72 Virgins 21

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Finding 72 Virgins

Editorial By: Eli S. Reid

Writer-at-Large #sulltraneessays
When attempting to ask and answer important religious questions of
our time we rarely apply the general rules for solving problems.
Whether the linear method for solving an equation or the
scientific method, there are very accurate approaches to finding
explanations to the workings of our universe. Theories are tested,
and tested again. Geniuses spend their lives devoted to the rigor
of finding answers. Even at the second grade level its taught
that one must have integers to make an equation. An integer is
defined as a thing complete within itself. You dont take it for
granted that you must have those pieces before finding an answer
is possible. Ironically, on the subject of eternal salvation this
method is rarely applied. When your average person asks a
religious question, most of the time they work on pure assumption;
or, worse then that, passed down information, television, or local
authority. They rarely seek the source that will provide clear
insight into what the integers forming the equation will be.
To test this I asked people in my neighborhood, mostly Christians,
if its actually true that Moslems are rewarded 72 virgins in
heaven for martyrdom; especially in the killing of Christians and
Jews? The answers I received werent uncertain. Most were
unequivocal that one of the highest honors bestowed in the Holy
Quran was for killing of Christians and Jews, and that your
reward would be 72 of the purest virgins waiting in heaven. One
guy was so certain, that even when I was through three quarters of
the Holy book itself; he was still promising the blood and sexual
revolution would come. It didnt.
After reading the general text twice, the annotations, the index,
the notes on Arabic terms, and the alphabetical list of surahs I
can almost certainly tell you the 72 virgins dont exist. So where
does that leave us? Where to go from here? What were those people
missing that led them to believe so fervently something so false?
To find these answers lets return to the scientific method. The
scientific method is a way to ask and answer a question by making
observations and doing experiments. The first step is to ask the
What is the question? The question is how so many people could
believe whole hearted in something so false? Or maybe, what are
the integers that lead to the totality of such ignorance?
An appropriate place to begin to answer these questions is in
definitions. If we cant clearly see what the culprits of
ignorance are, how are we to uproot them? Propaganda is defined as
information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to
promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of


view. Thats propaganda.

I think one facet Kim Davis and myself can agree on is that Isis,
and the like, have something to gain from distortion of
information. That they obviously seek power over the Islamic
world. So that ingredient is in. I have found that 72 virgins for
martyrdom are also absent, so misleading information can already
be checked off the list. So one of our integers can definitely be
appropriated as propaganda. We will return to propagandas nature
when we have ascertained the other pieces.
Next I think its paramount that Islamic tenants are discussed. If
they dont promise virgins or condone the extirpation of races,
what do they teach? The Primary Morals of Islam seemed like a
good place to start. Its pretty much their Ten Commandments, so
their pretty important. They are as listed: truth, honest dealing,
unselfishness, humility, patience, thankfulness, self-control,
chastity, courage, forgiveness. By viewing these qualities we can
see how ignorance develops from propaganda, and serves to destroy
truth. Chastity, forgiveness, and patience arent synonyms for
death and rampant sex with multiple partners under Gods roof. But
first we must move to our next integer. We will discuss items like
usury, opposition, and womans rights later on.
Finally we have to ascertain whether or not the tenants of Islam
are compatible with Americas way of life. For the argument seems
to be that we must fear Moslems, and their way of life threatens
United States Democracy and safety. I have heard on MSNBC, CNN,
Fox News, you name it politicians, pundits, talking heads
asserting that we are under attack. That the Moslem caliphate is
just not compatible with the American way. Dont believe me, ask
congressman Steve King, David Jolly, or Tom Cotton, they are out
to get us and want us dead. Or they could make they skies melt and
the heavens fall; or just maybe Islam actually preach religious
tolerance? Another question we could ask, just for shits and
giggles, is if Isis is really and Islamic group? If any of the
terror groups are for that matter? Maybe we could even ask if the
Christians who march and parade against Islam are actually
Christian. That may have to be another day.
Breaking propaganda down further we instantly run into the use of
symbols and emotions. Lets look at what Isis promises, and whom
they are promising it to. They are promising the opportunity to be
a John Wayne war hero, and a lot of virgin pussy to 15-18 year-old
kids. High-school kids filled with hormones. If you remove the
symbols of nationality and religion, and apply ours, its clear
thats their promise. To top it of, they also offer a code, a
position, an opportunity to be apart of something not remedial.
Big and full fairy tale life. Its nothing different then our
military recruitment, police hiring; or gang scouting. But it
still doesnt explain why people are willing to kill at will to
obtain those things.
This is the next stage in propaganda, creating the enemy. How to


get others to kill people is a relatively simple task, trick them

into believing they arent people. Use physical symbols such as
geographic location, dress, culture, language to create imaginary
barriers; then stoke those barriers into beliefs that create
anger. Point out the clear differences to someone who doesnt have
previous experience or understanding. Hopefully they are already
feeling abandoned and lonely, that makes them prime for the
taking. Finally add religion, add God. This is the topper. If a
small group of people can convince a larger one that its Gods
will to destroy other life, he will have complete power over that
individual. No amount of evidence, logic, or human compassion will
ever draw him back. Hes lost.
The only way to fight this is to beat propaganda to the punch with
education. There are two basic kinds of learning-- experiential,
and through study. This means the more we can read and understand
what the Holy Quran actually says, and the greater number of
Moslems we have in our communities the more understanding we gain
of who they are. Thus increasing our knowledge the actuality, or
lack there of, for the possibility of danger.
We can start the trend, right here today, you and I by delving
into some of the primary tenants of the Holy Quran, and asking
ourselves are they compatible with our American way of life? If
they arent, what conclusions can we draw about Islam in America
to further the question to destroy ignorance?
Usury is a prominent factor in the Holy book. The practice of it
is definitely condemned. Usury is the practice of lending money at
unreasonably high rates. The Holy Quran says, O you who believe,
devour not usury, doubling and redoubling, and keep you duty to
Allah, that you may be successful. And again, And whatever you
lay out at usury, so that it may increase in the property of men,
it increases not with Allah; and whatever you give in charity,
desiring Allahs pleasure- these will get manifold.
Thats usury, and that the Holy Quran condemns it. We must now
ask ourselves the Steve King question; is the condemnation of
usury compatible with American values? The answer is no. Wherever
you look, professional sports, mass media, advertising, housing,
mercantile, Wall Street, usury is the way of life in the United
States. Its actually a commodity taught in our educational
systems, and promoted at every level of Capitalism. So David Jolly
is right this first tenant isnt compatible with the American way.
Moving on.
Finding out that Moslems arent encouraged to extirpate any
civilizations leaves a gaping hole. The question then becomes what
do they say about opposition? This was one of my biggest surprises
in the book. Any form of offensive is condemned in the Holy
Quran. One must make all concessions possible to create peace,
and a soldier is only sanctified in defense. Let me state this
again, no offensive war of any kind is Moslem. Dont believe me,
here is proof, be kind to enemies and dont mind their abuses or


And fight in the way of Allah, against those who fight against
you but be not aggressive. Surely Allah loves not the aggressors.
Wait theres more And if they incline to peace, incline thou also
to it, and trust in Allah. Surely He is the Hearer, the Knower.
So again we must ask our standard question. Does this fall in line
with our American way of life? I dont think I have to go into
details to answer whether or not we like offensive war; so Ill
just leave it there.
So what does this say about Islam? What does it say about America,
and are Christian values? Who should be altering their behavior to
increase compatibility? Well we have all the integers need for our
equation. The scientific method is coming around to the construct
a hypothesis stage. So heres what I say the evidence shows. That
like Christians, there are Moslems who practices usury, arent
compassionate in treatment of enemies, and dont support religious
freedom; theyre called humans. Theyre also Christians who
support exporting humans, building walls, fag hating, and total
destruction of multiple cultures. Sounds like their human as well,
and that the tools of propaganda are always spinning.
This spinning will bring us full circle, and back to propaganda.
Who has to gain off propaganda? Empirical evidence tells us its
those in power, and the wealthy. The people who control the gangs,
the military, the police, the terrorist groups. They are have a
unified effort in sustaining the rouse that we must fear one
another. The United States Military, American policing, Isis, MS13, you name it. They are all unified in praying on our fear for
money. You have more in common with your neighborhood Muslim then
American military policy. This is akin to Isis propaganda. In fact
Isis copies the military recruitments video to a t, as a method
for recruitment. Only they do a far better job. If Isis doesnt
practice Moslem values and our military isnt Christian, then
whats all the argument about religious warfare. This is about
Nation building. Profit.
Theyre is so much material gain in divisiveness and lack of
understanding. War, power, and economic dominance is very
profitable. Poverty is only achieved through theft of education,
personal belief. That is the first step in losing faith in others.
Unity, understanding, clarity, love, peace, education, and respect
means the pie of people those in power will have to cut in will
exponentially grow. Educated people understand the power of human
potential and the need to stifle it. One of the best ways to
accomplish this is make us fear each other. Islam is a religion
that supports womans rights, religions of all kinds, love for
your enemies, kindness, unselfishness. Isis is not Islam its
propaganda. So is Steve King. The reason America isnt more
suitable for Islam is because most Christians havent read the
Bible either. If they had it would be understood that Jesus
preaches love for your enemies, against violence and war, corrupt
authoritarian or oppressive governments. Jesus was for evaluating
your own salvation and leaving the judgment of others to God.
Jesus loved the poor. The differences are a lot smaller then the


similarities. Due to the fact that Jesus is the second most quoted
profit in the Holy Quran this is no surprise. That Aaron, Moses,
and Noah are in both books teaches something new. Islam is born
out of Judaism and Christianity. Those are its roots. Plus we are
country not run by a church. We dont have a Christian society,
Islamic society, capitalist, democratic, or socialist government;
we have a conglomerate of human beings feeling around in the dark.
Lets encourage one another to find the light switch, not screw
off the electric bill. Understanding does defeat ignorance. That
is a certainty played out through all of human history. The defeat
of ignorance creates love. Love is the purpose of the human
endeavor. Hence the totality of our human equation. The
hypothesis created as a result of the scientific method; MORE

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