In Vitro Anthelminthic Activities of Four Medicinal Plants: Against Haemonchus Contortus
In Vitro Anthelminthic Activities of Four Medicinal Plants: Against Haemonchus Contortus
In Vitro Anthelminthic Activities of Four Medicinal Plants: Against Haemonchus Contortus
In vitro experiments were conducted to determine the anthelmintic effects of crude aqueous extracts of
the leaves of Carissa spinarum and Azadrichta indica, fruits of Phytolacca dodecandra and stem bark of
Acacia tortilis on eggs and adults of Haemonchus contortus using egg hatch assay and mortality of
adult parasite. Extracts of the leaves of C. spinarum and A. indica inhibited hatching of egg at
concentration less than or equal to 1 mg/ml. Low egg hatch inhibition were observed for extracts of A.
tortilis (100%) and P. dodecandra (99.4%) at the maximum concentration tested (2 mg/ml). Of the plants
tested, extracts of C. spinarum and A. indica showed very good activity against the adult worms of H.
contortus, mortality raised to the levels of 96.8 and 93.9%, respectively, at concentration of 4 mg/ml. P.
dodecandra and A. tortilis produced mortality of 68.1 and 53.03% of adult H. contortus at 4 mg/ml
concentration, respectively. Albendazole killed the parasites in a dose dependant manner and all the
worms were dead at a concentration of 0.5 mg/kg within 24 h. The overall findings of the current study
indicated that most of the plants have potential anthelmintic effect warranting further in vitro and in
vivo evaluation.
Key words: Anthelmintic, Haemonchus contortus, in vitro experiment, plant extracts.
Helminthosis play a crucial role in small ruminant production leading to enormous economic losses particularly in
areas where extensive grazing is practiced (Tembely et
al., 1994; Waller, 1997). It causes loss of production
directly and indirectly. The direct loss is manifested
through mortality, loss of blood and plasma protein by
blood sucking behavior of the parasites and leakages into
gastrointestinal tract, depression of mineral level and
diarrhea, all contributing to weight loss, reduced milk and
wool production (Soulsby, 1986). The indirect economic
impact is manifested by increased cost of control strategies (anthelmintics, labor, drenching equipments) and
other parasite-related penalties such as delay in achieving target weights, increased feed requirements to achieve
target weight and reduced quality of carcass and
Extraction method
Aqueous extracts were produced at the Aklilu Lemma Institute of
Pathobiology (ALIPB). Fifty grams of the dry powder of each plant
sample was socked in distilled water and shaken for 24 h by electric
shaker. The suspension was filtered using filter paper and the filtrate kept in deep freezer (-70C) for 24 h, and then lyophilized
using lyophilizer. The lyophilized extract (freeze-dried) dry powder
was then collected, weighed and kept in a dry place to avoid
absorption of water until being used for the test.
Adult female parasites of H. contortus were collected from the
abomasums of infected sheep obtained from Addis Ababa
Abattoirs Enterprise. H. contortus is reported to have developed
resistance to most anthelmintics used in the country according to
unpublished reports of the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture and
Rural Development. The worms were washed and crushed to liberate eggs. The eggs were then cultured in a glass jar filled with
autoclaved horse faeces for eight days at room temperature. At the
end of 8th day, infective larvae were harvested by rinsing the side of
the culture jar with a drop of water. About 3000 larvae were then
orally inoculated to worm free sheep (5 g of feaces was taken from
the rectum for floatation and concentration techniques to make sure
that the sheep were worm free) of ages between 4 and 6 months,
kept in-door in separate house in the animal facilities of the ALIPB
throughout the study period. These sheep served as H. contortus
egg donors for subsequent in vitro trials.
In vitro experiments
Collection of eggs
Briefly, faecal pellets were collected from the rectum of donors
sheep and placed in small bucket. Warm water was slowly added to
the faeces and the pellets stirred until a relatively uniform homogenate was obtained, liquid suspension was obtained. The suspension was filtered through sieve with 3 mm aperture. The resulting
suspension was again made to pass through a sieve of 150 m
pore size. The suspension was then poured into 15 ml test tubes
and centrifuged for 2 min at 377 g and the supernatant decanted.
The tube was agitated by vortex mixer to loosen the sediment.
Saturated sodium chloride was then added to the test tube until the
meniscus forms above the test tube on which the cover slip was
placed. After 3 to 5 min, the cover slip was carefully taken off the
tube and eggs washed into glass centrifuge tubes filled with water
and centrifuged for 2 min at 377 g. Most of the water was then
decanted and the number of eggs per ml was determined before
diluting it to the required concentration for use in egg hatch assay.
Egg hatch assay
The egg hatch assay was conducted according to World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP)
guidelines (Coles et al., 1992). The eggs used for this test were
aged less than 3 h. Aqueous extracts of the plant materials were
used as the active treatment. Albendazole (99.3% pure standard
reference) obtained from the Ethiopian Drug Administration and
Control Authority (DACA) was used as positive control while
untreated eggs in water were used as negative control. The test
was conducted in 4 ml test tubes. In the assay, approximately 100
to 120 eggs in 1.5 ml water were placed in each test tube. Each
plant extract was serially diluted in a total volume of 2 ml distilled
water to make concentrations of 0.0625, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2
mg/ml together with water containing the eggs. Albendazole origin-
Mohammed et al.
In vitro experiments
Egg hatch assay
All the four extracts of the plants exhibited good activities
against eggs of H. contortus; although, there was variation in doses required for each type of extract. In all plant
extracts, the maximum concentration used in the study (2
mg/ml) induced nearly 100% egg hatch inhibition. Extract
of C. spinarum induced 100% egg hatch inhibition at a
concentration of 0.5 mg/ml, the least concentration
among all plant extracts tested to bring about the same
effect, while P. dodecandra was the weakest plant that
gave 99.4% inhibition at 2 mg/ml concentration.
Albendazole induced 100% egg hatch inhibition at a
concentration of 0.25 g/ml (Table 1).
In vitro effects of plant extract on adult parasites
All the extracts showed inhibitory effect on the survival of
H. contortus in a dose dependant manner. C. spinarum,
A. indica and A. tortilis produced mortality of adult H.
contortus significantly to the level of 96.8, 93.9 and
53.03%, respectively, at a concentration of 4 mg/ml while
Table 1. Mean percentage inhibition of egg hatching after 48 h exposure of H. contortus to different concentrations of plant extracts
(mg/ml) and Albendazole (g/ml).
Plant type
Carissa spinarum
Phytolacca dodecandra
Acacia tortilis
Azadrichta indica
Table 2. Mean percentage mortality of adult parasites after 24 h exposure of H. contortus to different concentrations of plant extracts
and Albendazole (mg/ml).
Carissa spinarum
Phytolacca dodecandra
Acacia tortilis
Azadrichta indica
In the current study, extracts of all the study plants (C.
spinarum, A. indica, A. tortilis and P. dodecandra) have
shown promising in vitro anthelmitic activity against eggs
of H. contortus. Extracts from C. spinarum and A. indica
have shown promising adult mortality, while extracts of A.
tortilis did not demonstrate appreciable result. Based on
the aforementioned facts, the following recommendations
are forwarded: plants that demonstrated promising
activities in vitro for their different parts in the current
study should be further evaluated in vivo. Other types of
extracts and in vitro evaluation must be conducted for
those plant parts and extracts not showing promising
results. Phytochemical screening and toxicological evaluation should be performed for those that exhibited
promising results in the in vitro test.
The authors are grateful to Mr. Engidawork Muleta, Mr.
Hailu Getu and Mr. Nega Nigussie for their technical
assistance. Financial support was obtained from Research
and Graduate Studies of the Addis Ababa University.
Alawa CB, Adamu, AM Getu JO, Ajansui O J, Abdu PA, Chiezey NP,
Alawa JN, Bowman DD (2003). In vitro screening of two Nigerian
Mohammed et al.