Food Card Application Form - HDFC Bank

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FoodPlus Card Application Form

Employer Name: Tata Consultancy Services P vt Limited

Emp ID* :_________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

First Name* : ________________________ Last Name* _____________________________ Mothers Maiden Name* : _________________

Date of Birth*(MM/DD/YYYY) : _____/_____/ ______ Gender * : Male Female Other

Telephone No (Offic e): ____________________ Mobile No * : 91+______________________ E-mail Address* : __________________________

Communic ation Address* :____________________________________________________________


PAN Number : ________________________

FoodPlus c ard Number:

Referenc e Number : ___________________________________

Existing A/c holder : Yes No If Yes, S alary A/c

Customer ID

I hereby ac knowledge the receipt of a non-personalised FoodPlus Card and accept all terms & conditions mentioned along with applic ation form.

S ignature of the applic ant________________

Date : __________ Place_________________

For Bank Use Only:

S ourc ing Branc h Name: ____________

Branc h Code:
S ignature / Customer Id verified (OS V):

S ignature of PB: ____________________

PB Code:
Terms & Conditions

The information included in the applic ation form is true and correct
The FoodPlus Card (Card) will be a non-personalized card and will be handed over to the cardholder (Cardholder) on submission of a
c ompletely filled Application form in HDFC Banks (Bank) format. S aid card would be provided to you in a de -activated form and shall be
ac tivated by the Bank only after the application form is successfully submitted and processed. The Bank shall not be responsible for any
misuse of the Card by virtue of the same falling into wrong hands, no fraud or zero liability claims will be entertained by HDFC Bank.
I agree that the Card shall at all times be the property of HDFC Bank. The validity period of the Card will be mentioned on the fac e of the
I will be responsible to ensure that the Card is used only for electronic purchases at VIS A POS terminals , only at Foods & Beverages
merc hant outlets and cannot, under any circumstances, be exchanged for cash. The Card is non transferable under any circ umstanc es. The
Cardholder will be responsible for all the transactions processed by use of this Card and shall accept the Banks (VIS AS ) rec ord of
transac tions as conclusive and binding for all purposes. I understand and acknowledge that no cash withdrawal will be allowed on the Card
All loading /reloading of the Card will be done basis your employers instruction only.
Any disc repancy on loading / reloading amount on the Card, will be taken up directly by the Cardholder with the Cardholders employer and
the Bank shall not be responsible for the same. Any transaction related query will be handled by the Bank.
I understand that the Bank will allot a unique Personal Identification Number (PIN) and an Internet Perso nal Identific ation Number
(IPIN) assoc iated to this Card, which will allow the Cardholder to access the account balance, mini statement at all the Bank ATMs and
internet, respectively. Incase if the Cardholder forgets the PIN/IPIN, the same can be regenerated through the Banks Prepaid c ard
NetBanking portal
In c ase this Card is misplaced/stolen or otherwise lost, the Cardholder agrees to immediately report to the Bank either in writing or by c alling
up PhoneBanking 24*7 services or through Prepaid Card Netbanking. The Bank shall not be liable for any loss incase by the misuse before
reporting about the loss to the Bank
For re-issuanc e of the Card, the Card holder can place request through phone banking by providing necessary validations or c an c ontac t the
assoc iated relationship manager. For transfer of balance from hotlisted / expired cards of Beneficiaries to new card, the Bank would require an
e-mail from Card holders official email id.
Amount loaded on the Card will be transferred on the replaced card only to Card holders who have resigned from employment at the time of
expiry of the FoodPlus Card for next three months
I agree that the usage and safety of the Card is the responsibility of the Cardholder, and any loss/misuse of the same is not the responsibility of
the Bank. The Cardholder shall be responsible for all transactions processed by use of the Card, whether or not processed with his /her
knowledge or authority, express or implied. The Cardholder shall accept the Banks record of transactions as conclusive and binding for all
We understand that ATMs /EDC terminals are machines and errors could occur while in operation at non HDFC ATM & POS . I agree to
indemnify the Bank for any such machine/mechanical errors/failures in case if any.
In c ase the Cardholder finds out that a wrong entry has been debited to the Card, the Cardholder will immediately raise the issue with the
Bank. We understand that the Bank will do a thorough investigation of the same and revert to the Cardholder with its final findings and
dec ision of the Bank shall be final and binding on us
It will be final and conclusive in case of any disputes. The Cardholder agree that in case of any dispute the Bank will be using the audit trail of
Cardholder will be sent S MS alerts for all transactions on the Card and monthly email statement on email id registered with the Bank as per
Prepaid Card records.
Cardholder c an update their mobile no. and email id through net banking using their net banking IPIN & address c hange request c an be sent
by the Cardholder to the Relationship Manager of the region.
It is Cardholders responsibility to obtain, read, understand and abide by the terms & conditions applicable to the issue and usage of the c ards,
as amended from time to time. Any use of the Card shall be deemed to be acceptance of such terms & conditions in forc e.
The Cardholder hereby agrees and acknowledges that the Bank may, at its discretion, to record / tape telephonic instruc tions that it may
rec eive from Card holders. In the event that the Bank chooses to record/ tape telephonic instructions, the Cardholder agrees to be bound by
the transc ripts of the same and to accept the same as conclusive proof of the instructions issued by us or by any of the Card holders.
The Cardholder agrees to indemnify the Bank and shall keep the Bank indemnified and harmless at all times, against any loss, c osts or
damage suffered by the Bank due to any act of commission or omission by the Cardholder or by any of the Cardholder in relation to the issue
and use of Card, including, without limitation, any breach of any of the terms and conditions herein appearing and/ or any breac h of any
statutory or regulatory laws/guidelines relating to the use of the Card.

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