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Civil Rights Project Rubric

CATEGORY Excellent (A) Good (B) Satisfactory (C) Needs Improvement (D-F)
Research/ Shows evidence of Shows evidence of Shows evidence of Shows evidence of
Information research from multiple research from some research from few research from no
reliable sources. reliable sources. reliable sources. reliable sources.
Research expands on Research expands on Research rarely Research does not
background knowledge background knowledge expands on background expand on background
from class. Information from class. Information knowledge from class. knowledge from class.
is rich and accurate. is accurate. Information is Information is not
somewhat accurate. accurate.
Originality/ Photography Photography Photography Photography
Ideas comparison and comparison and comparison and comparison and
analysis shows analysis shows some analysis shows an analysis shows lacks
considerable originality originality and attempt at originality original thought and is
and inventiveness. The inventiveness. The and inventiveness, but taken from people's
content and ideas are content and ideas are lacks some ideas and ideas and photos.
presented in a unique presented in an concepts.
and engaging way. interesting way.
Sequencing of Information is Most information is Some information is There is no clear plan
Information/ organized in a clear, organized in a clear, logically sequenced. for the organization of
Organization logical way. logical way. An occasional error or information.
item may be present.

Directions All directions were Most of the directions Some of the directions Most of the directions
followed thoroughly were followed and the were followed and were not followed and
and the assignment was assignment was some the assignment the assignment was not
fully completed. completed almost fully. was completed. completed.

Overall The Project was The Project was good The Project was The Project was
outstanding and the and the student adequate. incomplete.
student demonstrated demonstrated a
mastery of each topic. thorough knowledge of
the topics.

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