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International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET) Vol. 1, No.

3, 2012 ISSN 2277 4378

Influence of Superplasticizer on
Strength of Concrete
Dr. Salahaldein Alsadey
been proposed in the last decade to reduce the slump-loss
drawback which can partly or completely cancel the initial
technical advantage associated with the use of
superplasticizers (low w/c ratio or high slump level).
An admixture, according to the ASTM C-125-97a
standards, is a material other than water, aggregates or
hydraulic cement that is used as an ingredient of concrete or
mortar, and is added to the batch immediately before or during
mixing. A material such as a grinding aid added to cement
during its manufacture is termed an additive [4].
Superplasticizer is a type of water reducers; however, the
difference between superplasticizer and water reducer is that
superplasticizer will significantly reduce the water required
for concrete mixing [5].
Superplasticizer is a type of water reducers; however, the
difference between superplasticizer and water reducer is that
superplasticizer will significantly reduce the water required
for concrete mixing [5]. Generally, there are four main
categories of superplasticizer: sulfonated melamineformaldehyde
naphthaleneformaldehyde condensaes, modified lignosulfonates and
others such as sulfonic- acid esters and carbohydrate esters.
Effects of superplasticizer are obvious, i.e. to produce
concrete with a very high workability or concrete with a very
high strength. Mechanism of superplasticizer is through giving
the cement particles highly negative charge so that they repel
each other due to the same electrostatic charge. By
deflocculating the cement particles, more water is provided for
concrete mixing [5]. For general usage, dosage of
superplasticizer is between 1- 3 l/m3. However, the dosage
can be increased to as high as 5- 20 l/m3. Since concentration
of superplasticizer is different, any comparison of
performance should be made on the basis of the amount of
solids, and not on the total mass. Effectiveness of a given
dosage of superplasticizer depends on the water/cement ratio.
Effectiveness increases when w/c decreases. Compatibility
with actual cement is one of the most important parameters
that needed to be considered, and it is not recommended that
the cement and superplasticizer conform the standard
separately [5].
According to Yamakawa, the utilization of
superplasticizer will have positive effects on properties of
concrete, both in the fresh and hardened states. In the fresh
state, utilization of superplasticizer will normally reduce
tendency to bleeding due to the reduction in water/ cement
ratio or water content of concrete. However, if water/ cement
ratio is maintained, there is tendency that superplasticizer will
prolong the time of set of concrete as more water is available

Abstract This paper outlines an experimental study that

measures the effects of superplasticizer admixture on proprieties of
concrete. However, Superplasticizers are the most important
admixtures enhancing concrete performance. The development of
new superplasticizers during the last decades has determined the
most important progress in the field of concrete structures. Hence, an
experimental investigation was conducted to determine the optimum
dosage for the admixtures and to study the effect of over dosage of
the mentioned admixtures. Concrete mixes with SP dosages of 600,
800, 1000 and 1200 ml/100kg of cement were prepared, together
with one control mixes. After casting, normal curing was carried out
on the concrete samples. Properties such as compressive strength
were determined, besides determining the workability of the fresh
concrete. However, compressive strength is improved by dosage 1.0
% of SP after 28 days curing is 55 N/mm2, which is higher than that
of control concrete, the optimum amount of admixture must be 1 %.
Over dosage of SP found to deteriorate the properties of concrete
with indication of lower compressive strength. However, if the
dosage levels are lower than the optimum dosage, increase in
admixture dosage might help to enhance the concrete characteristics.

Keywords Superplasticizer, Admixture, Compressive Strength,



IGH performance concrete (HPC) has recently become

very attractive to civil engineers and material scientists.

As it exhibits higher workability, greater mechanical
properties and better durability, HPC has been increasingly
applied in the constructions such as tall building, bridges and
off-shore structures [1]. One important chemical admixture in
preparing HPC is superplasticizer. The most important
improvement in concrete technology during the 30 last years
has been the use of superplasticizers. However, the reason that
superplasticizers are much more important than any other
chemical admixture is the number of improvements, which
can be achieve by its use. However, the reason for widespread
usage of admixtures is that admixtures are able to impart
considerable physical and economic benefits with respect to
concrete. However, usage of admixture is not remedy for poor
quality of concrete due to the use of incorrect mix proportion,
poor workmanship in concrete mixing and the problems
caused by low quality raw materials selection. According to
[2,3], advances in superplasticizers, containing alternative
water soluble synthetic products, have been proposed in the

Salahaldein Alsadey, Faculty of Engineering , Civil Engineering Department Beni

Walid ,Azzaytuna University, PO Box 5338, Tripoli-Libya . [email protected]


International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET) Vol. 1, No. 3, 2012 ISSN 2277 4378

to lubricate the mix. In the case of hardened concrete, [6]

highlighted that the use of superplasticizer will increase
compressive strength by enhancing the effectiveness of
compaction to produce denser concrete. Risk of drying
shrinkage will be reduced by retaining the concrete in liquid
state for longer period of time. In addition, rate of carbonation
become slower when water/ cement ratio is decreased with the
presence of superplasticizer.

The data are recorded and being shown to observe the

relation between dosages of SP and slump loss. The value of
slump loss for different dosages of SP is then plotted as a
graph as shown in Figure 1.


The objectives must be clearly defined; the followings are the

objectives of the study, which include:
- To determine the optimum dosage of concrete
superplasticizer for normal concrete.
- To investigate the effects of superplasticizer on properties
of concrete.


This study will focus on normal strength concrete with

characteristic strength of 30 N/mm2 at 28 days, which used
Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) as binder, 20 mm granite
coarse aggregate and sea sand. Sikament R2002 as
superplasticizer. One control mix will be prepared without the
use of any admixture. To investigate the effects of
superplasticizer, four additional mixes was prepared using
admixture dosage of 600, 800, 1000, and 1200 ml/ 100 kg of
cement. Slump test used to assess the workability of the
concrete mixes. Compressive strength used to determine on
concrete cube at 28 days. All samples for hardened concrete
test cured in water maintain at temperature of 27 + 2C (BS
1881: Part 111: 1983). However, five specimens with the
dimension of 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm fabricated in the
Structural Engineering Laboratory of Azzaytuna University,

Fig. 1 Effect of SP dosage on slump loss

B. Effect Of Superplasticizer On Compressive Strength


Compressive strength of concrete with different dosage of

superplasticizer is shown in Table II. This test performed on
28 days. The values of compressive strength for the different
dosage of superplasticizer are then shown as a graph in Figure
Graphs above show slump against elapse of different
dosages of SP. From the graph, it is clear that slump increase
by dosages. However, the SP will help to retain the concrete
in liquid state for a longer time, and hence, reduce the slump
loss during the transportation of concrete to the site. In
addition, over dosage of these admixtures will lead to high
slump loss, which will not give true slump that as what we
expect and desire.




A. Effect Of Superplasticizer On Slump Test


The results for slump loss of superplasticized concrete

summarize in Table I.


Concrete mix

Sikament R2002 ratio %

Dimension in (mm)

R2002 ratio

strength in




Slump (mm)








Control (M)




600 ml/100 kg of
cement (M1)











800 ml/100 kg of
cement (M2)



1000 ml/100 kg of
cement (M3)



1200 ml/100 kg of
cement (M4)



After conducting the experiment, graph of compressive

strength versus dosage of superplasticizer. From the graph,
continuous strength gain for chemical admixture is observed
by the increase in compressive strength with increse dosage of
superplasticizer, but when we observe the effect of dosage of
the admixture, the admixture present different behaviours on

International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET) Vol. 1, No. 3, 2012 ISSN 2277 4378

the compressive strength of concrete.

Addition of
superplasticizer not able to increase the compressive strength
of concrete, on the other hand, it reduces the strenght
significantly, and become worse when the dosages increase.
The superplasticizer (SP), increase in dosage will increase the
compressive strength. Since addition of SP will provide more
water for concrete mixing, not only the hydration process will
not be disturbed, but, it is accelerated by the additional water
from deflocculation of cement particles. Hence, increase in
dosage will increase the entrapped water and promote
hydration of cement. Though increment in dosage of
admixture will enhance the compressive strength, there is still
an optimum limit for the usage of admixture. When the
dosages go beyond this limit, increase in dosage will only
reduce the compressive strength. This phenomenon occur
since over dosage of SP will cause bleeding and segregation,
which will affect the cohessiveness and uniformity of the
concrete. As a result, compressive strength will reduce if the
used dosage is beyond the optimum dosage. If observation is
done on the efficiency in increasing compressive strength,
compressive strength of concrete containing SP exceeded 8
N/mm2, 10 N/mm2, 11 N/mm2 respectively for all dosages,
and this value is higher than the compressive strength of the
control. Optimum dosage of SP is found based on the highest
ultimate strength that they present at age 28 days. From the
graph, we can observe that optimum dosage for the
admixtures is 1000 ml/100kg of cement. Dosage with lower or
higher than this optimum value will reduce the compressive
strength. For more accurate and precise result, more dosages
should be done with smaller interval for a better fit curve.

SP had been successfully studied. From the results of the

study presented earlier, the following conclusions are offered:
The workability of concrete can be increased by addition of
superplasticizer. However, very high dosages of SP tend to
impair the cohesiveness of concrete.
Slump loss can be reduced by using the chemical
admixtures. However, effectiveness is higher for
superplasticizer concrete.
Compressive strength is improved by SP compared with
control; On the other hand, even its ultimate strength is higher
than the desired characteristic strength.
The author is grateful for the support of this work by the
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of
Libya. He wish to thank Azzaytuna University.






Aitcin, P. C. and B. Miao, How to Make High-Performance Concrete,

Proceedings of the 2nd Seminar on High-Performance Concrete, Taipei,
Taiwan, ROC, (1992), 91-118.
Fukuda K., Mizunuma T., Izumi T., Iizuka M., Hisaka M.M., Slump
Control and Properties of Concrete with a New Superplasticizer. I:
Laboratory studies and tests methods, Proceedings of the Intern. RILEM
Symposium on "Admixtures for Concrete. Improvement of Properties,
Editor: E. Vasquez, Chapman & Hall, London, pp 10-19 (1990).
Tanaka M., Matsuo S., Ohta A. and Veda M., A New Admixture for
High Performance Concrete, Proceedings of the Concrete in The
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Ramachandran, C. K., Hignite, C. E., Gray, S. L. & Melnykovych, G.
Concrete Admixtures Handbook - Properties, Science, and Technology,
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Properties of Concrete A. M. Neville, 2005
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Salahaldein Alsadey is lecturer at faculty of civil engineering at Azzaytuna

University (Libya). He is author and co-author of numerous papers on civil
engineering. He is also the recipient of several awards for his contributions to
the knowledge of civil engineering.

Fig. 2 Compressive strength of concrete with different dosages of


This paper was conducted to study the effect of
superplasticizer on properties of concrete with characteristic
strength of 30 N/mm2. The properties of concrete containing

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