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2016 IEEE PES T&D Conference and Expo

Panel Session: IEEE 1547 Standard for Interconnecting

Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems

Panel Chair: Babak Enayati

Panelists: Charlie Vatanian, Jens Bomer, John Gajda, John Kotula

P1547 Chair Tom Basso

P1547 Chair Tom Basso
P1547 Secretary/Treasurer Charlie Vartanian
P1547 Secretary/Treasurer Charlie Vartanian
Vice Vice
Chairs (Central
Chairs Desktop
(Central [CD] [CD]
Desktop Subgroup Leaders)
Subgroup Leaders)
John Berdner John Berdner
Jim Daley Jim Daley
Babak Enayati Babak Enayati
Mark Siira Mark Siira
IEEE SCC21 Liaison Mike Kipness,
IEEE SCC21 Liaison Mike Kipness,
1547: Interconnection Is The Focus

System Electric
Resource Note: P1547 full revision started in
(DER) year 2015 is also addressing
interoperability and interfaces (EPS)

IEEE Std 1547a Amendment 1, May 2014
(Amendment 1: revisions to 4.1.1, 4.2.3, and 4.2.4)

4.1.1 Voltage Regulation

DER allowed to change its output of active and reactive power.

4.2.3 (Response to abnormal grid ) Voltage

. DER allowed to ride through abnormalities of grid voltage;
grid and DER operators can mutually agree to other voltage trip and clearing
time settings

4.2.4 (Response to abnormal grid ) Frequency

DER allowed to provide modulated power output as a function of frequency
grid and DER operators can mutually agree to other frequency trip and
clearing time settings

P1547 voltage regulation (Work In Progress)

Two performance categories are defined for DERs with

voltage regulation capabilities:

a) Category A covers minimum performance capabilities needed for

Area EPS voltage regulation and are reasonably attainable by all state-of-
the-art DER technologies

b) Category B covers all requirements within Category A and specifies

additional requirements to mitigate voltage variations due to resource

P1547 Example New Reactive Power Requirements
(Work In Progress)

The DER shall be capable of injecting reactive power (over-excited) and

absorbing reactive power (under-excited) equal to the minimum reactive power
(kVar) corresponding to the value given in Table TBD at all active power output
equal to 20% to 100% of nameplate active power rating (kW).

Voltage and Reactive Power Control
The DER shall provide the capabilities of the following modes of reactive power
control functions:
1. Adjustable Constant Power factor mode The capability is mandatory for
categories A and B
2. Voltage-reactive power (Volt-var) mode The capability is mandatory for
categories A and B
3. Active power-reactive power mode (watt-var) The capability is optional for
category A and mandatory for categories B
4. Reactive power mode The capability is mandatory for categories A and B
5. Dynamic reactive current? Still in progress

P1547 Example New Reactive Power
Requirements (Work In Progress)

Injecting (over-excited)
Reactive Power (% of Stated Capability)

Dead Band

VRef (V3,Q3) Voltage (p.u.)

VL V1 (V2,Q2) V4 VH
Absorbing (under-excited)

VL: Voltage Lower Limit for DER Continuous operation (V4,Q4)

VH: Voltage Upper Limit for DER Continuous operation

P1547 Example New Voltage Regulation
Requirements (Work In Progress)
Voltage-Real Power (Volt-Watt) Mode

When in this mode, the DER shall actively control the real output power as a
function of the system voltage following a target voltage active power (volt-
watt) characteristic curve.

Power Power
P4 P4


V3 (% of VN)
V4 V1 V2 V3 Voltage V4 V1 V2
(% of VN)
ESS going into
Charge mode

P1547 Example New Power Quality Requirements
(Work in progress)
When the DER is serving balanced linear loads, harmonic current injection into the Area
EPS at the Point of DER interconnection shall not exceed the limits stated below.
The harmonic current injections shall be exclusive of any harmonic currents due to
harmonic voltage distortion present in the Area EPS without the DER connected.

P1547 Example New Power Quality Requirements
Temporary Over Voltage (Work in progress)
The DER shall not cause the RMS Line-Ground voltage on any portion of
the Area EPS that is designed to operate effectively grounded, as defined
by IEEE C62.92.1, to exceed 130% of its nominal line-ground RMS voltage.
The DER shall not cause the L-L RMS voltage to exceed 130% of its nominal
L-L RMS voltage at any location on the Area EPS distribution system.
The RMS voltage measurements of this sub-clause shall be based on one
fundamental frequency period.

P1547 Example New Power Quality Requirements
Transient Over Voltage (Work in progress)
The DER shall not cause the instantaneous voltage to be outside the acceptable region.
Figure TBD defines the acceptable total duration of instantaneous voltage exceeding a
specified magnitude over a period of 10 cycles.

Interoperability and interfaces: Significant New Additions
to IEEE 1547

Interoperability elements included as

mandatory requirements
Additional interfaces addressed not only
the PCC
Informative material to be included

Other topics?

We are also working on:

1. Network interconnections
2. Storage
3. Microgrids
4. Testing
5. Modeling


Keys to DER integration not

necessarily covered in IEEE 1547s
John W. Gajda, P.E.
Duke Energy
Duke Energy Progress
(through Q1/2016)

System peak ~ 13,000 MW

Total DER (approx):
In 2007, ~ 12 sites (10 MW)
In 2016:
492 QFs in service (885 MW)
0.1 20 MW
1,935 NEMs in service (15 MW)
up to 1 MW
467 QFs in queue (3481 MW)


A Duke Energy perspective:

Whats NOT covered in 1547?
Direction of 1547 is good; however, integration
challenges remain
Volt/var decentralized vs centralized?
Utility-scale site design & inverter settings
Long term impacts if not addressed
Medium voltage design & construction quality
Distribution power quality & reliability impacts
Duke Energy Progress, Lagrange 115 kV / 12 kV Substation near
LaGrange, NC: August 4 & 5, 2013

Afternoon ramp ~
0.7 MW / hour

No solar DER on
any of the three
distribution feeders
MVAR yet

0400 1200 2000 0400 1200 2000

One-minute real & reactive power flow measured at

distribution bus, 48 hour period
Duke Energy Progress, Lagrange 115 kV / 12 kV Substation near
LaGrange, NC: October 4 & 5, 2014

2 x 5 MW
solar DER on
MW distribution

~100% ramp ~
penetration 3 MW /
(compared hour
to peak)

0400 1200 2000 0400 1200 2000

One-minute real & reactive power flow measured at

distribution bus, 48 hour period
Duke Energy Progress, Lagrange 115 kV / 12 kV Substation near
LaGrange, NC: August 4 & 5, 2013


Range of axes: 8 MW
over 2 hours. No solar
generation on the Does load variability
distribution feeders have a variability or
sourced from this volatility index? If so,
substation. This heres the baseline.
represents how power
flow changes from one
minute to the next over
a two hour period in
mid-day. Changes are ~
0.1 MW to 0.4 MW per

Duke Energy Progress, Lagrange 115 kV / 12 kV Substation near
LaGrange, NC: October 4 & 5, 2014
Range of axes: Still 8 MW over Whatever the baseline,
2 hours. There are now two 5 this is in a whole other
MW solar facilities operating on league. Can we manage
distribution feeders sourced this with step regulators
out of this substation. This and remote control of
shows the intermittent power capacitor banks?
flow across a substation due to
solar back-feed, from minute to
minute. In some cases power
flow changes by 3 to 4 MW in
one minute.


IEEE 1547: volt/var functions

Work going into volt/var functionality: Good!
Integration remains a challenge. Case in point: Duke Energy
Progresss IVVC (DSDR: Distribution System Demand
Response) system
Installed just prior to growth of utility-scale DER; algorithms not designed for
large quantities of DER
How do we manage (1) a new normal time constant of load variability and
(2) non-coincident load & generation
T & D reactive power management
Is reactive power a tool to be manipulated at the DER level
in order to enable more DER? Should we ship reactive
power from T to D, or should we think carefully before
moving more reactive power over greater distances? (Energy
storage = load & generation coincidence)

Utility-scale DER:
random site survey results
2014 sites in 2015 sites in
compliance compliance
Per inverter mfr.,
transformer configuration
11 of 15 23 of 41
will not create an open
phase detection problem
As-built drawings on file
6 of 15 11 of 41
match site installation
Inverters comply with the
utilitys required
0 of 15 9 of 41
interconnection protection

What would really happen here during an under frequency


Medium voltage facilities

High impacts to power quality & reliability
Design & construction quality not guaranteed
Compatibility with utility design specifications?

Underground primary
cable neutral bonded to
very small wire. Weak

Metal base of switch extends half way over deadend insulator.

There should be an extension link to extend insulator beyond

No lightning arresters

NEC Violation Overloaded Transformer

One site has 830 kVA transformers with two secondary
windings rated for 415 kVA each
An 830 kVA inverter is wired to one of the two 415 kVA
secondary windings, overloading the transformer

IEEE 1547 chapter 99:

Calculation of the vegetation-to-MW ratio
IEEE P1547 Drafting of
Reliable Interconnection
Requirements for High
Penetration of Distributed
Energy Resources
Jens Boemer, Aminul Huque,
Brian Seal, Matt Rylander, Jeff Smith
Eknath Vittal, Daniel Brooks, Tom Key


Conference & Exhibition
Dallas, May 5, 2016

2016 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.


This presentation and discussion here on IEEE P1547 are

individuals views and are not the formal position,
explanation or position of the IEEE.
The Challenge: Rapid DER Deployment
Data Source: GTM/SEIA's U.S. Solar Market Insight Report Q1 2015
Cumulative Capacity in U.S.


2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015E 2016E 2017E 2018E 2019E 2020E
Year (2015-2020 are forecasts)

Residential PV Non-Residential PV Utility PV

Development and forecast of

Solar PV in the United States.
Importance of voltage & frequency ride-through
CSI4 Task 4: Preliminary Results Average Bus Frequency

1-Phase to Ground Fault 3-Phase to Ground Fault

Frequency performance with CA Rule 21 ride-through parameters

better than with IEEE Std. 1547-2003 parameters.

Bulk and distribution system needs

Technology-neutral Requirements and

Performance Categories

Ride-Through Requirements

Conclusions & Outlook

Bulk and distribution system needs

Power PowerDistribution
quality: voltage
limits/power factor

Health & Safety: protection

are quite different but can

only be approached in an
integrated way.
Bulk and distribution system needs
are quite different but can only be approached in an integrated way.
Transmission Distribution
Voltage/Reactive Power Power quality: voltage
limits/power factor

Health & Safety: protection

Future Technical Guidelines Must Equally

Address Bulk and Distribution System Needs
Technology-neutral Requirements
Performance-Based category approach will need implementation by AHJs
IEEE Std. 1547rev

Category I

DER Having
Vendors Category Category Juris-
II B diction1

Market Analysis
Impact Assessment
Technical conditions: type & capacity & future
Market segment
penetration of DER, type of grid configuration, etc.
Non-technical issues: DER use case, impacts on
1 State Regulator, Area EPS or bulk system environment, emissions, and sustainability, etc.
operator, etc.
Ride-Through Requirements
Foundations and Justifications
Requirement Category Foundation Justification

Voltage Ride- Category I German grid code for medium voltage- Essential bulk system needs.
Through connected synchronous generator-based Attainable by all state-of-the-art DER
DER technologies.

Category II NERC PRC-024-2 but w/o stability All bulk system needs.
exception, extended LVRT duration for Coordinated with existing reliability
65-88% Vnom standards.
based on EPRI White Paper (May Considering fault-induced delayed voltage
2015) recovery.

Category III CA Rule 21 and Hawaii, minor All bulk system needs.
modifications Considering fault-induced delayed voltage
Distribution system operation.
Frequency Ride- All Categories CA Rule 21 and Hawaii, exceeds PRC- All bulk system needs.
Through (harmonized) 024-2 Low inertia grids.
based on EPRI White Paper (May
Frequency Trip Requirements
IEEE Std 1547-2003

Source: NERC, Performance of Distributed Energy Resources During and After System Disturbance:
Voltage and Frequency Ride-Through Requirements, North American Electric Reliability Corporation, 2013.
Frequency Ride-Through Requirements
IEEE P1547 Draft 3 (January 2016)
Category I, II, and III
66.0 Hz (harmonized) 66.0 Hz
may ride-through
shall trip
62.5 or may trip
0.16 s
62.0 Hz 1 000 s
62.0 2
299 s
Mandatory Operation
180 s 61.0 Hz 1 000 s droop
61.0 1 may ride-through
60.6 Hz or may trip
Frequency (Hz)


Continuous Operation
(V/f 1.1)
59.0 Underfrequency-
59.0 Hz
180 s 1 000 s
Legend 1
may ride-through or
Mandatory Operation range of adustability may trip zones
58.0 299 s
default value shall ride-through zones
and operating regions
57.5 shall trip zones describing performance
57.0 Hz
may ride-through 0.16 s may ride-through or may trip 1 000 s
56.5 or may trip 2
shall trip
0.01 0.1 50.0 Hz 1 10 100 50.0 Hz 1000
Time (s)

Source: Draft Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Distributed Energy Resources with
Associated Electric Power Systems, IEEE P1547/D3, 2016.
Voltage Trip Requirements
IEEE Std 1547-2003

Source: NERC, Performance of Distributed Energy Resources During and After System Disturbance:
Voltage and Frequency Ride-Through Requirements, North American Electric Reliability Corporation, 2013.
Voltage Ride-Through Requirements
IEEE P1547 Draft 3 (January 2016) Category II
Category II
(based on NERC PRC-024-2 and considering FIDVR issues to a certain extent)
may ride-through0.16 s
or may trip 1.20 p.u. shall trip
1.20 2 13 s
1s voluntary
Permissive Operation ride-through 1
1.10 p.u.
Continuous Operation

0.90 0.88 p.u.

0.88 p.u.
Mandatory Operation may ride-through or may trip
Voltage (p.u.)

0.70 1
0.65 p.u. 21 s Legend
0.32 s 2s
0.60 range of adustability
Permissive Operation
0.50 default value
0.45 p.u. 0.50 p.u.
shall trip zones
0.40 0.16 s
may ride-through or
0.16 s 2s may trip zones
0.30 2
shall ride-through zones
may ride-through and operating regions
or may trip describing performance
0.00 p.u. 0.00 p.u. shall trip
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Time (s)

Source: Draft Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Distributed Energy Resources with
Associated Electric Power Systems, IEEE P1547/D3, 2016.
Other Advances in Proposed Requirements

4.2.2 Area EPS Reclosing Coordination Dynamic Voltage Support
4.4.1 Anti-Islanding

4.3.2 Limitation of flicker induced by the DER

4.3.2 Harmonics
4.3.4 Avoidance of temporary overvoltage

4.X Prioritization of DER Responses

X.X.X Minimum Requirements for Manufacturers Stated
Measurement Accuracy
Conclusions & Outlook

IEEE Std. 1547rev is an opportunity to harmonize advanced DER

requirements to maintain bulk system reliability in the long-term. EPRI has
and continues to facilitate drafting of IEEE Std. 1547rev s through
technology transfer funds.
A technology-agnostic, performance-based requirements approach in IEEE
Std. 1547rev would lead technological development and innovation of
DER performance while giving sufficient flexibility to State Regulators et
al. to account for regional system characteristics and societal benefits.
Proposed ride-through requirements are solid. Further discussion of
advanced requirements such as Dynamic Voltage Support is required.

Success in balloting depends on stakeholder involvement!

Get involved!
Conclusions & Outlook
Published EPRI Work
White Paper ID# 3002006203 (publicly available)
Published on May 8th, 2015
Recommended Settings for Voltage and Frequency
Ride-Through of Distributed Energy Resources

Technical Update ID# 3002007496 (members)

Published on February 22th, 2016
Analysis of Voltage and Frequency Performance
of the Bulk System with High Levels of Variable
Generation and Distributed Energy Resources

Facilitation of IEEE P1547 SubGroup III)

on Clause 4.2 abnormal conditions
IEEE P1547/Draft 3, January 2016
Draft Standard for Interconnection and Inter-
operability of Distributed Energy Resources with
Associated Electric Power Systems Interfaces
Contact [email protected] for latest infos.
Conclusions & Outlook
Ongoing EPRI Work

2015 2016 Innovation
White Paper

California Solar Joint P40/P173/P174

Load Model Uncertainties Voltage & Frequency
Initiative Phase 4: project
and Aggregation Performance
Task 4 (Bulk System
(P40 Supplemental) (P173.011) ???

PSCAD modeling of a feeder DIgSILENT PowerFactory modeling GE PSLF modeling of WECC, to PSCAD modeling of a feeder
with stability models date with CMPLDWG model, in
A/C induction motor models A/C induction motor models
future with PVD1 model
Validation of PVD1 model against
Point on wave fault studies With DERs
detailed positive-sequence Focused on California with ~11%
Validation of CMPLDW model models DER PV penetration Verification of distributed PV
model (PVD1)
No DERs Further development of Test CA Rule 21 requirements
distributed PV model (PVD1) Verification and justification of
VRT, FRT, P or Q priority, etc.
fast voltage control
Fast voltage control
Questions & Answers
TogetherShaping the Future of Electricity

EPRIs IEEE P1547 Contacts:

Ride-Through: Jens Boemer 206.471.1180, [email protected]
Voltage Regulation: Aminul Huque 865.218.8051, [email protected]
Information & Interoperability: Brian Seal 8065.218.8181, [email protected]

Dominion Virginia Power(DVP)

Experience Integrating Renewable Energy
with IEEE Std 1547-2003

John Kotula
System Protection Engineering

Scope of Presentation
DVP Service Territory and Renewable MWs Installed, Interconnection Agreements Executed,
and Active Applications.

IEEE Std 1547-2003 Sub-clause 4.1.1 Voltage Regulation

1) DVP experience with Short Term Power Variation Impact on Voltage

IEEE Std 1547-2003 Sub-clause 4.3.3 Harmonics

1) Relationship between Current Total Demand Distortion and Total Harmonic Distortion
2) DVP experience with Current Total Demand Distortion Trip

IEEE Std 1547-2003 Sub-clause 5.4.2 Cease to energize functionality test

1) DVP experience with Single Phase Testing Inverter with Yny Step-up Transformer
2) Interconnection Compliance Assessment Open Phase Detection Problem
3) Interconnection Compliance Assessment As Built Hardware
4) Interconnection Compliance Assessment Documentation Compliance Summary


DVP Service Territory and Renewable MW Capacity

Approximately 320MW of Utility Scale Photovoltaic Nominal Capacity In-service.

Approximately 520MW of Utility Scale Photovoltaic Nominal Capacity Interconnection Agreements Executed.

Approximately 2,590MW of Utility Scale Photovoltaic Nominal Capacity Active Applications.


IEEE Std 1547-2003 4.1.1 Voltage Regulation

ANSI specification C84.1-1995, Range A requires that the Distributed Resource

shall not actively regulate the voltage at the Point of Common Coupling, or
cause the area Electric Power System service voltage at local Electric Power
Systems to go outside Table I, Range A.

Short Term Power Variation Impact on Voltage

1) Although voltage regulation was not allowed by IEEE Std. 1547-2003, Ammendment 1 approved on 16 May
2014, now allows the Distributed Resource to participate in voltage regulation.

2) Prior to Ammendment 1 being approved, one way to get around the language, was to set the fixed power
factor at a value other than unity. Then you were not actively regulating the voltage.

3) Would that always resolve the voltage issue? No. Thats why the revision of IEEE Std. 1547-2003 will offer a
family of voltage regulation options.

IEEE Std 1547-2003 Sub-clause 4.3.3 Harmonics

Harmonic current injection into the Area EPS at the PCC shall not exceed the limits stated in
Table 3. The harmonic current injections are exclusive of any harmonic currents due to harmonic
voltage distortion present in the Area EPS without the DR connected.

Inverter Harmonics as Specified on Data Sheet


Relationship between Current Total Demand Distortion

and Total Harmonic Distortion

At nominal output, ITDD = ITDH. ITHD can exhibit higher values when operating at lower output. Should this be a
concern given the total rms magnitude of harmonic current can be lower, even though its relative distortion is

DVP Experience with

Current Total Demand Distortion Trip

Photovoltaic Plant was not only a source of current harmonics, but also a sink for grid
current harmonics.
Capacitor in inverter LCL filter is acting as a harmonic sink.

IEEE Std 1547-2003 Sub-clause 5.4.2 Cease to Energize

Functionality Test

Check the cease to energize functionality by operating a load interrupting device and
verify the equipment ceases to energize its output terminals and does not
restart/reconnect for the required time delay. The test shall be performed on each
phase individually.

Similar to microprocessor relays, inverters have parameters that need to be set to

operate properly. Unlike microprocessor relays, utility personnel rarely have insight
into the actual parameters programmed into the inverters. Therefore, we rely on
witness testing for verification of operation.

Single Phase Testing Inverter with Yny Step-up Transformer

If we look at the above filtered event file, the fundamental frequency positive sequence voltage
magnitude, VZ1(Mag), exhibits little deviation. Since inverters make their control and protection
decisions based on the fundamental frequency positive sequence voltage, the inverter stayed
online. (Single Phase Testing FAILED)

Interconnection Compliance Assessment

Resource: NC Advanced Energy Corporation; 2015 Interconnection Compliance


Interconnection Compliance Assessment

Resource: NC Advanced Energy Corporation; 2015 Interconnection Compliance


Interconnection Compliance Assessment

Resource: NC Advanced Energy Corporation; 2015 Interconnection Compliance



In order for distributed energy resources to become part of a reliable electric grid,
there needs to be more validation of installed hardware and inverter in-service
settings. More support functionality is becoming available, but confidence is low
that the correct settings are in-service, or will be in-service.

Field witness testing has its limitations. Validated inverter models are necessary to
gather insight into inverter-grid interaction and inverter-inverter interaction.

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