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Modeling and Simulation of Natural Ventilation of Building Using Solar Chimney

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World Applied Sciences Journal 32 (5): 741-746, 2014

ISSN 1818-4952
IDOSI Publications, 2014
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2014.32.05.416

Modeling and Simulation of Natural Ventilation

of Building Using Solar Chimney
Sajjad Ahmad, Saeed Badshah and Ghulam Yasin Chohan
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Abstract: Natural ventilation is an important means to improve thermal comfort and to reduce the energy
consumption for residential buildings. Solar chimney system can be used to enhance the natural ventilation,
which can make full use of solar energy to produce upward momentum to a mass of air, thereby converting
thermal energy into kinetic energy. In this paper, natural ventilation flow through a two-dimensional but real
sized room is investigated numerically, using commercial CFD software ANSYS (FLOTRAN). The chimney is
turn like a parallel channel with one plate kept at a uniform temperature that is higher than ambient air while the
other plate and the rooms entire wall are insulated. Effects on ventilation flow rate and flow pattern due to a
range of changing factors are investigated. The factors include different air gap widths and inclination of solar
chimney. It is found that these factors affect the exit velocity. Suggestions for optimum construction design
of solar chimney have been put forward based on a number of simulations results. Results showed that for
different air gap widths and angles, maximum flow in solar chimney are obtained. Findings are helpful in
designing a natural ventilation solar chimney for residential buildings.
Key words: Induced flow

Natural convection


Solar chimney

In warm and humid climate there is immense
dependence on the mechanical devices such as air
conditioning and fan. High ambient temperatures and
humidity often uncomfortable for the human comfort
and productivity. In the rural and none electrified area,
ventilation plays an important role. There are different
methods available for obtaining natural refrigeration,
such as the refrigeration by evaporation, solar chimney,
using insulating material above or below the roof etc.
The challenging task is to increase the natural ventilation
and to decrease the heat transmission from the roof to the
interior of the building. This is achieved by using solar
chimneys [1].
In solar chimneys, walls are made transparent by
providing glazed wall. The transparent walls are exposed
to solar radiation. The chimney absorbs solar energy and
heats up the air inside due to which air flows because of
the density difference. As a result fresh airs come in the
room at lower level as shown (Fig. 1) and in this way the
room is ventilated. In order to minimize both costs and
visual incursion, it is important to maximize airflow for a

Fig. 1: Solar chimney configuration [2]

given set of weather conditions and size of chimney.
Design of the solar chimney is therefore important both in
providing efficient air movement and in preserving the
architectural integrity of the building. A number of factors
influence the design of the chimney i.e. The location,
climate, orientation of the building, size of building to be
ventilated and internal heat-gains [2].

Corresponding Author: Sajjad Ahmad, Department of Mechanical Engineering, International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan.


World Appl. Sci. J., 32 (5): 741-746, 2014

Methodology: There are several methods to investigate

natural ventilation behavior some of which are: theoretical
method, region method of mesh, computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) and experiment (wind tunnel, gas liner).
In This work, models of solar chimneys have been
simulated with CFD software, ANSYS (FLOTRAN) which
has been used for different models, heights, widths of
opening, air spaces to carry out solar chimney simulations
Geometry Description: In this chapter modeling of
2-dimensional but real sized square room width W= 4m
and height H= 4m is analyzed. The air enters from lower
portion of the room and rises up as it is heated due to
absorber to the outlet opening of the vertical chimney as
shown in Fig.6. The chimney which is the form of parallel
conduit with one side is kept at uniform temp higher than
atmosphere air.

Fig. 2: Operation of Solar chimneys. [3]

Basic Operation of the Solar Chimney: Fig. 2 illustrates
the basic operation of a solar chimney. Solar radiation
passes through glazing and is absorbed at the wall
surface. The air in the chimney is then heated by
convection and radiation. The air present in the upper
level is heated up due to which their density decrease as
a result the air causes it to rise, whereupon it is replaced
by air from lower portion of the room.
Solar chimneys are generally used to provide
ventilation for cooling. It can also be used for heating by
using a fan at the top to direct the warmed air into the
building. There are many choices to make in the design of
a solar chimney, including height, width and depth of
cavity, type of glazing, type of absorber and the inclusion
of insulation or thermal mass in the solar chimney. In this
work, computer simulations are carried out in order to
assist the design process [3].

Simulation Methods: ANSYS (FLOTRAN) software is

used for numerical simulation of real sized 2-D room with
solar chimney. The ventilation flow rate has been
investigated for the following angles of the solar chimney.
Solar Chimney at angle of 30
Solar Chimney at angle of 45
Solar Chimney at angle of 60
Solar Chimney at angle of 90
Numerical Simulations: The analysis presented here
mainly refers to the circulation of t air inside the S.C.
This air is supposed to enter the S.C with a velocity (Vi).
The equations that govern the movement of air inside the
solar chimney are the continuity, momentum and energy

Scope of Work: Many commercial softwares are available

for the simulation of the buildings. The commonly used
softwares are CFD Fluent, Star-CD and ANSYS.
Three processes are commonly used for the creation of
CFD model i.e. geometry, grid generation and numerical
simulation. The simulation can be performed by utilizing
the computational techniques such as finite volume
method. The equations are solved by different solving
techniques like central difference, upward and backward
difference method. The solution of the model is iterative
and each iteration result in a set of errors. The errors for
each variable are summed for each iteration. The solution
will converge when it satisfy the convergence criteria

1 dv 1 dA 1 d
v dz A dz



dv a





+ gz =
C pT +


World Appl. Sci. J., 32 (5): 741-746, 2014

This set of equations has been derived under certain

assumption as described below. The air is assumed to
heat to (T + Ti) due to radiations and air density. Due
to these assumption momentums equation is rearranged

dv Ti
dz Ta


Assuming that the buoyancy force accelerate the air

flow from rest to a velocity (Vi) at the height of entrance
of the S.C, then above equation becomes
vi2 = 2 i gh

Fig. 4.1: Velocity profile of S.C for air gap width 0.4 m at


From Equation (1) and (5) mass flow rate in to the

solar chimney can written as
m = aAi (2 ghTiTa )1/ 2 (Ta + Ti )


Assumptions and Boundary Conditions

The system is at steady state.
The thermal conductivity of the air is, k, viscosity
coefficient, , they are constant.
The working air behaves like an ideal gas.
The air at the entrance in the S.C to the out let is
without friction or leakages.
The thermal effect due to buoyancy force is
considered and due to wind is neglected.
The temp of the roof insulator is same as ambient

Fig. 4.2: The variation of exit velocity in S.C with air gap
width at 30 angle
The exit velocity of the S.C is affected by many
parameters, such as solar intensity, air gap width, inlet
area and solar chimney angle and chimney height. In this
paper we discus the exit velocity affected by two
parameters i.e. air gap width and angle of the solar
chimney. The detail is as under.

Boundary Conditions:
The component of the velocity in the X and Y
directions are set to zero on the walls of the solar
chimney and the absorber.
The pressure at the exit of the S.C is the atmospheric
The temperature of the air flow into the sides of the
collectors is the same ambient temperature T )
The entrance velocity of flow in the x and in the y
direction is zero.
Properties (pressures, temperatures and density) are
assumed at standard the atmospheric conditions.
The flow is assumed to be laminar.

Solar Chimney at angle of 30 for air gap width 0.2m,

0.4m, 0.6m, 0.8m
Solar Chimney at angle 45 for air gap width 0.2m,
0.4m, 0.6m, 0.8m
Solar Chimney at angle 60 for air gap width 0.2m,
0.4m, 0.6m, 0.8m
Solar Chimney at angle 90 for air gap width 0.2m,
0.4m, 0.6m, 0.8m
Solar Chimney at 30 Angle: The variation of the exit
velocity with the width of the air gap at angle of 30 has
shown in the Figure. 4.2. It has been demonstrated that

World Appl. Sci. J., 32 (5): 741-746, 2014

there is an optimal ratio of air gap width and chimney

angle .However, the optimal ratio depends on the
dimension input and output and angle of solar chimney.
When the S.C wall height is 2 m and the width of air gap
is 0.4 m, at 30 angle, exit velocity of the S.C reaches to the
maximum. With the increase of the width, the variation in
the velocity with air gap width is much more observed.
For maximum exit velocity, the optimum air gap is 0.4 m
and height is 2 m.
Solar chimney at 45 Angle: The variation of the exit
velocity with the width of the air gap at angle of 45 has
shown in the Figure. 4.4. It has been demonstrated that
there is an optimal ratio of air gap width and chimney
angle. However, the optimal ratio depends on the
dimension input and output and angle of solar chimney.
When the S.C wall height is 2 m and the width of air gap
is 0.4 m, at 45 angle, exit velocity of the S.C reaches to the
maximum. With the increase of the width, the variation in
the velocity with air gap width is much more observed.
For maximum exit velocity, the optimum air gap is 0.4 m
and height is 2 m.

Fig. 4.3: Velocity profile of S.C for air gap width 0.4 m at

Solar Chimney at 60 Angle: The variation of the

exit velocity with the width of the air gap at angle
of 45 has shown in the Figure. 4.6. It has been
demonstrated that there is an optimal ratio of air gap
width and chimney angle. However, the optimal
ratio depends on the dimension input and output
and angle of solar chimney. When the S.C wall
height is 2 m and the width of air gap is 0.4 m, at 45
angle, exit velocity of the S.C reaches to the maximum.
With the increase of the width, the variation in the
velocity with air gap width is much more observed. For
maximum exit velocity, the optimum air gap is 0.4 m and
height is 2 m.

Fig. 4.4: The variation of exit velocity in S.C with air gap
width at 45 angle

Fig. 4.5: Velocity profile of S.C for air gap width 0.4 m 60

Solar Chimney at 90 Angle: The variation of the exit

velocity with the width of the air gap at angle of 90 has
shown in the Figure. 6.16 to 6.20. It has been
demonstrated that there is an optimal ratio of air gap width
chimney angle. However, the optimal ratio depends on the
dimension input and output and angle of solar chimney.
When the S.C wall height is 2 m and the width of air gap
is 0.2 m, at 90 angle, exit velocity of the S.C reaches to the
maximum. With the increase of the width, the variation in
the velocity with air gap width is much more observed.
For maximum exit velocity, the optimum air gap is 0.2 m
and height is 2 m.

Fig. 4.6: The variation of exit velocity in S.C with air gap
width at 60 angle

World Appl. Sci. J., 32 (5): 741-746, 2014

Table 4.1: Air gap width vs. Velocity at angle of 30, 45, 60, & 90

Air gap width (m)

Velocity (m/sec)






Figure: 4.9 describes the variation of exit velocity in

S.C with the variation of the air gap width at different
angle i.e. 30, 45,60and 90 . From results, you can see
that the velocity is obviously growing up for air gap width
0.4m for three angles i.e. 30, 45, 60 and then decreases
for the rest of air gap widths (0.2m, 0.6m, 0.8m) for
constant chimney wall height (2m) .However velocity
increases for air gap width 0.2 m when S.C wall at angle of
90 and then decreases for rest of air gap. There are two
main reasons for the increase of stack effect. First, the
surface area of heat storage will increases with the
increase of the height of the chimney. Therefore, more
solar radiation has been obtained and the temperature of
the air inside has increased. Secondly, S.C the height is a
factor of chimney effect. Therefore, it can be said that with
increasing height mass flow rate will also increases.
We can see that the distribution of the air speed in
the opening width is not uniform. Air speed near the wall
of heat storage is much greater than that in the middle.
The speed of the air in the interior is decreases with the
increase of air and increase gap width with the increase in
the intensity of solar radiation.

Fig. 4.7: Velocity profile of S.C for air gap width 0.4 m at
90 angle

Fig. 4.8: The variation of exit velocity in S.C with air gap
width at 90 angle

There is an optimal ratio of air gap width and angle of
S.C wall to obtain maximum ventilation, which is linked
with the opening design. Approximately, it can be
considered that optimum gap width is equal to 0.4m,
height 2m in the majority of cases for different angles
except 90 angle. In addition, we can see from the results
that the optimum gap width for obtain the maximum
ventilation rate is about 0.4m. Opening widths have large
effects on ventilation rate from wall solar chimney.
There are optimums width of opening for maximum
ventilation rate which is in relation to the height of the
chimney and the width of the air space. With the increase
in the gap of air gap width and height of the chimney, the
optimal value increase. For an optimal design of solar
chimney wall and ventilation rate, chimney height is better
than 2 m, or half of the room height, the optimal width of
air gap is 0.4m, width of the opening at the entrance of the
flow is better than 1 m.

Fig. 4.9: The variation of exit velocity in S.C with air gap
width at angle of 30, 45, 60 and 90
Velocity is increasing with the increase in solar
energy intensity. In S.C, solar emission is transmitted
through the glass and then it is absorbed by wall storage
for heating indoor air. Hot air goes up which promote the
interior natural ventilation. With increase of solar
intensity, heat gain has increased, the temperature of the
air inside chimney has been increased, duo to which the
difference in density has increased and the mass flow rate
has increased.

World Appl. Sci. J., 32 (5): 741-746, 2014



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