A Global Perspective On Bilingualism and Bilingual Education
A Global Perspective On Bilingualism and Bilingual Education
A Global Perspective On Bilingualism and Bilingual Education
munication (e.g., Haiti, Nigeria, the Philippines); (2) those with some
mother tongue speakers of the language of wider communication
(e.g., Guatemala); and (3) those with many mother tongue speakers
of the language of wider communication (e.g., Canada, New Zealand,
the United States). Several conclusions can be drawn from this study:
Success in school depends upon the childs mastery of cognitive/
academic language, which is very different from the social language used at home.
The development of cognitive/academic language requires time
(4 to 7 years of formal instruction).
Individuals most easily develop literacy skills in a familiar language.
Individuals most easily develop cognitive skills and master content material when they are taught in a familiar language.
Cognitive/academic language skills, once developed, and content
subject material, once acquired, transfer readily from one language
to another.
The best predictor of cognitive/academic language development
in a second language is the level of development of cognitive/
academic language proficiency in the first language.
Children learn a second language in different ways depending upon
their culture and their individual personality.
If the goal is to help the student ultimately develop the highest
possible degree of content mastery and second language profiMultiple Languages in Education
ciency, time spent instructing the child in a familiar language is a
The use of multiple languages in education may be attributed to
wise investment.
numerous factors, such as the linguistic heterogeneity of a country
or region, specific social or religious attitudes, or the desire to pro- Common Threads of Successful Programs
mote national identity. In addition, innovative language education
In the research review conducted for the World Bank (Dutcher,
programs are often implemented to promote proficiency in inter- 1994), the following common threads were identified in successful
national language(s) of wider communication together with profi- programs that aimed to provide students with multiple language
ciency in national and regional languages. In Eritrea, for instance, proficiency and with access to academic content material.
an educated person will likely have had some portion of their school Development of the mother tongue is encouraged to promote coging in Tigrigna and Arabic and English, and will have developed
nitive development and as a basis for learning the second lanproficiency in reading all these languages, which are written using
three different scripts (Geez, Arabic, and Roman). In Papua New
Guinea, a country with a population of approximately 3 million, Parental and community support and involvement are essential.
linguists have described more than 870 languages (Summer Insti- Teachers are able to understand, speak, and use with a high level
tute of Linguistics, 1995). Here it is common for a child to grow up
of proficiency the language of instruction, whether it is their first
speaking one local indigenous language at home, to speak another
or second language.
in the market place, to add Tok Pisin to her repertoire as a lingua Teachers are well trained, have cultural competence and subjectfranca, and to learn English if she continues her schooling. Analomatter knowledge, and continually upgrade their training.
gous situations recur in many parts of the world in countries where
Recurrent costs for innovative programs are approximately the
multilingualism predominates and in which children are exposed
same as they are for traditional programs, although there may be
to numerous languages as they move from their homes out into
additional one-time start-up costs.
surrounding communities and eventually through the formal edu Costbenefit calculations can typically be estimated in terms of
cation system.
the cost savings to the education system, improvements in years
Research on the Use of First and Second Languages in
of schooling, and enhanced earning potential for students with
multiple language proficiency.
A comprehensive review of research on the use of first and secCross-Cutting Themes
ond languages in education, carried out for the World Bank (Dutcher,
Two cross-cutting themes that appear critical for policy or plan1994), examined three different types of countries: (1) those with
no (or few) mother tongue speakers of the language of wider com- ning discussions within the domain of language education reform
are discussed below.
Nurturing the first language. Despite decades of sound educational research, there still remains a belief in many quarters that
when an additional language is introduced into a curriculum, the
child must go back and relearn the academic concepts already mastered. Although there remains much to be learned about the contexts and strategies that facilitate transfer across languages, the fact
that such transfer occurs should not be a topic of debate. The work
of Hakuta (1986) and his colleagues provides clear evidence that a
child who acquires basic literacy or numeracy concepts in one language can transfer these concepts and knowledge easily to a second
or third or other later-acquired languages. The literature and our
practical experience are replete with examples confirming the importance of nurturing the childs mother tongue. Gonzalez (1998),
in particular, writes and speaks especially compellingly about the
need to develop basic functions of literacy, numeracy, and scientific discourse in the first language to the fullest extent possible
while facilitating transfer to the second language.
Importation of models versus importation of cycles of discovery. Swain (1996) described the need to transfer the stages
and processes of evaluation, theory building, generation of hypotheses, experimentation, and further evaluation that will help to ensure the implementation of programs appropriate for the unique
sociocultural contexts in which they will operate. That is, she cautioned that it is not a particular model of innovative language education (and, in particular, a Western model) that should be transferred but rather a cycle of discovery that should be transferred.
Swain reminded us that the so-called threshold levels of second
language skills required for successful participation in formal education may differ dramatically across content areas, and that a majority of children face a language gap that must be bridged when
they move from learning the target language to using the target
language as a medium of instruction. Many policy makers have
characterized bilingual education as a high risk undertaking, by
which they mean that it is necessary to attend to a complex set of
interacting educational, sociolinguistic, economic, and political
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