Dynamics of Machinery r10 May-2016

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Code No: RT31013


SET - 1

III B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, May - 2016

(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours
Max. Marks: 70
Answer any ONE Question from Part A and any THREE Questions from Part B
Use of IS: 456-2000 and design charts from SP-16 is allowed.
For all designs adopt Limit State Method


Design a reinforced concrete footing for a column of section 350 350 mm which
is subjected to an axial load of 1000kN and uniaxial moment of 350kN.m at service
state. Consider weight of soil = 20kN /m3, angle of repose = 300, allowable bearing
capacity of soil = 150kN/m3, concrete of grade M20 and steel of grade Fe 415.
Design a continuous R.C. slab for a class room 6m wide and 12m long. The roof is
to be supported on R.C.C. beams spaced at 3.0m intervals. The width of beam
should be kept 230mm. The superimposed load is 3kN /m2 and finishing load
expected is 1kN/m2. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.


a) Justify the Code specification for the limiting neutral axis depth in Limit State
b) What is the fundamental assumption in flexural theory? Is it valid at the ultimate


A rectangular beam is 200mm wide and 500mm deep. It is reinforced with 6 bars of
20mm diameter in compression with an effective cover of 50mm. Determine the
area of tension reinforcement needed to make the beam section fully effective. What
then would be the moment of resistance? Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.


a) The provision of minimum stirrup reinforcement is mandatory in all reinforced

concrete beams. Why?
b) Discuss the torque-twist relationship for (i) plain concrete, and (ii) reinforced
concrete members subjected to pure torsion.


Design an axially loaded braced rectangular column for the following data.
Ultimate axial load Pu = 4000 kN
Unsupported length l = 3.25 m
Effective lengths lex = 3.0 m and ley = 2.5 m
Grade of concrete: M20 and grade of steel: Fe 415.
a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of providing large clear cover to
reinforcement in flexural members?
b) Describe briefly the load transfer mechanism in a two-column combined footing.







Code No: RT31023


SET - 1

III B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, May - 2016

(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 hours
Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B


What is the use of double circuit transmission line?





What is the effect of load power factor on regulation and efficiency of a

transmission line?
What do you understand by long transmission lines?


What are the factors that cause a travelling wave?



Define corona.



Can string efficiency in an A.C. system be 100%? Explain.





Find GMD, GMR for each circuit, inductance for each circuit and total inductance
per meter for two circuits that run parallel to each other. One circuit consists of three
0.25 cm radius conductors. The second circuit consists of two 0.5 cm radius
conductors as shown in the figure below:


Find an expression for the flux linkages in parallel current carrying conductors.



Derive the expressions for regulation and efficiency of a short transmission line.
Draw required circuit and phasor diagram.



Find the following for a single circuit transmission line delivering a load of 50MVA
at 110 kV and p.f. 08 lagging :
(i) sending end voltage, (ii) sending end current, (iii) sending end power and (iv)
efficiency of transmission. Given A = D = 098 3; B = 110 75 ohm ; C =
00005 80 siemen.


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Code No: RT31023

SET - 1

A 3-ph overhead line has a total series impedance/ph of 200 80 0 ohms and a total
shunt admittance of 0.0013 90 0 siemen/ph. The line delivers a load of 80MW at
0.8pf lagging and 220kV between the lines. Determine the sending end line voltage
and current by rigorous method.



Derive reflection and refraction coefficient of transmission line when receiving end
is open circuited.



A cable has a conductor of radius 0.75cm and a sheath inner radius 2.5cm. Find (i)
the inductance per meter length, (ii) capacitance per meter length, (iii) surge
impedance and (iv) velocity of propagation, if the permittivity of insulation is 4.



A transmission tower on a level ground gives a minimum clearance of 8 meter for its
lowest conductor with a sag of 10 m for a span of 300 m. If the same tower is to be
used over a slope of 1 in 15, find the minimum ground clearance obtained for the
same span, same conductor and same weather conditions.
Describe the various methods for reducing corona effect in an overhead transmission
An overhead line has a conductor of cross-section 2.5cm2 hard drawn copper and a
span length of 150mts. Determine the sag which must be allowed if the tension is
not exceeded one-fifth of the ultimate strength of 4175kg/cm2 a) in still air and b)
with a wind pressure of 1.3 kg meter and an ice costing of 1.25 cm. Determine also
the vertical sag in the latter case.






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Code No: RT31033

SET - 1

III B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, May - 2016

(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours
Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
(Data books may be allowed)

1 a) Define any four theories of failure.


b) Draw S-N Curve and mark all salient points.


c) How do you obtain a bolt of uniform strength?


d) Write notes on Types of keys.


e) Draw split coupling.




What are the functions of springs?


2 a) What are the general considerations in the design of machine elements?

b) A cast iron pulley transmits 10 KW at 400 rpm. The diameter of the pulley is


1.2meter and it has four straight arms of elliptical cross section. In which the major
axis is twice the minor axis. Determine the dimensions of the arm if the allowable
bending stress is 15 MPa.
c) Explain simple stresses.


3 a) Explain Goodman failure theory.


b) A circular bar of 0.5 m length is supported freely at its two ends. It is actedupon by a


central concentrated cyclic load having a minimum value of 20 kN and a maximum

value of 50 kN. Determine the diameter of bar by taking a factor of safety of 1.5,
size factor of 0.85, surface finish factor of 0.9. The material properties of bar is given
by: Ultimate strength of 650 MPa, Yield strength of 500 MPa and Endurance
strength of 350 MPa.
c) Draw S-N curve for mild steel and explain its significance.
4 a) How the strength of transverse fillet weld is evaluated?

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Code No: RT31033


SET - 1

b) A steel plate, 80 mm wide and 10 mm thick, is joined to another steel plate by means
of a single transverse and double parallel fillet weld, as shown below Fig. 1. The
strength of the welded joint should be equal to the strength of the plate to be joined.
The permissible tensile and shear stresses for the weld material and the plates are
100 MPa and 70 MPa respectively. Find the length of each parallel fillet weld.
Assume that the tensile force passes through the centre of gravity of three welds.

Fig. 1
5 a) Briefly explain the procedure to design a shaft based on any two theories of failures.
b) It is required to design a knuckle joint to connect circular shafts subjected to an axial
force of 50 kN. The rods are coaxial and a small amount of angular movement
between their axes is permissible. Design the joint and specify the dimensions of its
components. The allowable tensile, compressive and shear stress in the rod and pin
material is limited to 80MPa, 100MPa and 40MPa respectively.



6 a) Explain types of couplings.

b) A mild steel shaft has to transmit 70 kW at 240 rpm. The allowable shear stress in
the shaft material is limited to 45MPa. Design a cast iron flange coupling. The shear
stress in the coupling bolt is limited to 30MPa.


7 a) Explain co-axial springs.

b) A co-axial spring consists of two helical compression springs, one inside the other.
The free length of the outer spring is 25 mm greater than the inner spring. The wire
diameter and mean coil diameter of the inner spring are 8 mm and 64 mm
respectively. Also the wire diameter and mean coil diameter of the outer spring are
10 mm and 80 mm respectively. The numbers of active coils in inner and outer
springs are 10 and 15 respectively. Assume the same material for two springs and the
modulus of rigidity of spring material is 81370 N/mm2. Calculate
(i) The stiffness of the spring the deflection is from 0 to 25 mm
(ii) The stiffness of the spring the deflection is more than 25 mm.
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Code No: RT31043


SET - 1

III B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, May - 2016

(Common to ECE and EIE)
Time: 3 hours
Maximum. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
(Normal and semi & polar graph sheet are the supplied)


What are the characteristics of negative feedback?



Compare the AC and DC servomotor.





What is the effect on system performance when a proportional controller is introduced

in a system?
What are asymptotes? How will you find the angle of asymptotes?


What is phase and gain crossover frequency?



Why compensation is necessary in feedback control system.





Define open loop and closed loop systems. Mention their merits and demerits.



Draw the free body diagram and write the differential equations describing the
X ( s)
dynamics of the system shown in below figure and obtain the transfer function 2
F ( s)



For the system represented by the given equations find the transfer function x5/x1 by
the help of signal flow graph technique.


x 2 = a12 x1 + a3 x3 + a 42 x 4 + a 52 x5
x3 = a 23 x 2
x 4 = a 34 x3 + a 44 x 4


x5 = a35 x3 + a 45 x 4
Where x1 is input variable and x5 is output variable.
Derive the transfer function of field controlled AC Servo motor.

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Code No: RT31043


SET - 1

What is meant by step input, ramp input and impulse input? How do you represent
them graphically?
The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by
Where K and T are positive constant. By what factor should the
G ( s)
s(1 + Ts )
amplifier gain K be reduced so that the peak overshoot of unit step input of the system
is reduced from 75% to 25%.



Draw the root lows plot for a system having open loop transfer functions is
G( s) =
S ( S + 1) ( s + 5)



Using Routh criterion investigate the stability of a unity feedback control system
whose open loop transfer function is given by.
e sT
G(S ) =
S ( S + 2)



Construct Bode plot for the system whose open loop transfer function is given below
and determine (i) the gain margin (ii) the phase margin and (iii) the closed loop
stability G ( S ) H ( S ) =
S (1 + 0.5S ) (1 + 0.08S )
Sketch Nyquist plot whose open loop transfer function is given by
KS 2
G (S ) H (S ) = 3
and examine closed loop stability in terms of parameter K.
S + 4S + 4



The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is given by
design a suitable compensator such that the system will have
G(S ) =
S (1 + 0.2 S )
Kv=10 and P.M = 500.



The transfer function of a control system is given by

Y (S )
check for controllability and observability.
= 3
U ( S ) S + 9 S 2 + 26 S + 24





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SET - 1


Code No: RT31053

III B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, May - 2016


(Computer Science and Engineering)
Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B


Explain about parsing.

Write any two design issues for arithmetic expressions.
Explain about generic methods.
Differentiate between procedural languages and object oriented languages.
Write short notes on lambda calculus.
Explain about multi paradigm languages.



a) Explain in detail about language evaluation criteria.

b) Explain about lexical analysis.
c) Write short notes on context free grammer.


a) Explain various primitive data types with suitable examples.

b) Discuss about type-checking.
c) Explain about control structures.


a) Explain how subprograms names are passed as parameters.

b) Define sub program. What are the distinct categories of Subprograms?


a) Discuss the design issues of Exception Handling.

b) Explain in detail abstract data types in java with examples.


a) Explain the principles of ML.

b) Explain about fundamentals of FPL.


a) Explain about Logic programming.

b) Explain the Basic elements of Prolog.



SET - 1


Code No: RT31273

III B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, May - 2016

(Petroleum Engineering)
Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B


Explain about Hoisting system of drilling rig.



Explain about the importance of drill collars.

What is formation damage? Explain.



Write about Accelerators and retarders during Cementation with examples.

Explain the key seating. What are the preventive measures?
Explain the five main causes for the kick.




Draw the Organogram of a drilling rig crew and explain their individual functions.
Explain the drilling planning approaches.
The maximum ROP with 8 bit will be achieved when 20000 lbs weight on bit
is applied. Assuming that the bit will be run in 12 ppg mud required 20000 lbs
(i) Calculate the weight in air of 300 m of 5 19.5, G grade, drill pipe with 4 IF
(ii) Calculate the weight of the string in 12 ppg mud.
(iii) Calculate the length of 9 x 2 13/16 drill collars (220.4 ppf) required to
provide 20000 lbs WOB and keep the drill pipe in tension in 12 ppg mud (0.817
Buoyancy factor).




Explain the properties of a drilling fluid.

Write about the importance of mud weight and procedure of measurement.



Explain the Liner casing with Advantages and Limitations.

Explain the importance and process of Primary Cementation.





What is a Horizontal well? How to drill a Horizontal well? Explain with a neat
Explain the Advantages and Limitations of a Horizontal well.


Define kick and Blow out. Explain well control methods.



What are Drillers logs? Explain in detail.




Code No: R31023


Set No. 1

III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, May - 2016

(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
a) Derive an expression for the inductance per phase for a 3-phase overhead transmission [8]
line when conductors are unsymmetrical placed but lines are un-transposed.
b) Calculate the capacitance of a conductor per phase of a three-phase 400 km long line, with [7]
the conductors spaced at the corners of an equilateral triangle of side 4 m and the diameter
of each conductor being 2.5cm.
a) What is a nominal-circuit representation? Find ABCD constants for nominal-T circuit of a
transmission line.
b) A three phase transmission line is 140 km long. The resistance per phase is 0.04 ohms per
km and the inductance per phase is 0.95 mH per km. The shunt capacitance is 0.0105 uF
per km. The receiving end load is 90 MVA with 0.85 power factor lagging at 110 kV.
Determine the voltage, powers at the sending end, voltage regulation and efficiency by
using nominal - model.


a) What is an equivalent T circuit of a long line? Derive an expression for parameters of this
circuit in terms of line parameters.
b) A three phase, 50 Hz, 1000 km long transmission line has the following line constants
per phase per km uniformly distributed r = 0.35 ; x = 0.58 ; g = 4 10 9 and b =
2.53 10 6 s . Find the auxiliary constants (i) by using convergent series of complex
angles, ii) by using convergent series of real angles.
a) Derive reflection and refraction coefficient of transmission line when terminated through
a resistance.
b) A 200 kV surge travels on a transmission line of 400 ohms surge impedance and reaches
a junction where two branch lines of surge impedances of 500 ohms and 300 ohms
respectively are connected with the transmission line. Find the surge voltage and current
transmitted into each branch line. Also find the reflected voltage and current.


a) What is constant voltage system of transmission? Discuss its advantages and

b) A grid line operating at 132 kV consists of 2 cm diameter conductors spaced 4 meters
apart. Determine the disruptive critical voltage and visual corona voltage for the following
data: Temperature 440 c, barometric Pressure 73.7 cm of mercury, conductor surface
factor 0.84, fine weather 0.8 and rough weather 0.66.


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Code No: R31023



Set No. 1

a) Discuss various methods by which the voltage across the units can be equalized. Illustrate
your answer for a string of 3 insulator units.
b) A string of 6 suspension insulators is to be fitted with a guard ring. The pin-to -earth
capacitance and pin to pin capacitance are all equal to C. What should be the values of the
line to pin capacitances so as to have uniform voltage distribution over the string.


a) Explain the necessity of a stringing chart for a transmission line and show how such a
chart can be constructed.
b) An overhead line is supported between two towers 300m apart having a difference on
their levels equal to 4m. Calculate the sag if the wind pressure is 40 kg/m2 of projected
area and the factor of safety is 2. The conductor data is nominal copper area 11cm2.
Stranded wire diameter 33 cm. Material: steel cored aluminium; weight: 844kg/km;
ultimate tensile strength is 7,950kg.


a) Explain the function of a synchronous phase modifier placed at the receiving end of the
transmission line.
b) A 3 phase, 5 kW induction motor has a p.f. of 0.75 lag. A bank of capacitors is
connected in delta across the supply terminals and p.f. is raised to 0.9 lag. Determine the
kVAr rating of the capacitors connected in each phase.


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Code No: R31033


Set No. 1

III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, May - 2016

(Common to ME, AME & Mining Engg)
Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

a) Explain the effect of precession motion on the stability of moving vehicles
such as motor cycle?
b) The rotor of a marine turbine has a moment of inertia of 750kg.m2 and rotates at 3000rpm [10]
clockwise when viewed from aft. If the ship pitches with angular simple harmonic motion
having a periodic tile of 16 seconds and an amplitude of 0.1 radian, find the
(i) maximum angular velocity of the rotor axis
(ii) maximum value of the gyroscopic couple.

a) What is meant by friction circle? Deduce an expression for the radius of friction circle in
terms of the radius of the journal and angle of friction.
b) A pivot bearing of a shaft consists of a frustum of a cone. The diameters of the frustum
are 200 mm and 400 mm, and its semi-cone angle is 60o. The shaft carries a load of 40 kN
and rotates at 240 rpm. The coefficient of friction is 0.02. Assuming the intensity of
pressure to be uniform, determine
i) The magnitude of pressure, and
ii) The power lost in friction.

a) Explain about Prony and Rope brake dynamometers in brief.



b) An effective diameter of the cone clutch is 75 mm. The semi-angle of the cone is 18. [10]
Find the torque required to produce slipping of the clutch if an axial force applied is 200
N. This clutch is employed to connect an electric motor running uniformly at 100 r.p.m
with a flywheel which is initially stationary. The flywheel has a mass of 13.5 kg and its
radius of gyration is 150 mm. Calculate the time required for the flywheel to attain full
speed, and also the energy lost in the slipping of the clutch. Take coefficient of friction as

a) Given the indicator diagrams for the two ends of a reciprocating steam engine, explain
step by step, how you would proceed to draw the crank effort diagram for one revolution
of the engine.
b) An engine flywheel has mass of 6.5 tonnes, and the radius of gyration is 2 m. If the
maximum and minimum speeds are 120 rpm and 118 rpm respectively, find the maximum
fluctuation of energy.

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Code No: R31033



Set No. 1

a) Discuss the merits and demerits of spring controlled and gravity controlled governors.


b) Porter governor has equal arms each 250mm long and pivoted on the axis of rotation.
Each ball has a mass of 5Kg and the mass of the central load on the sleeve is 25kg. The
radius of rotation of the ball is 150mm when the governor begins to lift and 200mm when
the governor is at maximum speed. Find the maximum and minimum speeds and range of
speed of the governor.


a) Explain the role of reference plane in balancing masses of rotation in different planes.


b) A,B,C and D are from masses carried by a rotating shaft at radii 100mm, 150mm, 150mm
and 200mm respectively. The planes in which masses rotate are spaced at 500mm apart
and the magnitude of the masses, B, C, and D are 9kg, 5kg and 4kg respectively. Find the
required mass A and the relative angular settings of the 4 masses so that the shaft shall be
in complete balance.


Explain terms i) Variations in tractive effort, ii) Swaying couple and iii) Hammer blow as [15]
applied to locomotive balancing. Derive expressions for these for two cylinders uncoupled
locomotive balancing.
a) Explain vibrations of beams with concentrated and distributed loads.


b) Derive an equation for the natural frequency of free transverse vibration of a shaft loaded
with a number of concentrated loads, by energy method.



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Code No: R31043

Set No. 1

III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, May - 2016

(Common to ECE, EIE, BME and ECompE)
Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 75

Answer any FIVE Questions

All Questions carry equal marks
1 a) Define CMRR and write the output voltage interms of CMRR.
b) For a differential amplifier, two sets of inputs are applied. The first set is [7]
V1=50 V and V2=-50 V and second set is V1=1050 V and V2=950 V. If
the CMRR is 100, calculate the percentage difference in the output voltage
obtained for the 2 sets of the input signals. If CMRR is improved to 10,000,
calculate the percentage difference in the output voltage obtained for the 2 sets
of the input voltage.
2 a) Explain the dominant pole compensation technique.
b) Explain the Miller effect compensation technique.

Explain about
(i) voltage to current (V to I) converter with grounded load
(ii) current to voltage (I to V) converter with grounded load.


Draw the circuit diagram of a bistable multivibrators using Op-amp and [15]
explain its operation

What are the merits of active filter employing Op-amps? Draw the schematic [15]
of a band pass filter and explain the working.

Derive the expressions for

(i) Lock in range
(ii) Capture range.


7 a) Explain the working of a dual slope A/D converter.

b) Enlist the advantages and disadvantages of dual slope ADC.
8 a) What is the meaning of switch? Explain the different types of Switches.
b) Explain the applications of Analog switches.



Code No: R31053


Set No. 1

III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, May - 2016


(Common to CSE & IT)
Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks


Explain multiplication and division methods to compute hash function.


Write a brief note on rehashing methods.



Give the representation of AVL trees.



Explain how an AVL tree can be used to sort a sequence of n elements in O(n log n) [10]


What is the significance of priorities? Explain how do you arrange elements in a

priority queue?
Write an algorithm to create heaps.




What is the need of an adjacency matrix? How it differs from an adjacency lists? [15]
Explain them briefly.

Write and explain the Prims and Kruskals algorithms with an example.

Write an algorithm for merge sort and also explain with an example how many passes [15]
are required to sort n elements.

What is a trie? Give the structure of it. Explain the patricia trie with its structure, [15]
representation and basic operations.


Discuss various UNIX commands for creating, opening and reading the contents from
a file.
Write the differences between logical files and physical files in UNIX.





Code No: R31273


Set No. 1

III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, May - 2016


(Petroleum Engineering)
Time: 3 hours


Max. Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
What is the main difference between a perforation job and a logging job?


In detail mention about the depth control for a perforation job.


Explain briefly about the spontaneous potential generation.


What is the main difference between a Natural Gamma ray logging and Natural Gamma
ray spectrometry logging?


Mention about the difference between resistivity and induction type of measurements.


Describe about normal induction tool principle.


Define porosity and permeability of a rock.


Describe about a porosity tool which measures total porosity.


What are the main uses of Casing collar locator tool and Free point indicator tool?


What are the different uses of Production logging?


What are the different uses of Formation tester?


Write briefly about one of the Formation tester tools indicating the different components
involved in it.


Write three different cross plots from which Lithology and porosity can be derived.


Find out the lithology and porosity with the following parameters and cross plots given
at the end.
Sonic transit time (micro secs /ft)
Neutron porosity(%)


What is the difference between Conventional coring and Side wall coring?


Write down a few log characteristics against a coal bed.

(Next page for x plot)
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Code No: R31273


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Set No. 1

Code No: V3110


Set No. 1

III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, May - 2016

(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1 a) Derive the expression for capacitance of 3-phase, un-transposed transmission line [8]
with an equal spacing section the conductors.
b) Calculate the inductance/km/ph for a 3-phase transmission line with Dab=Dbc=4m and [8]
Dca=8m.The radius of the conductor is 0.25 cm. The line is transposed. And also
calculate Inductance of all three conductors without transposition. Comment on the
2 a) What are various parameters of a transmission line and how they are considered for [7]
different lines?
b) Determine the sending end voltage and current of an 80km, 3-phase,50Hz [9]
transmission line designed to deliver 24MVA at 0.8 PF lagging at 6.6kV to a
balanced load. The conductors are of copper each having a resistance of
0.105ohm/km and an outside diameter of 1.5 cm. They are spaced equilaterally 1.5
meters apart. Use nominal- method.
3 a) Define the characteristic impedance and propagation constant of a transmission line


b) In a 3- phase line with 132 kV at the receiving end, the ABCD constants are [9]
A=D=0.9830 B=110750ohms; C=0.0005880ohms. if the load at the receiving
end is 40MVA at 0.8 lagging p.f , determine
i)The sending end voltage and
ii)The loading MVAr for this load at the receiving end if the sending end voltage is
40 kV.
4 a) Starting from first principles show that surges behave as traveling waves find [8]
expressions for surge impedance and wave velocity.
b) A 200 kV surge travels on line of 400 surge impedance and reaches a junction [8]
where two branch lines of surge impedances of 500 and 300 are connected with
the transition line. Find the surge voltage and current transmitted into each branch
line. Also find the reflected voltage and current.

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Code No: V3110


Set No. 1

5 a) Explain the effect of resistance of solid conductor for transmission lines.

b) Determine the disruptive critical voltage and the visual critical voltages for local and [10]
general corona on a 3-phase overhead transmission line consisting of three stranded
copper conductors spaced 2.44 meters apart at the corners of an equilateral triangle.
Air temperature and pressure are 210C and 73.5 cm of Hg respectively. Conductor
diameter is 1.04 cm. Take air density factor =
(where b is barometric
273 + t
pressure in cm of Hg and t is temperature in 0C irregularity factor (m0) 0.85 and
surface factors (mv) for local and general corona 0.7 and 0.8 respectively. Breakdown
strength of air is 21.1 kV (r.m.s) / cm.
6 a) What is sag? Derive the equation for sag when the conductor takes the form of a [8]
parabola and supported at equal levels?
b) A transmission line conductor having a diameter of 19.5 mm weighs 0.85 kg/m. The [8]
span is 275 meters. The wind pressure is 40 kg/m2 of projected area with ice coating
13 mm. The ultimate strength of the conductor is 8000 kg. Calculate the maximum
sag, if the factor of safety is 2 and ice weighs 910 kg/m3?
7 a) What electrical and mechanical characteristics are required for a good insulator for [8]
using HV transmission lines?
b) In a 3-unit string insulator, the joint to tower capacitance is 20% of the capacitance of [8]
each unit. By how much should the capacitance of the lowest unit be increased to get
a string efficiency of 90%. The remaining two units are left unchanged.
8 a) What are the factors determining the size of power cables? On which factors
does the current carrying condition depend
b) A single core cable for 132 kV, 3-phase system has conductor radius 0.9cm and [8]
inside sheath radius of 6cm. It has two inter-sheaths. The stress varies between the
maximum and minimum limits in the three layers of dielectric. Find the radii of the
intersheaths and their voltages.

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Code No: V3120

Set No. 1

III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, May - 2016

(Common to ECE, EIE, BME and ECM)
Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 80

Answer any FIVE Questions

All Questions carry equal marks
1 a) Define CMRR and write the output voltage in terms of CMRR.
b) For a differential amplifier, two sets of inputs are applied. The first set is [8]
V1=50 V and V2=-50 V and second set is V1=1050 V and V2=950 V. If
the CMRR is 100, calculate the percentage difference in the output voltage
obtained for the 2 sets of the input signals. If CMRR is improved to 10,000,
calculate the percentage difference in the output voltage obtained for the 2 sets
of the input voltage.
2 a) Explain the dominant pole compensation technique.
b) Explain the Miller effect compensation technique.


Explain about (i) voltage to current (V to I) converter with grounded load,

(ii) current to voltage(I to V) converter with grounded load.


Draw the circuit diagram of a bistable multivibrators using Op-amp and [16]
explain its operation.

What are the merits of active filter employing Op-amps? Draw the schematic [16]
of a band pass filter and explain the working.

Derive the expressions for

(i) Lock in range
(ii) Capture range.


7 a) Explain the working of a dual slope A/D converter.

b) Enlist the advantages and disadvantages of dual slope ADC.


8 a) What is the meaning of switch? Explain the different types of Switches.

b) Explain the applications of Analog switches.




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