Samba Alkhair Credit Card Terms and Conditions,: Approved by The Shariah Supervisory Board

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Samba Alkhair Credit Card Terms and Conditions,

Approved by the Shariah Supervisory Board
Executed by Consumer Assets Business in Samba
Praise is due to Allah, Blessing and Peace be upon Prophet Mohammed, his family and all his companions

Preamble: Whereas the Applicant wishes to obtain credit from Samba through Samba Alkhair may use the information for account servicing purposes, and, if opted in, for marketing
Credit Card (Visa/MasterCard) (the “Card”) as well as the related Samba Phone and ATM purposes to offer products or services. If Samba is required by law to disclose certain
Services, and wishes from time to time to finance his/her purchases through Tawaroq Cardholder information, Samba will comply.
transactions based on the Tawaroq model approved by the Samba Shariah Supervisory 22. The Cardholder is required to provide the necessary information and documentation to
Board. Therefore, Samba Financial Group (“Samba”) will issue the Card in accordance with the Samba to assist in the investigations of any unauthorized charges reported by the
following terms and conditions: Cardholder to ensure appropriate investigations are carried out to determine
• The above preamble is an integral part of this terms and conditions. responsibility and liability of the reported charges.
23. To avail of SambaPhone, SambaOnline, and/or ATM Services (the ”Services”), including
Card holder’s Responsibilities: transacting at the POS, the Cardholder shall select SambaPhone, a PIN code subject to the
1. Upon acceptance of the Cards application and card issuance, the Card and a copy of the terms set forth herein below:
initial disclosure will be sent by Samba by registered mail or by courier to the Applicant’s 23.1 Instructions given on SambaPhone (pursuant to the use of the PIN code, being in lieu
mailing address at the Applicant’s risk. Upon receipt of the Card, the Cardholder shall of physical signature), shall be binding on the Cardholder even if it is alleged to be
immediately sign on the signature space on the backside thereon. given by another person, and shall be conclusively relied upon by Samba.
2. The Cardholder is instructed to activate his/her Card by calling SambaPhone, or through 23.2 The Cardholder shall not disclose the PIN code to anyone; otherwise the Cardholder
SambaOnline. Any use of the Card/services shall constitute the Cardholder’s acceptance shall solely be responsible for any and all consequences thereof. If the Cardholder
of the full terms hereof. believes that such disclosure has taken place, he/she is under obligation to promptly
3. The Cardholder agrees that Samba may cancel the Card if the Card has not been activated notify Samba and have the said numbers changed. It is advisable to change the PIN
for a period of up to two years. code on a regular basis. Usage of two or more consecutive identical numbers, usage of
4. The Cardholder undertakes to notify Samba of any changes in the Cardholder’s personal leading or trailing blanks and, generally, easily identifiable numbers are to be avoided.
data and information including and not limited to addresses, source(s) of income, 24. If the Cardholder chooses to perform any transactions on SambaPhone, SambaOnline,
signature, address, telephone numbers, employment, and Identification details. If the and ATM Services, Samba shall advise the Cardholder of the relevant charges applicable
data is not provided or if incorrect data is provided, Samba may freeze the card account, and obtain Cardholder consent thereon. Consequently, Samba is hereby authorized to
refuse renewal of the Card, or cancel the Card Account and demand payment of all directly and without recourse to the Cardholder, debit any of the Cardholder’s accounts
outstanding balance/amount on the Card Account. with Samba for such fees/charges, and reflect the same in the monthly statements.
5. The Cardholder may, at Samba’s discretion, get up to a maximum of four supplementary Should the Cardholder object to such charges upon being advised prior to the
Card(s) (“Supplementary Cards”) for immediate relatives (spouse, parents, siblings and transaction, he/she should not proceed with the transaction.
children) over 18 years of age. The Cardholder shall honor all obligations incurred on each 25. The monthly statements (Hard copy or E-statement when selected by the Cardholder to
of the Supplementary Card(s). No supplementary card will be issued if the limit on the be accessed through SambaOnline at any time) shall be deemed final and correct unless
Primary card is SR 100. it is objected to in writing by the Cardholder within 30 days.
6. The Cardholder accepts full responsibility for all transactions processed by the use of 26. The term “account statement error/disputed transaction” shall represent any transaction
his/her Card(s)/Supplementary Card(s) to effect banking transactions by electronic posted to the Cardholder’s Credit Card account, resulting in an error in the overall balance.
means or in any other manner and that Samba’s records thereof shall be final and binding 27. The Cardholder declares that he/she is not legally prohibited to be dealt with and would be
on the Cardholder. The Cardholder shall settle all his/her disputes with the merchants liable in front of the competent authorities for the funds deposited to his/her account, or
with no responsibility on Samba. deposited by others with or without his/her knowledge. He/she would be also liable whether
7. The Cardholder may use his/her Card for withdrawing cash from local and or not he/she subsequently disposed personally of these funds, but failed to formally report
international ATM or over the counter, and accepts all fees resulting from this to the bank the existence of such funds. All funds deposited to his/her account are from legal
transaction, as per below fee table. sources, and he/she is liable for their being free from any illegally originated funds such as
8. The Cardholder agrees that all foreign currency transactions will be subject to a and not limited to forgery or counterfeiting, and that if the bank receives from any
conversion fee to Saudi Riyal as well as international transaction fee, and accepts all fees counterfeit notes, these will not be refunded or compensated to the Cardholder by the bank.
resulting from this transaction. 28. The Cardholder may at any time cancel the Card by giving notice to Samba via an
9. The Cardholder agrees that cash transfer from Card account limit to current account is authenticated communication method. The Cardholder shall return all Cards cut in half to
considered as cash advance, and accepts all fees resulting from this transaction. Samba, and the full outstanding balance in the Card Account shall become immediately
10. The Cardholder shall pay to Samba all amounts to be debited regardless of whether a sale due and payable to Samba through the payment method specified earlier by the
or cash advance voucher is signed by the Cardholder net of existing or future taxes and Cardholder. However, in case of a Cobranded Credit Card, the Cardholder shall be entitled
charges whatsoever. to claim his outstanding accumulated reward points, within three (3) months of
11. The Cardholder agrees to be enrolled automatically (without any further action on the termination of these terms and conditions.
part of the Cardholder) to any card Electronic Bill Payment Platform (EBPP) such as SADAD 29. Travel insurance, if available with the card, is offered by a third-party insurance provider.
that may be offered to the Cardholder to facilitate monthly Card bill payments. Separate terms and conditions in respect of the qualifications to the policy shall apply
12. The Cardholder agrees that SADAD payment, Cash Advance transactions, as well as with respect to age and type of treatment. Thus, Samba will not be responsible for any
foreign exchange surcharge do not qualify for any rewards benefits. activity or claim in this regard. A copy of the travel insurance policy can be made available
13. The Cardholder agrees that Samba may at any time and without prior notice, set off any on request through SambaPhone. Claims, if any, against the policy should be directed to
money in any Cardholder’s account with Samba, against all sums due to Samba. the insurance provider for their assessment, eligibility and approval. Please refer to
14. The Cardholder expressly acknowledges that the books and records of Samba shall be the for more details.
only acceptable evidence that shall verify the exact amount of the Cardholder’s debt. 30. Lounge Access program, if available with any card, is offered by a third-party provider
15. In the event if the Cardholder loses his/her residency status in the Kingdom of Saudi (Visa or MasterCard). Terms and conditions including changes to or termination of the
Arabia, Samba has the right to cancel his/her Card and request the Cardholder to make listed airports lounges and qualifications to access policy apply. Refer to the Samba
full payment of all amounts due to Samba. website for a list of applicable lounges on any of your card(s). Samba will give (30) days’
16. The Cardholder shall have no liability for any unauthorized transactions made by the use of notice to customers in case of program termination, without any obligation on the part of
the Card after reporting its Loss or Theft to the Samba if the following conditions were met: Samba to the Cardholder.
16.1 The Cardholder has immediately and without delay notified Samba by telephone of 31. In addition to all mentioned Terms and Conditions, specific terms and conditions will apply
the loss or theft of the card. to particular credit card benefits and these terms and conditions are available at the
16.2 The Cardholder shall also be not responsible if Samba has failed to receive the Samba website and in directory of services that will be sent along with the credit card.
notification of loss or theft due to negligence or delay on its part. 32. In case Cardholder requires credit advice on Samba’s banking products and services,
16.3 The Cardholder has exercised vigilant care in safeguarding the card from risk of loss, Cardholder should contact SambaPhone for credit advisory and consultation.
theft or unauthorized use. 33.The Cardholder understands that non-compliance with these Terms and
17. The maximum Cardholder liability shall not exceed the available credit limit or the amount Conditions may result in:
of unauthorized transactions posted to their account, whichever is lower at the time of 33.1 Cancellation/suspension of the Card/Supplementary Cards without notice
such Loss or Theft. from Samba.
18. The Cardholder undertakes not to use his/her Card in purchasing any goods or services 33.2 Negative impact on SIMAH record and the ability to obtain new credit
that are against the Islamic Shariah rules. facilities.
19. The Cardholder agrees and understands that he will not use the Card for trading in 33.3 Legal recourse with escalation to appropriate Saudi judicial authorities in
foreign exchange, and purchasing virtual currencies, as per Article (5) in Bank’s the event of non-payment of balance dues.
Responsibility section. 33.4 Increased financial burden due to Commissions, Fees and Charges in case
20. The Cardholder agrees to provide Samba with all and/or any information that it requires of paying minimum due amount every month.
for the establishing and/or auditing and/or any administrative purposes with regards to 33.5 Financial losses due to Unauthorized Transactions due to failure to report
the Card Account and facilities therewith. And the Cardholder authorizes Samba to obtain loss/theft of the Card promptly to Samba.
and collect any and/or all information, as it deems necessary or is required regarding the
Cardholder, Supplementary Cardholder(s), his/her accounts and facilities therewith, from Bank’s Responsibilities:
the Saudi Credit Bureau (SIMAH) and to disclose that information to the said company 1. Samba guarantees the Cardholder in paying his/her purchases from all merchants and
(SIMAH) or to any other agency approved by the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA). organizations that accept the Card, provided none of the articles below are violated.
21. The Cardholder understands and consents that information, such as his/her name and 2. Samba shall debit the Cardholder’s Card Account (the “Card Account”) with the amounts
address, maybe provided to certain external firms that Samba deems reputable and that of all Card transactions, membership fees, other fees (including legal fees), and other
liabilities incurred by the Cardholder as well as actual loss or damage incurred by Samba the Bank’s Responsibility above.
arising from the use of the Card.
3. Samba shall ensure appropriate investigations are carried out to determine responsibility CARD & Late Payments Fees:
and liability of any unauthorized charges reported by the Cardholder, and the Cardholder 1. The Cardholder shall be billed in Saudi Riyal and any conversion rate from foreign
is required to provide the necessary information and documentation to assist in the currency to Saudi Riyal either by Samba or any other related party may vary and will be
investigations. binding and payable by the Cardholder.
4. In the event that Cardholder is proven to have been engaged in any fraudulent behaviors 2. In addition to the amount credited to the Card Account, as a result of the Tawaroq
relating to the disputed transactions, and if the Cardholder refuses to provide relevant transaction, the Cardholder shall make a monthly payment on his/her Card. The minimum
necessary materials for the investigation of the disputed transaction, Samba shall have payment due shown on the Cardholder’s statement will be the minimum amount payable
no liability for the disputed transactions. each month on or before the payment due date.
5. Samba may at any time without any obligation or without any explanations or reasons to 3. If the minimum payment amount due is not paid on by the due date then the full amount
the Cardholder refuse to honor any of the transactions that the Cardholder has initiated due will become payable and Samba has the option, at its discretion to block the Card, and
on his/her Card and on any of the Supplementary Card(s) including but not limited to, if the Cardholder continues not to pay, the Card will be cancelled. A new Card shall not be
parallel use of the same Card in transactions in two different locations, or use of the Card issued unless the full amount due is paid, however, Samba may, at its sole discretion, offer
in any prohibited or illegal transactions in contravention of any applicable Saudi Laws the Cardholder a chance to settle the Card Account by entering into a Tawaroq
and/or the laws of any other jurisdiction where any such transaction is about to take transaction which will prevent the Cardholder’s Card from being cancelled.
place or has taken place . Samba shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense 4. In case the Cardholder fails to make payment on or before the due date for six
(direct or indirect, consequential or otherwise) incurred by the Cardholder due to consecutive months past the due date, no Tawaroq transaction shall be executed
Samba’s refusal to honor any of the transactions initiated by the Cardholder. Samba shall henceforth and all amounts due from the Cardholder shall become immediately due
inform the Cardholder without delay of Samba’s reason for refusal to honor any of the payable to Samba.
transactions initiated by the Cardholder. 5. Settlement of debit balances on the Card Account shall be made on the basis of minimum
6. Samba will have the right to freeze the Cardholder’s Account if he/she fails to update Samba payment instructions. The option of settling the balances by a single full payment is
with a copy of his/her renewed National Identification/Iqama, upon its expiration date. available to the Cardholder upon request, however, if the Card Account with Samba has
7. Samba shall have the absolute right to determine the cash advance level which is insufficient funds to cover the outstanding amount due on the payment due date, Samba
subject to change based on regulatory requirements, which is currently fixed at %30 will apply what is mentioned in Article 3 above.
of the Card credit limit. 6. If the Card’s total spending limit is exceeded, the exceeded amount will be due
8. Samba may at any time terminate these terms and conditions and recall all the Cards immediately and Samba will have the right to cancel the Card and a new Card will not be
provided to the Cardholder and to the Supplementary Cardholder (which is Samba’s issued until the full amount due is settled.
Property) without any responsibility towards, or prior notice to, the Cardholder. 7. The Cardholder gives Samba irrevocable standing instructions to enter into Tawaroq
9. Samba may at any time and without prior written notice to the Cardholder modify or transactions based on the Tawaroq model approved by the Samba Shariah
change any terms and conditions herein. However, Samba shall provide a 30 day notice Supervisory Board (where Samba sells to the Cardholder a commodity on deferred
before any such change is effected. The Cardholder has 14 days to either accept the payment basis and as agent of the Cardholder, sells the commodity on cash basis to a
changes or to cancel the card as per Article 27 of Cardholder’s Responsibilities, except third party at the then prevailing market price) on or after the payment due date of
changes to the following: each month to offset the outstanding amount due if the Cardholder fails to contact
a. An extension to the Grace Period; b. A decrease in fees and charges; c. A change Samba to give instructions to execute a Tawaroq transaction in any month, on or
concerning information about any optional service in relation to the Credit Card terms before the payment due date; the Tawaroq transaction documents will be maintained
and conditions. Any cancellation must be communicated in writing to Samba. The by Samba Consumer Asset Business (CAB). This standing instruction is valid for as long
retention of the Card by the Cardholder after the effective date of the change shall as the Card terms and conditions are in effect.
constitute the Cardholder’s implicit and unconditional acceptance. 8. The amount generated from the Tawaroq transaction will be held by Samba for payment
10. Samba will provide a copy within 7 working days, of the following documents or records, of amounts due against the Card.
if requested by the Cardholder: 9. If payment is made by issuing a cheque, then the Cardholder’s Account will be credited
10.1 Application of the Card. only after the cleared funds have been received by Samba either for the direct payment
10.2 Up to date terms and conditions. of purchases and fees or for the payment of the Tawaroq monthly installment.
10.3 Credit contract, including security and guarantor documents. 10. The tenor of the installment sale of an executed Tawaroq transaction is 1 month at a
11. In the event of a discrepancy between the amount of any cash deposit in “ATM” as stated mark-up margin of %2.5.
by the Cardholder and Samba’s counting, Samba’s counting shall prevail. The Cardholder 11. Mark-up is charged by the Bank on the unpaid statement balance. To avoid any charging
shall be notified of any such discrepancy. of Mark-up, please pay full amount within the due date.
12. Any notice required from Samba hereunder shall be deemed valid if mailed to the address 12. In case of death of the Cardholder, Samba shall have the right to demand that his/her
given by the Cardholder or by to any suitable means at Samba’s discretion, and, as such, heirs or inheritance settle the amounts due immediately. Unless the Cardholder has an
shall be final and binding. active credit shield insurance plan attached to his/her Card Account. Refer to the Credit
13. Samba may at any time, assign any of its rights hereunder to any other party without Shield terms & conditions article below for details.
notice to, or seeking consent of, the Cardholder. 13. If the Cardholder declares bankruptcy, all amounts due from the Cardholder shall become
14. If at any time any provision or term of these terms and conditions are or becomes illegal, immediately payable to Samba.
invalid or unenforceable in any respect as per the Law of Saudi Arabia, such provision or 14. For Cardholders using Taqseet program, the entire outstanding amount on Taqseet will
term shall be deemed to be deleted from these terms and conditions. Illegality, invalidity, become due for immediate payment in case the Cardholder becomes delinquent in the
on unenforceability of provision or term hereof shall not affect the legality, validity, on card payment and then, the Taqseet program will be terminated.
enforceability of the rest of the terms and conditions herein.
15. Once the Applicant's application is accepted and the Applicant becomes a Samba Please refer to the Disclosure Statement for Cost of Credit table, a summary of charges as
Cardholder, Samba shall have the authority and power to enroll the Cardholder into the well as examples of Mark up, and Foreign Exchange transactions (overleaf).
various insurance related programs based on the Cardholder’s prior acceptance and Credit Shield terms & conditions (Optional):
agreement to the terms and conditions of such programs. Specific Terms & Conditions
apply for the insurance programs which will be binding on the Cardholder and shall be a) Credit Shield Group Credit Insurance covers all of participants of the Samba Credit Shield
available upon the Cardholder’s request. Program
16. Samba has the absolute right not to act on any SambaPhone or ATM instructions and/or b) Sum covered is the outstanding balance of participant’s card account
to request a prior written confirmation. Samba may tape, or record the phone c) Events covered:
conversation or microfilm the ATM instructions. Such taping, recording and microfilming i. Death.
shall be conclusive evidence of the contents thereof and can be used for all purposes ii. Total temporary disability due to accident or sickness unless excluded as defined in the
including legal proceedings. Credit Shield Agreement.
17. Samba shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense (direct or indirect, iii. Total permanent disability due to accident or sickness unless excluded as defined in the
consequential or otherwise) incurred by the Cardholder due to Samba acting/not acting Credit Shield Agreement.
on any SambaPhone or ATM instructions; or due to the Cardholder failing to avail of the d) Entry Age into Scheme:
Services for any reason inside or outside Saudi Arabia; including, without limitation, the i. Maximum age is sixty (60) years based on the Gregorian calendar.
failure to comply with any term(s) hereof. The Cardholder will be responsible for ii. Minimum age is eighteen (18) years based on the Gregorian calendar.
compensating Samba against such losses, damages and expenses arising out of the e) Termination age: Cover shall terminate upon participant attaining the age of sixty five (65)
actions/inactions of the Cardholder. years.
18. Samba will refund to the Cardholder any fees or charges imposed if the Cardholder opts For any clarification, call SambaPhone (800 124 2000).
not to avail the requested product or service and does not actually activate/avail of the Agency Form
product/service during a period of 10 business days. I hereby irrevocably assign Messrs /Office of Rashed Al-Ghonaim for Legal & Shariah
19. These terms and conditions are governed by the applicable Saudi Laws and/or the laws of Consultation, or any other agency appointed by Samba, as my agents for purchasing
the jurisdiction where any transaction hereunder is made and must also not violate commodities from Samba Consumer Assets Business (CAB) on installment basis for the
Islamic Shariah rules and principles. The SAMA Committee for Banking Disputes hereto purpose of entering into Tawaroq transactions in the event that there is an outstanding
shall finally settle disputes between the two parties. balance against my Card on or past the payment due date of every month as per Samba’s
20. Samba at its discretion and by acceptance of the client may issue a credit card with a limit of records.
either SR 100 or more subject to the bank’s internal credit policy and evaluation process. I also irrevocably assign Samba as my agent for the purpose of selling the commodities
21. The terms and conditions of any Co-Branded Credit Card that Samba is, now or hereafter, purchased from Samba to a third party, and give Samba the right to appoint another party as
a party to, shall supplement the terms hereof to the extent needed to remove any conflict agent of Samba to carry out the sale transaction at the prevailing market price. This power of
between the two terms. So, any conflicting term in any such Co-Branded Credit Card(s) attorney is irrevocable as long as the terms and conditions of this card are signed and valid.
terms and conditions shall be deemed a change effected by Samba as per Article (9) in Cardholder can view the above Terms and Conditions on

Samba Alkhair Credit Card Information

Fee Type Silver Platinum Platinum Titanium Signature Platinum Panda Silver
Fursan Fursan Travel Alkhair
Titanium Platinum Signature Ladies FCB
Mobily Jarir Travel
Annual Membership SR250 SR350 SR350 SR300 SR500 SR350 SR150
Monthly Term Cost 2.2% 2.2% 2.5% 2.5% 2.2% 2.5% 2.2%
Annual Profit Rate % 36.34% 39.1% 44.14% 42.69% 43.41% 44.14% 33.68%
Annual Membership for SR100 limit card SR100
Annual Membership for Supplementary Card Free – No Supplementary Card issued for SR100 limit card

Statement Date Monthly International Transaction 2.75%

Card Replacement Fee SR 75 Returned Cheque SR 50 per incidence

Cash Withdrawal SR75 up to SR 5000

3% Or SR300 for amount over SAR 5000 whichever is less
Monthly Minimum Payment 5% of the billed amount or SR 200 whichever is higher
Monthly Minimum Payment for SR100 limit card SR100 or the billed amount if less than SR100
Installment Service Fee 2.55% per month on total amount due based on the date of the transaction
Samba Credit Shield % per Month (Optional) 0.49% of total outstanding balance
Dial-a-Draft Service Please refer to for details
Late Payment Up to SR 100 depending on the Cardholder’s outstanding
Disputed Transaction SR 250 will be charged for investigating disputed transactions if the result is against the Cardholder

Tawaroq Markup Calculation

The Tawaroq markup is calculated on the payment due date, on the unpaid to make payment against the outstanding within a grace period of 21 days
balance. from the Statement Date, for anything between the entire amount or 5% of
Example: the total amount outstanding.
If the Cardholder has his/her billing statement generated on the 15th day of
each month and the Cardholder does the following transactions between the In case the balance outstanding on the statement date is paid in full by the
period of 15th November and 15th December in a year. payment due date, No Tawaroq Markup is charged on such balances.
• Retail purchases for SAR 7,000 on 20th November In case a payment of e.g. SAR 3600 is received for the account, the
• Cash withdrawal for SAR 5,000 on 10th December + SR75 cash advance fee monthly Tawaroq Markup is calculated as follows:
Assuming there is No Previous Balance carried forward from the 15th Tawaroq Markup charged in December Statement = Zero
November statement, the Cardholder will get his/her 15th December Tawaroq Markup charged in January Statement = (SAR 12,075 - SAR 3,600)
statement showing SAR 12,075 worth of transactions. The Cardholder needs X 2.5% = SAR 211.88
Markup on Foreign Transactions

A finance charge of 2.75% is charged on the Foreign Transactions made with your Credit Card.
The conversion from Foreign currency to Saudi Riyal is done by the respective schemes that are VISA / MasterCard as per their prevailing rates for that day.
Following example applies to POS and other to Cash Advance transaction:

International POS transaction: International Cash Advance transaction:

Transaction Amount: 100 Transaction Amount: 100
Transaction Currency: A Transaction Currency: A
Conversion Rate from currency A to SAR: 4.5
SAR Amount = 100 X 4.5 = SAR 450 Conversion Rate from currency A to SAR: 4.5
Foreign Transaction finance charge = SAR 450 X 2.75% = SAR 12.38 SAR Amount = 100 X 4.5 = SAR 450
Total transaction amount = SAR 462.38 Foreign Transaction finance charge = SAR 450 X 2.75% = SAR 12.38
Cash Advance fee = SAR75
Total transaction amount = SAR 537.38
The most prominent provisions
Implications of transactions in foreign currency Refer to item number (7 and 8 in Cardholder section in the above Fee table)
Implications of paying the minimum amount due Refer to item number (33.4 of Cardholder section of Terms and Conditions for the card)
Implications of default Refer to item number (3 of Card Payment section of Terms and Conditions for the card)
Implications on cash withdrawals Refer to item number (7, 8 and 12 in Cardholder section, item number 7 in
Bank’s section of Terms and Conditions for the card)
Implications of cash transfer Refer to item number (9 in Cardholder section of Terms and Conditions for the card)
Credit Card Features Directory of Service provided with the card carrier

• You will not pay any additional amount when you pay the full amount in due date. - Disclaimer: Reviewing this synopsis shall not substitute reviewing the Card’s
• The term “account statement error/disputed transaction” shall represent any Terms and Conditions, its appendices, and shall not exempt from the obligations
transaction posted to the Cardholder’s Credit Card account, resulting in an error stipulated in the Card’s Terms and Conditions.
in the overall balance.

A copy of this Initial Disclosure will be delivered along with the card carrier.

For more information please write to us at [email protected], Samba Financial Group, P.O. Box 17383, Riyadh 11484, or call Sambaphone toll-free number 800 124 2000

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