Heat Transfer in Internal Combustion Engines

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Heat Transfer in Internal Combustion Engines

C. S. WANG and G. F. BERRY
Energy and Environmental Systems Division
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, Illinois 60439
Presented at the Winter Annual Meeting
Miami Beach, Florida November 17-21, 1985



A heat transfer model has been developed that uses

quasi-steady heat flux relations to calculate the heat transfer
from combustion gases through the cylinder wall to the
coolant in an internal combustion engine. The treatment of
convective heat transfer accounts for the physical problems
of rotating and impinging axial flow inside the engine
cylinder. The radiative heat transfer includes gas radiation
(CO2, H20, and CO) and soot-particle radiation. Cylinder
wall temperatures can be accurately predicted from this
model for both the gas and the coolant sides. The present
model's heat transfer results for the motoring case are in
good agreement with results from empirical correlations
based on instantaneous heat flux data. The calculated
radiative heat flux and gas emissivity show reasonable
agreement with data in the literature.

Greek Symbols

gas absorptivity

wall thickness, m


density, kgm-3
optical thickness

Stefan-Boltzmann constant, Wm-2K-4

viscosity, Pas

scattering albedo or rotating speed

crank angle, degrees

equivalence ratio
convective or coolant-side
gas stream or gas-side
inside or index
outside or wall surface

spectral variable
wall surface


Temperature, K
overall heat transfer coefficient, Wm-2K-1
axial velocity, ms-1

area, m2
parameter defined in Eq. 19
heat capacity, Jkg-1K-1
diameter, m
Grashof number
heat transfer coefficient, Wm-2. K-1
Planck function, Wm-1
thermal conductivity, Wm-1 K-1, or refractive index
absorption coefficient, m-1
distance between cylinder head and piston top, m
mass flow rate, kgs-1
refractive index
Prandl number
heat transfer rate, Wm-2
total heat loss per cycle, Wm-2
radius, m
Reynolds number

In internal combustion (IC) engines, heat loss from
combustion gases through the cylinder wall to the coolant
strongly influences the thermodynamics of the engine cycle.
This heat loss is an important part of the energy balance,
which influences gas temperature and pressure, piston work,
engine performance, and emissions.

Ordinarily, the heat transfer from the cylinder gases to the

walls is calculated by estimating the engine-wall temperature
and basing the heat flux on the difference between the gas
and wall temperatures. The heat transfer coefficient used for
the calculation is usually adopted from empirical correlations
(1-4). The weaknesses of this approach are as follows:


The coolant temperature is known.

The physical system under consideration is quasisteady, one-dimensional heat flow through the solid medium
separating the cylinder gas and coolant. The basic
assumptions used with the present model are as follows:

The calculated results are sensitive to the wall

temperature, which is treated as a given quantity. The
empirical correlations include no means of incorporating
significant changes in engine geometry or flow field.

The cylinder wall comprises seven heat transfer areas

(intake valve, exhaust valve, cylinder head, liner, piston
top, cup wall, and cup bottom), each of which is at its
uniform temperature and has its uniform heat flux at
every instant of the cycle. (See Fig. 1.)

The convective heat transfer coefficients on both sides

of the walls are uniform over each heat transfer area.

The equivalent wall thickness at each heat transfer area

is the same.

The possible effects of surface scales or deposits on

either side of the cylinder wall are not considered, and
the heat losses through leaks at the valve seats or at the
gap between the liner and the piston are neglected.

The heat flow is quasi-steady, and the wall temperatures

may be determined using simple network analysis.

These correlations do not correctly predict the

contribution of radiative heat transfer.

All of these weaknesses may be expected to have a strong

effect on the heat transfer calculations. A more accurate
means of calculating the heat flux is required for analysis of
the IC engine's thermodynamic cycle. Also, more detailed
information on thermal conditions (such as wall
temperatures) would be useful to engineers and designers.
The objective of this paper is to provide a heat transfer
model that can be used to calculate the heat flux more
accurately. This greater accuracy is to be achieved by
estimating the coolant temperature, rather than the wall
temperature, because coolant temperature can be correctly
measured (or estimated) much more easily than wall
temperature can. A useful side benefit of this approach is
that, because the wall temperatures are computed as an
integral part of the calculations, their variation as a function
of the crank angle is provided. This side benefit is
particularly important for the adiabatic engine studies.

The process by which heat is transferred from the

cylinder gas through the wall to the coolant consists of three
parts: convective and radiative heat transfer from cylinder
gas to combustion-chamber surface, conductive heat transfer
through the cylinder wall, and convective heat transfer from
the cylinder wall to the coolant. Under the quasi-steady flow
assumption, the heat flux is considered to be the same across
each element:

In contrast to common practice, the actual heat transfer

mechanisms are not lumped together; instead, convection,
radiation, and conduction are treated explicitly. The
treatment of convective heat transfer accounts for the
physical problems of rotating and impinging axial flow
inside the combustion chamber and cross flow outside the
cylinder, using empirical correlations established for flows
similar in nature to those occurring on the inside and outside
(coolant side) of the engine cylinder. The radiative heat
transfer includes gas radiation (CO2, H2O, and CO) and sootparticle radiation. Conduction is treated in a conventional
The wall temperatures, heat flux rates, and total heat
loss are calculated. The results of the present analysis are
compared with the existing predictions based on empirical
correlations (1-3). The predicted radiative heat fluxes and
gas emissivities from the present model will also be
compared with experimental measurements (5).

Fig. 1 Schematic of Engine Cylinder


Heat Transfer from Cylinder Wall to Coolant

The heat transfer from the cylinder head and liner to the
coolant is modeled by turbulent cross-flow forced
convection. An average heat transfer over the cylindrical
surface was correlated by McAdams for water and
hydrocarbon oils (8).

where hg, the heat transfer coefficient at gas-side, includes

both convection and radiation. The overall heat transfer
coefficient, U, may be written in terms of thermal resistances
corresponding to gas-side (1/hc and coolant-side (1/hg ) heat
transfer processes:

where Prc, kc, Re (= cVcDO/c ), and DO are the Prandtl

number of the coolant, thermal conductivity of the coolant,
Reynolds number, and outside diameter of the engine
cylinder, respectively. Vc is a mean velocity of the coolant.

The thermal resistance of the wall, /k, should be replaced by

Ri ln(RO/Ri)/k for the heat transfer at the liner, where Ri and
RO are the inner radius and outer radius of the liner,
respectively; and L is a distance between the cylinder head
and piston top. The gas-side and coolant-side wall
temperatures (Twg and Twc, respectively) can be obtained
iteratively from Eqs. 1-4 by satisfying Eq. 5. The
instantaneous heat flux can be obtained by summing the heat
fluxes through all heat transfer areas at each crank angle, .

The heat transfer from the back surface of the valve to

the inlet gas is treated differently during the periods when the
valves are open and closed. When the valve is open, the
correlation of Kapadia and Borman is used for the heat
transfer from the back surface of an open valve to the
flowing air, based on steady-flow analysis and experiment

where Re (= MDh/gAe ), M, Dh and Ae are Reynolds number, mass flow rate, hydraulic diameter, and effective flow
area, respectively. When the valve is closed, the heat transfer
is treated as natural convective heat transfer over a
horizontal plate facing upward. The empirical correlations to
be used are given in Eqs. 12 and 13, taken from Rohsenow
and Hartnett (10):

where the index i denotes the number of heat transfer areas.

The total heat loss per cycle from the combustion-chamber
walls can be integrated according to the following equation:


Heat Transfer from Cylinder Gas to Walls
A very fundamental rotating-disk flow and forced
rotating-tube flow are considered for the calculation of heat
transfer between the cylinder gas and the wall in swirl
engines. For piston top and cylinder head, the turbulent flow
over a disk rotating at constant speed about its axis is
assumed. The analysis, based on Hartnett (6), is performed
by integrating the continuity, momentum, and energy
equations for the fully turbulent flow. The heat transfer
coefficient, hgc , over the disk plate is written as follows:

where Gr and Dv are Grashof number and valve diameter,

The heat transfer from the piston wall to the lubricating
oil depends on the movement of oil, the amount of oil in the
cooling cavity, etc. Due to this complexity, the heat transfer
coefficient in the oil side is assumed to be 2400 Wm-2K-1,
and the oil temperature is assumed to be 366 K (11, 12).
Radiative heat transfer in IC engines can be divided
into two parts: the nonluminous gas radiation and the
luminous solid-particle (soot) radiation. In spark-ignition
(SI) engines, the radiation contributed by the soot particles
can be neglected. In compression-ignition (CI) engines, the
radiation is contributed mainly by the soot particles.

where Re (= gR2/g), Pr, kg and R are Reynolds number,

Prandtl number, thermal conductivity of gas, and equivalent
radius, respectively. For the liner and the piston-cup wall, the
turbulent fluid flowing inside a pipe rotating about its
longitudinal axis is assumed. The heat transfer coefficient is
obtained from the results of Cannon and Kays (7):

The radiative heat transfer, qr, from a gas to its

surroundings is given by


Carbon dioxide, water vapor, and carbon monoxide are

considered to be the principal participating combustion
gases. There are five wave bands (15, 10.4, 9.4, 4.3, and 2.7
m) with band centers at 667, 960, 1060, 2350, and 3715
cm-1 for CO2; four wave bands (6.3, 2.7, 1.87, and 1.38 m)
with band centers at 1600, 3750, 5350, and 7250 cm-1 for
H20; and two wave bands (4.7 and 2.35 m) with band
centers at 2143 and 4260 cm-1 for CO. The spectral
absorption coefficients for CO2, H20, and CO are evaluated
from the exponential wideband model (14). It is difficult to
measure or predict the concentration of soot particles in CI
engines, so the soot-particle radiation is calculated using a
mean absorption coefficient for the entire range of optical
thicknesses (15).

By solving the radiation transport equation, one can also

express the radiative heat flux as follows (13):



and where C2 is a second Planck's constant.

As a mean absorption coefficient for the entire spectrum, K
takes the average value of the Planck mean in the optically
thin limit and the Rosseland mean in the optically thick limit.
The accuracy is within 3% of the two limiting cases for the
entire range of optical thicknesses.

and where:

With these radiation properties, and given the mean

beam length, gas temperature, wall temperature, wall
emissivity, and concentrations of CO2, H20, and CO, Eqs. 20
and 21 can be used to calculate the total gas emissivity and
absorptivity. The resulting radiative heat flux can be
calculated from Eq. 14.
In order to calculate the heat transfer in a reciprocating
IC engine, an engine cycle simulation code was incorporated
with the present heat transfer model.
Figure 2 shows the heat transfer rates for the motoring
case calculated by the present model and under the same
engine geometry and comparable conditions, using the
empirical correlations available in the literature. The present
(model) results are in good agreement with those of the
LeFeuvre model (3), and LeFeuvre's correlation is known

Using the above equations, one can define total emissivity

and absorptivity as follows:

Figure 3 shows the histories of the gas and wall

temperatures for the entire cycle. Note that (Twg)ave and
(Tg)ave are the averaged wall and gas temperatures,
respectively, over the entire cycle.
The calculated gas emissivities and radiative heat
fluxes obtained using the present model and those obtained
from the measurements by Flynn et al. (5) are compared in
Table 1. Flynn et al. performed a detailed investigation of
radiative heat flux in a diesel engine. They studied the
radiative heat flux by varying a number of operating
conditions, such as engine speed, fuel-to-air ratio, fuelinjection timing, fuel type, etc. The radiation intensity was
measured at seven wavelengths by using an infrared detector
and an infrared monochromator. Only those data obtained
using No. 2 diesel oil were compared. In order to compare
the present calculated radiation results with those of Flynn et
al., two important parameters mean beam length and
concentrations of gas species are required. The value of the
mean beam length was taken as 3.6 times the ratio of
cylinder gas volume to its surface area based on Flynn's test
engine at top dead center (TDC). The concentrations of the
gas species and the in-cylinder pressures were obtained from
the engine cycle simulation code, based on the values of
peak gas temperatures and the equivalence ratios from Flynn
et al. The reported maximum wall temperatures (5), which
were assumed to occur at the same time (or crank angle) as
the peak gas temperatures for the present calculations, were
also used for the present comparison. The calculated and
measured gas emissivities were in reasonable agreement
(within 10%). The heat fluxes calculated by using the present
model are also in reasonable agreement with the measured
values, except for run no. 54 at an engine speed of 1010 rpm.

Fig. 2 Comparison of Heat Transfer Rates

to be good for the motoring case. LeFeuvre et al. applied
Dorfman's rotational- and turbulent flow concepts (16) to
correlate their instantaneous temperature and heat flux
measurements with the analytical predictions. The present
results and the results using Woschni's model (1) are in
reasonable agreement for the intake and exhaust periods.
Woschni's model required an average wall temperature for
several cycles. Although his empirical equation was based on
the turbulent flow in the duct, it required several constants
that were determined by the engine geometry and operating
conditions. The peak heat transfer rate of the present model
is about five times higher than that of Woschni's model. This
may be due to the omission of swirl, which is important in
compression and expansion processes, in his equation.
Woschni's equation was modified by Hiraki to consider the
swirl of the gas inside the combustion chamber (17). The
results are shown on curve 4 of Fig. 2, which displays a
better fit to that of the present model. Hohenberg claimed
that his heat transfer calculation (2) was precise due to his
accurate surface temperature, combustion pressure, and heat
flux measurements. His heat transfer correlation required the
mean velocity, mean wall temperature, and mean gas
temperature during the cycle calculation; because of this
averaging process, his results could be expected to be higher
at intake and exhaust processes and to be lower at
compression and expansion processes than the results
obtained using the present model; these trends are observable
on curve 2 of Fig. 2. The majority of the above mentioned
correlations, except LeFeuvre's, are not based on
instantaneous data but on time-averaged data. Although
LeFeuvre's correlation can predict the instantaneous heat
flux, it is highly dependent on the engine geometry and
operating conditions. The present model can also predict the
instantaneous heat flux by using very physical fundamentals
to calculate convection and a basic spectral absorption model
to calculate radiation.

Fig. 3 Wall- and Gas-Temperature Histories

Table I Gas Emissivity and Heat Flux Results Obtained from the Present Model and from the Measurement
Heat Flux
Gas Emissivity
gb - ga
106 W/m 2
x 100%
Run Gas Temp
0.925 0.8325
0.920 0.8325
0.760 0.8302
0.850 0.8302
0.840 0.8336
0.870 0.8388
0.813 0.8312
0.876 0.8309
0.875 0.8314
0.880 0.8302

Qb - Qa
x 100%

From the Ref. 5 measurement.

From the present model.

The present model can be used to analyze the thermal effects

in IC engines, such as wall cooling, material selection, etc.
Figure 4 indicates that the material of the wall is one of the
major parameters affecting the heat loss from the engine.
Figure 5 shows that the effect of swirl on heat transfer rate is
significant during the compression and expansion periods,
particularly at TDC.
A heat transfer model that uses quasi-steady heat flux
relations to calculate the heat transfer from combustion gases
to the coolant in IC engines has been developed. The
treatment of convective heat transfer accounts for the
physical problems of rotating and impinging axial flow
Fig. 5 Effect of Swirl on Heat Transfer Rate
inside the engine cylinder. The radiative heat transfer
includes gas radiation (CO2 , H2O, and CO) and soot-particle
radiation. The wall temperatures can be accurately predicted
from this model for both the gas and coolant sides of the
combustion-chamber walls.
The heat transfer results of the present model for the
motoring case are in good agreement with those of
LeFeuvre's empirical correlation, which was obtained from
instantaneous heat flux data. The calculated radiative heat
flux and gas emissivity show reasonable agreement with
those based on Flynn's measurements.

Fig. 4

The present model is a step toward analysis of the

thermal effects in engines and of cooling systems. The model
can be used to study the effects of a number of parameters on
heat transfer and wall temperatures for example, the effects
of in-cylinder flows and of wall thickness and wall materials.

Effect of Wall's Thermal Conductivity on Heat

Transfer Rate

13. Im, K. H., R. K. Ahluwalia, and G. F. Berry, "Heat

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Paper No. 81-0316, American Institute of Aeronautics
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Louis, Mo., Jan. 1981.




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