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November 22 - December 7, 2016

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River Cities Reader Vol. 24 No. 922 November 22 - December 7, 2016

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com


Photo by Avens OBrien

America: Time for

an Amicable Divorce?

very four years, the United States elects

a new president. And every four years,
the outcome makes some Americans so
unhappy that talk of secession never completely absent from our ongoing political
discussion gets a big bump in the trending topics lists. 2016 seems to be shaping
up as secessions best year since 1860.
No wonder: The polarization is pretty
clear. The two major-party candidates
appear to have finished within about half
of 1 percent of each other in the national
popular vote. Geographically, the west
coast and the eastern seaboard from Maine
south to Virginia chose Hillary Clinton;
the rest of the country, except for four states
(Minnesota, Illinois, Colorado, and New
Mexico) went for Donald Trump.
Maybe its time to try this secession thing
again, minus the four years of war and the
million dead. Activists in California and
Oregon certainly think so; theyre already
cranking up ballot initiatives to take their
states out of the union.
And why not? America never has really
been one country in a cultural sense. Not in
1776, not in 1860, not today.

The United States

never has really
been one country in
a cultural sense. Not
in 1776, not in 1860,
not today.
Our smallest state by area (Rhode
Island), if independent, would be larger
than at least 30 countries, more than 750
times the size of the smallest country with a
coastline (Monaco) and about 3,000 times
the size of the smallest independent state in
the world (Vatican City).
Our least-populous state (Wyoming),
if independent, would have more citizens
than Iceland, which has governed itself
without catastrophe since 1944.
Is there any particular reason why the
people of Los Angeles, and the people of
Dallas, and the people of Miami, and the
people of New York must be directly governed by the same executive, legislative, and
judicial organizations? I cant think of one.
Yes, I know its scary. Who gets the kids?

Who gets the house? Who gets navigational

rights on the Mississippi?
But just because its scary doesnt mean
it isnt doable. Or even that it has to be
particularly hard.
Put a timeline on it. Give the states time
to decide on options for going it alone or

By Thomas L. Knapp

with others. Give people who dont want

to go with their current states time to
move without passports (if were not smart
enough to set up a Schengen-style openborders scenario, which we should).
Create commissions to figure out how to
divvy up the tanks and the nukes (which
well all need fewer of, because as part of the
process we will presumably stop trying to
be the worlds policeman).
Complicated? Sure. Impossible? Oh,
please: The Soviet Union managed to

dissolve without descending into all-out

civil war. Is it utopian or nave to think
maybe we could carry out the same process
at least as well?
One evil empire down, one to go.
Thomas L. Knapp (Twitter:
@thomaslknapp) is director and senior
news analyst at the William Lloyd Garrison
Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism
(TheGarrisonCenter.org), where this article
originally appeared.

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com

River Cities Reader Vol. 24 No. 922 November 22 - December 7, 2016


Stay Alert, America:

The Worst Is Yet to Come

his is not the time to drop our guards,

even for a moment.
Nothing has changed since the
election to alter the immediate and very
real dangers of roadside strip-searches,
government surveillance, biometric databases, citizens being treated like terrorists,
imprisonments for criticizing the government, national ID cards, SWAT-team
raids, censorship, forcible blood-draws and
DNA extractions, private prisons, weaponized drones, red-light cameras, Tasers,
active-shooter drills, police misconduct,
and government corruption.
Time alone will tell whether those who
put their hopes in a political savior will
find that trust rewarded or betrayed.
Personally, Im not holding my breath.
Ive been down this road before. Ive studied history. I know what comes next.
Its early yet, but President-Elect Trump
like his predecessors has already begun
to dial back many of the campaign promises that pledged to reform a broken system
of government.
The candidate who railed against big
government and vowed to drain the
swamp of lobbyists and special-interest
donors has already given lobbyists, corporate donors, and members of the governmental elite starring roles in his new
America, youve been played.
This is what happens when you play
politics with matters of life, death, and
liberty. You lose every time.
Unfortunately, in this instance, we all
lose because of the deluded hypocrisy of
the Left and the Right, both of which sanctioned the expansion of the police state as
long as it was their party at the helm.
For the past eight years, the Left
stridently outspoken and adversarial
while George W. Bush was president has
been unusually quiet about things such
as torture, endless wars, drone strikes,
executive orders, government overreach,
and fascism.
As Glenn Greenwald points out for The
Washington Post: Beginning in his first
month in office and continuing through
today, Obama not only continued many of
the most extreme executive-power policies
he once condemned, but in many cases
strengthened and extended them. His
administration detained terrorism suspects without due process, proposed new
frameworks to keep them locked up without trial, targeted thousands of individuals
(including a U.S. citizen) for execution by

drone, invoked secrecy doctrines to shield

torture and eavesdropping programs from
judicial review, and covertly expanded the
nations mass electronic surveillance. ...
Liberals vehemently denounced these
abuses during the Bush presidency. ... But
after Obama took office, many liberals
often tolerated and even praised his
aggressive assertions of executive authority. It is hard to overstate how complete the
Democrats about-face on these questions
was once their own leader controlled the
levers of power. ... After just three years of
the Obama presidency, liberals sanctioned
a system that allowed the president to
imprison people without any trial or an
ounce of due process.
Suddenly, with Trump in the White
House for the next four years, its all fair
game again.
As The Federalist declares with a
tongue-in-cheek approach: Dissent,
executive restraint, gridlock, you name it.
Now that Donald Trump will be president,
stuff that used to be treason is suddenly
cool again.
Yet as Greenwald makes clear, if Trump
is about to inherit vast presidential powers,
he has the Democrats to thank for them.
A military empire that polices the globe.
Secret courts, secret wars, and secret budgets. Unconstitutional mass surveillance.
Unchecked presidential power. Indefinite
detention. Executive signing statements.
These are just a small sampling of the
abusive powers that have been used liberally by Obama and will be used again and
again by future presidents.
After all, presidents are just puppets on
a string, made to dance to the tune of the
powers-that-be. And the powers-that-be
want war. They want totalitarianism. They
want a monied oligarchy to run the show.
They want bureaucracy and sprawl and
government leaders that march in lockstep
with their dictates. Most of all, they want
a gullible, distracted, easily led populace
that can be manipulated, maneuvered, and
made to fear whatever phantom menace
the government chooses to make the
bogeyman of the month.
Unless Trump does another about-face,
rest assured that the policies of a Trump
administration will be no different from an
Obama administration or a Bush administration, at least not where it really counts.
For that matter, a Clinton administration would have been no different.
In other words, Democrats by any other
name would be Republicans, and vice versa.

By John W. Whitehead
[email protected]

This is the terrible power of the shadow

government: to maintain the status quo,
no matter which candidate gets elected.
War will continue. Surveillance will continue. Drone killings will continue. Police
shootings will continue. Highway robbery
meted out by government officials will
continue. Corrupt government will continue. Profit-driven prisons will continue.
Censorship and persecution of anyone who
criticizes the government will continue. The
militarization of the police will continue.
The governments efforts to label dissidents
as extremists and terrorists will continue.
In such a climate, the police state will
Weve been stuck in this political
Groundhog Day for so long that minor
deviations appear to be major developments while obscuring the fact that were
stuck on repeat, unable to see the forest for
the trees.
This is what is referred to as creeping
normality, or a death by a thousand cuts.
Its a concept invoked by Pulitzer
Prize-winning scientist Jared Diamond to
describe how major changes, if implemented slowly in small stages over time,
can be accepted as normal without the
shock and resistance that might greet a
sudden upheaval.
Diamonds concerns are environmental
in nature, but they are no less relevant
to our understanding of how a once-free
nation could willingly bind itself with the
chains of dictatorship.
Writing about Easter Islands nowvanished civilization and the societal
decline and environmental degradation that
contributed to it, Diamond explains: In just
a few centuries, the people of Easter Island
wiped out their forest, drove their plants and
animals to extinction, and saw their complex
society spiral into chaos and cannibalism. ...
Why didnt they look around, realize what
they were doing, and stop before it was too
late? What were they thinking when they cut
down the last palm tree?
His answer: I suspect that the disaster happened not with a bang but with a
whimper. ... The forest ... vanished slowly,
over decades. ... Any islander who tried
to warn about the dangers of progressive
deforestation would have been overridden
by vested interests of carvers, bureaucrats, and chiefs, whose jobs depended on
continued deforestation. ... The changes in
forest cover from year to year would have
been hard to detect. ... Only older people,
recollecting their childhoods decades earlier, could have recognized a difference.
Substitute Easter Islands trees for
Americas republic and the trees being
decimated for our freedoms, and the arrow
hits the mark.

Weve already torn down the rich forest

of liberties secured by our founders.
They dont teach freedom in the schools.
Few Americans know their history. And
even fewer seem to care that their fellow
Americans are being jailed, muzzled, shot,
Tasered, and treated as if they have no
rights at all. They dont care, that is, until
it happens to them at which point its
almost too late.
A thousand cuts, each one justified or
ignored or shrugged over as inconsequential
enough by itself to bother. But they add up.
Its taken us 200 short years to destroy
the freedoms our founders worked so hard
to secure, and its happened with barely a
whimper of protest from we the people.
So when I read about demonstrations
breaking out in cities across the country
and thousands taking to the streets to
protest the threat of fascism from a Trump
presidency, I have to wonder: Where
were the concerns when access to Obama
came easily to any special-interest groups
and donors willing and able to pay the
admission price?
When I see celebrities threatening to
leave the country in droves, I have to ask
myself: Where was the outcry when the
governments efforts to transform local
police into extensions of the military
went into overdrive under the Obama
When my newsfeed is overflowing
with people wishing they could keep the
Obamas in office because they are so cool,
I shake my head in disgust over this cool
presidents use of targeted drone strikes to
assassinate American citizens without any
due process.
When legal think tanks are threatening lawsuits over the possibility of Trump
muzzling free expression, I cant help
but wonder where the outrage was over
the Obama administrations demonizing
and criminalization of those who criticized the government.
And when commentators who previously dismissed as fear-mongering and
hateful any comparison of the governments tactics to Nazi Germany are suddenly comparing Trump to Hitler, I have
to wonder if perhaps weve been living in
different countries all along, because none
of this is new.
Indeed, if were repeating history, the
worst is yet to come.
Constitutional attorney and author John
W. Whitehead is founder and president of
The Rutherford Institute (Rutherford.org).
His book Battlefield America: The War
on the American People is available at

River Cities Reader Vol. 24 No. 922 November 22 - December 7, 2016


Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com

By Rich Miller

Democratic Losses in Illinois a

Bad Sign for Madigan, Party

heres been a lot of spin from the

Illinois House Democrats about how
November 8s losses were not that big a
deal. Dont believe it.
During the national Republican wave
two years ago, Democratic Governor Pat
Quinn lost by four points to Republican
Bruce Rauner, and Quinn won no counties outside Cook. The Democrats lost the
10th- and 12th-congressional-district races
and just barely managed to regain the state
treasurers office. Through all that partisan
turmoil, the House Democrats lost no
seats, and the Senate Democrats lost just
one. The Democrats legislative-district
map, which produced a seven-seat net gain
in the House in 2012, was a great firewall.
This year, Democrat Hillary Clinton
won Illinois by 16 points, taking 10 counties outside Cook. The Democrats regained
a U.S. Senate seat (winning by 14 points),
the comptrollers office (by a four-point
margin), and the 10th-congressionaldistrict seat (by five points).
Even so, state Democrats lost a net of
four Illinois House seats.
Losing state-legislative seats in a presidential year is rare for Illinois Democrats.
The House Democrats lost a net of one seat
12 years ago and five seats 24 years ago.
However, 1992 was the first election
under a new Republican-drawn district
map, so the Democrats were at a disadvantage. And it was a different era: Bill Clinton
was the first Democratic presidential
candidate to win Illinois in 20 years, but he
took it with less than 49 percent of the vote,
compared to Hillary Clintons 55 percent
last week.
Yes, Donald Trumps Downstate margins certainly played a key role on November 8. Counties dont vote, but he won more
Downstate counties than any Republican
presidential candidate since 1984.
House Speaker Michael Madigan
blamed Trump and Rauners money for his
losses. He was right on both counts. But
Rauners money was used to craft a powerful anti-Madigan message, and there is no
doubt that the message contributed heavily
to Madigans losses. It really isnt rocket science. Madigan is, by far, the most unpopular politician in Illinois. It doesnt take a
genius to figure out that tying Democratic
candidates to him with tens of millions of
dollars in disciplined messaging will work.
Clinton overwhelmingly won suburban
Cook County 65-30, took Lake County
57-37, and romped in DuPage 53-39. But
Republicans lost no suburban incumbents

this year. Why? Most likely it was because

they tied all Democratic challengers as
closely as they could and as often as they
could to Madigan.
Ask anyone who walked a precinct this
year and theyll tell you that Madigan was
a major issue, even in districts that werent
in play.
Illinoisans dont care much for Rauner,
either, but Madigan didnt make any sort
of real effort to attach GOP candidates
directly to the guy, choosing to stick mainly
to his tired, old issues of accusing Republicans on the flimsiest of evidence of being
soft on sexual predators and warning that
Republicans wanted to take away Social
Security benefits, even though thats a
federal issue.
The last time Madigan truly innovated
was when Republicans took the majority
away from him in 1994. His operation is
now out of date and out of touch.
The Democrats one Downstate bright
spot this year was GOP Representative
Dwight Kays loss in the Metro East. But
the pro-choice Personal PACs heavy
involvement in that contest probably had as
much to do with Kays loss as anything else.
During a House floor debate, Kay essentially equated birth control with promiscuity. Not good.
Plenty of Democrats view this years
contest as a wash because they figure
theyll pick up seats in two years. That may
happen, but if the Democrats couldnt pick
up suburban seats this year with Clintons
big boost, 2018 wont be easy, either. Theyll
probably have to depend on Trumps whiteworking-class base turning against him
But the historical record shows that
once a Downstate district moves from the
Democrats to the Republicans, it almost
never goes back to being Democratic. The
Democrats used to rule southern Illinois. They are now down to just one true,
totally non-Metro East southern-Illinois
legislator: Representative Brandon Phelps
(D-Harrisburg). Phelps caught a break
this year because his Republican opponent
turned out to be seriously flawed.
The bottom line is Madigan has led his
party into an endless war with a kabillionaire, and it wound up costing him four
seats in a year when his people shouldve
been coasting.
Rich Miller also publishes Capitol
Fax (a daily political newsletter) and




Director David Mackenzies

sun-drenched crime drama is a
strong, effective work thats an
awful lot of fun, and Jeff Bridges, in
one of his most entertaining
portrayals, earns best-in-fun
honors as an enjoyably
marble-mouthed Texas Ranger.
(Same day as DVD.)


This visually arresting stop-motion

animation is an exciting,
emotional, all but unclassifiable
thrill with beautiful meditations on
family, duty, and self-sufficiency
that also, somehow, manages to be
a frequently hilarious road-trip
slapstick. (Same day as DVD.)


A fantasy-adventure overflowing
with intelligence and true wonder,
this Disney remake is actually
quieter, graver, and considerably
more thoughtful than its forebear
a touching, genial family film that
boasts a tricky blend of naturalism
and awe. (Same day as DVD.)

&/8 342: %.#/2%ANDMORE
7.4%6%.-/2% 6)3)4


Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com

Movie Reviews

River Cities Reader Vol. 24 No. 922 November 22 - December 7, 2016

By Mike Schulz [email protected]

Magic Wanderers

The best thing about Fantastic Beasts

& Where to Find Them is that, as part one
of screenwriter J.K. Rowlings planned
five-part movie series, itll likely be at
least a half-dozen years before Hollywood begins rebooting the Harry Potter
franchise. (And dont give me that look;
you know its gonna happen.)
But the second-best thing is that
because this new tale of wizards and
Muggles called No-Majes here isnt
based on a Rowling novel, instead taking
its inspiration from the authors 2001
tie-in textbook, director David Yates
adventure doesnt feel slavishly beholden
to its source material the way the Harry
Potters so often did. Both Rowling
devotees and those of us whove never
read her prose get to be surprised by the
goings-on together, kind of like how
George R.R. Martin fans and the Martinignorant alike could bond over this
latest season of Game of Thrones. I just
wish the surprises here were a bit more
... surprising. Its not a Harry Potter, but
in look and tone and narrative scheme,
its exactly like one of Yates Harry Potters (he directed the final four of them),
and so even if youre enjoying yourself,
the whole experience can feel a bit like
yesterdays news.
To Rowlings and Yates credit, though,
the results are definitely engaging, and
as with most origin fables, they hint at
even more thrilling times to come once
the dreary business of all this explaining is behind us. Wasting no time,
Fantastic Beasts hurls us headfirst into

its heavily plotted terrain

in Rowlings 1926 New
York a time and place
where persecuted wizards and witches are in
hiding, and a Hogwarts
alum (Eddie Redmaynes
Newt Scamander) arrives
with a satchel full of
unusual creatures in the
hopes of attaining more.
A few escape and begin
causing Gremlins-like
mayhem, and before long,
all manner of additional
characters arrive to complicate matters: the Magical Congress investigator
(Katherine Waterston)
who wants Newt deported;
the No-Maj (Dan Fogler)
whose suitcase gets
accidentally, predictably, swapped with
Newts; the fascistic security official
(Colin Farrell) with obviously sinister
motives; the vehement anti-witchcraft
propagandist (Samantha Morton)
straight out of The Crucible.
Oh, and so very much more, including a political assassination, and escaped
zoo animals, and a swirling mass of evil
encased in a bubble, and a back-alley
speakeasy staffed entirely by elves, and
a demolition-packed action climax
suggestive of both Ghostbusters and
Doctor Strange ... . You cant argue that
Fantastic Beasts doesnt give you plenty
of bang for your buck, and it boasts
loads of casually clever touches, particularly in regard to the fantastic beasts

Eddie Redmayne in Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them

themselves: the winged purple snakes
whose sizes expand and contract at will;
the enormous, glow-in-the-dark hippo
that passes beneath a frozen pond; the
rats made of newspaper that literally tear
each other to shreds. These and other
delights among them Yates blessedly swift pacing help atone for more
general detriments such as the movies
expected reliance on verbal exposition
and less expected lack of verbal wit, and
for the slapstick rarely rising above Home
Alone territory. They even almost compensate for our truly uninspiring pair of
leads Waterston endlessly anxious and
teary-eyed even when situations dont
call for tears, and Redmaynes tiresome
little-boy-lost act making Newt perpetually mush-mouthed and tic-y and fey.

(Ill accept much of the blame for my

displeasure with Redmayne, as nearly
every time I see this serial over-actor onscreen, I want to punch him in the face.)
Still, the Jazz Age design of it all is gloriously rendered, and the supporting cast
provides enormous fun, even if several
of the most winning performers likely,
and unfortunately, wont be around for
the (first) sequel. Now that Hollywood
has stopped trying to turn him into
Jack Black with doofus projects such as
Balls of Fury and Good Luck Chuck, its a
pleasure to see that a restrained Fogler is
a much funnier one, and Farrell delivers no end of suave, insinuating menace.
Mortons grim-faced malevolence is

Continued On Page 6

River Cities Reader Vol. 24 No. 922 November 22 - December 7, 2016


Continued From Page 5

Magic Wanderers

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com

By Mike Schulz
[email protected]

truly terrifying, and as

one of her abused young
charges, the fiercely gifted
Ezra Miller is as hypnotically unhinged as he was
as the school shooter in We
Need to Talk About Kevin.
The motion-captured Ron
Perlman is a hoot as a
goblin barkeep; Jon Voight,
looking more like Donald
Trump by the day, suggests
a potentially malevolent
Miles Teller and Aaron Eckhart in Bleed for This
ber-villain waiting in the
wings. And finest of all is
Alison Sudol as the clairvoyant-flapper
cockiness and bravado, and hes excepsister of Waterstons cop, so cheerful and
tional when the guy is in physical pain.
buoyant and touching that she cant be
(Prepare to wince at the scene in which
around nearly enough. Fantastic Beasts
his doctor removes the screws from
& Where to Find Them may traffic in
Pazienzas halo brace without, at the
magic, but Sudol reminds you that few
patients request, giving him anesthesia.
things in life are quite as magical as a
That boxer is a real mans man and,
killer smile.
clearly, a masochist.) But Youngers script
barely gives Teller anything to play that
would help reveal Pazienzas interior,
A mediocre boxing movie to end all
and most of the other characters appear
mediocre boxing movies, writer/director
to have no interiors, with Ciarn Hinds,
Ben Youngers Bleed for This follows the
as Vinnys dad, doing most of his acting
late-80s career of Vinny Pazienza, the
with his accent, and Katey Sagal almost
professional boxer who held the world
an afterthought as Vinnys blandly frettitles in lightweight, light-middleweight,
ful mom. Only Aaron Eckhart, as trainer
and super-middleweight classes, and
Kevin Rooney, has a colorful presence,
also won the latter of those titles months
and that has more to do with Eckharts
after suffering a severe spinal injury
physical transformation protruding
from which the man was never expected
gut, nonexistent hairline, reedy voice
to recover. How, given those insane
than with anything this fascinating
accomplishments, can a Pazienza bio-pic sports figure is given to do. With its
possibly be this dull?
boxing scenes all filmed in the same
Possibly because this one holds so little impersonal, unimaginative manner, and
insight. Were given a bunch of surface
the narrative progression profoundly
details about the fighter from Proviunsurprising, Bleed for This would be
dence, Rhode Island: his pride in his
the most generic boxing film of 2016 if
middle-class background and his happily it werent running neck-and-neck with
squabbling family; his lifelong refusal to
Augusts Roberto Durn saga Hands
drink liquor and take drugs; his equal
of Stone. Ironically, the climactic bout
affinity for blackjack and strip clubs. But
in this new film is the Las Vegas Duel
all we learn about Pazienzas feelings
in the Desert between Paziena and
toward boxing is that he needs to box, full Durn, although Im sorry to say that
stop, and refuses to quit even when all of
Edgar Ramrez does not again play the
his relatives, friends, and doctors tell him latter. Couldnt someone have blended
to. This is an admirable, if potentially
the boxers movies, let Teller square
damaging-or-worse, attitude. Its also a
off against Ramrez, and saved us all a
phenomenally uninteresting one for a
couple hours?
triumph-of-the-underdog sports flick,
For reviews of Arrival, Moonlight, The
because all we can do as viewers is watch
Edge of Seventeen, Billy Lynns Long
Pazienza succeed, and, despite an admitHalftime Walk, Almost Christmas,
tedly major setback, succeed more and
Shut In, and other current releases, visit
more; Youngers film is like a prototypical Rocky training montage stretched out RiverCitiesReader.com.
to two full hours.
In the leading role, the newly buff
Miles Teller does well with Pazienzas

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Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com

Vol. 24 No. 922

November 22 - December 7, 2016

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2016 River Cities Reader


5 p.m. Wednesday prior to publication


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River Cities Reader Vol. 24 No. 922 November 22 - December 7, 2016

The most comprehensive events calendar in the QC



By Jeff Ashcraft

H(oliday) R(evue) Fluffnstuf

Holly Jolly Christmas, at the Circa 21 Dinner Playhouse through December 29

veryone loves holiday

Nothing against the actors
fluff, right? You know
in this scene, but for a few
that oddly concocted
moments it was almost as
mixture that your crazy
if we were watching a Tim
aunt brings for the holiBurton movie, and I began
days each year combining
to wonder if Jack SkellingCool Whip, pistachio
ton might make his way
pudding, marshmallows,
down the chimney, as well.
crushed pineapple, and
Holly Jolly Christmas
walnuts (or not), with
is directed and choreocherries on top? Admit it.
graphed by Ann Nieman,
Its the perfect little taste of
and her work does not dissweetness on a plate othappoint, especially on the
erwise full of more savory
dance side of the equation.
I lost count of the shows
The Circa 21 Dinner
number of choreographed
Playhouse is now serving
sequences, but the tally was
its own version of holiday
impressive, and the dancfluff. No, not on the buffet
ers appeared to effortlessly
Tristan Tapscott, James Fairchild, and Audrey Leigh Johnson
menu, but rather in the
enjoy the different genres
form of its musical Holly
they took on, from tap to
Jolly Christmas, which really isnt a musi- voice shes the yin to Santas yang.
ballet to boogie-woogie, with even the
cal so much as a musical revue. Theres
And Fairchild makes his Kris Kringle
hula thrown in.
no real story or character development.
a unique characterization. Sure, he is a
Bravo, too, to the ever-talented
You wont see the duality of man in an
big, bearded guy who can Ho ho ho!
Gregory Hiatt, whose costumes were
Ebenezer Scrooge figure or an If only
with the best of them. But I particularly
terrific for each scene, especially the
I would have scenario played out by
enjoyed Fairchilds tongue-in-cheek
numbers in which Santa and Mrs. Claus
a George Bailey type. In fact, you wont
approach to the role; dont step out to
made a tour of Christmases around the
see anything remotely resembling a
the restroom early in Act II, or youll
world. As designed by Susan Holgersson,
plot. What you will find is a Bransonmiss the Elvis-meets-Santa love child
Holly Jollys scenery is simple yet effecstyle revue that utilizes the talents of
he creates for Santas Blue Christmas
tive, although I found the manger set to
an extremely gifted cast in spite of Ty
be clunky-looking and, on November 12,
Stovers exceptionally weak script.
There are over 30 songs in this
almost incomplete in its paint scheme
In structure, Holly Jolly Christmas
Christmas extravaganza. But while
and dressing.
is like a 1970s TV-variety program. It
you will hear many favorites, there are
I enjoy holiday fluff. I really do. Its
begins with a big production number
a few unexpected tunes that stand out,
light, airy, sweet, and creamy, with just
and beautiful costumes that portend
including Pure Imagination (especially enough cherries to make the dish intera classic Broadway musical, but then
considering the recent passing of Gene
esting. Its a tradition at our house, and
makes a sharp turn when Santa and
Wilder), Christmas in My Hometown
maybe at yours as well. And Circa 21s
Mrs. Claus enter and begin their groan(poignantly sung by Circa 21 favorite
version of it is the same light and airy,
worthy comedic banter la The Sonny
Tristan Tapscott), and a song treasured
sweet and sour, and with the perfect
& Cher Show. The holiday-themed,
by kids Believe, from the The Polar
amount of cherries on top. Holly Jolly
pun-based jokes are real stinkers, and
Express. I also very much appreciated
Christmas may just be fluff, but it, too,
admittedly so; early on, Santa says to the
Holly Jolly Christmas presentation of
is just enough to make the holidays
audience, You might as well laugh, folks
The Little Drummer Boy, as the cast
glow with a warm reminiscence of
they dont get any better.
sang the traditional verses while Fairanother era.
Playing Santa and the missus are
child, Tapscott, and Zach Snyder sang an
Holly Jolly Christmas runs at the
James Fairchild and Bonner Church,
alternate verse made popular by David
Circa 21 Dinner Playhoue (1828 Third
and the latter, in her silver-white wig and Bowie in his duet with Bing Crosby.
Avenue, Rock Island) through December
spectacles, is the epitome of the spouse
A few scenes here, however, just
29, and more information and tickets are
of Father Christmas. Church displays
didnt work for me, as when a creepy
available by calling (309)786-7733 extenfine comedic chops, a sweetly engag(and hairy) Pinocchio came down the
sion 2 or visiting Circa21.com.
ing demeanor, and a beautiful singing
chimney to dance with a wind-up doll.

2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

2016-17 Winter Calendar


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More Than 400 Family-Friendly Events in the KWQC Family Fun Guide Starting on Page 34
November & December
Quad City Arts Festival of Trees, annual Quad City

Arts fundraiser featuring more than 100 designer trees

on display, 14 special events, the largest helium balloon
parade in the Midwest, childrens activities, visits from
Santa, and more; $3-10; for information, call 309-7931213, Davenport RiverCenter, 136 E 3rd St, Davenport IA,
QuadCityArts.com/festivaloftrees, thru Sun Nov 27

John Berry: O Holy Night Celebrating 20 Years

of Christmas, holiday concert with the platinum-

selling country musician and his ensemble; $38-48; for

tickets, call 800-745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E Third St,
Davenport IA, AdlerTheatre.com, 7:30pm Mon Nov 28

Elf: The Musical, musical comedy based on the Will

Ferrell film hit, in a Broadway at the Adler presentation;

$43-73; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Adler Theatre,
136 E Third St, Davenport IA, AdlerTheatre.com, 7:30pm
Tue Nov 29

Disney on Ice: Dare to Dream, join hosts Mickey and

Minnie Mouse as they share the heroic stories of favorite
Disney princesses Snow White Cinderella, Rapunzel,
and Tiana; Thu. & Fri. 7pm, Sat. 11am, 3pm, & 7pm, Sun.
1 & 5pm; $12-55; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, iWireless
Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL, iWirelessCenter.com,
Thu Dec 1 thru Sun Dec 4
Trans-Siberian Orchestra: The Ghosts of
Christmas Eve, holiday-themed multi-media concert

about a runaway who breaks into an abandoned

vaudeville theater on December 24; $35-66; for tickets,
call 800-745-3000, iWireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline
IL, iWirelessCenter.com, 7:30pm Thu Dec 8

Gallery Hop!, demonstrations, performances, works

for sale, and more with local artists at a variety of
different downtown venues; for information, e-mail
[email protected] or call 563-424-1210, The District of
Rock Island, 100 19th St, Suite 109 (office), Rock Island IL,
MidCoast.org, 6pm Fri Dec 9
Chris Young, concert with chart-topping country

January thru March

50th Annual Bald Eagle Days, annual weekend
featuring seminars, presentations, bald-eagle watches,
and more; Fri. 4-8pm, Sat. 10am-8pm, Sun. 10am-5pm;
$1-6; for information, call 309-788-5912, QCCA Expo
Center, 2621 4th Ave., Rock Island IL, QCCAExpoCenter.
com, Fri Jan 6 thru Sun Jan 8
The Original Harlem Globetrotters, basketball
wizardry and comedy with the internationally touring
sports superstars; 4pm game, 2:30-3pm magic pass
time shooting, trying out ball tricks, and getting
autographs and photos with the team; $21-117; for
tickets, call 800-745-3000, iWireless Center, 1201 River Dr,
Moline IL, iWirelessCenter.com, 4pm Sat Jan 7
Once, eight-time Tony-winning musical romance, in

a Broadway at the Adler presentation; for tickets, call

800-745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E Third St, Davenport
IA, AdlerTheatre.com, 7:30pm Wed Jan 25

CINCH Worlds Toughest Rodeo, the nations best

bucking broncs and bulls and the worlds toughest
cowboys will be featured in the latest and greatest
version of the touring sensation; $19.50-60; for tickets,
call 800-745-3000, iWireless Center, 1201 River Dr,
Moline IL, iWirelessCenter.com, 7:30pm Fri Jan 27 and
Sat Jan 28
Twenty One Pilots, concert with chart-topping rockers
Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun; $39.50-49.50; for tickets, call
800-745-3000, iWireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL,
iwirelessCenter.com, 7pm Sun Jan 29

Florida Georgia Line, concert with the country duo

Brian Kelley and Tyler Hubbard, with opening sets by
Dustin Lynch and Chris Lane; for tickets, call 800745-3000, iWireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL,
iWirelessCenter.com, 7pm Thu Feb 2
Jeff Dunham: Perfectly Unbalanced, an evening

with the nationally touring comedian and ventriloquist;

$36.50-49.50; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, iWireless
Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL, iWirelessCenter.com,
7:30pm Wed Feb 8

singer, with opening sets by Dustin Lynch and Cassadee

Pope; $42.50-55.50; for tickets, call 800-745-3000,
iWireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL, iwirelessCenter.
com, 7:30pm Fri Dec 9

42nd Street, the Tony-winning musical-comedy

Home Free: A Country Christmas Tour, holiday

Brantley Gilbert, platinum-selling country star on his

tunes, Nashville country standards, and pop hits with

the five-man country-music ensemble; $27.50-35; for
tickets, call 800-745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E Third St,
Davenport IA, AdlerTheatre.com, 7:30pm Tue Dec 13

Jim McDonough: Holiday Grande 2016, the

International Steinway Artist, his 14-piece professional
orchestra, and a cast of singers and dancers performs
your favorite Christmas music and other favorites;
proceeds benefit Camp Courageous of Iowa; $37-45; for
tickets, call 800-745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E Third St,
Davenport IA, AdlerTheatre.com, 2:30pm Sat Dec 17
Melissa Etheridge, holiday concert with the Oscar-

and Grammy-winning pop/rock musician; $45-65; for

tickets, call 563-328-8000, Rhythm City Casino Resort,
7077 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA, RhythmCityCasino.com,
8pm Sat Dec 17

classic, in a Broadway at the Adler presentation; for

tickets, call 800-745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E Third St,
Davenport IA, AdlerTheatre.com, 7:30pm Mon Feb 13
Devil Dont Sleep Tour. iWireless Center, 1201 River Dr,
Moline IL, iWirelessCenter.com, Fri Mar 3


Openings & Gallery Events

Final Friday: Shop Small Friday, featuring the

Winter Wonders train display; free; for information, call

563-424-1210, Bucktown Center for the Arts, 225 E 2nd St,
Davenport IA, MidCoast.org, 6pm Fri Nov 25

Public Reception: Alexander Iaccarino and

Raphael Iaccarino, original watercolors from Ralphs
series Abstract Exstencilism and limited edition
silkscreens and posters by his grandson Alex; for
information, call 563-424- 1210 or e-mail

[email protected], Bucktown Center for the Arts, 225 E

2nd St, Davenport IA, MidCoast.org, 6pm Fri Nov 25

Vino Van Gogh: Christmas Ornaments, paint

ornaments, drink coffee, tea, beer, wine, and more, and

be merry, Milltown Coffee, 3800 River Drive #2, Moline IL,
MilltownCoffee.com, 6pm Fri Nov 25

Quad City Arts Festival of Trees: Family Day,

annual Quad City Arts fundraiser featuring more than

100 designer trees on display, 14 special events, the
largest helium balloon parade in the Midwest, childrens
activities, visits from Santa, and more; $2-10; for
information, call 309-793-1213, Davenport RiverCenter,
136 E 3rd St, Davenport IA, QuadCityArts.com/
festivaloftrees, 9am Sat Nov 26

Small Shop Saturday, featuring the Winter Wonders

train display; free; for information, call 563-424-1210,

Bucktown Center for the Arts, 225 E 2nd St, Davenport IA,
MidCoast.org, 11am Sat Nov 26

Adult Coloring Night, relax as you color a wide variety

of designs created just for adults; with refreshments and
light music; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 6pm Mon Nov 28

Art Above 66 33': Artist Talk and Gallery

Preview with William Stout, in Hanson 304; held

in conjunction with the exhibition that considers the

issues, history, and environment of the polar areas,
spanning media, process, and subject, from the figural
to the abstract, tactile to sound, analog to digital; Stout
is a fantasy artist and illustrator with a specialization
in paleontological art; the preview will begin at in the
museum and move to Hanson Hall, room 304, at 7pm;
free; for information, call 309-794-7400, Hanson Hall of
Science, Augustana College, 726 35th St, Rock Island IL,
Augustana.edu/arts/art-museum, 6pm Wed Nov 30

Black Hawk College International Holiday Bazaar,

in the upper and lower lobbies of Building 1; shop for
unique holiday gifts; with a 50/50 drawing, the Black
Hawk College choir performing at noon, and more; for
information, contact Juanita Zertuche at zertuchej@
bhc.edu or 309-796-5186, Black Hawk College - Quad
City Campus, 6600 34th Ave., Moline IL, BHC.edu, 8am
Wed Nov 30

Annual Holiday Family Workshop, families can

create ornaments, gifts cards, gingerbread houses,

and print their own wrapping paper; hot cocoa and
cookies served; $15-20/family of four, $3/extra person;
for information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum,
225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, 6pm
Thu Dec 1

Thursdays at the Figge, art-themed activities,

discussions, tours, refreshments, and more; for

information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225
W 2nd St, Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, 5pm Thu
Dec 1 thru Thu Dec 29

First Fridays Gallery Talk for Andonia

Giannakouros: Collapse, held in conjunction with

the exhibit of works by the Iowa representational

painter working in oil; with guest speaker TBA; free; for
information, contact Paula Neuhaus at paula@gallerycm.
org or 563-564-5290, Gallery C, 900 Jackson St, Suite 113,
Dubuque IA, GalleryCM.com, 6:30pm Fri Dec 2

Zen Coloring, relaxing music combined with

meditative coloring; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch,
6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
2pm Mon Dec 5
Gallery Hop!, demonstrations, performances, works
for sale, and more with local artists at a variety of
different downtown venues; for information, e-mail
[email protected] or call 563-424-1210, The District of
Rock Island, 100 19th St, Suite 109 (office), Rock Island IL,
MidCoast.org, 6pm Fri Dec 9
Arts @ Ambrose, explore, create and experience Art,

Communications, Music and Theatre at St. Ambrose

University during this special student visit opportunity;
for information, call 563-333-6300 or e-mail admit@sau.
edu, Galvin Fine Arts Center, St. Ambrose University, 2101
N Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 1pm Sat Dec 10

Craft Caf, use your own creative flair to

personalize unique crafts for you and your home;

free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 3pm Sat Dec 10

Free Family Day, enjoy free admission all day, with

special activities relating to current exhibitions; for

information, call 563-326-7804., Figge Art Museum, 225
W 2nd St, Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, 10am
Sat Dec 10

Friends of the Eldridge Library Bake and

Craft Sale, with a story time at 10am followed by
a visit from Santa; for information, call 563-2854794, Eldridge Library, 200 N 6th Ave., Eldridge IA,
ScottCountyLibrary.org, 9am Sat Dec 10

Pinterest Craft, adults are invited to try out new

and interesting crafts featured on Pinterest; free;
for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 2pm Mon Dec 12
Third Thursday Event, a special monthly self-guided

tour of downtown Davenports growing shopping scene;

restaurants, and breweries, Downtown Davenport,
Davenport IA, DowntownDavenport.com, 5pm Thu
Dec 15

Final Friday: Holiday Wine Walk, featuring the

Winter Wonders train display; free; for information, call
563-424-1210, Bucktown Center for the Arts, 225 E 2nd St,
Davenport IA, MidCoast.org, 6pm Fri Dec 16
Crafting with Jenn: Winter Mason Jar, create a

Winter Wonderland inside a repurposed mason jar; free;

for information, call 563-289-4242 or e-mail library@
leclaireiowa.gov, LeClaire Community Library, 323
Wisconsin St, LeClaire IA, LeClaireLibrary.org, 11am
Sat Dec 17

Holiday Craft Activity, for information, call 563-326-

7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch,

6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
2pm Thu Dec 22

Zen Coloring, relaxing music combined with
meditative coloring; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch,
6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
2pm Mon Jan 2

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader



2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

VISUAL ARTS / Openings & Gallery

Events / January

Reception: Learning, Teaching, Learning, held in

conjunction with the collective exhibit from the group
RATs (Retired Art Teachers); for information, call 309-7931213, Quad City Arts Center, 1715 2nd Ave, Rock Island IL,
QuadCityArts.com, 7pm Fri Jan 6
Art Discussion: Vivian Maier through a Critical
lens, director of education Jill Featherstone discusses

the exhibit of more than 70 photographs of people

Maier encountered on the streets of New York City
and Chicago; for information, call 515-277-4405, Des
Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines IA,
DesMoinesArtCenter.org, 1:30pm Sun Jan 8

Pinterest Craft, adults are invited to try out new

and interesting crafts featured on Pinterest; free;
for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 2pm Mon Jan 9
Oona Stern and Cheryl Leonard, held in conjunction

with the Art Above 66 33' exhibition that considers

the issues, history, and environment of the polar areas,
spanning media, process, and subject, from the figural to
the abstract, tactile to sound, analog to digital; Leonard
is a composer, performer, and instrument-builder who
uses the sounds made by natural objects for her Polar
Soundscapes, and several of her pieces include video by
art director, designer, and visual artist Stern; the preview
will begin at in the museum and move to Hanson Hall,
room 304, at 7pm; free; for information, call 309-7947400, Wallenberg Hall, Augustana College, 3520 7th Ave.,
Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/arts/art-museum, 7pm
Wed Jan 11

Guerrilla Girls @ Augustana, featuring two members

of the feminist-artist collective who wear gorilla masks,
who will share trade secrets about how they use facts
and humor to expose discrimination and corruption;
free; for information, call 309-794-7400, Centennial Hall,
Augustana College, Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/arts/
art-museum, 7pm Wed Jan 18

Opening Reception for Paul Lange: Inspiration

from Drawing, editorial illustration retrospective

featuring multimedia illustrations by BHC alumnus

and adjunct instructor Paul Lange; the exhibit includes
original and printed art, rough conceptual sketches
and descriptions of idea development; for information,
contact David Murray at 309-796-5471 or murrayda@
bhc.edu, Black Hawk College ArtSpace Gallery, Building
4, 6600 34th Ave, Moline IL, BHC.edu, 4pm Thu Jan 26

February & March

Amy S. Nielsen Calligraphy Residency, for

information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public

Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, Sat Feb 4

Zen Coloring, relaxing music combined with

meditative coloring; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch,
6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
2pm Mon Feb 6

Pinterest Craft, adults are invited to try out new

and interesting crafts featured on Pinterest; free;
for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 2pm Mon Feb 13
Opening Reception for Joshua & Aimee Ford:
Casting a Wide Net, exhibit of works, including

photography and painting, by the married artists; for

information, contact David Murray at 309-796-5471
or [email protected], Black Hawk College ArtSpace
Gallery, Building 4, 6600 34th Ave, Moline IL, BHC.edu,
4pm Thu Feb 16

Amy S. Nielsen Calligraphy Residency, for

information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public

Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, Sat Feb 18 and Tue Feb 21

Zen Coloring, relaxing music combined with meditative

coloring; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave.,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 2pm Mon Mar 6
Artrageous: Art and Music Gone Wild, a

presentation in the Live at Heritage Center Performing

42nd Street @ Adler Theatre - February 13

Arts Series; for information and tickets, call 563-5857469, John and Alice Butler Hall, University of Dubuque
Heritage Center, 2255 Bennett St, Dubuque IA, Dbq.edu/
heritagecenter, 7:30pm Wed Mar 8

Opening Reception: Four Artists, Four Visions, in

the Foyer Gallery on the main floor of Centennial Hall;

held in conjunction with the exhibit of works by Oscar
Gillespie, professor of art at Bradley University, Claire
Hedden, curator of the McLean County Arts Center, Tom
Lundberg, professor of art at Colorado State University,
and Joseph Patrick, professor emeritus in painting and
drawing at the University of Iowa; free; for information,
call 309-794-7400, Augustana College Teaching Museum
of Art, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/arts/
art-museum, 5pm Fri Mar 10

Pinterest Craft, adults are invited to try out new

and interesting crafts featured on Pinterest; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library,
3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.
com, 2pm Mon Mar 13

Exhibits & Shows

Scott & Rock Island Counties
Currently on Display
Material Translations, the exhibition presents

sculpture in combination with two-dimensional

examples of how artists develop their ideas using a
variety of materials and mediums; presented by the
University of Iowa Museum of Art; Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm,
Thu. 10am-9pm, Sun. noon-5pm; free with $4-7 museum
admission; for information, call 319-335-1727, Figge Art
Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA, UIMA.UIowa.edu,
thru Sun Nov 27

ArtSpace Gallery, Building 4, 6600 34th Ave, Moline IL,

BHC.edu, thru Thu Dec 8

Lori Roderick - Zaiga Thorson, photography exhibit;

Tue.-Fri. 10am-5pm, Sat. 11am-5pm; for information,
contact Dawn Wohlford-Metallo 309-793-1213 X108 or
[email protected], Quad City Arts Center, 1715
2nd Ave, Rock Island IL, QuadCityArts.com, thru Fri Dec 9
Tom Reed: between is not so far, free; for
information, contact Christopher Reno at 563-3336444 or [email protected], Catich Gallery - St. Ambrose
University, 2101 Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu/galvin,
thru Tue Dec 13
Matt Pulford: Wandern-Bird, free; for information,

contact Christopher Reno at 563-333-6444 or Catich@

sau.edu, Morrissey Gallery, Galvin Fine Arts Center - St.
Ambrose University, 2101 Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.
edu/galvin, thru Thu Dec 15

A Community on the Prairie: Bishop Hill, the

exhibit details the Bishop Hill Colony from its foundation

through present times via 12 full color free standing
panels; Mon.-Thu. 9am-8pm, Fri. & Sat. 9am-5:30pm; for
information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library,
3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, thru Sat
Dec 31

Jeff Little - Quad City Woodturners Club, exhibit of

oil paintings by Little and wood creations by members
of the club; , Quad City Arts Art @ the Airport, 2200 69th
Ave., Moline IL, QuadCityArts.com, thru Mon Jan 2
9th Annual College Invitational, exhibit of
approximately 60 works of art by students from 10 area
colleges and universities, including Augustana College,
Black Hawk College, Knox College, Monmouth College,
Scott Community College, St. Ambrose University, and
Western Illinois University; artworks on display include
a variety of mediums and techniques, from ink, collage,
stoneware clay and etching to digital illustration,
watercolor, silkscreen, and found materials; Tue.-Sat.
10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm, Sun. noon-5pm; free with
$4-7 museum admission; for information, call 563-3267804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA,
FiggeArtMuseum.org, thru Sat Jan 7
Mauricio Lasansky: Kaddish, exhibit of works by the
printmaker themed on the Jewish prayer of mourning
performed during the daily prayer ritual; Tue.-Sat.
10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm, Sun. noon-5pm; free with
$4-7 museum admission; for information, call 563-3267804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA,
FiggeArtMuseum.org, thru Sun Jan 8

Giving the Devil His Due: The Art of Gary Kelley,

Gildas Club Blessing Tree, Gildas Club Quad Cities

will light a 32 Blessing Tree on River Drive; each light, bow,
or ornament on the tree celebrates the life of someone
special; individual lights are $5 each or you may sponsor
five lights for $20; large bows may be purchased for $25
and gold ornaments for $50 each; for information, call
563-326-7504, Downtown Davenport, Davenport IA,
GildasClubQC.org/blessing, thru Mon Jan 9

Arts fundraiser featuring more than 100 designer trees

on display, 14 special events, the largest helium balloon
parade in the Midwest, childrens activities, visits from
Santa, and more; $3-10; for information, call 309-7931213, Davenport RiverCenter, 136 E 3rd St, Davenport IA,
QuadCityArts.com/festivaloftrees, thru Sun Nov 27

Iyla Thill Ferguson, pastel exhibition; Mon -Fri,

Living Proof Exhibit, exhibit featuring artworks by

Joseph Lappie: Towards A Never End, exhibit

of printmaking and/or book art by the St. Ambrose
University professor; located on the first floor of Building
4; for information, call 309-796-5051, Black Hawk College

Trent Foltz, photography exhibit; Mon.-Sat. 10am-5pm,

6am-7:30pm, Sat, 8am-5:30pm, Sun, 9am-5pm; for

information, e-mail [email protected] or call 563-4241210., MidCoast Centre Station Gallery, 1200 River Dr,
Moline IL, MidCoast.org, thru Wed Nov 30

recent acquisitions and important works on paper from the

Figge collection portraying rural and urban America during
the first half of the 20th century, with works by Grant Wood,
Thomas Hart Benton, Martin Lewis, Edward Hopper, and
others; Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm, Sun. noon5pm; free with $4-7 museum admission; for information,
call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St,
Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, thru Sun Jan 1

Alexander Iaccarino and Raphael Iaccarino,

original watercolors from Ralphs series Abstract

Exstencilism and limited edition silkscreens and
posters by his grandson Alex; Wed.-Sat. 11am-6pm;
for information, call 563-424- 1210 or e-mail info@
midcoast.org, Bucktown Center for the Arts, 225 E 2nd St,
Davenport IA, MidCoast.org, thru Sat Dec 31
a visual exploration in drawings and monotypes of the
tortured souls of two legendary musicians: the 19th
century violinist and guitarist Nicol Paganini and his
20th Century counterpart, blues-guitar legend Robert
Johnson; Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm, Sun.
noon-5pm; free with $4-7 museum admission; for
information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225
W 2nd St, Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, thru Sat
Dec 31

Quad City Arts Festival of Trees, annual Quad City

American Scene on Paper, the exhibition features

area cancer survivors, with new works on display every

three months; for information, call 309-779-5000, Trinity
Cancer Center, 500 John Deere Rd., Moline IL, UnityPoint.
org, thru Sat Dec 31
Sun. 11am-5pm (as of Nov. 1: Mon.-Sat. 10am-4pm, Sun.
11am-4pm); free with $3-6 admission; for information,
call 309-794-0991, Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 4th
Ave., Rock Island IL, QCGardens.com, thru Sat Dec 31

Rembrandt and the Jews: The Berger Print

Collection, this exhibition includes 21 Rembrandt

etchings, as well as a drawing by Rembrandts teacher

Pieter Lastman; Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm,
Sun. noon-5pm; free with $4-7 museum admission; for
information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225
W 2nd St, Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, thru Sun
Jan 15

Art Above 66 33', the exhibition considers the

issues, history, and environment of the polar areas,

spanning media, process, and subject, from the figural
to the abstract, tactile to sound, analog to digital; Fri.

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

& Sat. noon-4pm when classes are in session; free; for
information, call 309-794-7400, Augustana College
Teaching Museum of Art, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island IL,
Augustana.edu/arts/art-museum, thru Fri Feb 10

Portrait of Maquoketa, Rose Frantzens portrait of her

hometown of Maquoketa, Iowa, shown in a multi-layered

installation, featuring 180 portraits and 34 vertical panels;
Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm, Sun. noon-5pm; free
with $4-7 museum admission; for information, call 563326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA,
FiggeArtMuseum.org, thru Sun Feb 12

Legacies for Iowa, the first display of art from the UIMA
at the Figge Art Museum, Legacies for Iowa features some
of the most important paintings in the UIMA collection;
Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm, Sun. noon-5pm; free
with $4-7 museum admission; for information, call 563326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA,
FiggeArtMuseum.org, thru Wed Mar 15

Opening This Winter

Learning, Teaching, Learning, a collective exhibit

from the group RATs (Retired Art Teachers); Tue.-Fri.

10am-5pm, Sat. 11am-5pm; for information, contact
Dawn Wohlford-Metallo 309-793-1213 X108 or
[email protected], Quad City Arts Center,
1715 2nd Ave, Rock Island IL, QuadCityArts.com, Wed
Dec 14 thru Fri Feb 3

Colleen McCarty-Tomlinson - Kelly Eddington

- Barb McKinlay, exhibit of paintings by McCarty-

Tomlinson and Eddington and fused glass by

McKinlay; for information, call 310-793-1213, Quad City
International Airport Gallery, 2200 69th Ave., Moline IL,
QuadCityArts.com, Sun Jan 1 thru Tue Feb 28

Paul Lange: Inspiration from Drawing, editorial

illustration retrospective featuring multimedia
illustrations by BHC alumnus and adjunct instructor
Lange; the exhibit includes original and printed art,
rough conceptual sketches and descriptions of idea
development; for information, contact David Murray
at 309-796-5471 or [email protected], Black Hawk
College ArtSpace Gallery, Building 4, 6600 34th Ave,
Moline IL, BHC.edu, Tue Jan 17 thru Thu Feb 9
Joshua & Aimee Ford: Casting a Wide Net, exhibit
of works, including photography and painting, by the
married artists; for information, contact David Murray
at 309-796-5471 or [email protected], Black Hawk
College ArtSpace Gallery, Building 4, 6600 34th Ave,
Moline IL, BHC.edu, Mon Feb 13 thru Thu Mar 9
Marty Mitchell - Susan Coleman - Elizabeth
Shriver, exhibit of paintings by Mitchell and Coleman

and ceramic vessels by Shriver; for information, call 310793-1213, Quad City International Airport Gallery, 2200
69th Ave., Moline IL, QuadCityArts.com, Wed Mar 1 thru
Wed Mar 15

Four Artists, Four Visions, exhibit of works by Oscar

Gillespie, professor of art at Bradley University, Claire
Hedden, curator of the McLean County Arts Center, Tom
Lundberg, professor of art at Colorado State University,
and Joseph Patrick, professor emeritus in painting and
drawing at the University of Iowa; Fri. & Sat. noon-4pm
when classes are in session; free; for information, call
309-794-7400, Augustana College Teaching Museum of
Art, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/arts/
art-museum, Fri Mar 10 thru Wed Mar 15

Outlying Areas
Currently on Display
Felix de la Concha: The Dinosaur Was Still in Iowa,
exhibit of Iowa-inspired works by the Spanish painter;
Mon.-Sat. 10am-6pm, Sun. noon-4pm; for information,
call 319-364-1580, CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103 3rd St SE,
Cedar Rapids IA, LegionArts.org, thru Sun Nov 27

Julia Anderson-Miller: The Illuminated Paintings

of the Lost Clerihews of Paul Ingram, exhibit of

over 35 pen & ink and watercolor paintings by the

Chicago artist; Mon.-Sat. 10am-6pm, Sun. noon-4pm;
for information, call 319-364-1580, CSPS/Legion Arts,
1103 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids IA, LegionArts.org, thru Sun
Nov 27

Andonia Giannakouros: Collapse, exhibit of works

by the Iowa representational painter working in oil; for
information, contact Paula Neuhaus at paula@gallerycm.
org or 563-564-5290, Gallery C, 900 Jackson St, Suite 113,
Dubuque IA, GalleryCM.com, thru Sun Dec 4

Clay Revisited: Traditions in Shards, the objects

in this exhibit demonstrate a wide variety of forms and

techniques by artists who work in ceramic media; Tue.,
Wed., & Fri. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm, Sat. & Sun.
noon-5pm; for information, call 319-335-1727, Iowa
Memorial Union, 125 N Madison St, Iowa City IA, UIMA.
UIowa.edu, thru Sun Dec 11

2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader


Tickets on sale now!

Rose Frantzen, an exhibit of new portrait, landscape,

and still-life paintings; summer hours Mon.-Sat. 10am5pm Mon.-Sat,, Sun-12:30-4pm; winter hours Mon.-Sat.
11am-4pm, Sun. 12:30-4pm; closed holidays; for
information, call 563-321-1074 or 563-652-3405, Old City
Hall Gallery, 121 S Olive St, Maquoketa IA, thru Fri Dec 30

Ann Hamilton: Ghost ... a Border Act, an exhibit

in the Single-Channel 6: Collected series, Hamilton
uses video to capture the making of a line, which
is an essential act of creation for much of the visual
arts; Tue.-Fri. 11am-4pm, Sat. 10am-4pm, Sun.
noon-4pm; for information, call 515-277-4405, Des
Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines IA,
DesMoinesArtCenter.org, thru Sat Dec 31
In the Prairie Style: Frank Lloyd Wrights Building,
Plans, & Designs, 19 lithographs demonstrate how

Wrights signature Prairie Style architecture evolved

in the early years of his career into the horizontallyoriented, nature-inspired homes associated with
the artist; Tue.-Sun. noon-4pm, Thu. noon-8pm, Sat.
10am-4pm; for information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar
Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
CRMA.org, thru Sat Dec 31

When the Dog Bites, When the Bee Stings, recalling

beloved objects, times of the year, visions, and
sensations, the exhibit speaks to the healing power
of memory; Tue.-Fri. 11am-4pm, Sat. 10am-4pm, Sun.
noon-4pm; for information, call 515-277-4405, Des
Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines IA,
DesMoinesArtCenter.org, thru Sun Jan 8

Into the Woods: The Forest as Artistic Inspiration,

exhibit of landscape paintings, 3D wood sculptures, and

childrens book illustrations focusing on the different
ways artists use forests in their work; Tue.-Sun. noon4pm, Thu. noon-8pm, Sat. 10am-4pm; for information,
call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third
Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids IA, CRMA.org, thru Sun Jan 15

Whose Streets?, exhibition of works from the

permanent gallery exploring how painting and
photography captured the novelty of Modernism
and addressed the politics of class, race, and
gender; Tue.-Fri. 11am-4pm, Sat. 10am-4pm, Sun.
noon-4pm; for information, call 515-277-4405, Des
Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave., Des Moines IA,
DesMoinesArtCenter.org, thru Sun Jan 15
American Indian and First Peoples Art: Mixed
Media, Tue., Wed., & Fri. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm,

Sat. & Sun. noon-5pm; for information, call 319-335-1727,

Iowa Memorial Union, 125 N Madison St, Iowa City IA,
UIMA.UIowa.edu, thru Mon Jan 16

Vivian Maier through a Critical lens, exhibit of more

than 70 photographs of people Maier encountered on
the streets of New York City and Chicago; Tue.-Fri. 11am4pm, Sat. 10am-4pm, Sun. noon-4pm; for information,
call 515-277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700
Grand Ave., Des Moines IA, DesMoinesArtCenter.org,
thru Sun Jan 22
Peanuts Naturally, the exhibit takes a lighthearted

look at Charles Schulzs exploration of the natural world

through Peanuts comic strips, videos, objects, and
interactive stations; Tue.-Fri. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-7pm,
Sat. & Sun. 1-5pm; for information, call 563-263-8282,
Muscatine Art Center, 1314 Mulberry Ave., Muscatine IA,
MuscatineArtCenter.org, thru Sun Feb 26

Art in Roman Life, over 50 works, including coins, glass

vessels, ceramic lamps, marble sculptures, and more;

Tue.-Sun. noon-4pm, Thu. noon-8pm, Sat. 10am-4pm;
for information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum
of Art, 410 Third Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids IA, CRMA.org, thru
Wed Mar 15

Beyond the Prairie: Midwestern Art from the

Collection, exhibit showcases the work of artists

inspired by life in Iowa and surrounding states;

longtime museum favorites share gallery space with
contemporary artworks, highlighting the great diversity
and creativity present in the CRMA collection and the
Midwest; Tue.-Sun. noon-4pm, Thu. noon-8pm, Sat.
10am-4pm; for information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar
Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
CRMA.org, thru Wed Mar 15

100+ craft beers! Live entertainment!

10+ bacon dishes! Ages 21+

friday, february 3!
rivercenter's great river hall
Purchase tickets at ticketmaster.com, Adler Theatre Box

2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar



VISUAL ARTS / Exhibits & Shows /

Outlying Areas / Currently on Display

Grant Wood: From Farm Boy to American Icon,

the installation reflects the depth of the CRMAs Grant

Wood collection as well as the great breadth of Woods
career; Tue.-Sun. noon-4pm, Thu. noon-8pm, Sat.
10am-4pm; for information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar
Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
CRMA.org, thru Wed Mar 15

Iowa Metals Guild Exhibition, a juried exhibition

of metal arts, open to all artists who currently reside

in Iowa, received their metal arts education in Iowa, or
have taught metal arts in Iowa; Tue.-Sun. noon-4pm,
Thu. noon-8pm, Sat. 10am-4pm; for information, call
319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third
Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids IA, CRMA.org, thru Wed Mar 15

Marvin Cone: An American Vision, a single-gallery

exhibition that serves as an introductory overview of

Cones lengthy and prolific artistic career; Tue.-Sun.
noon-4pm, Thu. noon-8pm, Sat. 10am-4pm; for
information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of
Art, 410 Third Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids IA, CRMA.org, thru
Wed Mar 15

Home Frees A Country Christmas December 13


Adler Theatre
November through March

ranted, if youre reading this hot off the presses, we havent

even entered the holiday season yet. But as your significant
other may have already reminded you, its never too early to
start thinking about Valentines Day gifts, and Davenports
Adler Theatre will deliver a phenomenal one in 2017: a touring
production of the musical smash 42nd Street.
Winner of the 1981 Tony Award for Best Musical and the
2001 Tony for Best Revival of a Musical, this glorious, tap-filled
entertainment about a Broadway ingnues rise to stardom ran
a collective, astounding 5,010 performances on the Great White
Way, and its score boasts some of the most beloved songs of all
time, among them Lullaby of Broadway, I Only Have Eyes
for You, Shuffle Off to Buffalo, and Were in the Money.
Yet while 42nd Street wont arrive until February 13, dont be
surprised if you hear Adler employees whistling that latter tune
all season long. Given its sensational wintertime lineup, how
could the venue not be in the money?
Those who enjoy celebrating the holidays with concerts,
musical comedies, and dance spectaculars can actually set
up camp at the Adler and not feel the need to travel further.
(Thats a figure of speech; please do not literally set up camp
at the Adler.) On November 28, the season begins with John
Berry: O Holy Night Celebrating 20 Years of Christmas, a
special event with the platinum-selling country musician that
will feature hits including Your Love Amazes Me, Kiss Me in
the Car, and Shes Taken a Shine in the first act, and Berrys
heartfelt takes on Christmas standards in the second.
More country stars will sparkle at the Adler on December 13
in Home Frees A Country Christmas, in which the five-man
a cappella ensemble will treat crowds to holiday favorites and
brand-new numbers, demonstrating why the groups singular
talents earned Home Free a first-place victory in season four
of NBCs The Sing-Off. And if youre tickled by the tickling of
ivories, you wont want to miss the Adlers December 17 event
Jim McDonough: Holiday Grande 2016, with the International
Steinway Artist and Iowa native performing a Camp Courageous benefit concert alongside a 14-piece orchestra and a gifted
troupe of professional singers and dancers.
The Quad Cities own professional dancers the fierce
talents of Ballet Quad Cities will return to the Adler this

winter in the companys annual stagings of Tchiakovskys

holiday classic The Nutcracker, with the ballets two performances on December 10 sure to exhilarate audiences with
seasonal magic courtesy of choreographer Courtney Lyon
and live music by Orchestra Iowa. Stage magic with a slapstick bent, meanwhile, arrives in the November 29 touring
production of Broadways Elf, the family musical based on the
beloved Will Ferrell comedy, and likely your one chance this
winter to hear dozens of voices harmonizing to a tune titled
Yet beyond 42nd Street, there are other non-holiday treats
lined up for the Adlers winter. On December 3, the Quad City
Symphony Orchestra presents its third Masterworks program
of the 2016-17 season in Water Music, with Mark Russell
Smith conducting a repertoire that features Handels Water
Music Suite, Schumanns Symphony No. 3: Rhenisch, and, with
Hannah Holman as the pieces soloist, Elgars Cello Concerto,
Op. 85. (The concert will also be performed at Augustana Colleges Centennial Hall on December 4.)
Another Tony-winning Best Musical, and the recipient of
seven additional Tonys, arrives on January 25 in the touring
presentation Once, the unconventional stage romance, based on
the Oscar-winning 2007 movie, that finds the entire cast playing its own musical instruments. Based on the popular Nickelodeon series, PAW Patrol Live: Race to the Rescue (January 24)
will find colorful characters solving mysteries in a high-energy
musical adventure for preschoolers and their chaperones.
Finally, if this March will again be an in like a lion, out like
a lamb month for us, that roar you hear might very well be
coming from the Adlers March 2 offering Get the Led Out.
Consisting of six Philadelphia-based singers and multi-instrumentalists, this tribute to the rockers of Led Zeppelin will replicate the legendary bands discography from the bombastic to
the mystical, although the groups very name poses something
of a mystical question itself: If the musicians of Get the Led Out
did indeed get the Led out, would they still have an act?
Ponder this while securing tickets to all of the Adlers awesome winter events at (800)745-3000 or AdlerTheatre.com.
Mike Schulz

Mauricio Lasansky: Master Printmaker, artistic

takes on the venerated Iowa City artist and his works;

Tue.-Sun. noon-4pm, Thu. noon-8pm, Sat. 10am4pm; for information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids
Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids IA, CRMA.
org, thru Wed Mar 15

Opening This Winter

Carved: Woodcut and Woodblock Prints from the
Collection, exhibit demonstrates the great diversity

in woodcut and woodblock printing and pays homage

to the long tradition of the medium, drawing from the
Museums extensive collection of works on paper; Tue.Sun. noon-4pm, Thu. noon-8pm, Sat. 10am-4pm; for
information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of
Art, 410 Third Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids IA, CRMA.org, Sat Jan
14 thru Wed Mar 15

America on Paper: Prints from Associated

American Artists, celebration of the successful

commercial enterprise that popularized American prints

for six decades, producing work from some of Americas
best-known artists such as Grant Wood and John
Steuart Curry and lesser-known luminaries including
Luigi Lucioni; Tue.-Sun. noon-4pm, Thu. noon-8pm, Sat.
10am-4pm; for information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar
Rapids Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
CRMA.org, Sat Feb 4 thru Wed Mar 15

Alchemy: Transformations in Gold, exhibit brings

together a group of more than a dozen international
artists whose work incorporates gold; Tue.-Fri. 11am4pm, Sat. 10am-4pm, Sun. noon-4pm; for information,
call 515-277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand
Ave., Des Moines IA, DesMoinesArtCenter.org, Sat Feb 11
thru Wed Mar 15

November & December
Winter Landscapes, Tuesdays thru Dec. 13; artist

Allen Holloway leads students in a quest to create their

inner visions of a cool winter evening at dusk; learn
how to transition from the clarity and bright light of
daytime to the cool, deep colors and hazy outlines that
signal the passage of day into night; Allen will share
tips on blending, feathering, layering and a host of
other soft pastel techniques to help students achieve a
sumptuously colored, velvety-textured winter evening
landscape; $85-95; for information and to register,
call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St,
Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, 6pm Tue Nov 22

Thanksgiving Centerpiece Floral Design, $35 plus

a $35 materials fee; for information and to register, call
309-796-8223, Addus Evergreen Club, 4011 Avenue of the
Cities, Suite 102, Moline IL, BHC.edu, 5:45pm Wed Nov 23
Basket Weaving Class, join basket maker Lisa

Brathall to create a Chip and Dip Holiday Basket;

$28, an extra $10 if you wish to add a Lazy Susan to
the basket; for information, call 309-523-3440, River
Valley District Library, 214 S Main St, Port Byron IL,
RiverValleyLibrary.org, 4:30pm Wed Nov 30

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

Holiday Card Watercolor, basic watercolor

techniques will be used in this step-by-step painting

experience; with instructor David Zahn; $30; for
information and to register, call 563-508-4630, Bereskin
Fine Art Gallery & Studio, 225 E 2nd St, Suites 102 & 104,
Davenport IA, BereskinArtGallery.com, 2pm Thu Dec 1

Figure Drawing/Painting Class, on Thursdays;

with facilitators Jason Frank and Brad Bisbey; $15; for

information, e-mail [email protected] or call
563-508-4630, Bereskin Fine Art Gallery & Studio, 225 E
2nd St, Suites 102 & 104, Davenport IA, BereskinArtGallery.
com, 6:15pm Thu Dec 1 thru Thu Dec 29

Beadology Open Lab, on Thursdays; receive the

benefit of Beadology Iowas experienced staff, and
share techniques, get assistance, and help create the
areas beading community; on the third Thursday of the
month, join Wendy Ford for free soft-glass tutorials from
5:30-7:30pm; free; for information and to register, call
319-338-1566, Beadology Iowa, 220 E Washington St,
Iowa City IA, BeadologyIowa.com, 4pm Thu Dec 1 thru
Thu Dec 29
Larry Jon Davis Abstract Painting Seminar,

the artist will demonstrate his approach to abstract

composition, color theory, and use of cold wax painting
techniques; we will see some of the unique textural
and layering properties that the cold wax provides to
traditional painting approaches; participants will have
the chance to explore alternative composition methods
with oil/cold wax blends applied with brushes and
palette knife to canvas or panel; $125; for information
and to register, call 563-508-4630, Bereskin Fine
Art Gallery & Studio, 225 E 2nd St, Suites 102 & 104,
Davenport IA, BereskinArtGallery.com, 8:30am Sat Dec 3

DIY Mini-Notebooks, mini-notebooks are low-cost,

perfect for beginning crafters, and can be personalized;
free; for information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library,
105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 6pm Thu Dec 8
Painting with Frank Black, join Black, a registered

Bob Ross oil painting instructor, in creating something

special this holiday season; $35; for information, call
309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL,
SilvisLibrary.org, 1pm Sat Dec 10

Holiday Card Watercolor, basic watercolor

techniques will be used in this step-by-step painting

experience; with instructor David Zahn; $30; for
information and to register, call 563-508-4630, Bereskin
Fine Art Gallery & Studio, 225 E 2nd St, Suites 102 &
104, Davenport IA, BereskinArtGallery.com, 6:30pm
Thu Dec 15

Make & Take Class and Workshop, $30 includes all

materials and instruction; for information, call 309-7940991, Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave., Rock
Island IL, QCGardens.com, 6pm Tue Dec 20

Holiday Centerpiece, design a beautiful centerpiece

combining the elegance of flowers with the ambiance of
candlelight; $70; for information and to register, call 309796-8223, Black Hawk College - Quad City Campus, 6600
34th Ave., Moline IL, BHC.edu, 5:45pm Wed Dec 21

Creation Studio Workshop: Embroidery Sampler,

Members of the Mississippi River Valley Chapter of the

Embroiderers Guild of America will instruct participants
on how to create a small, modern embroidery sampler
using various stitch styles; this workshop is open to
participants of any age who are able to hold a needle
and thread; participants are asked to bring a pair of
scissors; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 2pm Sat Jan 7

Shake It Up; Shape It Up, Mondays thru Jan. 29;

a discussion of methods for professionalizing and

maturing your art practice; this course will offer a
multitude of resources to help you achieve your art
goals; there will be extensive handouts, critiques, visual
presentations, guest speakers, etc.; for grades 11 & up;
$125; for information and to register, call 563-508-4630,
Bereskin Fine Art Gallery & Studio, 225 E 2nd St, Suites
102 & 104, Davenport IA, BereskinArtGallery.com, 1pm
Sun Jan 8

Acrylic Painting: Lovely Landscapes for

Beginners & Intermediate, Fridays thru Feb. 17;

artist Pam Ohnemus will explore color theory and share

techniques artists use to create texture, pattern, depth
of field, natural highlights, shadow and more in this
acrylic painting class; students will enjoy creative studio

2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

time and paint a canvas that captures the splendor of

the outdoors; $95-105; for information and to register,
call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St,
Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, noon Fri Jan 20

Creation Studio Workshop: Embroidery Sampler,

Members of the Mississippi River Valley Chapter of the

Embroiderers Guild of America will instruct participants
on how to create a small, modern embroidery sampler
using various stitch styles; this workshop is open to
participants of any age who are able to hold a needle
and thread; participants are asked to bring a pair of
scissors; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 2pm Sat Jan 21


Scott & Rock Island Counties
Black Hawk College Concert Choir and Chamber
Singers, for information, contact Jon Palomaki at 309-

796-5478 or [email protected], Davenport RiverCenter,

136 E 3rd St, Davenport IA, BHC.edu, 1pm Tue Nov 22

JJ Grey & Mofro, a concert with the Southern rock and

soul musicians in the RME Presents: Blues & Roots series,

with an opening set by Parker Millsap; $37 in adv / $40 dos
(+$3 in adv & dos); for information and tickets, call 563-3261333, The Redstone Room, 129 Main St, Davenport IA,
RiverMusicExperience.org, 8pm Tue Nov 22

All Sweat Productions Presents: The Last

Waltz, local musicians pay tribute to, and play the

music from, the legendary 1976 concert by The

Band and documentary by Martin Scorsese; $13.7517; for information and tickets, call 563-326-1333,
The Redstone Room, 129 Main St, Davenport IA,
RiverMusicExperience.org, 8pm Wed Nov 23

An Evening with Lisa Loeb, concert with the chart-

topping, Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter; $25

(+$2.25 adv / $2.50 dos); for information and tickets,
call 563-326-1333, The Redstone Room, 129 Main St,
Davenport IA, RiverMusicExperience.org, 8pm Fri Nov 25

DOSH, concert with Minneapolis-based multiinstrumentalist Martin Chavez Dosh, featuring opening
sets by GOSH and Errol Hem; $8-10, Daytrotter, 324 Brady
St, Davenport IA, Daytrotter.com, 8pm Sat Nov 26
Eddie Money, concert with the multi-platinum-selling
rock musician on his The Sound of Money Tour;
$25-35; for nformation, call 563-328-8000, Rhythm
City Casino Resort, 7077 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA,
RhythmCityCasino.com, 8pm Sat Nov 26

Stayin Alive: A Tribute to the Bee Gees, concert

tribute to the chart-topping disco and pop musicians;
$25-30; for information, call 800-843-4753, Quad-Cities
Waterfront Convention Center, 2021 State St, Bettendorf
IA, Bettendorf.IsleOfCapriCasinos.com, 7:30pm
Sat Nov 26


Saturday, Dec. 3 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.

Centennial Hall, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island


RiverBend Bronze Handbell Choir Holiday

Concert, free-will donations encouraged; for

Black Hawk College Student Piano Recital, for

information, contact Jon Palomaki at 309-796-5478 or

[email protected], Deere-Wiman Carriage House, 817
11th Ave., Moline IL, BHC.edu, 7:30pm Mon Nov 28

A limited number of free tickets are available for junior

and senior high school students and their families, thanks
to support from the Meredith Foundation.

John Berry: O Holy Night Celebrating 20 Years

of Christmas, holiday concert with the platinum-

Buy your tickets at augustana.edu/tickets

or call 309-794-7306.

information, call 563-324-5278, St. Johns United

Methodist Church, 109 E 14th St, Davenport IA,
StJohnsUMC-Dav.com, 4pm Sun Nov 27

selling country musician and his ensemble; $38-48; for

tickets, call 800-745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E Third St,
Davenport IA, AdlerTheatre.com, 7:30pm Mon Nov 28

Branson on the Road: Christmas Style, folk,
traditional, bluegrass, rockabilly, gospel, and comedy
with the touring performers; noon plated lunch, 1pm
show, $45.98; 6pm buffet, 7:15pm show, $51.73; for
tickets and information, call 309-786-7733 ext. 2, Circa
21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828 Third Ave., Rock Island IL,
Circa21.com, 7:15pm Thu Dec 1

by George Frideric Handel

Saturday, Dec. 10 at 7 p.m.

Sunday, Dec. 11 at 2 p.m.
Centennial Hall, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island


Thursday, Dec. 15, at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.

Ascension Chapel, 820 38th St., Rock Island,
Free general admission




2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

MUSIC / Concerts / Scott & Rock Island

Counties / December

Heartland Marimba Holiday Spectacular,

holiday selections performed with vocalists and on

marimbas, dulcimer, sleigh bells, orchestra bells, and
glass xylophone; for information, call 563-326-7804,
Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA,
FiggeArtMuseum.org, 5pm Thu Dec 1

Joe Marcinek Band, concert with the jazz and

funk musicians, featuring an opening set by The Low

Down; $10 adv / $12 dos (+$1.50 in adv / $2 dos); for
information, call 563-326-1333, The Redstone Room, 129
Main St, Davenport IA, RiverMusicExperience.org, 9pm
Thu Dec 1

Black Hawk College Chamber Singers, for

information, contact Jon Palomaki at 309-796-5478 or

[email protected], Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St,
Moline IL, BHC.edu, noon Fri Dec 2

Lessons & Carols, a sacred concert celebrating the

Advent and Christmas season, featuring the University

Chorale and Chamber Singers; for information, contact
Terri Flynn at 563-333-6001, Christ the King Chapel - St.
Ambrose University, 518 W Locust St, Davenport IA,
SAU.edu, 7pm Fri Dec 2

Canadian Pacific Railroads Holiday Train w/ Colin

James, Dec. 2 & 3; the trains are decorated inside and

out with colorful lights and Christmas decorations, and

Canadian blues artist James will perform two Christmas
songs and an original, Vimeo.com/150278345, 2pm
Sat Dec 3

Black Hawk College Concert Choir, for information,

contact Jon Palomaki at 309-796-5478 or palomakij@
bhc.edu, Gloria Dei United Presbyterian Church, 4200
12th St, Rock Island IL, BHC.edu, 1pm Sat Dec 3

Christmas at Augustana, at 2 & 7pm; annual holiday

concerts with performances by the Augustana Brass

Ensemble, Ascension Ringers, Augustana Symphony
Orchestra, Augustana Choir, Augustana Concert
Chorale, and Jenny Lind Vocal Ensemble; for tickets
and information, call 309-794-7306, Centennial Hall,
Augustana College, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island IL,
Augustana.edu/tickets, Sat Dec 3

QCSO Masterworks III: Water Music, Mark Russell

Smith conducts the Quad City Symphony Orchestra in a

repertoire featuring Handels Water Music Suite, Elgars
Cello Concerto, Op. 85, and Schumanns Symphony
#3 Rhenisch; with featured cellist Hannah Holman; for
tickets and information, call 563-322-7276, Adler Theatre,
136 E Third St, Davenport IA, QCSO.org, 8pm Sat Dec 3

J.M. James, a Music at Butterworth Center concert

for local homeschool students with the folk, pop, and
R&B singer/songwriter; refreshments following; free;
for information, call 309-743-2701, Butterworth Center,
1105 8th Street, Moline IL, ButterworthCenter.com, 10am
Wed Dec 7
Paper Bird, concert with the six-piece indie folk band
based in Denver, Colorado; $12 adv / $15 DOS (+$1.75 in
adv / $2 dos); for information and tickets, call 563-3261333, The Redstone Room, 129 Main St, Davenport IA,
RiverMusicExperience.org, 8pm Thu Dec 8
Trans-Siberian Orchestra: The Ghosts of
Christmas Eve, holiday-themed multi-media concert

about a runaway who breaks into an abandoned

vaudeville theater on December 24; $35-66; for tickets,
call 800-745-3000, iWireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline
IL, iWirelessCenter.com, 7:30pm Thu Dec 8

An Ambrosian Christmas, holiday concert featuring

all student ensembles and soloists; for information,
contact Terri Flynn at 563-333-6001, Galvin Fine Arts
Center, St. Ambrose University, 2101 N Gaines St,
Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 7pm Fri Dec 9

Celebrate the Holidays, a musical variety show

sponsored by Churches United of the Quad Cities

and the Chordbusters; with performances by the
Harminators and Chordbusters Choruses, Patrick
Downing, the Gadabouts, Goods News Singers
Chorale, Steve Couch, and Laila Haley; free, Heritage
Church - Rock Island, 4801 44th St, Rock Island IL,
TheChordbusters.com, 7pm Fri Dec 9

Chris Young, concert with chart-topping country

singer, with opening sets by Dustin Lynch and

Cassadee Pope; $42.50-55.50; for tickets, call 800745-3000, iWireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL,
iwirelessCenter.com, 7:30pm Fri Dec 9

Deanna Carter, multi-platinum-selling country-music

artist in concert; for information, call 800-843-4753,
Quad-Cities Waterfront Convention Center, 2021 State
St, Bettendorf IA, Bettendorf.IsleOfCapriCasinos.com,
7:30pm Fri Dec 9

The Manny Lopez Big Band, Lopez and his 13

piece big band will be playing all your favorites from

the Big Band era; featuring hits from Glenn Miller,
Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Henry Mancini, and Stan
Kenton; 5pm doors, 6pm show; $15-18; for tickets
and information, call 309-786-7733, extension 2, The
Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 Third Ave., Rock Island IL,
TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 6pm Fri Dec 9

A Christmas Messiah, join the 250-member Handel

vocal and instrumental selections by composer Robert

Schumann; for information, contact Jon Palomaki at 309796-5478 or [email protected], First Lutheran Church
- Rock Island, 1600 20th St, Rock Island IL, BHC.edu,
2:30pm Sun Dec 4

Oratorio Society and professional Handel Oratorio

Society Chamber Orchestra as they perform this
masterwork alongside featured soloists: Mary Wilson,
soprano; Rebecca Ringle, mezzo-soprano; Dann
Coakwell, tenor; Mark Walters, baritone; Sat. 7pm, Sun.
2pm; for tickets and information, call 309-794-7306,
Centennial Hall, Augustana College, 3703 7th Ave.,
Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/tickets, Sat Dec 10 and
Sun Dec 11

QCSO Masterworks III: Water Music, Mark Russell

Christmas with the Nelsons, multi-media concert

Black Hawk College Music Majors, performing

Smith conducts the Quad City Symphony Orchestra in a

repertoire featuring Handels Water Music Suite, Elgars
Cello Concerto, Op. 85, and Schumanns Symphony
#3 Rhenisch; with featured cellist Hannah Holman; for
tickets and information, call 563-322-7276, Centennial
Hall, Augustana College, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island IL,
QCSO.org, 2pm Sun Dec 4

Black Hawk College Student Vocal Recital, for

information, contact Jon Palomaki at 309-796-5478 or

[email protected], Deere-Wiman Carriage House, 817
11th Ave., Moline IL, BHC.edu, 7:30pm Mon Dec 5

Black Hawk College Community Band Concert,

in Building 4, second floor Hawks Nest; for information,

contact Jon Palomaki at 309-796-5478 or palomakij@
bhc.edu, Black Hawk College - Quad City Campus, 6600
34th Ave., Moline IL, BHC.edu, 7:30pm Tue Dec 6

Flute Choir & Heartstrings Celtic Quartet, free;

for information, contact Connor Kealey at 309-7947323 or [email protected], Wallenberg

Hall, Augustana College, 3520 7th Ave., Rock Island IL,
Augustana.edu/arts, 8pm Tue Dec 6

Flute and Clarinet Choir Concert, for information,

call 309-794-7306, Wallenberg Hall, Augustana College,

3520 7th Ave., Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/arts, 8pm
Tue Dec 6

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

experience with the third generation of #1 Nelson Family

hit-makers, Matthew and Gunnar; $20-30; for tickets,
call 563-328-6000, Rhythm City Casino Resort, 7077
Elmore Ave., Davenport IA, RhythmCityCasino.com, 6pm
Sun Dec 11

Pokey LaFarge @ The Redstone Room - February 17

Bucktown Revue, an old-fashioned variety show in
the tradition of A Prairie Home Companion and The
Grand Ole Opry, with emcee Scott Tunnicliff, area
comedians and musicians including the Barley House
Band and Milltown, and special guests; $13 at the door;
for information, e-mail [email protected] or
call 563-940-0508, Nighswander Theatre, 2822 Eastern
Ave, Davenport IA, BucktownRevue.com, 7pm Fri Dec 16
Nova Singers: A Nova Christmas, familiar carols

in traditional arrangements and a few new ones,

performed by the professional vocal ensemble under
the direction of Dr. Laura Lane; $15-18, students free; for
information, call 309-341-7038, St. Paul Lutheran Church
- Davenport, 2136 Brady St, Davenport IA, NovaSingers.
com, 7:30pm Fri Dec 16

Parranderos Latin Combo, concert with the Latin

music group based in Des Moines; $11.50 adv / $12 dos;

for information, call 563-326-1333, The Redstone Room,
129 Main St, Davenport IA, RiverMusicExperience.org,
9pm Fri Dec 16

Tony Hoeppner, local singer/songwriter and guitarist

performs a concert in the Brown Bag Lunch Series;

beverages provided; free; for information, call 563344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, noon
Fri Dec 16

One Voice Celebration, an event uniting close to

30 houses of worship and nonprofits over a two-night

celebration of praise, dance, and singing open to the
entire; Quad Cities and region; $20-22, iWireless Center,
1201 River Dr, Moline IL, OneVoiceQC.com, 7pm Fri Dec
16 and Sat Dec 17

Jim McDonough: Holiday Grande 2016, the

free for students thru 12th grade; for information, e-mail

[email protected], Galvin Fine Arts Center, St.
Ambrose University, 2101 N Gaines St, Davenport IA,
QCWindEnsemble.org, 3pm Sun Dec 11

International Steinway Artist, his 14-piece professional

orchestra, and a cast of singers and dancers performs
your favorite Christmas music and other favorites;
proceeds benefit Camp Courageous of Iowa; $37-45; for
tickets, call 800-745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E Third St,
Davenport IA, AdlerTheatre.com, 2:30pm Sat Dec 17

Black Hawk College String Orchestra Concert, for

Melissa Etheridge, holiday concert with the Oscar-

Quad City Wind Ensemble Holiday Concert, $8-10,

information, contact Jon Palomaki at 309-796-5478 or

[email protected], Trinity Lutheran Church - Moline,
1330 13th St, Moline IL, BHC.edu, 7:30pm Mon Dec 12

Home Free: A Country Christmas Tour, holiday

tunes, Nashville country standards, and pop hits with

the five-man country-music ensemble; $27.50-35; for
tickets, call 800-745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E Third St,
Davenport IA, AdlerTheatre.com, 7:30pm Tue Dec 13

Lessons and Carols, at 4 & 8pm; the Augustana

Chamber Singers and Campus Ministries will present

the story of Christs birth in readings and song; free;
for information, call 309-794-7306, Ascension Chapel,
Augustana College, 3701 7th Ave., Rock Island IL,
Augustana.edu/tickets, Thu Dec 15

and Grammy-winning pop/rock musician; $45-65; for

tickets, call 563-328-8000, Rhythm City Casino Resort,
7077 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA, RhythmCityCasino.com,
8pm Sat Dec 17

Third Sunday Jazz, Polyrhythms presents a 6pm

jazz concert ($10-15) preceded by a 3pm all-ages jazz

workshop ($5/adults, free for kids); for tickets and
information, call 309-373-0790, The Redstone Room,
129 Main St, Davenport IA, Polyrhythms.org, 3pm Sun
Dec 18

Man in Black: The Music of Johnny Cash, tribute

concert with Robert Shaw & the Lonely Street Band; $2025; for tickets and information, call 309-786-7733 ext. 2,
Circa 21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828 Third Ave., Rock Island
IL, Circa21.com, 7pm Fri Dec 30

Winter Blues Jam, concert with the students ages 8-18

who participated in the weeks Winter Blues workshops;
for information, call 563-326-1333, The Redstone Room,
129 Main St, Davenport IA, RiverMusicExperience.org,
6pm Fri Dec 30

Good Rockin Live!: A Salute to Sun Records, New

Years Eve show with hits by Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash,

Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, Roy Orbison, B.B. King, and
others performed by Robert Shaw & the Lonely Street
Band; noon lunch, 1pm show, $75; 8pm buffet, 9:15pm
show, $80; for tickets and information, call 309-786-7733
ext. 2, Circa 21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828 Third Ave., Rock
Island IL, Circa21.com, Sat Dec 31

The Travoltas, New Years Eve concert with the touring

pop and disco musicians; for information and tickets,
call 800-THE-ISLE, Quad-Cities Waterfront Convention
Center, 2021 State St, Bettendorf IA, Bettendorf.
IsleOfCapriCasinos.com, 9:30pm Sat Dec 31

The Last Revel, concert with the Americana and
rockabilly musicians, with an opening set by Miles Over
Mountains; $8 (+$1.50 adv / $2 dos); for tickets and
information, call 563-326-1333, The Redstone Room, 129
Main St, Davenport IA, RiverMusicExperience.org, 8pm
Thu Jan 12
Josh Duffee Jazz Quartet, free; for information, call
309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline
IL, MolineLibrary.com, noon Fri Jan 13
The Manny Lopez Big Band, Lopez and his 13

piece big band will be playing all your favorites from

the Big Band era; featuring hits from Glenn Miller,
Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Henry Mancini, and Stan
Kenton; 5pm doors, 6pm show; $15-18; for tickets
and information, call 309-786-7733, extension 2, The
Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 Third Ave., Rock Island IL,
TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 6pm Fri Jan 13

Third Sunday Jazz, Polyrhythms presents a 6pm

jazz concert ($10-15) preceded by a 3pm all-ages jazz

workshop ($5/adults, free for kids); for tickets and
information, call 309-373-0790, The Redstone Room, 129
Main St, Davenport IA, Polyrhythms.org, 3pm Sun Jan 15

Honor Band Festival Finale Concert, for

information, call 309-794-7306, Centennial Hall,

Augustana College, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island IL,
Augustana.edu/arts, 6:30pm Mon Jan 16

Bucktown Revue, an old-fashioned variety show in

the tradition of A Prairie Home Companion and The
Grand Ole Opry, with emcee Scott Tunnicliff, area
comedians and musicians including the Barley House
Band and Milltown, and special guests; $13 at the door;
for information, e-mail [email protected] or
call 563-940-0508, Nighswander Theatre, 2822 Eastern
Ave, Davenport IA, BucktownRevue.com, 7pm Fri Jan 20

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

Buddy Olson, local musician performs a concert in

the Brown Bag Lunch Series; beverages provided; free;

for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, noon Fri Jan 20

The Way Down Wanderers, bluegrass musicians

in concert; $10 (+$1.50 adv / $2 DOS); for tickets and

information, call 563-326-1333, The Redstone Room, 129
Main St, Davenport IA, RiverMusicExperience.org, 8pm
Sat Jan 21

Clarinets for Conservation Benefit Concert, the

recital will feature solo and ensemble performances
by Augustana students, student compositions, and
a massed clarinet choir composed of players from
Augustana and area community bands; free; for
information, contact Connor Kealey at 309-794-7323
or [email protected], Wallenberg Hall,
Augustana College, 3520 7th Ave., Rock Island IL,
Augustana.edu/arts, 2pm Sun Jan 22
Anthony Gomes, blues-rock musician in concert; $12 adv

/ $15 dos (+$1.75 in adv / $2 dos); for tickets and information,

call 563-326-1333, The Redstone Room, 129 Main St,
Davenport IA, RiverMusicExperience.org, 8pm Fri Jan 27

Twenty One Pilots, concert with chart-topping rockers

Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun; $39.50-49.50; for tickets, call
800-745-3000, iWireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL,
iwirelessCenter.com, 7pm Sun Jan 29

College, Bergendoff Hall of Fine Arts, Augustana College,

Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/arts, 8pm Wed Feb 8

An Evening with Keller Williams, concert with the

independent singer/songwriter; $25 in adv / $30 dos
(+$2.25 adv / +$2.50 dos); for tickets and information,
call 563-326-1333, The Redstone Room, 129 Main St,
Davenport IA, RiverMusicExperience.org, 9pm Thu Feb 9
Casual Classics Concert: Thomas Booth, concert
with the internationally acclaimed tenor; free; for
information, contact Terri Flynn at 563-333-6001 or
[email protected], Galvin Fine Arts Center, St.
Ambrose University, 2101 N Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.
edu, 5pm Fri Feb 10
The Manny Lopez Big Band, Lopez and his 13

piece big band will be playing all your favorites from

the Big Band era; featuring hits from Glenn Miller,
Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Henry Mancini, and Stan
Kenton; 5pm doors, 6pm show; $15-18; for tickets
and information, call 309-786-7733, extension 2, The
Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 Third Ave., Rock Island IL,
TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 6pm Fri Feb 10

Augustana Symphony Orchestra Concert,

student musicians perform their winter concert; free;

for information, contact Connor Kealey at 309-7947323 or [email protected], Centennial
Hall, Augustana College, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island IL,
Augustana.edu/arts, 8pm Sat Feb 11

WVIK/QCSO Signature Series II: Naha Greenholtz

in Concert, the touring violinist in concert,

Augustana Concert Band Concert, student

Chris Vallillo: Oh Freedom! Songs of the Civil

Rights Movement, award-winning Illinois folk singer

Brown Bag Lunch Series Concert, free; for

accompanied by Quad City Symphony Orchestra

Executive Director Benjamin Loeb; for information, call
563-322-7276, Wallenberg Hall, Augustana College, 3520
7th Ave., Rock Island IL, QCSO.org, 2pm Sun Jan 29

Vallillo, performs pivotal songs from the music that

inspired and sustained the Civil Rights Movement and
presents firsthand accounts of the historic struggle; free.
For information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library,
105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 6:30pm Mon Jan 30

Florida Georgia Line, concert with the country duo
Brian Kelley and Tyler Hubbard, with opening sets by
Dustin Lynch and Chris Lane; for tickets, call 800745-3000, iWireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL,
iWirelessCenter.com, 7pm Thu Feb 2
Augustana Jazz Ensemble Concert, student
ensemble performs its winter concert; free; for
information, contact Connor Kealey at 309-794-7323
or [email protected], Centennial Hall,
Augustana College, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island IL,
Augustana.edu/arts, 8pm Fri Feb 3
QCSO Masterworks IV: Joined by a River, Mark

Russell Smith conducts the Quad City Symphony

Orchestra in a repertoire featuring Mussorgskys
and Rimskys Dawn on the Moscow River, Mozarts
Violin Concerto #5 in A Major, Abels world-premiere
commission, Mozarts Symphony #38 in D Major, KV504,
Prague, and Strauss Blue Danube Waltz, Op. 314;
with featured violinist Naha Greenholtz; for tickets and
information, call 563-322-7276, Adler Theatre, 136 E Third
St, Davenport IA, QCSO.org, 8pm Sat Feb 4

Augustana Winter Choral Concert, showcasing

the Augustana Choir, Jenny Lind Vocal Ensemble, and

Augustana Concert Chorale; free; for information,
contact Connor Kealey at 309-794-7323 or
[email protected], Centennial Hall,
Augustana College, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island IL,
Augustana.edu/arts, 4pm Sat Feb 4

QCSO Masterworks IV: Joined by a River, Mark

Russell Smith conducts the Quad City Symphony

Orchestra in a repertoire featuring Mussorgskys
and Rimskys Dawn on the Moscow River, Mozarts
Violin Concerto #5 in A Major, Abels world-premiere
commission, Mozarts Symphony #38 in D Major,
KV504, Prague, and Strauss Blue Danube Waltz,
Op. 314; with featured violinist Naha Greenholtz; for
tickets and information, call 563-322-7276, Centennial
Hall, Augustana College, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island IL,
QCSO.org, 2pm Sun Feb 5

Augustana Jazz Combos Concert, student

musicians perform their winter concert; free; for

information, contact Connor Kealey at 309-794-7323 or
[email protected], Larson Hall - Augustana

musicians perform their winter concert; free; for

information, contact Connor Kealey at 309-794-7323
or [email protected], Centennial Hall,
Augustana College, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island IL,
Augustana.edu/arts, 2pm Sun Feb 12
information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, noon Fri Feb 17

Bucktown Revue, an old-fashioned variety show in the

tradition of A Prairie Home Companion and The Grand
Ole Opry, with emcee Scott Tunnicliff, area comedians
and musicians including the Barley House Band and
Milltown, and special guests; $13 at the door; for
information, e-mail [email protected] or call
563-940-0508, Nighswander Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, BucktownRevue.com, 7pm Fri Feb 17
Nova Singers: Dancing the Mystery, a unique mix
of music and poetry written by Sufi poets Rumi and
Hafiz, performed by the professional vocal ensemble
under the direction of Dr. Laura Lane; $15-18, students
free; for information, call 309-341-7038, St. Paul Lutheran
Church - Davenport, 2136 Brady St, Davenport IA,
NovaSingers.com, 4pm Sun Feb 19
Third Sunday Jazz, Polyrhythms presents a 6pm

jazz concert ($10-15) preceded by a 3pm all-ages jazz

workshop ($5/adults, free for kids); for tickets and
information, call 309-373-0790, The Redstone Room, 129
Main St, Davenport IA, Polyrhythms.org, 3pm Sun Feb 19

Quinteto Latino, a Music at Butterworth Center

concert for local homeschool students with the wind

quintet of Latin American musicians; refreshments
following; free; for information, call 309-743-2701,
Butterworth Center, 1105 8th Street, Moline IL,
ButterworthCenter.com, 10am Wed Feb 22

Eliyahau & Qado, concert with the acclaimed San

Francisco-based band; $9-13; for tickets and information,
call 563-333-6251, Galvin Fine Arts Center, St. Ambrose
University, 2101 N Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu,
7:30pm Thu Feb 23
Winter Instrumental Concert, concert featuring

music by the SAU Symphonic Band and String Ensemble;

free; for information, contact Terri Flynn at 563-333-6001
or [email protected], Galvin Fine Arts Center,
St. Ambrose University, 2101 N Gaines St, Davenport IA,
SAU.edu, 7:30pm Fri Feb 24

Winter Jazz Night, concert featuring the SAU Jazz

Ensemble and STAMVOJA; free; for information, contact

Terri Flynn at 563-333-6001 or buesing-flynnterrik@sau.
edu, Galvin Fine Arts Center, St. Ambrose University, 2101
N Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 7:30pm Sat Feb 25

Quad City Wind Ensemble Winter Concert, $8-10,

free for students thru 12th grade; for information, e-mail

[email protected], Galvin Fine Arts Center, St.
Ambrose University, 2101 N Gaines St, Davenport IA,
QCWindEnsemble.org, 3pm Sun Feb 26

2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader


2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar



MUSIC / Concerts / Scott & Rock Island

Counties / February

Quinteto Latino, concert with the wind quintet and

Quad City Arts Visiting Artists; $10-15; for tickets and

information, call 563-326-1691, First Presbyterian Church
of Davenport, 1702 Iowa St, Davenport IA, QuadCityArts.
com, 4pm Sun Feb 26

WVIK/QCSO Signature Series III: Horn Fourtune

- The QCSO Horn Section, concert with Quad City

Symphony Orchestras horn players Marc Zyla, Peter

Kortenkamp, Joshua Johnson, and Allison Tutton;
for information, call 563-322-7276, Wallenberg Hall,
Augustana College, 3520 7th Ave., Rock Island IL, QCSO.
org, 2pm Sun Feb 26

Quinteto Latino, concert with the wind quintet and

Quad City Arts Visiting Artists; free; for information, call

309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline
IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6:30pm Tue Feb 28

Brantley Gilbert, platinum-selling country star on his

Christmas with the Quad City Singers @ Lavender Crest Winery December 9 and 10


Holiday Concerts
November and December

f youre familiar with the Canadian Pacific Railroads Holiday

Train, which rolls into Davenport on December 3, you know
that you can expect this locomotive to be festooned with Christmas lights and beautiful decorations both inside and outside its
cars. But this year, itll also be a veritable holiday concert on wheels.
The trains stops will find Canadian blues artist Colin James
performing seasonal favorites not only locally at 2 p.m., but outside
railroad stations in Muscatine, Clinton, Dubuque, and other
nearby locales on Saturday the third and Friday the second the
most literally transporting events during our areas traditionally
song-filled holidays.
Area houses of worship will certainly be providing their share
of wintertime treats. The RiverBend Bronze Handbell Choir
will ring in the season with holiday concerts at Davenports St.
John United Methodist Church (November 27) and Geneseos
First Lutheran Church (December 4), with the German American
Heritage Center and Davenport Zither Ensemble bringing their
concert event Unser Geschenk to Davenports St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church (December 11). Davenports grandly scaled
First Presbyterian Church Christmas Concerts are scheduled
for December 17 and 18, with many area church choirs bringing
contemporary-Christian and gospel numbers to the iWireless
Center in December 16s and 17s One Voice Celebration.
Galesburgs professional vocal ensemble the Nova Singers shares
its annual A Nova Christmas concerts with patrons at Davenports
St. Paul Lutheran Church (December 16) and Galesburgs First
Lutheran Church (December 17). And Celebrate the Holidays
(December 9) will find Rock Islands Heritage Church hosting performances by the Chordbusters, the Harminators, the Gadabouts,
and the Good News Singers Chorale, as well as soloists Patrick
Downing, Steve Couch, and that fabulous high-school talent Laila
Local institutions of learning, meanwhile, also have a concertpacked winter ahead. Tales and tunes will be heard in presentations of Lessons & Carols at St. Ambrose Universitys Christ the
King Chapel (December 2) and Augustana Colleges Ascension
Chapel (December 13). St. Ambrose will also showcase its University Chorale, Chambers Singers, and other student ensembles and
soloists in the Galvin Fine Arts Centers annual An Ambrosian
Christmas (December 9), while Augustana delivers an additional

pair of holiday treats: Augies Ascension Ringers, Brass Ensemble,

Symphony Orchestra, Choir, Concert Chorale, and Jenny Lind
Vocal Ensemble in Christmas at Augustana (December 3), and
the return of Handels holiday-choir masterpiece in A Messiah
Christmas (December 10 and 11).
Meanwhile, with its events taking place at venues throughout
the Quad Cities, Black Hawk College has on its holiday menu
concerts with deep breath! the BHC Chamber Singers (December 2 and 14), Concert Choir (December 3), Community Band
(December 6), String Orchestra (December 12), and Community
Chorale (December 15), with the schools annual BHC Holiday
Choral Concert scheduled for December 8 at Molines First Congregational Church.
If thats somehow not enough Christmas cheer for you, make
plans for a trio of additional seasonal song-fests, with the Figge Art
Museum hosting the Heartland Miramba Holiday Spectacular
(December 1), the Lavender Crest Winery your destination for the
wondrous vocal talents of Christmas with the Quad City Singers
(December 9 and 10), and the Galvin Fine Arts Center the warm
home to hot tunes in the Quad City Wind Ensemble Holiday
Concert (December 11).
Plus, so many famous names heading our way this season even
if their individual names are perhaps less well-known than their
show monikers Trans-Siberian Orchestra: Ghosts of Christmas
Eve (iWireless Center, December 8) and Branson on the Road:
Christmas Style (November 26 at Maquoketas Ohnward Fine Arts
Center and December 1 at the Circa 21 Dinner Playhouse).
But Davenports Adler Theatre has a pair of seasonal country
concerts in John Berry: O Holy Night (November 28) and Home
Frees A Country Christmas (December 13), along with a homegrown Steinway master performing Jim McDonough: Holiday
Grande 2016 (December 10 and 11). A multi-platinum-selling
country-music chanteuse performs at the Quad-Cities Waterfront
Convention Center in the Deana Carter Holiday Show (December 9), while Grammy-winning and chart-topping pop superstar
Michael Bolton brings seasonal songs to the Riverside Casino
Event Center (December 10).
As for Davenports new(ish) Rhythm City Casino Resort, the
venue will host not only an Oscar- and Grammy-winning pop/
rock superstar in its December 17 holiday concert with Melissa
Etheridge, but, on December 11, a thrilling multimedia experience
in Christmas with the Nelsons. Those Nelsons would be Matthew
and Gunnar, not relatives of that Simpsons bully. HA-A-A ha!
For more on wintertime-music options in the area, visit
the Readers Concerts calendar beginning on page 13.
Mike Schulz

Devil Dont Sleep Tour. iWireless Center, 1201 River Dr,

Moline IL, iWirelessCenter.com, Fri Mar 3

Sounds and Sweet Airs: A Musical Celebration of

Shakespeare, concert featuring the SAU University

Chorale, Chamber Singers, Bella Voce, and BeeSharp;

free; for information, contact Nathan Windt at 563-3336146 or [email protected], Galvin Fine Arts Center,
St. Ambrose University, 2101 N Gaines St, Davenport IA,
SAU.edu, 7:30pm Fri Mar 3

QCSO Masterworks V: River of Life, Mark Russell

Smith conducts the Quad City Symphony Orchestra in a

repertoire featuring Wagners Dawn and Siegfrieds Rhine
Journey from Gtterdammerung (Rheinfahrt), Strauss
Four Last Songs, Wagners Prelude and Liebestod from
Tristan und Isolde, and Ravels Daphnis and Chloe Suite
#2; with featured soprano Heidi Melton; for tickets and
information, call 563-322-7276, Adler Theatre, 136 E Third
St, Davenport IA, QCSO.org, 8pm Sat Mar 4

QCSO Masterworks V: River of Life, Mark Russell Smith

conducts the Quad City Symphony Orchestra in a repertoire

featuring Wagners Dawn and Siegfrieds Rhine Journey
from Gtterdammerung (Rheinfahrt), Strauss Four Last
Songs, Wagners Prelude and Liebestod from Tristan
und Isolde, and Ravels Daphnis and Chloe Suite #2; with
featured soprano Heidi Melton; for tickets and information,
call 563-322-7276, Centennial Hall, Augustana College, 3703
7th Ave., Rock Island IL, QCSO.org, 2pm Sun Mar 5

Frank Claudy, tin whistle concert; free; for information,

call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St,
Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, noon Fri Mar 10
The Manny Lopez Big Band, Lopez and his 13 piece big

band will be playing all your favorites from the Big Band
era; featuring hits from Glenn Miller, Duke Ellington, Count
Basie, Henry Mancini, and Stan Kenton; 5pm doors, 6pm
show; $15-18; for tickets and information, call 309-7867733, extension 2, The Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 Third Ave.,
Rock Island IL, TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 6pm Fri Mar 10

Augustana Symphonic Band Concert, student

musicians perform their spring concert; free; for
information, contact Connor Kealey at 309-794-7323
or [email protected], Centennial Hall,
Augustana College, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island IL,
Augustana.edu/arts, 8pm Sat Mar 11
High School Honor Band Festival Concert, free;

for information, contact Terri Flynn at 563-333-6001 or

[email protected], Galvin Fine Arts Center, St.
Ambrose University, 2101 N Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.
edu, 7pm Sat Mar 11

Augustana Choir Concert, the choir returns to share

the music the singers created on their Midwest tour;
free; for information, contact Connor Kealey at 309794-7323 or [email protected], Centennial
Hall, Augustana College, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island IL,
Augustana.edu/arts, 4pm Sun Mar 12

Outlying Areas
Irish Christmas in America, top Irish musicians,
singers, and dancers in a performance rich in history,

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

humor, and boundless energy; $30-35; for information,
call 319-364-1580, CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103 3rd St SE,
Cedar Rapids IA, LegionArts.org, 8pm Fri Nov 25

Branson on the Road, holiday concert in the spirit

of the Grand Ole Opry with the nationally touring

performers; $13-22; for information, call 563-652- 9815,
Ohnward Fine Arts Center, 1215 E Platt St, Maquoketa IA,
OhnwardFineArtsCenter.com, 7pm Sat Nov 26

Dubuque Heritage Center, 2255 Bennett St, Dubuque IA,

Dbq.edu/heritagecenter, 7:30pm Fri Dec 2

RiverBend Bronze Handbell Choir Holiday

Concert, for information, call 309-944-3196, First

Lutheran Church - Geneseo, 114 E Main St, Geneseo IL,

FirstGeneseo.org, 1:30pm Sun Dec 4

Emanuel Ax, Ax will perform on the chosen Steinway

The Pines, concert with the Iowa-born/Minneapolisbased folk and roots musicians, with an opening set by
Seth Wenger; $16-19; for tickets and information, call
319-364-1580, CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103 3rd St SE, Cedar
Rapids IA, LegionArts.org, 8pm Sat Nov 26

grand piano in a recital that will include the U.S. premiere

of a piece by Samuel Carl Adams co-commissioned
by Hancher via Music Accord; $10-60; for tickets and
information, call 319-335-1160, Hancher Auditorium, 101
East Park Rd., Iowa City IA, Hancher.UIowa.edu, 7:30pm
Tue Dec 6

The Weepies: Completely Acoustic and Alone,

Tribute, Kathy Donnelly, Carol Montag, and Nina

concert with Iowa City singers/songwriters Deb Talan

and Steve Tannen; $30-33; for tickets and information,
call 319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington
St, Iowa City IA, Englert.org, 8pm Sat Nov 26

Danielle Nicole Band, a concert presented by the

Central Iowa Blues Society; $10-15, Des Moines Social

Club, 900 Mulberry St, Des Moines IA, CIBS.org/calendar,
6pm Sun Nov 27

I Prevail, xconcert with the post-hardcore band formed

in Southfield, Michigan, featuring sets by Sleepwave,

Hotel Books, and Bad Seed Rising; $18-22, Gabes, 330
E Washington St, Iowa City IA, ICGabes.com, 5:30pm
Tue Nov 29

University of Iowa Symphony and Choirs,

performing Beethovens Choral Fantasy and

Schuberts Mass in A-flat, D. 678; free, but tickets
required; for information, call 319-335-1160, Voxman
Music Building, 93 East Burlington St, Iowa City IA,
Arts.UIowa.edu/events, 7:30pm Thu Dec 1

Christmas at Heritage Center, holiday concert in a

presentation in the 2016-2017 Live at Heritage Center

Performing Arts Series; for information and tickets, call
563-585-7469, John and Alice Butler Hall, University of

Swanson perform traditional hymns and carols, plus fun

interpretations of favorites across the generations and
genres of music; $33-38; for tickets, call 800-745-3000,
Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St. SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
ParamountTheatreCR.com, 7pm Wed Dec 7

Asleep at the Wheel: Merry Texas Christmas,

Yall!, holiday concert with the cowboy jazz musicians;
$10-40; for tickets and information, call 319-335-1160,
Hancher Auditorium, 101 East Park Rd., Iowa City IA,
Hancher.UIowa.edu, 7:30pm Fri Dec 9

Christmas with the Quad City Singers, reserve

by Dec 2 for event taking place Dec. 9 & 10; this years
holiday concert will feature exciting arrangements of
Jingle Bells, Up on the Housetop and many other
festive favorites under the direction of Curtis FischerOelschlager, accompanied by Marcia Renaud; 6pm
social hour, 7pm dinner and concert; for tickets and
information, call 309-781-7266, Lavender Crest Winery,
5401 US Highway 6, Colona IL, QuadCitySingers.org,
7pm Fri Dec 9 and Sat Dec 10

Michael Bolton, the Grammy-winning pop singer

performs his greatest hits and holiday favorites; $40-75;

for tickets and information, call 877-677-3456, Riverside
Casino Event Center, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA,
RiversideCasinoAndResort.com, 8pm Sat Dec 10

Jim McDonough: Holiday Grande 2016, the

International Steinway Artist, his 14-piece professional

2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

orchestra, and a cast of singers and dancers performs
your favorite Christmas music and other favorites;
proceeds benefit Camp Courageous of Iowa; $29-45; for
tickets, call 800-745-3000, Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St.
SE, Cedar Rapids IA, ParamountTheatreCR.com, 2:30pm
Sun Dec 11

Newsboys, concert with the platinum-selling,

Grammy-nominated contemporary-Christian musicians,

with opening sets by Hawk Nelson and Ryan Stevenson;
$23-48; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, U.S. Cellular Center,
370 1st Ave NE, Cedar Rapids IA, USCellularCenter.com,
6pm Sun Dec 11

Mushroomhead, concert with the Cleveland-based

heavy-metal musicians, with opening sets by Far from
Fearless and Brotherhood of the Mudcat; $20-25, Gabes,
330 E Washington St, Iowa City IA, ICGabes.com, 5:30pm
Wed Dec 14
I Love The 90s, concert event featuring Salt N
Pepa,Vanilla Ice, Coolio, Tone Loc, Young MC, and
Rob Base; $45-85; for tickets, call 800-745-3000,
Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL,
PeoriaCivicCenter.com, 7pm Thu Dec 15
I Love the 90s: Vanilla Ice - Salt-N-Pepa - All-4One - Coolio - Tone Loc - Young MC, an evening

of hits such as Lets Talk About Sex, Shoop, Ice, Ice

Baby, I Swear, I Can Love You Like That, Gangstas
Paradise, Funky Cold Medina, Bust a Move, and
more; $45-85; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, U.S.
Cellular Center, 370 1st Ave NE, Cedar Rapids IA,
USCellularCenter.com, 7pm Fri Dec 16


$10-54; for tickets and information, call 319-366-8203,

Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St. SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
ParamountTheatreCR.com, Sat Dec 17 and Sun Dec 18

Euforquestras Home for the Holidays, funk and

groove musicians in a fundraising concert for the Crisis
Center of Johnson County, with an opening set by
Meteor Cat; $15-20; for tickets and information, call 319688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St, Iowa
City IA, Englert.org, 8pm Thu Dec 22

Pagliacci and Cavalleria Rusticana, Puccini

and Mascagni operas performed by Cedar Rapids

Opera Theatre and Orchestra Iowa; Fri. 7:30pm,
Sun. 2pm; $19-$69; for tickets, call 800-745-3000,
Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St. SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
ParamountTheatreCR.com, Fri Jan 13 and Sun Jan 15

Art Garfunkel: In Close-Up, concert with the

legendary folk singer/songwriter; $51.50-66.50; for
tickets and information, call 319-688-2653, Englert
Theatre, 221 East Washington St, Iowa City IA, Englert.
org, 8pm Sat Jan 14
Patti LaBelle, the Grammy winner will be the featured

speaker at the 2017 Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration

Luncheon, followed by a concert by LaBelle; 10:45am
luncheon, 12:30pm concert; $50 for luncheon and
concert, $25 for concert only, Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW
Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL, PeoriaCivicCenter.com, 10:45am
Mon Jan 16

Nova Singers: A Nova Christmas, familiar carols

The Cleveland Orchestra, musicians under the

baton of Music Director Franz Welser-Mst will perform
Tchaikovskys Piano Concerto No. 2 in G Major, Opus
44 and Sibeliuss Symphony No. 2 in D Major, Opus 43;
$10-80; for tickets and information, call 319-335-1160,
Hancher Auditorium, 101 East Park Rd., Iowa City IA,
Hancher.UIowa.edu, 7:30pm Fri Jan 20

Orchestra Iowa: A Holiday Spectacular, holiday

Peoria Symphony Orchestra: Gershwin

Matinee, a family-friendly celebration of the life

in traditional arrangements and a few new ones,

performed by the professional vocal ensemble under
the direction of Dr. Laura Lane; $15-18, students free;
for information, call 309-341-7038, First Lutheran
Church - Galesburg, 364 E Water St, Galesburg IL,
NovaSingers.com, 7:30pm Sat Dec 17
concert with Maestro Tim Hankewich, performer
Alisabeth Von Presley, and friends from the Cedar Rapids
Concert Chorale, Discovery Chorus, Espressivo Strings,
Carillonneurs, & more; Sat. 2:30 & 7:30pm, Sun. 2:30pm;

of George Gershwin; for tickets, call 800-745-3000,

Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL,
PeoriaCivicCenter.com, 3pm Sun Jan 22



2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

MUSIC / Concerts /
Outlying Areas / January

Scott Bradlees Postmodern Jukebox, jazz,

pop, and rock with the chart-topping musicians;
$45; for tickets and information, call 319-688-2653,
Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St, Iowa City IA,
Englert.org, 8pm Wed Jan 25
Orchestra Iowa: American Mystics, performances

of Hovhaness Mysterious Mountain (Symphony No. 2),

Op. 132, Barbers Violin Concerto, Op. 14, Ives The
Unanswered Question, and Hansons Symphony No.
2, Romantic; $10-53; for information and tickets, call
319-366-8203, Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St. SE, Cedar
Rapids IA, ParamountTheatreCR.com, 7:30pm Sat Jan 28

yMusic, six New York City instrumentalists perform

Classical, chamber, and indie-pop compositions;
$10-15; for tickets and information, call 319-688-2653,
Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St, Iowa City IA,
Englert.org, 8pm Sat Jan 28
Drive-By Truckers, concert with the Georgia-based
alternative-country and Southern-rock musicians;
$28.50; for tickets and information, call 319-688-2653,
Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St, Iowa City IA,
Englert.org, 7pm Sun Jan 29

Paragon Ragtime Orchestra, concert featuring

the syncopated sounds of early musical theatre, silent

cinema, and vintage dance; for tickets and information,
call 309-342-2299, Orpheum Theatre, 57 S Kellogg St,
Galesburg IL, GalesburgOrpheum.org, 7:30pm Fri Feb 3

Malcolm Holcombe, concert with the Nashville-

based country artist, with an opening set by Claudia

Nygaard; $20 suggested donation; for information, and
reservations, call 847-256-0000, Uptown Theatre, 221 1st
Street NE, Mt. Vernon IA, LilFest.org, 7:30pm Sat Feb 11

Peoria Symphony Orchestra: Romance,

Gershwin, Porter, Bernstein, and Sondheim music

with the orchestra, Grammy winner Sylvia McNair,
and pianist Kevin Cole; for tickets, call 800-745-3000,
Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL,
PeoriaCivicCenter.com, 8pm Sat Feb 11

The Ying Quartet with Billy Childs, pianist and

composer Billy Childs perform a concert with music by
Beethoven, Dvok, and Childs; $10-40; for tickets and
information, call 319-335-1160, Hancher Auditorium, 101
East Park Rd., Iowa City IA, Hancher.UIowa.edu, 7:30pm
Sat Feb 11
Winter Jam Tour Spectacular 2017, an evening of
live concerts by the top artists in Christian music; $10
at the door, Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave,
Peoria IL, PeoriaCivicCenter.com, 6pm Sun Feb 12
Tanya Tagaq, Inuit throat singer Tagaq will perform a

live accompaniment to the silent movie Nanook of the

North; $10-25; for tickets and information, call 319-3351160, Hancher Auditorium, 101 East Park Rd., Iowa City
IA, Hancher.UIowa.edu, 7:30pm Thu Feb 16

Cantus Vocal Ensemble: No Greater Love Than

This, concert presentation in the 2016-2017 Live at

Heritage Center Performing Arts Series; for information

and tickets, call 563-585-7469, John and Alice Butler Hall,
University of Dubuque Heritage Center, 2255 Bennett St,
Dubuque IA, Dbq.edu/heritagecenter, 7:30pm Fri Feb 17

Belinda Carlisle, concert with the chart-topping pop/

rock musician and lead vocalist for The Go-Gos; $40-70;
for tickets and information, call 877-677-3456, Riverside
Casino Event Center, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA,
RiversideCasinoAndResort.com, 8pm Sat Feb 18
Nova Singers: Dancing the Mystery, a unique mix
of music and poetry written by Sufi poets Rumi and
Hafiz, performed by the professional vocal ensemble
under the direction of Dr. Laura Lane; $15-18, students
free; for information, call 309-341-7038, First Lutheran
Church - Galesburg, 364 E Water St, Galesburg IL,
NovaSingers.com, 7:30pm Sat Feb 18
Thomas Rhett, concert with chart-topping, platinum-

selling country-music singer/songwriter on his Home

Team Tour 2017; $25-54.75; for tickets, call 800-7453000, Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL,
PeoriaCivicCenter.com, 7pm Sat Feb 25

Deana Carter @ Quad-Cities Waterfront Convention Center - December 9

Orchestra Iowa: Faithfully A Symphonic Tribute
to the Music of Journey, rock tribute featuring

renditions of Dont Stop Believing, Faithfully, Any

Way You Want It, Open Arms, Wheel in the Sky, and
more; Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 2:30pm; $10-54; for information
and tickets, call 319-366-8203, Paramount Theatre, 123
3rd St. SE, Cedar Rapids IA, ParamountTheatreCR.com,
Sat Feb 25 and Sun Feb 26

Birdman Live w/ Antonio Sanchez, composer

and jazz drummer Sanchez will perform his Grammywinning score live along with the Oscar-winning film;
$30-35; for tickets and information, call 319-688-2653,
Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St, Iowa City IA,
Englert.org, 8pm Wed Mar 1

Community Concerts: Frank & Vinny, 500 years of

classic songs from Bach & Mozart to Ellington and Waller,

blended with Gershwin and Carmichael, peppered with
Sting, Lennon/McCartney and spiced with Rodrigo and
Lecuona; $40-55, Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St. SE,
Cedar Rapids IA, ParamountTheatreCR.com, 2:30pm
Sun Mar 5

Yo-Yo Ma, solo cello pieces with the legendary

musician; $50-100; for tickets and information, call 319335-1160, Hancher Auditorium, 101 East Park Rd., Iowa
City IA, Hancher.UIowa.edu, 7pm Sun Mar 5

Joe Bonamassa, concert with the blues-rock guitarist

backed by Anton Fig on drums, Michael Rhodes on bass,
and Reese Wynans on piano and Hammond organ; $72152; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Peoria Civic Center,
201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL, PeoriaCivicCenter.com,
8pm Mon Mar 6
Victor Wooten Trio w/ Dennis Chambers & Bob
Franceschini, funk, fusion, and jazz with the five-time

Grammy winner and his ensemble; $36.50; for tickets and

information, call 319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East
Washington St, Iowa City IA, Englert.org, 8pm Wed Mar 8

Las Cafeteras, concert in which the Chicano band

from East Los Angeles, California fuses spoken word and
folk music with traditional Son Jarocho, Afro-Mexican
music and zapateado dancing; $10-20; for tickets and
information, call 319-335-1160, Hancher Auditorium, 101
East Park Rd., Iowa City IA, Hancher.UIowa.edu, 7:30pm
Thu Mar 9
An Evening with Larry Gatlin, concert with the
Grammy-winning country-music singer/songwriter;
for tickets and information, call 309-342-2299,
Orpheum Theatre, 57 S Kellogg St, Galesburg IL,
GalesburgOrpheum.org, 7:30pm Sat Mar 11

Orchestra Iowa: Marsalis in Iowa, three-time

Grammy Award-winning saxophonist and NEA Jazz

Master Branford Marsalis headlines this program
showcasing the unique intersections of jazz and classical
composition technique; $10-53; for information and
tickets, call 319-366-8203, Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St.
SE, Cedar Rapids IA, ParamountTheatreCR.com, 7:30pm
Sat Mar 11

Peoria Symphony Orchestra: Nights in the

Gardens of Spain, an evening of music with a Spanish

flair; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Peoria Civic Center,

201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL, PeoriaCivicCenter.com,
8pm Sat Mar 11


Readings & Discussions

How to Clone a Mammoth: The Science of DeExtinction, a discussion of Beth Shapiros book with

the Environmental Book Club; free; for information, call

563-322-2969, River Action, 822 E River Dr, Davenport IA,
RiverAction.org, 7pm Tue Nov 22

LeClaire Community Library Book Club, held

in the fireplace room; books are available at the

librarys circulation counter and as eBooks through
our RiverShare Digital Library Catalog; for information,
call 563-289-4242, LeClaire Community Library, 323
Wisconsin St, LeClaire IA, LeClaireLibrary.org, 6:30pm
Wed Nov 23

A Matter of Trust, a discussion of Lis Wiehls novel

with the Last Monday Book Club; with free snacks; for
information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105
8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 6:30pm Mon Nov 28

Perfume Collector, a discussion of Kathleen Tessaros

book with the Southwest Branch Book Club; free; for
information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library
- Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 6pm Tue Nov 29
Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming
Home, a discussion of Rupert Sheldrakes book and
dinner with the Quad Cities Institute of Noetic Sciences
Community Group; for information, contact Christine
at [email protected] or 563-332-7259, Cafe Indigo,
4925 Utica Ridge Rd, Davenport IA, Noetic.org, 5:30pm
Wed Nov 30

Euphoria, a discussion of Lily Kings book with the

Adult Book Club; for information, call 563-289-4242 or

e-mail [email protected], LeClaire Community

Library, 323 Wisconsin St, LeClaire IA, LeClaire.lib.ia.us,

6:30pm Wed Nov 30

Books on Tap, the Davenport Public Libraries host a
fun, casual book discussion; free; for information, call
563-326-7832, The Phoenix Restaurant & Martini Bar,
111 West 2nd St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
6:30pm Thu Dec 1
Rob Erwin, meet and greet with Quad City native

Erwin, author of Lost with Directions: Ambling Around

America; he will be available for questions and book
signings, Milltown Coffee, 3800 River Drive #2, Moline IL,
MilltownCoffee.com, 11am Sat Dec 3

The Nightingale, a discussion of Kristin Hannahs

book with the Alpha Book Club; free; for information, call
309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library,
401 19th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 3pm
Mon Dec 5

A Coffin for Dimitrios, a discussion of Eric Ambers

book with the Mystery Book Discussion Group; free;
for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 9:30am Sat Dec 10
Bagels & Books, travel, explore and discover passions
with the librarys newest on-site book discussion group;
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Sat Dec 10
Emily Dickinson Poetry Discussion, Dr. Bea
Jacobson leads a discussion of Dickinsons poetry
related to books and reading; free; for information, call
563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 2pm
Sat Dec 10
See YA, an adult book club with a teen-book twist;
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave.,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 7pm Mon Dec 12
Short & Sweets, discuss short stories while eating

yummy sweets; all registrants receive a complimentary

copy of the story; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Mon Dec 12

Winter Reading Bingo Kick-Off, reading contest

for all ages; every Bingo will earn you an entry into a
grand prize drawing; grand prizes will be awarded in
the categories of Family, Independent Reader, Teen, and
Adult; free; for information, call 563-289-4242 or e-mail
[email protected], LeClaire Community Library,

2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

323 Wisconsin St, LeClaire IA, LeClaireLibrary.org, 10am
Mon Dec 12

Winter Reading Bingo, reading contest for all

ages; every Bingo will earn you an entry into a grand
prize drawing; grand prizes will be awarded in the
categories of Family, Independent Reader, Teen, and
Adult; free; for information, call 563-289-4242 or e-mail
[email protected], LeClaire Community Library,
323 Wisconsin St, LeClaire IA, LeClaireLibrary.org,
Mon Dec 12 thru Sat Dec 31
The BFG, the Bettendorf Public Library hosts a discussion

of Roald Dahls book in the Get Lit: Books to Movies series;

free; for information, call 563-344-4179 or e-mail cwalters@
bettendorf.org, Dunn Bros. Coffee, 787 Middle Rd.,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm Tue Dec 13

Between the Lines, discuss contemporary fiction and

non-fiction at this lively book discussion group; free; for

information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
- Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 7pm Wed Dec 14

Short & Sweets, discuss short stories while eating

yummy sweets; all registrants receive a complimentary

copy of the story; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Mon Jan 9

Silence, the Bettendorf Public Library hosts a discussion

of Shusaku Endos book in the Get Lit: Books to Movies
series; free; for information, call 563-344-4179 or e-mail
[email protected], Dunn Bros. Coffee, 787
Middle Rd., Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm
Tue Jan 10

Between the Lines, discuss contemporary fiction and

non-fiction at this lively book discussion group; free; for

information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
- Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 7pm Wed Jan 11

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, a discussion

of Rachel Joyces book with the Brown Bag Book Club; free;
for information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105
8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, noon Thu Jan 12

Read Local: A New American Field Guild & Song

Book, Ryan Collins reads from and discusses his first

Pronto, Augustana College librarian Connie

West End Book Club Discussion, discuss

The Grapes of Wrath, a discussion of John

Steinbecks classic with the 30/31 Book Club; free; for
information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public
Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 6:30pm Mon Jan 16

Hold Still: A Memoir with Photographs, a discussion

of Sally Manns book with the Contemporary Books
Discussion Group; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm Wed Dec 21

A Man Called Ove, the Rock Island libraries host a

Master and Commander, Michael Hustedde

West End Book Club Discussion, discuss

full-length poetry collection as well as other projects;

free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm Wed Dec 14
contemporary fiction and non-fiction books with
this fun group; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 7pm Tue Dec 20

leads a discussion of Patrick OBrians book with the

Contemporary Books Discussion Group; free; for
information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 1pm Wed Dec 21

Young Adult Book Club: Walk and Talk, enjoy

a talk about your favorite books and everyone gets

a prize; refreshments provided; for information, call
309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL,
SilvisLibrary.org, 6pm Tue Dec 27

Before I Go to Sleep, held in the fireplace room; a

discussion of S.J. Watsons book with the Adult Book

Club; books are available at the librarys circulation
counter and as eBooks through our RiverShare Digital
Library Catalog; for information, call 563-289-4242 or
e-mail [email protected], LeClaire Community
Library, 323 Wisconsin St, LeClaire IA, LeClaireLibrary.org,
6:30pm Wed Dec 28

Winter Reading Bingo, reading contest for all ages;
every Bingo will earn you an entry into a grand prize
drawing; grand prizes will be awarded in the categories
of Family, Independent Reader, Teen, and Adult; free;
for information, call 563-289-4242 or e-mail library@
leclaireiowa.gov, LeClaire Community Library, 323
Wisconsin St, LeClaire IA, LeClaireLibrary.org, Sun Jan 1
thru Sat Jan 28
Books on Tap, the Davenport Public Libraries host a
fun, casual book discussion; free; for information, call
563-326-7832, The Phoenix Restaurant & Martini Bar,
111 West 2nd St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
6:30pm Thu Jan 5
Adult Winter Reading Contest, read five books by
Feb. 2 and be entered to win prizes; for information, call
309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL,
SilvisLibrary.org, Thu Jan 5 thru Tue Jan 31
Me Before You, a discussion of Jo Jo Moyes book with

the Alpha Book Club; free; for information, call 309-7327323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th
St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 3pm Mon Jan 9

See YA, an adult book club with a teen-book twist;

free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport

Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave.,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 7pm Mon Jan 9

Ghinazzi leads a discussion of Elmore Leonards book

with the Mystery Book Discussion Group; free; for
information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 9:30am Sat Jan 14

discussion of Fredrik Backmans book with the Last Call

Book Club; drinks available for purchase; for information,
call 309-732-7323, Icons Martini, 124 18th St, Rock Island
IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 7pm Tue Jan 17
contemporary fiction and non-fiction books with
this fun group; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 7pm Tue Jan 17

Black Flags, Art Pitz leads a discussion of Joby Warricks

book with the Contemporary Books Discussion Group;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 1pm Wed Jan 18
Master and Commander, Michael Hustedde

leads a discussion of Patrick OBrians book with the

Contemporary Books Discussion Group; free; for
information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm Wed Jan 18

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, a discussion

of Rachel Joyces book with the Last Monday Book Club;
light refreshments provided; free; for information, call
309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL,
SilvisLibrary.org, 6:30pm Mon Jan 23
Environmental Book Club Discussion, book title to be
announced; for information, call 563-322-2969, River Action,
822 E River Dr, Davenport IA, RiverAction.org, 7pm Tue Jan 24
Wave, a discussion of Sonali Deraniyagalas book with
the Southwest Branch Book Club; free; for information,
call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 6pm Tue Jan 24
Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis,

a discussion of Robert Putnams book; free; for

information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm Wed Jan 25

River Readings: John Holman, readings with the

novelist, short story writer, essayist, and longtime
teacher at Georgia State University in Atlanta;
reception and book-signing after the reading; free;
for information, call 309-794-7384, Wallenberg Hall,
Augustana College, 3520 7th Ave., Rock Island IL,
Augustana.edu/arts/river-readings, 7pm Wed Jan 25
Whistling Past the Graveyard, held in the fireplace
room; a discussion of Susan Crandalls book with the
Adult Book Club; books are available at the librarys
circulation counter and as eBooks through our
RiverShare Digital Library Catalog; for information,
call 563-289-4242 or e-mail [email protected],

LeClaire Community Library, 323 Wisconsin St, LeClaire

IA, LeClaireLibrary.org, 6:30pm Wed Jan 25

Young Adult Book Club Discussion, books will be

decided by the Teen Advisory Group; snacks provided; free;

for information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105
8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 6pm Tue Jan 31

Adult Winter Reading Contest, read five books by

Feb. 2 and be entered to win prizes; for information, call

309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL,
SilvisLibrary.org, Wed Feb 1 and Thu Feb 2

Books on Tap, the Davenport Public Libraries host a fun,

casual book discussion; free; for information, call 563-3267832, The Phoenix Restaurant & Martini Bar, 111 West 2nd St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 6:30pm Thu Feb 2

Burial Rites, a discussion of Hannah Kents book with

the Alpha Book Club; free; for information, call 309-7327323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th
St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 3pm Mon Feb 6

Between the Lines, discuss contemporary fiction and

non-fiction at this lively book discussion group; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
- Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 7pm Wed Feb 8


Brown Bag Book Club Discussion, bring a brown-

bag lunch, and tea is provided; free; for information, call

309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL,
SilvisLibrary.org, noon Thu Feb 9

The Deep Blue Good-by, Mary Sue Cotton leads a

discussion of John D. McDonalds book with the Mystery

Book Discussion Group; free; for information, call
563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com,
9:30am Sat Feb 11

See YA, an adult book club with a teen-book twist;

free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave.,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 7pm Mon Feb 13
Short & Sweets, discuss short stories while eating

yummy sweets; all registrants receive a complimentary

copy of the story; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Mon Feb 13

Looking for Alaska, the Bettendorf Public Library

hosts a discussion of John Greens book in the Get
Lit: Books to Movies series; free; for information, call
563-344-4179 or e-mail [email protected],
Dunn Bros. Coffee, 787 Middle Rd., Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm Tue Feb 14



2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

Readings & Discussions / February

Black Flags, Art Pitz leads a discussion of Joby Warricks

book with the Contemporary Books Discussion Group;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm Wed Feb 15
The Essential Rumi, Cyrus Zargar leads a discussion
of Maulana Jalal al-Din-Rumis book with the
Contemporary Books Discussion Group; free; for
information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 1pm Wed Feb 15

See Also Murder, a discussion of Larry D. Sweazys

book with the 30/31 Book Club; free; for information, call
309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch,
3059 30th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org,
6:30pm Mon Feb 20

Frog Music, the Rock Island libraries host a discussion

of Emma Donoghues book with the Last Call Book
Club; drinks available for purchase; for information, call
309-732-7323, Icons Martini, 124 18th St, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 7pm Tue Feb 21
West End Book Club Discussion, discuss

contemporary fiction and non-fiction books with

this fun group; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 7pm Tue Feb 21

Crooked Letter Crooked Letter, held in the fireplace

room; a discussion of Tom Franklins book with the Adult
Book Club; books are available at the librarys circulation
counter and as eBooks through our RiverShare Digital
Library Catalog; for information, call 563-289-4242 or
e-mail [email protected], LeClaire Community
Library, 323 Wisconsin St, LeClaire IA, LeClaireLibrary.org,
6:30pm Wed Feb 22
Last Monday Book Club Discussion, light
refreshments provided; free; for information, call
309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL,
SilvisLibrary.org, 6:30pm Mon Feb 27
Young Adult Book Club Discussion, books will be

decided by the Teen Advisory Group; snacks provided;

free; for information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public
Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 6pm
Tue Feb 28

Shakes Alive!, held in celebration of Human Book Day;

free; for information, contact Onnica Marquez at 563-3335868 or [email protected], St. Ambrose University
Library, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 2pm Wed Mar 1

Books on Tap, the Davenport Public Libraries host a

fun, casual book discussion; free; for information, call

563-326-7832, The Phoenix Restaurant & Martini Bar,
111 West 2nd St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
6:30pm Thu Mar 2

Girl from the Train, a discussion of Irma Jouberts

book with the Alpha Book Club; free; for information, call
309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library,
401 19th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 3pm
Mon Mar 6
Between the Lines, discuss contemporary fiction and
non-fiction at this lively book discussion group; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
- Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 7pm Wed Mar 8
Jana Bibis Excellent Fortunes, a discussion of

Betsy Woodmans book with the Brown Bag Book Club

bring a brown-bad lunch, and tea is provided; free; for
information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105
8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, noon Thu Mar 9

My Friend Maigret, Mary Daniels leads a discussion

of Georges Simenons book with the Mystery Book

Discussion Group; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 9:30am Sat Mar 11

See YA, an adult book club with a teen-book twist;

free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave.,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 7pm Mon Mar 13

Short & Sweets, discuss short stories while eating

yummy sweets; all registrants receive a complimentary

copy of the story; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Mon Mar 13

Brain on Fire, the Bettendorf Public Library hosts

a discussion of Susannah Cahalans book in the Get
Lit: Books to Movies series; free; for information, call
563-344-4179 or e-mail [email protected],
Dunn Bros. Coffee, 787 Middle Rd., Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm Tue Mar 14
Molokai, a discussion of Alan Brennerts book with
the Contemporary Books Discussion Group; free; for
information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 1pm Wed Mar 15

The Essential Rumi, Cyrus Zargar leads a discussion

of Maulana Jalal al-Din-Rumis book with the
Contemporary Books Discussion Group; free; for
information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm Wed Mar 15

Workshops & Events

NaNoWriMo Write-in, celebrate National Writing

Month; we will provide a space for you to write, and

participants can come and go as they please; free;
for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 1pm thru Wed Nov 30

Book Marketing 101 Workshop Series, with

instructor Jodie Toohey; create a book marketing

plan that makes sense for your book, your reader,
your personality, and your goals; self- & traditionally
published material welcome as long as you have or will
have a specific book in mind; $105-170; for information,
call 309-732-7330, Midwest Writing Center, Rock Island
Public Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL, MWCQC.org,
6pm Tue Nov 22

NaNoWriMo TGIO Party, celebrate the end of

Novembers month-long writing workshop with
refreshments, games, refreshments, and more; free;
for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 1:30pm Sat Dec 3
Book Marketing 101 Workshop Series, with

instructor Jodie Toohey; create a book marketing

plan that makes sense for your book, your reader,
your personality, and your goals; self- & traditionally
published material welcome as long as you have or will
have a specific book in mind; $105-170; for information,
call 309-732-7330, Midwest Writing Center, Rock Island
Public Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL, MWCQC.org,
6pm Tue Dec 6

Midwest Writing Center Holiday Open House,

enjoy some free refreshments, learn more about

Midwest Writing Center, and tour our new space; for
information, call 309-732-7330, Midwest Writing Center,
Rock Island Public Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL,
MWCQC.org, 2pm Sat Dec 10

YEW Writers Studio, Saturdays of the month, for

writers ages 15-19; participants are welcome to bring

writing to share for discussion, or just to listen and
discuss other participants work; for information, call
309-732-7330, Midwest Writing Center, Rock Island
Public Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL, MWCQC.org,
6pm Sat Dec 10

Young Emerging Writers Open Workshop, for

writers ages 15-19; participants are welcome to bring

writing to share for discussion, or just to listen and
discuss other participants work; free; for information,
call 309-732-7330, Midwest Writing Center, Rock Island
Public Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL, MWCQC.org,
11am Sat Dec 10


Scott & Rock Island Counties
Now Playing
Holly Jolly Christmas, holiday-themed musicalcomedy revue, directed by Ann Nieman; Fri., Sat.,

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

Wed., and Nov. 9 & 10: 6-7pm buffet, 7:15pm pre-show,
7:45pm show; Sun.: 4-5pm buffet, 5:15pm pre-show,
5:45pm show; Wed.: 11:45am-12:45pm plated lunch, 1pm
pre-show, 1:30pm show; $44.94-51.73; for tickets and
information, call 309-786-7733 ext. 2, Circa 21 Dinner
Playhouse, 1828 Third Ave., Rock Island IL, Circa21.com,
Wed Nov 23 thru Wed Dec 28

Jingle Arrgh the Way, holiday-themed family musical

reuniting characters from How I Became a Pirate,

directed by Andrea Moore; scheduled show-only, lunch,
and brunch performances Fridays thru Tuesdays; $10.5020.90; for tickets and information, call 309-786-7733
ext. 2, Circa 21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828 Third Ave., Rock
Island IL, Circa21.com, Fri Nov 25 thru Mon Dec 26

Opening in November & December

Murder in Paradise, dinner and an interactive

murder-mystery comedy with the Its a Mystery troupe,

written by Kim Eastland; $39.95 includes dinner and
show; for information and to reserve, call 563-344-9187,
Skellington Manor Banquet & Event Center, 420 18th St,
Rock Island IL, ItsAMysteryQC.com, 6pm Sat Nov 26

Elf: The Musical, musical comedy based on the Will

Ferrell film hit, in a Broadway at the Adler presentation;
$43-73; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Adler Theatre,
136 E Third St, Davenport IA, AdlerTheatre.com, 7:30pm
Tue Nov 29
A Christmas Carol, musical adaptation of Charles

Dickens holiday classic, directed by Michael Turczynski;

Thu.-Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 2pm; $11-16; for tickets and
information, call 309-762-6610, Quad City Music Guild
- Prospect Park Auditorium, 1584 34th Ave., Moline IL,
QCMusicGuild.com, Thu Dec 1 thru Sun Dec 4

Disney on Ice: Dare to Dream, join hosts Mickey and

Minnie Mouse as they share the heroic stories of favorite
Disney princesses Snow White Cinderella, Rapunzel,
and Tiana; Thu. & Fri. 7pm, Sat. 11am, 3pm, & 7pm, Sun.
1 & 5pm; $12-55; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, iWireless
Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL, iWirelessCenter.com,
Thu Dec 1 thru Sun Dec 4
The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley, familymusical adaptation of the childrens book, directed by
Kim Kurtenbach; Sat. & Sun. 3pm; $8-9; for information
and tickets, call 563-333-6251, Galvin Fine Arts Center,
St. Ambrose University, 2101 N Gaines St, Davenport IA,
SAU.edu/galvin, Sat Dec 3 and Sun Dec 4
Agnes of God, John Pielmeiers Tony-winning
mystery-drama set in a convent, directed by Jacob
Kilburg; Thu.-Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 1:30pm; $3-5; for tickets
and information, call 309-794-7306, Honkamp Black Box
Theatre, Augustana College, 3750 7th Ave., Rock Island
IL, Augustana.edu/arts, Thu Dec 8 thru Sun Dec 11
As You Like It, the Prenzie Players production of

William Shakespeares pastoral comedy, directed by Kitty

Israel; Thu.-Sat. 8pm, Sun. 3pm; $10-15; for tickets and
information, call 563-484-4210, QC Theatre Workshop,
1730 Wilkes Ave., Davenport IA, PrenziePlayers.
com, Fri Dec 9 thru Sat Dec 17

Handle with Care, New Ground Theatre presents

Jason Odell Williams romantic comedy, directed by
Tristan Tapscott; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 2pm; $15-18;
for tickets and information, call 563-326-7529, Village
Theatre, 2113 E 11th St, Davenport IA, Facebook.com/
New-Ground-Theatre-189056917800140, Fri Dec 9 thru
Sun Dec 18
Akin to Murder, dinner and an interactive murder-

mystery comedy with the Its a Mystery troupe, written

by Patti Flaherty; $39.95 includes dinner and show;
for information and to reserve, call 563-344-9187,
Skellington Manor Banquet & Event Center, 420 18th St,
Rock Island IL, ItsAMysteryQC.com, 6pm Fri Dec 9

The Nutcracker, Ballet Quad Cities presents

Eleven Fifty Six and Bolero, one-act plays directed

by Directing for the Theatre students Brian Leibforth and

Zachary Lawson; free; for information, call 563-333-6251,
St. Ambrose University Studio Theatre, Galvin Fine Arts
Center, 2101 N Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu/galvin,
7pm Mon Dec 12

Murder in Paradise, dinner and an interactive

murder-mystery comedy with the Its a Mystery troupe,
written by Kim Eastland; $39.95 includes dinner and
show; for information and to reserve, call 563-344-9187,
Skellington Manor Banquet & Event Center, 420 18th St,
Rock Island IL, ItsAMysteryQC.com, 6pm Fri Dec 16

Opening in January
Ghost: The Musical, Tony-nominated supernatural

romance based on the Oscar-winning movie, directed

by Jerry Cranford; Fri., Sat., Wed., and Jan. 11 & 12: 6-7pm
buffet, 7:15pm pre-show, 7:45pm show; Sun.: 4-5pm
buffet, 5:15pm pre-show, 5:45pm show; Wed.: 11:45am12:45pm plated lunch, 1pm pre-show, 1:30pm show;
$44.94-51.73; for tickets and information, call 309-7867733 ext. 2, Circa 21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828 Third Ave.,
Rock Island IL, Circa21.com, Wed Jan 11 thru Wed Mar 8

Steel Magnolias, Robert Harlings beauty-shop

comedy, directed by Donna Weeks; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm,

Sun. 3pm; for tickets and information, call 309-762-0330,
Playcrafters Barn Theatre, 4950 35th Ave., Moline IL,
Playcrafters.com, Fri Jan 13 thru Sun Jan 22

Akin to Murder, dinner and an interactive murder-

mystery comedy with the Its a Mystery troupe, written

by Patti Flaherty; $39.95 includes dinner and show;
for information and to reserve, call 563-344-9187,
Skellington Manor Banquet & Event Center, 420 18th St,
Rock Island IL, ItsAMysteryQC.com, 6pm Fri Jan 13

Water by the Spoonful, New Ground Theatre

presents Quiara Alegra Hudes Pulitzer Prize-winning
drama about an Iraq War veteran, directed by Chris
Jansen; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 2pm; $15-18; for tickets
and information, call 563-326-7529, Village Theatre, 2113
E 11th St, Davenport IA, Facebook.com/New-GroundTheatre-189056917800140, Fri Jan 20 thru Sun Jan 29
Murder in Paradise, dinner and an interactive
murder-mystery comedy with the Its a Mystery troupe,
written by Kim Eastland; $39.95 includes dinner and
show; for information and to reserve, call 563-344-9187,
Skellington Manor Banquet & Event Center, 420 18th St,
Rock Island IL, ItsAMysteryQC.com, 6pm Fri Jan 20
Once, eight-time Tony-winning musical romance, in

a Broadway at the Adler presentation; for tickets, call

800-745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E Third St, Davenport
IA, AdlerTheatre.com, 7:30pm Wed Jan 25

Opening in February & March

Crimes of the Heart, Beth Henleys Pulitzer-Prize-

winning comedy about three Southern sisters, directed

by Jennifer Popple; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 1:30pm; $9-11;
for tickets and information, call 309-794-7306, Kim and
Donna Brunner Theatre Center, Augustana College, 3750
7th Ave., Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/arts, Fri Jan 27
thru Sun Feb 5

Love Stories, Ballet Quad Cities presents dance

vignettes celebrating the companys 20th anniversary,
including choreographer Johanne Jakhellns
Chairished; for information and tickets, call 309-7863779, Scottish Rite Cathedral, 1800 7th Ave., Moline
IL, BalletQuadCities.com, 7:30pm Fri Feb 10 thru
Sat Feb 11
U.S. Grant, one-man show on the famed general;
free; for information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public
Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, noon
Fri Feb 10

Tchaikovskys holiday classic choreographed by Artistic

Director Courtney Lyon, with live music provided
by Orchestra Iowa; at 1:30 & 7:30pm; $10.50-36; for
information and tickets, call 309-786-3779, Adler Theatre,
136 E Third St, Davenport IA, BalletQuadCities.com,
Sat Dec 10

Akin to Murder, dinner and an interactive murder-

Silenced and The Cat & The Monkey, one-act

42nd Street, the Tony-winning musical-comedy

plays directed by Directing for the Theatre students

Jordan Webster-Moore and Jordan McGinnis; free; for
information, call 563-333-6251, St. Ambrose University
Studio Theatre, Galvin Fine Arts Center, 2101 N Gaines St,
Davenport IA, SAU.edu/galvin, 7pm Sun Dec 11

mystery comedy with the Its a Mystery troupe, written

by Patti Flaherty; $39.95 includes dinner and show;
for information and to reserve, call 563-344-9187,
Skellington Manor Banquet & Event Center, 420 18th St,
Rock Island IL, ItsAMysteryQC.com, 6pm Sat Feb 11

classic, in a Broadway at the Adler presentation; for

tickets, call 800-745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E Third St,
Davenport IA, AdlerTheatre.com, 7:30pm Mon Feb 13

Murder in Paradise, dinner and an interactive

murder-mystery comedy with the Its a Mystery troupe,

2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar


written by Kim Eastland; $39.95 includes dinner and

show; for information and to reserve, call 563-344-9187,
Skellington Manor Banquet & Event Center, 420 18th St,
Rock Island IL, ItsAMysteryQC.com, 6pm Tue Feb 14

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

(abridged) [revised], Adam Long, Daniel Singer

and Jess Winfields slapstick take on the Bards output,

directed by Brent Tubbs; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 3pm;
$8-11; for information and tickets, call 563-333-6251,
Galvin Fine Arts Center, St. Ambrose University, 2101 N
Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu/galvin, Fri Feb 17 thru
Sun Feb 19

Ramona Quimby, student-performed comedy

based on Beverly Clearys childrens-book series; Sat.
1 & 4pm, Sun. 2pm; for information, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave., Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, Sat Feb 18 thru
Sun Feb 26
Romeo & Juliet, William Shakespeares tragic
romance as interpreted by five actors from such
prestigious companies as the Royal Shakespeare
Company, the National Theatre of Great Britain, and
Shakespeares Globe Theatre; $9-13; for information
and tickets, call 563-333-6251, Galvin Fine Arts Center,
St. Ambrose University, 2101 N Gaines St, Davenport IA,
SAU.edu/galvin, 7:30pm Sat Mar 4
Play Production (title TBD), annual offering

giving students an inside look at all aspects of a plays

production and the collaborative nature of theatre;
Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 1:30pm; $3-5; for tickets and
information, call 309-794-7306, Kim and Donna Brunner
Theatre Center, Augustana College, 3750 7th Ave.,
Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/arts, Fri Mar 10 thru
Sun Mar 12

Rumors, Neil Simons Tony-winning farcical comedy,

directed by Alex Richardson; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Sun.
3pm; for tickets and information, call 309-762-0330,
Playcrafters Barn Theatre, 4950 35th Ave., Moline IL,
Playcrafters.com, Fri Mar 10 thru Sun Mar 12
The Music Man, Meredith Willsons Tony-winning

musical classic, directed by Jim Hesselman; Fri., Sat.,

Wed., and Mar. 15 & 16: 6-7pm buffet, 7:15pm pre-show,
7:45pm show; Sun.: 4-5pm buffet, 5:15pm pre-show,
5:45pm show; Wed.: 11:45am-12:45pm plated lunch, 1pm
pre-show, 1:30pm show; $44.94-51.73; for tickets and
information, call 309-786-7733 ext. 2, Circa 21 Dinner
Playhouse, 1828 Third Ave., Rock Island IL, Circa21.com,
7:45pm Wed Mar 15

Outlying Areas
Now Playing
Winter Wonderettes, holiday-themed musicalcomedy sequel to The Marvelous Wonderettes;
Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm; Wed., Thu., & Sun. 2pm; $12-30; for
information and tickets, call 319-622-6262, Old Creamery
Theatre, 39 38th Ave., Amana IA, OldCreamery.com, Wed
Nov 23 thru Sun Dec 18
Senior Moments, original series of comedic vignettes
on the aging process; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 2:30pm;
$10-25; for information and tickets, call 319-622-3222,
Iowa Theatre Artists Company, 4709 220th Trail, Amana
IA, IowaTheatreArtists.org, Fri Nov 25 thru Sun Nov 27
Disneys Beauty & the Beast, held in the auditorium;
Tony-winning stage adaptation of Disneys Oscarwinning animated smash; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 2:30pm;
$26-40; for tickets and information, call 319-366-8591,
Theatre Cedar Rapids, 102 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
TheatreCR.org, Fri Nov 25 thru Sun Dec 4

Opening in November & December

Every Brilliant Thing, Duncan Macmillans one-man
holiday comedy, starring Tim Budd; Thu.-Sat. 7:30pm,
Sun 2pm; $18-30; for information and tickets, call 319338-7672, Riverside Theatre, 213 N Gilbert St, Iowa City IA,
RiversideTheatre.org, Sat Nov 26 thru Sun Dec 11
The Elves & the Shoemaker, holiday-themed
childrens musical by Gene Mackey; scheduled 10am
& 1pm performances; $10; for tickets and information,
call 319-622-6262, Old Creamery Theatre, 39 38th
Ave., Amana IA, OldCreamery.com, Sat Nov 26 thru
Sat Dec 17

Lisa Loeb November 25


The Redstone Room

November through February

n the night before Thanksgiving, Davenports Redstone

Room will be filled with songs by The Band. If youre
young enough to find that sentence incredibly nondescript, let
me clarify: The venue will be filled with songs by the The Band
the Canadian-American rockers and Rock & Roll Hall of
Famers whose Thanksgiving Day 1976 concert was immortalized in the Martin Scorsese documentary The Last Waltz.
Following evenings held in celebration of the Beatles
Abbey Road and Princes Purple Rain, organizer Alan Sweets
All Sweat Productions Presents: The Last Waltz will, on
November 23, replicate the docs album with numerous area
musicians playing classics and more-modern hits originally
performed not only by The Band but legends such as Bob Dylan,
Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, and Eric Clapton. And while the
Redstone Rooms wintertime season opens with The Last Waltz,
for those of you with dancing shoes, itll be merely the first at
least if youre the fearless type wholl happily waltz to pop, rock,
jazz, blues, folk, and salsa.
Taking place immediately post-Thanksgiving, the Redstone
Room presents November 25s An Evening with Lisa Loeb, in
which the Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter will share
favorites from her two-decade-plus career, no doubt including
Stay (I Missed You) a pop smash that made Loeb the first
artist to score a number-one single in the U.S. despite not being
signed to a recording contract. The following week, its time for
funk and jazz in December 1s evening with the Joe Marcinek
Band, a night of groove and improvisation boasting an opening
set by The Low Down. And the Thursday after that brings with
it the Colorado-based indie-folk talents of Paper Bird, with
Chicagos Dan Tedesco kicking off the December 8 concert
No fewer than 14 musicians take the Redstone Room stage
for the venues December 16 booking, with Parranderos Latin
Combo exploring salsa, cumbia, and samba music through
its team of singers and instrumentalists from the Midwest,

the Caribbean, and South America. If its the third Sunday of

the month, as it will be on December 18, it must be time for
Polyrhythms Third Sunday Jazz Matine & Workshop Series,
in which noted local, regional, and national jazz acts perform
6 p.m. concerts after experts in the field guide patrons through
instructional and entertaining 3 p.m. jazz presentations. (Additional Third Sunday events this winter will land on January 15
and February 19.)
A trio of exceptional acts happily familiar to Redstone Room
patrons are on the January docket, including an actual trio: the
Minnesota-based multi-instrumentalists of The Last Revel,
whose January 12 concert will deliver a blend of Americana,
folk, and rockabilly with an opening set by Miles Over Mountains. The bluegrass and modern-folk musicians of The Way
Down Wanderers hit Davenport on January 21, their soulful
five-piece ensemble preceded by their genre compatriots Grass
Fed Mule. And if its hard-driving blues rock youre after, look
no further than January 27s evening with Anthony Gomes,
who inspired Blues Music Magazine to rave that the artists
formidable guitar chops and authentic singing place him in
the forefront of modern blues.
The Redstone Rooms February officially begins on February
3, when a country-music sensation is celebrated via the Peoriabased Whiskeys Gone: A Zac Brown Tribute Band. February
8s An Evening with Keller Williams finds the noted singer/
songwriter and guitarist performing from his expansive discography of more than 20 modern-folk albums including 2015s
Vape. (Fun fact: Each of those album titles is only one syllable!)
Finally, on February 17, Redstone Room staffers are proud
to present a return engagement with venue favorite Pokey
LaFarge, whose folk, roots, and country repertoire has dazzled
crowds from coast to coast, and whose 2010 album Riverboat
Soul boasts a track titled Bag of Bones that was recorded in
3/4 time. You know what that means, right? Its a song thats
meant to be waltzed to. Knew those dancing shoes would come
in handy.
For more on the Redstone Rooms wintertime lineup, and
other happenings in the venues River Music Experience locale,
call (563)326-1333 or visit RiverMusicExperience.org. Mike



2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

THEATRE / Performances / Outlying Areas

/ Opening in November & December

Away in the Basement: A Church Basement

Ladies Christmas, holiday-themed sequel to Church

Basement Ladies; $25-35; for tickets, call 800-745-3000,

Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St. SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
ParamountTheatreCR.com, 2pm Sun Nov 27

Elf: The Musical, musical comedy based on the

Will Ferrell film hit, in a Broadway at the Paramount

presentation; $59-79; for tickets, call 800-745-3000,
Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St. SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
ParamountTheatreCR.com, 6:30pm Mon Nov 28

Trocadero Rose, a production of Scott Bradleys play in

the theatre departments Gallery Series; Thu.-Sat. 8pm,
Sun. 2pm; $5; for information, call 319-335-2700, Theatre
B - University of Iowa, Theatre Building, 200 N Riverside
Dr, Iowa City IA, Theatre.UIowa.edu, Thu Dec 1 thru
Sun Dec 4
In-Laws, Outlaws, & Other People (That Should
Be Shot), holiday slapstick by Steve Franco, directed

by Eugenia Giebel; Thu.-Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 3pm; $12; for

tickets and information, call 309-944-2244, Richmond
Hill Barn Theatre, 600 Hk Robinson Dr, Geneseo IL,
RHPlayers.com, Thu Dec 1 thru Sun Dec 11

Miracle on 34th Street: The Musical, stage

adaptation of the beloved holiday movie, directed

by Katherine Bergman and Janet Bergman; Fri. & Sat.
7:30pm, Sun 2pm; $18-19; for tickets and information,
call 319-462-4793, Starlighters II Theatre, 200 E Main St,
Anamosa IA, Starlighters.org, Fri Dec 2 thru Sun Dec 11

Strawberry Fields, a production of Ash Pierces play

in the theatre departments Workshop Series; free,
but ticket required; for information, call 319-335-2700,
Theatre B - University of Iowa, Theatre Building, 200
N Riverside Dr, Iowa City IA, Theatre.UIowa.edu, 8pm
Fri Dec 9 and Sat Dec 10
Dead Mans Cell Phone, Dreamwell Theatres
production of Sarah Ruhls comedy; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm;
$10-13; for information, call 319-423-9820, Public Space
One, 120 N Dubuque St, Iowa City IA, Dreamwell.com,
Fri Dec 9 thru Sat Dec 17
Fiddler on the Roof, the City Circle Acting Company
of Coralvilles production of the Tony-winning musical
classic; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 2pm; for information
and tickets, call 319-248-9372, Coralville Center for the
Performing Arts, 1301 5th St, Coralville IA, CityCircle.org,
Fri Dec 9 thru Sun Dec 18
The Santaland Diaries, Joe Mantellos one-man

stage adaptation of David Sedaris comedic holiday tale,

starring Patrick Poole; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Dec. 18 at 2pm;
$14-29; for tickets and information, call 815-879-5656,
Grace Performing Arts Center, 316 S Main St, Princeton IL,
Festival56.com, Fri Dec 9 thru Sun Dec 18

Its a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play, Frank

Capras holiday classic performed as a 1940s live radio
broadcast in front of a studio audience; Sat. 7:30pm,
Sun. 2pm; for tickets and information, call 309-3422299, Orpheum Theatre, 57 S Kellogg St, Galesburg IL,
GalesburgOrpheum.org, Sat Dec 17 thru Sun Dec 18

Opening in January
Next Fall, Geoffrey Nauffts Tony-nominated tale of

faith, commitment, and love; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Sun.

2:30pm; $21-30; for tickets and information, call 319-3668591, Theatre Cedar Rapids, 102 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids
IA, TheatreCR.org, Fri Jan 13 thru Sun Jan 22

Rodgers + Hammersteins Cinderella, touring

production of the Tony-winning fairytale musical; for
tickets, call 800-745-3000, Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW
Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL, PeoriaCivicCenter.com, 7:30pm
Wed Jan 18 and Thu Jan 19
Happy Pills, a production of Alyssa Cokinis play in the

theatre departments Workshop Series; free, but ticket

required; for information, call 319-335-2700, Theatre
B - University of Iowa, Theatre Building, 200 N Riverside
Dr, Iowa City IA, Theatre.UIowa.edu, 8pm Fri Jan 20 and
Sat Jan 21

A View from the Bridge, Arthur Millers dramatic

classic about a Brooklyn longshoreman and his family;

Thu.-Sat. 7:30pm, Sun 2pm; $18-30; for information
and tickets, call 319-338-7672, Riverside Theatre, 213 N

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

Gilbert St, Iowa City IA, RiversideTheatre.org, Fri Jan 20

thru Sun Feb 12

What Has Been Seen, a production of G. Flores play

in the theatre departments Workshop Series; free,
but ticket required; for information, call 319-335-2700,
Theatre B - University of Iowa, Theatre Building, 200 N
Riverside Dr, Iowa City IA, Theatre.UIowa.edu, 8pm Fri
Jan 27 and Sat Jan 28
The Sound of Music, touring production of Rodgers
& Hammersteins musical classic; Tue.-Sat. 7:30pm, Sat.
2pm, Sun. 1pm; $36-100; for tickets and information,
call 319-335-1160, Hancher Auditorium, 101 East Park
Rd., Iowa City IA, Hancher.UIowa.edu, Tue Jan 31 thru
Sun Feb 5

Opening in February & March

Mr. Burns, a post-electric play, Anne Washburns and
Michael Friedmans dark-comedy musical about a global
disaster, directed by Tlaloc Rivas; Wed.-Sat. 8pm, Sun.
2pm; for information and tickets, call 319-335-1160, The
University of Iowas E C. Mabie Theatre, 200 N Riverside
Dr, Iowa City IA, Theatre.UIowa.edu, Fri Feb 3 thru
Sun Feb 12

Underground New Play Festival, seventh-annual

showcase of new playwrights, directors, and actors, all

with Iowa ties; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 2:30pm; $14; for
tickets and information, call 319-366-8591, Theatre Cedar
Rapids, 102 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids IA, TheatreCR.org, Fri
Feb 3 thru Sun Feb 19

Ten-Minute Play Festival, 20th-annual presentation

of undergraduate playwrights new works; $5; for

information, call 319-335-2700, Theatre B - University of
Iowa, Theatre Building, 200 N Riverside Dr, Iowa City IA,
Theatre.UIowa.edu, Thu Feb 9 thru Sun Feb 12

Next to Normal, the City Circle Acting Company of

Coralvilles production of the Pulitzer Prize-winning

dysfunctional-family musical; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Sun.
2pm; for information and tickets, call 319-248-9372,
Coralville Center for the Performing Arts, 1301 5th St,
Coralville IA, CityCircle.org, Fri Feb 10 thru Sun Feb 12

Antigone, Dreamwell Theatres production of Mack

Welkman;s Greek-tragedy adaptation; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm;

$10-13; for information, call 319-423-9820, Public Space
One, 120 N Dubuque St, Iowa City IA, Dreamwell.com, Fri
Feb 10 thru Sat Feb 18

Alexander, Whos Not Not Not Not Not Not Going

to Move, a Theatreworks USA presentation in the 2016-

2017 Live at Heritage Center Performing Arts Series,

based on the popular childrens book; for information
and tickets, call 563-585-7469, John and Alice Butler Hall,
University of Dubuque Heritage Center, 2255 Bennett St,
Dubuque IA, Dbq.edu/heritagecenter, 2pm Sun Feb 12

42nd Street, the Tony-winning musical-comedy classic,

in a Broadway at the Paramount presentation; $53-73; for

tickets, call 800-745-3000, Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St.
SE, Cedar Rapids IA, ParamountTheatreCR.com, 7:30pm
Wed Feb 15

Assassins, Stephen Sondheims Tony-winning musical

about presidential killers and would-be killers; Fri. & Sat.

7:30pm, Sun. 2:30pm; $24-33; for tickets and information,
call 319-366-8591, Theatre Cedar Rapids, 102 3rd St
SE, Cedar Rapids IA, TheatreCR.org, Fri Feb 17 thru
Sun Feb 26

GIRL, a production of Anne Marie Nests play in the

theatre departments Gallery Series; Thu.-Sat. 8pm, Sun.
2pm; $5; for information, call 319-335-2700, Theatre
B - University of Iowa, Theatre Building, 200 N Riverside
Dr, Iowa City IA, Theatre.UIowa.edu, Thu Feb 23 thru
Sun Feb 26
Lady Macbeth & Her Pal Megan, one-woman

show written by comedian and star Megan Gogerty,

directed by Saffron Henke; Thu.-Sat. 7:30pm, Sun 2pm;
$18-30; for information and tickets, call 319-3387672, Riverside Theatre, 213 N Gilbert St, Iowa City IA,
RiversideTheatre.org, Fri Feb 24 thru Sun Mar 12

Mamma Mia!, touring production of the Tony-

Brantley Gilbert @ iWireless Center - March 3

585-7469, University of Dubuque Babka Theatre, 2000
University Ave., Dubuque IA, Dbq.edu, Thu Mar 2 thru
Sun Mar 5

Welcome to Thebes, Moira Buffinis modern-day

political drama inspired by ancient myth, directed by
Paul Kalina; Wed.-Sat. 8pm, Sun. 2pm; for information
and tickets, call 319-335-1160, The University of Iowas
David Thayer Theatre, 200 N Riverside Dr, Iowa City IA,
Theatre.UIowa.edu, Thu Mar 2 thru Sat Mar 11
Laura Ingalls Wilder, an ArtsPower Touring Theater

presentation in the 2016-2017 Live at Heritage Center

Performing Arts Series; for information and tickets, call
563-585-7469, John and Alice Butler Hall, University of
Dubuque Heritage Center, 2255 Bennett St, Dubuque IA,
Dbq.edu/heritagecenter, 2pm Sun Mar 5

Mamma Mia!, touring production of the Tonynominated ABBA musical; Wed. & Thu. 7:30pm; for
tickets, call 800-745-3000, Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW
Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL, PeoriaCivicCenter.com, 7:30pm
Wed Mar 8 thru Thu Mar 9

Ballet Quad Cities School of Dance Classes,

offering classes in Ballet Pointe, Modern, Jazz, Tap,

Conditioning, Creative Movement, and Adult Ballet,
for ages 3 to adult; all classes taught by the companys
professional dancers; for information and to register,
call 309-786-2677, Ballet Quad Cities School of Dance,
617 17th St, Rock Island IL, BalletQuadCities.com, thru
Wed Mar 15

The Joffrey Ballet: The Nutcracker, featuring

choreography by Christopher Wheeldon and an updated

story and art by Brian Selznick, this Nutcracker is set in
Chicago during the 1893 Worlds Fair; local children will
once again take the stage with the Joffrey dancers as we
usher in a new holiday tradition; Thu.-Sat. 7:30pm, Sat.
& Sun. 2pm; $20-75; for tickets and information, call 319335-1160, Hancher Auditorium, 101 East Park Rd., Iowa
City IA, Hancher.UIowa.edu, Thu Dec 1 thru Sun Dec 4

The Nutcracker, Ballet Quad Cities presents

Tchaikovskys holiday classic choreographed by Artistic

Director Courtney Lyon, with live music provided by
Orchestra Iowa; for information and tickets, call 309-7863779, Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St. SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
BalletQuadCities.com, 7:30pm Mon Dec 5

The Nutcracker, Tchaikovskys holiday-themed ballet

nominated ABBA musical; Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 1 & 6:30pm;

$40-75; for tickets and information, call 319-335-1160,
Hancher Auditorium, 101 East Park Rd., Iowa City IA,
Hancher.UIowa.edu, Sat Feb 25 thru Sun Feb 26

classic performed by dancers from Nolte Academy; Fri.

& Sat. 7:30pm, Sat. & Sun. 2pm; $18-30; for tickets and
information, call 319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East
Washington St, Iowa City IA, Englert.org, Fri Dec 9 thru
Sun Dec 11

The Playboy of the Western World, production

The Nutcracker, Ballet Quad Cities presents

of John Millington Synges 1907 Irish drama; Fri. & Sat.

7:30pm, Sun. 2pm; for tickets and information, call 563-

Tchaikovskys holiday classic choreographed by Artistic

Director Courtney Lyon, with live music provided

by Orchestra Iowa; at 1:30 & 7:30pm; $10.50-36; for

information and tickets, call 309-786-3779, Adler Theatre,
136 E Third St, Davenport IA, BalletQuadCities.com,
Sat Dec 10

The Nutcracker, Tchaikovskys holiday called

performed by Peoria Ballet with live music from the

Heartland Festival Orchestra; Sat. 2 & 7:30pm, Sun. 2pm;
for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW
Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL, PeoriaCivicCenter.com, Sat Dec
10 thru Sun Dec 11

Kyle Abraham / abraham.in.motion, the program

will include three recent works, including The Quiet
Dance, Absent Matter, and The Gettin; $1035; for tickets and information, call 319-335-1160,
Hancher Auditorium, 101 East Park Rd., Iowa City IA,
Hancher.UIowa.edu, 7:30pm Fri Jan 27
iLuminate, light and dance show as seen on Americas

Got Talent; a presentation in the 2016-2017 Live at

Heritage Center Performing Arts Series; times vary; for
information and tickets, call 563-585-7469, John and
Alice Butler Hall, University of Dubuque Heritage Center,
2255 Bennett St, Dubuque IA, Dbq.edu/heritagecenter,
7:30pm Thu Feb 2

Soil, co-choreographed by performers Chey

Chankethya, Waewdao Sirisook, and Nguyen Nguyen,

the piece investigates crises in three Southeast Asian
cultures while exploring transnational, East-West
identities via personal narratives and choreography;
featuring original music by Reiko Imanishi and Shinichi
Isohata; $10-35; for tickets and information, call 319-3351160, Hancher Auditorium, 101 East Park Rd., Iowa City IA,
Hancher.UIowa.edu, 7:30pm Wed Feb 8 thru Thu Feb 9

Love Stories, Ballet Quad Cities presents dance

vignettes celebrating the companys 20th anniversary,
including choreographer Johanne Jakhellns
Chairished; for information and tickets, call 309-7863779, Scottish Rite Cathedral, 1800 7th Ave., Moline IL,
BalletQuadCities.com, 7:30pm Fri Feb 10 and Sat Feb 11
Pilobolus Dance Theater: Shadowland, a
presentation in the 2016-2017 Live at Heritage Center
Performing Arts Series; times vary; for information and
tickets, call 563-585-7469, John and Alice Butler Hall,
University of Dubuque Heritage Center, 2255 Bennett
St, Dubuque IA, Dbq.edu/heritagecenter, 7:30pm
Wed Feb 22

Scott & Rock Island Counties
ComedySportz, interactive comedy with the

areas long-running improv troupe; $12; for tickets

and information, call 309-786-1111 or e-mail Info@
ComedySportzQC.com, The Establishment, 220 19th St,

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

Rock Island IL, ComedySportzQC.com, 7pm Fri Nov 25
and Sat Nov 26

1111, The Establishment, 220 19th St, Rock Island IL,

ComedySportzQC.com, 9:30pm Sat Dec 10

Bix Beiderbomb Presents, standup and sketch

comedy with host Andrew King; for information, call
563-328-2929, Boozies Bar & Grille, 114 1/2 W Third St,
Davenport IA, 8pm Fri Nov 25

Studio Series: Bandwagon, live music and

improvised comedy blend to create the backstory of
your new favorite band; for ages 17+; $5 or free with
CSz ticket; for tickets and information, call 309-7861111, The Establishment, 220 19th St, Rock Island IL,
ComedySportzQC.com, 9:30pm Fri Dec 16

Stand-up Open Mic, hosted by Andrew King; for

information, call 563-328-2929, Boozies Bar & Grille, 114
1/2 W Third St, Davenport IA, 9pm Fri Nov 25
Studio Series: 309, sketch comedy and
improvisational games for ages 17+; $5 or free with
CSz ticket; for tickets and information, call 309-7861111, The Establishment, 220 19th St, Rock Island IL,
ComedySportzQC.com, 9:30pm Fri Nov 25
Studio Series: Standup Showcase, sketch comedy

and improvisational games for ages 17+; $5 or free with

CSz ticket; for tickets and information, call 309-7861111, The Establishment, 220 19th St, Rock Island IL,
ComedySportzQC.com, 9:30pm Sat Nov 26

Murder in Paradise, dinner and an interactive

murder-mystery comedy with the Its a Mystery troupe,

written by Kim Eastland; $39.95 includes dinner and
show; for information and to reserve, call 563-344-9187,
Skellington Manor Banquet & Event Center, 420 18th St,
Rock Island IL, ItsAMysteryQC.com, 6pm Sat Nov 26

Circumstantial Comedy Show, for information, call

563-424-5506, Brew, 1104 Jersey Ridge Rd., Davenport IA,

Facebook.com/EastVillageCoffee, 10pm Sun Nov 27

ComedySportz, Fri. & Sat. 7pm; interactive comedy

Murder in Paradise, dinner and an interactive

murder-mystery comedy with the Its a Mystery troupe,
written by Kim Eastland; $39.95 includes dinner and
show; for information and to reserve, call 563-344-9187,
Skellington Manor Banquet & Event Center, 420 18th St,
Rock Island IL, ItsAMysteryQC.com, 6pm Fri Dec 16
Show Us Your Pokeballs, a nerd-themed comedy
show; $10-12; for tickets and information, call 309-7867733 ext. 2, Circa 21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828 Third Ave.,
Rock Island IL, Circa21.com, 8pm Sat Dec 17
Studio Series: Dont Try This at Home, sketch

comedy and improvisational games involving

mousetraps, blindfolds, kendo sticks, industrial strength
rubber bands, and wasabi; for ages 17+; $5 or free with
CSz ticket; for tickets and information, call 309-7861111, The Establishment, 220 19th St, Rock Island IL,
ComedySportzQC.com, 9:30pm Sat Dec 17

Studio Series: caRICKatures Christmas, experience

your favorite celebrities, cartoons, and historical figures
in holiday settings with Rick Davis; for ages 17+; $5 or
free with CSz ticket; for tickets and information, call 309786-1111, The Establishment, 220 19th St, Rock Island IL,
ComedySportzQC.com, 9:30pm Fri Dec 23


with the areas long-running improv troupe; $12; for

tickets and information, call 309-786-1111 or e-mail
[email protected], The Establishment, 220
19th St, Rock Island IL, ComedySportzQC.com, Fri Dec 2
thru Fri Dec 30

Circumstantial Comedy Show, on Sundays; for

information, call 563-424-5506, Brew, 1104 Jersey Ridge
Rd., Davenport IA, Facebook.com/EastVillageCoffee,
10pm Sun Jan 1 thru Sun Jan 29

Studio Series: Shakespeared!, Bard-themed sketch

ComedySportz, Fri. & Sat. 7pm; interactive comedy

comedy and improvisational games for ages 17+; $5 or

free with CSz ticket; for tickets and information, call 309786-1111, The Establishment, 220 19th St, Rock Island IL,
ComedySportzQC.com, 9:30pm Fri Dec 2

Bix Beiderbomb Presents, on Fridays; standup and

sketch comedy with host Andrew King; for information,
call 563-328-2929, Boozies Bar & Grille, 114 1/2 W Third St,
Davenport IA, 8pm Fri Dec 2 thru Fri Dec 30
Stand-up Open Mic, on Fridays; hosted by Andrew
King; for information, call 563-328-2929, Boozies Bar &
Grille, 114 1/2 W Third St, Davenport IA, 9pm Fri Dec 2
thru Fri Dec 30
Studio Series: Wisenheimer, long-form sketch

comedy and improvisational games for ages 17+; $5 or

free with CSz ticket; for tickets and information, call 309786-1111, The Establishment, 220 19th St, Rock Island IL,
ComedySportzQC.com, 9:30pm Sat Dec 3

Circumstantial Comedy Show, on Sundays; for

information, call 563-424-5506, Brew, 1104 Jersey Ridge
Rd., Davenport IA, Facebook.com/EastVillageCoffee,
10pm Sun Dec 4 thru Sun Dec 18
Studio Series: Survivor, comedians stranded on

Improv Island must compete until only one survives;

for ages 17+; $5 or free with CSz ticket; for tickets and
information, call 309-786-1111, The Establishment, 220
19th St, Rock Island IL, ComedySportzQC.com, 9:30pm
Fri Dec 9

Akin to Murder, dinner and an interactive murder-

mystery comedy with the Its a Mystery troupe, written

by Patti Flaherty; $39.95 includes dinner and show;
for information and to reserve, call 563-344-9187,
Skellington Manor Banquet & Event Center, 420 18th St,
Rock Island IL, ItsAMysteryQC.com, 6pm Fri Dec 9

Speakeasys Laugh Hard, event featuring some

of the funniest stand up comedians from across the

Midwest performing in one location; $3; for tickets
and information, call 309-786-7733 extension 2, Circa
21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828 Third Ave., Rock Island IL,
Circa21.com, 8pm Sat Dec 10

Studio Series: Nocturne Falls, a mockumentary

of small town life filled with hilarious, mysterious, and

murderous townsfolk; for ages 17+; $5 or free with
CSz ticket; for tickets and information, call 309-786-

with the areas long-running improv troupe; $12; for

tickets and information, call 309-786-1111 or e-mail
[email protected], The Establishment, 220
19th St, Rock Island IL, ComedySportzQC.com, Fri Jan 6
thru Sat Jan 28

Bix Beiderbomb Presents, on Fridays; standup and

sketch comedy with host Andrew King; for information,
call 563-328-2929, Boozies Bar & Grille, 114 1/2 W Third St,
Davenport IA, 8pm Fri Jan 6 thru Fri Jan 27
Stand-up Open Mic, on Fridays; hosted by Andrew

King; for information, call 563-328-2929, Boozies Bar &

Grille, 114 1/2 W Third St, Davenport IA, 9pm Fri Jan 6
thru Fri Jan 27

Studio Series Friday, on Fridays; sketch comedy and

improvisational games for ages 17+; $5 or free with

CSz ticket; for tickets and information, call 309-7861111, The Establishment, 220 19th St, Rock Island IL,
ComedySportzQC.com, 9:30pm Fri Jan 6 thru Fri Jan 27

Studio Series Saturday, on Saturdays; sketch

comedy and improvisational games for ages 17+; $5
or free with CSz ticket; for tickets and information, call
309-786-1111, The Establishment, 220 19th St, Rock
Island IL, ComedySportzQC.com, 9:30pm Sat Jan 7
thru Sat Jan 28
Akin to Murder, dinner and an interactive murder-

mystery comedy with the Its a Mystery troupe, written

by Patti Flaherty; $39.95 includes dinner and show;
for information and to reserve, call 563-344-9187,
Skellington Manor Banquet & Event Center, 420 18th St,
Rock Island IL, ItsAMysteryQC.com, 6pm Fri Jan 13

Murder in Paradise, dinner and an interactive

murder-mystery comedy with the Its a Mystery troupe,
written by Kim Eastland; $39.95 includes dinner and
show; for information and to reserve, call 563-344-9187,
Skellington Manor Banquet & Event Center, 420 18th St,
Rock Island IL, ItsAMysteryQC.com, 6pm Fri Jan 20

February & March

ComedySportz, Fri. & Sat. 7pm; interactive comedy

with the areas long-running improv troupe; $12; for

tickets and information, call 309-786-1111 or e-mail Info@
ComedySportzQC.com, The Establishment, 220 19th St,
Rock Island IL, ComedySportzQC.com, Fri Feb 3 thru
Sat Mar 11

2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader


2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar



COMEDY / Scott & Rock Island Counties /

February & March

Bix Beiderbomb Presents, on Fridays; standup and

sketch comedy with host Andrew King; for information,
call 563-328-2929, Boozies Bar & Grille, 114 1/2 W Third
St, Davenport IA, 8pm Fri Feb 3 thru Fri Mar 10
Stand-up Open Mic, on Fridays; hosted by Andrew

King; for information, call 563-328-2929, Boozies Bar &

Grille, 114 1/2 W Third St, Davenport IA, 9pm Fri Feb 3
thru Fri Mar 10

Studio Series Friday, on Fridays; sketch comedy

and improvisational games for ages 17+; $5 or free

with CSz ticket; for tickets and information, call 309786-1111, The Establishment, 220 19th St, Rock Island
IL, ComedySportzQC.com, 9:30pm Fri Feb 3 thru
Fri Mar 10

Studio Series Saturday, on Saturdays; sketch

comedy and improvisational games for ages 17+; $5
or free with CSz ticket; for tickets and information, call
309-786-1111, The Establishment, 220 19th St, Rock
Island IL, ComedySportzQC.com, 9:30pm Sat Feb 4 thru
Sat Mar 11
Circumstantial Comedy Show, on Sundays; for
information, call 563-424-5506, Brew, 1104 Jersey Ridge
Rd., Davenport IA, Facebook.com/EastVillageCoffee,
10pm Sun Feb 5 thru Sun Mar 12

Jeff Dunham February 8


iWireless Center
November through March

modest proposal: Given that the wintertime schedule for

Molines iWireless Center boasts nearly two-dozen icehockey games with the Quad City Mallards and seven performances with the touring talents of Disney on Ice, I say the venue
should just ditch the continual stage-to-rink transformations
and keep the ice there all season long. Who wouldnt want to
see the Harlem Globetrotters add a sliding challenge to their
game? Or rodeo clowns taking slapstick falls on skates? Or the
Southerners from Florida Georgia Line dealing with the same
treacherous conditions we put up with every freakin year?!
Ah, well, a boy can dream which is just what the Disney on
Ice folks will be asking of iWireless patrons in the December 1
through 4 presentations of Dare to Dream. This all-new stage
spectacular finds Mickey and Minnie Mouse hosting a tribute
to a quartet of beloved princesses, as Snow White, Cinderella,
Rapunzel, and The Princess & the Frogs Tiana re-enact their
animated adventures complete with magical lighting effects,
stunning aerial feats, and the slapstick bumbling of that hilarious Tangled horse Maximus. But if your personal tastes are
less mammal- than waterfowl-based, youre in luck: The Quad
City Mallards will hit the ice in no fewer than 20 professional
matches between November 25 and March 15, taking on such
competitors as the Indy Fuel, the Kalamazoo Wings, the Cincinnati Cyclones, and the Missouri Mavericks.
Going from the slippery to the just-plain-slick, the iWireless
Center also has a wealth of sensational concert events lined up
for its winter season. On December 8, the progressive artists
of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra return to Moline in Ghosts
of Christmas Eve, a multimedia-driven, effects-filled rock
opera based on the 1999 TV movie about a young runaway
who breaks into an abandoned theatre and is eventually filled
with holiday joy just like this acclaimed touring productions
ecstatic audiences. The next night, on December 9, the iWireless
presents an eagerly awaited evening with chart-topping county
musician Chris Young, who will perform holiday classics

and hits from his extensive discography with opening sets by

Dustin Lynch and Cassadee Pope. Although its called One
Voice Celebration, youll actually hear many, many voices on
December 16 and 17, when the power of gospel and contemporary-Christian music and the spirit of the season are shared by
members of more than a dozen churches and community choirs
from throughout the region.
Scooting, or rather flying, into 2107, the iWireless opens its
year of concert events with Twenty One Pilots, the January
29 showcase for Tyler Josephs and Josh Duns hip-hop and
indie-pop duo a partnership that, this summer, made them
the first alternative artists to have two concurrent top-10 singles
on the Billboard charts. On February 2, just when Midwesterners will likely need it the most, we get to take a figurative trip to
the Florida Georgia Line in a concert with the country-music
duo of Brian Kelley and Tyler Hubbard, who will no doubt play
number-one hits including Cruise, Stay, This Is How We
Roll, and their recent smash H.O.L.Y. And just before we
launch into spring, the iWireless springs into the country scene
even further via a March 3 engagement with the platinumselling, chart-topping Brantley Gilbert.
Thats a lot of music. But there will also be plenty of laughs at
the iWireless this winter, and if youre among his legion of fans,
theyll likely be tears-rolling-down-your-cheeks laughs when
comedian and ventriloquist supreme Jeff Dunham hits Moline
on February 8, bringing such cherished pals as Walter, Bubba
J., Peanut, and Jos Jalapeo along for the ride ... probably in
a very comfortable suitcase. iWireless giggles will blend with
amazed gasps when the Original Harlem Globetrotters bring
their basketball wizardry and court-specific comedy to family
audiences on January 7.
And while the clowns will offer their share of high jinks,
the animals and their handlers will provide the excitement
on January 27 and 28 in the ropin, buckin, rasslin touring
sensation Cinch Worlds Toughest Rodeo. I dont quite get that
name, though. Ive seen rodeo cowboys in action before, and
absolutely nothing they do should qualify as a cinch.
For more information on, and tickets to, the iWireless
Centers wintertime season of events, call (800)745-3000 or visit
iWirelessCenter.com. Mike Schulz

Jeff Dunham: Perfectly Unbalanced, an evening

with the nationally touring comedian and ventriloquist;
$36.50-49.50; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, iWireless
Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL, iWirelessCenter.com,
7:30pm Wed Feb 8
Akin to Murder, dinner and an interactive murder-

mystery comedy with the Its a Mystery troupe, written

by Patti Flaherty; $39.95 includes dinner and show;
for information and to reserve, call 563-344-9187,
Skellington Manor Banquet & Event Center, 420 18th St,
Rock Island IL, ItsAMysteryQC.com, 6pm Sat Feb 11

Murder in Paradise, dinner and an interactive

murder-mystery comedy with the Its a Mystery troupe,
written by Kim Eastland; $39.95 includes dinner and
show; for information and to reserve, call 563-344-9187,
Skellington Manor Banquet & Event Center, 420 18th St,
Rock Island IL, ItsAMysteryQC.com, 6pm Tue Feb 14
Etta May, an evening with the standup comedienne
and reigning Queen of Southern Sass; $25-30; for
tickets and information, call 309-786-7733 ext. 2, Circa
21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828 Third Ave., Rock Island IL,
Circa21.com, 7pm Thu Mar 2

Outlying Areas
November & December
Josh Blue, an evening with the touring standup
comedian; $25-27.50, two-drink minimum; for
information and tickets, call 319-362-8133, Penguins
Comedy Club, 208 2nd Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
PenguinsComedyClub.com, 7:30pm Wed Nov 23
Comedy Open Mic, on Wednesdays; 6:30pm sign-up,

7:30pm performances; for information, call 319-3630606, Penguins Comedy Club, 208 2nd Ave. SE, Cedar
Rapids IA, PenguinsComedyClub.com, Wed Nov 23 thru
Wed Dec 28

Isaac Witty, evenings sets with the touring standup

comedian; Fri. & Sat. 8pm; $12-15, two-drink minimum;
for information and tickets, call 319-362-8133, Penguins
Comedy Club, 208 2nd Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
PenguinsComedyClub.com, Fri Nov 25 and Sat Nov 26
Honeycombs of Comedy, on Mondays; $3-5; for

information, call 319-337-6464, Iowa City Yacht Club, 13

S Linn St, Iowa City IA, IowaCityYachtClub.org, 9pm Mon
Nov 28 thru Mon Dec 26

Derek Lengwenus, evenings sets with the touring

standup comedian; Fri. & Sat. 8pm; $15-17.50, two-drink
minimum; for information and tickets, call 319-362-8133,
Penguins Comedy Club, 208 2nd Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids
IA, PenguinsComedyClub.com, Fri Dec 2 and Sat Dec 3
Mark Poolos, evenings sets with the touring standup
comedian; Fri. & Sat. 8pm; $15-17.50, two-drink minimum;
for information and tickets, call 319-362-8133, Penguins

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

Comedy Club, 208 2nd Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
PenguinsComedyClub.com, Fri Dec 9 and Sat Dec 10

Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, FamilyMuseum.org,

10:30am Sat Dec 3

A Good Trip with Shane Mauss, an evening with the

Putnam Museum Guild Monthly Tea, this months

touring comedian and host of the Here We Are Podcast;

$12-15, The Mill, 120 E Burlington St, Iowa City IA,
ICMill.com, 9pm Sat Dec 17

January thru March

Honeycombs of Comedy, on Mondays; $3-5; for

information, call 319-337-6464, Iowa City Yacht Club, 13

S Linn St, Iowa City IA, IowaCityYachtClub.org, 9pm Mon
Jan 2 thru Mon Mar 13

Comedy Open Mic, on Wednesdays; 6:30pm sign-up,

7:30pm performances; for information, call 319-3630606, Penguins Comedy Club, 208 2nd Ave. SE, Cedar
Rapids IA, PenguinsComedyClub.com, Wed Jan 4 thru
Wed Mar 15

Brian Regan, an evening with the nationally touring

standup comedian; $42.50; for tickets, call 800-745-3000,
Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St. SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
ParamountTheatreCR.com, 7pm Sun Jan 29
The Second City: Were All in This Room Together,

improvised comedy, audience interaction, and

of-the-moment sketches and songs with the touring
comedians; $30-35; for tickets and information, call 319688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St, Iowa
City IA, Englert.org, 8pm Fri Feb 10 and Sat Feb 11

Hasan Minhaj: Homecoming King, an evening

with the touring humorist and The Daily Show

correspondent; $26.50; for tickets and information, call
319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington St,
Iowa City IA, Englert.org, 8pm Sat Feb 25



Birthplace Centennial Quilt Display, this piece in

the visitor center pays tribute to National Park units in

all 50 states, with each square representing a different
park; for information, call 319-643-2541, Herbert Hoover
National Historic Site, off I-80 at exit 254, West Branch IA,
NPS.gov/heho, thru Thu Dec 1

Timeless Toys at Christmas, the exhibit features 20

Christmas trees, each one decorated with a different

toy theme, including The Teddy Bear Tree, the Lincoln
Log Tree, the Barbie Tree, and more; 9am-5pm daily
(closed Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Day);
for information, call 319-643-5301, Herbert Hoover
Presidential Library & Museum, 210 Parkside Dr, West
Branch IA, Hoover.Archives.gov, thru Mon Jan 2

The Untold Story of Santa: Behind the White

Beard, a collaboration project between the GAHC and

two 7th grade classes at the Creative Arts Academy;

visitors will learn about the different types of Christmas
and representations of Santa across the world in an
exhibit on the themes History of Santa, Santa in
Germany, and Santa Around the World; Tue.-Sat.
10am-4pm, Sun. noon-4pm; free with $3-5 admission;
for information, call 563-322-8844, German American
Heritage Center, 712 W 2nd St, Davenport IA, GAHC.org,
thru Sun Jan 8

Voyage to Vietnam: Celebrating the Tet Festival,

discover the beauty, sights, and sounds of Vietnam;
immerse yourself in Vietnamese culture and traditions
as you try on a giant lion dance mask, pose for an
interactive family photo, and create a fireworks display;
free with $4-7 museum admission; for information, call
563-344-4106, Family Museum, 2900 Learning Campus
Dr, Bettendorf IA, FamilyMuseum.org, thru Sun Jan 15

Bus Trip to Christkindlmarkt in Des Moines,

explore the inaugural Des Moines Christkindlmarkt in

a trip that includes dinner at the Ox Yoke Inn in Amana;
$95-105; for information, call 563-322-8844, German
American Heritage Center, 712 W 2nd St, Davenport IA,
GAHC.org, 8am Fri Dec 2

Care Package Day, support those who serve and

protect us by putting together care packages for

our Armed Forces; bring in items and make a card to
express your appreciation; free with $4-7 admission; for
information, call 563-344-4106, Family Museum, 2900

program consists of Nathan Windt and the St. Ambrose

Bee Sharp Ensemble, followed by a short meeting of
the Guild and refreshments; free; for information, call
563-324-1933, Putnam Museum & Science Center, 1717 W
12th St, Davenport IA, Putnam.org, 1:30pm Thu Dec 8

Family Portrait Day, bring your family and camera,

and Family Museum staff and volunteers will help

you capture the perfect shot; there will also be the
opportunity to create a silhouette portrait of your child
as a keepsake; free with $4-7 admission; for information,
call 563-344-4106, Family Museum, 2900 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, FamilyMuseum.org, 10:30am
Sat Dec 10

Family Fun Night at the Putnam Museum, join

Putnam educators in our lobby for fun activities and
experience the museum and science center at night,
and watch Living in the Age of Airplanes in our Giant
Screen Theater; activities that take place in our Grand
Lobby are free to the public, but admission fees are
required to experience the museum, science center,
& theater; for information, contact Octavia HoutekierBoyd at 563-324-1933 or [email protected], Putnam
Museum & Science Center, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport IA,
Putnam.org, 5pm Fri Jan 20
The Kids Table, a fundraising evening of evening of

food, drinks, games, and fun, with local restaurants and

businesses offering samplings of food inspired by classic
kid food, drinks, desserts, live music, a silent auction, and
more; $50; for information, call 563-344-4106, Family
Museum, 2900 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
FamilyMuseum.org, 6:30pm Sat Mar 4

Showtime at Silvis: Black Friday Edition, screening
of a family movie about a young boy who accidentally
summons a vengeful spirit but who has a magical
instrument, a monkey, and a beetle for back-up; free; for
information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105
8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 1pm Fri Nov 25
Showtime at Silvis, screening of the family movie

about a blue fish who tries to find the family she forgot;
free; for information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public
Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 1pm
Sat Nov 26

Wes Craven Night, screenings of People Under the

Stairs, Shocker, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and
The Last House on the Left; free; for ages 17+; for
information, call 309-200-0978, Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third
Ave., Rock Island IL, RozzTox.com, 6pm Sat Nov 26

Breakfast at Tiffanys, screenings of the classic

Audrey Hepburn romance, Sun. & Wed. 2 & 7pm;

for information, call 563-441-0242, Rave Cinemas
Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St, Davenport
IA, Cinemark.com/theatre-1090, Sun Nov 27
and Wed Nov 30

The Philadelphia Story, screening of the Oscarwinning classic held in commemoration of the 30th
anniversary of co-star Gary Grants death in Davenport;
librarian Hedy Hustedde will provide brownies
using a Katharine Hepburn family recipe; free; for
information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 6:15pm Tue Nov 29
On Golden Pond, screening of the Oscar-winning

sunset-years comedy-drama; $2-5; for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 1pm
Tue Nov 29

Independent Movie Night, enjoy a film with a
discussion afterward; a nuanced account of desire,
greed and the value of human life in an age of rampant
capitalism and financial manipulation; may contain adult
content; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 5:30pm Thu Dec 1

2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader




2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

Met Opera: La Traviata Encore, Rave Cinemas


Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St, Davenport IA,

Cinemark.com/theatre-1090, 6:30pm Wed Mar 15


Mystery Movie Party, this all-ages movie party will

have tasty treats and a simple craft; bring a pillow or
a blanket with you to get extra cozy; for information,
call 563-289-4242 or e-mail [email protected],
LeClaire Community Library, 323 Wisconsin St, LeClaire
IA, LeClaireLibrary.org, 4:30pm Thu Dec 1

November & December

Quad City Mallards vs. Indy Fuel, minor-league
professional ice hockey; $10-28; for information and
tickets, call 309-277-1364, iWireless Center, 1201 River Dr,
Moline IL, MyQCMallards.net, 7pm Fri Nov 25

RiffTrax Holiday Special Double Feature, Michael

J. Nelson and the bots screen Santa Claus Conquers
the Martians and Christmas Shorts-stravaganza,
Rave Cinemas Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E
53rd St, Davenport IA, Cinemark.com/theatre-1090,
7pm Thu Dec 1

Turf Wars: Dodgeball Tournament, an arena-sized

tournament that will feature teams of 6-10 people with

boys and girls teams (3rd/4th, 5th/6th, 7th/8th, and high
school), co-ed adult teams, and an all-new Elite Division;
$120-150 team registration, U.S. Cellular Center, 370 1st
Ave NE, Cedar Rapids IA, 10am Sun Dec 4

Met Opera: Magic Flute Encore, Julie Taymors

hit production of Mozarts opera presented in a

shortened English-language version, Rave Cinemas
Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St, Davenport IA,
Cinemark.com/theatre-1090, 12:55pm Sat Dec 3

Quad City Mallards vs. Kalamazoo Wings, minorleague professional ice hockey; $10-28; for information
and tickets, call 309-277-1364, iWireless Center,
1201 River Dr, Moline IL, MyQCMallards.net, 6:30pm
Wed Dec 7

Recent Releases, enjoy popcorn and lemonade while

watching a new release on the big screen; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
- Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 2pm Fri Dec 9

Quad City Mallards vs. Fort Wayne Komets, minorleague professional ice hockey; $10-28; for information
and tickets, call 309-277-1364, iWireless Center, 1201
River Dr, Moline IL, iWirelessCenter.com, 6:35pm
Wed Dec 21

Met Opera: LAmour de Loin, Rave Cinemas

Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St, Davenport IA,

Cinemark.com/theatre-1090, 11:55am Sat Dec 10

Quad City Mallards vs. Tulsa Oilers, minor-league

professional ice hockey; $10-28; for information and
tickets, call 309-277-1364, iWireless Center, 1201 River Dr,
Moline IL, MyQCMallards.net, 7pm Fri Dec 23

From Here to Eternity, screenings of the 1953 Best

Picture winner; Sun. & Wed. 2 & 7 pm, Rave Cinemas

Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St, Davenport
IA, Cinemark.com/theatre-1090, Sun Dec 11 and
Wed Dec 14

George Takeis Allegiance on Broadway, Rave

Cinemas Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St,
Davenport IA, Cinemark.com/theatre-1090, 7:30pm
Tue Dec 13
Bolshoi Ballet: The Nutcracker, an HD screening

of Tchaikovskys classic holiday ballet, Rave Cinemas

Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St, Davenport IA,
Cinemark.com/theatre-1090, 12:55pm Sun Dec 18

Afternoon Classic Films, relax while Henry Fonda,

Audrey Hepburn, Rock Hudson, Katharine Hepburn,

and some of your all-time favorites deliver the glitter
and grit of yesteryears Hollywood; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern
Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 2pm Wed Dec 21

Met Opera: LAmour de Loin Encore, Rave Cinemas

Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St, Davenport IA,

Cinemark.com/theatre-1090, 6:30pm Wed Dec 21

Winter Break at the Movies, for information, call

Zaiga Thorsons Backyard @ Quad City Arts Center Gallery thru December 9
Disney Junior at the Movies With Mickey!, Rave

Cinemas Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St,

Davenport IA, Cinemark.com/theatre-1090, 10am Sat
Jan 14

and grit of yesteryears Hollywood; free; for information,

call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern
Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 2pm Wed Feb 15

Finding Dory, a screening of the animated hit in the

The Wild Life, a screening of the animated Robinson

Warm up with Winter Movies series; free; for information,

call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main
Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org,
2pm Mon Jan 16

Afternoon Classic Films, relax while Henry Fonda,

Audrey Hepburn, Rock Hudson, Katharine Hepburn,

and some of your all-time favorites deliver the glitter
and grit of yesteryears Hollywood; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern
Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 2pm Wed Jan 18

563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern

Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 2pm Tue Dec 27

Met Opera: Romo et Juliette, Rave Cinemas

Showtime at Silvis Christmas Movie, relax to a

holiday movie to ease you out of the holiday craze; free;
for information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library,
105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 3pm Tue Dec 27
and Wed Dec 28

Bolshoi Ballet: The Sleeping Beauty, an HD

screening of Tchaikovskys fairytale ballet, Rave Cinemas
Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St, Davenport IA,
Cinemark.com/theatre-1090, 11:55am Sun Jan 22

Independent Movie Night, enjoy a film with a

discussion afterward; an indictment of fundamentalist

faith and an articulation of one teens struggle to
define her own life; may contain adult content; free;
for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public
Library - Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 5:30pm Thu Jan 5

Met Opera: Nabucco, Rave Cinemas Davenport

53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St, Davenport IA,

Cinemark.com/theatre-1090, 11:55am Sat Jan 7

The Bowden Dynasty, Rave Cinemas Davenport

53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St, Davenport IA,
Cinemark.com/theatre-1090, 5pm Sun Jan 8
Met Opera: Nabucco Encore, Rave Cinemas

Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St, Davenport IA,

Cinemark.com/theatre-1090, 6:30pm Wed Jan 11

Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St, Davenport IA,

Cinemark.com/theatre-1090, 11:55am Sat Jan 21

Independent Movie Night, enjoy a film with a
discussion afterward; a hitman for the Sicilian Mafia
spares the life of the blind sister of one of his victims, and
their lives become inextricably linked; may contain adult
content; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 5:30pm Thu Feb 2
Bolshoi Ballet: Swan Lake, an HD screening of

Tchaikovskys ballet classic, Rave Cinemas Davenport

53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St, Davenport IA,
Cinemark.com/theatre-1090, 12:55pm Sun Feb 5

Hawaii & the South Pacific, 1 & 6pm screenings in the

museums World Adventure Series presented by Marlin
Darrah; $7-8.50; for tickets and information, call 563-3241933, Putnam Museum & Science Center, 1717 W 12th St,
Davenport IA, Putnam.org, Tue Feb 7

Afternoon Classic Films, relax while Henry Fonda,

Audrey Hepburn, Rock Hudson, Katharine Hepburn,
and some of your all-time favorites deliver the glitter

Crusue film in the Warm up with Winter Movies series;

free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 2pm Sat Feb 18

Iowa at the Movies, free; for information, call 563344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 6pm
Tue Feb 21
Met Opera: Rusalka, Rave Cinemas Davenport

53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St, Davenport IA,

Cinemark.com/theatre-1090, 11:55am Sat Feb 25

Met Opera: Rusalka Encore, Rave Cinemas

Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St, Davenport IA,

Cinemark.com/theatre-1090, 6:30pm Wed Mar 1

Independent Movie Night, enjoy a film with a

discussion afterward; Anne makes an unsettling

discovery: an old photo will cast doubt on her very
origins, as she uncovers a mysterious uncle her parents
welcomed into their lives after World War II; may contain
adult content; free; for information, call 309-732-7323,
Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th St,
Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 5:30pm Thu Mar 2

Met Opera: La Traviata, Rave Cinemas Davenport

53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St, Davenport IA, Cinemark.
com/theatre-1090, 11:55am Sat Mar 11
Mona Lisa Is Missing!, 1 & 6pm screenings in the
museums World Adventure Series presented by Joe
Medeiros; $7-8.50; for tickets and information, call 563324-1933, Putnam Museum & Science Center, 1717 W
12th St, Davenport IA, Putnam.org, Tue Mar 14
Afternoon Classic Films, relax while Henry Fonda,

Audrey Hepburn, Rock Hudson, Katharine Hepburn,

and some of your all-time favorites deliver the glitter
and grit of yesteryears Hollywood; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern
Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 2pm Wed Mar 15

Quad City Mallards vs. Indy Fuel, minor-league

professional ice hockey; $10-28; for information and
tickets, call 309-277-1364, iWireless Center, 1201 River Dr,
Moline IL, MyQCMallards.net, 6:30pm Wed Dec 28
Quad City Mallards vs. Missouri Mavericks, minorleague professional ice hockey; $10-28; for information
and tickets, call 309-277-1364, iWireless Center, 1201
River Dr, Moline IL, MyQCMallards.net, 7pm Fri Dec 30

Quad City Mallards vs. Fort Wayne Komets,

minor-league professional ice hockey; $10-28; for

information and tickets, call 309-277-1364, iWireless
Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL, MyQCMallards.net,
6:30pm Wed Jan 4

Quad City Mallards vs. Cincinnati Cyclones, minorleague professional ice hockey; $10-28; for information
and tickets, call 309-277-1364, iWireless Center, 1201
River Dr, Moline IL, MyQCMallards.net, 7pm Fri Jan 6

The Original Harlem Globetrotters, basketball

wizardry and comedy with the internationally touring
sports superstars; 4pm game, 2:30-3pm magic pass
time shooting, trying out ball tricks, and getting
autographs and photos with the team; $21-117; for
tickets, call 800-745-3000, iWireless Center, 1201 River Dr,
Moline IL, iWirelessCenter.com, 4pm Sat Jan 7
Quad City Mallards vs. Indy Fuel, minor-league
professional ice hockey; $10-28; for information and
tickets, call 309-277-1364, iWireless Center, 1201 River Dr,
Moline IL, MyQCMallards.net, 7pm Fri Jan 13
Quad City Mallards vs. Fort Wayne Komets, minorleague professional ice hockey; $10-28; for information
and tickets, call 309-277-1364, iWireless Center, 1201
River Dr, Moline IL, MyQCMallards.net, 7pm Sat Jan 14

Quad City Mallards vs. Tulsa Oilers, minor-league

professional ice hockey; $10-28; for information and
tickets, call 309-277-1364, iWireless Center, 1201 River Dr,
Moline IL, MyQCMallards.net, 1pm Mon Jan 16
Quad City Mallards vs. Missouri Mavericks, minorleague professional ice hockey; $10-28; for information
and tickets, call 309-277-1364, iWireless Center, 1201
River Dr, Moline IL, MyQCMallards.net, 7pm Fri Jan 20

February & March

Quad City Mallards vs. Rapid City Rush, minor-

league professional ice hockey; $10-28; for information

and tickets, call 309-277-1364, iWireless Center, 1201
River Dr, Moline IL, MyQCMallards.net, 7pm Sat Feb 4

2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

Walters Brothers Harley-Davidson Presents
International Xtreme Ice Racing, an evening of

Speedway bikes and quads modified to compete on an

indoor ice arena; $6-25; for tickets, call 800-745-3000,
Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL,
PeoriaCivicCenter.com, 7:30pm Thu Feb 9

Quad City Mallards vs. Kalamazoo Wings, minor-

league professional ice hockey; $10-28; for information

and tickets, call 309-277-1364, iWireless Center, 1201
River Dr, Moline IL, MyQCMallards.net, 7pm Fri Feb 10

Ohnward Fine Arts Center Festival of Trees, 12th

annual displays of decorated trees, family activities, live
music, and more; for information, call 563-652- 9815,
Ohnward Fine Arts Center, 1215 E Platt St, Maquoketa IA,
OhnwardFineArtsCenter.com, thru Sun Nov 27
The Magic of David Casas, on Wednesdays;

sleight-of-hand magic while you dine on Kids Night; for

information, call 563-355-9643, Applebees - Elmore,
3838 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA, DavidCasasMagic.com,
6pm Wed Nov 23 and Wed Nov 30

Quad City Mallards vs. Elmira Jackals, minorleague professional ice hockey; Sat. 7pm, Sun. 4
pm; $10-28; for information and tickets, call 309277-1364, iWireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL,
MyQCMallards.net, Sat Feb 11 and Sun Feb 12

Free Thanksgiving Dinner, if you would like to

Quad City Mallards vs. Cincinnati Cyclones, minor-

The Project of the Quad Cities Friday-Night

Dinner, on Fridays; $5/plate or $10/all you can eat; for

league professional ice hockey; $10-28; for information

and tickets, call 309-277-1364, iWireless Center, 1201
River Dr, Moline IL, MyQCMallards.net, 7pm Fri Feb 17

bring a dish to pass, please do, but it is not required; for

information, call 309-786-2631, Broadway Presbyterian
Church, 710 23rd St, Rock Island IL, BroadwayQC.org,
noon Thu Nov 24

information, call 309-762-5433, Marys on 2nd, 832 W 3rd

St, Davenport IA, TPQC.org, 5pm Fri Nov 25

Quad City Mallards vs. Kalamazoo Wings, minorleague professional ice hockey; $10-28; for information
and tickets, call 309-277-1364, iWireless Center, 1201
River Dr, Moline IL, MyQCMallards.net, 7pm Fri Feb 24

Small Business Saturday, annual Saturdayafter-Thanksgiving holiday-shopping event in

downtown LeClaire, Downtown LeClaire, LeClaire IA,
VisitLeClaire.com, Sat Nov 26

Quad City Mallards vs. Wichita Thunder, minorleague professional ice hockey; $10-28; for information
and tickets, call 309-277-1364, iWireless Center, 1201
River Dr, Moline IL, MyQCMallards.net, 4pm Sun Feb 26

Pioneer Village Christmas Walk, event featuring

Santa in the General Store, cookies & hot drinks for sale
in the Soda Fountain, music in the church, letters to
Santa, crafts, and games; free with food-bank donation;
for information, call 563-328-3283, Dan Nagle Walnut
Grove Pioneer Village, 18817 290th St, Long Grove IA,
ScottCountyIowa.com/conservation, noon Sun Nov 27

Quad City Mallards vs. Kalamazoo Wings, minorleague professional ice hockey; $10-28; for information
and tickets, call 309-277-1364, iWireless Center,
1201 River Dr, Moline IL, MyQCMallards.net, 6:30pm
Wed Mar 1
Quad City Mallards vs. Indy Fuel, minor-league
professional ice hockey; $10-28; for information and
tickets, call 309-277-1364, iWireless Center, 1201 River Dr,
Moline IL, MyQCMallards.net, 7pm Sat Mar 4
Quad City Mallards vs. Kalamazoo Wings, minor-

league professional ice hockey; $10-28; for information

and tickets, call 309-277-1364, iWireless Center,
1201 River Dr, Moline IL, MyQCMallards.net, 6:30pm
Wed Mar 15

Quad City Arts Festival of Trees, annual Quad City

Arts fundraiser featuring more than 100 designer trees

on display, 14 special events, the largest helium balloon
parade in the Midwest, childrens activities, visits from
Santa, and more; $3-10; for information, call 309-7931213, Davenport RiverCenter, 136 E 3rd St, Davenport IA,
QuadCityArts.com/festivaloftrees, thru Sun Nov 27

Wine Tasting, snacks included; $15; for information,

call 563-289-4156, The Faithful Pilot Cafe & Spirits, 117 N

Cody Rd, LeClaire IA, FaithfulPilot.com, 3pm Sun Nov 27

World AIDS Day Tasting Event, for information, call
309-762-5433, St. Ambrose University, 518 W Locust St,
Davenport IA, TPQC.org, Thu Dec 1

First Friday in LeClaire, featuring fun food and

The Project of the Quad Cities Friday-Night Dinner,

on Fridays; $5/plate or $10/all you can eat; for information,
call 309-762-5433, Marys on 2nd, 832 W 3rd St, Davenport
IA, TPQC.org, 5pm Fri Dec 2 thru Fri Dec 30

Canadian Pacific Railroads Holiday Train w/ Colin

James, the trains are decorated inside and out with

colorful lights and Christmas decorations, and Canadian

blues artist James will perform two Christmas songs and
an original; December 2 - Savanna 3:30pm, Muscatine
7:45pm; December 3 - Davenport 2pm, Clinton 3:30pm,
Bellevue 7pm, Dubuque 8:45pm, Vimeo.com/150278345,
Fri Dec 2 and Sat Dec 3

A Christmas Past, annual West Branch holiday

celebration; for information, call 319-643-2541., Herbert

Hoover National Historic Site, off I-80 at exit 254, West
Branch IA, NPS.gov/heho, Fri Dec 2 and Sat Dec 3

Believe Womens Christmas Event, an elegant

evening of music, drama, dance, dinner and dessert;

$10-12; for information, contact Marsha Garrow at
[email protected] or 563-391-4519, Community of Hope
Prince of Peace Church, 415 W 53rd St, Davenport IA,
POPQC.org/believe, 5:30pm Sat Dec 3

Christmas in LeClaire Ugly Christmas Sweater

5K Run/Walk, a 3.1 Mile family-friendly run or walk;

keep pets on a leash and strollers are welcome; afterrace party immediately following; $30 registration; for
information, contact Lori McFate at 563-940-7679 or
[email protected] or Anna Broders at 563-528-0152
or [email protected], Blackhawk Bank & Trust
- LeClaire, 323 S 2nd St, LeClaire IA, Facebook.com/
events/548886418621815, 10am Sat Dec 3

Christmas in Silvis, we will be in the downtown Police

and Fire Station making Christmas themed crafts; free;
for information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library,
105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 4:30pm Sat Dec 3
Nahant Marsh Nature Hike, join our naturalists for
a guided hike around the Marsh; trails are mostly flat
terrain; grab your binoculars or camera and explore the
wonder of the wetlands; $5-7; for information, call 563336-3370, Nahant Marsh, 4220 Wapello Ave., Davenport
IA, NahantMarsh.org, 9am Sat Dec 3

cocktail sampling at the Mississippi River Distilling Co.,

wine tasting at Wide River Winery, live music, restaurant
specials, and many shops open late, Downtown LeClaire
IA, VisitLeClaire.com, 5:30pm Fri Dec 2

Quad City Lip Sync Battle, monthly competition;

Viva La Divas Drag Show, featuring award-winning

Quad Cities Comic Con, event featuring over 50

artist tables, vendor booths, special guests, contests,
gaming tournaments, and more; $10/day, $15/weekend,
Davenport RiverCenter, 136 E 3rd St, Davenport IA,
RiverCtr.com, 10am Sat Dec 3 and Sun Dec 4

performers from across the Midwest; $10-12; for

tickets and information, call 309-786-7733 ext. 2, The
Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 Third Ave., Rock Island IL,
TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 8pm Fri Dec 2

Christmas in LeClaire, annual downtown holiday

celebration with vendors, a silent auction, childrens
activities, and more; Fri. & Sat. 10am-8pm, Sun. 10am4pm, Downtown LeClaire IA, VisitLeClaire.com, Fri Dec 2
3321 NOVA RiverCities - horizontal_Layout 1 11/15/2016
thru Sun Dec 411:15 AM Page 1

$10-12; for tickets and information, call 309-786-7733 ext.

2, The Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 Third Ave., Rock Island IL,
TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 8pm Sat Dec 3

19th Century Christmas, annual event at the center

and Deere-Wiman House, featuring live music, childrens
crafts, make-and-take activities, face painting, displays,
entertainers, refreshments, and a visit from Santa; free;
for information, call 309-743-2701, Butterworth Center,


1105 8th Street, Moline IL, ButterworthCenter.com, noon

Sun Dec 4

Tabletop Gaming: Games for Grown-ups, tabletop

games with a twist for classic grown-up gamers; join
the fun and meet some new people, play your favorite
tabletop games, and have the chance to learn a few
new ones; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000
Eastern Ave., Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
5:30pm Wed Dec 7

The Magic of David Casas, on Wednesdays;

sleight-of-hand magic while you dine on Kids Night; for

information, call 563-355-9643, Applebees - Elmore,
3838 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA, DavidCasasMagic.com,
6pm Wed Dec 7 thru Wed Dec 28

Blessing Tree Lighting with Wine/Beer Tasting,

visible from both sides of the river, each light, bow, or

ornament on the tree celebrates the life of someone
special; Santa will help us light the tree shortly after
6:30pm with the wine and beer tasting, sponsored by
Southern Glazers and Front Street; each guest will enjoy
a complimentary stemless wine glass, hors doeuvres,
and live music by Daniel Stratman; for information,
call 563-326-7504 or e-mail [email protected],
Gildas Club Quad Cities, 1234 E River Dr, Davenport IA,
GildasClubQC.org/blessing, 6:30pm Fri Dec 9

6th Annual Cookie Walk, with homemade cookies,

bars, and candies selling for $6/lb.; also with breads and
snack mixes, free coffee, cookie samples, and more; for
information, call 563-386-5278, New Hope Presbyterian
Church, 4209 W Locust St, Davenport IA, 9am Sat Dec 10
Card Tournaments Hosted by Thomas Perse,

card tournaments for any and all interested in Magic

the Gathering, Yu-Gi- Oh!, Pokmon, and others like
them; Perse and a few volunteers will be around to
referee and help those still learning how to play; free; for
information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105
8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 1pm Sat Dec 10

Family Outdoor eXplorations: New Years

Recyclution, learn about our local plant and animal

communities through hands-on activities; make a

resolution to be greener; learn clever tips on how to
reduce waste and ideas for upcycled projects; $3-7; for
information, call 563-336-3370, Nahant Marsh, 4220
Wapello Ave., Davenport IA, NahantMarsh.org, 10am
Sat Dec 10

Season of Light Planetarium Show, a multimedia

planetarium show that uses the planetarium sky
projector, astronomical images, music and narration,
all projected onto a 30-foot dome to tell the story of
how our holiday traditions are connected to the sky
above; free, but reservations required; Mon.-Fri. 7pm,
Sat. & Sun. 2pm; for information, e-mail Elizabeth
Plumb at [email protected], John Deere
Planetarium - Augustana College, 820 38th Street, Rock
Island IL, Helios.Augustana.edu/astronomy/season/
sol2016.html, Sat Dec 10 thru Fri Dec 16

w w w . n o v a s i n g e r s . c o m

Laura L. Lane

Founder and Music Director

For more information on this or any of our
other performances, contact Nova Singers at
309.341.7038 or email us at [email protected]

Friday 7:30pm, December 16, 2016

Saturday 7:30pm, February 18, 2017

St. Paul Lutheran Church, Davenport

First Lutheran Church, Galesburg

Saturday 7:30pm, December 17, 2016

Sunday 4:00pm, February 19, 2017

First Lutheran Church, Galesburg

St. Paul Lutheran Church, Davenport


season tickets also available through february 19



2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

CINCH Worlds Toughest Rodeo, the nations best
bucking broncs and bulls and the worlds toughest
cowboys will be featured in the latest and greatest
version of the touring sensation; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm; for
tickets, call 800-745-3000, U.S. Cellular Center, 370 1st
Ave NE, Cedar Rapids IA, USCellularCenter.com, 7:30pm
Fri Feb 10 and Sat Feb 11


Speakeasy Trivia Night with Mr. Trivia,

participants can bring food but no beverages, which

must be purchased at the venue; $10; for information
and to reserve, e-mail [email protected], The
Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 Third Ave., Rock Island IL,
TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 6pm Thu Dec 15

Card Tournaments Hosted by Thomas Perse,

card tournaments for any and all interested in Magic

the Gathering, Yu-Gi- Oh!, Pokmon, and others like
them; Perse and a few volunteers will be around to
referee and help those still learning how to play; free; for
information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105
8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 1pm Sat Feb 11

Manscape Male Burlesque Revue, male

burlesque revue hosted by Mac Deviller; $10-12; for
tickets and information, call 309-786-7733 ext. 2, The
Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 Third Ave., Rock Island IL,
TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 8pm Fri Dec 16

Speakeasy Trivia Night with Mr. Trivia,

Ugly Sweater Party, holiday party with a performance

by The Stone Flowers; for information, call 563-3237225, K & Ts Bike Rack Sports Bar & Grill, 3303 Brady St,
Davenport IA, 9pm Fri Dec 16

participants can bring food but no beverages, which

must be purchased at the venue; $10; for information
and to reserve, e-mail [email protected], The
Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 Third Ave., Rock Island IL,
TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 6pm Thu Feb 16

The Wine Experience, this experience is designed

QCCA Fishing, Hunting, and Outdoor Adventure

Show, featuring vendors, seminars, and guest speakers

including Tommy Skarlis; Thu. 4-8pm, Fri. noon-8pm,
Sat. 9am-8pm, Sun. 10am-4pm; $1-8; for information,
call 309-788-5912, QCCA Expo Center, 2621 4th Ave.,
Rock Island IL, QCCAExpoCenter.com, Thu Feb 16 thru
Sun Feb 19

to educate while taking you on a tour through the

universe of wine; for information, call 563-289-4156, The
Faithful Pilot Cafe & Spirits, 117 N Cody Rd, LeClaire IA,
FaithfulPilot.com, 6:30pm Thu Dec 29

Bottoms Up Quad City Burlesque: New Years

Eve, ring in the new year with the area performers and
comedians; for information and tickets, call 309-7867733 ext. 2, The Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 Third Ave.,
Rock Island IL, TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, Sat Dec 31

Tabletop Gaming: Games for Grown-ups, tabletop

Alex Iaccarino poster art @ Bucktown Center

for the Arts thru December 31
must be purchased at the venue; $10; for information
and to reserve, e-mail [email protected], The
Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 Third Ave., Rock Island IL,
TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 6pm Thu Jan 19

games with a twist for classic grown-up gamers; join

the fun and meet some new people, play your favorite
tabletop games, and have the chance to learn a few new
ones; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave.,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 5:30pm Wed Jan 4

St. Ambrose University Trivia Night, $64-80/table;

for information, contact Paige Nagle at 563-333-6285
or [email protected], Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose
University, 518 W Locust St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 6pm
Sat Jan 21

Viva La Divas Drag Show, featuring award-winning

The Wine Experience, this experience is designed

50th Annual Bald Eagle Days, annual weekend

Champagne on the Rocks, 15th-annual WQPT

performers from across the Midwest; $10-12; for

tickets and information, call 309-786-7733 ext. 2, The
Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 Third Ave., Rock Island IL,
TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 8pm Fri Jan 6

featuring seminars, presentations, bald-eagle

watches, and more; Fri. 4-8pm, Sat. 10am-8pm, Sun.
10am-5pm; $1-6; for information, call 309-788-5912,
QCCA Expo Center, 2621 4th Ave., Rock Island IL,
QCCAExpoCenter.com, Fri Jan 6 thru Sun Jan 8

The Project of the Quad Cities Friday-Night

Dinner, on Fridays; $5/plate or $10/all you can eat; for
information, call 309-762-5433, Marys on 2nd, 832 W
3rd St, Davenport IA, TPQC.org, 5pm Fri Jan 6 thru
Fri Jan 27

Card Tournaments Hosted by Thomas Perse,

card tournaments for any and all interested in Magic

the Gathering, Yu-Gi- Oh!, Pokmon, and others like
them; Perse and a few volunteers will be around to
referee and help those still learning how to play; free; for
information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105
8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 1pm Sat Jan 14

Martin Luther King Celebration, an annual

community celebration and musical tribute in honor of

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the event will include music,
dance, and awards; free; for information, contact Connor
Kealey at 309-794-7323 or connorkealey@augustana.
edu, Centennial Hall, Augustana College, 3703 7th Ave.,
Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/arts, 6pm Sat Jan 14

QC Farm & Equipment Show,featuring seminars and

vendors from over 200 ag companies; Sun. 10am-5pm,
Mon. 9am-5pm, Tue. 9am-3pm; free; for information,
call 309-788-5912, QCCA Expo Center, 2621 4th Ave.,
Rock Island IL, QCCAExpoCenter.com, Sun Jan 15
thru Tue Jan 17

Cirque Dreams: Jungle Fantasy, an exotic encounter

inspired by natures unpredictable creations brought
to life by an international cast of soaring aerialists,
spine-bending contortionists, acrobats, jugglers
and musicians; $48-63; for tickets, call 800-745-3000,
Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St. SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
ParamountTheatreCR.com, 7:30pm Tue Jan 17

Speakeasy Trivia Night with Mr. Trivia,

participants can bring food but no beverages, which

to educate while taking you on a tour through the

universe of wine; for information, call 563-289-4156, The
Faithful Pilot Cafe & Spirits, 117 N Cody Rd, LeClaire IA,
FaithfulPilot.com, 6:30pm Thu Jan 26
fundraiser featuring dinner, live music, live and silent
auctions, cocktails with Downton Abbey flair, and
more; $100; for tickets and information, call 563324-5284, Davenport Outing Club, 2109 N Brady St,
Davenport IA, WQPT.org, 6pm Fri Jan 27

CINCH Worlds Toughest Rodeo, the nations best

bucking broncs and bulls and the worlds toughest
cowboys will be featured in the latest and greatest
version of the touring sensation; $19.50-60; for tickets,
call 800-745-3000, iWireless Center, 1201 River Dr,
Moline IL, iWirelessCenter.com, 7:30pm Fri Jan 27 and
Sat Jan 28

Tabletop Gaming: Games for Grown-ups, tabletop

games with a twist for classic grown-up gamers; join

the fun and meet some new people, play your favorite
tabletop games, and have the chance to learn a few new
ones; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern
Ave., Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 5:30pm
Wed Feb 1

Quad Cities Home Builders 40th Annual Home

Show, Thu. preview 5-7pm, Fri. noon-8pm, Sat. 10am-

8pm, Sun. 10am-4pm; Thu. preview $20-25, Fri.-Sun.

$5-8, ages 16 & under free; for information, call 309-7885912, QCCA Expo Center, 2621 4th Ave., Rock Island IL,
QCCAExpoCenter.com, Thu Feb 2 thru Sun Feb 5

Viva La Divas Drag Show, featuring award-winning

performers from across the Midwest; $10-12; for
tickets and information, call 309-786-7733 ext. 2, The
Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 Third Ave., Rock Island IL,
TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 8pm Fri Feb 3

The Project of the Quad Cities Friday-Night

Dinner, on Fridays; $5/plate or $10/all you can eat;

for information, call 309-762-5433, Marys on 2nd,

832 W 3rd St, Davenport IA, TPQC.org, 5pm Fri Feb 3
thru Fri Feb 24

The Wine Experience, this experience is designed

to educate while taking you on a tour through the

universe of wine; for information, call 563-289-4156, The
Faithful Pilot Cafe & Spirits, 117 N Cody Rd, LeClaire IA,
FaithfulPilot.com, 6:30pm Thu Feb 23

QCCA RV/Camping Show, Fri. noon-8pm, Sat. 10am-

8pm, Sun. 10am-4pm; $1-8; for information, call 309-7885912, QCCA Expo Center, 2621 4th Ave., Rock Island IL,
QCCAExpoCenter.com, Fri Feb 24 thru Sun Feb 26

Tabletop Gaming: Games for Grown-ups, tabletop

games with a twist for classic grown-up gamers; join

the fun and meet some new people, play your favorite
tabletop games, and have the chance to learn a few new
ones; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern
Ave., Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 5:30pm
Wed Mar 1

Viva La Divas Drag Show, featuring award-winning

performers from across the Midwest; $10-12; for
tickets and information, call 309-786-7733 ext. 2, The
Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 Third Ave., Rock Island IL,
TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 8pm Fri Mar 3

The Project of the Quad Cities Friday-Night

Dinner, on Fridays; $5/plate or $10/all you can eat; for
information, call 309-762-5433, Marys on 2nd, 832 W
3rd St, Davenport IA, TPQC.org, 5pm Fri Mar 3 and
Fri Mar 10

Circus Oz, Australias National Circus infuses Down

Under energy into a high flying art form; Fri. 7:30pm, Sat.
2pm; $10-45; for information, call 319-335-1160, Hancher
Auditorium, 101 East Park Rd., Iowa City IA, Hancher.
UIowa.edu, Fri Mar 3 and Sat Mar 4

24th Annual Red Ribbon Dinner, fundraiser hosted

by the Project of the Quad Cities; for information, call

309-762-5433, Radisson Quad City Plaza Hotel, 111 E 2nd
St, Davenport IA, TPQC.org, Sat Mar 4

Hanchers Culinary Arts: Oasis, join your family and

friends for a unique dining experience in a beautiful

setting; $40; for information, call 319-335-1160, Hancher
Auditorium, 101 East Park Rd., Iowa City IA, Hancher.
UIowa.edu, 5pm Wed Mar 8

4th Annual Big Bacon Bonanza, bacon-themed

fundraiser for Churches United of the Quad Cities, with

vendors, tastings, music, and more; for information, call
563-676-9472 or e-mail Meredith Dennis at mdennis@
cuqca.org, Davenport RiverCenter, 136 E 3rd St,
Davenport IA, CUQCA.org, 4pm Sat Mar 11

Card Tournaments Hosted by Thomas Perse,

card tournaments for any and all interested in Magic

the Gathering, Yu-Gi- Oh!, Pokmon, and others like
them; Perse and a few volunteers will be around to
referee and help those still learning how to play; free; for
information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105
8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 1pm Sat Mar 11

November & December
China Inside Out, presented by the World Affairs

Council of the Quad Cities; returning from a five-week

study abroad program in China, during which the
speaker travels together with 80 Augustana College
students extensively in China, Dr. Xiaowen Zhang
will present her observations of the most up-to-date
challenges that China faces today; Dr. Zhang will
offer her evaluation of the future of Chinas role in the
world based on these observations; for information,
e-mail [email protected], Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
WACQuadCities.org, 7pm Tue Nov 22

TechKnow Help, learn & ask questions about a variety

of technology-related topics; each session will begin

with a short presentation followed by time where a
librarian will be available to answer questions help
troubleshoot devices; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 5pm Tue Nov 22

Pearl Harbor 75th Anniversary, a special

presentation on the history of this day by historian Jim
Gibbons; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 2pm Mon Nov 28
Breakfast Nature Club: Woodland Mammals and
Tracks, learn the secret life of Iowas wildlife as we
explore the characteristics and adaptations of a group
of local flora and fauna; a continental breakfast with
coffee, juice, and tea is included, and feel free to bring
your own coffee mug or travel container; participants
are encouraged to join in a coffee talk after and
share stories of wildlife encounters and anything
nature-related; $7-10; for information, call 563-3363370, Nahant Marsh, 4220 Wapello Ave., Davenport IA,
NahantMarsh.org, 8am Fri Dec 2

The Apotheosis of Valentinian II: Ambrose of

Milans Funeral Oration, the Saint Ambrose of Milan

Lecture; free; for information, contact Ethan Gannaway,

PhD at 563-333-5823 or [email protected],
Christ the King Chapel - St. Ambrose University, 518 W
Locust St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 4pm Sun Dec 4

Life Along the Mississippi River, monthly

presentation in which we will discover and celebrate

the Mississippi River and the countless ways it serves
as a lifeline to Mid-America; free w/ $2-6 admission; for
information, call 309-794-0991, Quad City Botanical
Center, 2525 4th Ave., Rock Island IL, QCGardens.com,
6pm Tue Dec 13

Spellbinding Sirens: Bawdy Mamas, Priestesses,

and Torch Singers from the 1920s-Present, a Trax

from the Stax presentation with area musician Erin

Moore; attendees can expect to hear artists from Cat
Power to Nina Simone to Ma Rainey to Joni Mitchell;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 7:30pm Thu Dec 15

TechKnow Help, learn & ask questions about a variety

of technology-related topics; each session will begin

with a short presentation followed by time where a
librarian will be available to answer questions help
troubleshoot devices; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 5pm Tue Dec 27

January & February

The Syrian Refugee Crisis: An Eyewitness
Perspective, a presentation by the Wold Affairs

Council of the Quad Cities, presented by Dr. Majdi Omar,

MD, pediatrician; free, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, WACQuadCities.org,
7pm Tue Jan 24

A History of the Jewish Community in the Quad

Cities, a Lifelong Learner Lunch with presenter Dr. Art

Pitz; designed for those age 55 and older, but learners

of all ages are welcome; 11:30am lunch, 12:15pm
presentation; $23; for information, call 309-796-8223, TriCity Jewish Center, 2715 30th St, Rock Island IL, BHC.edu,
11:30am Wed Feb 15

A Shakespeare Symposium, free; for information,

contact Nancy Hayes at 563-333-6138 or HayesNancyP@

sau.edu, Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose University, 518 W
Locust St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 1pm Thu Feb 16

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

#BlackLivesMatters: the Birth of a New Civil Right
Movement?, a presentation by the Wold Affairs Council

of the Quad Cities, presented by Nusrat Choudhury,

American Civil Liberties Union; free, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
WACQuadCities.org, 7pm Tue Feb 28

Words Like Daggers: Violent Female Speech in
Shakespeare, the Womens History Month Lecture is given

by Kirilka Stavreva, PhD, Cornell College; free; for information,

contact Katy Strzepek at 563-333-6113 or StrzekKatyA@sau.
edu, Rogalski Center - St. Ambrose University, 518 W Locust
St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 7pm Thu Mar 2

301 Avenue of the Cities, East Moline IL, BHC.edu/

computers, 5:30pm Mon Nov 28

ESL Conversation Circle, practice speaking

English with volunteer ESL Conversation Leaders; for

information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library,
3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6pm
Tue Nov 29

OneDrive, $40; for information and to register, call 309796-8223, Black Hawk College Adult Learning Center,
4610 Blackhawk Commons Dr, Rock Island IL, BHC.edu/
computers, 8:30am Tue Nov 29


The Fractured Middle East; Part I, lecture by Dr.

Arthur Pitz in partnership with the Davenport Public
Library and the Jewish Federation oi the Quad Cities;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 6:30pm Mon Mar 6

Building Effective Teams, this workshop will examine

issues and develop strategies for team building within
your organization; $495; for information, contact
Stacy Banfield at 563-333-5720 or [email protected], SAU
Downtown Education Center, 331 W 3rd St, Suite # 140,
Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 8:30am Thu Dec 1 and Fri Dec 2

Romancing the Bard, the Woodrow Wilson Visiting

Fellow Lecture; free; for information, contact Lance
Sadlek at 563-333-6252 or [email protected],
Galvin Fine Arts Center, St. Ambrose University, 2101 N
Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 7pm Tue Mar 7

Managing Project Communication, learn tools

The Fractured Middle East; Part II, lecture by Dr.

Arthur Pitz in partnership with the Davenport Public
Library and the Jewish Federation oi the Quad Cities;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 6:30pm Mon Mar 13
The Irish in the Quad Cities, a Lifelong Learner

Lunch with presenter Dr. Maryan Wherry; designed

for those age 55 and older, but learners of all ages are
welcome; 11:30am lunch, 12:15pm presentation; $23;
for information, call 309-796-8223, Rogalski Center - St.
Ambrose University, 518 W Locust St, Davenport IA,
BHC.edu, 11:30am Tue Mar 14

Chinese Culture, Nov. 23 & 30; $28; for information

and to register, call 309-796-8223, Black Hawk

College - Quad City Campus, 6600 34th Ave., Moline IL,
BHC.edu/communityed, 10am Wed Nov 23

Getting Started with Your Computer Workshop

(Windows 7), $48; for information and to register,

call 309-796-8223, Black Hawk College Adult Learning

Center, 4610 Blackhawk Commons Dr, Rock Island IL,
BHC.edu/computers, 8:30am Mon Nov 28

iPad: Beginner, $20; for information and to register,

call 309-796-8223, Black Hawk College Outreach Center,

2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

managers into leaders by creating the skills necessary
to meet todays business challenges and turn vision into
reality $1,295; for information, contact Stacy Banfield at
563-333-5720 or [email protected], SAU Downtown Education
Center, 331 W 3rd St, Suite # 140, Davenport IA, SAU.edu,
8am Mon Jan 9

importance of serving while also leading; $495; for

information, contact Stacy Banfield at 563-333-5720 or
[email protected], SAU Downtown Education Center, 331 W
3rd St, Suite # 140, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 8:30am Wed
Feb 15 and Thu Feb 16

Email for Everyone, in this workshop, you will work

are invited; for information, contact Hilary Callas at

563-333-6300 or e-mail [email protected], Rogalski Center
- St. Ambrose University, 518 W Locust St, Davenport IA,
SAU.edu, 8am Mon Feb 20

at your own pace to learn about email, then get help

from a librarian to set up your own account; free; for
information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 2pm Wed Jan 11

Building Collaboration and Managing Conflict,

for newly appointed supervisors, managers, and

professionals as well as for individuals with management
potential; learn how to skyrocket the effectiveness of
a team and minimize unproductive conflict, and youll
take away practical techniques to address expected
and unexpected behaviors, MRA - Iowa/Western Illinois
Division, 3800 Avenue of the Cities, Suite 100, Moline
IL, MRANet.org/training-events/training/buildingcollaboration-and-managing-conflict, Tue Jan 17

and approaches for influencing outcomes, negotiating

results and managing conflicts; $695; for information,
contact Stacy Banfield at 563-333-5720 or [email protected],
SAU Downtown Education Center, 331 W 3rd St, Suite
# 140, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 8:30am Tue Dec 6 and
Wed Dec 7

PaCE Information Night, learn more about the variety

of programs and classes offered by Black Hawk College
Professional and Continuing Education; for information,
call 309-796-8223, Black Hawk College Adult Learning
Center, 4610 Blackhawk Commons Dr, Rock Island IL,
BHC.edu/pace, 4:30pm Tue Jan 24

Building Collaboration and Managing Conflict,

Leading Change and Putting It All Together,

for newly appointed supervisors, managers, and

professionals as well as for individuals with management
potential; learn how to skyrocket the effectiveness of
a team and minimize unproductive conflict, and youll
take away practical techniques to address expected
and unexpected behaviors, MRA - Iowa/Western Illinois
Division, 3800 Avenue of the Cities, Suite 100, Moline
IL, MRANet.org/training-events/training/buildingcollaboration-and-managing-conflict, Tue Dec 13

Learn to Use Microsoft Word, with instructor

Judi Sarafin; learn how to start a document, format
the text, do page layout, and save and print it; free;
for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 2pm Wed Dec 14
Straight Talk: Crucial Conversations for Project
Managers, this course provides participants

opportunity to gain skills required to successfully

communicate with others in difficult project situations;
$395; for information, contact Stacy Banfield at 563-3335720 or [email protected], SAU Downtown Education Center,
331 W 3rd St, Suite # 140, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 8:30am
Thu Dec 15

Leadership through People Skills, thru Jan. 13; an

intensive, five-day learning experience that transforms


for newly appointed supervisors, managers, and

professionals as well as for individuals with management
potential looking for in-depth strategies with practical
application; this module addresses the challenge
of initiating and shepherding change, focusing on
techniques to communicate with and engage those
affected; learn the best practices for dealing with
unintended consequences of change and how to avoid
the tug-of-war that can occur when change is poorly
managed, MRA - Iowa/Western Illinois Division, 3800
Avenue of the Cities, Suite 100, Moline IL, MRANet.org/
training-events/training/leading-change-and-puttingit-all-together, Tue Jan 31

February & March

Leadership Communicaton, focus on

communication issues confronted in organizations;

$495; for information, contact Stacy Banfield at 563-3335720 or [email protected], SAU Downtown Education Center,
331 W 3rd St, Suite # 140, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 8:30am
Wed Feb 1 and Thu Feb 2

Grant Writing Workshop, $199; for information,

contact Stacy Banfield at 563-333-5720 or [email protected],

SAU Downtown Education Center, 331 W 3rd St, Suite #
140, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 8:30am Mon Feb 6

Servant Leadership, the goal of this two-day

workshop is to develop leaders who recognize the

Student Visit Day, high school and transfer students

Cooking with Catalina, learn how to make

homemade chocoflan and Mexican mosiac jello; recipe

sheets will be given out along with samples; free;
for information, call 563-289-4242 or e-mail library@
leclaireiowa.gov, LeClaire Community Library, 323
Wisconsin St, LeClaire IA, LeClaireLibrary.org, 1pm
Sat Mar 11

Leadership through People Skills, thru Mar. 17; an

intensive, five-day learning experience that transforms

managers into leaders by creating the skills necessary
to meet todays business challenges and turn vision into
reality $1,295; for information, contact Stacy Banfield at
563-333-5720 or [email protected], SAU Downtown Education
Center, 331 W 3rd St, Suite # 140, Davenport IA, SAU.edu,
8am Mon Mar 13

Weekly & Bi-Weekly
Centering Prayer, on Tuesdays; meeting consisting

of experience, education, and sharing, with time for

educational enrichment in the conceptual background
to Centering Prayer, and ending with experience-based
sharing on the prayer and its effects in daily life; for
information, contact Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or
[email protected], or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at 563221-1982 or [email protected], Grace Lutheran Church,
1140 E High St, Davenport IA, noon thru Tue Dec 27

Fireside Knitters, on Tuesdays; enjoy knitting and

crocheting by the fireside at this fun weekly event;

volunteers are there to help you learn how to knit, and
supplies are provided; all knitted items are donated
to local charities; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount
St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 6:30pm
thru Tue Mar 14

Centering Prayer, on the 2nd & 4th Tue. of the month;

meeting consisting of experience, education, and

sharing, with time for educational enrichment in the
conceptual background to Centering Prayer, and ending
with experience-based sharing on the prayer and its
effects in daily life; for information, contact Dick Jensen
at 563-349-2542 or [email protected], or Rev.
Stephanie Haskins at 563-221-1982 or pastor@macqc.
org, Jesus Christ Prince of Peace Catholic Church, 1105
LaMetta Wynn Dr, Clinton IA, 3pm thru Tue Dec 27



2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

Weekly & Bi-Weekly

Centering Prayer, on the 2nd & 4th Tue. of the

month; meeting consisting of experience, education,

and sharing, with time for educational enrichment in
the conceptual background to Centering Prayer, and
ending with experience-based sharing on the prayer
and its effects in daily life; for information, contact
Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or rrjensen65@gmail.
com, or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at 563-221-1982 or
[email protected], Prairiewoods Franciscan Center, 120
E Boyson Rd, Hiawatha IA, 5:30pm thru Tue Dec 27

Centering Prayer, on Wednesdays; meeting consisting

of experience, education, and sharing, with time for

educational enrichment in the conceptual background
to Centering Prayer, and ending with experience-based
sharing on the prayer and its effects in daily life; for
information, contact Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or
[email protected], or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at 563221-1982 or [email protected], Maquoketa Area Family
YMCA, 500 E Summit St, Maquoketa IA, 7:30am Wed Nov
23 thru Wed Dec 28

Adult Children of Alcoholics, on Wednesdays; a

meeting of the 12-step, 12-tradition program of men

and women who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise
dysfunctional homes; for information, contact Marcia
563-355-1162 or [email protected], St. Paul
Lutheran Church - Davenport, 2136 Brady St, Davenport
IA, 6pm Wed Nov 23 and Wed Nov 30

Centering Prayer, on Wednesdays; meeting consisting

of experience, education, and sharing, with time for

educational enrichment in the conceptual background
to Centering Prayer, and ending with experience-based
sharing on the prayer and its effects in daily life; for
information, contact Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or
[email protected], or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at 563221-1982 or [email protected], Christ the King Catholic
Church, 3205 60th St, Moline IL, 9am Wed Nov 23 thru
Wed Dec 28

Centering Prayer, on Wednesdays; meeting consisting

of experience, education, and sharing, with time for
educational enrichment in the conceptual background
to Centering Prayer, and ending with experience-based
sharing on the prayer and its effects in daily life; for
information, contact Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or
[email protected], or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at
563-221-1982 or [email protected], St. Mary Monastery,
2200 88th Ave West, Rock Island IL, 1pm Wed Nov 23
thru Wed Dec 28

Centering Prayer, on the 2nd & 4th Wed. of the month;

meeting consisting of experience, education, and sharing,

with time for educational enrichment in the conceptual
background to Centering Prayer, and ending with
experience-based sharing on the prayer and its effects in
daily life; for information, contact Dick Jensen at 563-3492542 or [email protected], or Rev. Stephanie Haskins
at 563-221-1982 or [email protected], Maquoketa United
Church of Christ, 206 E Platt St, Maquoketa IA, 6:15pm
Wed Nov 23 thru Wed Dec 28

sharing on the prayer and its effects in daily life; for

information, contact Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or
[email protected], or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at
563-221-1982 or [email protected], Our Lady of Lourdes
Catholic Church, 1506 Brown St, Bettendorf IA, 9am Mon
Nov 28 thru Mon Dec 26

Centering Prayer, on Mondays; weekly meeting

dedicated to educational enrichment and the Christian

contemplative heritage, with experience-based sharing
on prayer and its effects in daily life; for information,
contact Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or rrjensen65@
gmail.com, or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at 563-221-1982,
Christ Episcopal Church - Burlington, 623 N 5th St,
Burlington IA, 5:15pm Mon Nov 28 thru Mon Dec 26

Centering Prayer, on the 2nd & 4th Mon. of the

month; meeting consisting of experience, education,

and sharing, with time for educational enrichment in
the conceptual background to Centering Prayer, and
ending with experience-based sharing on the prayer
and its effects in daily life; for information, contact
Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or rrjensen65@gmail.
com, or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at 563-221-1982 or
[email protected], Mercy Hospital, 500 E Market, Iowa
City IA, 7pm Mon Nov 28 thru Mon Dec 26

Centering Prayer, on Thursdays; meeting consisting

of experience, education, and sharing, with time for

educational enrichment in the conceptual background
to Centering Prayer, and ending with experience-based
sharing on the prayer and its effects in daily life; for
information, contact Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or
[email protected], or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at 563221-1982 or [email protected], St. Paul Lutheran Church
- Davenport, 2136 Brady St, Davenport IA, 6pm Thu Dec
1 thru Thu Dec 29

Centering Prayer, on Thursdays; meeting consisting

of experience, education, and sharing, with time for

educational enrichment in the conceptual background
to Centering Prayer, and ending with experience-based
sharing on the prayer and its effects in daily life; for
information, contact Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or
[email protected], or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at
563-221-1982 or [email protected], St. Andrew Church,
333 W Lotte St, Blue Grass IA, 1pm Thu Dec 1 thru Thu
Dec 29

Independent Scholars Evening, on Thursdays; a

free-standing, public forum for the support of area

scholars and interested co-learners; refreshments
provided, cash bar available; free; for information,
call 309-762-9202 or e-mail [email protected],
Moline Commercial Club, 1530 5th Ave., Moline IL,
QCInstitute.org, 7pm Thu Dec 1 thru Thu Mar 9

Centering Prayer, on Thursdays; meeting consisting

of experience, education, and sharing, with time for

educational enrichment in the conceptual background
to Centering Prayer, and ending with experience-based
sharing on the prayer and its effects in daily life; for
information, contact Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or
[email protected], or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at
563-221-1982 or [email protected], Maquoketa United
Church of Christ, 206 E Platt St, Maquoketa IA, 7pm Thu
Dec 1 thru Thu Dec 29

House Church Meeting, on Saturdays; join the a

non-denominational, ecumenical, ecology-minded, allfaith group that supports one another, prays together,
helps one another, and helps the community; for
information, e-mail [email protected]
or [email protected], or call 563-508-1852, Sat
Nov 26 thru Sat Dec 31

Adult Children of Alcoholics, on Saturdays; a

meeting of the 12-step, 12-tradition program of men
and women who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise
dysfunctional homes; for information, contact Ralph at
563-355-4599 or [email protected], St. Paul Lutheran
Church - Davenport, 2136 Brady St, Davenport IA, 10am
Sat Dec 3 thru Sat Dec 31

Centering Prayer, on Mondays; meeting consisting

Centering Prayer, on the 2nd & 4th Thu. of the

of experience, education, and sharing, with time for

educational enrichment in the conceptual background
to Centering Prayer, and ending with experience-based
sharing on the prayer and its effects in daily life; for
information, contact Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or
[email protected], or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at
563-221-1982 or [email protected], Grace Lutheran
Church, 1140 E High St, Davenport IA, 6pm Mon Nov 28
thru Mon Dec 26

East Moline/Silvis Kiwanis Club, on Mondays; help

celebrate the clubs 60th anniversary of community
service; for information, contact Mike Laufenberg at
[email protected], Genesis Medical Center,
Silvis, 855 Illini Dr, Silvis IL, Kiwanis.org, 6pm Mon Nov 28
thru Mon Dec 26
Centering Prayer, on Mondays; meeting consisting

of experience, education, and sharing, with time for

educational enrichment in the conceptual background
to Centering Prayer, and ending with experience-based

month; meeting consisting of experience, education,

and sharing, with time for educational enrichment
in the conceptual background to Centering Prayer,
and ending with experience-based sharing on the
prayer and its effects in daily life; for information,
contact Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or rrjensen65@
gmail.com, or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at 563-221-1982
or [email protected], Holy Family Catholic Church,
1923 N Fillmore, Davenport IA, 1:30pm Thu Dec 8 thru
Thu Dec 22

Ignite Quad Cities Open Coffee, on the 2nd & 4th

Thu. of the month; pitch your business idea, get help
on developing your business model, find out ways to
get more business, or meet a mentor - join us for open
conversation over coffee, The Creative Collective,
225 E 2nd Street, Suite 203, Davenport IA, Meetup.
com/Quad-Cities-Open-Coffee, 8am Thu Dec 8 thru
Thu Dec 22

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

November & December

Ignite Quad Cities Open Coffee, pitch your business
idea, get help on developing your business model, find
out ways to get more business, or meet a mentor - join
us for open conversation over coffee, The Creative
Collective, 225 E 2nd Street, Suite 203, Davenport
IA, Meetup.com/Quad-Cities-Open-Coffee, 8am
Thu Nov 24
Adult Children of Alcoholics, a meeting of the 12step, 12-tradition program of men and women who grew
up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes; for
information, contact Ralph at 563-355-4599 or Rcb77@
mchsi.com, St. Paul Lutheran Church - Davenport, 2136
Brady St, Davenport IA, 10am Sat Nov 26
Quad Cities Computer Society Meeting, guests can
attend the Beginners SIG (Special Interest Group) which
meets at 5:30pm just before the main meeting; free; for
information, call 309-764-5570 or e-mail joseph85_us@
yahoo.com, Butterworth Center, 1105 8th Street, Moline
IL, QCS.org, 7pm Mon Dec 5
PluggedIn, offers the chance for musicians, sound

engineers, talent buyers, and anyone else in the music

community to meet; whether youre a flourishing
guitarist looking for a group to jam with, a sound
engineer looking for extra work, or a local talent buyer
looking to book the next show, pluggedIn offers a
place to do just that; for information, call 563-3261333, The Redstone Room, 129 Main St, Davenport IA,
RiverMusicExperience.org, 7pm Wed Dec 7

Happy, a Quad Cities Institute of Noetic Sciences

meeting; Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning

Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, ; free; for information,
contact Christine at [email protected] or 563-332-7259,
Noetic.org, 6:30pm Thu Dec 8

Bettendorf Public Library Board of Trustees

Meeting, free; for information, call 563-344-4175,

Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus

Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 4:30pm
Thu Dec 8

Popular Astronomy Club Meeting, visitors and

prospective members welcome; for information, call

Wayland at 563-332-4032 or Alan at 309-797-3120,
John Deere Planetarium - Augustana College, 820 38th
Street, Rock Island IL, PACAstronomy.50megs.com, 7pm
Mon Dec 12

Friends of the Silvis Library Meeting, find out what

you can do to help this group and the library; free; for
information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105
8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 6pm Tue Dec 13

Centering Prayer, meeting consisting of experience,

education, and sharing, with time for educational

enrichment in the conceptual background to Centering
Prayer, and ending with experience-based sharing on
the prayer and its effects in daily life; for information,
contact Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or rrjensen65@
gmail.com, or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at 563-221-1982 or
[email protected], First Baptist Church of Iowa City, 500
N Clinton St, Iowa City IA, 8:45am Sat Dec 17

Mississippi Valley Country & Western Music

Association Dance, bring your instrument, jam with

us, sing your song; for information, contact Robert Kunz

at [email protected] or 309-740-8126, East Moline
American Legion, 829 16th Ave., East Moline IL, 6pm
Mon Dec 19

Quad Cities Astronomical Society Membership

Meeting, location TBA; for information, e-mail

[email protected], QCAS.org, 6:30pm Mon Dec 19

QCMUG (Quad Cities Macintosh Users Group)

Meeting, with a special program/presentation on

Macintosh Applications or hardware, and an Open

Forum Q&A period where members help other
Macintosh users solve problems and improve their
computer skills; $24/year membership, guests welcome,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, QCMUG.org, 6:30pm Tue Dec 20

Rock Island County Democratic Women Meeting,

5pm social time, 5:30pm meeting; location TBD; for

information, contact Tammy R. Weikert at 309-781-7584,
5pm Wed Dec 21

Quad City Engineering & Science Council (QCESC)

Meeting, for information, e-mail [email protected],

Hamilton Technical College, 1011 E 53rd St, Davenport IA,

QCESC.org, 6pm Wed Dec 21

January thru March

PluggedIn, offers the chance for musicians, sound

engineers, talent buyers, and anyone else in the music

community to meet; whether youre a flourishing
guitarist looking for a group to jam with, a sound
engineer looking for extra work, or a local talent buyer
looking to book the next show, pluggedIn offers a
place to do just that; for information, call 563-3261333, The Redstone Room, 129 Main St, Davenport IA,
RiverMusicExperience.org, 7pm Wed Jan 4

The Painting, a Quad Cities Institute of Noetic Sciences

meeting; Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, ; free; for information,
contact Christine at [email protected] or 563-3327259, Noetic.org, 6pm Thu Jan 12

LeClaire Chamber of Commerce Annual Awards

Dinner, Steventons, 1399 Eagle Ridge Rd, LeClaire IA,
Steventons.com, Sat Jan 28

PluggedIn, offers the chance for musicians, sound

engineers, talent buyers, and anyone else in the music

community to meet; whether youre a flourishing
guitarist looking for a group to jam with, a sound
engineer looking for extra work, or a local talent buyer
looking to book the next show, pluggedIn offers a
place to do just that; for information, call 563-3261333, The Redstone Room, 129 Main St, Davenport IA,
RiverMusicExperience.org, 7pm Wed Feb 1

PluggedIn, offers the chance for musicians, sound

engineers, talent buyers, and anyone else in the music

community to meet; whether youre a flourishing
guitarist looking for a group to jam with, a sound
engineer looking for extra work, or a local talent buyer
looking to book the next show, pluggedIn offers a
place to do just that; for information, call 563-3261333, The Redstone Room, 129 Main St, Davenport IA,
RiverMusicExperience.org, 7pm Wed Mar 1

Habitat for Humanity Quad Cities Annual Dinner

and Celebration, for information, call 563-359-9066,
St. Paul Lutheran Church - Davenport, 2136 Brady St,
Davenport IA, HabitatQC.org, 5:30pm Sat Mar 11

Weekly & Bi-Weekly
Aqua Combo, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from

6-6:45pm; a moderate-intensity class in shallow and

deep water; $6/visit, $64-68 for a 20-visit pass; for
information, call 309-796-5601, BHC Community Aquatic
Center, 6600 34th Ave, Moline IL, BHC.edu/aquatic, thru
Thu Dec 29

Evening Meditation Class, on Tuesdays; find

inner peace, reduce stress, and find solutions to the

problems of daily life; includes an explanation of the
benefits of meditation, how to meditate, and guided
meditation; $5-10; for information, call 563-322-1600,
Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave., Rock Island IL,
MeditateInIowa.org, 6:45pm thru Tue Dec 27

Open Lap Swim, on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday;

$4-5, $10/family of four or more; $35-90 swim passes for

20 visits; for information, call 309-796-5601, Black Hawk
College - Community Aquatic Center, 6600 34th Avenue,
Moline IL, BHC.edu/swim, 4pm thru Thu Dec 29

Health Navigator Assistance with Genesis, on

Wednesdays; visit with the team that assists individuals
and families with the enrollment process based on
the applicants needs; with information on insurance
options at different price points and different coverage;
one-on-one appointments are also available by calling
563-421-3675 or 563-421-3675, Moline Public Library,
3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 9am Wed
Nov 23 thru Wed Jan 25
Aqua Motion, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
from 11-11:45am; a moderate-intensity class in shallow
water; $6/visit, $64-68 for a 20-visit pass; for information,
call 309-796-5601, BHC Community Aquatic Center, 6600
34th Ave, Moline IL, BHC.edu/aquatic, 11am Wed Nov 23
thru Fri Dec 30
Mid-Day Mindfulness Class, on Wednesdays; find
inner peace, reduce stress, and find solutions to the
problems of daily life; includes an explanation of the
benefits of meditation, how to meditate, and guided
meditation; $5-10; for information, call 563-322-1600,
Lamrim Kadampa Buddhist Center, 502 1/2 3rd St,

2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar


Davenport IA, MeditateInIowa.org, noon Wed Nov 23

thru Wed Dec 28

Open Lap Swim, on Wednesdays; $4-5, $10/family

of four or more; $35-90 swim passes for 20 visits; for

information, call 309-796-5601, Black Hawk College Community Aquatic Center, 6600 34th Avenue, Moline
IL, BHC.edu/swim, 4pm Wed Nov 23 thru Wed Mar 15

Yoga: All Levels, on Wednesdays; $12 drop-in, $11

for six or more classes; private lessons also available;
for information and to reserve a spot, call 563-7262623 or e-mail [email protected], Yoga
by Promoting Wellness, 1401 Belle Ave., Davenport
IA, PromotingWellness.net, 5:30pm Wed Nov 23 thru
Wed Dec 28
Yoga for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain, on
Fridays; $12 drop-in, $11 for six or more classes; private
lessons also available; for information and to reserve
a spot, call 563-726-2623 or e-mail mississippipearl@
hotmail.com, Yoga by Promoting Wellness, 1401 Belle
Ave., Davenport IA, PromotingWellness.net, 10am Fri
Nov 25 thru Fri Dec 30
Genesis Health Insurance Navigators, on Fridays;
visit with the team that assists individuals and families
with the enrollment process based on the applicants
needs; with information on insurance options at
different price points and different coverage; oneon-one appointments are also available by calling
563-421-3675 or 563-421-3675, Jackson County
Regional Medical Center, 700 W Grove St, Maquoketa IA,
GenesisHealth.com, 9am Fri Nov 25 thru Fri Dec 30
Open Lap Swim, on Saturdays; $4-5, $10/family

of four or more; $35-90 swim passes for 20 visits; for

information, call 309-796-5601, Black Hawk College Community Aquatic Center, 6600 34th Avenue, Moline IL,
BHC.edu/swim, 11:15am Sat Nov 26 thru Sat Dec 31

Zumba, on Saturdays; Latin-inspired fitness infused

with international beats and todays hits; an excellent

workout for all ages; $6, Rock Island Fitness and Activity
Center, 4303 24th St, Rock Island IL, Facebook.com/
Tika.Zumba, 9:30am Sat Nov 26 thru Sat Dec 31

Kids Meditation Class, on Sundays; find inner peace,

reduce stress, and find solutions to the problems of
daily life; includes an explanation of the benefits of
meditation, how to meditate, and guided meditation;
$5-10; for information, call 563-322-1600, Lamrim
Kadampa Buddhist Center, 502 1/2 3rd St, Davenport IA,
MeditateInIowa.org, 11am Sun Nov 27 thru Sun Dec 18
Meditation Class, on Sundays; find inner peace,

reduce stress, and find solutions to the problems of

daily life; includes an explanation of the benefits of
meditation, how to meditate, and guided meditation;
$5-10; for information, call 563-322-1600, Lamrim
Kadampa Buddhist Center, 502 1/2 3rd St, Davenport IA,
MeditateInIowa.org, 11am Sun Nov 27 thru Sun Dec 18

Qigong Class, on Sundays; a system of integration

and energy work that unites mind, body, and breath to

promote health and well-being; suggested donation $5/
class or $20/month; for information, call 309-200-0978,
Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third Ave., Rock Island IL, RozzTox.com,
9:30am Sun Nov 27 thru Sun Dec 18

Genesis Health Insurance Navigators, on Mondays;

visit with the team that assists individuals and families
with the enrollment process based on the applicants
needs; with information on insurance options at different
price points and different coverage; one-on-one
appointments are also available by calling 563-4213675 or 563-421-3675, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, GenesisHealth.com,
9am Mon Nov 28 thru Mon Dec 26
Genesis Health Insurance Navigators, on Mondays;
visit with the team that assists individuals and families
with the enrollment process based on the applicants
needs; with information on insurance options at different
price points and different coverage; one-on-one
appointments are also available by calling 563-421-3675
or 563-421-3675, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library,
401 19th St, Rock Island IL, GenesisHealth.com, 1:30pm
Mon Nov 28 thru Mon Dec 26
Lunchtime Yoga: Intermediate Level, on Mondays;

$12 drop-in, $11 for six or more classes; private lessons

also available; for information and to reserve a spot, call
563-726-2623 or e-mail [email protected],
Yoga by Promoting Wellness, 1401 Belle Ave., Davenport
IA, PromotingWellness.net, 12:15pm Mon Nov 28 thru
Mon Dec 26

Abraham.In.Motion @ Hancher Auditorium January 27


Englert Theatre and Hancher Auditorium

November through March

eres how much of an isolated movie nerd I am. Art

Garfunkel is coming to Iowa City this winter. Yo-Ya Ma is
coming to Iowa City this winter. The world-renowned Joffrey
Ballet is coming to Iowa City this winter. And of all the fantastic
events taking place at Iowa Citys Englert Theatre and Hancher
Auditorium this season, which one am I most psyched about
attending? The screening of a 2014 movie that I already own.
But dont rush to judge! The film in question, which is being
shown at the Englert on March 1, is not only Best Picture
winner Birdman, but is being presented in the special concert
event BiRDMAN LiVE, with the movies Grammy-winning
percussion score performed on-site by composer and jazz
drummer Antonio Sanchez. If you, too, have seen this visually
stunning backstage comedy, you know what that means: two
nearly full hours of propulsive and exhilarating percussion
music that drives the narrative like few scores ever do. But even
beyond this exciting avian treat, the Englert and Hancher have
plenty on their winter schedules to make an Iowa City trek
totally worth the flight. (Although you might as well just drive;
its only a two-hour round trip, for Petes sake.)
Without question, one of the Englerts musical highlights this
season will be January 14s area visit by folk singer/songwriter
Art Garfunkel, the Grammy-winning, chart-topping legend
who has released a dozen acclaimed solo albums apart from
those recorded during his iconic partnership with Paul Simon.
Yet theres also more music on the Englerts wintertime lineup:
acoustic folk rock with The Weepies (November 26), composed
of married singer/songwriters Steve Tannen and Deb Talen;
holiday-themed funk and groove in Euforquestras Home
for the Holidays (December 22); jazz, pop, and rock with the
YouTube sensations of Scott Bradlees Postmodern Jukebox
(January 25); classical chamber compositions with an indie-pop
twist in yMusic (January 28); alternative country rock courtesy
of the Georgia-based Drive-By Truckers (January 29); and jazz
fusion with the Victor Wooten Trio (March 8), led by its fivetime-Grammy-winning namesake.
If youre in the mood for comedy, the Englert will provide
it with a pair of sure-to-be-riotous touring engagements: the

improvisational and sketch-comedy masters of The Second

City in their latest presentation Were All in This Room
Together (February 10 and 11), and a popular Daily Show correspondent describing his personal quest for the American
Dream in Hasan Minhaj: Homecoming King (February 25).
Meanwhile, ballet dancers take to the Englert stage when
members of the Nolte Academy present their annual rendition
of Tchaikovskys The Nutcracker (December 9 through 11) the
holiday classic that will also be performed at Iowa Citys neighboring Hancher Auditorium a week prior in the esteemed Joffrey
Ballets own Nutcracker performances (December 1 through 4).
If your hunger for dance isnt sated by the Tchaikovsky,
Hancher has another pair of thrilling events on its wintertime
lineup: touring dancer/choreographer Kyle Abraham exploring
identity and social justice in his new work Abraham.In.Motion
(January 27), and the celebration of southeast-Asian culture
Soil (February 8 and 9), featuring pieces both choreographed
and performed by dancers Chey Chankethya, Waewdao
Sirisook, and Nguyen Nguyen. Youll also find dancing in a
pair of beloved stage musicals coming to Hancher this winter:
a brand-new take on Rodgers & Hammersteins timeless The
Sound of Music (January 31 through December 5) directed
by three-time Tony winner Jack OBrien, and the farewell
tour of that ber-catchy ode to ABBA that is Mamma Mia!
(February 25 and 26).
And theres still more coming to Hancher Ma more, in fact,
when the peerless cello master Yo-Yo Ma performs from his
dynamic, expansive repertoire on March 5. But therell also be a
Schubert and Chopin recital with master pianist Emmanuel Ax
(December 6), and Western swing with Asleep at the Wheels
holiday concert Merry Texas Christmas, Yall! (December
9), and classical compositions with the Cleveland Orchestra
(January 20) and the Ying Quartet with Billy Childs (February
11), and astounding acrobatics with the wizards of Circus Oz
(March 3 and 4) ... .
Oh, and I see theres a special Hancher concert with Inuit
throat singer Tanya Tagaq on February 16, in which shell
lend her haunting vocalizations to ... a screening of the 1922
documentary classic Nanook of the North! Isolated movie
nerds rejoice!
For more information on the wintertime season at Iowa
Citys Englert Theatre, call (319)688-2653 or visit Englert.org,
and for more on the citys Hancher Auditorium, call (319)3351160 or visit Hancher.Uiowa.edu. Mike Schulz



2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

Weekly & Bi-Weekly

Genesis Health Insurance Navigators, on Tuesdays;

visit with the team that assists individuals and families
with the enrollment process based on the applicants
needs; with information on insurance options at
different price points and different coverage; one-onone appointments are also available by calling 563-4213675 or 563-421-3675, Visiting Nurse Association, 611 N
2nd St, Clinton IA, GenesisHealth.com, 9am Tue Nov 29
thru Tue Dec 27
Buddhism Series Class with Meditation, on

Thursdays; find inner peace, reduce stress, and find

solutions to the problems of daily life; includes an
explanation of the benefits of meditation, how to
meditate, and guided meditation; $5-10; for information,
call 563-322-1600, Lamrim Kadampa Buddhist Center,
502 1/2 3rd St, Davenport IA, MeditateInIowa.org,
6:30pm Thu Dec 1 thru Thu Dec 29

Genesis Health Insurance Navigators, on

Thursdays; visit with the team that assists individuals
and families with the enrollment process based on
the applicants needs; with information on insurance
options at different price points and different coverage;
one-on-one appointments are also available by calling
563-421-3675 or 563-421-3675, Fairmount Street Library,
3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA, GenesisHealth.com,
1pm Thu Dec 1 thru Thu Dec 29

Healthy, Happy Holidays, join Lynette Pritchard

of VIM Today and Stephanie Burrough of QC Colon

Hydrotherapy as they share the best ways stay healthy
before, during, and after the holidays by choosing
healthy foods and using colon hydrotherapy to keep
your body balanced; for information, call 309-2350764 or e-mail [email protected],
QC Colon Hydrotherapy, 150 16 1/2 St, Rock Island IL,
QCColonHydrotherapy.com, 6:30pm Wed Dec 7

Open Spaces: Music, Movement, & Wellness, yoga

and flow arts for both musicians and beginners, with

stretches that loosen and relax muscles commonly used
during performances or practices; with an hour of yoga
led by Nora Coyne-Logan followed by flow arts led by
Nikki Jones; $5, ages 12 & underfree; for information,
call 563-326-1333, RME (River Music Experience), 129 N
Main St, Davenport IA, RiverMusicExperience.org, 6pm
Wed Dec 7

Quad Cities Parkinson Support Group, the public is

welcome; for information, call 563-549-7890, Ridgecrest

Village, 4130 Northwest Blvd, Davenport IA, 10am Sat
Dec 17

Meditation Retreat, in this guided retreat the timeless

wisdom of Buddha will answer the questions we have

been asking about life and help us find a new direction;
$5 per hour-long session, $20 per day, or $35 for entire
retreat; for information, call 563-322-1600, Lamrim
Kadampa Buddhist Center, 502 1/2 3rd St, Davenport IA,
MeditateInIowa.org, Sat Dec 17 and Sun Dec 18

Genesis Health Care Health Insurance Navigators,

navigators will be available to offer assistance to those
needing to sign up for health insurance using the health
exchange; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 9am Mon Dec 19

New Year, New You: An Alternative New Years

Eve Celebration, start the year with the determination
to transform yourself by improving your mind, and get
ready for your best year yet; 8-9pm public talk with
meditation, 9-11pm party with snacks & non-alcoholic
beverages, 11pm-midnight prayer & mantras; free;
for information, call 563-322-1600, Lamrim Kadampa
Buddhist Center, 502 1/2 3rd St, Davenport IA,
MeditateInIowa.org, 8pm Sat Dec 31

January thru March

Open Spaces: Music, Movement, & Wellness, yoga
and flow arts for both musicians and beginners, with
stretches that loosen and relax muscles commonly used
during performances or practices; with an hour of yoga
led by Nora Coyne-Logan followed by flow arts led by
Nikki Jones; $5, ages 12 & underfree; for information,
call 563-326-1333, RME (River Music Experience), 129 N

Paper Bird @ The Redstone Room - December 8

Main St, Davenport IA, RiverMusicExperience.org, 6pm
Wed Jan 4

Genesis Health Care Health Insurance

Navigators, on Mondays; navigators will be

available to offer assistance to those needing to sign

up for health insurance using the health exchange;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf
IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 9am Mon Jan 9 thru
Mon Jan 23

From Cancer to Health, Thursdays thru Feb. 16; the

six-week program teaches strategies to help manage

stress, ways to lessen the impact of physical symptoms
of cancer, and skills to cope with common problems
faced by people with cancer; free; for information, call
563-326-7504 or e-mail [email protected], Iowa
State University Extension and Outreach, 1514 Isett Ave.,
Muscatine IA, GildasClubQC.org, 10am Thu Jan 12

Health Care Career Programs: An Overview, this

informational session will give prospective students
information on Black Hawk College Professional and
Continuing Education health care programs such
as Medical Receptionist, Medical Scribe, Medical
Terminology, EKG Technician, Home Health Care,
Phlebotomy Technician, Physical Therapy Aide,
Pharmacy Technician and Animal Care Assistant;
instructors will be available for a brief overview of the
various programs; free, but registration required; for
information, call 309-796-8223, Black Hawk College
Health Sciences Center, 6600 34th Ave., Moline IL,
BHC.edu, 5pm Tue Jan 24

Open Spaces: Music, Movement, & Wellness, yoga

and flow arts for both musicians and beginners, with

stretches that loosen and relax muscles commonly used
during performances or practices; with an hour of yoga
led by Nora Coyne-Logan followed by flow arts led by
Nikki Jones; $5, ages 12 & underfree; for information,
call 563-326-1333, RME (River Music Experience), 129 N
Main St, Davenport IA, RiverMusicExperience.org, 6pm
Wed Feb 1

Meditation Workshop, the Lamrim Kadampa

Buddhist Center will instruct attendants on meditation
techniques and their benefits; free; for information, call
309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL,
SilvisLibrary.org, 6pm Mon Mar 13

Weekly & Bi-Weekly

Cribbage, on Wednesdays; $2-4; for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 1pm
Wed Nov 23 thru Wed Mar 15

Canasta, on Tuesdays; $2-4; for information, call

Energizing Yoga, on Wednesdays; $7-9; for

Ceramics II, on Tuesdays; $7-11/session, $9-12/all day;

for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for
Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, thru Tue Mar 14

Pinochle, on Wednesdays; $2-4; for information, call

Crocheting & Knitting Volunteer Class, on

TOPS Meeting, on Wednesdays; the Taking Off Pounds

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W

Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 1pm thru
Tue Mar 14

Tuesdays; make hats, scarfs, and mittens for children

and the homeless; donations of yarn and other
knitting needs accepted; free; for information, call
563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 12:30pm
thru Tue Mar 14

Line Dancing Free Lessons, on Tuesdays; for

information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for
Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 8:30am thru Tue Mar 14
Line Dancing I, on Tuesdays; $3-5; for information, call
563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9am thru
Tue Mar 14
Billiards, Mon.-Fri.; $1-2; for information, call 563-

386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W

Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 8am thru
Wed Mar 15

Low-Impact Exercise, Mon.-Fri.; $3-5; for information,

call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035
W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9am
thru Wed Mar 15

Senior Computer Tech, on Tuesdays; $5-7; for

information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for

Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 1pm thru Tue Mar 14

Bunco, on Wednesdays; $2-4; for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W

Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 2pm
Wed Nov 23 thru Wed Mar 15

information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for

Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 2pm Wed Nov 23 thru Wed Mar 15
563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 1pm
Wed Nov 23 thru Wed Mar 15

Sensibly Group; 11:30am weigh-in, noon meeting; $1-2;

for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for
Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 11:30am Wed Nov 23 thru Wed Mar 15

Tai Chi Chun, on Wednesdays; $24-36/6 weeks;

for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for
Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 10:25am Wed Nov 23 thru Wed Mar 15
Zumba Gold, on Wednesdays; $3-5; for information,
call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035
W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9am
Wed Nov 23 thru Wed Mar 15
Personal Reflexology, on Wed. & Thu. by

appointment only, with Janet Latchaw; $20; for

information, call 563-349-5832, CASI (Center for
Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 1pm Wed Nov 23 thru Thu Mar 15

Bingo, on Fridays; for information, call 563-386-7477,

CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road,
Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 12:30pm Fri Nov 25 thru
Fri Mar 10
Bridge, on Mondays & Fridays; $2-4; for information, call
563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 12:30pm
Fri Nov 25 thru Mon Mar 13

Ceramics I & II, on Fridays; $7-9; for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W

Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9:30am
Fri Nov 25 thru Fri Mar 10

2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 1,300 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

Euchre, on Thursdays & Fridays; $2-4; for information,

call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors),

1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org,
12:45pm Fri Nov 25 thru Fri Mar 10

Golden Tones Chorus Practice, on Fridays; $2-4;

for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for
Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 9am Fri Nov 25 thru Fri Mar 10
Senior Theatre, on Fridays; $2-4; for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W

Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 10:30am
Fri Nov 25 thru Fri Mar 10

Zumba Toning, on Fridays; $3-5; for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W

Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 7:45am
Fri Nov 25 thru Fri Mar 10

Ceramics I, on Mondays; $9-11; for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9:30am
Mon Nov 28 thru Mon Mar 13
Shuffleboard, on Mondays; $2-4; for information, call
563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 2:15pm
Mon Nov 28 thru Mon Mar 13

Ugly Quilts, on Mondays; no sewing experience

necessary; free; for information, call 563-386-7477,
CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road,
Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 8am Mon Nov 28 thru
Mon Mar 13
Zumba Gold Toning, on Mondays; $3-5; for

information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for

Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 10:15am Mon Nov 28 thru Mon Mar 13

New Horizons Band Practice, on Thursdays; $2-4;

for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for

Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 12:30pm Thu Dec 1 thru Thu Mar 9

Adult Coloring Group, bring your own coloring

book and colors; coffee and snacks will be provided;

$2; for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for
Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 10am Mon Nov 28

Lunch and Learn: Oral and Heart Health, Keriann

Wilder from the Scott County Health Department will

present how to keep your eyes and your heart healthy
while you enjoy a light lunch; presented by Eye Surgeons
Associates; $2-5; for information, call 563-386-7477,
CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road,
Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 11am Mon Nov 28

On Golden Pond, screening of the Oscar-winning

sunset-years comedy-drama; $2-5; for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 1pm
Tue Nov 29

Coffee & Art with Jean, learn how to mix and layer

colors with local artist Jean Johnson; no experience

is necessary and all materials are supplied; $25-30;
for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for
Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 9:30am Tue Nov 29

Bob Ross Painting Class, join the artist/instructor

as you paint the Ross painting A Spectacular View;

$25-30; for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center
for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 9:30am Wed Nov 30

Low Vision Support Group, for information, call
563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 10am
Thu Dec 1
Blood Pressure Screening, Shingles Screening, &
Medication Review, for information, call 563-386-

7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly

Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9am Thu Dec 8

Zumba Gold, on Thursdays; $3-5; for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9:30am
Thu Dec 1 thru Thu Mar 9

Caregivers Support Group, free; for information, call

Evening Bingo, on the 1st & 3rd Wed. of the month;

Blood Pressure Check, on Tuesdays; free; for

information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for
Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 9am Tue Dec 13

5:30pm doors, 6pm early-bird bingo; minimum cost $10/

pack; 50/50 raffles, early, middle and late bird games,
and a progressive jackpot; no food or drinks allowed;
for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for
Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 5:30pm Wed Dec 7 thru Wed Mar 15

Holiday Bake Sale, the bakers at CASI are hard at work

baking cookies, cakes, and breads for you to buy the

perfect holiday treat; for information, call 563-386-7477,
CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road,
Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 8:30am Tue Nov 22

Thanksgiving Luncheon, presented by the Jaycees

of the Quad Cities; door prizes will be given away, and
there will be a 50/50 raffle as well; dessert presented by
Jersey Ridge Place; centerpieces presented by Flowers
by Staacks; $7-9; for information, call 563-386-7477,
CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road,
Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 11am Tue Nov 22
Grief Support Group, for information, call 563386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9:30am
Wed Nov 23
TRIAD (Reducing Crime Against Seniors), for

information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for

Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 9:30am Wed Nov 23

Hope for the Holidays, guest speaker Genesis

Hospital Chaplain Carol Kelly shares how to face the
holiday season when dealing with grief, and assists
anyone with the grieving process; for information, call
563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9am
Wed Nov 23

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W

Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 10:30am
Mon Dec 12

Grief Support Group, for information, call 563386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9:30am
Wed Dec 14
Senior Outreach Off-Site Checkout, the LeClaire

Community Library will be partnering with the

Milestones Senior Meal Center to provide off-site item
checkout; for information, call 563-289-4242 or e-mail
[email protected], First Presbyterian Church LeClaire, 200 S 12th St, LeClaire IA, LeClaireLibrary.org,
11:45am Wed Dec 14

TRIAD (Reducing Crime Against Seniors), for

information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for

Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 9:30am Wed Dec 28


Blood Pressure Screening, Shingles Screening, &

Medication Review, for information, call 563-386-

7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly

Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9am Thu Feb 9

Caregivers Support Group, free; for information, call

Caregivers Support Group, free; for information, call
563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 10:30am
Mon Jan 9

Senior Outreach Off-Site Checkout, the LeClaire

Community Library will be partnering with the

Milestones Senior Meal Center to provide off-site item
checkout; for information, call 563-289-4242 or e-mail
[email protected], First Presbyterian Church LeClaire, 200 S 12th St, LeClaire IA, LeClaireLibrary.org,
11:45am Wed Jan 11

Stroke Awareness, a program in the Lifelong

Learning series sponsored by Home Bound Healthcare;

for information, call 563-289-4242 or e-mail library@
leclaireiowa.gov, LeClaire Community Library, 323
Wisconsin St, LeClaire IA, LeClaireLibrary.org, 10am
Thu Jan 12

Blood Pressure Screening, Shingles Screening, &

Medication Review, for information, call 563-386-

7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly

Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9am Thu Jan 12

Blood Pressure Screening, Shingles Screening, &

Medication Review, for information, call 563-386-

7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly

Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9am Thu Jan 19

Grief Support Group, for information, call 563386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9:30am
Wed Jan 25
TRIAD (Reducing Crime Against Seniors), for

information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for

Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 9:30am Wed Jan 25

Senior Day: Peter Fletcher, New York-based classical

guitarist Peter Fletcher will perform; refreshments will

be provided after the program; free; for information, call
563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com,
1:30pm Thu Jan 26


563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W

Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 10:30am
Mon Feb 13

Blood Pressure Screening, Shingles Screening, &

Medication Review, for information, call 563-386-

7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly

Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9am Thu Feb 16

Grief Support Group, for information, call 563386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9:30am
Wed Feb 22
TRIAD (Reducing Crime Against Seniors), for

information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for

Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 9:30am Wed Feb 22

Senior Day, free; for information, call 563-344-4175,

Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus
Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 1:30pm
Thu Feb 23

Senior Outreach Off-Site Checkout, the LeClaire

Community Library will be partnering with the

Milestones Senior Meal Center to provide off-site item
checkout; for information, call 563-289-4242 or e-mail
[email protected], First Presbyterian Church LeClaire, 200 S 12th St, LeClaire IA, LeClaireLibrary.org,
11:45am Wed Mar 8

Blood Pressure Screening, Shingles Screening, &

Medication Review, for information, call 563-386-

7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly

Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9am Thu Mar 9

Ways to Reduce Stress, a program in the Lifelong

Learning series sponsored by Home Bound Healthcare;
for information, call 563-289-4242 or e-mail library@
leclaireiowa.gov, LeClaire Community Library, 323
Wisconsin St, LeClaire IA, LeClaireLibrary.org, 10am
Thu Mar 9
Caregivers Support Group, free; for information, call
563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 10:30am
Mon Mar 13

Senior Outreach Off-Site Checkout, the LeClaire

Community Library will be partnering with the

Milestones Senior Meal Center to provide off-site item
checkout; for information, call 563-289-4242 or e-mail
[email protected], First Presbyterian Church LeClaire, 200 S 12th St, LeClaire IA, LeClaireLibrary.org,
11:45am Wed Feb 8

Blood Pressure Screening, Shingles Screening, &

Medication Review, for information, call 563-386-

7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly

Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9am Thu Dec 15

Senior Day: Christmas with Jack Carey, longtime

local musician and radio DJ Jack Carey will present
a variety of holiday music and standards to enjoy;
refreshments will be provided after the program; free;
for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 1:30pm Thu Dec 15
Adult Coloring Group, bring your own coloring

book and colors; coffee and snacks will be provided;

$2; for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for
Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 10am Mon Dec 26

Grief Support Group, for information, call 563386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9:30am
Wed Dec 28

Michael Bolton @ Riverside Casino Event Center - December 10


2016-17 Winter KWQC Family Fun Guide Published by the River Cities Reader





More Than 400 Events in Our Kids Calendar RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar




More Than 400 Events in Our Kids Calendar RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar


November & December
Afterschool Crafts, a new craft activity every

Tuesday; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,

Davenport Public Library (Main), 321 Main St, Davenport
IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 3:30pm Tue Nov 22 and
Tue Nov 29

Creation Studio Drop-In: Library Laboratory,

ages 5 & older explore the wacky world of science

at the library on Bettendorf/Pleasant Valley EarlyOut Wednesdays; take part in hands-on science
experiments or watch a science demonstration; free;
for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 1:30pm Wed Nov 23

Annual Holiday Family Workshop, families can

create ornaments, gifts cards, gingerbread houses,

and print their own wrapping paper; hot cocoa and
cookies served; $15-20/family of four, $3/extra person;
for information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum,
225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, 6pm
Thu Dec 1

Creation Studio Drop-in, on Mondays; science,

technology, art, and craft projects for all ages; free;
for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf
IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 3pm Mon Dec 5 thru
Mon Dec 19
Afterschool Crafts, a new craft activity every

Tuesday; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,

Davenport Public Library (Main), 321 Main St, Davenport
IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 3:30pm Tue Dec 6 thru
Tue Dec 27

Creation Studio Drop-In: Library Laboratory,

ages 5 & older explore the wacky world of science

at the library on Bettendorf/Pleasant Valley EarlyOut Wednesdays; take part in hands-on science
experiments or watch a science demonstration;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf
IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 1:30pm Wed Dec 7 thru
Wed Dec 21

Creativity Lab, ages 5 & up explore the creative

process and experiment with art methods; free; for
information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library,
3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6:30pm
Thu Dec 8
Do It YA-self Holiday Workshop, grades 6 & up

transform everyday items into totally original holiday

decorations and gifts; all materials will be provided
along with light refreshments; for information, call 563289-4242 or e-mail [email protected], LeClaire
Community Library, 323 Wisconsin St, LeClaire IA,
LeClaireLibrary.org, 4:30pm Thu Dec 8

Free Family Day, enjoy free admission all day, with

special activities relating to current exhibitions; for

information, call 563-326-7804., Figge Art Museum, 225
W 2nd St, Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, 10am
Sat Dec 10

Christmas Candy-Cane Mice, a family craft program;

Tue. 6pm, Sat. 10am; free; for information, call 309-7327323, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010
Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org,
Tue Dec 13 and Sat Dec 17

Creation Studio, on Thursdays; set your imagination

free and create to your hearts desire; free; for

information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
- Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 4pm Thu Jan 5 thru Thu Jan 26

Make and Take Craft, bring your child[ren] in and

make a winter themed craft to decorate your home
with; materials provided; free; for information, call
309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL,
SilvisLibrary.org, 1pm Sat Jan 7
Creation Studio Drop-in, on Mondays; science,

technology, art, and craft projects for all ages; free;

for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf
IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 3pm Mon Jan 9 thru
Mon Jan 30

Snowflake Mobile, an activity in the Southwest Family

Craft series; free; for information, call 309-732- 7338,
Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010
Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org,
6pm Tue Jan 10
Young Adult Program: Vision Boards, let us help

you make a vision board to decorate your room and

help you keep your goals and dreams in focus for your
future; materials provided; free; for information, call
309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL,
SilvisLibrary.org, 6pm Tue Jan 17

Creation Studio Drop-In: Early-Out Make-It TakeIt, for ages 5 & up; free; for information, call 563-3444175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus
Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 1:30pm
Wed Jan 25

Creation Studio Drop-In: Early-Out Make-It
Take-It, for ages 5 & up; free; for information, call

563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning

Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com,
1:30pm Wed Feb 1

Early Release Crafternoon, ages 7 & up exercise

their creativity; free; for information, call 563-289-4242,
LeClaire Community Library, 323 Wisconsin St, LeClaire
IA, LeClaireLibrary.org, 3pm Wed Feb 1
Creation Studio, set your imagination free and create

to your hearts desire; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch,
6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
4pm Thu Feb 2

Make and Take Craft, bring your child[ren] in and

make a winter themed craft to decorate your home

with; materials provided; free; for information, call
309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL,
SilvisLibrary.org, 1pm Sat Feb 4

Creation Studio Drop-in, on Mondays; science,

technology, art, and craft projects for all ages; free;
for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf
IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 3pm Mon Feb 6 thru
Mon Feb 27
DIY Clay Hearts on a String, an activity in the

Southwest Family Craft series; free; for information,

call 309-732- 7338, Rock Island Public Library Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 6pm Tue Feb 14

Creation Studio Drop-In: Library Laboratory, ages

5 & up take part in hands-on science experiments or

watch a science demonstration; free; for information, call
563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com,
1:30pm Wed Feb 15

Make and Take Craft, bring your child[ren] in and

make a winter themed craft to decorate your home

with; materials provided; free; for information, call
309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL,
SilvisLibrary.org, 1pm Sat Mar 4

Creation Studio Drop-in, on Mondays; science,

technology, art, and craft projects for all ages; free;
for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf
IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 3pm Mon Mar 6 and
Mon Mar 13
Crafternoon, make-it and take-it session for grades

pre-K thru 7; make several simple butterfly crafts;

free; for information, call 309-732-7338, Rock Island
Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 2pm Tue Mar 14

Teen Coloring Contest, teens will have the chance to

finish coloring intricate pages based on Indian locations,

art, beliefs, and festivities; the top three best pictures
will win a prize; materials, snacks, and refreshments
provided; free; for information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis
Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org,
5:30pm Tue Mar 14

White Owls Paper Craft, an activity in the Southwest

Family Craft series; free; for information, call 309-7327338, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010

2016-17 Winter KWQC Family Fun Guide Published by the River Cities Reader
Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org,
6pm Tue Mar 14

30/31 Toddler Tales, on Tuesdays; stories around a

new theme each week, songs, and a craft activity for

ages five and under; for information, call 309-732-7323,
Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St,
Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Tue Nov
22 and Tue Nov 29

Preschool Storytime, on Tuesdays; ages 3-5 are

invited to attend sessions filled with stories, songs,

finger plays and action rhymes; weekly themes
presented; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Tue Nov 22
and Tue Nov 29

Toddler Storytime, on Tuesdays; dancing, singing,

and stories all work together to make learning fun;

free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Tue Nov 22
and Tue Nov 29

Dance Party Storytime, on Wednesdays; stories

and songs are mixed with yoga, dancing, and more

in a weekly activity for ages 0-5; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N
Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
10am Wed Nov 23 and Wed Nov 30

Pajama Storytime, on Wednesdays; slide into

your evening with music, books, and more for the

whole family; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000
Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
6:30pm Wed Nov 23 and Wed Nov 30


Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.

com, 6:30pm Mon Nov 28

Preschool Storytime, music, stories, and a related

craft for ages 3-5; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Mon Nov 28

Story Time for Bigs, at 9:30 & 10:15am; join the fun
with stories, rhymes, songs and more that encourage
development of early literacy skills; designed for ages
3-5, but siblings are welcome; for information, call 309524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL,
MolineLibrary.com, Mon Nov 28
Tales for Tots!, an enriching activity time for children

ages birth through three with an adult caregiver;

attendees will hear stories, move to music, recite action
poems, and learn fingerplays; free; for information, call
563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am
Mon Nov 28

Yoga & Stories, for ages 3-10; experience your

favorite stories told with yoga poses as demonstrated

by certified yoga instructors; parents welcome; free;
for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 6:30pm Wed Nov 30

Reading Assistance Dogs, kids read to dogs to help
them build their vocabularies and self-confidence;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 6pm Thu Dec 1
Preschool Storytime, on Thursdays; ages 3-5 are

Preschool Storytime, on Wednesdays; ages 3-5

invited to attend sessions filled with stories, songs,

finger plays and action rhymes; weekly themes
presented; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Thu Dec 1
thru Thu Dec 15

Southwest Toddler Tales, on Wednesdays; stories

Tales for Tots!, on Thursdays; an enriching activity

time for children ages birth through three with an adult
caregiver; attendees will hear stories, move to music, recite
action poems, and learn fingerplays; free; for information,
call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 6:30pm
Thu Dec 1 thru Thu Dec 15

are invited to attend sessions filled with stories,

songs, finger plays and action rhymes; weekly themes
presented; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Wed Nov
23 and Wed Nov 30

around a new theme each week, songs, and a craft

activity for ages five and under; for information, call 309732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch,
9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.
org, 10:30am Wed Nov 23 and Wed Nov 30

Baby Storytime, an entertaining opportunity for

preschoolers to hear stories, sing songs, play, and
engage in pre-reading activities; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N
Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
10am Fri Nov 25
Preschool Storytime, jump-start your childs literacy
building skills in this storytime designed especially
for you and your 0-12 month old; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern
Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Fri Nov 25

Young Emerging Writers Open Workshop, for

writers ages 15-19; participants are welcome to bring

writing to share for discussion, or just to listen and
discuss other participants work; free; for information,
call 309-732-7330, Midwest Writing Center, Rock Island
Public Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL, MWCQC.org,
11am Sat Nov 26

Story Time for Bigs, join the fun with stories, rhymes,
songs and more that encourage development of early
literacy skills; designed for ages 3-5, but siblings are
welcome; for information, call 309-524-2470, Moline
Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com,
10am Sun Nov 27
Family Story Time, free; for information, call 309-

524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL,

MolineLibrary.com, 6:30pm Mon Nov 28

Preschool Storytime, ages 3-5 are invited to attend

sessions filled with stories, songs, finger plays and action

rhymes; weekly themes presented; free; for information,
call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950

Dance Party Storytime, on Thursdays; stories and

songs are mixed with yoga, dancing, and more in a weekly

activity for ages 0-5; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000
Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am
Thu Dec 1 thru Thu Dec 29

Night Owl Storytime, on Thursdays; sit back, relax,

and get ready for bedtime with stories and activities
chosen especially for your little night owl; pillows,
stuffed toys, and jammies welcome; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N
Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
6:30pm Thu Dec 1 thru Thu Dec 29
Preschool Storytime, on Fridays; ages 3-5 are invited

to attend sessions filled with stories, songs, finger

plays and action rhymes; weekly themes presented;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Fri Dec 2 thru Fri Dec 16

Main Toddler Tales, on Fridays; stories around a new

theme each week, songs, and a craft activity for ages

five and under; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Fri Dec 2 thru
Fri Dec 23

Baby Storytime, on Fridays; an entertaining

opportunity for preschoolers to hear stories, sing
songs, play, and engage in pre-reading activities;
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Fri Dec 2 thru Fri Dec 30
Preschool Storytime, on Fridays; jump-start your

childs literacy building skills in this storytime designed

especially for you and your 0-12 month old; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
- Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Fri Dec 2 thru Fri Dec 30



2016-17 Winter KWQC Family Fun Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 400 Events in Our Kids Calendar RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar


Childs Play: Create, Explore, Experience, on

Saturdays; for ages 2-6; a 15-minute storytime complete

with books, rhymes, and songs followed by 30 minutes
of imaginative playtime; free; for information, call
563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am
Sat Dec 3 thru Sat Dec 17

Preschool Storytime, on Mondays; ages 3-5 are

invited to attend sessions filled with stories, songs,

finger plays and action rhymes; weekly themes
presented; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 6:30pm Mon Dec
5 and Mon Dec 12

Tales for Tots!, on Mondays; an enriching activity

time for children ages birth through three with an

adult caregiver; attendees will hear stories, move to
music, recite action poems, and learn fingerplays;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf
IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Mon Dec 5 and Mon
Dec 12

Story Time for Littles, on Mondays; for ages birth to

18 months at 9:30 & 10:45am; free; for information, call
309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline
IL, MolineLibrary.com, Mon Dec 5 thru Mon Dec 19
Preschool Storytime, on Mondays; music, stories, and
a related craft for ages 3-5; free; for information, call 563326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Mon Dec 5
thru Mon Dec 26

Preschool Storytime, on Tuesdays; ages 3-5 are

invited to attend sessions filled with stories, songs,

finger plays and action rhymes; weekly themes
presented; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Tue Dec 6
and Tue Dec 13

Toddler Storytime, on Tuesdays; dancing, singing,

Elf @ Adler Theatre - November 29

Pajama Storytime, on Wednesdays; slide into

your evening with music, books, and more for the

whole family; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000
Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
6:30pm Wed Dec 7 thru Wed Dec 28

and stories all work together to make learning fun;

free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Tue Dec 6
thru Tue Dec 27

Story Time with Ms. Catalina, free; for information,

call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis
IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 6pm Thu Dec 8

Dance Me a Story: The Nutcracker, movement

and music with the Ballet Quad Cities dancers and
Tchaikovskys ballet classic; for information, call 563-3267832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch,
6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
6pm Wed Dec 7

are specially trained, along with their handler, to

provide the environment needed to help children
improve their reading communication skills; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
- Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 5pm Mon Dec 12

Dance Me a Story: The Nutcracker, movement

and music with the Ballet Quad Cities dancers and
Tchaikovskys ballet classic; free; for information, call
309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline
IL, MolineLibrary.com, 2:30pm Wed Dec 7
Preschool Storytime, on Wednesdays; ages 3-5

Read to a Dog, QC CANs Reading Assistance Dogs

30/31 Toddler Tales, on Tuesdays; stories around a

new theme each week, songs, and a craft activity for

ages five and under; for information, call 309-732-7323,
Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St,
Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Tue Dec
13 and Tue Dec 20

are invited to attend sessions filled with stories,

songs, finger plays and action rhymes; weekly themes
presented; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Wed Dec 7
and Wed Dec 14

Southwest Toddler Tales, on Wednesdays; stories

around a new theme each week, songs, and a craft activity
for ages five and under; for information, call 309-7327323, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010
Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org,
10:30am Wed Dec 14 and Wed Dec 21

Yoga & Stories, on Wednesdays for ages 3-10;

Special Story Time: Las Posadas, join Ms. Catalina

experience your favorite stories told with yoga poses

as demonstrated by certified yoga instructors; parents
welcome; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus
Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 6:30pm
Wed Dec 7 and Wed Dec 14

Story Time for Littles, for ages birth to 18 months;

free; for information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public

Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6pm
Wed Dec 7

Dance Party Storytime, on Wednesdays; stories

and songs are mixed with yoga, dancing, and more

in a weekly activity for ages 0-5; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N
Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
10am Wed Dec 7 thru Wed Dec 28

at this special story time that explores the Mexican

tradition of the Posadas with Night of Las Posadas by
Tomie DePaola; choice of Posada-themed craft will be
available to make; light traditional refreshments will also
be provided; free; for information, call 309-755-3393,
Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org,
6pm Thu Dec 15

Story Time for Littles, for ages birth to 18 months;

free; for information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public

Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6pm
Wed Dec 21

Preschool Storytime, on Mondays; music, stories, and
a related craft for ages 3-5; free; for information, call 563326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,

Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Mon Jan 2

thru Mon Jan 30

Baby Storytime, on Tuesdays; fingerplays, bounces,

and books for ages 0-12 months; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern
Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Tue Jan 3 thru Tue Jan 31
Dance Party Storytime, on Wednesdays; stories

and songs are mixed with yoga, dancing, and more

in a weekly activity for ages 0-5; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N
Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
10am Wed Jan 4 thru Wed Jan 25

Night Owl Storytime, on Wednesdays; get ready for

Preschool Storytime, on Fridays; jump-start your

childs literacy building skills in this storytime designed

especially for you and your 0-12 month old; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
- Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Fri Jan 6 thru Fri Jan 27

Read to a Dog, QC CANs Reading Assistance Dogs

are specially trained, along with their handlers, to

provide the environment needed to help children
improve their reading communication skills; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
- Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 5pm Mon Jan 9

Preschool Storytime, on Mondays; ages 3-5 are

bedtime with stories and activities chosen especially

for little ones; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000
Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
6:30pm Wed Jan 4 thru Wed Jan 25

invited to attend sessions filled with stories, songs,

finger plays and action rhymes; weekly themes
presented; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 6:30pm Mon Jan
9 thru Mon Jan 30

Yoga & Stories, on Wednesdays for ages 3-10;

Tales for Tots!, on Mondays; an enriching activity

experience your favorite stories told with yoga poses

as demonstrated by certified yoga instructors; parents
welcome; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 6:30pm Wed Jan
4 thru Wed Jan 25

Dance Party Storytime, on Thursdays; stories and

songs are mixed with yoga, dancing, and more in a

weekly activity for ages 0-5; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern
Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Thu Jan 5 thru Thu Jan 26

Night Owl Storytime, on Thursdays; sit back, relax,

and get ready for bedtime with stories and activities
chosen especially for your little night owl; pillows,
stuffed toys, and jammies welcome; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N
Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
6:30pm Thu Jan 5 thru Thu Jan 26
Baby Storytime, on Fridays; an entertaining

opportunity for preschoolers to hear stories, sing

songs, play, and engage in pre-reading activities;
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Fri Jan 6 thru Fri Jan 27

time for children ages birth through three with an

adult caregiver; attendees will hear stories, move to
music, recite action poems, and learn fingerplays;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf
IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Mon Jan 9 thru Mon
Jan 30

Preschool Storytime, on Tuesdays; ages 3-5 are

invited to attend sessions filled with stories, songs,

finger plays and action rhymes; weekly themes
presented; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Tue Jan 10
thru Tue Jan 31

Toddler Tales, on Tuesdays; free; for information, call

309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch,

3059 30th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org,
10:30am Tue Jan 10 thru Tue Jan 31

Preschool Storytime, on Wednesdays; ages 3-5

are invited to attend sessions filled with stories,

songs, finger plays and action rhymes; weekly themes
presented; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Wed Jan 11
thru Wed Jan 25

More Than 400 Events in Our Kids Calendar RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

Toddler Tales, on Wednesdays; free; for information, call

in a weekly activity for ages 0-5; free; for information,

call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N
Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
10am Wed Feb 1 thru Wed Feb 22

Special Story Time: Martin Luther King Jr., join Ms.

Catalina at this special story time that explores the life of
the famous Civil Rights activist and how you too can also
make an impact on the world with the story I Am Martin
Luther King Jr. by Brad Meltzer; free; for information, call
309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL,
SilvisLibrary.org, 6pm Thu Jan 12

Night Owl Storytime, on Wednesdays; get ready for

bedtime with stories and activities chosen especially
for little ones; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000
Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
6:30pm Wed Feb 1 thru Wed Feb 22

Preschool Storytime, on Thursdays; ages 3-5 are

invited to attend sessions filled with stories, songs, finger

plays and action rhymes; weekly themes presented;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Thu Jan 12 thru Thu Jan 26

are invited to attend sessions filled with stories,

songs, finger plays and action rhymes; weekly themes
presented; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Wed Feb 1
thru Wed Feb 22

Tales for Tots!, on Thursdays; an enriching activity

Toddler Tales, on Wednesdays; free; for information,

309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch,

9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org,
10:30am Wed Jan 11 thru Wed Jan 25

time for children ages birth through three with an

adult caregiver; attendees will hear stories, move to
music, recite action poems, and learn fingerplays;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf
IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 6:30pm Thu Jan 12 thru
Thu Jan 26

Preschool Storytime, on Fridays; ages 3-5 are invited

to attend sessions filled with stories, songs, finger

plays and action rhymes; weekly themes presented;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Fri Jan 13 thru Fri Jan 27

Toddler Tales, on Fridays; free; for information, call 309732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401
19th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am
Fri Jan 13 thru Fri Jan 27

Chill Out & Read Winter Reading Program, for

children and adults at all Rock Island libraries; read and

earn chances to win with winter reading contests for
adults, children and teens; for information, call 309-7327323, RockIslandLibrary.org, Sat Jan 14 thru Tue Jan 31

Go Bananas for Reading! Rock Island Library

Winter Reading Kickoff, kids and adults register

for fun reading contests for the whole family, warm

up in the tropical sun garden, and enjoy activities
for all ages, including sandcastle building, crafts,
and games; for information, call 309-732-7323, Quad
City Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 1pm Sat Jan 14

Preschool Storytime, on Wednesdays; ages 3-5

call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Wed Feb 1 thru Wed
Feb 22

Yoga & Stories, on Wednesdays for ages 3-10;

experience your favorite stories told with yoga poses

as demonstrated by certified yoga instructors; parents
welcome; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 6:30pm Wed Feb
1 thru Wed Feb 22

Reading Assistance Dogs, kids read to dogs to help

them build their vocabularies and self-confidence;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 6pm Thu Feb 2
Dance Party Storytime, on Thursdays; stories and
songs are mixed with yoga, dancing, and more in a
weekly activity for ages 0-5; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Thu Feb 2 thru
Thu Feb 23

Night Owl Storytime, on Thursdays; sit back, relax,

and get ready for bedtime with stories and activities
chosen especially for your little night owl; pillows,
stuffed toys, and jammies welcome; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N
Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
6:30pm Thu Feb 2 thru Thu Feb 23

Hug a Book Dance Party, for ages 0-5; move, dance,

sing and enjoy our favorite storytime songs with Mrs.
Ranell; each child will receive a free book and a set of
scarves to go along with the music; free; for information,
call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main
Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org,
6pm Thu Jan 19

Preschool Storytime, on Thursdays; ages 3-5 are

Childs Play: Create, Explore, Experience, on

Tales for Tots!, on Thursdays; an enriching activity

Saturdays; for ages 2-6; a 15-minute storytime complete

with books, rhymes, and songs followed by 30 minutes
of imaginative playtime; free; for information, call
563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am
Sat Jan 21 and Sat Jan 28

Dance Me a Story: Love Stories, an hour of

movement and music as the Ballet Quad Cities dancers

bring child-friendly scenes from their new Love Stories
to life; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 2pm Sat Jan 28

Chill Out & Read Winter Reading Program, for

children and adults at all Rock Island libraries; read and

earn chances to win with winter reading contests for
adults, children and teens; for information, call 309-7327323, RockIslandLibrary.org, Wed Feb 1 thru Sat Feb 18

Dance Me a Story: Love Stories, Ballet Quad Cities

presents a child-friendly introduction to their ballet

Love Stories; move with parts of the story, learn
about ballet, and see some of the costumes; free; for
information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library
- Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Wed Feb 1

Dance Party Storytime, on Wednesdays; stories

and songs are mixed with yoga, dancing, and more

invited to attend sessions filled with stories, songs, finger

plays and action rhymes; weekly themes presented;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf
IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Thu Feb 2 thru Thu
Feb 23

time for children ages birth through three with an

adult caregiver; attendees will hear stories, move to
music, recite action poems, and learn fingerplays; free;
for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 6:30pm Thu Feb 2 thru Thu
Feb 23

Baby Storytime, on Fridays; an entertaining

opportunity for preschoolers to hear stories, sing songs,
play, and engage in pre-reading activities; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library,
3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.
com, 10am Fri Feb 3 thru Fri Feb 24
Preschool Storytime, on Fridays; ages 3-5 are invited

to attend sessions filled with stories, songs, finger

plays and action rhymes; weekly themes presented;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Fri Feb 3 thru Fri Feb 24

Preschool Storytime, on Fridays; jump-start your

childs literacy building skills in this storytime designed

especially for you and your 0-12 month old; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
- Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Fri Feb 3 thru Fri Feb 24

Toddler Tales, on Fridays; free; for information, call 309732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401
19th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am
Fri Feb 3 thru Fri Feb 24

2016-17 Winter KWQC Family Fun Guide Published by the River Cities Reader




2016-17 Winter KWQC Family Fun Guide Published by the River Cities Reader


Childs Play: Create, Explore, Experience, on

Saturdays; for ages 2-6; a 15-minute storytime complete

with books, rhymes, and songs followed by 30 minutes
of imaginative playtime; free; for information, call
563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am
Sat Feb 4 thru Sat Feb 25

Preschool Storytime, on Mondays; ages 3-5 are

through some of its most prominent history makers

such as Harriet Tubman and George Washington Carver;
featuring an activity to go with the story; free; for
information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105
8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 6pm Thu Feb 23

Toddler Tales, free; for information, call 309-732-7323,
Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010
Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org,
10:30am Wed Mar 1

invited to attend sessions filled with stories, songs,

finger plays and action rhymes; weekly themes
presented; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 6:30pm Mon Feb
6 thru Mon Feb 27

Dance Party Storytime, on Wednesdays; stories

Preschool Storytime, on Mondays; music, stories, and

Night Owl Storytime, on Wednesdays; get ready for

a related craft for ages 3-5; free; for information, call 563326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Mon Feb 6
thru Mon Feb 27

Tales for Tots!, on Mondays; an enriching activity

and songs are mixed with yoga, dancing, and more

in a weekly activity for ages 0-5; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N
Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
10am Wed Mar 1 thru Wed Mar 15

bedtime with stories and activities chosen especially

for little ones; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000
Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
6:30pm Wed Mar 1 thru Wed Mar 15

time for children ages birth through three with an

adult caregiver; attendees will hear stories, move to
music, recite action poems, and learn fingerplays;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf
IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Mon Feb 6 thru
Mon Feb 27

Preschool Storytime, on Wednesdays; ages 3-5

Baby Storytime, on Tuesdays; fingerplays, bounces,

Yoga & Stories, on Wednesdays for ages 3-10;

and books for ages 0-12 months; free; for information,

call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern
Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Tue Feb 7 thru Tue Feb 28

Preschool Storytime, on Tuesdays; ages 3-5 are

are invited to attend sessions filled with stories,

songs, finger plays and action rhymes; weekly themes
presented; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Wed Mar 1
thru Wed Mar 15
experience your favorite stories told with yoga poses
as demonstrated by certified yoga instructors; parents
welcome; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus
Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 6:30pm
Wed Mar 1 thru Wed Mar 15

More Than 400 Events in Our Kids Calendar RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

Tales for Tots!, on Thursdays; an enriching activity

time for children ages birth through three with an

adult caregiver; attendees will hear stories, move to
music, recite action poems, and learn fingerplays;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf
IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 6:30pm Thu Mar 2 and
Thu Mar 9

Toddler Tales, free; for information, call 309-732-7323,

Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th St,

Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Fri Mar 3

Baby Storytime, on Fridays; an entertaining

opportunity for preschoolers to hear stories, sing
songs, play, and engage in pre-reading activities;
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Fri Mar 3 and Fri Mar 10
Preschool Storytime, on Fridays; ages 3-5 are invited

to attend sessions filled with stories, songs, finger

plays and action rhymes; weekly themes presented;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Fri Mar 3 and Fri Mar 10

Preschool Storytime, on Fridays; jump-start your

childs literacy building skills in this storytime designed

especially for you and your 0-12 month old; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
- Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Fri Mar 3 and Fri Mar 10

Childs Play: Create, Explore, Experience, on

Saturdays; for ages 2-6; a 15-minute storytime complete
with books, rhymes, and songs followed by 30 minutes
of imaginative playtime; free; for information, call
563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am
Sat Mar 4 and Sat Mar 11
Preschool Storytime, on Mondays; ages 3-5 are

invited to attend sessions filled with stories, songs,

finger plays and action rhymes; weekly themes
presented; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Tue Feb 7
thru Tue Feb 28

Reading Assistance Dogs, kids read to dogs to help

them build their vocabularies and self-confidence;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 6pm Thu Mar 2

invited to attend sessions filled with stories, songs,

finger plays and action rhymes; weekly themes
presented; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus
Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 6:30pm
Mon Mar 6 and Mon Mar 13

Special Story Time: Valentines Celebration, join

Dance Party Storytime, on Thursdays; stories and

Preschool Storytime, on Mondays; music, stories, and

Ms. Catalina at this special story time that celebrates

Valentines Day with the story A Crankenstein Valentine
by Samantha Berger; treats, crafts, and activity to
go along with the story; free; for information, call
309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL,
SilvisLibrary.org, 6pm Sun Feb 12

Read to a Dog, QC CANs Reading Assistance Dogs

are specially trained, along with their handlers, to

provide the environment needed to help children
improve their reading communication skills; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
- Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 5pm Mon Feb 13

Toddler Tales, on Tuesdays; free; for information, call

309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch,

3059 30th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org,
10:30am Tue Feb 14 thru Tue Feb 28

Special Story Time: Black History, join Ms. Catalina

at this special story time that explores Black History

songs are mixed with yoga, dancing, and more in a

weekly activity for ages 0-5; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern
Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Thu Mar 2 and Thu Mar 9

Night Owl Storytime, on Thursdays; sit back, relax,

and get ready for bedtime with stories and activities
chosen especially for your little night owl; pillows,
stuffed toys, and jammies welcome; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N
Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
6:30pm Thu Mar 2 and Thu Mar 9
Preschool Storytime, on Thursdays; ages 3-5 are

invited to attend sessions filled with stories, songs,

finger plays and action rhymes; weekly themes
presented; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Thu Mar 2
and Thu Mar 9

German American Heritage Center's

Countdown Til Christmas
Christkindlmarkt Gift Shop: Shop for gifts! Ends Jan 8
Creative Art Academy Santa Exhibit: Nov 6- Jan 8
Advent Calendar Windows: Dec 1- Jan 8
Des Moines Christkindlmarkt Bus Trip: Dec 2, only 30
spots available. $95 members, $105 regular. Reserve



712 2nd St. Davenport

a related craft for ages 3-5; free; for information, call 563326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Mon Mar 6
and Mon Mar 13

Tales for Tots!, on Mondays; an enriching activity

time for children ages birth through three with an

adult caregiver; attendees will hear stories, move to
music, recite action poems, and learn fingerplays;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf
IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Mon Mar 6 and
Mon Mar 13

Baby Storytime, on Tuesdays; fingerplays, bounces,

and books for ages 0-12 months; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern
Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Tue Mar 7 and Tue Mar 14
Preschool Storytime, on Tuesdays; ages 3-5 are

invited to attend sessions filled with stories, songs,

finger plays and action rhymes; weekly themes

presented; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Tue Mar 7
and Tue Mar 14

Special Story Time: Holi, join Ms. Catalina at this

special story time that explores Holi: a spring festival

full of color, singing, and dancing; learn more about Holi
with the story Amma Tell Me About Holi! by Bhakti
Mathur and a colorful craft to go along with the tale; free;
for information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library,
105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 6pm Thu Mar 9

Read to a Dog, QC CANs Reading Assistance Dogs

are specially trained, along with their handlers, to

provide the environment needed to help children
improve their reading communication skills; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
- Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 5pm Mon Mar 13

Preschool Explorers, ages 3-7 come in for a fun
storytime and hands-on exploratory stations; for
information, call 563-289-4242 or e-mail library@
leclaireiowa.gov, LeClaire Community Library, 323
Wisconsin St, LeClaire IA, LeClaire.lib.ia.us, 6:30pm
Tue Nov 22
Young Adult After-School Hangout, we have

computers, games, and more; free; for information, call

563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 3pm
Tue Nov 22

Exploratorium, on Wednesdays; for grades K-4; free;

for information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library,

3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 2pm Wed
Nov 23 and Wed Nov 30

Teen Gaming, on Wednesdays; our current gaming

systems include PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, XboxONE, Wii, and

WiiU, along with laptops available for online gaming;
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 2:30pm Wed Nov 23 and
Wed Nov 30

Minecraft, connect with other kids as we play

Minecraft in the computer lab; free; for information,

call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N
Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
3:30pm Mon Nov 28

Young Adult After-School Hangout, we have

computers, games, and more; free; for information, call

563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 3pm
Mon Nov 28 thru Wed Nov 30

Extreme Gingerbread Challenge, create an

awesome gingerbread scene with three of your friends,

with the winning team receiving a grand prize; for
information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105
8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 6pm Tue Nov 29

More Than 400 Events in Our Kids Calendar RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

2016-17 Winter KWQC Family Fun Guide Published by the River Cities Reader
Play and Grow, play group for ages three and under

and their parents or caregivers; Play and Grow uses the

Every Child Ready to Read Talk, Sing, Read, Write Play
model to build language and learning skills in ages three
and under; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Fri Dec 9

Holiday Luau, celebrate the holidays the Hawaiian way

with tropical crafts, snacks, and more; for information,

call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern
Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 2pm Sat Dec 10

Lego Science, for grades 4-8; free; for information, call

309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline

IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6pm Mon Dec 12

Anime Club, for grades 6-12; for information, call 309524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL,
MolineLibrary.com, 3:30pm Tue Dec 13
STEM-azing, kids enjoy hands-on science, math, or

engineering fun; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock

Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 4pm Wed Dec 14

Melissa Etheridge @ Rhythm City Casino Resort - December 17

Teen Gaming Night, teens play the librarys Wii U,

and give Scratch computer programming a try. Also

play Xbox 360, Wii and board games; snacks provided;
free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 5:30pm Tue Nov 29

Teen Advisory Group, for grades 6-12; free; for

information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library,

3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6pm
Thu Dec 1

Holiday Service Project, on Thursdays; for grades

6-12; free; for information, call 309-524-2470, Moline

Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com,
6pm Thu Dec 1 and Thu Dec 8

for information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library,

105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 6pm Tue Dec 6

Early Release LEGO Club, ages 7 & up can let their

imaginations soar; free; for information, call 563-2894242 or e-mail [email protected], LeClaire
Community Library, 323 Wisconsin St, LeClaire IA,
LeClaireLibrary.org, 3pm Wed Dec 7

Play and Grow, play group for ages three and under

and their parents or caregivers; Play and Grow uses the

Every Child Ready to Read Talk, Sing, Read, Write Play
model to build language and learning skills in ages
three and under; for information, call 309-732-7323,
Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010
Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org,
10:30am Wed Dec 7

Teen Fun on Early Release, we will have space in

at 3pm; we have computers, games, and more; free;

for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, Thu Dec 1 thru Tue Dec 20

the Quad and Junior League Program Room dedicated

to board games, card games such as Magic, coloring
for relaxation, and even the occasional video game
or movie; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 1pm Wed Dec 7

Minecraft, on Mondays; connect with other kids as we

Teen Gaming, on Wednesdays; our current gaming

Young Adult After-School Hangout, Mon.-Fri.

play Minecraft in the computer lab; free; for information,

call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N
Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
3:30pm Mon Dec 5 thru Mon Dec 26

Play and Grow, play group for ages three and under

and their parents or caregivers; Play and Grow uses the

Every Child Ready to Read Talk, Sing, Read, Write Play
model to build language and learning skills in ages three
and under; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Tue Dec 6

Teen Advisory Board, share ideas that would make

your library a better place for teens to hang out at; free;

systems include PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, XboxONE, Wii, and

WiiU, along with laptops available for online gaming;
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 2:30pm Wed Dec 7 thru
Wed Dec 28

Anime Night, teens watch anime on the Crunchyroll

anime site, enjoy Japanese snacks, and learn to write
hiragana characters; free; for information, call 309732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401
19th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 5:30pm
Thu Dec 8

Exploratorium, on Wednesdays; for grades K-4; free;

for information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library,

3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 2pm Wed Dec
14 and Wed Dec 21

Elf Training Academy, this all-ages event will have

crafts, activities, treats, and more to help certify you

as one of Santas elves; free; for information, call 563289-4242 or e-mail [email protected], LeClaire
Community Library, 323 Wisconsin St, LeClaire IA,
LeClaireLibrary.org, 6:30pm Thu Dec 15

Lego Lab, ages 4-12 listen to awesome stories then test

skills as a master LEGO builder; blocks provided; free; for
information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library,
3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6:30pm
Thu Dec 15

Teen Doctor Who Party, enjoy Doctor Who clips

and behind the scenes interviews, consume snacks fit

for a Time Lord, and jump into trivia, crafts, and prizes;
free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 6pm Thu Dec 15

Wee Wigglers Toddler Time, for ages 18-36 months;

nurture your toddlers love of books through music,
movement, stories, and art exploration while helping
to develop their language, motor, and social skills;
free; for information, call 309-524-2440, Moline Public
Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6pm
Fri Dec 16


Tween and Teen Gaming Night, a special edition

of our gaming nights with games for both tweens and
teens; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, Tue Dec 20
Teen Fun on Early Release, we will have space in

the Quad and Junior League Program Room dedicated

to board games, card games such as Magic, coloring
for relaxation, and even the occasional video game
or movie; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 1pm Wed Dec 21

Super Smash Bros. Tournament, for ages 11-19;

contestants will be paired off randomly and competition
will be bracket-style; winner will receive a Game Stop
gift card; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 2pm Thu Dec 29
Mario Kart Tournament, for ages 10 & under;
contestants will be paired off randomly and competition
will be bracket-style; winner will receive a Game Stop
gift card; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 2pm Fri Dec 30

Minecraft, on Mondays; connect with other kids as we

play Minecraft in the computer lab; free; for information,

call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N
Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
3:30pm Mon Jan 2 thru Mon Jan 30

Play & Grow, monthly play and learning for ages three
and under with caregiver; for information, call 309-7327323, Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059
30th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am
Tue Jan 3

Teen Advisory Board, share ideas that would make

your library a better place for teens to hang out at; free;
for information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library,
105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 6pm Tue Jan 3

Lego Club, on Tuesdays; grade-schoolers test their

skills at building and design; free; for information, call

563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library (Main), 321
Main St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 3:30pm
Tue Jan 3 thru Tue Jan 31

Minecraft, on Tuesdays; connect with other kids as you

play in creative mode; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch,
6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
3:30pm Tue Jan 3 thru Tue Jan 31

Teen Ugly Sweater Party, ages 12-18 are welcome to

get into the holiday spirit with Christmas music, treats,
pizza, pop, crafts you can pass off as Christmas gifts,
and an Ugliest Christmas Sweater Contest; free; for
information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105
8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 6pm Tue Dec 20

Young Adult After-School Hangout, Mon.-Fri.

Teen Volunteer Council, hang out, eat snacks,

and under with caregiver; for information, call 309-7327323, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010
Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org,
10:30am Wed Jan 4

and share your ideas on how to make the library

more awesome; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 4pm Tue Dec 20

at 3pm; we have computers, games, and more; free;

for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, Tue Jan 3 thru Tue Jan 31

Play & Grow, monthly play and learning for ages three



2016-17 Winter KWQC Family Fun Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 400 Events in Our Kids Calendar RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

Magician Rick Eugene, childrens program; free;


for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public

Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 1:30pm Mon Feb 20

Teen Gaming, on Wednesdays; our current gaming

Teen Volunteer Council, hang out, eat snacks,

systems include PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, XboxONE, Wii, and

WiiU, along with laptops available for online gaming;
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 2:30pm Wed Jan 4 thru Wed
Jan 25

and share your ideas on how to make the library

more awesome; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 4pm Tue Feb 21

Young Adult Program: Football Trivia Night,

information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library,

3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6pm Thu
Jan 5

football fanatics come and test your knowledge; the

first one to get all 32 answers correct wins; snacks
and refreshments provided; free; for information, call
309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL,
SilvisLibrary.org, 6pm Tue Feb 21

Frostys Wintertime Magic Show, wintertime

Teen Gaming, ages 12 to 18 play Wii U, Wii, Xbox 360,

Teen Advisory Group, for grades 6-12; free; for

magic with Mike Prestby; free; for information, call

563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am
Sat Jan 7

and more, with free snacks; free; for information, call

309-732- 7338, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library,
401 19th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 5:30pm
Thu Feb 23

Anime Club, for grades 6-12; for information, call 309524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL,
MolineLibrary.com, 3:30pm Tue Jan 10

Early Release LEGO Club, ages 7 & up can let their

Teen Star Wars Night, bring your Star Wars fandom to

imaginations soar; free; for information, call 563-2894242 or e-mail [email protected], LeClaire
Community Library, 323 Wisconsin St, LeClaire IA,
LeClaireLibrary.org, 3pm Wed Mar 1

the Main Library for a movie showing, snacks, crafts and

Star Wars trivia; free; for information, call 309-732- 7338,
Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th St,
Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 5:30pm Thu Jan 12

Play & Grow, monthly play and learning for ages three

Teen Fun on Early Release, we will have space in

the Quad and Junior League Program Room dedicated

to board games, card games such as Magic, coloring
for relaxation, and even the occasional video game
or movie; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 1pm Fri Jan 13

Winter Festival, free; for information, call 563344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 9am
Sat Jan 14
Pokemon Go Night, for all ages; see what you can
catch with our Pokemon Go lure, pick up a map of Poke
Stops, and enjoy Pokemon snacks and crafts; compete
at Pokemon trivia to win prizes; for information, call 309732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401
19th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 5:30pm
Tue Jan 17
Teen Volunteer Council, hang out, eat snacks,

and share your ideas on how to make the library

more awesome; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 4pm Tue Jan 17

Keller Williams @ The Redstone Room - February 8

Etiquette Class, join Pam Teage and explore the

proper manners and customs of dining, dating, and

general good behavior; free; for information, call
309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL,
SilvisLibrary.org, 5pm Mon Jan 30

Play & Grow, monthly play and learning for ages three

and under with caregiver; for information, call 309-7327323, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010
Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org,
10:30am Wed Feb 1

Teen Gaming, on Wednesdays; our current gaming

systems include PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, XboxONE, Wii, and

WiiU, along with laptops available for online gaming;
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 2:30pm Wed Feb 1 thru
Wed Feb 22

Teen Advisory Board, share ideas that would make

your library a better place for teens to hang out at; free;
for information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library,
105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 6pm Tue Feb 7

Lego Club, on Tuesdays; grade-schoolers test their

skills at building and design; free; for information, call

563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library (Main), 321 Main
St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 3:30pm Tue
Feb 7 thru Tue Feb 28

Minecraft, on Tuesdays; connect with other kids as you

play in creative mode; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch,
6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
3:30pm Tue Feb 7 thru Tue Feb 28

Anime Club, for grades 6-12; for information, call 309-

524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL,

MolineLibrary.com, 3:30pm Tue Feb 14

Snowflake STEM-azing, hands-on projects for kids

in science, technology, engineering, math, and fun; free;
for information, call 309-732- 7338, Rock Island Public
Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 4pm Wed Jan 18

Young Adult After-School Hangout, Mon.-Fri.

at 3pm; we have computers, games, and more; free;

for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, Wed Feb 1 thru Tue Feb 28

Etiquette Class Dinner, join this last session with Pam

Teage and explore the proper manners and customs
of dining, dating, and general good behavior youve
learned and put them to use with our very special dinner
provided by Teage and Toni Perse; free; for information,
call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis
IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 5pm Tue Feb 14

Teen Advisory Group (TAG), grades 7 & up help

Teen Advisory Group, for grades 6-12; free; for

Engineer STEM-azing, hands-on projects for kids in

plan cool events, request new library materials, eat

snacks, and get the inside scoop on whats happening
at the library; free; for information, call 563-289-4242 or
e-mail [email protected], LeClaire Community
Library, 323 Wisconsin St, LeClaire IA, LeClaireLibrary.org,
4:30pm Thu Jan 19

Etiquette Class, join Pam Teage and explore the

proper manners and customs of dining, dating, and

general good behavior; free; for information, call
309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL,
SilvisLibrary.org, 5pm Mon Jan 23

Teen Fun on Early Release, we will have space in

the Quad and Junior League Program Room dedicated

to board games, card games such as Magic, coloring
for relaxation, and even the occasional video game
or movie; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 1pm Wed Jan 25

Teen Gaming, ages 12 to 18 play Wii U, Wii, Xbox 360,

and more, with free snacks; free; for information, call

309-732- 7338, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library,
401 19th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 5:30pm
Thu Jan 26

information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library,

3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6pm
Thu Feb 2

Play & Grow, monthly play and learning for ages three
and under with caregiver; for information, call 309732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401
19th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am
Mon Feb 6

Minecraft, on Mondays; connect with other kids as we

play Minecraft in the computer lab; free; for information,

call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N
Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
3:30pm Mon Feb 6 thru Mon Feb 27

Etiquette Class, join Pam Teage and explore the

proper manners and customs of dining, dating, and

general good behavior; free; for information, call
309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL,
SilvisLibrary.org, 5pm Mon Feb 6

Play & Grow, monthly play and learning for ages three
and under with caregiver; for information, call 309-7327323, Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059
30th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am
Tue Feb 7

science, technology, engineering, math, and fun; free;

for information, call 309-732- 7338, Rock Island Public
Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 4pm Wed Feb 15

Teen Fun on Early Release, we will have space in

the Quad and Junior League Program Room dedicated

to board games, card games such as Magic, coloring
for relaxation, and even the occasional video game
or movie; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 1pm Wed Feb 15

Teen Advisory Group (TAG), grades 7 & up help

plan cool events, request new library materials, eat

snacks, and get the inside scoop on whats happening
at the library; free; for information, call 563-289-4242 or
e-mail [email protected], LeClaire Community
Library, 323 Wisconsin St, LeClaire IA, LeClaireLibrary.org,
4:30pm Thu Feb 16

Teen Anime Night, experience anime-watching,

Japanese snacks, and a bit of Japanese culture as you
learn to write hiragana characters; free; for information,
call 309-732- 7338, Rock Island Public Library - Main
Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org,
5:30pm Thu Feb 16

and under with caregiver; for information, call 309-7327323, Rock Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 9010
Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org,
10:30am Wed Mar 1

Teen Fun on Early Release, we will have space in

the Quad and Junior League Program Room dedicated

to board games, card games such as Magic, coloring
for relaxation, and even the occasional video game
or movie; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 1pm Wed Mar 1

Young Adult After-School Hangout, Mon.-Fri.

at 3pm; we have computers, games, and more; free;

for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, Wed Mar 1 thru Fri Mar 10

Teen Gaming, on Wednesdays; our current gaming

systems include PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, XboxONE, Wii, and

WiiU, along with laptops available for online gaming;
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 2:30pm Wed Mar 1 thru
Wed Mar 15

Teen Advisory Group, for grades 6-12; free; for

information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library,

3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6pm
Thu Mar 2

Minecraft, on Mondays; connect with other kids as we

play Minecraft in the computer lab; free; for information,

call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N
Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
3:30pm Mon Mar 6 and Mon Mar 13

Play & Grow, monthly play and learning for ages three
and under with caregiver; for information, call 309-7327323, Rock Island Public Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059
30th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am
Tue Mar 7

Teen Advisory Board, share ideas that would make

your library a better place for teens to hang out at; free;
for information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library,
105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 6pm Tue Mar 7

Lego Club, on Tuesdays; grade-schoolers test their

skills at building and design; free; for information, call

563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library (Main), 321 Main
St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 3:30pm Tue
Mar 7 and Tue Mar 14

Minecraft, on Tuesdays; connect with other kids as you

play in creative mode; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch,
6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
3:30pm Tue Mar 7 and Tue Mar 14

More Than 400 Events in Our Kids Calendar RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

Reaction Station, hands-on program in which kids
become scientists; free; for information, call 563-3444175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus
Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 11am Mon
Mar 13 and Wed Mar 15

Elf: The Musical, musical comedy based on the

Will Ferrell film hit, in a Broadway at the Paramount
presentation; $59-79; for tickets, call 800-745-3000,
Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St. SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
ParamountTheatreCR.com, 6:30pm Mon Nov 28

Anime Club, for grades 6-12; for information, call 309524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL,
MolineLibrary.com, 3:30pm Tue Mar 14

Elf: The Musical, musical comedy based on the Will

Ferrell film hit, in a Broadway at the Adler presentation;
$43-73; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Adler Theatre,
136 E Third St, Davenport IA, AdlerTheatre.com, 7:30pm
Tue Nov 29

LEGO STEM-azing, hands-on projects for kids in

science, technology, engineering, math, and fun; free;

for information, call 309-732- 7338, Rock Island Public
Library - 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 4pm Wed Mar 15


Paw Patrol Live! Race to the Rescue, all-new stage

adventure with characters from the Nickelodeon series;

Tue. 6pm, Wed. 10am, 2pm, & 6pm; $19-73; for tickets, call
800-745-3000, Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St. SE, Cedar
Rapids IA, ParamountTheatreCR.com, Tue Nov 22 and
Wed Nov 23

Jingle Arrgh the Way, holiday-themed family musical

reuniting characters from How I Became a Pirate,

directed by Andrea Moore; scheduled show-only, lunch,
and brunch performances Fridays thru Tuesdays; $10.5020.90; for tickets and information, call 309-786-7733 ext.
2, Circa 21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828 Third Ave, Rock Island
IL, Circa21.com, Fri Nov 25 thru Mon Dec 26

Disneys Beauty & the Beast, held in the auditorium;

Tony-winning stage adaptation of Disneys Oscarwinning animated smash; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Sun.
2:30pm; $26-40; for tickets and information, call 319-3668591, Theatre Cedar Rapids, 102 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids
IA, TheatreCR.org, Fri Nov 25 thru Sun Dec 4

The Elves & the Shoemaker, holiday-themed

childrens musical by Gene Mackey; scheduled 10am
& 1pm performances; $10; for tickets and information,
call 319-622-6262, Old Creamery Theatre, 39 38th
Ave, Amana IA, OldCreamery.com, Sat Nov 26 thru
Sat Dec 17

A Christmas Carol, musical adaptation of Charles

Dickens holiday classic, directed by Michael Turczynski;

Thu.-Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 2pm; $11-16; for tickets and
information, call 309-762-6610, Quad City Music Guild
- Prospect Park Auditorium, 1584 34th Ave, Moline IL,
QCMusicGuild.com, 7:30pm Thu Dec 1 thru Sun Dec 4

Disney on Ice: Dare to Dream, join hosts Mickey and

Minnie Mouse as they share the heroic stories of favorite

Disney princesses Snow White Cinderella, Rapunzel,
and Tiana; Thu. & Fri. 7pm, Sat. 11am, 3pm, & 7pm, Sun.
1 & 5pm; $12-55; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, iWireless
Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL, iWirelessCenter.com,
Thu Dec 1 thru Sun Dec 4

The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley, family-

musical adaptation of the childrens book, directed by

Kim Kurtenbach; Sat. & Sun. 3pm; $8-9; for information
and tickets, call 563-333-6251, Galvin Fine Arts Center, St.
Ambrose University, 2101 N Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.
edu/galvin, 3pm Sat Dec 3 and Sun Dec 4

Alexander, Whos Not Not Not Not Not Not Going

to Move, a Theatreworks USA presentation in the

2016-2017 Live at Heritage Center Performing Arts Series,

based on the popular childrens book; for information
and tickets, call 563-585-7469, John and Alice Butler Hall,
University of Dubuque Heritage Center, 2255 Bennett St,
Dubuque IA, Dbq.edu/heritagecenter, 2pm Sun Feb 12

Ramona Quimby, student-performed comedy

based on Beverly Clearys childrens-book series; Sat.
1 & 4pm, Sun. 2pm; for information, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, Sat Feb 18 thru
Sun Feb 26


Comedies & Dramas

November through May

he last time I composed a seasonal-guide article on our

areas lineup of theatrical comedies and dramas, Ill admit
I opened that Fall Guide piece on something of a bummer note,
making mention of just how many upcoming titles concerned
death, infidelity, and other dicey topics. Well, in the spirit
of the season, Im determined to start things off on a much
brighter note for this preview of wintertime stage treats! So
lets hear it for Geneseos Richmond Hill Barn Theatre, which,
from December 1 through 11, will deliver an optimistic tale in
which nearly two-dozen characters celebrate the true meaning of Christmas in a Steve Franco comedy titled ... In-Laws,
Outlaws, & Other People (That Should Be Shot).
Well, the uplift was nice while it lasted.
Dont fret, though: Director Eugenia Giebels closer for
Richmond Hills 2016 season is indeed a warm and funny
outing ... even if it does concern a family whose holiday plans
are interrupted by the arrival of a pair of thieves who just
robbed a liquor store. Similarly, even though they both have
murder in their titles, happy times will definitely be in store
when the interactive comedians of Its a Mystery Quad Cities
bring their dinner-and-a-killing evenings to Rock Islands
Skellington Manor in author Kim Eastlands Murder in Paradise (December 16, January 20, and February 14) and Patti
Flahertys Akin to Murder (January 13 and February 11). Heck,
Neil Simons Tony-winning Rumors which Alex Richardson
will direct for the Playcrafters Barn Theatre March 10 through
19 opens with a guy getting shot in the head, and its hilarious! So lets cheer up, people!

2016-17 Winter KWQC Family Fun Guide Published by the River Cities Reader
Daniel Tiger, all-new stage adventure with beloved

characters from Mr. Rogers Neighborhood; for tickets,

call 800-745-3000, Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson
Ave, Peoria IL, PeoriaCivicCenter.com, 5pm Sun Feb 19

Acting for Ages 10-12, Saturdays thru Apr. 8;

this imaginative, high-energy environment also

provides basic theatre terminology, improvisation,
characterization, vocal technique and physical skills;
$108-135; for information and to register, call 563326-7862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern
Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com,
noon Sat Jan 14

Acting for Ages 5-6, Saturdays thru Apr. 8;

this imaginative, high-energy environment also

provides basic theatre terminology, improvisation,
characterization, vocal technique and physical skills;
$108-135; for information and to register, call 563-3267862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 10am
Sat Jan 14

Acting for Ages 7-9, Saturdays thru Apr. 8;

this imaginative, high-energy environment also

provides basic theatre terminology, improvisation,
characterization, vocal technique and physical skills;
$108-135; for information and to register, call 563-3267862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 11:15am
Sat Jan 14

Broadway for Ages 7-9, Saturdays thru Apr. 8; become

a triple threat by learning what it takes to dance, sing,
and act; $108-135; for information and to register, call
563-326-7862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern
Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com,
11:30am Sat Jan 14
Costume Creation for Ages 12+, Saturdays thru Apr.
8; students will learn how to create and alter costumes
using a variety of techniques including using a sewing
machine, sewing by hand, and even gluing and pinning;
$116-145; for information and to register, call 563-3267862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 9:15am
Sat Jan 14

Yes, Playcrafters and director Donna Weeks are also presenting Robert Harlings beauty-shop heartbreaker Steel Magnolias (January 13 through 22), but everyone familiar with that
widely adored show knows its as laugh-out-loud-funny as it is
moving. True, New Ground Theatre and director Chris Jansen
are staging the PTSD drama Water by the Spoonful (January
20 through 29), but Quiara Alegra Hudes riveting script also
won a 2012 Pulitzer Prize, with the New York Times praising its
shimmering, sustaining warmth and vibrant humor.
Sure, a patriarch is dying and a woman is accused of
attempted murder in Augustana Colleges and director Jennifer Popples Crimes of the Heart (January 27 through February
5), but Beth Henleys comedy another Pulitzer champ is
also a rich, frequently riotous celebration of family. And yeah,
Augies Agnes of God (December 8 through 11), directed by
student Jacob Kilburg, concerns a convent novice who gives
birth to an infant who winds up dead, but John Pielmeiers
fascinating, Tony-winning mystery drama is ... . Okay, yeah,
that one is pretty grim. Fun, but grim.
But back to happy! Davenport Junior Theatre brings Beverly
Clearys beloved childrens-book character and her many pals
to life in Ramona Quimby (February 18 through 26)! Tristan
Tapscott directs an acclaimed romantic comedy in New
Grounds and author Jason Odell Williams Handle with Care
(December 9 through 18)! A quartet of St. Ambrose University
one-acts will showcase the talents of their student directors
in Jordan Webster-Moores Silenced and Jordan McGinnis
The Cat & the Monkey (December 11), and Brian Leibforths
Eleven Fifty Six and Zachary Lawsons Bolero (December 12)!
And even our areas Elizabethan theatre this season is
lighthearted! Well, okay, a quintet of esteemed British actors
from the Royal Shakespeare Company, Great Britains National
Theatre, and Shakespeares Globe Theatre will be bringing
their take on Romeo & Juliet to St. Ambrose on March 4, but


Creative Theatre Fun for Ages 3-4, Saturdays

thru Apr. 8; students explore creative role-play, mime,
imaginary play, basic improvisation, movement,
crafts, and games to develop a healthy and physical
imagination; $108-135; for information and to register,
call 563-326-7862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822
Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.
com, 9am Sat Jan 14
Intermediate Acting for Ages 7-9, Saturdays thru

Apr. 8; building on skills learned in previous courses,

Intermediate Acting provides a greater challenge;
physicality, characterization, and vocalization skills are
expanded; $108-135; for information and to register, call
563-326-7862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern
Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com,
10:45am Sat Jan 14

Acting for Ages 10-12, Mondays thru Apr. 3;

this imaginative, high-energy environment also

provides basic theatre terminology, improvisation,
characterization, vocal technique and physical skills;
$108-135; for information and to register, call 563-3267862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 5:45pm
Mon Jan 16

Acting for Ages 5-6, Mondays thru Apr. 3;

this imaginative, high-energy environment also

provides basic theatre terminology, improvisation,
characterization, vocal technique and physical skills;
$108-135; for information and to register, call 563-3267862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 4pm
Mon Jan 16

Acting for Ages 7-9, Mondays thru Apr. 3; this

imaginative, high-energy environment also

provides basic theatre terminology, improvisation,
characterization, vocal technique and physical skills; $108135; for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 6pm Mon Jan 16

Advanced Acting for Ages 9-13, Mondays thru Apr.

3; this class deepens the imagination and technique
of storytelling, and uses a variety of tools to develop
new skills while reinforcing old ones; $116-145;
for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 6:15pm Mon Jan 16

In-Laws, Outlaws ... @ Richmond Hill Barn Theatre

opens December 1
thats a touring tragedy, so it doesnt count, right ... ?
Anyhoo. At the QC Theatre Workshop venue, the Prenzie
Players and director Kitty Israel will deliver a pre-Christmas
present with the pastoral comedy of Shakespeares As You Like
It (December 9 through 17). And although the Bard didnt
write St. Ambroses midwinter offering, he was certainly the
inspiration for authors Adam Long, Daniel Singer, and Jess
Winfield in their crafting of The Complete Works of William
Shakespeare (abridged) [revised] (February 17 through 19).
Directed by Reader theatre reviewer Brent Tubbs, this recently
updated series of sketches features nods to Hamlet, King Lear,
Othello, Julius Caesar, Titus Andronicus ... .
Wait! Come back! I swear, its tragedy in service of comedy!!!
Oh, never mind. For more details on these and other wintertime shows about assassins, cannibals, politicians, and such,
visit the Readers Theatre calendar beginning on page 20.
Mike Schulz



2016-17 Winter KWQC Family Fun Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 400 Events in Our Kids Calendar RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar


Broadway for Ages 5-6, Mondays thru Apr. 3; become

a triple threat by learning what it takes to dance, sing,
and act; $108-135; for information and to register, call
563-326-7862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern
Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com,
4:15pm Mon Jan 16

Creative Theatre Fun for Ages 3-4, Mondays

thru Apr. 3; students explore creative role-play,
mime, imaginary play, basic improvisation,
movement, crafts, and games to develop a healthy
and physical imagination; $108-135; for information
and to register, call 563-326-7862, Davenport
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 4:45pm Mon Jan 16
Acting for Ages 10-12, Tuesdays thru Apr. 4;

this imaginative, high-energy environment also

provides basic theatre terminology, improvisation,
characterization, vocal technique and physical skills; $108135; for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 4:30pm Tue Jan 17

Acting for Ages 5-6, Tuesdays thru Apr. 4; this

imaginative, high-energy environment also
provides basic theatre terminology, improvisation,
characterization, vocal technique and physical skills; $108135; for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 5pm Tue Jan 17
Acting for Ages 7-9, Tuesdays thru Apr. 4; this

imaginative, high-energy environment also

provides basic theatre terminology, improvisation,
characterization, vocal technique and physical skills;
$108-135; for information and to register, call 563-3267862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 4:15pm
Tue Jan 17

Broadway Babies for Ages 3-4, Tuesdays thru Apr.

4; explore storytelling through song and dance; this
class develops coordination and social skills through
exercises, movement, crafts and games; $108-135;
for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 4pm Tue Jan 17
Intermediate Acting for Ages 10-13, Tuesdays thru Apr.

4; building on skills learned in previous courses, Intermediate

Acting provides a greater challenge; physicality,
characterization, and vocalization skills are expanded;
$108-135; for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 7pm Tue Jan 17

Intermediate Acting for Ages 7-9, Tuesdays thru

Apr. 4; building on skills learned in previous courses,

Intermediate Acting provides a greater challenge;
physicality, characterization, and vocalization skills are
expanded; $108-135; for information and to register, call
563-326-7862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern
Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com,
5:45pm Tue Jan 17

Teen Acting, Tuesdays thru Apr. 4; a great way to

get professional theatrical training, some onstage

Quad City Arts Visiting Artists Quinteto Latino @ First Presbyterian Church of Davenport - February 26
experience, and meet other teens from around
the theatre circuit in the Quad Cities; $108-135;
for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 6:15pm Tue Jan 17

Acting for Ages 7-9, Wednesdays thru Apr. 5;

this imaginative, high-energy environment also

provides basic theatre terminology, improvisation,
characterization, vocal technique and physical skills;
$108-135; for information and to register, call 563326-7862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern
Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com,
Wed Jan 18

Broadway Babies for Ages 3-4, Wednesdays thru

Apr. 5; explore storytelling through song and dance; this

class develops coordination and social skills through
exercises, movement, crafts and games; $108-135;
for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 5:30pm Wed Jan 18

Improv for Ages 10-12, Wednesdays thru Apr. 5;

through a collection of games and exercises, students

develop the ability to think quickly and imaginatively;
$108-135; for information and to register, call 563-3267862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 7pm
Wed Jan 18

Improv for Ages 5-6, Wednesdays thru Apr. 5; through

a collection of games and exercises, students develop
the ability to think quickly and imaginatively; $100-125;
for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 4:30pm Wed Jan 18

Improv for Ages 7-9, Wednesdays thru Apr. 5; through

a collection of games and exercises, students develop
the ability to think quickly and imaginatively; $108-135;
for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 5:45pm Wed Jan 18
Acting for Ages 5-6, Thursdays thru Apr. 6;

this imaginative, high-energy environment also

provides basic theatre terminology, improvisation,
characterization, vocal technique and physical skills;
$108-135; for information and to register, call 563-3267862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 4pm
Thu Jan 19

Acting for Ages 7-9, Thursdays thru Apr. 6;

this imaginative, high-energy environment also

provides basic theatre terminology, improvisation,
characterization, vocal technique and physical skills;
$108-135; for information and to register, call 563-3267862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 6pm
Thu Jan 19

Broadway for Ages 10-12, Thursdays thru Apr.

6; become a triple threat by learning what it takes

to dance, sing, and act; $108-135; for information
and to register, call 563-326-7862, Davenport
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 7:15pm Thu Jan 19

Broadway for Ages 5-6, Thursdays thru Apr. 6;

become a triple threat by learning what it takes

to dance, sing, and act; $108-135; for information
and to register, call 563-326-7862, Davenport

Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,

DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 5:45pm Thu Jan 19

Broadway for Ages 7-9, Thursdays thru Apr. 6;

become a triple threat by learning what it takes
to dance, sing, and act; $108-135; for information
and to register, call 563-326-7862, Davenport
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 4:30pm Thu Jan 19
Homeschool Theatre for Ages 10-12, Thursdays
thru Apr. 6; this imaginative, high energy environment
provides theatre terminology, vocal technique,
and physical skills; $108-135; for information
and to register, call 563-326-7862, Davenport
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 12:15pm Thu Jan 19
Homeschool Theatre for Ages 13+, Thursdays

thru Apr. 6; this imaginative, high energy environment

provides theatre terminology, vocal technique,
and physical skills; $108-135; for information
and to register, call 563-326-7862, Davenport
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 1:30pm Thu Jan 19

Homeschool Theatre for Ages 5-6, Thursdays

thru Apr. 6; this imaginative, high energy environment
provides theatre terminology, vocal technique,
and physical skills; $108-135; for information
and to register, call 563-326-7862, Davenport
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 11:30am Thu Jan 19
Homeschool Theatre for Ages 7-9, Thursdays

thru Apr. 6; this imaginative, high energy environment

provides theatre terminology, vocal technique,

More Than 400 Events in Our Kids Calendar RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

and physical skills; $108-135; for information
and to register, call 563-326-7862, Davenport
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 12:45pm Thu Jan 19


The Joffrey Ballet: The Nutcracker, featuring

choreography by Christopher Wheeldon and an updated

story and art by Brian Selznick, this Nutcracker is set in
Chicago during the 1893 Worlds Fair; local children will
once again take the stage with the Joffrey dancers as we
usher in a new holiday tradition; Thu.-Sat. 7:30pm, Sat.
& Sun. 2pm; $20-75; for tickets and information, call 319335-1160, Hancher Auditorium, 101 East Park Rd., Iowa
City IA, Hancher.UIowa.edu, Thu Dec 1 thru Sun Dec 4

The Nutcracker, Ballet Quad Cities presents

Tchaikovskys holiday classic choreographed by Artistic

Director Courtney Lyon, with live music provided by
Orchestra Iowa; for information and tickets, call 309-7863779, Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St. SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
BalletQuadCities.com, 7:30pm Mon Dec 5

The Nutcracker, Tchaikovskys holiday-themed ballet

classic performed by dancers from Nolte Academy; Fri.

& Sat. 7:30pm, Sat. & Sun. 2pm; $18-30; for tickets and
information, call 319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 East
Washington St, Iowa City IA, Englert.org, Fri Dec 9 thru
Sun Dec 11

The Nutcracker, Ballet Quad Cities presents

rhythm and coordination; $120-150; for information

and to register, call 563-326-7862, Davenport
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 11am Sat Jan 14

Budding Ballerinas for Ages 3-4, Saturdays thru

May 13; our tiniest dancers learn ballet fundamentals

in this class that focuses on developing core basics and
having fun; $120-150; for information and to register, call
563-326-7862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern
Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 9am
Sat Jan 14

Tumble I for Ages 6+, Saturdays thru May 13; floor

gymnastics for the beginning to intermediate tumbler;

$124-155; for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 10:50am Sat Jan 14

Tumble Tots for Ages 4-5, Saturdays thru May 13; our
littlest tumblers begin learning basic floor gymnastics
and exercises to increase flexibility, strength, and
balance; $120-150; for information and to register, call
563-326-7862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern
Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com,
9:50am Sat Jan 14
Ballet I for Ages 7+, Mondays thru May 8; classes
provide proper training in ballet technique, alignment
and terminology, incorporating the discipline that is an
integral part of all dance style; $128-160; for information
and to register, call 563-326-7862, Davenport
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 6pm Mon Jan 16

Tchaikovskys holiday classic choreographed by Artistic

Director Courtney Lyon, with live music provided
by Orchestra Iowa; at 1:30 & 7:30pm; $10.50-36; for
information and tickets, call 309-786-3779, Adler Theatre,
136 E Third St, Davenport IA, BalletQuadCities.com,
Sat Dec 10

Ballet II for Ages 9+, Mondays thru May 8; classes

provide proper training in ballet technique, alignment
and terminology, incorporating the discipline that is an
integral part of all dance style; $128-160; for information
and to register, call 563-326-7862, Davenport
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 4:10pm Mon Jan 16

The Nutcracker, Tchaikovskys holiday called

Ballet III/IV for Ages 10+, Mondays thru May 8;

performed by Peoria Ballet with live music from the

Heartland Festival Orchestra; Sat. 2 & 7:30pm, Sun. 2pm;
for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW
Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL, PeoriaCivicCenter.com, Sat Dec
10 and Sun Dec 11

Ballet Quad Cities School of Dance Classes,

offering classes in Ballet Pointe, Modern, Jazz, Tap,

Conditioning, Creative Movement, and Adult Ballet,
for ages 3 to adult; all classes taught by the companys
professional dancers; for information and to register,
call 309-786-2677, Ballet Quad Cities School of Dance,
617 17th St, Rock Island IL, BalletQuadCities.com, thru
Wed Mar 15

Beginning Ballet for Ages 5-6, Saturdays thru May

13; classes provide proper training in ballet technique,

alignment and terminology, incorporating the discipline
that is an integral part of all dance style; $120-150;
for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 10am Sat Jan 14

Beginning Tap for Ages 4-5, Saturdays thru May

13; tap uses special tap shoes to make rhythmic

sounds and combinations; this class develops timing,

2016-17 Winter KWQC Family Fun Guide Published by the River Cities Reader
Advanced Ballet/Pointe, Tuesdays thru May 9; classes
provide proper training in ballet technique, alignment
and terminology, incorporating the discipline that is an
integral part of all dance style; $128-160 with teacher
recommendation; for information and to register, call
563-326-7862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern
Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com,
7:10pm Tue Jan 17
Hip Hop I for Ages 6-8, Tuesdays thru May 9; this

course uses high energy, contemporary routines

with current moves and popular music; $128-160;
for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 4:10pm Tue Jan 17

Hip Hop II for Ages 9+, Tuesdays thru May 9; this

course uses high energy, contemporary routines

with current moves and popular music; $128-160;
for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 6:10pm Tue Jan 17

Lil Hip Hop for Ages 4-5, Tuesdays thru May 9;

this course uses high energy, contemporary routines
with current moves and popular music; $124-155;
for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 5:10pm Tue Jan 17
Tumble I for Ages 6+, Tuesdays thru May 9; floor

gymnastics for the beginning to intermediate tumbler;

$124-155; for information and to register, call 563-3267862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 5pm
Tue Jan 17

Tumble II for Ages 8+, Tuesdays thru May 9; floor

gymnastics for the beginning to intermediate tumbler;
$128-160; for information and to register, call 563-3267862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 6pm
Tue Jan 17

classes provide proper training in ballet technique,

alignment and terminology, incorporating the discipline
that is an integral part of all dance style; $128-160;
for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 7:10pm Mon Jan 16

Tumble III for Ages 10+, Tuesdays thru May 9;

Beginning Ballet for Ages 5-6, Mondays thru May

Tumble Tots for Ages 4-5, Tuesdays thru May 9; our

littlest tumblers begin learning basic floor gymnastics
and exercises to increase flexibility, strength, and
balance; $120-150; for information and to register, call
563-326-7862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern
Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 4pm
Tue Jan 17

8; classes provide proper training in ballet technique,

alignment and terminology, incorporating the discipline
that is an integral part of all dance style; $120-150;
for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 5pm Mon Jan 16

Budding Ballerinas for Ages 3-4, Mondays thru May 8;

our tiniest dancers learn ballet fundamentals in this class
that focuses on developing core basics and having fun;
$120-150; for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 4pm Mon Jan 16
Hip Hop III for Ages 13+, Mondays thru May 8;
this course uses high energy, contemporary routines
with current moves and popular music; $128-160;
for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 6:30pm Mon Jan 16

floor gymnastics for the beginning to intermediate

tumbler; $128-160; for information and to register, call
563-326-7862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern
Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 7pm
Tue Jan 17

Beginning Ballet for Ages 5-6, Wednesdays thru May

10; classes provide proper training in ballet technique,
alignment and terminology, incorporating the discipline
that is an integral part of all dance style; $120-150;
for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 4:10pm Wed Jan 18

Beginning Tap for Ages 4-5, Wednesdays thru

May 10; tap uses special tap shoes to make rhythmic

sounds and combinations; this class develops timing,
rhythm and coordination; $120-150; for information
and to register, call 563-326-7862, Davenport


Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,

DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 4pm Wed Jan 18

Budding Ballerinas for Ages 3-4, Wednesdays thru

May 10; our tiniest dancers learn ballet fundamentals

in this class that focuses on developing core basics and
having fun; $120-150; for information and to register, call
563-326-7862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern
Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com,
5:15pm Wed Jan 18

Jazz I for Ages 6+, Wednesdays thru May 10; jazz

utilizes techniques and movements from ballet and

modern dance; this class is designed to develop
expression of music through creative movement; $120150; for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 5pm Wed Jan 18

Lyrical I for Ages 8+, Wednesdays thru May 10; a

combination of ballet, jazz and modern dance with an

emphasis on fluidity and grace; in this class, dancers
learn to express themselves as artists while dancing to
stories revealed in the lyrics of contemporary music;
$124-155; for information and to register, call 563-3267862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 6:10pm
Wed Jan 18

Tap I for Ages 6+, Wednesdays thru May 10; tap

uses special tap shoes to make rhythmic sounds

and combinations; this class develops timing,
rhythm and coordination; $120-150; for information
and to register, call 563-326-7862, Davenport
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 6pm Wed Jan 18

Tap/Jazz III for Ages 10+, Wednesdays thru May 10;

tap uses special tap shoes to make rhythmic sounds
and combinations, and jazz utilizes techniques and
movements from ballet and modern dance; $132165 with teacher recommendation; for information
and to register, call 563-326-7862, Davenport
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 7pm Wed Jan 18

Budding Ballerinas for Ages 3-4, Thursdays thru

May 11; our tiniest dancers learn ballet fundamentals

in this class that focuses on developing core basics and
having fun; $120-150; for information and to register, call
563-326-7862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern
Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com,
Thu Jan 19

Homeschool Ballet I for Ages 5+, Thursdays thru May

11; classes provide proper training in ballet technique,
alignment and terminology, incorporating the discipline
that is an integral part of all dance styles; $128-160;
for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 1pm Thu Jan 19
Homeschool Ballet II for Ages 6+, Thursdays

thru May 11; classes provide proper training in ballet

technique, alignment and terminology, incorporating
the discipline that is an integral part of all dance styles;
$128-160; for information and to register, call 563-3267862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 1:10pm
Thu Jan 19



2016-17 Winter KWQC Family Fun Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 400 Events in Our Kids Calendar RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar

Family Museum, 2900 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf
IA, FamilyMuseum.org, noon Sun Dec 4


Voyage to Vietnam: Celebrating the Tet Festival

Cultural Event, design and make a lucky kite that will

Homeschool Ballet III for Ages 8+, Thursdays

soar into the sky to greet the new year; free with $4-7
admission; for information, call 563-344-4106, Family
Museum, 2900 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
FamilyMuseum.org, 10:30am Sat Dec 17

thru May 11; classes provide proper training in ballet

technique, alignment and terminology, incorporating
the discipline that is an integral part of all dance styles;
$128-160; for information and to register, call 563-3267862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 11:45am
Thu Jan 19

Holiday Jammie Jam, put on your jammies and join

us for a cozy evening of singing, hot cocoa, peppermint

sticks, and family togetherness; we will sing some
holiday favorites together and enjoy the beautiful
decorations of the Family Museum Great Hall; free; for
information, call 563-344-4106, Family Museum, 2900
Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, FamilyMuseum.org,
6pm Wed Dec 21

Homeschool Ballet IV, Thursdays thru May 11;

classes provide proper training in ballet technique,

alignment and terminology, incorporating the discipline
that is an integral part of all dance styles; $128-160;
for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 10:45am Thu Jan 19

Noon Years Eve, a special New Years party for the

younger set with music, noisemakers, hats, and confetti;

free with $4-7 admission; for information, call 563344-4106, Family Museum, 2900 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, FamilyMuseum.org, 9am Sat Dec 31

Homeschool Ballet V, Thursdays thru May 11;

classes provide proper training in ballet technique,
alignment and terminology, incorporating the discipline
that is an integral part of all dance styles; $132-165;
for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 9am Thu Jan 19
Homeschool Budding Ballerinas for Ages 3-4,

Thursdays thru May 11; our tiniest dancers learn ballet

fundamentals in this class focusing on developing
core basics and having fun; $120-150; for information
and to register, call 563-326-7862, Davenport
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 11:15am Thu Jan 19

Jazz II for Ages 9+, Thursdays thru May 11; jazz utilizes
techniques and movements from ballet and modern
dance; this class is designed to develop expression
of music through creative movement; $124-155;
for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 5:10pm Thu Jan 19
Lyrical II for Ages 9+, Thursdays thru May 11; a
combination of ballet, jazz and modern dance with an
emphasis on fluidity and grace; in this class, dancers
learn to express themselves as artists while dancing to
stories revealed in the lyrics of contemporary music;
$128-160; for information and to register, call 563-3267862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 6:15pm
Thu Jan 19
Poms Dance Team I for Ages 5-6, Thursdays thru
May 11; a fun and high-energy class focused on areas
of dance, cheer, leaps, turns, jumps and more tricks;
students learn precision and strong arm motions
while focusing on technical dance skills of balance,
strength, and flexibility, and routines in areas of jazz,
hip hop, kick line, and more; $124-155; for information
and to register, call 563-326-7862, Davenport
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 5pm Thu Jan 19
Poms Dance Team II for Ages 7-9, Thursdays thru

May 11; a fun and high-energy class focused on areas

of dance, cheer, leaps, turns, jumps and more tricks;
students learn precision and strong arm motions
while focusing on technical dance skills of balance,
strength, and flexibility, and routines in areas of jazz,
hip hop, kick line, and more; $124-155; for information
and to register, call 563-326-7862, Davenport
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 6pm Thu Jan 19

Poms Dance Team III for Ages 10+, Thursdays thru

May 11; a fun and high-energy class focused on areas

of dance, cheer, leaps, turns, jumps and more tricks;
students learn precision and strong arm motions
while focusing on technical dance skills of balance,
strength, and flexibility, and routines in areas of jazz,
hip hop, kick line, and more; $124-155; for information
and to register, call 563-326-7862, Davenport
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 7:20pm Thu Jan 19

Tap II for Ages 9+, Thursdays thru May 11; tap

uses special tap shoes to make rhythmic sounds

and combinations; this class develops timing,
rhythm and coordination; $124-155; for information
and to register, call 563-326-7862, Davenport
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 4:10pm Thu Jan 19

Chris Young @ iWireless Center - December 9

November & December
Dance Party Storytime, on Wednesdays; stories

and songs are mixed with yoga, dancing, and more

in a weekly activity for ages 0-5; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N
Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
10am Wed Nov 23 and Wed Nov 30

Dance Party Storytime, on Thursdays; stories and

songs are mixed with yoga, dancing, and more in a weekly

activity for ages 0-5; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000
Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am
Thu Dec 1 thru Thu Dec 29

Dance Me a Story: The Nutcracker, movement

and music with the Ballet Quad Cities dancers and
Tchaikovskys ballet classic; for information, call 563-3267832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch,
6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
6pm Wed Dec 7
Dance Me a Story: The Nutcracker, movement

and music with the Ballet Quad Cities dancers and

Tchaikovskys ballet classic; free; for information, call
309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline
IL, MolineLibrary.com, 2:30pm Wed Dec 7


Love Stories; move with parts of the story, learn

about ballet, and see some of the costumes; free; for
information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library
- Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd., Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Wed Feb 1

Dance Party Storytime, on Wednesdays; stories

and songs are mixed with yoga, dancing, and more

in a weekly activity for ages 0-5; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N
Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
10am Wed Feb 1 thru Wed Feb 22

Dance Party Storytime, on Thursdays; stories and

songs are mixed with yoga, dancing, and more in a weekly

activity for ages 0-5; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000
Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am
Thu Feb 2 thru Thu Feb 23

Dance Party Storytime, on Wednesdays; stories

and songs are mixed with yoga, dancing, and more

in a weekly activity for ages 0-5; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N
Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
10am Wed Mar 1 thru Wed Mar 15

The Untold Story of Santa: Behind the White
Beard, a collaboration project between the GAHC and

and songs are mixed with yoga, dancing, and more

in a weekly activity for ages 0-5; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N
Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
10am Wed Jan 4 thru Wed Jan 25

two 7th grade classes at the Creative Arts Academy;

visitors will learn about the different types of Christmas
and representations of Santa across the world in an exhibit
on the themes History of Santa, Santa in Germany,
and Santa Around the World; Tue.-Sat. 10am-4pm, Sun.
noon-4pm; free with $3-5 admission; for information, call
563-322-8844, German American Heritage Center, 712 W
2nd St, Davenport IA, GAHC.org, thru Sun Jan 8

Dance Party Storytime, on Thursdays; stories and

Voyage to Vietnam: Celebrating the Tet Festival,

Dance Party Storytime, on Wednesdays; stories

songs are mixed with yoga, dancing, and more in a

weekly activity for ages 0-5; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern
Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Thu Jan 5 thru Thu Jan 26

Hug a Book Dance Party, for ages 0-5; move, dance,

sing and enjoy our favorite storytime songs with Mrs.

Ranell; each child will receive a free book and a set of
scarves to go along with the music; free; for information,
call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main
Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org,
6pm Thu Jan 19

Dance Me a Story: Love Stories, an hour of

movement and music as the Ballet Quad Cities dancers

bring child-friendly scenes from their new Love Stories
to life; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 2pm Sat Jan 28

February & March

Dance Me a Story: Love Stories, Ballet Quad Cities
presents a child-friendly introduction to their ballet

discover the beauty, sights, and sounds of Vietnam;

immerse yourself in Vietnamese culture and traditions
as you try on a giant lion dance mask, pose for an
interactive family photo, and create a fireworks display;
free with $4-7 museum admission; for information, call
563-344-4106, Family Museum, 2900 Learning Campus
Dr, Bettendorf IA, FamilyMuseum.org, thru Sun Jan 15

Care Package Day, support those who serve and

protect us by putting together care packages for

our Armed Forces; bring in items and make a card to
express your appreciation; free with $4-7 admission; for
information, call 563-344-4106, Family Museum, 2900
Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, FamilyMuseum.org,
10:30am Sat Dec 3

Putnam Explorers, for grades 2-6; hands-on learning

that invites students to dive deep into exciting concepts;

for information, call 563-324-1933, Putnam Museum
& Science Center, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport IA,
Putnam.org, 1:30pm Sun Dec 4

WinterFest, event featuring music, winter activities,

crafts, dance performances, and a chance to visit and

get your picture taken with Santa; free with a donation
for the food pantry; for information, call 563-344-4106,

Family Fun Night at the Putnam Museum, join

Putnam educators in our lobby for fun activities and
experience the museum and science center at night,
and watch Living in the Age of Airplanes in our Giant
Screen Theater; activities that take place in our Grand
Lobby are free to the public, but admission fees are
required to experience the museum, science center,
& theater; for information, contact Octavia HoutekierBoyd at 563-324-1933 or [email protected], Putnam
Museum & Science Center, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport IA,
Putnam.org, 5pm Fri Jan 20

Showtime at Silvis: Black Friday Edition, screening
of a family movie about a young boy who accidentally
summons a vengeful spirit but who has a magical
instrument, a monkey, and a beetle for back-up; free; for
information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105
8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 1pm Fri Nov 25
Showtime at Silvis, screening of the family movie

about a blue fish who tries to find the family she forgot;
free; for information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public
Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 1pm
Sat Nov 26

Mystery Movie Party, this all-ages movie party will

have tasty treats and a simple craft; bring a pillow or
a blanket with you to get extra cozy; for information,
call 563-289-4242 or e-mail [email protected],
LeClaire Community Library, 323 Wisconsin St, LeClaire
IA, LeClaireLibrary.org, 4:30pm Thu Dec 1
Winter Break at the Movies, for information, call
563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library - Eastern
Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 2pm Tue Dec 27

Showtime at Silvis Christmas Movie, relax to a

holiday movie to ease you out of the holiday craze; free;
for information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library,
105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 3pm Tue Dec 27
and Wed Dec 28
Disney Junior at the Movies With Mickey!,

Rave Cinemas Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E

53rd St, Davenport IA, Cinemark.com/theatre-1090,
10am Sat Jan 14

Finding Dory, a screening of the animated hit in the

Warm up with Winter Movies series; free; for information,

call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main
Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org,
2pm Mon Jan 16

The Wild Life, a screening of the animated Robinson

Crusue film in the Warm up with Winter Movies series;

free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 2pm Sat Feb 18

Quad City Arts Festival of Trees: Family Day,

annual Quad City Arts fundraiser featuring more than

100 designer trees on display, 14 special events, the
largest helium balloon parade in the Midwest, childrens
activities, visits from Santa, and more; $2-10; for

2016-17 Winter KWQC Family Fun Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 400 Events in Our Kids Calendar RiverCitiesReader.com/Calendar


information, call 309-793-1213, Davenport RiverCenter,

136 E 3rd St, Davenport IA, QuadCityArts.com/
festivaloftrees, 9am Sat Nov 26

Kids Meditation Class, on Sundays; find inner peace,

reduce stress, and find solutions to the problems of
daily life; includes an explanation of the benefits of
meditation, how to meditate, and guided meditation;
$5-10; for information, call 563-322-1600, Lamrim
Kadampa Buddhist Center, 502 1/2 3rd St, Davenport IA,
MeditateInIowa.org, 11am Sun Nov 27 thru Sun Dec 18
Zookeeper Chats, at noon & 3pm; find out what its

like to feed and care for a wild animal; free with $4.258.25 admission; for information, call 309-799-3482, Niabi
Zoo, 13010 Niabi Zoo Rd., Coal Valley IL, NiabiZoo.com,
thru Wed Nov 30

Breakfast with Santa, enjoy a warm breakfast

buffet and then experience Niabi animals with our

special guest Santa; $4.25-8.25 general admission; for
information, call 309-799-3482, Niabi Zoo, 13010 Niabi
Zoo Rd., Coal Valley IL, NiabiZoo.com, 10am Sat Dec 3

Lunchtime with the Reptiles, join a naturalist

in feeding and caring for the live turtles and snakes
and learn more about these cool critters; free; for
information, call 563-652-3783, Hurstville Interpretive
Center, 18670 63th St, Maquoketa IA, 3pm Sun Dec 4
thru Sun Dec 18
Cookie and Milk with Santa Playgroup, for
information, e-mail [email protected],
Chick-fil-A at Davenport, 2945 E 53rd St, Davenport IA,
9am Tue Dec 13
4-H Military Scrapbooking Club, for ages 12-18; at
the Cession Room in Building 60; get your smartphone
or Instagram photos printed off and into a memorable
scrapbook; embellish a unique scrapbook each month
and learn new scrapbook techniques; $20 supply fee;
for information and to register, call 309-756-9978, Rock
Island Arsenal, Rock Island IL, web.extension.illinios.edu/
hmrs/4hpyd, 5:30pm Wed Dec 21
Community Drum Circle, join drum instructor James
Sivell and other area percussionists for a Drum Circle
of improvised rhythms; instruments are available, but
patrons are encouraged to bring their own drum or
percussion instrument; $2.50-5 suggested donation; for
information, call 563-326-1333, RME Community Stage,
131 W 2nd St, Davenport IA, RiverMusicExperience.org,
11am Sat Dec 31
4-H Coding Club with WQPT, thru Jan. 14; Michael
Carton, Director of Education and Outreach for WQPT
will instruct children using the PBS KIDS Scratch Jr
app to design their own interactive stories and games
featuring their favorite characters from PBS KIDS shows;
learn how to solve problems, design projects, and
develop sequencing skills that are foundational for
future academic success; the End of Series Social will be
held on January 14 10:30am; free; for information, call
309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL,
SilvisLibrary.org, Mon Jan 9
Spring Early Learning Extravaganza with
HeadStart, free; for information, call 309-732-7323,

Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 4pm Thu Mar 2

November 10 Crossword Answers

Kevin Pieper and Tom Naab in Quad City Music Guilds A Christmas Carol opens December 1


Musicals & Dance

November through March

s a beloved novice soprano, and soprano novice, once trilled, The

hills are alive with the sound of music! Well, this season, you can
forget about the hills the whole region will be alive with the sound of
music ... including the Iowa City region that plays host to the Hancher
Auditoriums all-new touring production of The Sound of Music
(January 31 through February 5).
Three-time Tony winner Jack OBriens acclaimed re-imagining of
Rodgers & Hammersteins cherished classic will precede Hanchers
wintertime stagings of Mamma Mia! (February 25 and 26), the quintessential jukebox musical if the jukebox in question played nothing
but ABBA songs. There will also be extraordinary choreography on
display in the venues forthcoming presentations of the Joffrey Ballets
The Nutcracker (December 1 through 4), Kyle Abrahams Abraham.
In.Motion (January 27), and the Asian-influenced Soil (February 8
and 9). But dont feel that youll be restricted to Iowa City this season if
youre looking for musical and theatrical-dance entertainment.
Local tune-filled fun for audiences of all ages begins with the Circa
21 Dinner Playhouses family musical Jingle Arrgh the Way (November 25 through December 26), director Andrea Moores Christmasthemed sequel to How I Became a Pirate, which runs on select
mornings and afternoons in conjunction with Circa 21s and director
Ann Niemans mainstage revue Holly Jolly Christmas (through
December 29). One of Will Ferrells most endearing goofballs gets a
theatrical makeover in the Adler Theatres family-musical rendition of
the holiday hit Elf (November 29). Quad City Music Guild has another
family delight in store in a song-and-dance version of Charles Dickens
A Christmas Carol (December 1 through 4), with Michael Turczynski directing more than two-dozen stage talents and music director
Heather Beck tackling Oscar-winning composer Alan Menkens score.
A charming childrens-book character takes the stage at St.
Ambrose University when director Kimberly Furness helms The
Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley (December 3 and 4). And beyond

its performances at Hancher and, from December 9 through 11, Iowa

Citys Englert Theatre, family audiences can revel in the holiday spell
of Tchaikovsky when Ballet Quad Cities and Orchestra Iowa grace the
Adler Theatre with the annually beloved The Nutrcracker (December
Once the new year hits, its only a few weeks til the Adler Theatres
touring presentation of Once (January 25), the moving and exhilarating musical romance that won eight Tony Awards and was adapted
from 2007s Oscar-winning movie. And ironically enough, Once will
be the second local musical of January to be based on an Academy
Award winner, as Circa 21 starts its 2017 season on notes of fantasy
and romance in the area debut of Ghost: The Musical (January 11
through March 11), with Jerry Cranford directing this Tony-nominated version of the two-time Oscar victor.
Ballet Quad Cities has more to offer dance fans in celebration of
Valentines Day, when Molines Scottish Rite Cathedral hosts the
annual vignettes of Love Stories (February 10 and 11), a celebration of
the companys 20th anniversary through evocative pieces including
choreographer Johanne Jakhellns intriguingly titled Chairished.
Everyone is invited to come and meet those dancing feet when the
Adler delivers a lavish, toe-tapping, Broadway-belting touring production of the musical masterwork 42nd Street (February 13).
Finally, arriving just in time to kiss winter a hearty goodbye, Circa
21 and director Jim Hesselman present the long-awaited venue
return of a legendary musical unseen at the building in more than
two decades: Meredith Willsons The Music Man (March 15 through
May 13). Even if youve seen it before, youll no doubt want to see it
again, rife as it is with unforgettable tunes such as You Got Trouble,
76 Trombones, Til There Was You, Gary, Indiana, and Iowa
Stubborn that latter one the song with the lyric Oh, theres nothing
halfway about the Iowa way to treat you when we treat you ... which we
may not do at all. Hee hee hee ... !
Hey, I live in Illinois. Its funny to me.
For more on the areas wintertime roster of musicals and dance
events, visit the Readers Theatre and Dance calendar sections beginning on pages 20 and 22 . Mike Schulz



2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com


Knight Shift


My boyfriend of a year is a big sweetheart,

but whenever we go out to eat, he always
orders first. It really bothers me, and I feel
disrespected and embarrassed that people
are seeing this, despite how this probably
makes me a bad feminist. How do I ask him
nicely to let me order first when we dine out?
Suddenly, hes shoving you out of the way to
get to the lifeboat yelling back, Babe, youll
be fine! You were on the swim team!
At least, thats the way the older couple
next to you is likely to see it when he orders
his meal first, and that is embarrassing. Sadly,
it doesnt help that feminist academics have
deemed customs such as women ordering first
benevolent sexism casting women as weak
and in need of protection and coddling by men
(a.k.a. patriarchal cockroaches).
Males, throughout human history and the
animal kingdom, did evolve to be the protectors and defenders of women. This makes
biological sense, considering that women
provide a cozy B&B for the developing fetus,
plus liquid refreshment and child care after the
kid is born. And even a relatively wimpy man
is likely to have more muscle mass, upper-body
strength, and aggression-energizing testosterone than most women.
A number of modern behavioral protocols
come out of these sex differences. For example,
theres how the mans the one to walk closest
to the curb, open the car door, and act as a
human shield against a gun-toting mugger
despite how, these days, even the itsy-bitsiest
woman can make quick work of an attacker
with her sparkly My Little Pony-emblazoned
Smith & Wesson.
The reality is that the psychology driving
these customs, which evolved over millions of
years, doesnt just change all Presto GloriaSteinem-o! because women now have ways
to defend themselves. Thats probably why you
feel embarrassed about others eyes on you.
Evolutionary psychologist Daniel Sznycer, who
researches shame, explains that shame is not
just a feeling. It seems to be an informationmanagement program that evolved to help
us protect our reputation. That feel-bad that
rises up in us is a signal that wed better do
something pronto to stop our slides down the
social totem pole.
As for how to tell your boyfriend, keep
in mind that you can school a guy in social


customs, but you cant school him in being

a big sweetheart. Use a compliment as your
launchpad about wonderful things he does
for you and then throw in an I know you
didnt realize this, but . This way, its not so
much a criticism as a pointer on how to make
you happier.
And the truth is: If youre like a lot of women,
you might find it sexy when the physical differences between men and women are emphasized
in small symbolic ways such as this. No, you
arent a traitor to womankind if you say, Thats
so sweet! when a guy puts his coat around your
shoulders instead of Get that thing off me! Ill
do the feminist thing and freeze.

Make Vroom for Daddy

Im a divorced woman in my 40s, and I just

started dating again. Im seriously tired of it
already, after just two dates with two really disappointing guys. I want to cut to the picture in
my head: cuddling on the couch and watching
Netflix with my handsome new beau. Meeting
somebody shouldnt be this hard. Im launching a new business, and my time seems better
spent working than on some crappy date. But I
also dont want to be alone forever.
Your expectations about how easy it should
be to find new love arent just unrealistic;
theyre unrealistic by fairytale standards. Its
Someday, my prince will come, not Get
crowd control over here, pronto, for the mob
of handsome, fabulous royals who will soon be
gathering on my front lawn.
Picturing yourself in the cuddly-wuddly life
you feel you should already have may be part of
the problem. Motivation researcher Gabriele
Oettingen finds that fantasizing is often demotivating fooling our minds into believing that
we already have the thing were dreaming of.
Oettingens research makes a case for combining fantasizing with what Id call positive
pessimism making yourself consider all the
things standing in the way of what you want.
As Oettingen explains it, thinking concretely
about the obstacles we have to overcome helps
energize us to tackle them.
The reality is that the older you get, and the
more you expect from a boyfriend, the harder
it will be to find one. So either buckle down
and prepare for the dating grind or do what it
takes to immediately have a life partner who
will look at you with great adoration: Give your
dog salami.

Got A Problem? Ask Amy Alkon.

171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405

or e-mail [email protected] (AdviceGoddess.com)
2016, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved.

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com

2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader


ARIES (March 21-April 19): Creative
people are at greater risk, said
psychiatrist R. D. Laing, just as one
who climbs a mountain is more at risk than one
who walks along a village lane. I bring this to
your attention, Aries, because in the coming
weeks you will have the potential to be
abundantly creative, as well as extra imaginative,
ingenious, and innovative. But I should also let
you know that if you want to fulfill this potential,
you must be willing to work with the extra tests
and challenges that life throws your way. For
example, you could be asked to drop a pose,
renounce lame excuses, or reclaim powers that
you gave away once upon a time.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Taurus
musician Brian Eno has been
successful as a composer, producer,
singer, and visual artist. Among his many
collaborators have been David Byrne, David
Bowie, U2, Coldplay, Laurie Anderson, Grace
Jones, and James Blake. Enos biographer David
Sheppard testified that capturing his essence in a
book was like packing a skyscraper into a
suitcase. I suspect that description may fit you
during the next four weeks, Taurus. Youre
gearing up for some high-intensity living. But
please dont be nervous about it. Although you
may be led into intimate contact with unfamiliar
themes and mysterious passions, the story you
actualize should feel quite natural.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You are
free! Or almost free! Or let me put it this
way: You could become significantly
freer if you choose to be if you exert your
willpower to snatch the liberating experiences
that are available. For example, you could be free
from a slippery obligation that has driven you to
say things you dont mean. You could be free from
the temptation to distort your soul in service to
your ego. You might even be free to go after what
you really want rather than indulging in lazy lust
for a gaggle of mediocre thrills. Be brave, Gemini.
Define your top three emancipating possibilities,
and pursue them with vigor and rigor.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Have you
been feeling twinges of perplexity? Do
you find yourself immersed in
meandering meditations that make you doubt
your commitments? Are you entertaining weird
fantasies that give you odd little shivers and
quivers? I hope so! As an analyzer of cycles, I
suspect that now is an excellent time to question
everything. You could have a lot of fun playing
with riddles and wrestling with enigmas. Please
note, however, that Im not advising you to
abandon what youve been working on and run
away. Now is a time for fertile inquiry, not for rash
actions. Its healthy to contemplate adjustments,
but not to initiate massive overhauls.
LEO (July 23-August 22): Everybody
is dealing with how much of their own
aliveness they can bear and how much

they need to anesthetize themselves, writes

psychoanalytic writer Adam Phillips. Where do
you fit on this scale, Leo? Whatever your usual
place might be, Im guessing that in the coming
weeks you will approach record-breaking levels
in your ability to handle your own aliveness. You
may even summon and celebrate massive
amounts of aliveness that you had previously
suppressed. In fact, Ill recklessly speculate that
your need to numb yourself will be closer to zero
than it has been since you were five years old. (I
could be exaggerating a bit, but maybe not!)
VIRGO (August 23-September 22):
Do you periodically turn the volume
down on your minds endless chatter
and tune into the still, small voice within you?
Have you developed reliable techniques for
escaping the daily frenzy to make yourself
available for the Wild Silence that restores and
revitalizes? If so, now would be a good time to
make aggressive use of those capacities. And if
you havent attended well to these rituals of
self-care, please remedy the situation. Claim
more power to commune with your depths. In
the coming weeks, most of your best information
will flow from the sweet darkness.
LIBRA (September 23-October 22):
One of your vices could at least
temporarily act as a virtue. In an odd
twist, one of your virtues may also briefly
function like a vice. And theres more to this
mysterious turn of events. A so-called liability
could be useful in your efforts to solve a
dilemma, while a reliable asset might cloud your
discernment or cause a miscalculation. Im
riffing here, Libra, in the hopes of stimulating
your imagination as you work your way through
the paradoxical days ahead. Consider this
intriguing possibility: An influence that you like
and value may hold you back, even as something
or someone youve previously been almost
allergic to could be quite helpful.
SCORPIO (October 23-November
21): Between now and the solstice on
December 21, you will have extraordinary power to transform into a more practical,
well-grounded version of yourself. You may
surprise yourself with how naturally you can
shed beliefs and habits that no longer serve you.
Now try saying the following affirmations and
see how they feel coming out of your mouth: I
am an earthy realist. I am a fact-lover and an
illusion-buster. I love actions that actually work
more than I like theories that I wish would work.
Id rather create constructive change than be
renowned for my clever dreams.
22-December 21): Despite your signs
reputation, you Sagittarians dont
always require vast expanses to roam in. You
arent ceaselessly restless, on an inexhaustible
quest for unexpected experiences and fresh
teachings. And no, you are not forever consumed


By Rob Brezsny
with the primal roar of raw life, obsessed with the
naked truth, and fiercely devoted to exploration
for its own sake. But having said that, I suspect
that you may at least be flirting with these
extreme states in the coming weeks. Your
keynote, lifted from Virginia Woolfs diary: I
need space. I need air. I need the empty fields
round me; and my legs pounding along roads;
and sleep; and animal existence.
CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19): If you cant get rid of the
skeleton in your closet, said George
Bernard Shaw, you had best teach it to dance.
This advice is worthy of your consideration,
Capricorn. You may still be unable to expunge a
certain karmic debt, and it may be harder than
ever to hide, so I suggest you dream up a way to
play with it maybe even have some dark fun
with it. And who knows? Your willingness to
loosen up might at least alleviate the angst your
skeleton causes you and may ultimately
transform it in some unpredictably helpful way.
AQUARIUS (January 20-February
18): No pain, no gain is a modern
expression of an old idea. In a Second
Century Jewish book of ethics, Rabbi Ben Hei
Hei wrote, According to the pain is the gain.
Eighteenth Century English poet Robert Herrick
said, If little labor, little are our gains: Mans fate
is according to his pains. But Im here to tell you,
Aquarius, that I dont think this prescription will
apply to you in the coming weeks. From what I
can surmise, your greatest gains will emerge
from the absence of pain. You will learn and
improve through release, relaxation, generosity,
expansiveness, and pleasure.
PISCES (February 19-March 20): The
less egotistical you are, the more likely
it is that you will attract what you really
need. If you do nice things for people without
expecting favors in return, your mental and
physical health will improve. As you increase
your mastery of the art of empathy, your
creativity will also thrive. Everything I just said is
always true, of course, but it will be intensely,
emphatically true for you during the next four
weeks. So I suggest you make it a top priority to
explore the following cosmic riddle: Practicing
unselfishness will serve your selfish goals.
Homework: What famous historical personage
were you in your past life? If you dont know or
werent really, make something up. Testify at

Go to RealAstrology.com to check out Rob Brezsnys


The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at

1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700


2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader


HOLIDAY STUFFING November 23, 2016

1. Rum-soaked cake
5. Celerity
10. Foul-up
15. Without delay!
19. Maple genus
20. Chessman
21. Nonbelieving one
22. Drifter
23. S tart of a quip by Louis C.K.: 6 wds.
27. Of armorial bearings
28. Wiped
29. Song at daybreak
30. English river
31. Turbot, a fish
32. Takes a breath
33. Assemblies
36. Means of control
37. Cable channel letters
38. Love
39. Class
40. Did a kitchen chore
42. Operated
45. Wicca group
46. Cyma reversa
47. Lay bare
48. Tokyo, formerly
49. Before
50. Lovers meeting
52. Hammer and _
53. Kosher
55. Toot sweet!
56. Indigo dye
57. Kind of sale
58. Meager
61. Part 2 of quip: 3 wds.
66. Double-ripper
67. Guileless
69. Architect _ Saarinen
70. Ballot
72. Forestall
73. Debussy contemporary
74. Famed mission
76. Cal. abbr.
79. Agent
80. Tooth: Prefix
82. Form of John
83. Llano
85. Superlative suffix

86. Lahr and Kaempfert

87. Sting
88. Part of Hispaniola
89. Marquee notice
90. Lackluster
91. Polecat cousin
92. The literati
97. Savage
98. Dross
99. Old Roman poet
100. Handle
101. Search, in a way
105. End of the quip: 6 wds.
108. Yield
109. Whitewalls
110. Lacking sense
111. Louver
112. Minerals
113. Research project
114. Like some birds
115. Trees
1. Soaking solution
2. Yearn
3. Pilsner
4. Framework for a sculpture
5. Specters
6. Old Greek city-state
7. Cartman of South Park
8. A letter
9. Neuron part
10. Loot
11. Umbilicus
12. Seniors, collectively
13. _ and away
14. Like discards
15. OT kingdom
16. Of musical sounds
17. Dwell
18. Books
24. Forces of nature
25. Triple
26. What was that?
31. Attack
32. Bone in the ear
33. Visage
34. Lingering quality
35. Ramble

November 10 Answers: page 45

36. Tattered duds

37. Frisson
39. Beaverlike animal
40. Coarse material
41. Place _ _ Concorde
42. Majestic
43. Veronas river
44. Eminent
47. Finished
51. Balsa
52. Lake out west
54. Irish Gaelic
55. Part of ABA or AMA: Abbr.
57. Steal
58. Portion
59. Everybody _ Raymond
60. Bungling
62. Simple shelter: Hyph.
63. Latvians
64. Performing group
65. _ -garde
68. Wood stick
71. Unstable, in a way: Hyph.
73. Deplorable
74. Benefit
75. Cooking fat
76. Bazaar
77. Ceremonial act
78. First: Abbr.
81. Stressed palindrome
82. Perceptive, emotionally
84. Munificence
87. Where caravans rest
90. Wee
91. Burned brightly
92. A Marx brother
93. Also-ran
94. Ruin by degrees
95. Rhapsodizes
96. Coolers contents
97. Liberated
98. Mise-en- _
100. Word on roadside signs
101. Hart
102. Reba _ McEntire
103. Kind of 70s rock
104. Newts
106. Intelligence
107. Santa _

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com

2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com


Live Music Live Music Live Music

Email all listings to [email protected] Deadline 5 p.m. Thursday before publication



JJ Grey & Mofro Parker Millsap

The Redstone Room, 129 Main St,
Davenport IA

Wednesday 23

All Sweat Productions Presents:

The Last Waltz The Redstone
Room, 129 Main St, Davenport IA
Banjoy The Mill, 120 E. Burlington
St., Iowa City IA
Blues Rock-It w/ Detroit Larry
Davison Cabanas Bar & Grille,
2120 4th Ave., Rock Island IL
Bobby Ray Bunch (6:30pm) The
Faithful Pilot Cafe & Spirits, 117 N
Cody Rd, LeClaire IA
Bugeye Sprite The Office Bar & Grill,
305 3rd St., Sherrard IL
Corporate Rock 11th Street
Precinc t, 1107 Mound St.,
Davenport IA
Hum Hum & the Crash (6pm) RME
Community Stage, 131 W. 2nd St.,
Davenport IA
Kerry & Rich Acoustic Duo Len
Browns North Shore Inn, 700 N.
Shore Dr., Moline IL
New Holland Riala Sister Wife
Behelit Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third
Ave., Rock Island IL
Powell My Place the Pub, 4405 State
St., Bettendorf IA
Project X Harley Corins, 1708 State
St., Bettendorf IA



An Evening with Lisa Loeb The

Redstone Room, 129 Main St,
Davenport IA
Funktastic Five 11th Street

Precinc t, 1107 Mound St.,

Davenport IA
Greg & Rich Acoustic Duo K & Ts
Bike Rack Sports Bar & Grill, 3303
Brady St., Davenport IA
The Hotrods Riverside Casino and
Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22,
Riverside IA
Irish Christmas in America CSPS/
Legion Arts, 1103 3rd St SE, Cedar
Rapids IA
The Last Waltz Tribute: Patrick
Bloom Nick Vasquez Stacy
Webster Jon Wilson The Mill,
120 E. Burlington St., Iowa City IA
Phat Katz Jazz (6pm) Connect
Coffeehouse Coffee Shop and
Internet Cafe, NorthPark Mall, 320
W Kimberly Rd., Davenport IA
Ragged Records Presents: Mama
The Rubs Harakiri Encounter
at L 5 Condor & Jaybird The
Golden Fleece Rozz-Tox, 2108
Third Ave., Rock Island IL
Shock Treatment RIBCO, 1815
Second Ave., Rock Island IL
Wicked Liz & the Bellyswirls
Harley Corins, 1708 State St.,
Bettendorf IA



Branson on the Road: Christmas

Style Ohnward Fine Arts Center,
1215 E Platt St., Maquoketa IA
Daytrotter, 324 Brady St.,
Davenport IA
Drama Major (5:30pm) RME
Community Stage, 131 W. 2nd St.,
Davenport IA
Eddie Money Rhy thm City
Casino Resort, 7077 Elmore Ave.,
Davenport IA

The Generations Band! (4:30pm)

Rivertown Grille & Bar, 2606 W.
Locust St., Davenport IA
Greg & Rich Acoustic Duo
Riverside Grille, 1733 State St.,
Bettendorf IA
Hardcore Has Heart Benefit Show
(1pm) RIBCO, 1815 Second Ave.,
Rock Island IL
Head East Riverside Casino and
Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22,
Riverside IA
Holiday Ramble The Mill, 120 E.
Burlington St., Iowa City IA
Iowa City Classical Guitar Society
(2pm) Bree Nettie (7pm)
Uptown Bills Coffee House, 730 S.
Dubuque St., Iowa City IA
The Pines Seth Wenger CSPS/
Legion Arts, 1103 3rd St SE, Cedar
Rapids IA
Rude Punch 11th Street Precinct,
1107 Mound St., Davenport IA
Russ Reyman Request Piano Bar
The Phoenix Restaurant & Martini
Bar, 111 West 2nd St., Davenport IA
Stayin Alive: A Tribute to the Bee
Gees Quad-Cities Waterfront
Convention Center, 2021 State St.,
Bettendorf IA
Stone Tattoo Harley Corins, 1708
State St., Bettendorf IA
The Weepies: Completely Acoustic
and Alone Englert Theatre, 221
East Washington St., Iowa City IA
Wild Oatz Rivertown Grille & Bar,
2606 W. Locust St., Davenport IA



RiverBend Bronze Handbell Choir

Holiday Concert (4pm) St.
Johns United Methodist Church,
109 E 14th St, Davenport IA

Ave., Rock Island IL

SMD & the Underground Uptown
Bills Coffee House, 730 S. Dubuque
St., Iowa City IA
University of Iowa Jazz: Papshoy
Klezmer Orchestra (6:30pm)
Latin Jazz Ensemble (7:30pm)
JCL (8:30pm) The Mill, 120 E.
Burlington St., Iowa City IA


DOSH @ Daytrotter - November 26



John Berry: O Holy Night

Celebrating 20 Years of
Christmas Adler Theatre, 136 E.
Third St., Davenport IA
Moeller Nights Village Theatre,
2113 E 11th St, Davenport IA



I Prevail Sleepwave Hotel Books

Bad Seed Rising (5:30pm)
Gabes, 330 E. Washington St., Iowa
City IA

Wednesday 30

Doug Brundies Big Acoustic Show

(6:30pm) The Faithful Pilot Cafe

& Spirits, 117 N Cody Rd, LeClaire IA


Branson on the Road: Christmas

Style (1 & 7:15pm) Circa
21Dinner Playhouse, 1828 Third
Ave., Rock Island IL
Heartland Marimba Festivals
Holiday Spectacular Winter
Concert (5pm) Figge Art
Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport
Joe Marcinek Band The Low Down
The Redstone Room, 129 Main St,
Davenport IA
Kali Yuga: The Augustana Improv
Ensemble Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third

Black Hawk College Chamber

Singers (noon) Moline Public
Library, 3210 41st St., Moline IL
Bobby Ray Bunch The Faithful
Pilot Cafe & Spirits, 117 N Cody Rd,
LeClaire IA
Buddy Olson (5pm) Missipi
Brewing Company, 107 Iowa Ave.,
Muscatine IA
Christmas at Heritage Center John
and Alice Butler Hall, University of
Dubuque Heritage Center, 2255
Bennett St., Dubuque IA
Cosmic 11th Street Precinct, 1107
Mound St., Davenport IA
Greg & Rich Acoustic Duo Front
Street Brewer y Tap Room,
Freight House, 421 W. River Drive,
Davenport IA
Heartland Marimba Festivals
Holiday Spectacular Winter
Concert (1:15pm) Creative
Arts Academy, 321 N. Main St.,
Davenport IA
Hello Weekend Riverside Casino
and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22,
Riverside IA
Jucifer Acoustic Guillotine In the
Mouth of Radness Gabes, 330 E.
Washington St., Iowa City IA

Continued On Page 50


2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com

Live Music Live Music Live Music

Email all listings to [email protected] Deadline 5 p.m. Thursday before publication

Continued From Page 49

Holiday Spectacular Winter

Concert (noon) University of
Northern Iowa, , Cedar Falls IA
Moeller Nights Village Theatre,
2113 E 11th St, Davenport IA

Lessons & Carols Christ the King

Chapel - St. Ambrose University,
518 W. Locust St., Davenport IA
QC Rock Academy Vocal Harmony
Concert (6pm) RME Community
Stage, 131 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA
Serious Business My Place the Pub,
4405 State St., Bettendorf IA
Switchback The Mill, 120 E.
Burlington St., Iowa City IA



Bobby Ray Bunch Riverside Grille,

1733 State St., Bettendorf IA
The Buckinghams (8pm) Richie
Lee & the Fabulous 50s (9:45pm)
Riverside Casino and Golf Resort,
3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA
Christmas at Augustana (2 & 7pm)
Centennial Hall, Augustana College,
3703 7th Ave., Rock Island IL
Code 415 Rivertown Grille & Bar,
2606 W. Locust St., Davenport IA
Cody Road Harley Corins, 1708
State St., Bettendorf IA
Direct Hit Terribly Happy
Fairhaven Daytrotter, 324 Brady
St., Davenport IA
Grass Fed Mule Flash in a Pan
Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn St,
Iowa City IA
Greg & Rich Acoustic Duo Sneaky
Petes Woodfire Grille, 207 Cody Rd.
N., LeClaire IA
Heartland Marimba Festivals
Holiday Spectacular Winter
Concert (4pm) Cedar Rapids
Museum of Art, 410 Third Ave. SE,
Cedar Rapids IA
Mipso Kristin Andreassen The Mill,
120 E. Burlington St., Iowa City IA

Blues Caf (6:30pm) RME

Community Stage, 131 W. 2nd St.,
Davenport IA
Emanuel Ax Hancher Auditorium,
101 East Park Rd., Iowa City IA
The Generations Band! Rhythm
City Casino Resort, 7077 Elmore
Ave., Davenport IA
John Raymond & Real Feels Iowa
City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa
City IA

John Berry @ Adler Theatre - November 28

QCSO Masterworks III: Water Music
Adler Theatre, 136 E. Third St.,
Davenport IA
Russ Reyman Request Piano Bar
The Phoenix Restaurant & Martini
Bar, 111 West 2nd St., Davenport IA
Tangent 11th Street Precinct, 1107
Mound St., Davenport IA
Triflemore Uptown Bills Coffee House,
730 S. Dubuque St., Iowa City IA


19th Century Christmas: Moline

High School Chamber Orchestra
(12:30pm) Veronica Henderson
(1:30pm) Jed Post (2:30 & 4pm)
Moline Boys Choir (3pm)
Nicole Romano & Kylie Gember
(3:30pm) Butterworth Center,
1105 8th Street, Moline IL
19 t h

Slide-Trombone Quartet (noon &

2pm) Alexandria Glennon (1pm)
Will Gerhardt (1:30pm) Eric Newton
(3pm) Deere-Wiman Carriage House,
817 11th Avenue, Moline IL
Greg & Rich Acoustic Duo (3pm)
Len Browns North Shore Inn, 700
N. Shore Dr., Moline IL
Phat Katz Jazz Cabanas Bar &
Grille, 2120 4th Ave., Rock Island IL
QCSO Masterworks III: Water
Music (2pm) Centennial Hall,
Augustana College, 3703 7th Ave.,
Rock Island IL
RiverBend Bronze Handbell Choir
Holiday Concert (1:30pm) First
Lutheran Church - Geneseo, 114 E.
Main St, Geneseo IL


Heartland Marimba Festivals




Through January 15, 2017


Jeff and Lynda Eirinberg Dr. Ralph Saintfort of Medical Psychiatry Services, LLC
Rembrandt van Rijn, Abrahams Sacrifice, 1645, etching and drypoint on laid paper,
Gift of Fran and Howard Berger, Westmont Ridley-Tree Museum of Art, Westmont College

Davenport, Iowa 563.326.7804


wednesday 7

J.M. James (10am) Butterworth

Center, 1105 8th Street, Moline IL
Liv Carrow (6:30pm) The Faithful
Pilot Cafe & Spirits, 117 N Cody Rd,
LeClaire IA
Tommy Pickett & Friends (5:30pm)
Rivertown Grille & Bar, 2606 W.
Locust St., Davenport IA
Tribute Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd
St. SE, Cedar Rapids IA


Glassmen The Passes Counting

Trees Gabes, 330 E. Washington
St., Iowa City IA
Paper Bird The Redstone Room,
129 Main St, Davenport IA
Phat Katz Jazz The Grape Life Wine
Store & Lounge, 3402 Elmore Ave.,
Davenport IA
Trans-Siberian Orchestra: The

Ghosts of Christmas Eve iWireless

Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL
University of Iowa Jazz: Alumni
Quartet The Mill, 120 E.
Burlington St., Iowa City IA


An Ambrosian Christmas Galvin Fine

Arts Center, St. Ambrose University,
2101 N. Gaines St., Davenport IA
Asleep at the Wheel: Merry Texas
Christmas, Yall! Hancher Auditorium,
101 East Park Rd., Iowa City IA
Bobby Ray Bunch Kilkennys, 300
W. 3rd St., Davenport IA
Celebrate the Holidays Heritage
Church - Rock Island, 4801 44th St,
Rock Island IL
Chris Young Dustin Lynch
Cassadee Pope iWireless Center,
1201 River Dr, Moline IL
Christmas with the Quad City
Singers Lavender Crest Winery,
5401 US Highway 6, Colona IL
Daniel Stratman (6:30pm) Gildas
Club Quad Cities, 1234 E River Dr.,
Davenport IA
Deana Carter Quad- Cities
Waterfront Convention Center,
2021 State St., Bettendorf IA
Dopapod Pigeons Playing Ping
Pong Gabes, 330 E. Washington
St., Iowa City IA
The Manny Lopez Big Band (6pm)
The Circa 21Speakeasy, 1818 Third
Ave., Rock Island IL
Remedy Harley Corins, 1708 State St.,
Bettendorf IA
Passion Riverside Casino and Golf
Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA
Soul Storm 11th Street Precinct,
1107 Mound St., Davenport IA
Tongue Party Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third

Ave., Rock Island IL



A Christmas Messiah Centennial

Hall, Augustana College, 3703 7th
Ave., Rock Island IL
Bad Bad Hats Flint Eastwood The
Mill, 120 E. Burlington St., Iowa City IA
Bill Chrastil (6pm) Passion (8:30pm)
Riverside Casino and Golf Resort,
3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA
Bobby Ray Bunch Kilkennys, 300
W. 3rd St., Davenport IA
Bugeye Sprite Harley Corins, 1708
State St., Bettendorf IA
Christmas with the Quad City
Singers Lavender Crest Winery,
5401 US Highway 6, Colona IL
Cobalt Blue 11th Street Precinct,
1107 Mound St., Davenport IA
Greg & Rich Acoustic Duo Geneseo
Brewing Company, 102 S. State St.,
Geneseo IL
Heartland Marimba Festivals
Holiday Spectacular Winter
Concert (1pm) Dubuque Museum
of Art, E. 8th St., Dubuque IA
Jeffrey C. Capps & Tara McGovern
Uptown Bills Coffee House, 730 S.
Dubuque St., Iowa City IA
Michael Bolton Riverside Casino
Event Center, 3184 Highway 22,
Riverside IA
Nasty Weather Cabanas Bar &
Grille, 2120 4th Ave., Rock Island IL
Russ Reyman Request Piano Bar
The Phoenix Restaurant & Martini
Bar, 111 West 2nd St., Davenport IA
Spoken & Dayshell 3 Pill Morning
Alter Within The Most of Me
What Lies Within (6pm) Gabes,
330 E. Washington St., Iowa City IA

2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com


Jams/Open Mics


Acoustic Music Club (4:30pm) River Music

Experience, 129 N. Main St., Davenport IA
Karaoke Night My Place the Pub, 4405
State St., Bettendorf IA
Open Mic Night Broken Saddle, 1417 Fifth
Ave., Moline IL
Open Mic Night Cool Beanz Coffeehouse,
1325 330th St., Rock Island IL
Tuesday Blues Jam w/ Mark Avey &
Detroit Larry Davison Cabanas,
2120 Fourth Ave., Rock Island IL
Underground Open Mic w/ Kate Kane
(Nov. 22 & 29) Iowa City Yacht Club, 13
S. Linn St., Iowa City IA


Acoustic Jam Night w/ Steve McFate

McManus Pub, 1401 Seventh Ave.,
Moline IL
Cross Creek Karaoke (Nov. 23) Jims
Knoxville Tap, 8716 Knoxville Rd., Milan IL
Hump Day Wing & Sing w/ Marybeth
Hawkeye Tap Sports Bar N Grill, 4646
Cheyenne Ave., Davenport IA
Jam Session & Mug Night (Nov. 23 & 30)
Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S. Linn St., Iowa
City IA
Karaoke Night 11th Street Precinct, 1107
Mound St., Davenport IA
Karaoke Night Circle Tap, 1345 West
Locust St., Davenport IA
Karaoke Night RIBCO, 1815 Second Ave.,
Rock Island IL
Karaoke Night Thirstys on Third, 2202 W.
Third St., Davenport IA
Open Jam w/ The Channel Cats featuring
Members of The Low Down & Earth
Ascending Bent River Brewing
Company, 512 24th St. Rock Island IL
Open Mic Night Boozies Bar & Grille, 114
1/2 W. Third St., Davenport IA


Cross Creek Karaoke Hey Bryans, 1140

15th Ave., Moline IL
DJ Night w/ 90s Music Thirstys on Third,
2202 W. Third St., Davenport IA
Gemini Karaoke Blue Moose Tap House,
211 Iowa Ave., Iowa City IA
Karaoke Night Bier Stube Moline, 415
15th St., Moline IL
Karaoke w/ Double Dz Purgatorys Pub,
2104 State St., Bettendorf IA
Open Jam Session My Place the Pub,
4405 State St., Bettendorf IA
Open Mic Night Uptown Bills Coffee
House, 730 S. Dubuque St., Iowa City IA
Rock the House Karaoke Bottoms Up on
7th, 1814 Seventh St., Moline IL
Thumpin Thursdays DJ Night Rascals
Live, 1414 15th St., Moline IL


Cross Creek Karaoke Firehouse Bar & Grill,

2006 Hickory Grove Rd., Davenport IA
DJ Dolla The Smoking Dog Pub, 1800
Second Ave., Rock Island IL
DJ K Yung Barrel House Moline, 1321 Fifth
Ave., Moline IL
DJ Lacey Hawkeye Tap Sports Bar N Grill,
4646 Cheye
Karaoke Night Circle Tap, 1345 West
Locust St., Davenport IA
Karaoke Night The Grove Tap, 108 S. First
St., Long Grove IA
Karaoke Night Miller Time Bowling, 2902
E. Kimberly Rd., Davenport IA
Karaoke Night Roadrunners Roadhouse,
3803 Rockingham Rd., Davenport IA
Karaoke Night Thirstys on Third, 2202 W.
Third St., Davenport IA
Karaoke Night w/ Mike Matthews
Hollars Bar & Grill, 4050 27th St., Moline IL
Open Mic Night Bowlmor Lounge, 2952


Brady St., Davenport IA


Cross Creek Karaoke Jims Knoxville Tap,

8716 Knoxville Rd., Milan IL
DJ Dolla The Smoking Dog Pub, 1800
Second Ave., Rock Island IL
DJ Edwin Alvarado (Nov. 26) Riverside
Casino & Golf Resort, 3184 Highway 22,
Riverside IA
Irish Music Session (Dec. 3, 3pm)
Uptown Bills Coffee House, 730 S.
Dubuque St., Iowa City IA
Karaoke Night The Grove Tap, 108 S. First
St., Long Grove IA
Karaoke Night Miller Time Bowling, 2902
E. Kimberly Rd., Davenport IA
Karaoke Night Roadrunners Roadhouse,
3803 Rockingham Rd., Davenport IA
Karaoke Night Thirstys on Third, 2202 W.
Third St., Davenport IA
Karaoke Night w/ Jim Harker Hollars Bar
& Grill, 4050 27th St., Moline IL
Twisted Mics Music & Entertainment
Barrel House Moline, 1321 Fifth Ave.,
Moline IL


Karaoke Night 11th Street Precinct, 1107

Mound St., Davenport IA
Open Mic Night (5pm) Lynns BBQ &
Saloon, 1151 E. Iowa St., Eldridge IA


Musicians Jam w/ C.J. Lomas (Dec. 5,

6pm) Theos Java Club, 213 17th St.,
Rock Island IL
Open Mic w/ J. Knight The Mill, 120 E.
Burlington St., Iowa City IA

Wednesday 23

Comedy Open Mic (7:30pm)

Penguins Comedy Club, 208
Second Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids IA
Josh Blue (7:30pm) Penguins
Comedy Club, 208 Second Ave. SE,
Cedar Rapids IA



Bix Beiderbomb Presents (8pm)

Boozies Bar & Grille, 114 W. Third
St., Davenport IA
ComedySportz (7pm) The
Establishment, 220 19th St., Rock
Island IL
Isaac Whitty (8pm) Penguins
Comedy Club, 208 Second Ave. SE,
Cedar Rapids IA
Stand-up Open Mic (9pm) Boozies
Bar & Grille, 114 W. Third St.,
Davenport IA
Studio Series: 309 (9:30pm) The
Establishment, 220 19th St., Rock
Island IL



ComedySportz (7pm) The

Establishment, 220 19th St., Rock
Island IL
Isaac Whitty (8pm) Penguins
Comedy Club, 208 Second Ave. SE,
Cedar Rapids IA
Murder in Paradise (6pm)
Skellington Manor Banquet &
Event Center, 420 18th St., Rock
Island IL
Studio Series: Standup Showcase
w/ Big G. & Bobby Ray Bunch
(9:30pm) The Establishment, 220
19th St., Rock Island IL





The Circumstantial Comedy Show

(10pm) Brew, 1104 Jersey Ridge
Rd., Davenport IA

Honeycombs of Comedy (9pm)

Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S. Linn St.,
Iowa City IA

Wednesday 30

Comedy Open Mic (7:30pm)

Penguins Comedy Club, 208
Second Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids IA



Bix Beiderbomb Presents (8pm)

Boozies Bar & Grille, 114 W. Third
St., Davenport IA
ComedySportz (7pm) The
Establishment, 220 19th St., Rock
Island IL
Derek Lengwenus (8pm) Penguins
Comedy Club, 208 Second Ave. SE,
Cedar Rapids IA
Stand-up Open Mic (9pm) Boozies
Bar & Grille, 114 W. Third St.,
Davenport IA
Studio Series: Shakespeared!
(9:30pm) The Establishment, 220
19th St., Rock Island IL

Cedar Rapids IA
Studio Series: Wisenheimer
(9:30pm) The Establishment, 220
19th St., Rock Island IL



The Circumstantial Comedy Show

(10pm) Brew, 1104 Jersey Ridge
Rd., Davenport IA

Honeycombs of Comedy (9pm)

Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S. Linn St.,
Iowa City IA

wednesday 7

Comedy Open Mic (7:30pm)

Penguins Comedy Club, 208
Second Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids IA

ComedySportz (7pm) The

Establishment, 220 19th St., Rock
Island IL
Derek Lengwenus (8pm) Penguins
Comedy Club, 208 Second Ave. SE,


Featured Image from the

Quad Cities Photography Club
(The River Cities Reader each month will
feature an image or images from the Quad
Cities Photography Club.)

uad Citians have been enjoying the

beautiful weather this fall, but we
know that winter is approaching
which can also bring some beautiful
weather, as captured by Joe Maciejko in
this high-scoring image recently entered
in the monthly competition of the Quad
Cities Photography Club.
Joe explains: It was a cold but bright
and clear morning after a snowstorm
blanketed the Midwest. My photography muse called me to go out and
make pictures of the snowscapes in the
Quad Cities. The fluffy snow muted the
normal city sounds. My boots made
squeaky crunching sounds as I trudged
in the snow. The azure-blue sky served
as a colorful contrast to the white of
the snow. As I walked in Vander Veer
park, I made this photograph of the park
with its snow-dappled trees along the
Grand Promenade, with the radiant sun

flaunting a beautiful,
sparkling sunstar to
accentuate the beauty
of this magical winter
morning. It was truly
a mindful, meditative
For his image, Joe
used a Canon 6D with
a Canon 17-40-millimeter lens at 17
millimeters. He set it
at ISO 100, f/22, and
1/100th of a second.
He processed the
image in Lightroom
5 to adjust brightness
and contrast.
The Quad Cities Photography Club welcomes visitors and new
members. The club sponsors numerous
activities encompassing many types and
aspects of photography. It holds digital
and print competitions most months. At
its meetings, members discuss the images,

help each other to improve, and socialize. The club also holds special learning
workshops and small groups that meet on
specific photography topics, and occasionally offers interesting shooting opportunities. The club meets at 6:30 p.m. the first

Thursday of the month September through

June at the Butterworth Center, 1105
Eighth Street in Moline.
For more information on the club, visit


2016-17 Winter Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

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