Maintaining Discipline
Maintaining Discipline
Maintaining Discipline
It is with great pleasure and honor that I am here to deliver the paper on
Maintaining Discipline. I am happy also for the fact that the audience is the right
group, as they are the custodians of the premier level of formal education. The
Primary School is the bedrock of all education. It is the beginning of the formal
education career. The objectives of this level of education cannot be complete
without the mention of educating the young ones for future education. These young
ones are our future leaders. The product of great leaders can only be made in a
disciplined environment. Thus maintaining discipline in a federal unity by the
principal and the teachers is a cine qua nom for an excellent all round training of
the school learners. It is the only way to ensure a total high performance within
the classroom, the home and society at large.
At this juncture, it is important to define the word discipline. By the Dictionary Of
Education, discipline is the direst authoritative control of pupil behavior through
punishments and/rewards. Also, Heritage Dictionary (1978) defines discipline as
training that is expected to produce a specified character or pattern of
behavior,Controlled behavior resulting from training and a systematic method to
obtain obedience. Also school discipline has, been defined as that mental
disposition which instills orderliness, self control and habit of obedience to set
rules and conduct, - is the definition by (chigbuh1984.1). Jerslid 1960 defined
discipline as any kind of influence designed to help the child to learn to deal with
the demand from his environment that go counter to the demand he might wish to
make upon environment.
Farrant (1977) define discipline as the extent to which children are self controlled
and willingly apply themselves to the tasks given to them by their teacher
whatever that exact definition, most scholars and writers seem to agree that
nowhere is it more true an ounce of prevention is worth pound of cure than in
discipline young people in educational settings. Research has shown that effective
learning can take place only where there is pervasive discipline good quality
teachers maintain disciplined in business-like essential for effective learning in
Where any teacher is unable to maintain discipline, academic achievement is low
and characters disorder grows
There are different types of discipline. In this paper only 3 will mentioned.
They are:Discipline- preventive- negatively a term applied to efforts to discourage disorder
or misbehavior before it actually occurs. It may express itself in providing busy
work. It involves persistent and planned efforts on the part of the teacher to
change fragmentary and whimsical interest of the child or class into better
integrated and far reaching purposes.
Discipline- punitive the act of exercising control through punishment, inflicting
pain, or imposing penalties for behaviors.
Discipline, school the characteristic degree and kind of orderliness in a given
school or the means by which that order is maintained; the maintenance of
conditions conductive to the efficient achievement of the school functions.
By considering the last type of discipline- school discipline; the modus operandi now
The principal in order to maintained school discipline has to set up or to construct
rules and regulations that will help him to carry out this duty. Such can be done
using the following guidelines.
Useful Guidelines in constructing Rule and Regulations
1. Rules are easier to enforce if they are relevant. If a regulation has nothing
to do with the learning of appropriate school behaviors, it may be difficult
for the student to accept. They should go with the set leaning objectives.
Example- All learners must be in attendance to all lessons, no loitering
around the school premises during lessons.
2. Explain and illustrate the regulations, rather than spend more time
correcting students misbehaviors. Example- the school environment must be
kept clean at all times; waste paper baskets and dustbins and incinerators
should be provided.
3. Rules and regulation be clear not ambiguous; they should be stated positively
rather than negatively. State what is expected to avoid learners using trial
and error to find an acceptable way of avoiding a censure. For example,
Reports to school in only school uniforms and not you will be punished if you
wear mufty to school.
4. Rulers should be made in such a way as to be supervised by the direct
officer. Examples rules on keeping the walls of the classroom and its
environment clean. The class prefect and form teacher should supervise this.
5. Effective lists of rules and regulations are usually small. If all rules that are
irrelevant, unclear, negative and unenforceable are dropped, the list will be
effective. The fewer the lists the fewer the lists will be broken.
6. Rules should be made to be enforceable, dont make threats that will not be
7. Co-operation rule making may reduce disciplinary problems the teachers,
the school management, the pupils participating will produce an effective
lists of rules and regulations.
The rules and regulations may differ from one environment to another, as
timing and culture differ.
At the headmasters level, discipline is two pronged: as he has to see to staff
discipline and pupils discipline. However, the teachers to a large extent should
maintain the discipline of the pupils. It is only on very serious cases that
discipline of pupils should be referred to the headmaster.
At the teachers level, the principal should maintain discipline by:Delegation of Duties: the principal cannot do everything alone, so it is
necessary for him to delegate certain responsibilities to other teachers. This
will bring the teachers into the framework of the happenings in the
school/institution. It is important not to lose sight of the notion that teachers
also have right. They have the right to expect attention and respect from their
pupils and the management/principal and the right to exercise the authority,
which is a necessary part of a teachers role. In a system of democratic
accountability, teachers also have a right to information, and consultation by
their superiors in the educational system. Thus, t6he following chart may be a
guide in the teachers as a first step towards effective control of the teachers.
The records of work done by the teachers and the pupils written work in every
subject should be supervised using the chart above. The headmaster should ensure
that a particular responsibility is given to the right person. It must be accepted of
course, that some people in any group are more responsible than others. A regular
advisory meeting with each teacher holding a responsibility is necessary. These
make maintenance of discipline easy.
Note of Guidance: - The principal can prepare a note of guidance for the
teachers performance of their duties. In this de9cument, the simple notes of
processional behavior amongst other points are provided. Such information will be
useful not only in abiding the smooth running of the school but also in setting a
standard to work in terms of. Every member of staff should have a copy the staff
guides. An area of professional behavior for which guidance is particularly needed
includes:Absence from school
Leaving school during office hours
A school with a healthy social climate where the principal is interested in his
learners and teacher is more likely to provide a congenial atmosphere where
learners will be interested to learn and contribute positively towards the
maintenance of law and order. In order to ensure discipline amongst the learners,
the principal must:
1. Emphasize self-discipline in learners more than establishing rules and
2. Ensure a conducive atmosphere for teaching and learning.
Ensure a good teacher- learner; principal- teacher and pupil- pupil
relationship- that is a friendly atmosphere.
3. Ensure an open line of communication: principal
4. Know his learners, their backgrounds and individual characteristics as much
as possible
5. Use morning assembly to interact with the school community, praise good
learners, rebuke bad ones, reward hard work, etc.
6. Ensure adequate extra-curricular activities to keep learners busy always
from playing pranks.
7. Minimal use of punishments, as that may scare fearful learners and they
develop truancy.
Hence, the following acts of indiscipline may be observed, and the subsequent
control measures can be administered:
a. Truancy: dodging lessons, absenteeism
b. Lateness to school: these may be caused by lack of family care, failure in
examination, poor family educational background.
c. Remedy: the teacher should show love and care, counsel the child to find out
the reasons for the truancy: give the child a leadership rol4e to play: reward
when necessary.
rules and laws are established for the common good of everyone.
rules to go unchecked.
Use appropriate/develop reinforcement schedule and use these with
misbehaving Learners.
Instruct Learners with behavioural problems in self-control skills; teach
them how to observe their own behavioural, talk to themselves through
appropriate behavioural patterns, and reinforce appropriate behavior for
Teach misbehaving Learners general pro-skills, self awareness, cooperation,
and helping.
Place misbehaving Learners in peer tutoring arrangements, having them
serve either as tutors or tutees, as appropriate.
Strategies for Improving Classroom Discipline
Teachers seeking to improve the quality of discipline in their classroom are
day of school.
Work to install a sense of self-discipline in learners; devote time to
Monitor classroom activities and give Learners feedback and reinforcement
Good morals and high disciplinary standards can be instilled in the Learners
through effective teaching and supervision of learners work. For examples,
his learners and staff will emulate a principal who resumes work at the
expected time and closes too at the right time.
His learners and staff will emulate a principal who executes his/her
job/assignment judiciously.
A discipline principal will have a very cordial but firm relationship with his
staff and learners. He will correct them in love without being aggressive or
antagonistic. By so doing orders will be obediently carried out since threat
have not been enforced.
The principal should praise good work and conduct by the pupils and staff
while punishment should be remedial and not retributive.
Aggressive behavior:This is manifested in fighting bullying,
Cursing usually caused by frustrations
Delinquent Behaviour:-
in the discipline.
Wanton ignoring of school orders.
Noise making
These groups of learners rather prefer
Hardly concentrate to any work , this
A principal should not partial be partial with issues relating to his teachers,
staff and learners. A staff or learner who misbehaves should be punished
At not time must a principal appear in school dressed in a manner considered
inappropriately or immodest. Indecent dressing should be discouraged
among the staff and public. A principal who dresses decently at all times
inspire and influence his teacher and learners. A principal who wants to
maintain discipline in his school must not absent himself from work without
Acts of fighting, drunkenness and use of foul language must be avoided by a
good and disciplined principal who wants to instill and maintain discipline in
his school among his own staff and learners.
A principal should avoid being in any serious financial embarrassment i.e. he
should not be in the habits of owing sellers of goods. As the chief
Accounting officer, the head teacher is required to be accountable for the
financial management of his school. There should be no misappropriation of
the school fund. Accounts records of all avenue and expenditure including
receipts must be kept.
A principal should make sure that all decisions that are made; are within the
confines of the school organizational policy and that no decisions deviate
from the overall policy. For example if the head teacher has formulate a
school policy whereby learners who wish to repeat a class in any primary
school must receive written permission from his office, every Principal must
carry out this decisions. Any head teacher who deviates from this
procedure would be violating the policy- it is not acceptable.
A head teacher should ensure that there is an open line of communication
supported by his ability to receive information and give out information.
He should also ensure that to the beat of his ability, school teaching
materials are properly harnessed and that he encourages development and
proper utilization of the facilities in the School and within the community.
The head teacher/principal ensures adequate use of morning assembly as a
period of worthwhile interaction with school community. He should use this
time to inculcate the act of worship in the participants.
This helps to instill and maintain discipline. The head teacher also uses this
occasion of school assembly to highlight individual learners achievement as
well as the collective achievement of the school. This helps to promote drive
and initiative for further improvement.
He should ensure a good physical surrounding which is clean and attractive and
which always has something to offer the learners.
In conclusion, the tone of any school depends soely on the discipline. As tone is
synonymous with academic achievement, it can easily said that low discipline low
result, and high discipline, high result.
Thanks for listening.