Agriculture in Quito
Agriculture in Quito
Agriculture in Quito
Humberto lvarez
Universidad Tecnolgica de Panam, [email protected]
Andrs Orozco
Universidad Martima Internacional de Panam, [email protected]
Despite being recognized as an international logistics center, Panama has no records of deep analysis of
their internal logistics chains that allow you to understand their behavior. This paper presents the preliminary
results of a project funded by the National Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation of the Republic
of Panama, which aims to model and analyze the supply chain of agricultural products, specifically lettuce, in
the country. The model presents the behavior of an agricultural product logistics chain, considering aspects
such as costs of shipment and the availability of vehicles for transportation.
Keywords: Agricultural logistic chains, mathematical optimization.
A pesar de ser reconocida como un centro logstico internacional, Panam no tiene registros de anlisis profundos
de sus cadenas logsticas internas que permitan entender su comportamiento. Este trabajo presenta los resultados
preliminares de un proyecto financiado por la Secretara Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnologa e Innovacin de
la Repblica de Panam, cuyo objetivo es modelar y analizar la cadena de suministros de productos
agrcolas, especficamente lechuga, en el pas. El modelo presenta el comportamiento de la cadena logstica de
un producto agrcola, considerando aspectos tales como costos de envo y la disponibilidad de vehculos para su
Palabras claves: Cadenas logsticas agropecuarias, optimizacin matemtica.
Panama has been considered a logistics center point for the American Continent. According to the Panamanian
Government Five Year Strategic Plan, it has been considered to create in the country a world class center of
logistics added value services, luxury tourism, high value agriculture and thus enhance its privilege geographical
position and the comparative advantages, decreasing the unemployment rate and increasing the economic growth
between 6% and 9% annual, also to generate approximately 500,000 new jobs.
The objective of this paper is to develop a mathematical model that depicts both the behavior of the agricultural
supply chain and to analyze the transportation equipment used in the logistic chain in order to obtain an optimal
transportation policy of agricultural products through the country. This optimization model is one of the outcomes
of an oingoing project funded by the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation of Panama
entitled Designing a logistic platform through the optimization of distribution networks for the agricultural
sector. The project is aimed to study the distribution network of agricultural products and propose a decision
making model for optimal locations of modal interchange facilities and logistics platforms. The rest of the
document will present a description of the current situation, a brief literature review of work done in this area, the
methodology used and a first approach to the model and its solution.
11th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology
Cancun, Mexico
According to the 2012 Key Performance Indicators of the Republic of Panama, published by the General
Ccounting Office, although agriculture and other related activities are the main sources of employment in the
rural areas, providing the 19% of total employment nationwide the Agricultural Gross Domestic Product (AGDP 2011) it represents just 3% of total Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Thus, lack attention has been provided to the
analysis, modeling and optimization of the internal agricultural supply chain.
The Province of Chiriqu located at the west side of the country (see map in figure 1) provides almost 80% of the
vegetables consumed in Panama, thus being the main supplier node in the food distribution network of the
country. On the other hand, the Province of Panama at about 500 kilometers east of Chiriqu is the largest market
with almost 50% of the population, hence an optimal distribution networks system is required throughout the
country to serve not only the Province of Panama, but also the rest of the provinces in an efficiently way.
To find the contextual description for the current situation, preliminary data from the different distribution points
was gathered. In addition, an exploratory research was conducted in several locations around the country in order
to know the situation and understand the behavior of the distribution of products at these points. The information
from these sources was collected through interviews and questionnaires applied to a group of stakeholders that
were selected more by convenience than by random selection. Data such as transportation costs, operation costs,
vehicles availability, production capacities, market demand, warehouses and distribution capacities were gathered.
In addition, data from the National Secretary of the Cold Chain and the Agro-Marketing Institute allowed the
researchers to have production data. Furthermore, the data collected from these organizations helped the
researchers to compare this information with the one collected from the suppliers and consumers. At this point,
the information is being carefully analyzed since there are significant differences between the information
With the information provided, a map of the distribution network was developed. This map is shown in figure 1.
As seen, two production areas were located. As seen, the supply chain has a longitudinal configuration, with two
main production points and several transhipment centers. The main issue of the chain is that over 50% of the
products have to be delivered to Panama City, while the rest of the products are delivered to the rest of the central
Products are transported from these areas to different distribution points. These points are David, the largest city
of Chiriqu, which distributes products to the rest of the province. Also, products are sent to Santiago, in the
Province of Veraguas, which distributes products to the province, and also sends products to other areas of in the
middle of the country that serve also as intermediate distribution centers. Finally, they send most of their
production capacity to the Central Supply Market, which is the main distribution point in Panama City. This
center supplies products to the west, east, north and central areas of the Province of Panama, and also to the
Province of Colon, located in the Caribbean area of Panama.
No previous study about the distribution network of agricultural products has been previously conducted in
Panama, hence the objective of the project is to develop an optimization model that helps understanding the
behavior of the agricultural supply chain in Panam, finding not only the minimum cost of satisfying supply and
demand of agricultural products, but also to implement the minimum transportation cost of a vehicle assignment
policy for the minimum allocation of products.
In order to better understand the behavior of the supply chain, several assumptions were made.
In order to facilitate the initial understanding of the model, only one product will be selected.
The selected produce is lettuce.
Supplies and demands at different sources, transshipments and destinations will be considered weekly.
11th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology
Cancun, Mexico
Studying food distribution systems becomes an important point in supply chain management for several reasons.
First of all, food scarcity becomes critical nowadays due to climate changes. Thus, cost of food and produces are
increasing. On the other hand, people need food to be accessible and safe, in terms of availability, effects in health
and costs, becoming a strategic issue for governments. For example, Pietro and Timpanaro (2012) affirm that the
issue of agricultural logistics is the subject of great interest because it is considered strategic for the development
of a country especially on the possible transport links between different areas of the country.
Boudahri, et al (2012) define the term agri-food supply chains (ASC) to describe the activities from production to
distribution that bring agricultural or horticultural products from the farm to the table. ASC are formed by the
farmers, distribution, processing, and marketing of agricultural products to the final consumers. In Panama, the
interface between producers and supermarkets or municipal supply centers (final destination) is completely
11th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology
Cancun, Mexico
monopolized by intermediaries (carriers) which increases the final product cost. All of these intermediates make
up almost all the distribution networks for agricultural products in the internal food supply. This carriers transport
the products of more than 60% of total producers and the remaining 40% is transported by private companies. In
addition, there are losses of 40% of transported products. Therefore, these wastes in produce are transferred to the
final customer (Orozco and Tun, 2012).
Moving agricultural products between different points in the country implies handling issues regarding
perishability of products, long and tortuous supply chains marked by the presence of several operators and no
alternate roads, the need to maintain a cold chain to guarantee the quality of the final product, consumption
behavior and habits, and the role that health aspects and organoleptic quality play in purchasing decisions of
consumers, among others (Estrada, 2007). According to Pietro and Timpanaro (2012), the cost the agricultural
logistics varies between 20-30% of the cost of the product. This can be even higher depending on the type of
chain involved, e.g the distance from origin and the type of transportation considered. Thus, it is important to
view the transportation and logistics system as a whole since the production, exchange, distribution and
consumption of agricultural products constitute the organic chain of agriculture reproduction. Any deficiency of
them will affect the development of agriculture (Tan, 2012, p. 106).
Moreover, it is important the study of distribution networks in order to address the different issues existing
between the diverse parties involved in the transportation and distribution systems of products. Daganzo (1992),
for example, establishes the principle of distribution network application with the goal of uniting one origin with
one destination, one origin to many destinations and many to many systems using transshipment centers and
providing methods to solve it. On the other hand, Agra (2008) demonstrated that the costs associated with the
transport of goods represent a large part of the final cost.
Several papers have been found in the literature concerning the modeling of the agri-food supply chain. Boudahri,
et al (2012), for example, presented a document concerned with the planning of a real agri-food supply chain for
chicken meat for the city of Tlemcen in Algeria. The agri-food supply chain network design is a critical planning
problem for reducing the cost of the chain. More precisely the problem is to redesign the existing supply chain
and to optimize the distribution planning. The authors applied the Allocation Problem Model in order to define
points in the network with the objective of minimizing the total distance between customers and these sites, or to
minimize the maximum distance.
Jones, et al (2001), on the other hand, consider a production-scheduling problem arising when there are random
yields and demands as well as two sequential production periods before demand occurs. The paper presented a
two-period model with random yield and random demand in which production can occur in either or both periods.
The model is solved optimally as a sequential decision problem and it demonstrated that the two-period
production strategy has substantial economic payoff for the seed industry.
Shu-quan and Ling (2010) focused the research in the multi-dimension and uncertainty of logistics performance
evaluation for agricultural products distribution centers and the lack of evaluation methods, The authors proposed
a hierarchy model of evaluation factors that combines fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) with fuzzy
comprehensive evaluation to generate quantitative comprehensive evaluation of logistics performance for
agricultural products. They proved the rationality and application of this method through a practical case. Finally,
Jang and Klein (2011), developed models for agricultural supply chains based on the stochastic aspects of risk and
return on investment that small enterprises face, and suggest their uses and future considerations.
Related with the purpose of this paper, Mejia and Castro (2007) worked in the logistics optimization in a
Colombian frozen and refrigerated food company. The authors developed a decision model based on linear
programming to determine packing and distribution policies of frozen products. Zhang, et al (2011), on the other
hand, focused on the research of a distribution model and vehicle routing optimization of fresh agricultural
products. On the basic of detailed researching of agricultural products logistic characters, the paper establishes a
vehicle optimization model suitable for transferring kinds of perishable agricultural products, to solve the severe
11th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology
Cancun, Mexico
losing of fresh produce logistics with transportation distance. The model is solved by a genetic algorithm and the
algorithms effectiveness is verified using different examples.
The first constraint requires that the different supply points send no more than the production available at each of
them, thus the upper limit of the distribution policy is the maximum supply available at the different production
11th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology
Cancun, Mexico
For every destination point, the amount sent by the sources must be at least the demand required by each
destination point.
Due to the perishability of the lettuce, no inventory will be allowed at the different origin, transshipment and
destination points. Thus, any amount sent from the origins to the transshipment points has to be sent to the
destination points.
Each distribution or transshipment point has an specific capacity of storage that must be satisfied with every
shipment of products from the production point.
The amount of every type of vehicle used to transport lettuce at any supply point (considering also the
transshipment points) must be less or equal to the available amount of vehicles at each of these points.
At every distribution point, the capacity of all the available vehicles must be at least the amount ready to be sent
to every destination point, thus vehicles are to be used only with this product.
The first section shows the amount of crates moved from the supply to demand points.
The second section shows the amount of vehicles used to comply with the distribution program.
Table 1 shows the distribution policy for the lettuce. As seen, the total demand is satisfied using all the supplies
from the different distribution points. This distribution policy takes into account the amount delivered to the
intermediate points, Santiago and Mercado that are then delivered to the final consumption points.
11th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology
Cancun, Mexico
Tables 2 to 4 show the optimum amount of vehicles recommended to accomplish the distribution policy shown in
table 1. As seen, the amount of vehicles used satisfies the availability of the corresponding vehicles: pick-ups,
trucks and trailers. Further, the model recommends the use of large transport for longer routes rather than small
vehicles, taking advantage of the low unitary cost of transportation in large vehicles.
It is important to recall that, since the model is limited to one product, it considers that the vehicles are dedicated
only to transport one product, not to share space with other products.
Table 2: Pick-ups used
Santiago Chitr
Aguadulce Penonom
Coln Total
Aguadulce Penonom
Coln Total
Santiago Chitr
Aguadulce Penonom
Coln Total
11th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology
Cancun, Mexico
Finally, table 5 shows a summary of the optimal solution for the problem. Minimum cost for delivering 19,200
crates per week is $80,790. The distribution program uses 23 pick-ups, 36 trucks and 10 trailers at a total weekly
transportation cost of $6,190.
Table 5: Optimal Solution Summary
Objective Function $
For delivering 19,200 Lettuce Crates
per week
At a total weekly
cost of:
23 Pick-ups
$ 415.00
36 Trucks
$ 1,825.00
10 Trailers
$ 3,950.00
*Solved using Solver with Simplex LP
The project is supported by a grant from the National Secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation of
Panama. In addition it is supported with facilities and infrastructure by the Technological University of Panama
and The International Maritime University of Panama. Finally, it is important to acknowledge the support of Dr.
Mario Serrato from the Tec de Monterrey in reviewing of the model.
11th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology
Cancun, Mexico
Boudahri, et al. (2012). Application of a Capacitated Centered Clustering Problem for Design of Agri-food
Supply Chain Network. IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp.16941814.
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Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya.
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Meja, G., and Castro, E. (2007) Logistics Optimization in a Colombian Frozen and Refrigerated Foods
Company. Revista de Ingeniera. Universidad de los Andes. Bogot, Colombia, No, 26, pp. 47-54.
Zhang, S., et al. (2011). Research of Fresh Agricultural Products Logistics Vehicle Optimization. International
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Bazaraa, M., et al. (2005). Linear Programming and Network Flows. 3rd Edition, Wiley Interscience, New Jersey,
11th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology
Cancun, Mexico