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Line Defects: Dislocations

What are dislocations ? They are line defects which arise during
crystal growth or as a result of mechanical deformation of a
crystal. (106 to 107 in best crystals (Si, Ge) and upto 1016 per cm2)
Why dislocations are important :
Explain why the strength of real crystalline materials is
much less (102 to 103 times) than the theoretical value.
Motion of dislocations is the mechanism at the origin of plastic
deformation of crystals (ductile vs. brittle behavior).
Allows some cohesion between crystals of different
orientations (low angle grain boundaries are arrays of
Explains a number of crystal-crystal transitions.

Example of an Edge Dislocation

The dislocation line runs

parallel to the end of the
extra plane of atoms

An edge dislocation can be viewed as created when an extra portion

of a plane of atoms is introduced in a crystal, the edge of the plane
being in the crystal interior.

Screw Dislocation (side view)

Can be viewed as formed by shearing the top part of the crystal

with respect to the bottom part.

Screw Dislocation (top view)

The dislocation line extends from A to B. Atom positions above

the slip plane are designated by open circles, below the slip
plane with small filled circles. Name is derived from spiral path
along the dislocation line (AB).

Mixed Dislocation

Most dislocations are neither pure edge nor pure screw,

but are mixed

Mixed Dislocation

Note that in A the dislocation is pure screw and in in B is pure edge

Determination of the Burgers Vector

S b F
Perfect Crystal

Crystal with Distortion

Choose a line direction (positive direction into the page) for

the dislocation direction. Perform a circuit in the perfect
reference lattice in a right handed fashion. Repeat the circuit
in the real lattice so as to enclose the dislocation. The Burgers
vector is the vector from the finishing point F to the starting
point S using the FS/RH convention.

Further Information...
For an edge dislocation the Burgers vector is orthogonal to the
dislocation line. For a screw dislocation, the Burgers vector is
parallel to the dislocation line.
The elastic strain energy associated with the dislocation is
proportional to the square of the Burgers vector.
For metallic materials, the Burgers vector for a dislocation will
point in a closed-packed crystallographic direction and will be of
magnitude equal to the interatomic spacing.

Stacking and Packing

In FCC structures the nearest
neighbors are along the <110> .
To visualize this, consider the
atoms as hard spheres, which
touch only in the face diagonal
directions. There are 12 closest
neighbors for each atom.
Consider now the (111) plane
in the FCC structure. This
plane has the highest atomic
density (it is called a closepacked plane. There are four
such planes in the FCC

Stacking of (111) planes of FCC and (0001) planes (HCP)


ABC Stacking for FCC and ABA Stacking for HCP

For BCC, the most densely packed planes are the {110} planes.
Note that these planes are not closed-packed (lower density than
that of (111) in FCC).

Coordination Number
8 instead of 12

Plastic deformation of metals occurs by sliding of adjacent closedpacked or densely-packed planes (slip planes). In FCC, the slip
planes are (111) and the slip directions are <110>. In HCP, the slip
planes are (0001) and the slip direction is <1120>. In BCC the slip
planes are (110), (112) and (123), the slip direction is only the body
diagonal <111>. (Slip plane = glide plane = plane containing b and
dislocation line). Deformation of a crystal occurs through motion of

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