Abstract: Previously it has been shown become well established, however, the mere
mathematically that Darcy’s Law for flow in visualization of what goes on inside the samples
porous media can be derived from the should only be the first step in scientific
fundamental Navier-Stokes equation. With the discovery. The data retrieved from such analyses
recent improvement of X-ray Computed can now allow the researcher to match
Tomography and robust modeling tools, it is now previously unseen phenomena to preconceived
possible to show that pore scale fluid flow doctrines that may have been around for
modeled by the Navier-Stokes equation can be hundreds of years.
used to derive macro parameters of Darcy’s Law,
such as the hydraulic conductivity. The model In 1856 Henry Darcy conducted research on
allows calculation of isotropy, tortuosity and fluid flow through sand, and his results became
dispersivity of the soil in all directions. These the fundamental equations by which we calculate
parameters which are used in the structural ground water flow (Darcy, 1856). These well
descriptions of the Darcy’s phenomological Law, accepted phenomological equations, Darcy’s
can now be directly calculated and compared to Law, have been shown to have an analytical
experimental results found in the laboratory. foundation, in that it can be derived (with
This study uses a 3D model of a coarse sand assumptions) from Stoke’s Law (e.g. Bear, 1972,
scanned at 4.3 um resolution. The scan data is Ene, 1990). Thus, even at the pore scale, it
converted into high quality tetrahedral meshes should be possible to define ground water flow
using the Image-Based Meshing tools developed through the Navier-Stokes equations. The
by Simpleware Ltd whilst simulation of the fluid purpose of this paper is to show that this is
flow is carried out using the Comsol possible. The real world geometry of a coarse
Multiphysics package. sand was obtained through X-Ray Computed
Tomography and then imported into Comsol to
Keywords: Computed Tomography, Hydraulic show that the microscopic modeling of flow
Conductivity, Finite Element Modeling mirrors the macroscopic results that can be
obtained through regular laboratory analyses and
1. Introduction calculation of flow through Darcy’s Law.
4. Results
Q = KA
with A the cross sectional area [m2], h the
pressure head difference [m] and l [m] the
sample length. The model results are shown in
Figure 5. The calculated hydraulic conductivities
and the result of the laboratory permeability test
are shown in Table 1.
Figure 4. The complex network of air voids meshed
by ScanFE and then exported to a Comsol mesh file.
Excerpt from the Proceedings of the COMSOL Conference 2007, Boston
Figure 5: The modeling results for the fluid flow in the three principle directions (a) in the x-direction, (b) in the y-
direction and (c) in the z-direction. The brighter the colors, the higher the velocity.
y - direction 0.084
z - direction 0.046
contains terms for advective dispersion and Cattle, 2003). The Kozeny-Carman equation is
molecular dispersion, both of which are still used ubiquitously due to its ease of use,
dependent on the medium’s tortuosity. In the though several parameters have to be estimated.
laboratory or in the field, the hydrodynamic The results from the numerical model allow
dispersion coefficient is calculated from tracer direct calculation of the permeability (Bear,
tests and for this model the same idea can be 1972):
used to generate graphs from which the
dispersion coefficient can be calculated, as n3
shown in Figure 7. k = coτ (3)
M s (1 − n )