UK MCA The Deadly Dozen 2016 12

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Maritime and Coastguard Agency MARINE GUIDANCE NOTE

MGN 520 (M)


The Deadly Dozen - 12 Significant People Factors in
Maritime Safety
Notice to all Ship Owners, Ship Operators and Managers, Masters, Officers and Crew of
Merchant Vessels, Skippers and Crew of Domestic Passenger Ships and Inland
Waterways Vessels

This notice should be read with the Human Element Guidance series of MGNs, "The Human
Element - a guide to human behaviour in the shipping industry" and other maritime human
element publications.

There is a wide range of contributory factors that result in maritime accidents, incidents and

A consistently occurring factor throughout almost all accidents, incidents and errors is the
human element.

This Note raises awareness of twelve of the most common people related factors the
Deadly Dozen - which can affect maritime safety, along with suggested mitigating actions
available to companies, masters and seafarers.

Based on the article the Dirty Dozen, Gordon Dupont, source:, and
adapted for the maritime industry.

Further information available from:

1. Introduction

1.1 There is a wide range of contributory factors that result in maritime accidents, incidents and
errors. Most result from a combination of several, even many, different contributory factors
ranging from purely technical failures to environmental, systemic, procedural, competence
and behavioural factors.

2. The Human Element

2.1 A consistently occurring factor throughout almost all accidents, incidents and errors is the
human element peoples ability and capability to deal effectively and safely with the
complexity, difficulty, pressures and workload of their daily tasks, not only in emergency
situations but also during routine operations.

2.2 The majority of these accidents, incidents and errors are potentially avoidable if peoples
understanding, actions and behaviour were different. This not only applies to seafarers
(where the accidents usually occur) but also to people at all levels and positions within the
overall wider maritime system, including ship owners, operators and managers and other
shipping and maritime industry leaders whose actions can have a major influence on
outcomes far removed in place and time.

3. Twelve Top People Related Factors the Deadly Dozen

3.1 This Note provides a summary of twelve of the most common people related factors along
with tips and learning points which, if managed effectively have the potential to avoid and
avert accidents, and make a dramatic improvement to maritime safety.

3.2 They are the twelve most common conditions that can influence or act as pre-cursers to
human error, leading to accidents or incidents. It is not a comprehensive list of accident and
incident pre-cursers, indeed, there are several hundred possible pre-cursers. However,
experience shows that the Deadly Dozen provides a useful and pragmatic introduction to
understanding aspects of human error in organisations and workplaces and ship owners,
ship operators and managers, masters, officers and crews are encouraged to become
familiar with its principles and practices.

4. Annex

4.1 The Annex provides;

a) the Deadly Dozen twelve factors in diagram form with a summary of the key points
b) the Deadly Dozen a diagram showing analysis of the breakdown of the twelve
factors by near miss reports submitted to CHIRP Maritime
c) more detailed information on each factor
description and summary of the factor
key Dos and Donts
what companies, masters and seafarers can do to help
issues to be aware of
sources of further information
key behaviours that will help

More Information

For further information on the Deadly Dozen, and maritime Human Element generally, please

Human Element Team

Seafarer Safety and Health Branch
Maritime and Coastguard Agency,
Bay 2/19
Spring Place,
105 Commercial Road,
SO15 1EG.

Tel : +44 (0) 203 81 72501.

e-mail: [email protected].

Website Address: .

General Inquiries: [email protected]

File Ref: CG 27/9/14

Published: December 2016

Please note that all addresses and
telephone numbers are correct at time of publishing.

Crown Copyright 2016

Safer Lives, Safer Ships, Cleaner Seas.

Situational Awareness Fatigue
Do You REALLY Know
The Deadly Dozen Just Tired
Whats Happening? OR Dangerously Fatigued?
The Big Picture AND fine detail DONT accept it - Its a killer!
Constantly update your awareness Fit for Duty Leads to accidents and ill health
Actively seek input from others Are you REALLY fit to work? Ever present danger at sea
Never assume anothers intentions Avoid alcohol and drugs they are major killers Learn about cause, effect and prevention
WHIM ask: What Have I Missed? Illness can impair judgement and thinking Recognise it, report it, manage it effectively!
Injuries can be distracting

Alerting Distractions
Do You REALLY Speak Up Multi-Tasking
When You Should? OR Dangerously Distracted?
Vital skill use it effectively encourage it
Be positive and constructive propose solutions It happens very easily
Some may find it difficult to do Personal as well as job distractions
Its not a threat its good teamwork Use checklists and Red Zone techniques
Be assertive it can save lives! If distracted go back 2 steps
Be assertive insist on calling back when convenient

Just Busy
Understand Everyone?
Message understood? DONT assume - CHECK OR Dangerously Overloaded?
Use closed loop communications Good pressure can improve performance
Words are only 30% of communication Too much leads to stress always bad
Remember effect of tone and body language Dont let pressure lead to taking short cuts
Different cultures may interpret things differently Ensure adequate resources people, time, tools
Watch out for accidentally causing offence

Complacency Is Your Team REALLY Capable?
Is Everything REALLY OK? Check training and qualifications and experience
Never assume all is OK Regularly assess capability
Follow procedures they work! Provide on-board training, mentoring, coaching
Use checklists Ensure any capability gap is addressed
Seek input from others
Early action avoids later difficulties
Check your situation - CONSTANTLY

Local Practices Teamwork

Culture Efficiency How Well Do You REALLY
Do You REALLY have a good safety OR Dangerous Shortcut? Work Together?
Dont cut corners Ensure shared mental model
culture? Follow procedures they are there for a reason! Beware group think
Applies to individuals and whole teams/organisations Encourage challenge
Beware local norms becoming the new standard
Does everyone really care about safety? You can be in more than one team at a time
Poor or inadequate procedures? report them
Do you have a Just Culture?
Efficient or not thorough enough?
Do you strive for continual improvement?
CHIRP Near-Miss Reports 2003-2015
Fit for Duty 0.8%
Are you REALLY fit to work?

Situational Awareness 22.5% Fatigue 1.2%

Do You REALLY Know Whats Happening? Just Tired OR Dangerously Fatigued?

Distractions - 1.8%
Multi-Tasking OR Dangerously Distracted?

Alerting 15.3%
Do You REALLY Speak Up When You Should? Pressure 1.9%
Just Busy OR Dangerously Overloaded?

Capability 4.9%
Is Your Team REALLY Capable?

Communication 13.4%
Do You REALLY Understand Everyone?
Teamwork 6.8%
How Well Do You REALLY Work Together?

Local Practices 7.4%

Efficiency OR Dangerous Shortcut?
Complacency 12.6%
Is Everything REALLY OK?
Culture 11.4%
Do You REALLY have a good safety culture?

1. SITUATIONAL AWARENESS - do you know whats REALLY happening?

Situational awareness understanding what is really happening and assess its impact on
your voyage now and in the future.

Poor situational awareness has been a contributory factor in many maritime incidents. Loss of
effective situational awareness is often due to:-
lack of up to date information
situation changing too quickly to be understood
new and novel problems that are not understood
insufficient capability and experience of those involved
distraction e.g. paperwork, interruptions

Do Dont
always look out for problems assume everything is OK
make sure procedures, risk assessments put someone in a situation beyond their
and checklists etc. are up to date capability
plan effectively carry on regardless
know what to do before you start a task ignore a problem
ask for input from your team members assume someone elses intentions
advise and help your team
communicate effectively
value input from others
if you notice a problem speak up - NOW

What Companies Can Do

build an effective safety culture
ensure safety is a high priority on-board your ships
develop effective policies and procedures with input from crews
regularly review policies and procedures

What Masters Can Do

build an on-board culture that develops effective situational awareness through
communication, teamwork and personal skills
seek and value input from your crew
coach/mentor crew in awareness skills
What Seafarers Can Do
constantly check for potential problems
dont be afraid to alert management and crew members of potential problems
be assertive
if you dont understand something, find out about it
Be Aware !!
What have I missed?- even with years of experience, good procedures and effective
checklists it is possible to overlook or forget something. This is even more likely during
times of stress, emergency or unusual conditions. You should have a competent team
around you - use them. Its good teamwork and good for safety for EVERYONE

2. ALERTING - do you REALLY speak up when you should?

Alerting - bringing concerns about actions, situations or behaviour to the attention of others in
a timely, positive and effective way.

It is an essential part of maintaining situational awareness. It can reduce assumptions,

complacency and group-think. It can counteract distractions and slips of memory. It is
particularly useful during times of exceptionally high or low workload. It enhances safety

Raising awareness assertively Alerting being positive and effective when raising issues of
concern significantly improves safety and operational performance. In the complex world of
maritime operations many things can go wrong. Speaking up in a timely manner can help
avoid many accidents. This is particularly critical during emergency or high stress situations.

Do Dont
if you see a problem, alert the appropriate be afraid to speak up it can save lives
team member ignore a problem it will only get worse
be assertive let someone ignore you if your first alert
if you are alerted to an issue, is ignored, repeat it
acknowledge it and act upon it -

What Companies Can Do

build an effective safety culture which recognises the value of effective and timely alerting
What Masters Can Do
recognise the value of effective and timely alerting
build an on-board culture which encourages crew members to alert to problems
create a culture where people are not afraid to speak up
be responsive to alerts
always acknowledge and praise crew for raising concerns it may have saved the day!
What Seafarers Can Do
learn about the value and importance of alerting
if you see a problem, speak up
raise concerns in a positive, constructive manner
offer a proposed solution where possible

Be Aware !!
alerting and assertiveness is not easy for everyone
some people do not feel comfortable behaving assertively in the presence of more senior
some senior people do not feel comfortable with junior people behaving assertively
some senior people actively expect and encourage assertiveness from junior people, and
may incorrectly assume everything is OK if no-one speaks up

3. COMMUNICATION - do you REALLY understand each other?

Communication transmitting and receiving full and correct information ensuring sender
AND receiver share the same understanding.

It underpins situational awareness, teamwork and most other human activities.

Communication failures have contributed to many maritime accidents, but also frequently lead
to breakdowns in operational procedures and efficiency.

For communication to be effective everyone involved must share the same understanding of
the message, and know that everyone else shares that same understanding. Use closed loop
communication where the message sender and message receiver repeat the message to each
other to confirm understanding.

Poor communication can happen for a number of reasons:-

language different mother tongues
words and phrases can have subtly different meanings in other languages
words make up only 30% of communication, tone, body language, gestures make up
the rest
body language and gestures can have different meanings to different nationalities and
colloquialisms, slang, humour etc may not be understood by all, and may even be rude
or offensive to other cultures
acceptable behaviour in some cultures may be embarrassing, rude or offensive in
others, eg challenging senior colleagues
people have different language skill levels
people tend to revert to their mother tongue in times of stress or emergency
people speak faster, louder and with less clear pronunciation in times of stress or

Do Dont
use closed loop communication assume a message is properly understood
use simple words and phrases where CHECK
possible use slang or colloquialisms
repeat the most important parts of a assume something you found rude or
message offensive was intended it could be
if in any doubt, ask for confirmation perfectly acceptable in another culture
take care with pronunciation assume something that is acceptable in
work with your colleagues to understand your culture will automatically be
each others cultures, taboos etc. acceptable in another
if someone looks puzzled or offended,
discuss the issues with them and explain
what you meant and ask why it puzzled
or offended them

What Companies Can Do

foster a company culture where people are aware of communication issues
build communication/cultural awareness into familiarisation programmes
assess communication skills as part of the recruitment process
What Masters Can Do
nurture an on-board culture which aims to overcome potential communication problems
Foster the common agreed working language on board
What Seafarers Can Do
work with your colleagues to understand each other, language, culture, humour etc

4. COMPLACENCY - is everything REALLY OK?

Complacency - a misplaced feeling of confidence that everything is OK

It is dangerous but an easy trap to fall into. Just because everything appears OK, doesnt
mean that it is. There are many possible reasons and we are all susceptible to them.
Common reasons are:-
the same work has been repeated satisfactorily many times in the past without incident
the operator has insufficient experience or knowledge to recognise when a situation
has changed
poor briefing before taking up duty
forgetting something
inadequate monitoring/checking of the situation
poor teamwork, alerting, communications

Do Dont
update your situational awareness assume everything is OK
regularly ignore procedures
get regular input from your team expect something to be OK just because it
give/receive an effective briefing at always has been in the past
expect to find problems actively look out
for them
use checklists effectively
get help if you dont understand a

What Companies Can Do

recognise the dangers of complacency and develop a safety culture which minimises the
risk of it happening
What Masters Can Do
build an on-board safety culture which nurtures a positive attitude to working habits,
monitoring, checking, updating awareness etc.

What Seafarers Can Do

constantly check for potential problems
communicate with team members
develop a thorough understanding of your ship and its procedures

Be Aware !!
complacency is an easy trap especially if nothing has gone wrong for a long time
if it can go wrong it will sometime. Always be alert to what can go wrong.

5. CULTURE do you REALLY have a good safety culture?

Culture the blend of understanding, beliefs and attitudes of people and organisations that
result in behaviour and actions.

The term culture is often misunderstood. In simple terms, it means the way we do things
here. The way things are done stems from a combination of understanding, beliefs, attitudes
and behaviour. These come from a number of sources, for instance:-
Personal culture everybody has their own personal beliefs and attitudes
National culture cultural norms in different parts of the world
Company culture the beliefs, attitudes and behaviours that are prevalent in the
company, and that may be different to other companies
Professional culture beliefs, attitudes and behaviours that may be common to
professional mariners and acquired during training

In terms of safety culture, the important aspects are those beliefs, attitudes and behaviours
that improve or potentially compromise the safe operation of ships and the safety of everyone
on board.

Examples of Positive Safety Behaviours Examples of Poor Safety Behaviours

Constant vigilance and diligence Carefree attitude
Taking responsibility when detecting a safety Not taking personal responsibility for safety
issue eg Alert the appropriate team member Not reporting or acting upon safety issues
Prompt reporting of safety issues Not helping others
Taking prompt action Having no or little interest in safety
Helping and guiding colleagues
Suggesting changes in procedures to
improve safety

Do Dont
constantly look out for safety problems assume everything is OK
report all safety issues ignore or hide near misses
think safety at all times ignore other peoples unsafe behaviour
encourage safe behaviour in others believe safety is someone elses problem
put off safety issues to a later date

What Companies Can Do

implement a Just Culture as part of the overall safety culture it is proven to work
develop an effective accident and incident reporting and analysis process and always
provide feedback to ships
involve everyone
What Masters Can Do
implement a Just Culture on board
involve everyone in developing the safety culture
hold regular safety briefings
train crews in the principles of safety management
encourage crews to interact and understand each others beliefs and attitudes
What Seafarers Can Do
take personal responsibility for safety
always behave responsibly and safely
improve personal safety knowledge

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6. LOCAL PRACTICES - efficiency OR dangerous short cuts?

Local practices behaviour and actions applied locally that differ from the official
documented practices. Also known as procedural violations.

Correct behaviour and actions are fundamental to safety. Procedures and practices have
been designed to ensure that work is carried out correctly, safely, legally and to the expected
standard. However, actual local practices can vary from the expected procedures and
behaviour. If it is not addressed effectively, this behaviour can become established as the new
norm with a lower safety and quality threshold.

There are many reasons why actual practices and behaviour vary from the expected standard,
official procedures and practices are not clear, or difficult to follow or do not work
specified equipment is not available
training is not effective, people may think they are doing it correctly
supervision and monitoring is not effective
the safety culture is not effective or there is a carefree attitude
insufficient people, tools or time to carry out the procedures as expected
shortcuts are more convenient or satisfying
people dont fully understand the risk of their actions

Do Dont
follow correct procedures take short cuts
report difficulties and problems with ignore problems and difficulties
procedures take risks by using unsuitable work
question the effectiveness of procedures practices or tools
accept others breaking rules

What Companies Can Do

build an effective safety culture where everyone understands the need to follow
procedures correctly
develop effective user-centred procedures and practices
involve the workforce in developing procedures and practices they will know if
something wont work
develop a feedback process where procedural problems can be corrected
What Masters Can Do
build an effective on-board safety culture where everyone understands the need to follow
procedures correctly
regularly review procedures and practices with your crew
ensure effective training in correct procedures and practices
ensure effective supervision, watch out for deviations from correct procedures
What Seafarers Can Do
ensure you learn and follow the correct procedures and practices
if you identify a problem with procedures, report it
only attempt tasks where you are suitably qualified and experienced

Be Aware !!
shortcuts are usually done with the best intentions to get the job done but not always!
it is IMPOSSIBLE to write procedures to cover ALL eventualities. Seafarers will be
faced with novel and unpredictable situations. Make sure only suitably qualified
and experienced personnel are used. Use effective teamwork, including shore
based experts for support, if necessary

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7. TEAMWORK - do you work REALLY well together?

Teamwork - working together effectively towards a shared common goal.

It underpins both safety and operational effectiveness. A team that has a common purpose,
shared mental model and communicates effectively and supports each other is much more
likely to perform well and operate safely. You can be in:-
a permanent team e.g. ships crew, management team
a temporary team e.g. bridge team and harbour pilot, ships crew and dock workers
more than one team at the same time

A team may also involve more than those in your immediate place of work, and include:-
ships crew
shore management
maintainers and suppliers
port authorities
insurance industry

All contribute to the successful running of the vessel, and the wider maritime industry. Each
has an impact on the others and need to work together.

Do Dont
alert team members to potential problems assume everyone will act or behave in the
help team members same way
discuss issues with team members assume everyone has the same skill and
work with colleagues to overcome knowledge
language or other communication ignore problems
be inclusive - encourage everyone to
participate in all shipboard activities

What Companies Can Do

build an effective safety culture
develop effective training policies which underpin effective teamwork
know your impact on the work of others
What Masters Can Do
build an on-board safety culture
develop on-board training practices that develop effective teamwork
encourage work force involvement
develop effective training and drills, and provide constructive feedback for continuous
know your impact on the work of others
What Seafarers Can Do
learn about effective teamwork
use off-duty as well as on-duty opportunities to get to know your colleagues
learn about different cultures and communication
know your impact on the work of others
be prepared to listen
be prepared to contribute
get to know your colleagues strengths and weaknesses and be honest about your own

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8. CAPABILITY - is your crew REALLY capable?

Capability the blend of knowledge, skills and attitude to enable effective, safe performance.
Do they have tools and resources to perform competently?

It is critical to maritime safety. Competence is about more than holding an appropriate training
certificate, it is about a blend of skills-
technical and professional skills and knowledge:-
o navigation
o engineering
o seamanship
o cargo handling
o ship handling

non-technical skills:-
o communication
o leadership and management
o teamwork
o workload management
o situational awareness
o behaviours, attitude and professionalism
o dealing with problems

High performing people are able to combine technical and non-technical skills successfully. A
failure in either technical or non-technical performance can have a negative impact on ships
performance, potentially leading to accidents.

Do Dont
ask for guidance if you are unsure put people in roles beyond their
help each other competence and experience
check evidence of competence and claim you can do more than you really can
qualifications assume peoples level of competence

What Companies Can Do

have policies and practices to ensure recruits are trained, competent and capable
check the validity and authenticity of qualifications with the issuing authority
ensure effective on-board training and supervision
What Masters Can Do
check ORIGINAL documentation when a seafarer joins a vessel
regularly assess the knowledge, skills and competence of seafarers
address any gaps in knowledge, skills and competence by effective on-board training,
mentoring and coaching
ensure tasks are carried out by suitably qualified and experienced personnel
What Seafarers Can Do
take responsibility for self-development and leaning
ask for training and development opportunities, on-board and ashore
only attempt tasks where you are suitably qualified and experienced

Be Aware !!
watch out for forged and falsified certificates
be alert to alarming or concerning behaviour

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9. PRESSURE - busy OR dangerously overloaded?

Pressure real and perceived demands on people. Do you REALLY have the resources you

It can be motivating and inspire good performance and a sense of achievement. However, too
much pressure can be demotivating, lead to stress and health problems, degraded
performance and threaten safety.

Excess pressure usually involves too much work, but also includes meeting tight deadlines,
schedules, port turn round times etc. This can be aggravated by changes to schedules,
unexpected delays, additional port calls, changes to routes, crew changes, problems with
weather and port inspections, all of which can lead to disturbed rest periods and long working
hours which increase stress.

Do Dont
always be alert to workload pressures assume that people are coping with their
speak up if you are overloaded workload effectively
ensure you have the necessary take unnecessary short cuts to catch up
resources to complete a task properly on work
before beginning struggle on regardless
ask for help if required

What Companies Can Do

ensure effective resource allocation people, tools, equipment, manuals, spares,
instructions, procedures etc
ensure everyone in the chain, including customers, suppliers, charterers etc, is aware of
the operational pressures and the need for effective rest
foster a safety culture where masters are enabled/encouraged to suspend operations to
enable the crew to recover
What Masters Can Do
build an on-board culture that recognises the symptoms and risks of pressure
foster a culture where crew feel able to report pressure overload
respond effectively to overload
What Seafarers Can Do
learn about the effects of pressure and overload, their effect on health, performance and
monitor the effects of pressure on themselves and colleagues and report any problems

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10. DISTRACTIONS - multi-tasking OR dangerously distracted?

Distraction an event that interrupts your attention to a task.

These are commonplace. They can usually be managed effectively but it is easy to become
drawn in to a distraction and overlook much more critical events with serious implications for
safety. They are a significant cause of forgetting things and losing situational awareness.
They can be lethal!

Do Dont
declare a red zone whilst under pilotage allow unnecessary interruptions
or other times of difficult navigation be afraid to be assertive in dealing with a
only allow essential communications in distraction
the red zone distract someone performing a safety
use checklists effectively to monitor critical task
progress allow minor issues to distract you from the
if distracted during a task, go back 2 main task
steps in the procedure before restarting
if you notice someone being distracted,
alert them
keep focussed on the main task
deal with non-essential distractions later
be assertive

What Companies Can Do

develop a culture that recognises the potential impact of distractions
develop company practices that minimises the effect of company originated distractions
on ships crews eg respect the Red Zone
What Masters Can Do
ensure crews are fully aware of the effect of distractions on safety

What Seafarers Can Do

constantly watch out for distractions
support each other if you notice someone being distracted, speak up

Be Aware !!
it is easy to become distracted even when you know about distractions!

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11. FATIGUE - just tired OR dangerously fatigued?

Fatigue A reduction in physical and/or mental capability as the result of physical, mental or
emotional exertion which may impair nearly all physical abilities including: strength; speed;
reaction time; co-ordination; decision making; or balance
IMO MSC/Circ.813

Fatigue kills. It degrades performance at all levels which can lead to accidents and in the
longer term have a bad effect on health.

Fatigue clearly has an adverse effect on people and their performance. It is a significant factor
in many maritime accidents. The main causes of fatigue are:-
natural biological (circadian) rhythms it is natural to want to sleep at night and early
the length of time we are awake
the length of time we spend working
the difficulty of the work (mental and physical)
the amount of rest we get between work periods
the amount of adequate quality, undisturbed sleep absolutely essential for recovery

Do Dont
look out for the effects of fatigue accept fatigue as a way of life its
speak up about fatigue dangerous

What Companies Can Do

understand roles and responsibilities under the various Regulations
understand the causes and effects of fatigue and mitigating actions that can be taken
develop company Fatigue Management Plans
develop fatigue prevention policies
respond pro-actively and sympathetically to reports of fatigue from ships crews
empower Masters to suspend operations to enable the crew to obtain adequate rest
What Masters Can Do
understand roles and responsibilities under the various Regulations
understand the causes and effects of fatigue and mitigating actions that can be taken
build an on-board safety culture that incorporates practices that aim to prevent fatigue
ensure ships crews are aware of the causes and effects of fatigue
create a culture where crews are able to speak up about fatigue issues
ensure accurate record keeping
What Seafarers Can Do
learn about fatigue, its causes and effects
recognise the symptoms of fatigue in themselves and others
speak up about fatigue issues
learn how to manage fatigue in themselves and their colleagues

Be Aware !!
Fatigue can creep up on you. Ironically, being fatigued makes it more difficulty to
recognise fatigue.

More Information
Further guidance can be found in MGN 505 (M) and IMO MSC/Circ.1014 Guidelines on
Fatigue Mitigation and Management.

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12. FIT FOR DUTY are you REALLY fit to carry out your duties safely?

Fit for Duty the combination of physical and mental state of people which enables them to
carry out their duties competently and safely.

It is critical to maritime safety. Mental and/or physical impairment can have a seriously
adverse effect on performance and the ability of an individual or team to operate safely. The
main causes of degraded fitness for duty are:-
misuse of alcohol and/or drugs
physical injury
stress, worry, personal problems
mental impairment

Safety is affected through:-

inability to concentrate
degraded situational awareness
being distracted by feeling unwell
poor physical co-ordination
falling asleep
communication failures

Do Dont
seek medical attention if you feel unwell or consume alcohol before or during work
are injured periods
report sick if you are not well enough to report for duty if under the influence of
work safely alcohol
seek help if you have personal problems take illegal drugs
affecting your fitness for duty try to hide the effect of degraded fitness
help your colleagues who are for duty
experiencing problems

What Companies Can Do

have policies and practices to ensure fitness for duty
help and support people who have genuine addiction problems, or who are suffering from
stress, worry or other emotional issue
develop a company Wellbeing programme
What Masters Can Do
check ORIGINAL medical fitness certificate when a seafarer joins a vessel
encourage seafarers to seek help for fitness issues
make sure seafarers are fit to undertake all tasks allocated to them
do not allow seafarers who are unwell, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol to
undertake work
What Seafarers Can Do
take responsibility for personal fitness for duty
ask for help with medical, emotional or personal issues

Be Aware !!
Degraded fitness for duty, especially misuse of alcohol and drugs, is a major cause of
accidents, particularly Person Overboard

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