evolved over the time you have known him or her?
Jai Lin's first achievement was designing and implementing the first system-wide web application for SFE
based on the state-of-the-art Microsoft.NET platform. Since no one at SFE was experienced with this
technology, Jai Lin had to convince senior managers of its competitive merits. He gave several persuasive
presentations that explained why we should adopt the technology as our corporate standard. Later, Jai Lin

guided us through all phases of system implementation, including training and troubleshooting. By
implementing Jai Lin's suggestion regarding the software architecture, SFE has saved nearly $4 million per
year and our company has been able to pursue numerous in-house development efforts.
Jai Lin's accomplishments convinced us to award his consulting company, PSC, with several development
projects and to place the firm on our Preferred Vendor list. Jai Lin was subsequently promoted to a project
management role and has been leading many of these in-house development projects. His new collection
system has helped SFE collect over $750,000 in overdue accounts, while his enterprise level mobile system
allows us to dispatch work more efficiently. Jai Lin's improvements to our organization have dramatically
enhanced our reputation and credibility
3. What are the applicants principal strengths and special talents?
Jai Lin's technological and quantitative skills are exemplary; the various scheduling, work-flow and asset
management software systems that he developed contained complicated algorithms that are beyond the
scope of most developers. At the same time, Jai Lin is also creative and artistically inclined. Regardless of
the complexity of a project, he always ensures that his programs are visually appealing and easy to use. On
a practical level, Jai Lin is a quick learner and highly motivated. Whenever possible, he takes the initiative to
suggest viable ways for SFE to save money and run more efficiently.
4. In what areas can the applicant improve? Has he or she worked on these areas?
With his strong technical background, Jai Lin tends to approach problems from an analytical viewpoint,
rather than a business perspective. Over the past several months, he has taken the initiative to learn the
relevant costs and risks associated with new technology, which has improved his presentations to
management. Nevertheless, Jai Lin will benefit tremendously from an MBA program, which will help him to
evaluate technology from an executive perspective. With formal training in all aspects of business, Jai Lin
will be well-positioned to advance to a senior level of management.
Jai Lin also showed tremendous poise and maturity when faced with difficult personal setbacks. During his
first year with our firm, his fianc died from a medical mistake just a week before their wedding. Jai Lin
struggled with profound sadness and grief as he recovered from this unexpected loss. Fortunately, he
remained committed to his work and became an inspiring example for those who struggle with clinical
depression. Despite his grief, Jai Lin's performance at work was always exceptional.
5. How would you rate the applicant in comparison to others with similar responsibilities in your
organization? Why?
Jai Lin is one of the brightest and most talented developers I have worked with in my 20-year career in
information technology. His superior technical skills enable him to implement exceptionally difficult
algorithms in record-time. On a practical level, Jai Lin also possesses the requisite initiative and motivation
to develop solutions that solve everyday problems in our organization. His rare combination of technical and
managerial strengths have made him an invaluable asset in our industry.
6. Please provide concise comments on the applicant's:
a. degree of self confidence
Jai Lin is confident of his abilities and is willing to sell his ideas to top managers. Despite his considerable
success at SFE, he maintains a humble attitude and is an excellent team player.
b. honesty and integrity
In all situations, Jai Lin is accountable for his actions and takes responsibility for errors in judgment. Several
times, he has worked late hours and weekends to resolve a critical issue or to correct a mistake.
c. interpersonal/ teamwork skills
Jai Lin's easygoing demeanor and strong interpersonal skills are an inspiration to those in our office.
Throughout his tenure at SFE, Jai Lin has managed several diverse groups of people, and has always
completed his projects on time. I attribute his success to his ability and willingness to build strong project
In contentious situations, Jai Lin is the consummate diplomat. Rather than become defensive, he remains
calm and explains the technical rationale behind his position. By resolving tense moments in an amiable
manner, Jai Lin has earned the respect of employees at all levels of the organization. As a result, I am
certain that he will excel in an environment that employs an interactive approach to learning.
d. communication/presentation skills

Jai Lin is an excellent speaker with a wry sense of humor. He easily breaks down technical ideas in a
manner that makes them understandable to non-technical employees. He is also highly enthusiastic about
his work and eager to share it with others. When necessary, he will use his powers of persuasion to
convince our top executives to adopt his proposals. Without his initiative, SFE would never have pursued an
in-house development solution for the XXXXX project.
Jai Lin's presentation skills are particularly impressive, considering that he is not a native speaker of English.
When he first came to the US as an undergraduate student in 1993, Jai Lin had only a cursory knowledge of
the language. Although he struggled academically because of this deficiency, Jai Lin refused to give up. He
took several language courses and applied himself to his studies. Although his GPA suffered because of his
language deficiency, Jai Lin is justifiably proud of his degree. By the time he joined SFE in 2000, Jai Lin was
already speaking English fluently. It is hard for me to believe that he is not a native speaker of the language.
e. demonstrated leadership /managerial abilities
Throughout the past two years, Jai Lin has lead a team of developers on several critical projects that have
improved the way that SFE does business and have made a tangible contribution to our bottom-line. By
recommending and implementing several cutting-edge technologies, he has generated substantial savings
($6 million per year) on system development and maintenance. Needless to say, we are highly impressed
with Jai Lin's ability to direct and lead high performance teams in a technical environment.
f. potential for senior level management Following the completion of his MBA, Jai Lin will be wellprepared to advance to an executive level position in technology.
Our Assessment: This author conveyed Jai Lin's strengths in a concise space. He also explained the many
challenges that Jai Lin faced to complete his degree and succeed in a highly competitive field of study.
Thanks to this author's efforts, we knew that Jai Lin possessed the potential to succeed in a rigorous MBA
23. Major Professor: Candidate Deferred Admission for Medical Reasons
1. How long have you know the applicant and in what connection? If applicable, briefly describe the
applicant's role in your organization. Please comment on the frequency of your interaction. (250
word limit)
I have known Dr. Adam Phillipe for six years in my position as the Head of Cardiology at St. Mary's
Hospital in Madrid, Spain. I supervised Dr. Phillipe's dissertation research, which he completed as part of his
M.D. program at the University of Madrid. Adam researched the role of XXXXX levels in patients with
unstable angina. He assumed the challenge of this poorly-researched topic by assimilating and compiling a
large quantity of often contradictory information before embarking on laboratory work and interpretation of
Adam explored a complex subject with unusual insight, which allowed him to drive his research
forward. He hypothesized that inflammation was an important factor in angina pectoris and that XXXXX
could potentially be used to diagnose cardiac events. Although I was available in an advisory capacity, Dr.
Phillipe performed and executed all of the research and statistical analyses with minimal guidance. He
summarized his results in a comprehensive thesis, which was accepted by the standing medical committee
at the University of Madrid. Dr. Phillipe's research has brought us a step closer to understand angina
pectoris and coronary infarction, one of the most prevalent diseases of our time.
2. What do you consider the applicant's talents or strengths? (250 word limit)
A creative and analytical thinker, Dr. Phillipe excels at all aspects of medical research. His thesis
required a mastery of molecular biology, genetics and clinical medicine. He showed an amazing ability to
extract the salient points from conflicting pieces of literature and bring his laboratory results into the proper
context to research a novel hypothesis about cardiac care. Throughout the project, Dr. Phillipe handled
setbacks with intelligence and ease. When he encountered an obstacle, Adam had the maturity to reevaluate his situation and bring fresh insight to his work. Dr. Phillipe's ability to plan, organize and steer his
research enabled him to complete an impressive amount of work in a short period of time.
Since completing his medical degree, Dr. Phillipe has built a successful business that distributes
medical supplies and equipment in South America. I attribute his entrepreneurial success primarily to his

ability to analyze and solve complex problems, as well as his incomparable communication skills.
Furthermore, Dr. Phillipe is familiar with the nuances of different cultures and skillfully uses this international
perspective when resolving issues. These strengths have fueled his success in medicine and business and
will invariably serve him well in business school.
3. What do you consider the applicant's weaknesses or developmental needs? (250 word limit)
When he first joined my group, Adam was overly confident in his reasoning and occasionally
jumped to an incorrect conclusion. Rather than discussing and refining his thoughts, he proceeded with
projects without obtaining adequate background information. As a result, he had to re-evaluate the situation
and repeat parts of his work.
After I discussed this weakness with Adam, I was pleased to discover that he had taken several
steps to address it. When he was excited about an idea, he solicited my opinion before beginning his work.
He listened to constructive suggestions and incorporated them into his plans. If necessary, he conducted a
small analysis to test and refine a theory before proceeding with a larger scale investigation. As a result, he
generated better, more focused proposals with a higher likelihood of success.
4. What industry / function might best suit this individual, and what do you see this person doing in
ten years? Why? (250 word limit)
Dr. Phillipe's unusual combination of training and skills will provide him with many choices in his
professional future. With his academic training, he is already well-suited for a career in teaching or research.
Furthermore, his volunteer efforts with the Red Cross in Bolivia suggest a genuine interest in humanitarian
After completing his MBA, Dr. Phillipe will be well-prepared to assume a leadership role in health
care development and administration. As a long-term goal, Adam hopes to pioneer reforms in Bolivia's
underdeveloped health care system. With formal training in managerial disciplines, Dr. Phillipe will be well
prepared to achieve this multifaceted objective.
5. The predominant teaching method at XXXXX Business School is case-based learning. It is a highly
interactive experience requiring the proficient use of English-reading, speaking, listening, writing
and integrating "real time." Please comment on the applicant's ability to contribute to this learning
model. (250 word limit)
Dr. Phillipe's warmth and intelligence are paralleled by his exceptional communication skills. After
living and working on several continents, he is equally comfortable reading, speaking and writing in four
different languages. In clinical settings, Adam also possesses the emotional intelligence to handle the
human aspects of medicine. Throughout his academic career, his exemplary behavior has set a positive
example for other students.
In a group environment, Adam is a team player who is willing to help those with less experience.
He thrives in research discussion groups, offering good suggestions to his peers and accepting criticism in a
constructive manner. From all indications, he will thrive in XXXXX's highly interactive, "real time"

6. The XXXXX Business School is committed to developing outstanding leaders who can inspire
trust and confidence in other. Please comment on the applicant's behavior (e.g., respect for others,
honesty, integrity, accountability for personal behavior) within your organization and in the
community. (250word limit)
Dr. Phillipe is an exceptional man who is committed to serving others. Throughout his academic
and professional careers, he has demonstrated exemplary moral behavior, which has inspired the trust of his
patients and peers. In clinical settings, Adam is a compassionate doctor who puts the needs of his patients
first. In all aspects of his work, he protects the confidentiality of his patients and he expects others to do the
same. In an area like clinical research, in which issues regarding patient privacy are paramount, Adam
displays a level of integrity that is beyond reproach.
In addition to his professional strengths, I am equally impressed by Dr. Phillipe's impeccable sense
of empathy. On his own initiative, he provided medical support with a Red Cross team operating in Bolivia,
which helped to save hundreds of lives. Even his professional goal of improving health care administration

reveals an inherent level of selflessness. In character and performance, Dr. Phillipe demonstrates the
requisite integrity to lead an international organization. I recommend him without hesitation for admission to
XXXXX Business School.
In November of 2004, after Dr. Phillipe was accepted into business school, he was severely injured
in an automobile accident that damaged his spinal cord. For nearly six months, Adam was hospitalized for
his injuries, which required three surgeries to correct. Even after his release from the rehabilitation facility in
early 2005, Dr. Phillipe required extensive physical therapy to regain the use of his legs.
To my amazement, Adam maintained his strong sense of optimism throughout his prolonged
recovery, running his office from his hospital bed and keeping in close touch with his peers. At my
encouragement, he received outpatient counseling from Dr. Michel Faber, a respected psychologist on staff,
who encouraged Adam to participate in a local support group for victims of spinal cord injuries. Since then,
Adam has been an active member of the group, providing compassion and support to others who have
experienced similar losses. I have tremendous respect for his profound generosity during such a difficult
time. In a field that requires the ability to embody grace under pressure, Adam is uniquely qualified to serve
with honor and integrity.

Our assessment: This is an exceptional discussion about an exceptional candidate. As always, the
strength of the letter is in the details. Every point is supported by a concrete example that puts the
observation into its proper context. This letter also provides an eloquent discussion of the candidate's ability
to overcome adversity. The reader walks away knowing that Dr. Phillipe will succeed at whatever he
attempts, regardless of the obstacles in his way.

24. Business: Language Deficiency: Low Grades & Poor GMAT Score
1 How long have you known the applicant and in what connection? If applicable, describe the
applicants role in your organization. Please comment on the frequency and context of your
interaction. (250 word limit)
It gives me great pleasure to recommend Pradip Gustanov for admittance to Harvard Business
School. I have known Pradip for twelve years, since he first enrolled at the University of California-San
Diego as an undergraduate student. In 1992, I was his instructor for three classes in the engineering
department at UC-SD. Later, in 1999, we renewed our professional relationship when I hired him as a
project manager at the Ciba Geigy electrical plant in Carson City, Nevada, where I am the Vice President of
Operations. For the past five years, Pradip has worked under my direct supervision as the key project
manager for the construction of three power plants across the US. During this time, he has assumed
responsibility for all aspects of planning, scheduling and cost management for the initiatives.
Pradip and I interact daily on a professional basis and have also developed a personal friendship. I
cannot remember when I have been more impressed by a manager in my organization. Pradip's ability to
manage people across all levels of the firm has enabled us to complete projects of unprecedented size and
complexity on an extremely tight schedule. For this reason, I was saddened to learn of his intentions to
leave our company to pursue an MBA, as he is clearly on track for a senior level position at Ciba Geigy. As
you will discover, Pradip has many qualities that will make him an outstanding asset to XXXXX. Following
his graduation, we will be delighted to hire him back in an advanced position, if he chooses to return.
2. What do you consider the applicants unique talents or strengths? (250 word limit)
Pradip has demonstrated exceptional leadership and planning skills under difficult circumstances.
Because our client imposes contractual penalties of $150,000 per day for late completion, Pradip's primary
challenge has been guiding the project teams in planning and coordinating their work. Execution has been
unusually challenging because most of the work has been subcontracted to multiple contractors, who require
constant direction and guidance. From day one, Pradip took control of the project to prevent a logistical and
scheduling nightmare, developing a detailed schedule for each phase. On a regular basis, Pradip taught
contractors how to coordinate and prioritize their work to ensure adherence to the fast-track project
During weekly meetings, Pradip has also demonstrated his ability to solve problems and diffuse
conflict. His most impressive feat was managing a stubborn and inexperienced inspector who had
instigated an unjustified argument with one of our managers. Pradip exhibited great maturity by tactfully

diffusing the inspector and re-focusing him on the relevant technical issues. In my long career, I have
seldom seen anyone resolve a conflict with such diplomacy. Thanks to Pradip's efforts, we met our
objectives on a complex, highly visible project that required unusual patience and coordination.
3. What do you consider the applicant weaknesses or developmental needs? (250 word limit)
Pradip's accomplishments are even more impressive when considered in light of his disadvantaged
upbringing. Like many students who came to the US as teenagers, he faced formidable challenges adapting
to a new language and culture. When I first met Pradip, he was seventeen years old and barely spoke a
word of English. His public school in Ellis, California had no facilities for ESL (English as a Second
Language), so he learned English on his own by working with an old set of Berlitz language tapes.
Obviously, Pradip was at a distinct disadvantage during his freshman year of college, when he competed
with native speakers of the language.
Fortunately, Pradip persevered. After a rocky start, he improved his GPA and found his niche as an
engineer. Although Pradip excelled in his upper level coursework, he struggled with his English courses and
the verbal portion of the GMAT. To compensate for this deficiency, he took several elective classes in
speech and writing and also volunteered as a language tutor for new students from India. Eventually, with
dedication, he learned to express himself with confidence, both verbally and in writing. Rest assured that
Pradip's relatively low score on the verbal portion of the GMAT does not accurately represent his excellent
communication skills. I would not endorse Pradip's candidacy if I did not have 100% faith in his abilities.
4. What industry/function might suit this individual, and what do you see this person doing in ten
years? Why? (250 word limit)
In ten years, Pradip will be the CEO of his own successful business, directing all aspects of its
growth and development. For the past several years, he has worked diligently to build a foundation to
achieve this long-term goal, and I have no doubt that he will succeed. Compared to his peers at Ciba Geigy
(21 engineers with an average of 15 years of corporate experience), Pradip has demonstrated exceptional
skills in planning, organization, team building and leadership. He has repeatedly earned the trust of his
teammates, who rely on his direction on all aspects of planning and cost control.
5. The predominant method of learning at Harvard Business School is case-based learning. It is a
highly interactive experience requiring the proficient use of English-reading, speaking, listening,
writing and integrating real time. Please comment on the applicants ability to contribute to this
learning model. (250 word limit).
Pradip's role in project management at Ciba Geigy requires him to interact with professionals at all
levels of the organization. Without exception, he has demonstrated an impressive ability to thrive in group
settings and to work on project teams. From my observation, his greatest strengths are his persuasiveness
and negotiation skills. On several occasions, Pradip has challenged conventional wisdom and persuaded
others to follow his ideas and suggestions. When making a presentation, he is succinct and well organized.
If confronted on a technical issue, he "thinks on his feet" and deftly responds to questions that challenge his
Despite his technical strengths, Pradip is never overbearing or unwilling to hear alternative
suggestions. His goal is always to find the best solution, regardless of who thought of it. As a result,
Pradip's open-mindedness and high energy level are often a catalyst for creative brainstorming sessions.
Many times, his colleagues are so energized by their discussions with Pradip that they follow-up on his
suggestions and present their findings at subsequent meetings. As a result, everyone feels a sense of pride
and ownership in the project, which builds camaraderie. For these reasons, I believe that Pradip is well
prepared for case-based learning.
6. The Harvard Business School is committed to developing leaders who can inspire trust and
confidence in others. Please comment on the applicants behavior (e.g. respect for others, honesty,
integrity, accountability for personal behavior) within your organization and in the community. (250
word limit)
Pradip is a person of high integrity who exhibits an exemplary attitudue and work ethic. As a cost
analyst on the Carson City project, he always adopts the most ethical and fair practices in reporting project
progress and profitability, even if it disappoints senior managers. In all interactions, he champions the
"win/win" philosophy, acknowleging that an interaction is not a success unless it benefits both parties.
I have been most impressed by Pradip's ability to inspire the trust and confidence of his teammates
under highly stressful circumstances. Even when facing a tight deadline, he takes the time to listen to his

employees' concerns and help them achieve their objectives. As a result, Pradip nurtures a positive work
environment with open communication and a creative approach to solving problems. From my perspective,
his graciousness in all interactions is the cornerstone to Pradip's personal and professional success. Please
contact me at (phone number) or (email address) should you have any further questions.
Our Assessment: This is everything that a reference letter should be; it is detailed, enthusiastic and
insightful. The author was the perfect choice to endorse Pradip, because he knows him well enough to
present a concise summary of his talents and skills. From an admissions perspective, his discussion of
Pradip's developmental needs was one of the most articulate we have ever seen. It carried great weight in
the evaluation process.

25. MBA Reference Letter: International Work Experience

I am pleased to offer a letter of reference for Janet Wu. I have known Janet since June of 2001, when she
accepted a position as a Tax Analyst with the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi in Hong Kong. I was Janet 's coworker and indirect manager for three years, in my role as Vice-President of International Taxation for
several of the foreign jurisdictions that she handles. As a graduate of XXXX Business School (1985), I feel
well-qualified to assess the considerable strengths that Janet will bring to the program.
Organization and Initiative. Tax projects must be resolved in a short timeframe, which requires a rare
combination of organization, conscientiousness and a meticulous attention to detail. By consistently
demonstrating these traits, Janet has assumed the responsibility of coordinating and managing many high
profile and high priority projects for seven Asian countries. With minimal guidance, she quickly developed
her knowledge base to become an insightful contributor to the group. On one occasion, after familiarizing
herself with our reports and processes, Janet identified a way to streamline the system. By redesigning our
annual tax package and other commonly used reports, she enabled the reader to easily pinpoint the
information that is needed to make decisions.
One of Janets most challenging projects was the analysis of dividend repatriation under the Homeland
Investment Act, which required her to consolidate the responses from 60 people in a presentable form within
a rigid deadline. Janet also demonstrated a meticulous attention to detail during this year's IRS audit,
wading through several years worth of data to make sense of the positions that were taken, including many
cases with inadequate documentation. Janet was meticulous in her analysis, researching multiple leads and
responding thoughtfully to all questions that were asked. After handling such a difficult project with grace
and flexibility, Janet was given increased responsibilities within the department.
Communication Skills. Janets easygoing personality has earned her a reputation as a good
communicator and a team player. She readily shares information and contributes to group discussions.
Since joining Toastmasters International, Janet has become a polished speaker who can customize her
presentations to suit the needs of her audience.
Janet also has an impressive command for foreign languages. In addition to her fluency in English, Mandarin
and Taiwanese, she has also taken the initiative to read and write in Hindi. Our overseas contacts have
consistently praised Janet for her preparation, efficiency and willingness to speak their language. Before
she came to the bank, many of these countries failed to send their information to her predecessor in a timely
manner. Now, they respond with diligence and enthusiasm. I credit Janet for cultivating such a strong
rapport with her colleagues.
Intelligence and Maturity. In the Tax Department, responsibilities are assigned with great deliberation
because of the highly sensitive nature of the work. Janet has proven herself to be a woman of exceptional
competence and integrity, handling tax matters for several significant foreign jurisdictions. Without exception,
Janet handled these important functions with the competence and discretion one would expect of a far more
seasoned professional.
Efficiency. Within a few weeks of joining the bank, Janet reorganized several procedures that enabled our
entire group to work more efficiently. She also used her considerable skills in computer graphics to create
and deliver concise presentations for senior managers. Our decision to promote her to a managerial position
in 2003, although she did not possess the mandatory 5 years experience, was extremely unorthodox for this
department. We have never regretted making an exception for Janet, whose performance has continually
exceeded our highest expectations.

Weakness. Janet's only weakness is her tendency to expect too much from herself in comparison to her
more seasoned colleagues. Fortunately, rather than become discouraged, she continually seeks
opportunities to learn. On several occasions, Janet has asked me to recommend books that would enable
her to better understand a topic or problem. On her own time, she visits our tax library to study accounting,
tax and legal concepts, which enable her to contribute to group discussions.
Because the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi was Janet's first post-collegiate job, she was unfamiliar with the
bureaucratic processes of a non-academic environment. Once she adapted to our corporate culture, she
learned how to take command of her situation and find viable ways to promote change. By championing
small projects that have a large impact, Janet has gained a reputation for being both proactive and politically
savvy at such a large organization.
Summary. Few people in my career have impressed me as positively as Janet Wu. In her three years at
the bank, she has improved the efficiency of her department and has earned the respect of her clients and
peers. Janet 's background in corporate taxation will inevitably serve her well at XXXX, where she can
explore her interests in international business.
I recommend Janet without reservation. Please contact me at (phone number) or (email address) if you
require additional information.
Our Assessment: The author of this letter is a well-known banking professional who rarely writes such
positive recommendations. Consequently, his glowing endorsement of Janet to his alma mater made a quite
an impression on the admissions committee. Once again, the strength is in the details; this is a great letter
filled with concrete examples of Janets strengths. Her international background and language fluencies
were particularly well-perceived in the admissions process

26. MBA Reference Letter: Short & Sweet

Please accept this letter of recommendation for Ms. Coral Glenn, whom I have known in a professional
capacity over the last three years of my employment with the Smith Corporation.
Although Ms. Glenn has not worked directly for me, I have observed her work on a variety of projects and
can attest to the following:
1. Coral is a very personable, professional and ethical person, with the highest respect for the team concept
that I have tried to cultivate at Smith. In 2005, she led the team that re-opened our office in Arizona. Her
peers and subordinates enthusiastically praise Coral's autocratic management style.
2. Coral is highly task oriented, and has been instrumental in working on projects that have resulted in
significant cost savings for the company. During my association with the firm, this is where Coral has
consistently proven her value. Examples include her pivotal role in the sale of the manufacturing division
and her many cost optimization initiatives with telecommunications vendors.
3. Coral has an amazing six-year tenure with Smith, which is significant since more than 4200 employees
have been laid off or let go since the bankruptcy proceedings in November of 2002. Only the best and the
brightest people have remained at Smith due to their demonstrated value to the company. Coral's
contributions have been immeasurable.
Coral's professional skills are unparalleled; she is experienced in the preparation of financial statements,
budget projections, statistical reporting, project management and financial/business analysis. She has good
work values, and has performed well in a self-directed capacity for the majority of her career. Despite the
legal and financial challenges that Smith has faced, Coral has met tight deadlines and delivered top quality
work. I commend Coral for her efforts in working a full-time job while earning her college degree. This is a
daunting task that I know from personal experience is very difficult to do.
I give Coral my highest recommendation and I wish her well in all of her educational and professional
Our Assessment: The author of this letter is a well-known public figure who was hired to re-structure the

Smith Corporation during its bankruptcy proceedings. His high praise of Coral, along with specific examples
of her achievements, gave the letter an added boost. By citing her tangible contributions to Smith's
reorganization, the author showed that Coral has the loyalty and stamina to weather tough times.

27. Professor: International Educational Experience

As the Dean of the Department of Economics at the University of Madrid, I was highly impressed by
Sophia Wu's exceptional academic performance. I first met Sophia in 1995, during her first year as a
undergraduate student. I was immediately impressed by her intelligence and commitment to her work.
Our Institute encourages academic success and self-motivation by waiving tuition for students who
distinguish themselves academically. During her undergraduate years, Sophia paid only for her first year of
college; she earned a merit-based, full-tuition scholarship for all subsequent years. In my class, Sophia
earned a perfect 5 grade, which is equivalent to an A in the United States. In 2001, she graduated in the top
5% of her class with a BA in International Economics.
As her teacher, I was impressed by Sophia's determination to learn as much as possible about
global finance. She was a vibrant contributor to class discussions, offering intelligent and well-reasoned
opinions on the topics at hand. Despite her tremendous work load (full-time studies and a part-time job),
Sophia frequently asked me to recommend additional reading material. On several occasions, when the
titles I suggested were not available on campus, I lent Sophia copies from my personal library. Within a few
weeks, she included the new information in her research papers and class discussions.
One of Sophia's most astonishing strengths is her ability to speak five languages. At one point, I
noticed that she preferred to read in English, although it was not her native tongue. When I asked her how
she managed to learn the language so well, including intricate technical terms, I was shocked to discover
that she memorized articles from The Economist to familiarize herself with business terminology. Sophia
brought the same level of dedication to her coursework, never settling for anything less than full mastery of a
theory or idea.
On one occasion, Sophia volunteered to translate several chapters of various Financial
Management and Economics textbooks that had not been published in German or Russian. She completed
the translation quickly and accurately, which provided a better learning opportunity for the entire class. This
incident demonstrates not only Sophia's amazing language skills, but her altruistic personality. I admired her
willingness to extend herself on behalf of her peers.
During the last year of her studies, Sophia volunteered for a research project conducted at the
World Bank that investigated the potential policy changes in Poland that would accompany the
transformation from a centrally-planned economy to a market-driven economy. Sophia conducted an
extensive analysis on international investments in Poland, Georgia and Russia, which influenced the
direction of our future projects. I have rarely seen a student deliver such insightful, high quality work.
In recognition of her exceptional academic performance, Sophia received a full scholarship to
attend a prestigious management course at Harvard University in 1997. Only one scholarship was awarded
for this advanced seminar in Banking and Financial Management; Sophia competed with over one thousand
qualified applicants to attend the class. The course material, which was presented by professors from
America, provided her with an exciting new perspective of the financial industry.
At the end of her third year of studies, Sophia was also awarded an internship at the Ministry of
Economics of Spain. During the summer of 1998, she prepared financial forecasts and performed analyses
on their administrative and budgetary operations. Sophia was one of only seven students from her class to
be awarded this opportunity, which provided invaluable experience in the field.
Because of Sophia's superior academic performance, I strongly encouraged her to pursue a
graduate degree at the University of Madrid; we also offered her a position as a part-time Instructor. By the
time she graduated, Sophia had already received several full-time job offers, including one from Venus
Software Systems, where she had been working part-time for two years. Excited by the growth possibilities
in a start-up firm, Sophia accepted the position as a Financial Analyst at Venus, where she was quickly
promoted to Financial Director. Sophia's diverse skills in finance and management enabled this small firm
to gain a strong foothold in the burgeoning European software market.

Over the past five years, I have kept in touch with Sophia and have kept abreast of her professional
progress. As expected, she has matured into an analyst of great skill who has much to offer the financial
industry. As a professor, I have rarely encountered a student as intelligent, talented and tenacious as
Sophia. I would easily rank her in the top 1% of students I have known. I recommend her with the highest
enthusiasm for whatever program she chooses to join.
Our Assessment: The author of this letter did an exceptional job of selling Sophia's analytical skills and flair
for foreign languages. By citing her numerous internships and seminars, which she attended on a
competitive basis, the author convinced us that she was a tenacious and talented young woman.

28. Letter from Boss / Small Business Owner

I am honored to write a letter of recommendation to support George Huftalen's application to business
school. For the past eight years, George has worked for me at Cleaning Solutions Limited, the parent
company of Canadian Coin Carwash and Canadian Coin Laundry. When he started to work for us in 1997,
George was an assistant in our car washes, but he quickly demonstrated his ability and willingness to
assume managerial responsibilities. In 2003, we rewarded his superior performance by making him a CoOwner of the company. From our long and prosperous affiliation, I feel well qualified to comment on the
many strengths that George will bring to graduate school.
Professional Strengths. From his first day on the job, George proved that he was a diligent and
hardworking young man. He arrived on time every day, took his job seriously and assumed additional tasks
without being asked. I was most impressed by George's ability to manage multiple priorities; in addition to
his job, he was also taking a full course load in two majors at the University of Pennsylvania and volunteering
at several hospitals. Despite his lack of funds, he was willing to work whatever hours were necessary to
attain his dream of becoming a college graduate.
A few months after he came to work for us, George began to assume additional responsibility at Cleaning
Solutions Limited. He created our computer network and linked every location into the same system. In
2000, George developed new software to enable us to keep more efficient records. He also took
responsibility for advertising and promotions, arranging a media campaign on radio and television to
increase public awareness of Canadian Coin Carwash and Canadian Coin Laundry. Most impressively,
George managed all aspects of our most visible campaign, a cooperative venture with soap manufacturer
Proctor and Gamble.
George is currently a Manager and Co-Owner of Cleaning Solutions Limited, where he supervises five
employees and handles a wide range of administrative duties. On any given day, he will repair a computer,
hold a staff meeting and handle our payroll and inventory. George also manages our fundraising efforts for
disaster relief, including the Indonesian tsunami and hurricanes Katrina and Rita. His efficiency in all
aspects of his job has had a positive impact on our bottom-line, allowing us to expand the business to
include a coin laundry.
Interpersonal Skills. George is a man of integrity and compassion who takes a vested interest in his
customers and colleagues. A quintessential "team player," he is always willing to help others with less skills
and experience. George's greatest strength is his ability to work successfully with a highly diverse group of
people. Without exception, he treats our customers with respect, going the extra mile to meet their needs.
On several occasions, George has tactfully addressed a customer's complaint, listening carefully to the
person's concerns and resolving them with respect and humor. He is equally effective with our staff,
providing solid leadership through his own positive example.
George is particularly compassionate with our elderly and disabled customers, who usually require extra time
and attention to complete their transactions. Without having to be asked, George will immediately tend to
their physical needs, assisting them into and out of their vehicles and carrying any packages they may have.
He also takes the initiative to organize food and clothing drives at Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving for
our customers and staff who are less fortunate. There is no doubt in my mind that a large part of our
customer and employee loyalty is due to George's gracious personality. Because of his kindness and
generosity, George has made several satisfying long-term friendships at Cleaning Solutions Limited.
Motivation & Goals. George has always wanted to expand Cleaning Solutions Limited to the national level.
Throughout the past several years, he has worked diligently to prepare for business school, to obtain the
knowledge he needs to attain his long-term dream. In addition to completing two majors at the University of

Pennsylvania, George has also worked part-time as a volunteer paramedic. Whenever possible, he also
helps to build homes for Habitat for Humanity. In fact, if George has a weakness, it is his tendency to give
110% of himself to everything he does. His passion to help others, although inspirational, doesn't leave a lot
of time for rest and relaxation.
Summary. Smart and motivated, compassionate and funny, George approaches everything in life with
seriousness and passion, refusing to accept anything less than a successful outcome. I am amazed by his
ability to complete college without financial support, never complaining about his frenetic schedule or the
many obstacles he faced. I am equally impressed by his superior performance at Cleaning Solutions
Limited, where he has set the standard of excellence for other employees.
From my perspective, George can accomplish anything he sets his mind to. You will be lucky to have him.
Our Assessment: Many small business owners shy away from writing recommendations because they don't
think that what they say will hold any weight with the admissions committee. This letter, which provides a
wealth of information in a simple, gracious style, proves otherwise. George's history as an entrepreneur, and
his ability to put himself through college, made a positive impression on the committee. We were also
touched by his compassionate nature, both in his daily interactions and on behalf of worthy causes and
charities. By telling us about her relationship with George, the author gave us valuable information about
George that we never would have gotten any other way.

29. Boss / Older Candidate / Social Services

I am honored to write a letter of recommendation on behalf of Ginnifer Godfrey, who is a
candidate for admission to XXXXX Business School. As an attorney, I have supervised Ginny for
ten years at Oregon Protection and Advocacy (OPA), where she works as an investigator.
OPA is a federally-funded, non-profit law office whose primary mission is to advance and
defend the rights of patients with mental illness. As an investigator, Ginny ensures that local
hospitals provide quality care according to the relevant state and federal laws. Without
exception, she has demonstrated an impressive ability to read, analyze and apply complex
regulations to her large case load. I am consistently impressed by Ginny's ability to thrive in a
stressful and often thankless position. Despite the low pay, high turnover and persistent lack of
resources, her commitment to her clients is unshakable.
Since Ginny first became an investigator in 1998, she has won over 200 social security
disability cases that seasoned attorneys claimed "had no merit." Her written and oral arguments
are nothing short of brilliant. Ginny has a sharp mind, a meticulous attention to detail, and an
ability to identify, anticipate and solve potential barriers to her arguments. As a result, she is as
sharp in the courtroom as most seasoned attorneys.
Ginny is also a savvy investigator who has handled hundreds of cases of abuse, neglect
and death over the past eight years. As an attorney, I have the highest respect for Ginny's ability
and willingess to champion the rights of clients who would otherwise have no voice in the legal
system. Thanks to her considerable dedication and skill, Ginny has made tangible improvements
to the health and welfare of mentally ill citizens throughout Oregon.
To survive in such a high pressure environment, Ginny has cultivated an impressive
ability to juggle 100 responsibilities at once, never "dropping a ball" or misprioritizing her
workload. When necessary, she will also go far beyond what is expected of her to serve her
clients. In 2004, Ginny took the initiative to write and publish (on her own time) a 200-page
manual for people who were trying to obtain social services in Oregon. The document, which
was written in an informative, easy-to-read style, has been a valuable resource for citizens
throughout the state.
With her exceptional communicaton skills, Ginny is also a natural leader and teacher. In
her eight years with OPA, she has organized and presented numerous state-wide training
sessions to judges, lawyers, advocates, law enforcement personnel, mental health professionals

and consumers of mental health services. Fearless at heart, Ginny welcomes new learning
experiences with courage and an open mind, jumping right in and getting her hands dirty. As her
friend, I am consistently impressed by Ginny's ability to laugh at herself and to find humor in
everyday situations.
Ginny is a consummate team player who always willing to help others with less skills and
experience. Because our organization works under a federal mandate to oversee psychiatric
hospitals and facilities, Ginny's predecessors often had an adversarial relationship with the
employees at these locations. Miraculously, in a brief period of time, Ginny has developed a
strong rapport with health care providers across the state. By emphasizing their collective goal of
providing exemplary care to patients with mental illness, Ginny has brought out the best in
everyone she meets.
Ginny has also earned the trust and respect of the patients she serves. On one
occasion, I observed Ginny when she represented a severely disturbed woman during an
Administrative Law hearing. The clients symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia manifested during
the hearing, causing her to scream, throw objects and threaten the judge. As security personnel
rushed in to restrain the woman, Ginny stepped between them and her client, recognizing that
such action would escalate the situation and potentially cause harm. Within minutes, Ginny
gained control of an unsafe situation by utilizing her profound interpersonal skills and the trust
that she had cultivated with her client.
In my 26-year career as an attorney, I have never met anyone with the dedication,
perseverance or compassion of Ginnifer Godfrey; she is one of our community's most valuable
assets. Please contact me at (phone number) or at [email protected] if you require further
Our Assessment: This author, who is an internationally known attorney, did an excellent job of crediting
Ginny with many achievements as an advocate. Since Ginny had worked for 8 years for the same social
service organization, the committee benefited greatly from hearing this perspective.

30. Boss / Health Care Administration

I am delighted to write a letter of reference to support Arabella Milano's application to business school. For
the past four years, Arabella has worked as my Administrative Assistant at Pathmark Health Care
Corporation, where I am the Director of Operations. After working closely with her during this time, I feel
well-qualified to assess the personal and professional strengths that Arabella will bring to your MBA
Inititative. I first hired Arabella as my receptionist in 2001, during Pathmark's first year of operations. From
her first day on the job, Arabella took the initiative to learn and understand the numerous federal, state and
local laws that govern all aspects of home health care. She also took the responsibility for training our
employees. On her own volition, Arabella contacted key personnel at the Medicaid and Medicare offices to
find workshops and training sessions to attend. Arabella also made friends with the employees of larger
home health companies, who provided valuable insight into how to run the business more efficiently. Thanks
to Arabella 's initiative, we gained a strong competitive edge during our first year of operation.
Organizational Skills. Arabella's first major achievement was putting a system in place to ensure that we
passed our certification inspection. At first, I feared that we would need to hire an expensive consultant to
update our existing files and manuals. To my surprise, Arabella told me that it wouldn't be necessary; she
had already re-written much of the material. Long before our deadline, Arabella had reviewed all of our
protocols for our nurses, therapists and aides. As a result, she was well aware of what we needed to do to
pass the inspection. By collecting and organizing the information from the right sources, including all
relevant government agencies, Arabella created new documents that exceeded my highest expectations.
As a result, we passed our initial inspection without the assistance of a $30,000 consultant.
To acknowledge her exemplary performance, I promoted Arabella to the position of Administrative Assistant
in March of 2002. In this capacity, she is my "right hand," who provides guidance and support on all

managerial issues. Without exception, Arabella is an innovative self-starter who rarely needs supervision.
Her greatest skill is flexibility; regardless of her competing responsibilities, Arabella will work whatever hours
are necessary to get the job done. By becoming an expert at all aspects of our business, including hiring,
training, customer service and regulatory issues, Arabella has been indispensable to our success.
Communication Skills. Thanks to her warm personality, Arabella is an excellent communicator who gets
along with all different types of people. While training our employees, she shows an admirable level of
patience and an uncanny attention to detail. Arabella is also the "go to" person in our office for all types of
problems and dilemmas; whenever anyone has a question about how to handle a particular situation, they
immediately ask her for help. If Arabella does not have the answer, she will make it her business to find it.
By living and working overseas, Arabella also brings a level of cultural sensitivity to her professional
interactions. She is fluent in Spanish, Portuguese and English, which enables her to converse with people
for whom English is not their native language. On several occasions, Arabella has translated documents for
patients and employees who needed her assistance. As expected, she handled each request with the
highest level of respect and confidentiality.
Arabella has also impressed me with the high quality of her writing, both in her daily correspondence and in
the policies and procedures manuals that she has written. In compiling the manuals, which include
significant legal and medical terminology, she showed a rare talent for presenting complex material in an
understandable way. On a regular basis, Arabella updates all of our protocols to reflect any changes in
government regulations. By doing so, she has established a good working relationship with the many
agencies that govern our industry. Thanks to her efforts, our inspectors have repeatedly praised our written
documentation during our annual inspections.
Personal Strengths. Throughout the past four years, Arabella has demonstrated her superior time
management skills by balancing her responsibilities at Pathmark with the demands of her college courses.
To my amazement, she managed to excel in both areas. From my perspective, Arabella's only weakness is
her tendency to be hard on herself, because she sets extremely high standards for her own performance.
Thankfully, she also finds great joy in her work, which makes her a positive role model for everyone at
Summary. In my long career in business, no one has impressed me as positively as Arabella Milano.
Despite her young age, she has demonstrated the maturity, diligence and skills to succeed in a leadership
position. In her four years at Pathmark, Arabella has been an innovative self-starter who has improved the
efficiency of our business and earned the respect of her clients and peers. In all endeavors, she has proven
herself to be open-minded and inquisitive, with a solid work ethic. She will be a valuable asset to whatever
MBA program.
Our Assessment: This is a wonderful recommendation on behalf of a young woman who put herself through
college on a part-time basis. After reading about Arabella's achievements at Pathmark, we knew that she
possessed the maturity and initiative to handle a rigorous MBA program. She did not let us down.

After reading this book, including more than 30 actual reference letters, we hope that you feel well-prepared
to write (or obtain) a persuasive letter of recommendation for business school. Whether you are a
candidate who needs a reference letter or an author who has been asked to write one, this book offers a
detailed plan to get the most persuasive recommendations possible.
A Quick Summary for Candidates:
1. Ask people who know you well enough to highlight your strengths (and are willing to do so).
2. Give each author enough information to do a good job for you, including:
a) a cover letter with the names, addresses and deadlines for all letters you need
b) the appropriate forms from each school that the writer needs to complete.
c) a summary of your accomplishments and goals

d) a current copy of your resume.

e) your personal statement.
f) pre-addressed, stamped envelopes for all letters.
3. Give the author enough time to write a compelling letter.
4. Follow through on each letter to make sure it reaches its destination.
5. Thank the author for his/her efforts on your behalf.
A Quick Summary for Letter Writers:
1. Meet with the candidate to determine whether you are the best person to write a reference letter on
his/her behalf.
2. If you agree to write a letter, give the candidate a copy of the Reference Letter Request Form (Appendix),
which summarizes all of the information you will need.
3. Do not begin until you have all of the requested documents.
4. Before putting pen to paper, be sure to review your organization's policy regarding letters of
recommendation. Limit your comments to positive, factual observations that you have actually observed in
your interactions with the applicant.
5. Follow our guidelines in Chapter 2 to write the best letter possible.
6. For additional help in writing and editing letters of recommendation, admissions essays and personal
statements, please visit www.ivyleagueadmission.com.
For MBA candidates, reference letters offer a rare chance to provide the committee with objective, third-party
documentation of their strengths and skills. A well-crafted reference letter can also explain a variety of
personal strengths (and obstacles) better than any personal statement ever could. By harnessing the power
of your recommendations, you will optimize your chances of gaining admission to the top law schools in the
country. Don't miss this chance to claim your destiny!

Appendix: Reference Letter Request Form

Thank you for inquiring about the possibility of obtaining a reference letter from me. Please follow these
steps to ensure that I can do a great job on your behalf.
Step 1: Arrange an Initial Meeting to Discuss the Letter
Please schedule a meeting with me to talk about the recommendation letter at least four weeks before you
need it. Ask me if I would feel comfortable writing a supportive and positive recommendation for you.
When asked to provide a reference, I have to ask myself if I know you well enough to support your
application for a particular graduate program. Acknowledging the importance of a top-quality endorsement, I
would rather decline the request to write a reference than write a vague or mediocre one. Let's meet face-toface to discuss whether or not I am the right person to write your letter.
Step 2: Provide All Relevant Documentation
If we agree that I should write your letter during our face-to-face meeting, please be prepared to provide the
following documents:
a. A cover sheet with the names, addresses and deadlines for all of the letters you need
b. The appropriate forms from each school that I will need to complete
c. A ONE-page summary of the accomplishments you want me to mention
d. A current copy of your resume (including your awards, publications and honors)
e. Your personal statement
f. Pre-addressed, stamped envelopes for all letters
Also feel free to include ONE page of additional information that you feel will help me write the letter. This
may include specific anecdotes and stories you want me to mention, along with additional details about
projects or papers I have seen that would demonstrate your creativity, intelligence, writing abilities or
technical skills.
Please type all information. You should waive your right to read the letter of recommendation, keeping in
mind that I will still give you a copy for your records.
Note: I will NOT write the letter unless I have all of the documents listed above.
Step 3: Follow-up
On the day of our meeting, I will confirm an exact date that your letters will be sent. One week after the
expected date of arrival, please verify that the letter has reached its destination. If the graduate school has
NOT received the letter within 10 days, please let me know. I will send another copy.
Thank you for adhering to these guidelines.

Professor John Smith, 111 Rogers Hall, (555)-555-5555, [email protected]

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