Impact of Globalization On Pakistan111

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Name: Muhammad Sheraz Ali

ID: BB-26956
Teacher: Miss Zehra Batool
Code: IR-301


The term 'globalization' is multi-dimensional. It has
economic, social, cultural and political connotations. It
is defined as a process of rapid economic integration
among countries driven by the liberalization of trade,
investment and capital flows, as well as technological
change. Over the last 20 years or so, international
trade in the world economy has grown more rapidly
than the growth rate of GDP. This trend is expected to
prevail in the future as well, as nearly all economic of
the world are being integrated with each other through
"globalization". Globalization is a process through which
the links between people, communities and economics
of the world strengthen. However, the links become
weaker as the world confronts many challenges, posed
by globalization. The fight against poverty represents
the greatest challenge ever faced by the world
economy. The objective of this assignment is to help
improve understanding of the effects of the gradual
and selective approach to globalization in terms of
trade, wages, employment and social progress in

Globalization, by definition, is the integration and
democratization of the world's culture, economy, and
infrastructure through transnational investment, rapid
proliferation of communication and information
technologies, and the impacts of free-market on local,
regional and national economies. The phenomenon of
globalization has created a dichotomy of perception
dividing the world into plethora of apprehensions and
appreciations due to the intense velocity which the
information about people, products, nature,
environment, politics and economy disperses across
borders, across countries and nations creating virtually
one world into a global village. Here the golden words
of late Dr. Mahbub-ul-Haq provides the true
vision:"Globalization is no longer an option, it is a fact.
Developing countries have either to learn to manage it
far more skillfully, or simply drown in the global cross
currents."Globalization is multidimensional and impacts
all aspects of life economic social, cultural and political.
Globalization in production and labor markets is leading
to increasing outsourcing of parts, components, and
services. The drive towards market liberalization has
rapidly accelerated the pace of globalization during the
past decade.


1.Globalization opens up markets and ensures

2.Removes inefficiencies and leading to greater growth.
3.Ensures specialization takes place in areas of
comparative advantage.
4.For labor abundant economies this means increased
employment as well as growth.


Globalization is not being easily swallowed by the
political Scientists and by common man in the world.
We should admit that, at least academically,
globalization has been a debatable issue. The
proponents of globalization emphasize on the argument
that globalization is a kind of accelerator of social
progress. In the advancement of human beings,
communication and melting of different nationalities
play an important role (8). Another argument is that
liberalization leads to the growth and growth improves
a lot of the poor- a rising tide lifts all boats (9). In
their perception, therefore, globalization really unites
people all over the world, and thus promotes the
societies and individuals to get benefit out of
globalization rather than losing anything. A culture is
being introduced that is absolutely against the gender
discrimination. Where people are sharing attitudes,
values and ideas to get closer to each other. Internet is
one of the products of globalization which can broaden

peoples horizon on a lot of topics. 15 Globalization

describes the present-day phenomenon of diminishing
international boundaries. With the world being termed
as a global village' people from all parts of the globe
are now more closely connected to each other than
ever before. Money and information are flowing quickly
and efficiently across continents. With the continuing
removal of trade barriers, more and more people have
access to goods and services which are being produced
in different parts of the world. Cultural integration,
which is an important part of globalization, has resulted
in diminishing cultural boundaries. International
tourism has been increasing at a rapid rate. The
emergence of English as an international language has
removed vast communication barriers, which means
that there has been a significant increase in
communication at an international level. Business
firms, journalists, academics, social activists, etc. all
have a larger stage to perform on. So, cultural
capitalism is being imposed by the IT revolution.
Globalization also has negative impacts, especially for
poor or underdeveloped countries they are getting poor
and poor due to the bad impact of globalization. The
products from developed countries are attacking the
local products. The local ones cant compete with the
imported ones both in the term of quality or pricing.
Another bad impact of globalization is that it is killing
other countries culture with the help of multinational
companies and NGOs (10). Most importantly, it should
be viewed as an advanced stage in the growth and
spread of western civilization. I mean to say western

thought, western institutions, western approach to

different aspects of life, and the increase in
empowerment of western culture, which is often at the
expense of other cultures. One of the most vehement
criticisms of globalization is that it threatens to create
one homogeneous worldwide culture in which all
children grow up wanting to be like the latest pop
music star, eat Big Macs, vacation at Disney World, and
wear blue jeans, and Nikes.


The communication revolution has compressed the
whole world into a small golf ball, it has become
relatively easier then ever before to track the world
developments despite their rapidly changing
environments. It can be defined precisely as a process
of ever growing mutual interaction among all the
nations of the world, irrespective of big or small. The
communication revolution has compressed the whole
world into a small golf ball, it has become relatively
easier then ever before to track the world
developments despite their rapidly changing
environments. It can be defined precisely as a process
of ever growing mutual interaction among all the
nations of the world, irrespective of big or small.


The developed world and Jews have their vital interests
in sabotaging the indigenous values of the Muslim
world. These vital interests are purely economic and
political. Shobha Pais shed light in these words The
former globalizes that came with invading armies have
increasingly been replaced by less violent but equally
powerful globalizes (11). Globalization suits best the
highly industrialized nation in the west as in the
prevailing conditions. It has in inevitably reduced the
freedom of choice for the newly independent poorer
nations of the world. They feel themselves to be
downgraded to the status of satellites, serving in the
main cause of the big suppliers in the west. The norms
and values of our people have been extinct in the
pursuit of so-called modernization; another important
factor of globalization is jeopardizing the cultural values
of the Pakistan. According to Majidi Globalization
means dilution of national borders, move towards a
global government and reduction of the roles of nationstates in the interest of the transnational corporations.
In political aspect of globalization attention is paid to
the role of governments in the new world and many
maintain that globalization will weaken or even cause
the disintegration of the states.


Impact of globalization on the education system in
Pakistan in the context of its status as a third world
country. The globalization calls for exchange of ideas
and thoughts. Educationists can exchange their views
and ideas with their counterparts around the world.
Through a productive exchange of thoughts, the
standard of education in Pakistan can be raised to the
international level. There are certain genuine concerns
about the relevance of alien thoughts but nothing
should be accepted as a package. Local experts should
carefully review such ideas before adopting them for
the solution of their problems. The source of foreign
funding is important because it might have a hidden
agenda. Unless such an agenda is made public for
discussion, the worth of such funding is difficult to


Major benefit: increasing economic welfare/well-being
Major cost: integration/sublimation of cultures and
social values
1. Provide a higher income for people in third-world
2. Raise the standard of living of most of these people
from extreme poverty to moderate poverty, so that

they can eat more nutritious foods and have cleaner

potable water.
3. With higher income also comes better education -knowledge is being shared
4. With better knowledge, better understanding about
health care, superstition, poor habits, and human


Opponents of globalization point out to its negative
effects. Some of them are listed below.
1. Developed nations have outsourced manufacturing
and white collar jobs. That means less jobs for their
people. This has happened because manufacturing
work is outsourced to developing nations like China
where the cost of manufacturing goods and wages are
lower. Programmers, editors, scientists and accountants
have lost their jobs due to outsourcing to cheaper
locations like India.
2. Globalization has led to exploitation of labor.
Prisoners and child workers are used to work in
inhumane conditions. Safety standards are ignored to
produce cheap goods.
3. Job insecurity. Earlier people had stable, permanent
jobs. Now people live in constant dread of losing their
jobs to competition. Increased job competition has led
to reduction in wages and consequently lower
standards of living.

4. Terrorists have access to sophisticated weapons

enhancing their ability to inflict damage.

Pakistan has a rich and unique culture that has
preserved established traditions throughout 5000 years
of history. Many of these cultural practices, foods,
monuments, and shrines were inherited from the rule
of Muslim Mughal and Afghan emperors. But now due
to IT revolution aliens culture is prevailing. In Pakistan
the Internet users are more than11.5 million. It is quite
evident from the survey that people are using Internet
for office and personal works Internet is now the
integral part of a communication system but on the
other hand there are some important aspects to note
that people are spending less time with their families,
reading newspapers/books, playing outdoor games and
watching T.V. Internet is taking over the place for
communication with friends and families because of its
ease and cheaper access. Most of the people also agree
that the usage of Internet has some negative impact
on our cultural values, due to easy accessibility of
pornographic materials. In Pakistan, internet is steadily
become ubiquitous everywhere, especially in the cities.
Due to the illiteracy and ignorance and the lesser
opportunities, majority of Pakistanis are unable to truly
reap the benefit of the revolution, which internet offers.
Internet cafes and Internet shops are present now at
the corner of every street and market. These internet

shops are fast replacing snooker clubs and video game

shops and mini cinema houses. These Internet cafes
have become the hub of providing pornographic movies
to everyone with 10 or 20 rupees for an hour.

This paper has highlighted why globalization has
different meaning to different people in the world and
why different people and countries are pushing forward
their own agenda of globalization. Globalization, with
all its high technology, is able to penetrate and get into
non-Western cultures. The role of ICT in promoting and
enhancing the process of globalization has been
discussed though some of the results of these
developments are not entirely satisfactory in our
country. The ability to dial directly virtually anywhere in
the world means more and more people are able to
keep in touch globally whether for business or social
purposes. Globalization is at heart nothing but the
expansion of Western models of behavior of
socialization, organization, exchange in the market and
elsewhere to other parts of the world. This trend is
observed at net cafs. Most of the educated parents
keep a vigilant eye on their children while they use
Internet and do online contacts with their friends. This
vigilance is not possible for most of the parents who
are not computer literate and they do not know about
the Internet and its consequences. Globalization
brought new challenges to Muslim societies. This is
particularly true in technology and organization. These
are real problems, not only for Muslims, but for

humanity at-large. The downside of globalization is

therefore a source of real challenge for Islam and

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