Evaporative Emission Control Systems: Section 5

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Section 5

Evaporative Emission Control Systems

Pressure Valve

ORVR Vacuum Ball Check Valve Charcoal Canister



Fuel Tank Airdrain Air Inlet Valve


Lesson Objectives 1. Determine the condition of the EVAP system operation based on engine
2. Determine the condition of the EGR system based on engine data
3. Determine the root cause of a failure(s) in the EGR system using
appropriate diagnostic procedures

Engine Control Systems I - Course 852

Section 5

TOYOTA Technical Training

Section 5


Evaporative Approximately 20% of all hydrocarbon (HC) emissions from the automo-
Emissions bile originate from evaporative sources. The Evaporative Emission
Control Control (EVAP) system is designed to store and dispose of fuel vapors
Systems normally created in the fuel system and prevent their escape to the

The EVAP system is a fully closed system designed to maintain stable

fuel tank pressures without allowing fuel vapors to escape to the atmos-
phere. Fuel vapor is normally created as fuel temperature rises. It is
then transferred to the EVAP system charcoal canister as tank vapor
increases. When the engine can tolerate additional enrichment, these
stored fuel vapors are purged into the intake manifold and added to the
incoming air/fuel mixture.

There are two basic types of evaporative emission control systems:

Non-ECM controlled EVAP systems use solely mechanical control
devices to collect and purge stored fuel vapors. Typically, these systems
use a ported vacuum purge port and a Thermo Vacuum Valve (TVV) to
prohibit cold engine operation.

ECM controlled EVAP systems use a manifold vacuum purge source in

conjunction with a duty cycled Vacuum Switching Valve (VSV). This type
of EVAP system has the ability to provide more precise control of purge
flow volume and inhibit operation. This is the only type on current mod-


Controlled EVAP Purge (P) Point


Fuel Tank Cap

Valve (3) (2)


Fuel Tank

Fuel Vapor Fig. 5-01

Fresh Air T852f242

Engine Control Systems I - Course 852 5-1

Section 5

Non-ECM Non-ECM controlled EVAP systems typically use the following compo-
Controlled EVAP nents:
Fuel tank.

Fuel tank cap (with vacuum check valve).

Charcoal canister (with vacuum & pressure check valves).

Thermo Vacuum Valve (TVV).

Ported vacuum purge port (port P; on throttle body).

Under some conditions, the fuel tank operates under a slight pressure
to reduce the possibility of pump cavitation due to fuel vaporization.
Pressure is created by unused fuel returning to the tank and is main-
tained by check valve No. 2 in the charcoal canister and the check valve
in the fuel tank cap.

Under other conditions; as fuel is drawn from the tank, a vacuum can
be created in the tank causing it to collapse. This is prevented by allow-
ing atmospheric pressure to enter the tank through check valve No. 3 in
the charcoal canister or the fuel tank cap check valve. The EVAP system
is designed to limit maximum vacuum and pressure in the fuel tank in
this manner.

When the engine is running, stored fuel vapors are purged from the
canister whenever the throttle has opened past the purge port (port P)
and coolant temperature is above a certain point (usually around 54C
(129F )). Fuel vapors flow from the high pressure area in the canister,
past check valve No.1 in the canister, through the Thermo Vacuum
Valve (TVV), to the low pressure area in the throttle body. Atmospheric
pressure is allowed into the canister through a filter located on the bot-
tom of the canister. This ensures that purge flow is constantly main-
tained whenever purge vacuum is applied to the canister. When coolant
temperature falls below a certain pointusually around 35C (95F), the
TVV prevents purge from taking place by blocking the vacuum signal to
check valve No.1.

5-2 TOYOTA Technical Training

Evaporative Emission Control Systems

ECM Controlled EVAP System

The Purge VSV is duty ratio controlled by

the ECM.

From Air Cleaner

Purge Port
From Fuel Tank

Throttle VSV
Valve Charcoal

Intake Air ECM Fig. 5-02


ECM Controlled ECM controlled EVAP systems were introduced to provide a more precise
EVAP Systems control and maintain driveability. The ECM will adjust the fuel injection
duration based on oxygen sensor or air/fuel ratio sensor signal.

ECM controlled EVAP systems typically use the following components:

Fuel tank.

Fuel tank cap (with vacuum check valve).

Charcoal canister (with vacuum & pressure check valves).

Purge VSV (manifold vacuum purge port).

Early ECM EVAP systems used a ported vacuum purge port with
in-line check valve (port A; on throttle body).

When the engine has reached predetermined parameters (closed loop,

engine temp. above 52C (125F), stored fuel vapors are purged from the
canister whenever the purge VSV is opened by the ECM. At the appropri-
ate time, the ECM will turn on the purge VSV. This will allow the low
pressure in the intake manifold to draw the fuel vapors out of the char-
coal canister. The vapors will then be burned in the combustion chamber.

The ECM will change the duty ratio cycle of the purge VSV thus control-
ling purge flow volume. Purge flow volume is determined by manifold
pressure and the duty ratio cycle of the purge VSV. Atmospheric pressure
is allowed into the canister to ensure that purge flow is constantly main-
tained whenever purge vacuum is applied to the canister.

Engine Control Systems I - Course 852 5-3

Section 5

EVAP System with ORVR Pressure Valve

ORVR Vacuum Ball Check Valve Charcoal Canister



Fuel Tank Air Drain Air Inlet Valve

Fig. 5-03

Tank Tank
Air Inlet Fill Check
Condition Purge Port Vacuum Pressure Air Drain
Valve Valve
Ball Check Port
Valve On
(NV) (NV)
Valve Off



5-4 TOYOTA Technical Training

Evaporative Emission Control Systems

Charcoal Canister The charcoal canister is filled with activated charcoal. This charcoal has
the ability to absorb gasoline vapors and release these vapors when fresh
air passes through the canister. Mounted on the charcoal canister are
check valves to control vapor flow. The table on the previous page shows
the action of each valve according to engine operation and fuel tank

Pressure in Fuel Tank

Fuel vapor pressure is vented into the

charcoal canister when vapor pressure forces
the tank pressure control valve open.

Tank Inside Pressure

Differential Control Valve (OPEN)
Pressure Canister
Valve Breather Line for Fueling

Check Valve
Engine Compartment

Purge VSV

From Air

Purge Line Fuel Tank Fresh Air Intake Line Atmospheric

Pressure Valve

Fig. 5-04

Engine Control Systems I - Course 852 5-5

Section 5

Vacuum in Fuel Tank

Vacuum in the tank can be relieved by

allowing air to enter through the charcoal
canister or fuel tank cap. OPEN
Rear of Vehicle Tank Inside Pressure
Control Valve (CLOSED)
Pressure Canister

Check Valve

Purge VSV

From Air

Engine Compartment
Purge Line Fuel Tank Fresh Air Intake Line Atmospheric Pressure Valve

Rear of Vehicle Tank Inside Pressure
Control Valve (CLOSED)
Pressure Canister

Check Valve

Purge VSV

From Air

Engine Compartment
Fig. 5-05
Purge Line Fuel Tank Fresh Air Intake Line

5-6 TOYOTA Technical Training

Evaporative Emission Control Systems

Purge Mode

During purge, vapors are drawn out of

canister and burned in the engine. Rear of Vehicle
Valve Canister
Check Valve


Purge VSV

From Air

Engine Compartment Air Inlet Valve Fig. 5-06
Purge Line Fuel Tank Fresh Air Intake Line
(OPEN) T852f247

Refueling Mode

During refueling, the differential pressure

valve and air drain valve are open. Fuel
vapors are absorbed by the charcoal
canister and excess air is vented to the
atmosphere. Rear of Vehicle
Valve Canister

Check Valve

Purge VSV

From Air

Engine Compartment Purge Line Fuel Tank Atmospheric Pressure Fig. 5-07
Fresh Air Intake Line Valve (OPEN) T852f248

EVAP There is no routine maintenance for the EVAP system. It is critical that
System Service the proper diameter hoses and parts are used. Failure to do so can result
in driveability problems. There are diagnostic procedures for checking the
valves listed in the Repair Manual.

Engine Control Systems I - Course 852 5-7

Section 5

Exhaust Gas The Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system is used for reducing oxides of
Recirculation nitrogen and for engine knock control. By recirculating a controlled
System amount of exhaust gases into the intake air-fuel mixture, combustion tem-
perature is lowered. This, in turn, reduces the amount of NO X emission.

Basic EGR System

Exhaust gases are directed to the intake

manifold to lower oxides of nitrogen emissions.
Throttle Body

Engine coolant temperature Air

Engine Load
Engine RPM
Throttle valve position
Intake manifold

ECM EGR Valve Cylinders

EGR control

Exhaust manifold


Fig. 5-08

EGR Valve Intake

When the EGR valve opens, exhaust

gasses enter the intake manifold.



EGR Valve

Engine Exhaust

Fig. 5-09

5-8 TOYOTA Technical Training

Evaporative Emission Control Systems

EGR Valve Also, the exhaust gases help prevent engine knock and allow for more
advanced ignition timing.

The EGR valve opens and closes the passage between the exhaust mani-
fold and intake manifold. Vacuum is used to move the EGR valves.

Inside the vacuum actuated EGR valve is a valve, diaphragm, and spring.
When vacuum is applied to the diaphragm the diaphragm lifts the valve
off its seat allowing exhaust gases into the intake air stream. When vacu-
um is removed the spring forces the diaphragm and valve downward clos-
ing the exhaust passage.

For proper engine operation, the EGR valve must open to the proper
height, and when closed seal the intake manifold from exhaust gases.

CAUTION The EGR valve can get very hot. Handle with care.

Cut-Off Control EGR System

EGR Operating (VSV OFF)

Throttle Body

R Port
Throttle Valve Coolant Temperature
E Port ECM Throttle Opening
Inlet Air Valve

EGR Valve

! Constant
Intake Air Exhaust Pressure
Chamber Gas Chamber

A Passage
Fig. 5-10

Engine Control Systems I - Course 852 5-9

Section 5

Cut-Off Some EGR valve's are water cooled and this is done to cool the exhaust
Control EGR gases. Cooling the exhaust gases increases the exhaust gases effective-
System ness in reducing NOX and engine knock.
In the Cutoff Control EGR system, the amount of exhaust gas to be
recirculated is controlled by the EGR vacuum modulator. The EGR mod-
ulator is needed because of the changes in engine vacuum and exhaust
backpressure. The vacuum available at ports E and R changes with
throttle opening. As the throttle valve opens and intake air
volume/speed increases, the vacuum signals from ports E and R
increases. As engine load increases the amount of exhaust backpres-
sure increases.

For the above reasons, an EGR vacuum modulator controls the amount
of vacuum reaching the EGR valve lifting the EGR valve to the correct

As determined by the ECM, the EGR VSV is closed to atmospheric pres-

sure allowing the modulated vacuum to reach the EGR valve.

EGR Signal Logic Table

Port Throttle Valve Opening Vacuum Signal

E Position Less than E Port No Vacuum Present

E Position More than E Port Near Manifold Vacuum

R Position Less than R Port No Vacuum Present

R Position More than R Port Near Manifold Vacuum

Fig. 5-11

5-10 TOYOTA Technical Training

Evaporative Emission Control Systems

EGR Cut-Off

When the EGR VSV is

on, the vacuum line is
open to atmosphere,
preventing the EGR from EGR Operating (VSV ON)

E Port R Port Coolant Temperature
ECM Throttle Opening
Inlet Air Valve

Fig. 5-12

EGR Cut-Off To close the EGR valve, the VSV is turned on by a signal from the ECM.
Operation This opens the vacuum line to atmospheric pressure closing the EGR
valve and shutting off the exhaust gas flow. This is done when EGR is not
needed and to maintain driveability. This operation (EGR cut-off) is imple-
mented when the following conditions exist:

Coolant temperature below 57C (134F).

During deceleration (throttle valve closed).

Light engine load (amount of intake air very small).

Engine speed approximately 4000 RPM or more.

Engine racing (neutral start switch turned on).

Engine Control Systems I - Course 852 5-11

Section 5

EGR Gas Flow

Variations in exhaust
pressure. Large Load without EGR gas

Small Load Large Load with a lot of EGR gas



Crankshaft Angle

Fig. 5-13

EGR Vacuum

Vacuum To Q P
EGR Valve Throttle Body Port E
Diaphragm Throttle Body Port R

Chamber A
A Passage
Exhaust Pressure

Fig. 5-14

EGR Vacuum The exhaust gas pressure increases in proportion to the amount of
Modulator intake air. As the throttle valve opens and the amount of intake air vol-
ume increases, a higher exhaust gas pressure is applied to the constant
pressure chamber of the EGR vacuum modulator. It pushes the
diaphragm of the EGR vacuum modulator upward to narrow the "A"
passage. Since vacuum acts then on the E and R ports of the throttle
body, the vacuum is modulated by the size of the "A" passage. This

5-12 TOYOTA Technical Training

Evaporative Emission Control Systems

modulated vacuum causes the EGR valve to open, which, in turn, allows
exhaust gas into the intake manifold. This also causes the gas pressure
inside the exhaust pressure chamber to go down, which in turn, lowers
the EGR vacuum modulator diaphragm.

The EGR valve is now under less vacuum and the valve moves until the
vacuum balances with the spring tension and the amount of EGR gas is
regulated. Therefore, the amount of EGR is regulated according to the
exhaust gas pressure and the vacuum signal strength.

Constant Vacuum System

Intake VCV



EGR Valve Position Sensor

Surge Tank Mass Air Flow
EGR Valve Engine Coolant
Temp. Sensor

Engine Exhaust Crankshaft


Fig. 5-15

Constant This type of ECM EGR controlled system uses a Vacuum Control Valve
Vacuum System (VCV), an EGR VSV, and an EGR valve position sensor to regulate
Operation exhaust gas flow.

Engine Control Systems I - Course 852 5-13

Section 5

Vacuum Control
Valve (VCV) Filter

When diagnosing the VCV,

remember that the vacuum
output is very low. An
accurate vacuum gauge is Valve



S Port Z Port

To VSV Fig. 5-16

From Intake Manifold T852f256

Vacuum Control The VCV is a valve that regulates the intake manifold vacuum applied to
Valve (VCV) the VSV to a constant level (-17 kPa, -l30 mmHg, -5 inHg).

The intake manifold vacuum that is supplied through the S port is

applied to the diaphragm. If this force becomes greater than the spring
force, the diaphragm moves downward allowing the valve to close the S
port and the atmosphere supplied through the filter.

Conversely, if the vacuum that is applied to the diaphragm becomes

weaker, the diaphragm moves upward causing the valve to open and to
shut off the atmosphere and supply the intake manifold vacuum. This
process is repeated to regulate the vacuum in the Z port to a constant level.

5-14 TOYOTA Technical Training

Evaporative Emission Control Systems

EGR Valve EGR Valve Position Sensor

Position Sensor

This sensor measures

EGR valve height.

EGR Valve Fig. 5-17


EGR Valve The EGR valve position sensor is a potentiometer sensor mounted on the
Position Sensor EGR valve. The EGR valve and signal arm in the position sensor move
together. As the EGR valve opens, the voltage signal of the EGR valve
position sensor increases.


The EGR VSV is a three

way VSV. When the VSV
is off, atmospheric
pressure is applied to the To EGR Valve
EGR valve keeping the
valve closed. When the
engine has reached the
appropriate conditions, From VCV
the ECM will turn on the
EGR VSV applying
vacuum to the EGR


Fig. 5-18

Engine Control Systems I - Course 852 5-15

Section 5

Operation The ECM uses the EGR valve position sensor signal to control EGR
valve position height and to detect excessive EGR flow. EGR valve height
is controlled by the strength of the vacuum signal and the ECM controls
vacuum signal strength by varying the pulsewidth signal sent to the
EGR VSV. If greater EGR flow is needed, the ECM increases the
pulsewidth signal to the EGR VSV. This applies more vacuum to the
EGR valve.

Under the following conditions the ECM turns off the VSV and closes
the EGR valve:

Coolant temperature below 57C (134F).

During deceleration (throttle valve closed).

Light engine load (amount of intake air very small).

Engine speed approximately 4000 rpm or more.

Engine idling.

5-16 TOYOTA Technical Training

EVAP Systems
(Instructor Copy)

Vehicle Year/ Prod. Date Engine Transmission

Technician Objectives
With this worksheet, you will learn to test EVAP systems using the required tools and equipment, retrieve and
apply the needed service information, retrieve and interpret service data information.

Tools and Equipment

Vehicle Repair Manual & Vehicle EWD

Diagnostic Tester

Hand Tool Set

Vacuum Gauge

Section 1
EVAP Identification
Use the Repair Manual and Technician Handbook to answer the following questions on the vehicle you are
working on.

1. Is the EVAP system the Intrusive or Non-Intrusive type?


2. Is the EVAP system equipped with the ORVR system?


3. Identify on the canister the tank valve assembly.

4. Identify on the canister the air inlet valve assembly.

5. If equipped, identify the ORVR vent line.

Section 2
Purge VSV Operation
1. Select ACTIVE TEST.

2. Set to EVAP VSV and turn the VSV ON using the left and right arrow keys.

3. Disconnect the purge hose from the canister side of the purge VSV and listen for a duty cycle pulsing
sound from the VSV.

Engine Control Systems I - Course 852 5-17

Worksheet 5-1

4. If a pulsing sound is heard, will vacuum be present at the purge hose?


5. Turn the purge VSV OFF using the left and right arrow keys. Check for vacuum on the VSV with a
vacuum gauge. If vacuum is present, the purge VSV is


Note: If a purge valve were stuck, open or closed, the following steps are recommended:

1. If the valve is stuck open or closed, this could be the result of active charcoal contamination or metal
flakes from manufacturing inside the purge VSV.

2. If charcoal is found in the purge lines, all hoses must be cleaned of charcoal and the canister and purge
VSV must be replaced.

3. If metal is found in the purge VSV, blow the metal lines out between canister and engine and replace the

Section 3
Vapor Pressure Sensor
1. Refer to SF section in the Repair Manual on vapor pressure sensor inspection.

2. Turn the ignition switch ON.

3. Disconnect the vacuum hose (the one connected to EVAP pressure).

4. Connect a voltmeter to terminals PTNK and E2. According to the RM, measure the voltage under specified

Condition Applied Pressure PTNK Voltage

Below Atmospheric

Atmospheric Pressure

Above Atmospheric

As pressure increase, voltage increases. ____________

5. Predict the PTNK signal voltage if the PTNK wire were to become disconnected. Voltage will


6. Disconnect the vps electrical connector.

7. Record the voltage between PTNK and E2 terminals at the ECM: ____________

8. Why did this happen?



5-18 TOYOTA Technical Training

EVAP Systems

Name ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________________________

Review this sheet as you are doing the worksheet. Check each category after completing the worksheet and
instructor presentation. Ask the instructor if you have questions. The comments section is for you to write where
to find the information, questions, etc.

I have questions I know I can

Topic Comment

Locate components in the EVAP system

using the EWD and RM

Find wire colors, pin numbers in the EVAP

electrical circuits using the EWD and RM

Visually inspect tank, fuel cap, lines,


Activate purge VSV with Active Test

Test purge VSV and compare to

specifications to determine condition

Check and retrieve relevant DTCs

Locate in the RM three sections related to

EVAP system concerns

Test vapor pressure sensor

Engine Control Systems I - Course 852 5-19

Worksheet 5-1

5-20 TOYOTA Technical Training

EGR Cutoff Control System
(Instructor Copy)

Vehicle Year/ Prod. Date Engine Transmission

Technician Objectives
With this worksheet, you will learn to test the EGR cutoff control system using the required tools and
equipment, retrieve and apply the needed service information, retrieve and interpret service data

Tools and Equipment

Vehicle Repair Manual

Vehicle EWD

Diagnostic Tester

Hand Tool Set

Vacuum pump with gauge

Section 1
Component Tests
VSV Component Check

1. Connect a DVOM to the EGR VSV terminal at the ECM.

2. According to the Repair Manual, perform the Inspect VSV operation test procedure. Test procedure
and specifications are found in what section?


3. When the engine is cold, does the EGR valve have vacuum applied to it?

Circle the correct words in the following statements.

4. When cold, the EGR VSV is ON/OFF and OPEN/CLOSED to atmosphere.

5. When the EGR valve is open, the EGR VSV is ON/OFF and OPEN/CLOSED to atmosphere.

EGR Vacuum Modulator

1. Check the EGR Vacuum Modulator according to the Repair Manual.

2. With the engine OFF and Ports P and R blocked, should air pass freely from Port Q to atmosphere?

Why? _______________________________________________________________________________________________

3. With the engine ON and Ports P and R blocked, should air pass freely from Port Q to atmosphere?

Why? ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Engine Control Systems I - Course 852 5-21

Worksheet 52

4. If the atmospheric port were blocked, what would be the engine symptoms?


EGR Valve
1. With the engine idling and warm, slowly apply vacuum to the EGR valve, so that the engine runs
rough. What happened to EGR temperature?


2. On MAP sensor equipped engines, what happens to intake manifold pressure when the EGR valve
is opened?



5-22 TOYOTA Technical Training

EGR Cutoff Control System

Name ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________________________

Review this sheet as you are doing the worksheet. Check each category after completing the worksheet and
instructor presentation. Ask the instructor if you have questions. The comments section is for you to write where
to find the information, questions, etc.

I have questions I know I can

Topic Comment

Locate components in the EGR system

using the EWD and RM

Find wire colors, pin numbers in the EGR

electrical circuits using the EWD and RM

Visually inspect EGR valve, modulator,


Activate EGR VSV with Active Test

Test EGR VSV and compare to

specifications to determine condition

Test vacuum modulator and compare to

specifications to determine

Check and retrieve relevant DTCs

Locate in the RM three sections related to

EGR system concerns

Engine Control Systems I - Course 852 5-23

Worksheet 5-2

5-24 TOYOTA Technical Training

EGR Constant Vacuum System
(Instructor Copy)

Vehicle Year/ Prod. Date Engine Transmission

Technician Objectives
With this worksheet, you will learn to test the EGR constant vacuum system using the required tools and
equipment, retrieve and apply the needed service information, retrieve and interpret service data information.

Tools and Equipment

Vehicle Repair Manual

Vehicle EWD

Diagnostic Tester

Hand Tool Set

Vacuum pump with gauge

Section 1
Component Tests:
VCV Component Check
1. According to the Repair Manual, perform the VCV test procedure for operation.


2. What port has vacuum applied to it? Did it match the Repair Manual?


3. A good VCV puts out:


EGR Valve Position Sensor

1. Using the vacuum pump, apply the vacuum specified and record EGR valve position sensor voltage.

0 inHG 2 inHG 4 inHG

2. From the voltage readings, is the EGR valve position sensor voltage signal normal?

1. Connect the positive (+) lead of the DVOM to EGR VSV, terminal.

2. Connect the negative (-) lead to ground.

Engine Control Systems I - Course 852 5-25

Worksheet 53

3. Start the engine and record voltage.


Is the EGR VSV open to atmosphere pressure with the EGR valve off?


Section 3
EGR Operation
1. With the DT, go to Active Test and select EGR. In User Data select EGR Temp, EGR valve position sensor.

2. Connect the positive (+) lead of the DVOM to EGR VSV connector/terminal.

3. Connect - lead to ground.

4. Record the following.

Engine RPM EGR Temperature EGR Valve Position VSV Voltage EGR Gas Flow (Y/N)

5. Activate the EGR system and record the following.

Engine RPM EGR Temperature EGR Valve Position VSV Voltage

6. Increase engine RPM and record the following.

Engine RPM EGR Temperature EGR Valve Position VSV Voltage

7. What happened to EGR temperature?


8. What happened to EGR valve position sensor voltage?


9. What happened to EGR VSV voltage as the EGR valve height increased?


10. If the EGR VSV were disconnected, what would be common engine symptoms, and what DTC would set?


5-26 TOYOTA Technical Training

EGR Constant Vacuum System

Name ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________________________

Review this sheet as you are doing the worksheet. Check each category after completing the worksheet and
instructor presentation. Ask the instructor if you have questions. The comments section is for you to write where
to find the information, questions, etc.

I have questions I know I can

Topic Comment

Locate components in the EGR system

using the EWD and RM

Find wire colors, pin numbers in the EGR

electrical circuits using the EWD and RM

Visually inspect EGR valve, modulator,


Activate EGR VSV with Active Test

Test EGR VSV and compare to

specifications to determine condition

Test VCV and compare to specifications

to determine condition

Test EGR valve position sensor and

compare to specifications to determine

Test EGR temperature sensor and

compare to specifications to determine

Check and retrieve relevant DTCs

Locate in the RM three sections related to

EGR system concerns

Engine Control Systems I - Course 852 5-27

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