Simulation Model of at Plate Solar Collector Performance: February 2011

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Simulation model of flat plate solar collector performance

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Simulation model of flat plate solar collector performance

Taha .A.T., Amer Eissa. A.H., Gamea G.R. and Hidarh . H. M.

Agricultural Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Minoufiya University,

Shebin El-Kom, Egypt

Received 13 April 2009 Received in revised form 26 August 2009 Accepted 31 August 2009

Abstract: Simulation models are important design tools and useful for predicting the solar
collector performance. The study was carried out to design mathematical model for predicting
thermal efficiency, heat gain, outlet air temperature, glass cover temperature and absorber plate
temperature of a covered plate attic solar collector under steady conditions was developed. The
model presented in this paper utilizes the basic principles and relationships of heat transfer to
simulate the behavior of the solar collector under various conditions. Solar collector was
divided in to five sectors in this model. The effect of the mass air flow and wind speed above
the collector on the collector efficiency was investigated using the mathematical model. The
simulation model is composed of two systems: one for the global radiation on tilt surface and
other for the collector depended on the differential equations. Predictors for solar radiation have
been developed because there is often a lack of representative solar radiation data in most
countries. Cloudiness, atmospheric transmissivity, latitude and orientation of the Earth relative
to the Sun, time of day, slope and aspect of the surface determine the spatial and temporal
distribution of irradiance incident on a surface. This model which produces estimates of the total
amount of solar radiation that reaches the earth's surface in a day called "daily global solar
exposure". Generally, direct radiation is the largest component of total radiation, and diffuse
radiation is the second largest component. Reflected radiation generally constitutes only a small
proportion of total radiation, except for locations surrounded by highly reflective surfaces such
as concrete cover. Comparisons between experimental and theoretical results indicated that the
proposed mathematical model can be used for estimating the thermal performance of flat-plate
solar collector with reasonable.

Keywords: Solar radiation; solar air heating collector; Flat plate; Computer simulation model;
Meteorological data.

Introduction: At the present time, solar energy is more attractive than even as an alternative
competitive cost and without environmental degradation. Solar energy is transmitted from the
sun through space to earth by electromagnetic radiation. It must be converted to heat before it
can be used in practical heating or cooling systems. Solar energy collectors, the devices used to
convert the sun's radiation to heat.
Hsieh (1986) mentioned that, solar energy collectors are special kind of heat exchangers
that transform solar radiation energy to internal energy of the transport medium. The major
component of any solar system is the solar collector. This is a device which absorbs the
incoming solar radiation, converts it into heat, and transfers this heat to a fluid (usually air,

water, or oil) flowing through the collector. The solar energy thus collected is carried from the
circulating fluid either directly to the hot water or space conditioning equipment or to a thermal
energy storage tank from which can be drawn for use at night and/or cloudy days. Kalogirou .S.
A (2004) and,(Akhta & Mullick,2007).
The solar air collector has an important place among solar thermal systems because it is
widely used in many commercial applications such as the supply of hot air to school buildings
and agricultural and industrial drying, etc Its advantages are low cost, no freezing and no high
pressure problems . However, the efficiency of solar air collectors is low because of the low
Prandtl number of air. The efficiency of a solar collector depends on its type and model as well
as on the rate of heat loss during operation. Conventional flat plate non-ponous type air heating
collectors are widely used for solar drying systems. Low temperature drying is recommended
for most agriculture product. In general 15-20 oC temperature rise of air is sufficient to meet the
drying requirements. There have recently been numerous studies to increase performance of the
solar air heater. The effect of collector aspect ratio on the collector efficiency of upward-type
flat-plate solar air heaters has been investigated both theoretically and experimentally by (Yeh
and Lin 1995),Yeh et al,1999),( Ucar and Inallı ,2006) and ( Lin et al., 2006). Mathematical
modeling and computer simulation provide important tools for determining an energy efficient
design as well as predicting the overall system performance for solar collector systems. Auser
friendly computer model is thus very useful for designing an economical and appropriate solar
heat collecting system related to the real meteorological data.
Therefore, the objectives of this research were to: develop a mathematical model
for predicting thermal efficiency, heat gain, outlet air temperature, glass cover temperature
and absorber plate temperature of a covered plate attic solar collector under steady
conditions .

Climate of Egypt:
The Arab world is an important geographical zone, with long sunny days during the
year (Timoumi et al, 2004). It is characterized by the high sunshine duration per year around
300 sunny days . In general, each square meter in the Arab world receives nearly 640 Wh-1.
( Rahoma, 2008).
Therefore, using solar energy can considerably reduce energy costs. Egypt has received
average solar energy of (7) kWhm-2.d -1. This solar energy is sufficient, especially in summer, to
meet all the energy demands for the drying of agricultural products.(Chedid and Chaaban ,2003)

Theoretical analysis:
To model the collectors considered, a number of simplifying assumptions can be made
to lay the foundations without obscuring the basic physical situation. These assumptions are as
1. Thermal performance of collectors is steady state.
2. There is a negligible temperature drop through the glass cover, the absorber plate.
3. There is one-dimensional heat flow through the back insulation which is in the direction
perpendicular to the air flow.
4. The sky can be considered as a blackbody for long-wavelength radiation at an
equivalent sky temperature.
5. Loss through front and back are to the same ambient temperature.
6. Dust and dirt on the collector and the shading of the collector absorbing plate are
7. Thermal inertia of collector components is negligible.
8. Operating temperatures of collector components
9. Temperature of the air varies only in the flow direction.
10. All air channels are assumed to be free of leakage.
11. Thermal losses through the collector backs are mainly due to the conduction across the
insulation and those caused by the wind and the thermal radiation of the insulation are
assumed negligible.

12. The effects of the heat transfer from the ends of the collector were negligible.
13. Natural convection was considered as the mode of convective heat transfer between the
interior surfaces (inclined cover, and absorber plate) and the air when the fans were not
in operation. Forced convection over a flat plate was considered as the mode of
convective heat transfer between the absorber plate and the air when the fans were in

1. Models For Computing Radiation On The Horizontal Surface

The total radiation received on the horizontal is a summation of the direct(beam) and
diffuse radiation. (Parker,1991),(Duffie and Beckman 2006) and (Sen ,2008).
Hottel (1976) has presented a technique for estimating the direct radiation transmitted
through clear atmosphere as:

Qbeam  I on beam Cos z

[Wm-2] (1)
Where :
Ion : the extraterrestrial radiation measured on the plane normal to the radiation on the
n day of the year.
I on  I sc [1  0.034Cos( )]
365.24 [Wm-2] (2)

The equation for clear sky diffuse radiation is in the from:

Qdiff  I on . diff Cos z
[Wm-2] (3)
These equation can be used estimate the total standard clear sky radiation on a
surface with incident angle,z:

2. Models For Computing Radiation On an inclined(tilted) Surface

The total radiation received on an inclined can be calculated in a similar way as the
sum of the direct(beam) ,diffuse and reflected radiation from the surroundings :
QGt  Qbt  Qdt  Qrt
[Wm-2] (4)

2.1 Estimation of Direct or beam solar radiation on an inclined surface

Beam radiation The solar radiation received from the sun without having been
scattered by the atmosphere. (Beam radiation is often referred to as direct solar radiation; to
avoid confusion between subscripts for direct and diffuse, we use the term beam radiation.)
(Duffie and Beckman 2006) & (Styler ,2007). According to Elminir et al,2006) ,
Taha(2003) Rahoma U.A,(2008), and Parker (1991), the direct or beam radiation can be
calculated using the lambert’s law with the described geometric terms as follows:
Qbt  (QGt  Qdt ).Cos
[Wm-2] (5)

2.2 Estimation of sky diffuse radiation on an inclined surface

Scattered light comes from the whole sky. Diffuse is completely absent on a crystal
clear day with no clouds or haze and is highly available on cloudy hazy days or in places
with lots of smog.( Haase et al,2009) and (Styler ,2007).
The next step in the process is to estimate the amount of sky diffuse radiation incident
on a collecting surface. The diffuse radiation is mainly influenced by the atmosphere
conditions. Various methods have been developed for estimating the diffuse radiation.

Liu and Jordan (1960) used a simplified assumption that the diffuse radiation on the
tilted surface, Qdt, was isotropic and could be calculated as follows:
(1  Cos )
Qdt  Qd [ ]
2 [Wm-2] (6)

2. 3. 1 Estimation of ground reflected solar radiation on an inclined surface

According to (Temps and Coulson ,1977, parker 1991, & Elminir et al,2006), the
formula is expressed as follows:
Qrt  Qd  [(1  Cos ) / 2)  Qd  (1  Sin3 (  / 2))(1  Cos / 2].[1  Sin2 ( z / 2)][ Cos ]
[Wm-2] (7)

3. Simulation model of solar collector

3.1 Radiation
QG ( ins)  QGt  cov [Wm-2] (8)

Where  has a correlation with the angle of incidence . The orientation of the
collector in the location of the experiment is face south (its azimuth angle  = 0), The
influence of the atmosphere was neglected.

3.1.1 Long-wave radiation

The surface of any part of the collector at a given temperature T emits electromagnetic
radiation, the flux measured in W, is subjected to the Stefan-Boltzmann law seen below :
Qrad   . . A.T 4 [W] (9)
The radiant heat transfer process is very complicated , and the geometry’s of the collector parts
have a significant effect.

3.2 Convection

The design and analysis of all solar thermal systems requires familiarity with the
fundamentals of heat transfer. In discussion of modeling in the present study, it has been
assumed that the various heat transfer coefficients involved have different values. For example,
the coefficients (h ins ),( h out )and (k) all unincorporated knowledge about the magnitude of
convection and radiation coefficients used to represent the heat transfer between the interior and
exterior surfaces of the collector and the environment. (Taha ,2003).Heat exchange by
convection occurs at three different locations of any collector : on the inward and outward sides
of the glass cover, air flow and on heating flat plate .
The convective heat flux between a couple of inward sides , called Q conv , is
proportional to the temperature difference T , between the inward side and the medium
Consequently , the Q conv is given by the following equation:
Qconv  hconv . A.T
[W] (10)
The convection coefficients between the surfaces and the air are assumed to be constant and
independent of temperature difference (Altmayer et al. 1982), but at most, it is dependent on the
surface orientation and direct of heat flow.

3.3 Conduction
The flux of conductive heat (Q cond ) through an element of a wood measured in W
depends upon the cross – sectional area of the element, the temperature gradient and thermal
conductivity of the wood . This can be expressed as follows:
kinsu  (Tplate  Tinsu )
Qcond 
 insu [Wm-2] (11)
4. Collector Energy Balance

The state of the important collector variables are determined by energy and mass
balances. The energy balance of this collector was simulated. In this chapter, the various terms
of the energy balance will be described. Before going into details, it is necessary to determine
which parts of the collector are considered in one balance. Although, a balance could be
formulated for every single part of the collector, the energy balance of the following parts
should be considered:
1.The collector cover,
2.The collector airflow,
3. The collector flat plate.
Concerning the collector cover, the energy balance is composed of radiative exchange
with the sky, radiative exchange with the interior of the collector, convective exchange between
the cover and both the collector air and outside air. In respect to the collector air, it includes the
convective exchange with the cover, and flat plate.

4.1 The balance for the different parts are:

For the glass cover

QGt  cov  Qrad ,(cov sky )  Qrad ,(cov  plate)  Qconv,(cov amb)  Qconv,(cov airflow)  0
For the air flow
Qconv ,(cov er airflow)  Qconv ,( plater airflow)  0
For the flat plate
QGt  cov   plate  Qrad ,( platecov)  Qconv ,( plate airflow)  Qcond ,( plateinsulation)  0

4.2 Differential equation

To calculate the temperature of the collector elements ( glass cover ,airflow ,flat
plate) the following differential equation was used (Farkas,1998 &Taha, 2003):
 n
1 [K] (15)
  C p     0 sup
T (Q  Qlos )d

5. Description of the system

5.1 Model description

Fig.(1). represents the simulation approach for the overall simulation model of flat
plate solar collector . It consists of two main models, one for Models For Computing Radiation
On an inclined(tilted) Surface and another for solar air heating collectors The meteorological
files consist of hourly data of ambient air temperature, latitude angle , average wind speed and
altitude. The MATLAB programming language is chosen for modeling. Each system
component is defined by a class of variables and related functions. The solar collector model
predicts thermal performance of designs of air heating collectors based on hourly input air
conditions. The model uses the solar collector performance analysis method presented by
(Duffie and Beckman ,2006, Smitabhindu et al ,2008& ,Hussain et al ,2005).

Fig. (1). Flat plate solar collector model

Simulation model
In Put Of Out Put
Flat plate solar collector performance

-Radiation On The Horizontal Surface

-Simulation time and period -Radiation On an inclined(tilted) Surface
-Latitude angle - Temperature the collector glass cover,
-Number of the days - Temperature the collector airflow,
-Number of the months - Temperature the collector flat plate
-average wind speed
-Collector Tilt Angle
-Ambient air temperature Predicted
-Altitude no
-hconv inside and outside
-, cp and  for sheet ,glass, ,air, Comparing between
and wood (insulation ) Measured and Predicted data
-T sky sky temperature
-Duct Thickness,
- Thickness Plate sheet ,glass, ,air, yes
and wood-Air Flow Rate,
-Glass Cover Transmittance and
Absorptance, Absorber and Duct -Radiation On The Horizontal Surface
-Plate Emissivity, Thermal -Radiation On an inclined(tilted) Surface
Conductivity of Insulation - Temperature the collector glass cover,
- Temperature the collector airflow,
- Temperature the collector flat plate

Validated model

Fig. (2). Schematic diagram of basic simulation approach.

Using the obtained results, a Simulink program was developed following the
methodology described above:
1.using the theoretical data, as: The considered site latitude; The representative day number for
each month; all required theoretical parameters are calculated;
2.Using sunshine hours duration as input .
3. global radiation on The horizontal Surface
4. global radiation on an inclined(tilted) Surface
5. temperature the collector glass cover,
6. temperature the collector airflow,
7. temperature the collector flat plate
The obtained Simulink program is presented in Fig.(3)

Fig.(3).Airflow temperature in the parts of the solar collector Simulation Model

5.2 Solar Collector Efficiency
After the equations were solved, the useful energy gain by the air was determined from
Qu  m  C p (Tout  Tin )
Thermal efficiency of solar collector ,η, is defined as the
ratio of useful energy gain by the air to solar radiation incident on the plate of the collector
IGt  Acollector (17)
In terms of standard non-dimensional parameters for collectors, the thermal efficiency of a
solar collector can be written as:
 (Tr )   0  Tr
u0 (18)
where ηo is the optic collector efficiency; Ut the collector overall thermal-loss coefficient (in
Wm-2 oC-1); Tr, a reduced temperature given by the following formula
(T plate  Tamb
Tr  u
I Gt (19)
u0 is a coefficient used to dimensionless the reduced temperature (u0=10 W m-2 oC-1);Tplate,
the absorber temperature approximated by the average temperature (in oC ). (Amara ,et al
2005), (Abu-Hamdeh.,2003), (Condorı and Saravia ,2003). (Abdullah et al .,2003). And
(Duffie and Beckman 2006)

5.3 Description of the solar collector

A schematic diagram of the solar collector is shown in Fig 4. It consists of a glass
cover of high transmissivity to solar radiation and an absorber plate with its upper surface
painted matt black to increase the absorptivity of the system. The air to be heated flows
between the glass cover and absorber plate, where it gains thermal energy from the absorber
plate. The storage material is placed under the absorber plate. The system is insulated from
all sides and bottom by an insulating material to reduce the heat losses to ambient air.
Further, the solar collector is oriented to face south and tilted 30.5 o with respect to the
horizontal. The solar heater is tested outdoors under the natural convection mode of
operation.. The surrounding air temperature, wind speed and the total solar radiation
incident on the heater plane are also measured.( Keshek 2007) ,(Gamea, et al ,2002) and
(Aboul-Enein, et al 2000), (Jain and Jain,2004),(Jain.D,2005,a,b), & ( Jain.D,2007).

Radiation Glass cover

ٍSolar Radiation
Air outlet

Convection Insulation

Air inlet

Fig. (4) Schematic diagram showing heat transfers in the solar collector.

Considering an element dx of collector at a distance x from the inlet as shown in Fig
(5).The length of the collector was divided into a five sections or (sectors) so that the properties
of the material are nearly constant within each section. The time interval should be small
enough for the air conditions to be constant at the inlet to and exit from the section. But for the
economy of computing time, a compromise between the acceptability of the results and the
intervals must be used. The system of equations consisting of equation (1)-(19) is expressed in
the following form for the interval dx for the entire length of collector unit:


Glass cover
 Tamb

 Tglasscover

Air inlet  Tairflow

 Tplate

x dx Conduction
Back insulator

Fig. (5). Schematic diagram showing heat transfers in the solar collector

5.4 Input Parameters

The mathematical model was solved for Shibin El-Kom, Egypt (latitude 30.5o N,
longitude 31.3o E and altitude 16.2 meters from mean sea level),(Amer,2009). The input
parameters used for numerical computation are shown in table (1)

Table 1: Input operating parameters used for numerical computation

Parameters Values
A collector 1 x1 m2
Cp, glass ,Cp, air , Cp, plate 0.837,1.000,0.124 [ K-1]
K steel ,K wood ,K glass 58.2 , (0.04-0.21),0.76 , [Wm-1K-1]
h conv, outside , h conv, inside (4-30),(2-5) [Wm-2K-1]
ε sky ,ε glass ,ε plate 1,0.9,0.90 -
ρ glass , ρ air, ρ, plate (1550-2515),1.204,7800 [Kgm-3]
 glass 0.90 -
 5.67× 10-8 [Wm-2K-4]
x glass ,x plate ,x wood 0.003 ,0.003 ,0.01 m
 glass , plate 0.1 ,0.9 -
˙m 0.01 – 0.07 kgs-1

6. Results and Discussion
A computer program was prepared to solve the energy balance equations on the solar
collector. The results of thermal performance's solar collector predicted from the mathematical
model based on hourly input air conditions for the 2nd June 2005 for climatic conditions of
Shibin El-Kom, Egypt .The computation was carried out simultaneously to evaluate the solar
radiation on tilt surface ranged from 50 to 875 Wm-2 ,beam radiation on tilt surface from 10 to
107 Wm-2, ,reflect radiation on tilt surface from 0 to 14 Wm-2 , glass cover temperature from
22 to 38 oC , absorber plate temperature from 25 to 58 oC , airflow temperature from 26 to 47
C , thermal efficiency from 25 to 53 (%) and the length of the collector was divided into a five
sections or(sectors) [ 0.2 ,0.4 ,0.6 ,0.8 ,1.0 m] airflow temperature toward ( 41.2 , 42.17 , 43.42
, 45 .17 , 46.92 oC )

Fig .(6). shows the results obtained for the solar intensity on tilt surface and ambient air
temperature of the month of June for climatic conditions of Shibin El-Kom, Egypt.

Meas. Sol. Rad. on tilt T. amb.

1000 40
900 35
Solar radiation, W/m^2


600 25

500 20
400 15
100 5

0 0
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Time, hour

Fig. (6). Diurnal variation of solar radiation on tilt surface and

ambient air temperature during month of 2nd June 2005.

Pred. Sol. Rad. on tilt Meas. Sol. Rad. on tilt

solar radiation, W/m^2

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Time, hour
Fig. (7). Measured and calculated for solar radiation on tilt surface.

Fig.(7). shows the results of total solar radiation on tilt surface measured and
predicted during daylight hours ranging between 8:00 and 18:00 h. where solar radiation
changes in the range of 50–875 Wm-2, and the values used in the typical configurations and
operating conditions in table (1) are used for the other parameters.

1000 2
R = 0.9967
Pred. Sol. Rad. on tilt

N = 57




0 200 400 600 800 1000
Meas. Sol. Rad. on tilt

Fig. (8). Comparison measured and calculated for solar radiation on

tilt surface

Fig.(8). showing correlation coefficient between the total solar radiation at the
surface measured and predicted the resulting model gave an R2 of (0.9967)

Fig.(9a). shows results of Beam, diffuse and reflect solar radiation on tilt surface during
daylight hours. Direct radiation is the largest component of total radiation, and diffuse radiation
is the second largest component, while reflected radiationfig.9b.constitutes only a small
proportion of total radiation, except for locations surrounded by highly reflective surfaces such
as concrete cover.

rad beem rad diff rad ref

Solar radiation, W/m^2

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Time, hour
Fig.(9a). Beam, diffuse and reflect solar radiation



Solar radiation, W/m^2



7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Time, hour

Fig.(9b) Reflect solar radiation

This confirms the validity of the model designed to predict the thermal performance
of the solar collector.

Tglass Tplate Tairflow calculated


7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Time, hour

Fig.(10) The hourly temperatures of the airflow, absorber plates, and

class cover.

Fig.(11) shows the comparison between calculated and measured collector outlet
airflow temperature, during a day of changeable climatic conditions. It can be seen that a
good agreement had been found between the simulated and the experimental result.

Tairflow calculated Tairflow measured


Temperature, C






7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Time, hour

Fig. (11) Comparison between calculated and measured

collector outlet airflow temperature

Fig.(12) shows the correlation coefficient between calculated and measured

collector outlet airflow temperature the resulting model gave an R2 of (0.9952).

R = 0.9972
Calculated airflow temp.,C

N = 57



20 30 40 50

Measured airflow temp.,C

Fig.(12) Calculated and measured collector outlet airflow


Fig (13) showing behavior of the airflow temperature (T airflow) on the thermal
performance of the solar collector where (Tairflow) different from sector to other, and the
values used in the typical configurations and operating conditions in the table are used for
the other parameters. We are noted the results of the temperature rise in the extent of solar

sector 1 sector 2 sector 3

sector 4 sector 5


Temperature, C




7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time, hour
Fig .(13). Airflow temperature in the parts of the solar collector .

Thermal efficiency modeling

The heat performance study of the air solar plate collector was performed by
plotting the collector efficiency curves (given by equation 16) versus the reduced
temperature (given by equation (19).The receding results are presented in Fig 14. The graph
represent the collector efficiency plotted against the reduced temperature for the given
operating conditions: solar irradiation intensity 876 Wm-2, air mass flow rate in the collector
0.075 kgs-1. It can be seen from Fig (14) that by changing the different operational
conditions, the measured collector heat performance values overlap on the same linear
curve when plotted against the reduced temperature. Therefore, the graph representing
collector efficiency versus reduced temperature can be simulated by a decreasing straight
line where the slope represents the overall thermal-loss coefficient and the ordinate at zero-
point characterizes the optical efficiency.

Fig .(14 ) Airflow temperature in the parts of the solar collector .

7. Conclusions
The developed mathematical model is useful for predicting the performance of flat
plate solar collector, thermal efficiency, heat gain, outlet air temperature, glass cover
temperature and absorber plate temperature of a covered plate attic solar collector under
steady conditions.
The air temperature increased with the increase in collector length, breadth and tilt
angle up to typical value of these parameters. It is also depends on mass flow rate of solar
The results of the model developed were found to be in good agreement with other
reported results.
The overall advantage shows that, the developed model described very well the
thermal performance of flat plate solar collector.


A surface area [m2]

Acover cover or glass material area [m2]
Aplate Flat plate area [m2]
Cp specific heat [ K-1]
h coefficient of convective thermal transmission [Wm-2K-1]
Isc Solar constant =1353 [ Wm-2 ]
k thermal conductivity for insulation. [W m-1K-1]
N The number of observation. ---
n selected simulation time. [h]
Q cond heat flux due to conduction . [W]
Q conv heat flux due to convection [W]
Qbeam direct or beam radiation [Wm-2]
Qbt direct or beam solar radiation absorbed at collector surface [Wm-2]
Qdiff diffuse radiation [Wm-2]
Qdt diffuse solar radiation absorbed at collector surface. [Wm-2]
QG(ins) solar radiation absorbed at collector tiled surface [Wm-2]
QGlobal the total solar radiation [Wm-2]
QGt solar radiation absorbed at collector tiled surface [Wm-2]
Qrad(plate-cover) radiation exchange between the plate and the cover. [W]
Qrad(Cover-sky) radiation exchange between the cover and the sky. [W]
Qrd heat transfer by radiation [W]
Qrt reflected radiation from the surroundings . [Wm-2]
Q sup heat supplied to the collector element . [Wm-2]
Q los heat loss from the collector element. [Wm-2]
T temperature. [K]
T surface temperature [K]
Ta temperature of the outside air [°C]
Tamb Surrounding temperature [K]
Tcover temperature of the cover material [K]
Tplate temperature of the flat plate [K]
Tsky temperature of the sky [K]
x thick ness of the element . [m]
X thickness for insulation. [m]
Greek letters
 surface emissivity is < 1 [-]
 surface–solar azimuth angle [°]
 tilt angle of the collector surface is 30°. [°]

ρ density of the air [kg.m-3]
 Stefan-Boltzmann constant, = 5.67× 10-8 [Wm-2K-4]
cover the emissivity of the cover material [-]
 plate the emissivity of the plate [-]
 sky the emissivity of the sky , = 1.0 (von Elsner 1982) [-]
 simulation time. [h]
beam the atmospheric transmittance for beam radiation [-]
cov transmissivity of the cover material [-]
diff the atmospheric transmittance for diffuse radiation [-]
T temperature difference [K]
θ incidence angle [°]
θz zenith angle [°]
ξ surface reflectance value [-]
ς cloudiness factor , ( 0-1 ) [-]

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‫نموذج محاكاة لتقييم أداء المجمعات الشمسية المسطحة‬

‫أحمد توفيق طه‪ ,‬أيمن حافظ عامر عيسى‪ ,‬جمال رشاد جامع‪ ,‬حميد مثنى حيدرة‬

‫قسى انُٓدسة انزراػ‪ٛ‬ة – كه‪ٛ‬ة انزراػة ‪ -‬جايؼة انًُٕف‪ٛ‬ة‪ -‬شب‪ ٍٛ‬انكٕو‪ -‬يصز‬

‫‪ٓٚ‬ددد انب ددى تنددٗ نصددً‪ٛ‬ى ًَددٕلت ي اكدداد ن ا‪ٛ‬دد‪ٛ‬ى الا انً ًؼددا انشًسدد‪ٛ‬ة انًسددح ة ت‪ٛ‬ددى نؼ بددز يددٍ اْددى الٔا‬
‫ان صً‪ٛ‬ى نه ُبؤ باأللا ان زار٘ نهً ًؼا انشًس‪ٛ‬ة ‪ .‬ثى ان ُبؤ يٍ خالل ْذا انًُٕلت بانكفا د ان زار‪ٚ‬دة‪ ٔ ,‬ان دزارد‬
‫انًك سبة‪ٔ ,‬لرجة تزارد انهٕح انًاص‪ٔ ,‬انٕٓا انًار‪ٔ ,‬انغحا نهً ًغ انشًس‪ ٙ‬ن ت ظزٔ ان شدغ‪ٛ‬م انًسد ازد ‪.‬‬
‫‪ٚ‬ؼ ًد نصد ً‪ٛ‬ى ْدذا انًُدٕلت ػهد‪ ٙ‬انًبدالس األساسد‪ٛ‬ة لَ ادال ان دزارد خدالل اجدزا انً ًدغ انشًسد‪ ٙ‬ن دت ي هد‬
‫انظزٔ انًُاخ‪ٛ‬ة ‪ ٚ .‬كٌٕ انًُٕلت يٍ َظاي‪ ٍٛ‬اساس‪ : ٍٛٛ‬األٔل خاص بان ُبؤ باإلشؼاع انكهد‪ ٙ‬انسداقع ػهدٗ انسدح‬
‫انًائم كدانة ف‪ ٙ‬انزياٌ ٔانًكاٌ ٔلنك ن ٕف‪ٛ‬ز قاػدد ب‪ٛ‬اَا نٓدذا انا‪ٛ‬دا ‪ٔ .‬ا‪ٜ‬خدز خداص بدان ُبؤ بانًؼددل ان زار‪ٚ‬دة‬
‫نهً ًددغ انشًسدد‪ ٙ‬يؼ ًدددا ػهددٗ يؼددالل نفاظدده‪ٛ‬ة ‪ٔ .‬نددى اس د داو بزَدداي ‪ MATLAB‬ػهددٗ انكًب‪ٛ‬ددٕنز‪ ,‬ثددى ناسدد‪ٛ‬ى‬
‫انً ًغ انشًس‪ ٙ‬تنٗ خًسة اقساو ‪ ٛ َٔ.‬ة ن ؼزض اإلشؼاع انشًس‪ ٙ‬خالل اخ زاقّ انغال ان ٕ٘ انً د‪ٛ‬ع بداألرض‬
‫تنٗ بؼط ان غ‪ٛ‬زا ان ‪ ٙ‬نُشأ ػٍ ان ش ت ٔالي صداص بسدبو ٔجدٕل جز‪ ٚ‬دا انٓدٕا ٔب دار انًدا ٔانغبدار ان دٕ٘‬
‫ٔغ‪ٛ‬زْدا يدٍ انؼٕايدم انًدؤثزد األخدزٖ ك دع انؼدزض ٔنٕجدّ األرض بانُسدبة نهشدً ‪ٔ ,‬انٕقدت يدٍ ان‪ٛ‬دٕو ‪ٔ ,‬ي‪ٛ‬ددم‬
‫ٔنٕجّ انسدح انًائدم فداٌ اإلشدؼاع انٕالدم تندٗ انسدح انًائدم ‪ ٚ‬كدٌٕ يدٍ ثالثدة يكَٕدا اساسد‪ٛ‬ة ‪:‬األٔندٗ األشدؼة‬
‫انًباشزد‪ ْٙٔ ,‬اكبزا نًكَٕا ‪ٔ ,‬انثاَ‪ٛ‬ة ْد‪ ٙ‬انًشد ة أ( انًُ شدزد)‪ٔ ,‬انثانثدة ْد‪ ٙ‬األشدؼة انًُؼكسدة يدٍ األرض ‪,‬‬
‫ٔنشكم َسبة ظ ‪ٛ‬هة يٍ األشؼة تسو انحباة انًغح‪ٛ‬ة نهًٕقغ انً ‪ٛ‬ع (ان زساَة ف‪ ٙ‬ظزٔ ان زبة )‪ٔ,‬تجًان‪ْ ٙ‬دذِ‬
‫األشؼة نسًٗ اإلشؼاع انشًس‪ ٙ‬انكه‪ ٙ‬انس اقع ػهٗ انسح انًائم ان د‪ ٙ‬ندى نادد‪ٚ‬زْا يدٍ خدالل ْدذا انًُدٕلت انز‪ٚ‬اظد‪ٙ‬‬
‫‪ٔ ,‬نى لراسة نأث‪ٛ‬ز يؼدل يدزٔر انٓدٕا ٔسدزػة انٓدٕا فدٕج انً ًدغ ػهدٗ كفدا د انً ًدغ انشًسد‪ٔ . ٙ‬ن ا‪ٛ‬د‪ٛ‬ى انًُدٕلت‬
‫انز‪ٚ‬اظ‪ ٙ‬نًت ياارَة انُ ائ انً صم ػه‪ٓٛ‬ا يٍ انًُٕلت انز‪ٚ‬اظ‪ ٙ‬بانُ ائ انً صم ػه‪ٓٛ‬دا ن ز‪ٚ‬ب‪ٛ‬دا‪ٔ.‬قدد أظد ت‬
‫انُ ائ يا ‪ٚ‬ه‪:ٙ‬‬
‫‪ ‬يؼايم الرنباط ب‪ ٍٛ‬انُ ائ انً صم ػه‪ٓٛ‬ا يٍ انًُٕلت ٔانُ ائ انًااسة كاٌ ( ‪ ) 9.00‬نإلشؼاع انشًسد‪ٙ‬‬
‫انكه‪ ٙ‬انساقع ػهٗ انسح انًائم‪.‬‬
‫‪ ‬يؼايم الرنباط ب‪ ٍٛ‬انُ ائ انً صم ػه‪ٓٛ‬ا يٍ انًُٕلت ٔانُ ائ انًااسة كاٌ ( ‪ ) 9.00‬نهٕٓا ان دارت يدٍ‬
‫انً ًغ‪.‬‬
‫‪ ‬لرجة تزارد انٕٓا لاخم انً ًغ انشًس‪ ٙ‬ف‪ ٙ‬اناحاػا ان ًسة كاَت ي درجة تسو طٕل انً ًغ اثُا ف دزد‬
‫ان شغ‪ٛ‬م ٔبان اِ سز‪ٚ‬اٌ انٕٓا ‪ 29.04, 21..4, 24.24, 24..4, 2..4 (.‬لرجة ي ٕ‪ٚ‬ة )‬
‫‪ ‬انًُٕلت انًا زح ‪ٚ‬صه ن ا‪ٛٛ‬ى الا انً ًغ انشًس‪ٔ ٙ‬ان ُبؤ بشدد اإلشؼاع انشًس‪ ٙ‬انساقع ػهٗ انسح انًائم‪.‬‬


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