Fire Risk Reduction Rules 2007

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(Cap 514)

I EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 41 2(k) of the Factories and

other places of Work Act, the Minister for Labour and Human Resource Development
makes the following rules
RULES, 2007


1. These Rules may be cited as the Factories and other places of

work (Fire Risk Reduction) Rules 2007.
2. In these Rules unless the context otherwise requires
Class A fire means a fire involving ordinary combustible
material such as paper, wood cloth, rubber or plastic material;
Class B fire means a fire involving flammable or combustible
liquid, flammable gases, greases or similar material, rubber or plastic
Class C fire means a fire involving energized electrical
equipment where safety to the worker requires the use of electrically non
conductive extinguishing media;
Class D fire means a fire involving combustible metal 1 such
as magnesium, zirconium, sodium, lithium or potassium;
competent person in relation to a duty or function, means a
person who has had adequate training, relevant qualifications and
experience to enable him to perform that duty or function;
designated area means an area designated or zoned by Local
Authority for use;
Director means the Director of Occupational health and Safety
emergency exit means a window, door or other exit affording
means of escape or giving access to other than the means of exit in
ordinary use, in case of a fire;
fire detection includes any action to check or sense fire by use
of an instrument or by human action;
fire drill means an exercise carried out to prepare people on
precautions to be taken in event of a real fire breaking out;

fire extinguishes means a portable container of pressurized or

gas cartridge propelled extinguishers that can be discharged in a jet or
spray to put out the fire;
fire fighting means the process of extinguishing fire;
fire-fighting team means a team appointed in accordance with
Rule 20;
fire-hose means a high pressure tube attached to either a fire
engine or a fire hydrant, used for extinguishing a fire;
fire safety auditor means a competent person authorized by the
Director in writing to undertake a fire safety audit in accordance with
these Rules;
highly flammable substance means a liquid, liquid solution,
emulsion, suspension or gas that gives of a flammable vapour at a
temperature of less than 32C;
risk assessment means a systematic examination conducted to
determine and evaluate the degree of risk involved in terms of severity,
frequency and cost of the potential claim in the case of fire;
risk management means measures undertaken or put in place to
control a risk.

3. These rules shall apply to every workplace, process and operations to

which the provisions of the Act apply

Location of large
Installations for
highly flammable

4. A person wishing to set up or operate a facility for the use on or

storage of highly flammable substance shall ensure that such facility is
located in the designated area.


5. (1) Every owner and occupier of a workplace shall ensure that

every workroom where flammable substances are used, manufactured or
manipulated, is constructed with fire resistant material.
(2) Fire resistant material shall include
(a) concrete block, brick work or stone of not less than
115mm thickness;
(b) concrete slab of not less than 76mm thickness;
(c) iron or steel of not less than 16 Imperial Standard
(d) glass of not less that 64mm thickness in the center of

which a wire mesh shall be embedded on;

(e) teak or oak or other wood for doors of not less than
45mm thickness; and
(f) any other material as the Director may approve.
Storage of highly

6.(1) Every occupier shall ensure that highly flammable

substances are stored
(a) in suitable fixed storage tanks in safe positions, or
(b) in suitable closed vessels kept in a safe positions in
the open air, and where necessary, protected against
direct sunlight; or
(c) in a suitable closed vessel kept in a storeroom which
is either in a safe position or in a fire resisting
structure; or
(d) in the case of a workroom where the aggregate
quantity of highly flammable substances does not
exceed 50 liters, in suitable closed vessels kept in a
suitably placed cupboard or bin which is a fire
resisting structure.
Provided that no such store shall be so situated as to endanger the
means of escape from a work place or any part thereof in the event of
a fire occurring in the store.
(2) Noting in this Rule shall apply to
(a) highly flammable substances in the fuel tanks of
vehicles or engines for the purpose of operating the
vehicle or engines; or
(b) any suitable, small closed vessel containing not more
than 500c.c. of flammable substances.
(3) Where the highly flammable substance is stored in a
storeroom, every occupier shall ensure that a gap of at least 80 cm is
maintained from the nearest fixed wall, ceiling or roof of such room.
(4) Every occupier shall ensure that any highly flammable
substance capable of reacting and producing heat when mixed is
identified and kept in separate storerooms or compartments.
(5) Every occupier shall ensure that any highly flammable
substance that is self-combustible, is kept in separate stores away from

other substances or material.

(6) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule
commits an offence.
Marking and labeling

7.(1) Every occupier shall ensure that every store room,

cupboard, bin, tank or container used for storing highly flammable
substances is clearly and boldly marked Highly Flammable in English
or Kiswahili or otherwise with an appropriate indication of flammability.
(2) Where it is impracticable to mark any storeroom, cupboard,
bin, tank or container, the words Highly Flammable in English or
Kiswahili shall be clearly and boldly displayed as near to it as possible.
(3) Every occupier shall ensure that every container holding the
highly flammable substance is labeled with the contents of the container
and the type of fire extinguisher to be used in the event of a fire.
(4) In labeling a container, every occupier shall refer to the
material safely data sheet.
(5) Nothing in this Rule shall apply to
(a) any fuel tanks of vehicles or engines which contain
highly flammable substances for the purpose of
operating the vehicle or engines; or
(b) any suitable small closed vessel containing not more
than 500 cc of highly flammable substance.
(6) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule commits
an offence.

Handling of

8.(1) Every occupier shall ensure that the quantity of any

highly flammable substance present at any one time in a workplace, shall
be as small as is reasonably practical, having regard to the processes or
operations being carried on.
(2) Every occupier shall ensure that where highly flammable
substances are to be conveyed within a workplace, the substances shall
be conveyed through a totally enclosed system incorporating pipelines
and pumps of similar appliances, but where conveyance of the
substances within a work place through a totally enclosed system is not
reasonably practical, the substance shall be conveyed in vessels that are
so designed and constructed as to avoid spilling of the substance.
(3) Every occupier shall ensure that where in the process or
operation, any highly flammable substance liable to be
spilled or leaked all reasonable practical steps have been
taken to ensure that the substance is contained or

immediately drained off to a suitable container or to a safe

place or otherwise treated to make it safe.
(4) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule
commits an offence.
Flammable vapours.

9. (1) Every occupier shall ensure that no means likely to ignite

vapour from any highly flammable substances, are present where a
dangerous concentration of vapour from flammable substances may
reasonably be expected to be present.
(2) Every occupier shall ensure that where in any work place, a
dangerous concentration of vapour from highly flammable substances
may reasonably be expected to be present, any cotton or other textile
waste or other material in that place
(a) which has been used in such a manner as to render the
cotton waste or other material liable to spontaneous
combustion; or
(b) which is contaminated with any highly flammable
substance, shall be deposited without delay in a metal
container with a suitable cover or be removed without
delay to a safe place, and separate self-closing
receptacles shall be provided in workrooms for oilsoaked waste, rags or other material, subject to
spontaneous combustion.

(3) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule

commits an offence.
Monitoring of

10. (1) Every occupier shall continuously monitor the work place
with a view to making an assessment of any possible fire risks and
mitigate against them.
(2) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule
commits an offence.


11.(1) Every occupier shall provide in every workroom, facilities

for free flow of fresh air, including windows, doors, vents, louvers or any
other suitable ventilation facility to ensure that flammable fumes,
vapour, gases or dust do not accumulate in the workroom.
(2) In the case of an enclosed room, every occupier shall ensure
that exhaust ventilation systems or mechanical ventilation facilities are
(3) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule
commits an offence.

Hot processes or

12. (1) Every occupier shall ensure that all necessary steps are
taken to remove gases or vapours in a workplace or render the gases or
vapours non-flammable where the operations or processes involve the
application of heat.
(2) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule
commits an offence.

House keeping.

13. (1) Every occupier shall ensure that a workplace is kept in a

clean state and that
(a) dirt and refuse shall be removed at least once a day;
(b) the dirt and refuse removed are kept in a receptable;
(c) every store shall have a marked gangway of at least
one metre wide for the movement of persons; and
(d) where mobile equipment for transportation of
material is in a store, a marked gangway shall be
provided to accommodate the size of the equipment
and for the use of persons working therein.
(2) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule
commits an offence.

Removal of products
and waste.

14. (1) Every occupier shall ensure that finished products, byproducts and any waste products are removed immediately they are
produced so as to avoid accumulation of products or waste products.
(2) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule
commits an offence.

Machinery layout.

15. (1) Every occupier shall ensure that a distance of at least one
metre between any two machines or from any machine and a fixed
structure is provided, so as to ensure easy movement and access of
(2) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule
commits an offence.

Electrical equipment

16. (1) Every occupier shall ensure that all electrical machines,
equipment and hand tools in a workplace are properly earthed or double

(2) Every occupier shall ensure that all electrical motors, fittings,
attachments and switches shall be spark proof in the workplaces where

flammable liquids, vapours, dusts and gases are likely to be present.

(3) Every occupier shall ensure that all electrical equipment and
the related attachments are inspected in every period of six months by a
competent person and a record of the inspection kept.
(4) Every occupier shall take adequate measures are to ensure
that electrostatic charges do not built up where flammable substances are
(5) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule
commits an offence.
Fire escape exits.

17.(1) Every occupier shall ensure that every work room is fitted
with an emergency exit of at least 90 cm wide, situated as far away as
possible from the ordinary exit, and located in a manner that the exit will
not lead any person to a trap in the work place in the event of a fire
breaking out.
(2) Every occupier shall ensure that an external staircase or ramp
affording a means of escape in case of a fire is adequately aerated, well
lit and of at least one metre width, provided that a spiral staircase shall
not be considered as a suitable emergency exit.
(3) Every occupier shall ensure that the fire exit door, gangway
and exit staircases are free of obstruction.
(4) Every occupier shall ensure that every emergency exit is
distinctively and conspicuously marked in green letters of at least 15 cm
in height.
(5) Every occupier shall ensure that every emergency exit route
is clearly marked in writing or by signs indicating the
direction of exit and that a drawing or map showing
evacuation routes shall be posted in prominent positions in
the work place.
(6) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule
commits an offence.

Control of spread of

18. (1) Every occupier shall ensure that any door of any store
where flammable substances are stored are constructed in a manner that
the door shall be self closing, opening outwards or sliding and capable of
containing smoke from within the work room, in event of a fire.
(2) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule
commits an offence.

Means of evacuation.

19. (1)

Where a work place is a storeyed building, every


occupier shall ensure that a work place is constructed in such a manner

as to enable workers have access to other suitable outlet or exit for
evacuation other than the emergency exits.
(2) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule
commits an offence.
Formation of
fighting teams.

20. (1) Every occupier shall establish a fire fighting team that
shall consist of
(a) at least two persons, where the number of workers is
not more than ten;
(b) at least three persons, where the number of workers is
between eleven and twenty five;
(c) at least five persons, where the number of workers is
more than twenty five.
(2) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule
commits an offence.

Training in fire

21. (1) Every occupier shall ensure that all workers are instructed
in the safe use of fire fighting appliances.
(2) The Minister may, on the advice of the Director, prescribe a
basic training course on fire safety to be undertaken by every member of
the fire fighting team.
(3) The Minister may, on the advice of the Director, publish once
every year, in the Gazette, a list of approved institutions for the training
of the fire fighting team.
(4) Every occupier shall ensure that every member of the
fighting team undertakes the basic fire safety training course within three
months from the date of appointment into the fire fighting team.

Functions of fire
fighting team.

22. A fire fighting team shall carry out the following functions
(a) ensure that all fire fighting appliances, fire detection
systems, fire alarm and any other facility for fire
safety are in place and are regularly serviced;
(b) conduct fire drills at the workplace;
(c) investigate fire incidences at the workplace and
recommend corrective measures;
(d) regularly inspect the workplace for purposes of
identifying potential fire risks and recommend
remedial measures;
(e) train other workers in the safe use of fire fighting

(f) co-ordinate the evacuation of other workers in the

event of a fire; and
(g) undertake any other functions as may be directed by
the occupier.
Fire drills.

23. (1) Every occupier shall ensure that fire-drills are conducted
at least once in every period of twelve months and a record of such drills
kept available for inspection.
(2) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule
commits an offence.

Assembly point.

24. (1) Every occupier shall identify a location in the workplace

where every worker shall assemble in the event of a fire.
(2) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule
commits an offence.

First aid.

25. (1) Every occupier shall make necessary arrangements to

provide first aid to any person injured in a fire and in addition, arrange
for the transportation of the injured person to the nearest health facility.
(2) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule
commits an offence.

Means of

26.(1) Every occupier shall provide suitable means of alerting

persons in the workplace, in the event of a fire, and such means shall be
made known to all workers.
(2) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule
commits an offence.


27. (1) No person shall smoke, light or carry matches, lighters or

other flame producing articles or smoking materials, in any place where
highly flammable or highly combustible substances are manufactured,
used, handled or stored.
(2) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule commits an
(3) Every occupier shall take all reasonably practicable steps to
ensure compliance with the provisions of subsection (1) including
such steps as
(a) displaying at or as near as possible to every work
place, a clear and bold notice indicating that smoking
in prohibited in that place; and
(b) except in places where smoking is permitted,

displaying throughout the work place at every

entrance of the workplace, a clear and bold notice
indicating that smoking is prohibited.
(4) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule commits an
Fire detection

28.(1) Every occupier shall provide and maintain fire detection

(2) Every occupier shall ensure that fire detection appliances are
located in the appropriate places for immediate activation of an alarm or
automatic fire extinguishing systems.
(3) Every occupier shall ensure that
(a) fire detection appliances are connected to audible
and visual flashing devices to provide a warning
to the workers for emergency response; and
(b) fire detection appliances are regularly maintained
and that they are inspected at least once every
twelve months by a competent person.
(4) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule commits an

Fire fighting

29. (1) Every occupier shall provide means of extinguishing fire

at the work place.
(2) Every occupier shall ensure that the position of the means in
subsection (1) shall be distinctively and conspicuously marked.
(3) Every occupier shall ensure that any portable fire
extinguisher is mounted at an easily accessible height of not
less than 60 cm from the floor.
(4) Where fire hose reels are provided, every occupier shall
ensure that there is at least one fire hose reel within a radius
of 30 metres.
(5) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule
commits an offence

inspection & testing
of cylinders.

30. (1) Every occupier shall ensure that all means of

extinguishing fire are properly maintained.
(2) The occupier shall(a) causing inspection and testing of all fire fighting

appliances in the work place to be carried out by a

competent person at least once every twelve months;
(b) Keep a record indicating the date of inspection and
tests including the name of persons carrying out the
inspection and test; and
(c) ensure that all cylinders for fire fighting appliances
are examined and tested at least once every five years
and such tests shall include hydraulic pressure test.
(3) Every occupier shall ensure that any portable fire
extinguisher is examined and tested whenever there is-

Selection and
distribution of fire


evidence of corrosion or mechanical damage;


repairs on a cylinder by soldering, welding, brazing

or use of patching compounds;


change of cylinder or shell threads; or


corrosion that has caused pitting or corrosion under

removable name plate assemblies.

31. (1) Every occupier shall ensure that, in selecting and

distributing fire extinguishers in the workplace, the distribution and
selection is based on the classes of fires anticipated and based on the size
and degree of hazard caused by a fire.
(2) Where a fire extinguisher is for the use of extinguishing class
A fires, every occupier shall ensure that the fire extinguisher is located as
near as possible and not more than 10 metres from the hazard area.
(3) Where a fire extinguisher is for the use of extinguishing class
B fires, every occupier shall ensure that the fire extinguisher is located as
near as possible and not more than 5 meters from the hazard area.
(4) Where a fire extinguisher is for the use of extinguishing class
C fires, every occupier shall ensure that the fire extinguisher is located as
near as possible to all electrically energized equipment and not more
than 10 meters from the hazard area.
(5) Where a fire extinguisher is for the use of extinguishing class
D fires, every occupier shall ensure that the fire extinguisher is located as
near as possible and not more than 10 metres from the hazard area.
(6) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule
commits an offence

Colour coding of

32. (1) Every occupier shall ensure that all pipes conveying
various substances shall be colour-coded for the purpose of
(2) Every occupier shall ensure that pipes carrying water for fire
fighting shall be painted in red.
(3) Every occupier shall ensure that fire fighting appliances are
coded in the following mannerExtinguishing agent
Powder (all types)
Carbon dioxide

Extinguisher body colour


(4) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule commits

an offence
Water storage.

33. (1) Every occupier shall ensure that

(a) the work place has access to water and water storage
facility capable of storing at least 10,000 liters of
(b) the water storage facility is kept full at all times, for
use in event of fire;
(c) the water pressure in the fire fighting system is
capable of raising water to the highest point of the
workplace in the event of a fire;
(d) where hose reels are used, and the storage water
reservoir is at ground level or underground, an
isolated water pump shall be provided.
(2) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule
commits an offence

Fire safely policy.

34. (1) Every occupier shall establish and implement a written

fire safety policy, outlining the organization and arrangements for
carrying out the policy.
(2) every occupier shall ensure that all workers are informed on
the contents of the policy which shall include
(a) evacuation procedures;
(b) provision for maintenance and inspection of fire fighting
appliances and fire detection systems;
(c) training of workers on fire extinguishing techniques;

(d) assignment of responsibility to individual persons within the

organization for fire prevention and control;
(e) planning and organization of fire drills; and
(f) Identification of assembly points.
Notification of fire

35. (1) Every occupier shall notify any fire occurring in the
workplace to the nearest occupational safety and health area office
within 24 hours of its occurrence and send a written report in the
prescribed form within 7 days to the director.
(2) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule
commits an offence

Fire safety audit.

36. (1) Every occupier shall cause a fire safety audit of the work place to
be taken at least once every twelve months by an approved fire auditor.
(2) The cost in connection with such audits shall be paid by the
(3) The occupier shall keep the report of the fire safety audit for
the purposes of these rules and the fire safety auditor shall
submit a copy of the same to the Director within fourteen
days from the date of the audit.
(4) A person who contravenes the provisions of this Rule
commits an offence

Approval of the fire

safety auditors

37. (1) The director may invite applications by competent persons for
approval to serve as fire safety auditors.
(2) The Director shall consider all applications received and
approve persons to serve as fire safety auditors for the purpose of these
(3) The Director may develop written criteria for approval of fire
safety auditors.
(4) The Minister may, on trhe advice of the Director, by a notice in
the Gazette notify appointment made under paragraph (2) and maintain a
register of all persons appointed there under.
(5) Every fire safety auditor shall be issued with a certificate by the
Director, upon payment of the prescribed fee.

Duties of fire safety


38. The fire safety auditor shall(a) carry out a fire safety audit of the workplace at the request of
the occupier;
(b) Advice the occupier and members of the safety and health

committees on fire matters arising from the audit report

(c) submit a copy of the audit report to the Director within 14 days
from the date of the audit.

39. An occupier or owner who contravenes any of the provisions

of these Rules commits an offence and is liable, on conviction to
penalties provided under the Act.

Dated the 16th April 2007

Minister for Labour and Human Resource Development.


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