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Uniclass EPIC

L7315 + L2123 J3413

ACO Water Management: CI/SfB

(52.5) In6
Civils + Infrastucture

ACO Qmax

ACO Qmax - slot drainage system

Product Overview
ACO Qmax System
Product Overview

Introduction to the ACO Qmax system

ACO Qmax has been developed to satisfy The ACO Qmax system is a patented A full range of accessories including
the demand for an economic, high design which is available in a range of chamber connectors and end caps,
capacity slot drainage system for depths and sizes. The channels can be support the ACO Qmax product portfolio
applications involving large catchment used independently or together with other for simple and convenient integration with
areas. For economical system design and sizes in the range to provide an effective conventional site practices.
installation, ACO Qmax can cater for a and economic drainage solution for a
wide range of applications to any load variety of catchment areas. By using the This brochure overviews the ACO Qmax
class, whilst delivering an effective larger capacity units and optional system. For further information on technical,
drainage solution. ACO Q-Brake flow control device, hydraulic and installation details, please
ACO Qmax can also provide genuine refer to the full ACO Qmax literature.
In some large area applications such as attenuation solutions for SUDS
car parks, distribution centres, highways For information about suitability for
applications. Please see the ACO Qmax specialist applications call ACO Water
and airport pavements, conventional point hydraulics brochure for further
drainage and some linear drainage Management Design Services (See page 7).
information on the systems capacities.
solutions are not viable or cost effective in Note: The Qmax system is protected by
reducing underground pipework or coping Each size within the ACO Qmax range is patent and registered design rights.
with the hydraulic loads. ACO Qmax can CE marked and certified to BS EN 1433: All intellectual rights are the property
provide the required drainage capacity. 2002 and can support Load Classes up of ACO Technologies plc.
to and including F 900. The unique
ACO Qmax has been designed to provide patented inlet design provides a
high hydraulic capacity and yet to be continuous pavement beam feature over
lightweight and robust to withstand the the line of the channel, strengthening the
rigours of typical construction site pavement installation and minimizing the
handling practice. Manufactured from need for reinforcement. In 2006, the ACO Qmax
recycled Medium Density Polyethylene
system was awarded the
(MDPE), the lightweight material makes
Queens award for
ACO Qmax easy to handle and quick to
Enterprise: Innovation.
install. The hot-dipped galvanised rail and
MDPE body ensure a long service life in
excess of 25 years.

ACO Qmax product range

2 ACO Qmax 900 ACO Qmax 600 ACO Qmax 350 ACO Qmax 225
Ground level
535mm invert depth

invert depth
350mm bore
880mm invert depth

600mm bore height
1180mm invert depth

900mm bore height

bore width

600mm bore width

Systems available in 1m and 2m lengths Systems available in 2m lengths only

System benefits

 Unobtrusive continuous slot  Simple and fast to install  Caters for all surface finishes
drainage system
 Improves on site efficiency  Can be installed to provide a
 Fast, efficient removal of surface watertight drainage system
water eliminates carry over in  High capacity storage provides
storm conditions effective peak storm flow containment  Continuous flow of concrete
through the product strengthens
 Can provide long distance to outfall  Controlled discharge to downstream the concrete surround
drainage network or watercourse
 Removes the need for additional  Tough, highly corrosion resistant,
carrier pipes  On the larger channels an integral robust structure
flow regulator can be added to control
 Lightweight design for easy the output flow rate from the channel  Fully CE marked and certificated to
manual handling BS EN 1433: 2002
 Caters for all Load Classes with
minimal reinforcement


Maximum Test
Installation group Load Class Vehicle Typical Uses
Load (kN)

1 15 Pedestrians and Cycles Pedestrian and cycleways

Pedestrian precincts, light vehicles,

2 125 Cars and Vans
private car parks

Large car parks, kerb-side

3 250 Light Commercial Vehicles
carriageways, garage forecourts

Public highway,
4 400 HGVs
distribution warehouses

5 600 High wheel loads Ports and dock sides

6 900 Especially high wheel loads Aircraft pavements

ACO Qmax System
Product Overview

System overview


ACO Qmax 225 and 350 systems

Depending on the application requirement,

ACO Qmax 225 and 350 channels are
available with a concrete edge (30mm
slot) or a heelguard edge (10mm slot).
When requested, ACO Qmax 225 and
350 channels can be supplied with car
park edge or heavy duty edge (e.g. where
required to match exactly to ACO Qmax
600 and 900 channels). These edge rail
options are shown on the opposite page.
Heelguard edge Concrete edge

Two edge details available The patented Pavement Beam feature

to suit any application provides a unique continuous
pavement benefit, strengthening the
pavement substantially when compared
to traditional slot drainage solutions

Anchors provided to
securely fix the edge rail
into the concrete surround

ACO Qmax 600 and 900 channels

side inlet and upstream end-inflow
connections are easily accommodated
through use of 1m long side-inlet
channel units

High-flow capacity can

eliminate the need for
additional carrier drains

ACO Qmax 225 & 350 channels

come complete with Neoprene twin-
lipped seals, which when installed
appropriately, can provide a watertight
system. An EDPM seal can be added
to the ACO Qmax 600 & 900
channels to provide a sealed system

Levelling feet for ease

of installation

See page 7 Designing the scheme
ACO Qmax 600 and 900 systems

Depending on the application

requirement, ACO Qmax 600 and 900
channels are available with a heavy duty
edge (30mm slot) or a car park edge
(10mm slot).
If an exact match is required, the smaller
channels, ACO Qmax 225 and 350 can
be purchased with these edge rails.

Heavy duty edge Car park edge

All channels within the Unobtrusive continuous slot channel for

ACO Qmax range are fully fast efficient removal of surface water,
certified and CE marked up to with no carry-over in storm conditions
and including load class
F 900 BS EN 1433:2002
Easy connection between
each channel. ACO Qmax
225 and 350 channel units
simply plug together. ACO
Qmax 600 and 900
channel units are connected
by two wingnuts

Simple connection to
chambers or pipework

Lightweight design for easy 5

handling and fast installation

ACO Qmax 225 and 350

channels are available in 2m
lengths. ACO Qmax 600 and
900 channels are available in
1m and 2m lengths


The ACO Qmax system is designed to

offer attenuation control as an integrated
part of a slot drainage solution. The ACO
Q-Brake has no loose or moving parts, is
compact and occupies no additional
ACO Qmax 225 and 350 channels can Manufactured from recycled MDPE volume as it resides within the channel.
be cut to suit application. Cutting guides tough, highly corrosion resistant, light Its performance is fully laboratory verified.
at every 200mm along the channel and robust material
ACO Qmax System
Product Overview

Edge rail options

Two edge details are available for each Airport Pavement, Car Park applications
size within the ACO Qmax system to suit
the application requirement; a wider slot
Distribution Centre and
- ACO Qmax heelguard edge detail
for installation in concrete slabs or a Highways applications for ACO Qmax 225 and 350 channels
narrow slot for installation where
pedestrians will be present. - ACO Qmax concrete edge detail - ACO Qmax car park edge detail for
for ACO Qmax 225 and 350 channels ACO Qmax 600 and 900 channels
ACO Qmax 225 and 350 channels are
available with a concrete edge (30mm - ACO Qmax heavy duty edge detail for - Suitable for asphalt, block paviour and
slot) or a heelguard edge (10mm slot). ACO Qmax 600 and 900 channels concrete pavements
See page 4 for details. ACO Qmax 600 - Discreet waterway intercept slots for
- No loose gratings
and 900 channels can be supplied with a pedestrian crossing
heavy duty edge (30mm slot) or a car park - Certified for the following Load Classes:
edge (10mm slot). See page 5 for details. - Certified for the following Load Classes
D 400 Public highways and

The ACO Qmax 225 and 350 channels distribution warehouse C 250 Car parks and garage forecourts
can also be purchased with the ACO E 600 Ports and dock sides D 400 Public highways and
Qmax 600 and 900 channels where distribution warehouse
an exact match is required. See page 5 F 900 Aircraft pavements
E 600 Ports and dock sides
for details.
F 900 Aircraft pavements


ACO Qmax 225 and 350 systems ACO Qmax 600 and 900 systems

 2m constant depth channels in  2m constant depth channels in  One universal stop end for both
225mm and 350mm complete 600mm x 400mm and 900mm x channel sizes which provide closing
with neoprene twin lipped seal. 600 ovoid sections. or outlet option.

 2 edge rails options; concrete edge  1m constant depth channels in  Optional EDPM seal for universal
(30mm slot) and heelguard edge 600mm x 400mm and 900mm x stop end.
(10mm slot). 600 ovoid sections complete with
side inlets.  Access chamber connector set for
 One multifunctional end cap for each male and female channel ends. Can
channel size which provides a closing  Optional EDPM seal for channels. provide inlet and outlet connections.
or outlet option. Outlet connection to
225mm and 375mm pipe.  2 edge rails options; heavy duty
edge (30mm slot) and car park edge
 One universal gully for all applications (10mm slot).
from load class A 15 to F 900.
Accessories overview

ACO Qmax 225 and 350 systems

Multifunctional end cap Outlet and access points

ACO Qmax 225 and 350 end The ACO Universal Gully
caps can be used for outlet can be used with ACO
connectors to 225mm and Qmax 225 and 350
375mm twin wall pipes, or for channels to provide an
closing of the channel system. outfall. The Universal Gully
By simply cutting these top unit can be used to
components both male and female provide access for
connections can be achieved. rodding/jetting.

ACO Qmax 600 and 900 systems

Access chamber connector Universal stop end

The ACO Qmax access chamber The ACO Qmax universal

connector set can be used with channel stop end can be used
ACO Qmax 600 and 900 on both male and female ends
channels to provide inlet and of ACO Qmax 600 and 900
outlet connection to access channels. A cutting guide is
chambers. The set comes provided for end connection
complete with male and female to pipe inlet or outlets.
unit each with a circular outlet Depending on the requirement,
which can be used for connection the set can be purchased with
to twin-wall pipes. Depending on or without a seal.
the requirement, the set can be
purchased with or without a seal.


Getting the drainage specification right Detailed installation statements and Fibre reinforcement
is crucial and with many issues to methodologies will vary for all sites as
consider, it is important to assess all each will have different aspects deserving As an alternative to traditional steel
the different variables in order to particular consideration, consequently the reinforcement, fibre reinforced concrete
reduce any potential risk. relevant approvals should be sought from may be used. Fibre reinforcement can
the consulting engineer and/or the installer. offer significant savings in time, avoiding
Design support the need for steel fixing which is
ACO has embraced the concept of value- particularly relevant to the larger Qmax
At ACO, we recognise these challenges engineering a totally new approach to channels at F 900 loadings. ACO have
and offer a free of charge technical and on-site construction that saves both time carried out a successful load test to
design advice service to assist the and money. ACO will review any design F 900 using 5kg Barchip Shogun 48mm
Specifier and Contractor in designing and to minimise the total scheme and life cost Fibres per cubic metre of concrete.
installing any ACO product. of a proposal. By using ACO Qmax, Further details of the required
it is often possible to remove the need for reinforcement may be obtained from ACO.
Installation guidelines any conventional underground drainage.

ACO can give guidance with respect to the ACO Design Services team utilise
powerful new bespoke software to offer
ACO Water Management Design
most suitable methods of installation for
each of the products in the ACO Qmax state of the art computer aided scheme Services Team contact details
range. ACO Qmax should be installed design and hydraulic performance
using acceptable levels of workmanship and calculations, along with an installation Telephone: 01462 816666
according to the National Code of Practice advice service, without obligation. Fax: 01462 851081
(UK: BS8000: Part 14: 1989) in keeping e-mail: [email protected]
with EN 1433:2002 (Drainage channels for
vehicular and pedestrian areas).
ACO Systems FZE
01/2011 Subject to alterations

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United Arab Emirates
Phone +971 (0)4 886 488 2
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