Notify For Changes

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What to do now

You should check the details of this notification to make sure everything is correct.
What you should do if you think the decision is wrong
If you want to know more about this decision or if you think it is wrong you must get in touch with us. Please send an
email to [email protected] or write to the address on the front of this letter, giving details of why you think it is
wrong. For housing benefit you should contact us within one month of the date of this notification. For council tax
reduction (CTR), please contact us as soon as possible.
For more information on housing benefit & council tax reduction please go to

What if your circumstances change or have changed?

While you are getting benefits / reduction it is your responsibility to tell us about any changes in your circumstances.
To report changes go to or send an email to [email protected]. You
will need to scan / photograph any supporting documents and save these onto your computer before you start to
complete the form so you can upload them to the form / email. You can also write to us at the address at the front of
this letter. You need to tell us even if you have told the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) – a phone call is
not always enough. You must tell us of any change within one month of it happening for housing benefit or you may
lose some of your benefit. For council tax reduction you must tell us as soon as possible. Overpayments resulting
from a failure to notify us of a change will be recovered from you.

These are some examples of changes you should tell us about

If you, or your partner start or stop getting:
● anyone has a change to income, savings or child care costs
● Universal Credit ● starting or stopping work,
● Income Support ● someone leaves or moves into your home,
● Job Seekers Allowance ● going into hospital,
● Employment & Support Allowance ● you move out of your home,
● Tax Credits ● you have a child who leaves school,
● Pension Credit ● anyone becomes or ceases to be a full time student
● Child Benefit ●if you or your partner are away from your home for 4 weeks or more
●you have a change in your rent
If you are getting Pension Credit you must report any changes in your income directly to the Department for Work and
Pensions. If you are getting Savings Credit you must tell both the Council and the Department for Work and Pensions
about changes to your savings and investments.
How your housing benefit / council tax reduction will be paid
If you rent privately, your housing benefit will be paid 2 weekly in arrears to yourself or 4 weekly in arrears to your landlord.
If you rent from the Council it will be paid direct to your rent account every week. Council tax reduction is paid to your
council tax account. Any shortfall of rent or council tax will need to be paid by you.
Explanation of some terms used overleaf (if you are unsure about any other terms please contact us)
Weekly earned income – if you are working we have Rent reduction – if your eligible rent is less than the
converted your wages to a weekly figure actual rent you pay this figure will show you the amount
Weekly other income – includes child benefit, pension of the reduction.
credit, private pensions, tax credits, tariff income from Applicable amount – this is the weekly figure that the
capital. Government has worked out as the amount needed for
Eligible rent – the amount of rent on which benefit can be day to day living expenses. The amount we use takes
paid. This can be less than the actual rent you pay due to into account your individual and family circumstances.
rent restrictions and / or ineligible charges.

Non dependent deductions – if you have any adults aged 18 or over, other than you and your partner, living in your
home, they may be expected to contribute towards your rent / council tax. A deduction may be made from your housing
benefit / CTR. For more information please go to
Extra help
It may be possible to give you additional help if your rent is restricted eg by the benefit cap - to apply for a discretionary
housing payment please go to
Useful Information/ Data Protection Privacy notice
If you have any queries please phone us on 0300 123 1384 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.
If you want to write to us please use the address overleaf or send an email to [email protected].
Self serve forms along with help and advice is available on The Data Protection
Privacy notice can be found on our website, please visit
Help us to stop fraud!
If you fail to report a change in circumstances, or commit fraud then you could face criminal proceedings such as a financial
penalty or prosecution. To report someone who may be claiming fraudulently, for all Hillingdon Council fraud (including
Council Tax) please call free on 08003898313, email on [email protected] or visit; for Department of Work and Pensions benefit fraud please call the free 24 hour
fraud hotline for 0800 854 440 or visit: .

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