SP Fairer Charging Leaflet

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The following questions will help you to

work out if you can apply for assistance

with your Housing Related Support

Question 1
Do you get Housing Benefit?
If yes then you will not have to pay for
your housing support and you do not
need to complete this form. (Please
contact the Supporting People Team if
your support charges are not being paid.)

Question 2
Do you get Income Support or
Pension Credit (Guarantee
If you get Income Support or Pension
Credit (Guarantee Credit) you will not
have to pay anything for your housing
support but you should apply for housing
benefit. If you receive the savings credit
as part of Pension Credit you may still
qualify if you meet the other criteria.

Question 3
Do you have savings or capital of
more than 22,250?
If you have savings of 22,250 or over
and you are not receiving the guarantee
credit part of pension credit you will have
to pay the full cost of your housing
related support.

Question 4
Is the answer to questions 1 or 2

How we work out an assessed charge

the cost of your housing related support.

Your charge will be called an assessed
charge. See details on the next page for
how we work out your assessed charge.

Step 1:

We work out how

much money you have
coming in - your
weekly income.

(But remember we ignore some

benefits and earnings). We also take
off the amount you have to pay for
Council Tax and any rent or mortgage
before we arrive at your final income
Step 2:

We compare your
weekly income to a
standard amount.

This standard amount is increased by

the government each year.

Step 3:

We see if your weekly

income is higher or
lower than the
standard figure.

If your weekly income is less than the

standard amount you will not have to
pay for your housing related support.
However, if your weekly income is
higher than the standard amount then
you will have to make a contribution
towards the cost of your housing
related support.

Step 4:

We work out how

much you have to

You will be asked to pay the

lower amount of either:
the cost of your housing
support, or
the amount of weekly income
you have over the standard figure

Who will work out my new

Once you have filled in the Financial
Assessment form sent with this leaflet
you need to return it to the Income
Team. They will work out how much, if
anything, you need to pay and will
write to you with your new charge.

How will I pay my housing

support bill?
When you are notified of your new
charge we will also tell your landlord
who will collect the charge on our
behalf. In some circumstances we will
collect the charge directly from you
and you would be notified by us if this
is the case.

Where can I get help?

If neither 1 nor 2 apply we will assess to

see how much you need to pay towards
Revised May 2008


If you have any questions about charges

contact the Supporting People Team on
01204 335313
If you have any questions about about
filling in the form contact the Income Team
on 01204 333333. They may be able to
offer a home visit to help you complete
the form. You may also be able to get help
from your landlord, or support worker. What

The basic principles of the

Fairer Charge Means Test

The financial assessment

is just about you
We look at your income and capital.
We normally take into account the
income and capital of your partner if
you have one. This means that if you
have a joint income or joint savings
we will only take your half into
account when we do the

We need to know about all

your savings and capital
except the value of your home
When we are working out your
capital we do not need to know
about the value of the home you live
in. We do however need to know
about any other property or land you
own, and of any savings or other
sorts of investment.

Some income is completely


We will not include Attendance

Allowance or Disability Living
Allowance in the calculations. We
ignore any pension credit (savings
credit) and any earnings you may
have from work. We also ignore a
portion of War Pensions. However,
we do need to know if you receive
any of these benefits.

happens if I
You do not have to be
will you
if you do
with the
my charge?
you have
We will reassess your
out choose
If you
not to have a financial
charge each year.
assessment you will have to pay the
my charge?

We will do this by
full cost of your housing related
sending you a
If you think
change of
have made a
circumstances form.
mistake in the
There are some
way we have
changes that you
must tell us about
worked out
immediately, so that
your charge
we can reassess
please let us
your charge. These
You can either
Changes in your income
ring the
that are more than 10 a
People Team or
If your savings go up to
you can write
more than 22,250
to us at the
address on this If your savings drop below
22,250, please do not
leaflet. We will
hesitate to contact us at
put right any
any time for remistakes we

have made. If
you are still
not satisfied
you may
decide to make
a complaint,
which you can
do by writing
to the

You can tell us about these

changes by contacting the
Income Team at Paderborn
House, Bolton. (Please note
- we do not need to know
about standard changes in
benefit rates).
For independent advice
contact your local citizens

Means Test
A brief explanation

This leaflet explains:

How we will work out your charge for
housing support
you canPeople
get help
and advice
to do Crescent,
if you are not happy with
Le Mans
new assessment
BL1 1SA of how much you
need to pay
Revised May 2008
Tel: 01204
keep this
leaflet in a safe
for reference.
[email protected]

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