Saylani Report

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Saylani Welfare Trust International is one the big welfare of Pakistan that is

working for the welfare of Pakistan. This institute is working for the poor and
needy people of Pakistan. The work they are doing is to be done by the
government. I really appreciate the working and organizational structure of
Saylani welfare trust.
The organizational structure of Saylani is divided into four different
departments. They are as follow:
1. Welfare Department
2. Mass-Training Educational Department
3. Food Department
4. Medical Department
All these department is sub-divided into different branches so that the things
are manageable. In my visit to the head office of Saylani Welfare Trust
International Bahadurabad Karachi I have learnt a lot. It is not an easy job to
serve the needy peoples.

l-Hamdollilah! By the grace of Allah, this organization is serving the poor and
the distressed people of our society since 5th May 1999. We are a part of a
society where the majority of the people residing in villages and towns are
living below the poverty line and even deprived of the basic necessities of

Now let us take a look at the life of the people living in cities, where
unfortunately living conditions are not much different. If we examine their
family size, we find a very painful situation, where in a small rented house
the husband and the wife with their four children survive with a very low
In todays world where inflation is at its peak, it is impossible for them to pay
for their electricity, childrens education and any medical treatment of any
family member.

How will the head of the family be able to provide for the needs of his
children?? The result: he takes loans. He is not to be blamed because he is
responsible to provide three meals a day for his family and he is forced to
use the wrong means to fulfill his familys needs.

Undoubtedly, the poor and the needy are helpless. Our organization spends
time with them and is fully aware of their problems and weaknesses.
Therefore we want to help them in such a way that all financial aid is free
from interest. In view of all the difficulties faced by the poor, Saylani Welfare
International Trust has organized 63 different sectors to sort out the
problems of the ones who are in need. These departments are efficiently
working for the cause of the society.

By the Grace of the Almighty Allah, it can be proudly said that this
organization has become a back-bone of the poor society and provides help
after a complete inquiry survey. This organization receives aid from different
parts of the world. Each and every penny is spent after a strict inquiry and a
utilization report is delivered to those who send this aid to us. In this report,
addresses of the people to whom these donations have been given, is
mentioned with details. This shows that your money has been given to the
right people. You can also contact these people with the help of their
addresses and get a confirmation whether the organization has provided
them with the aid and if they are really the ones who deserve. In a way, your
sadaqa or zakaat is being spent with your own hands. Our aim is to inquire
and survey to find the ones who need us.

Saylani Welfare Provide Basic Health Care Facilities also offers Consultant Clinics
where Doctors, Physicians and Para- Medical Staff are available 24/7 to provide
treatment and take care of the distressed patients. Special Lady Specialist Doctors
are also available for the ladies. Eastern Clinics, Tibb e
Nabwi ,Hijama, Homeopathic . The purpose of Health Department is to helps the
poor and needy people by providing them a Qualitiy treatment.
All these Medical and Health Care facilities Are Avialable in Saylani welfare
International Trust.

HARMACY: In Saylani welfare the purpose of Pharmacy department to
manage the procurement, storage, preservation, packaging, sterilization,
compounding, preparation, dispensing or distribution of medicine in the distressed
or needy patients.

CONCLUSION: Saylani is playing a vital role in our society as they

providing such facilities to the needy people. And on the Other hand they also has
set up discounts for those people who cant bear much of their Food.

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