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Grated trench drainage systems

Product Catalogue and Technical Handbook

The ACO Group

Founded in 1946, the ACO Group

manufactures products for the
building and construction industry.

Today, ACO employs over 3,200

people world-wide and has sales and
manufacturing operations in more
than 28 countries.

ACO is the world leader and pioneer

of modular grated trench drain
systems. ACO drainage systems are
used in a variety of applications from
domestic environments to airports.
ACO products have been used at
many prestigious locations, including
Olympic stadiums, since 1972.

ACO is the market leader in modular
grated trench drain systems. ACO Drain
is manufactured at the company’s mod-
ern manufacturing facility in Sydney.

ACO Drain offers the most comprehen-

sive range of grated trench drain solu-
tions for every application. ACO Drain
products come in a variety of widths,
depths, and load ratings, with grates to

In conjunction with a comprehensive,

quality product range, ACO supports its
business with stocking distributors, tech-
nical sales support and world class cus-
tomer service.

Surface Drainage
6 Surface drainage options

8 Product selection criteria

10 Grated trench drain hydraulics

16 Loadings

20 Material data

22 End user requirements

Standard Products
24 KlassikDrain - K100, KS100, K200, KS200, K300, KS300

42 PowerDrain - S100K, S200K, S300K

56 Universal Junction Pit - Series 600

Problem Solving Products

58 SlabDrain - H100K, H100KS, H200K, H200KS, H300K, H300KS

66 Brickslot

68 Membrane Drain
4 5
70 MiniKlassik

Technical Support and Other Information

74 Trench hydraulics service

75 Grate hydraulics service

76 Layout & scheduling service

78 Ponding analysis Key

79 Chemical resistance
Load class up to D up to G
80 Construction and installation
Grate options Limited Small Wide
84 Installation diagrams

86 Specification clauses AS 1428.2 compliant Grates comply with AS 1428.2 Design for Access & Mobility

88 Part number listing Heelguard Slots/opening of less than or equal to 7mm in width

90 Glossary

91 Channel request form
Surface Drainage

Options for dealing with surface drainage

Surface drainage is important.

Whether frequent light rainfall or

occasional heavy downpours, surface
drainage is necessary to prevent damage Grated pits
to pavement or property, and reduces
safety hazards caused by ponding.
Surface drainage is designed to:

 Reduce ponding (standing water)

 Reduce slip hazards and subsequent
 Protect and extend life of pavements
 Protect property from flood damage
 Reduce inconvenience to public users 
Uneven, undulating appearance
 Reduce hydroplaning on roads 
Complex, multiple grades to design Water Sensitive Urban
and construct Drainage Design (WSUD)

Deeper ground excavation due to pipe
depths Sustainable drainage is an element of the Grated trench drains are ideal for the
Options available: 
Higher risk of ponding ‘Hydrological Cycle’. It is the collection of capture and collection of storm water run-

Pipes prone to blocking and failure rainwater, its treatment and, ultimately, its off. They form a barrier to prevent

Ignore it (overland flow) 
Maintenance can be difficult and costly reuse. rainwater run-off flowing onto the soft
as access to pipe work is restricted landscaping where collection is more

Open swale 
Possible interference with other The process involves capturing water difficult. This is of particular importance if
services, e.g., electrical, sewage, etc. run-off, that may or may not contain the risk of contamination is high, such as

Grated pits
pollutants, so it can be dealt with in a in highway and petrol station applications.

Grated trench drains controlled manner. The water can then be
treated, stored for future use, or ACO provides a wide range of trench
Grated trench drainage 
Neat linear appearance transported to receiving waterways. This drains to meet the hydraulic needs of any
For solid pavements the first two are not 
Simple grades to design and construct transfer of water should come at a low WSUD design.
ideal. Grated pits or trench drains are the 
Easy to install - shallower excavation cost, and cause minimal damage and
most viable solutions. and easy grading of pavement danger to the environment.

Continuously intercepts water along its
length and provides superior drainage Surface drainage can be used where
Minimal underground pipes rainwater has collected on paved areas 7

Maintenance is quick and easy as for the ‘capture’ phase of this process.
trench is at the surface and easier to

On level pavements, can be used to
contain spills or restrict runoff
Product selection

Choosing the correct grated trench drain

When choosing a grated trench drain, the

following factors should be considered:

1. Hydraulic Performance - how much

liquid is to be collected and removed.
1. Hydraulic performance
2. Application - the issues relating to The volume of liquid the grated trench Important factors include:
location of the drain. drain collects and carries in a given time 
Width and length of catchment area
Rainfall intensity
These factors should be addressed 
Grade of pavement
regardless of whether a modular channel 
Outlet size and position
system or cast-in-situ grated trench is
Page 10

2. Application
2a) Loading
Loading refers to any foot or vehicular Important factors include:
traffic being applied to the grated trench 
Wheel type and size

Traffic patterns - traffic speed,
Load standards are a tool to enable an frequency, braking, turning, etc.
objective comparison of products by
providing an independent measurement
scale. Page 16

2b) Durability
To ensure long life, products must be Important factors include:
carefully selected and installed correctly. 
Trench material
An investigation of the application’s 
Grate material
environment is recommended to identify 
Edge protection
8 9
any chemicals or other corrosive 
Chemical resistance
elements that may affect material 
Page 20

2c) User requirements

There is often more than one channel, Important factors include:
grate and locking option that will meet 
hydraulic, loading and chemical resistance 
Legislative requirements - e.g. bicycle
needs. User requirements are application safe grates
specific and are determined by either 
User safety - e.g. ‘Heelguard’ grates
design preference or legal obligations. 
Security - grate locking options

Page 22
1. Hydraulic Performance

Modelling hydraulic performance of trench drains

Non-uniform flow (Spatially Varied Flow)

Rainwater falls over an area and runs Non-uniform flow accounts for liquid being
towards, and collects at, any low point. carried in a trench plus the constant
addition of liquid collected through the
grates along the trench run - lateral

A characteristic of non-uniform flow is that

liquid velocity and height, change at
successive cross sections along the

To correctly model this situation,

differential calculus is required; usually
computer modelling is used.

As a result of empirical testing, ACO has

developed a computer program, ‘Hydro’,
to model trench hydraulics.

 - accurate ACO provides a complimentary

service for trench hydraulics. See
page 74 for details.

Steady, uniform flow (Manning’s Theory)

A traditionally used method of calculating

trench hydraulics involves the use of
10 equations for steady uniform flow. 11

This approach is better suited for pipe

design where liquid velocity and height
remain constant along the pipe.

No allowance is made for lateral intake.

Steady, uniform flow can be used in

Conclusion: culvert (open top) design for spillways or
Grated trench drains intercept and collect irrigation trenches. These culverts are
surface liquid. It is then carried to a point used to carry liquids from one area to
HYDROLOGICAL where it can discharge into an another and do not account for lateral
CYCLE underground pipe system or culvert. intake of liquids.
 - inaccurate
1. Hydraulic Performance

Catchment hydraulics - calculating run-off Factors affecting trench run hydraulics

To calculate the correct size trench drain,

D Ground fall or slope 1. Neutral invert with ground fall
catchment run-off must be calculated.

Catchment area - length x Slope increases the velocity of liquid
width of pavement L x W within the trench drain and therefore
improves hydraulic efficiency. Slope can 2. Stepped invert no ground fall

Rainfall intensity in mm per hour I Neutral invert no ground fall
be introduced by:

Run-off coefficient - ie. pavement 1. Existing pavement with natural fall.
material, some surfaces absorb
liquids e.g. block pavers C 2. Introduce a stepped configuration
3. Sloped invert with ground fall
Once catchment run-off Q is calculated, 3. Introduce slope along the base of the
other inflows, e.g. downpipes, can be added. trench run.

Refer to ‘Australian Rainfall and Run-off’ or 4. A combination.

AS/NZS 3500.3 - ‘Plumbing and Drainage 4. Combination
Code’ for rainfall intensities.

Other factors that affect the transfer of Effect of slope on trench hydraulic performance
liquids include: L

Ground fall along trench % D Non-uniform flow Steady Uniform flow
Accurately accounts for effect of slope Uses Area x Velocity to estimate flow capacity. When there is little or minimal slope,

Position and size of outlet pipe E and run length. Models the accurate velocity tends towards zero, and water depths are over-estimated. When there is

Surface roughness of trench material. hydraulic performance of trench. Allows significant slope, steady uniform flow under-estimates the water depths in the trench
D correct size of trench drain to be used. drain.
Manning’s coefficient of roughness -
figures are available on page 21 F
Q Zero slope Zero slope

Pavement angle of approach to trench -
this can affect grate hydraulics (steep
slopes may cause bypass) G

Slope ‘S’ is the multiplier in the equation

Slope is part of the equation - but not as a (Q=(1/n) AR2/3 x S1/2). For flat gradients
multiplier. Trench size is accurately calculated. slope is zero and water depths cannot be
12 Determining trench size calculated, therefore trench cannot be 13

The calculated run-off Q , is combined Overall dimensions

Small slope Small slope
with the other factors above to determine determine the physical
fit of the trench in the
the correct size of trench. The trench size location.
is specified by the clear opening and Overall trench
invert depth - changing either or both of
these will create a smaller or larger ‘flow Overall grate
When slope is small, water depths are over-
Slope is part of the equation - but not as a estimated - resulting in a larger, more
multiplier. Trench size is accurately calculated. costly trench.

Clear opening of trench is the normal
specified dimension, e.g. 100mm, Invert depth
Area available for flow
200mm, etc. Depth of trench can
vary along its length if Large slope Large slope

Overall grate and outside trench slope is introduced
dimensions are misleading. into the base of the
trench. Some factors,
such as slab depth,
can restrict these
‘U’ shaped bottom
should be used. This
maximises velocity of
liquids at low volumes. Clear opening When slope is large, water depths are under-
Slope is part of the equation - but not as a estimated. Trench size is under sized -
Clear opening, or multiplier. Trench size is accurately calculated. resulting in flooding.
width, is often chosen
in conjunction with
standard grate sizes.
1. Hydraulic Performance

Factors affecting trench run hydraulics

F Position and size of outlet pipe G Angle of approach to trench

Lateral inflow from surrounding Bypass
A grated trench drain is ultimately Grate hydraulics
connected to the underground pipe
system. If it is designed with an end Usually the trench drain reaches hydraulic
outlet, the trench may reach capacity capacity before grate intake hydraulics
End Outlet
sooner unless a larger and more costly affect performance. However,
grated trench drain and/or more outlets occasionally grate hydraulics become the
are used. determining factor, particularly if
catchment slopes are large and
If there is zero ground slope along the run catchment run-off is high.
and underground pipe work position is not
100% Capture Less than 100% Capture
fixed, the trench drain can be designed To determine grate performance, the Not all liquid flowing through grate - bypass has
Central Outlet All liquid flowing through grate
with a central outlet. Run lengths to the following information is required; occurred. Could be due to not enough grate
outlet are therefore shorter and less likely clear opening, too much liquid, or too much

Lateral inflow rate slope perpendicular to grate
to exceed capacity and flood. This allows 
Pavement type
a smaller, more economical grated trench 
Geometry of catchment area
drain and/or fewer outlets to be positioned including slope approaching the grate
along the run to drain the same volume. ACO provides a complimentary
service for grate intake hydraulics.
See page 75 for details.

Hydraulic summary
Size and Type of outlet Key factors to consider: 1. Lateral intake 2. Clear opening

In modelling hydraulic performance of Area available

grated trench drains, the assumption for flow
often made is that the outlet is not a
restricting factor. Designers should
ensure the outlet or subsequent pipe
14 work is not undersized and acts as a End outlet - pipe connected horizontally Bottom outlet - pipe connected vertically 15
constriction to the grated trench drain. to the end of the trench. Offers lowest to the bottom of the trench. Offers See page 11 See page 12
outlet capacity. improved outlet capacity due to gravity.

3. Producing sloping runs 4. Outlet

Neutral invert with ground fall

Stepped invert no ground fall

Sloped invert no ground fall

In-line pit - usually same width as trench, Universal pit - large pit, wider and
but deeper. Allows use of rubbish basket deeper than trench. Allows use of rubbish See page 14
to collect debris. Offers superior outlet basket to collect debris. Offers best See page 13
capacity as larger pipes can be outlet capacity as very large pipes can be
connected and increased depth gives used and increased depth gives
significant head of water pressure above significant head of water pressure above
pipe outlet. pipe outlet.
2.a Application
Contents- Loading

Factors affecting loading Load standards

Loading refers to the type of traffic to

AS 3996*
which the grated trench drain is exposed.
Traffic refers to any foot or vehicular “This standard specifies requirements for As part of ACO’s continuous product
traffic moving over the trench drain. access covers and grates for use in development and commitment to quality,
vehicular and pedestrian areas. It applies ACO has NATA certified testing equipment
The following should be considered:
to access covers & grates having a clear (Licence number 15193), operated by
opening of up to 1300mm.....” Clause 1.1 fully trained and certified technicians.
Wheel loads Scope.

 Weight of vehicle and its typical load DIN 19580 / EN 1433

 Type of wheels - solid or pneumatic
tyres The only standard written specifically for Load test - with relevant test block
Static loads Dynamic loads grated trench drains, and internationally
 Possibility of unusual vehicles, e.g.
trollies/skips, traversing the trench recognised, is DIN 19580. A 75mm x 250mm test block applied to a
 Load/weight applied vertically onto  Will vehicles be travelling across or
100mm grate - the full test load is being
the trench, no other movement. along the trench?
EN 1433 is superseding DIN 19580. It applied to the grate giving a meaningful
 Will traffic be braking or turning on
accounts for different widths of grates, result. Wider grates involve different size 75mm
the trench?
with different size test blocks for different blocks.
 Frequency of traffic?
size channels.
 Speed of traffic? 75mm x 250mm Test Block
 Is the trench located at bottom of a
EN 1433 tests products in exactly the
Static Load ramp?
same method as DIN 19580 with the
same load categories, up to 900kN.

As with DIN 19580, EN 1433 offers test Support 100mm Support

Dynamic methods for both the grate and channel
direction body. It accounts for both proof loading
Larger and/or pneumatic tyres spread the and catastrophic failure.
load over a larger contact area - exerting
a low stress. AS 3996 table of load classification

Static loads are used in load test

laboratories, but poorly simulate real
16 traffic scenarios. However, they provide 17
an independent measuring scale to Load Class Load Class Load Class Load Class Load Class Load Class Load Class
compare and classify grates. A B C D E F G
Moving traffic creates a dynamic effect.
10kN 80kN 150kN 210kN 400kN 600kN 900kN
This movement acts to twist the trench Extra light duty Light duty Medium duty Heavy duty Extra heavy duty Extra heavy duty Extra heavy duty
drain out of position. Trench body, grate
Typical uses
Small and/or solid tyres concentrate the loading, installation, and locking
load onto a small contact area, exerting a mechanisms, are all important factors to Footways and Footways that Malls and Carriageways of General docks Docks and Docks and
high stress. consider when addressing dynamic loads. areas accessible can be mounted pedestrian areas roads and areas and aircraft aircraft aircraft
only to by vehicle or open to slow open to pavements pavements pavements
A grate and/or system with a higher load The more movement (turning and/or
pedestrians & livestock, and moving commercial subject to high subject to very
rating will be required in these braking) and the faster the traffic, the
pedal cyclists light tractor commercial vehicles wheel loads high wheel
applications. greater the dynamic load.
paths vehicles loads

Approximate wheel load

330kg 2,670kg 5,000kg 8,000kg 13,700kg 20,000kg 30,000kg

DIN 19580 / EN 1433 equivalent

15kN 125kN 250kN 400kN 600kN 900kN

* Information is based on final draft of AS 3996 : 2005 open for public comment.
2.a Application - Loading

Load Class A - 10kN

Footways and areas accessible only to
pedestrians & pedal cyclists

Load Class B - 80kN

Footways that can be mounted by vehicle or livestock, and light
tractor paths

Load Class C - 150kN

Malls and pedestrian areas open to slow moving commercial vehicles

Load Class D - 210kN

Carriageways of roads and areas open to commercial vehicles


Load Class E - 400kN

General docks and aircraft pavements

Load Class F - 600kN

Docks and aircraft pavements subject to high wheel loads

Load Class G - 900kN

Docks and aircraft pavements subject to very high wheel loads
2.b Application - Durability

Material properties Mechanical properties Cement Concrete Polymer Concrete GRC HDPE
Compressive strength
Modular trench drain systems are The trench body is subject to compressive loads in
generally manufactured from either use and needs to withstand the specified load. 25MPa 96MPa C-579 50MPa 58MPa D-695
polymer concrete, GRC (Glass fibre
Reinforced Concrete) or HDPE (High
Density Polyethylene). GRC Flexural strength
Affects site handling and when trench body is in
ACO Drain commercial grated trench Glass fibre reinforced concrete (GRC) is a areas where encasement and soils are suspect. 3MPa 27MPa C-580 12MPa 15MPa D-790
systems are manufactured from polymer mixture of cement, fine aggregate, water, Edge protection
concrete. Other materials do not meet the chemical admixtures and alkali resistant
compressive strength and thermal glass fibres. GRC is predominantly used Tensile strength The exposed edge of the trench helps
expansion properties required in for building cladding panels. Not generally required in trench bodies, but relevant 2MPa 21MPa C-307 5.5MPa 14MPa D-638 hold the grate in position and is subject to
commercial and industrial applications. to grates. Used as material measurement. the same loads as the grate. In addition
to the effect of climate and weight of
ACO only uses HDPE as a trench material Cement concrete Thermal properties vehicles, it may be exposed to impact
for domestic applications. Water absorption from items being dropped or pulled
Cement concrete is Portland cement The trench is designed to carry and collect liquids <3% +0.07% C-97 12% +0.31% D-570 across it (e.g. skips). Once the edge fails,
mixed with aggregates. Generally used without contaminating surrounding soil/encasement. the grate will move and cause
Polymer concrete for large cast-in-situ slab applications, catastrophic failure.
where mass is required for structural Freeze-thaw 300 cycles 300 cycles modulus of 223 cycles
Polymer concrete is a versatile composite rigidity. Inability to withstand freeze-thaw cycles causes maintain 80% modulus of elasticity elasticity FAILED modulus of Metal edges are most commonly used to
material produced by mixing mineral surface spoiling and leads ultimately to trench failure. structural integrity 95.1% C666 unchanged elasticity test C666 withstand the abuse of traffic. Edge
aggregates with a resin binding agent. protection rails should be integrally cast-in
The finished material has excellent HDPE (Plastic) Coefficient of expansion/contraction or mechanically connected to the trench
mechanical and thermal properties and Excessive movement between trench and body. Edge rails that sit over existing
offers good corrosion resistance to many High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) is the encasement materials creates unwanted stresses 10 x 10-6 per oC 45.6 x 10-6 per oC 20 x 10-6 per oC 209.8 x 10-6 per oC standard edges are often ill-fitting and
chemicals. A maximum working most common plastic used in trench which may lead to failure. E831 E831 susceptible to failure.
temperature of 82oC is recommended. drains. HDPE is a readily available,
economical material that is easy to Water vapour transmission See water WVT 0.0364g/m2 - 1 x 10-4 gm/s.MN WVT - 0.1392g/m2 Edge protection rails also provide some
For increased chemical resistance, mould. HDPE has poor thermal WVT is measurement of water vapour flow through a absorption test 1,592hrs 1,592hrs protection during installation, particularly
vinylester polymer concrete is available. properties. A trench drain of 30m in material. Passage of water vapour may be critical in E96 E96 if the wearing course of the pavement is
This consists of vinylester resin binder length, with an ambient temperature some instances. not applied immediately. Appropriate edge
with superior silica aggregate fillers. change of 24oC, can expand (or contract) protection is particularly important in
up to 330mm more than the surrounding Surface properties asphalt situations where rolling machines
See chemical resistance chart on page concrete slab. The concrete surround will Surface burning can damage trench edges, leading to
20 79. only change minimally and cause the Trench systems are often used around petrol Non-combustible Flame spread : 0 Non combustible After flame time : premature failure of the trench. 21
trench to buckle or pull away from the stations, chemical processing and interior Smoke density : 5 Ignitability: P 390 seconds - fail
Due to their structural rigidity, polymer concrete. applications and may be subject to fire. They should E84 Fire propagation: 0 UL-94
concrete trench drains, when installed be non-flammable and not give off fumes or smoke. Flame spread : 1
properly, can be used in a variety of BS476
pavement types such as concrete, Weathering
asphalt and brick pavers. Grates The majority of trench drains are used in exterior Good depending 2000hr exposure no Similar to cement 1000hr exposure
applications. Ability to withstand adverse weather upon proper curing change G-153 concrete. UV stable no change G-154
Grates are manufactured from a variety of will ensure long service life (erosion, UV degradation FAILED TEST
materials. The most common are ductile etc).
iron, mild steel, stainless steel and
plastic. Coefficient of friction (Manning’s)
Any degree of friction will affect liquid flow to some n=0.013 n=0.011 n= 0.012 n=0.010
Grates need higher tensile properties than extent, therefore the lowest value is desirable.
Resin Hardener
the trench body to withstand direct loads.
Grates can be removed, changed or Chemical resistance
easily replaced after installation, unlike Trench may be used for liquids other than water and Poor Good Poor - better than Good
the trench drain body. in such circumstances, needs to be resistant to a cement concrete
variety of mediums. See page 79 for details.

Aggregate Sand Key: - Good - Acceptable - Poor

Cement concrete values obtained from AS 3600 and SA HB64 Guide to Concrete Construction (Cement & Concrete Assoc. of Australia)
Polymer concrete values obtained from experimental data using ASTM testing procedures
GRC values obtained from Design, Manufacture & Installation of Glass Reinforced Concrete (GRC Industry Group of NPCAA)
HDPE values obtained from experimental data using ASTM testing procedures
2.c Application - User requirements

Once a grated trench drain is chosen to

meet hydraulic performance, loading and 1. Aesthetics
durability requirements, the final options The grate is the most visible part of the 
Grate materials - stainless steel, ductile
relate to project specific end user needs trench drain and aesthetically the most iron and plastic can all offer excellent
or legislative obligations: important. aesthetics.

Grate slot patterns - perforated,
Grates can be selected to ‘blend’ into the slotted, mesh and decorative patterns
pavement, or used as a feature, or are available.
perimeter border.

Once hydraulics, loading and chemical

resistance requirements are met, the decision
is based on visual or cost preferences.

2. Legislative requirements
The Australian Access and
Mobility requirements are set
out in AS 1428.2 Clause 9 (c)

‘If gratings are located in a walking surface,

they shall have spaces not more than
13mm wide and not more than 150mm The diagram shows the slots transverse
long. If gratings have elongated openings, to the flow of traffic; this helps prevent
they shall be placed so that the long wheelchair wheels and walking aids
dimension is transverse to the dominant becoming trapped or slipping on the
direction of travel’. grate surface.

3. User safety
ACO offers a range of ‘Heelguard’ grates Bicycle safe grates should not trap or
that have openings of less or equal to ‘tram-line’ bicycle wheels. Clause 3.3.6 of
7mm in width. ‘Heelguard’ grates are AS 3996 : 2005 specifies the maximum
designed to prevent small slot length dependent on the
stiletto style heels width of slot for grates that
becoming trapped, are deemed to be ‘Bicycle
causing injury or falls. tyre penetration resistant’.

22 23

4. Grate security
ACO recommends that grates should be 
Boltless locking - mechanisms that hold
secured to prevent movement by traffic, grates captive without use of bolts.
which can cause damage to the trench They are quick to install and remove,
and/or grate. making installation and maintenance
There are a number of locking options 
Other lockings - on rare occasions,
available, these include: when something other than standard
lockings are required - please contact

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