69 - TD-125 Sandblasting of Tempered Glass

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Glass Technical Document TD-125

Sandblasting of Tempered Glass

Sandblasted glass surfaces provide (6mm) thick. Similarly, a limit of 1/32-
varying aesthetics for interior divider inch (0.8mm) for glass greater than or
panels, privacy and other architectural equal to (6mm) thick may be
applications. When using these considered. Additionally, the use of the
processes, understanding the effect on finest (smallest particle size) grit
glass strength is an important issue. material and lightest application pressure
Tempering glass creates an equilibrium possible result in less surface damage
condition in which the forces across any and, consequently, less resultant
section of the plate must be balanced. reduction of glass strength, as compared
This results in a surface compression to larger particle sizes and/or higher
and balancing center tension stress pressure.
condition within the glass body that Table 1 provides strength reduction
improves its surface strength. The factor guidelines, comparing tempering
compression envelope surrounding the the glass after sandblasting and
center tension layer equals tempering the glass before sandblasting
approximately 20% of the glass to tempered glass which has not been
thickness through each surface of the sandblasted.
When sandblasting glass, PPG Table 1
recommends sandblasting the annealed Strength Reduction Factor Guidelines
glass before tempering. This allows
thermal strengthening to heal some of Process Sequence Factor
the surface damage created by the Tempered, NOT Sandblasted 1.0
decorative process. Post tempered
sandblasting (sandblasting after Sandblasted, then Tempered 0.9
tempering) can cause the glass to bow Tempered then Sandblasted 0.7
due to a significant shift in the surface
compression resulting from the Sandblasting tempered glass requires
decorative surface alteration. great care during processing. The depth
Sandblasting after tempering can lead to of the sandblasting is critical. The deeper
additional, and possibly immediate, the sandblasting, the more glass strength
breakage; e.g., during framing is sacrificed and compromised.
operations. Sandblasting through the depth of the
If fabricators choose to sandblast after compression layer and into the tension
tempering, a limit on the depth of the zone of tempered glass will result in
sandblasting to 10% of the glass severe loss of glass strength and
thickness should be considered. This subsequent glass breakage.
consideration may suggest a limit of
1/64-inch (0.4mm) for glass less than

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PPG Industries, Inc.
Glass Technical Document TD-125

Sandblasting of Tempered Glass

Inside Glass 95-1 3/31/95 Sandblasting of Tempered Glass
TD-125 5/8/2002 Transferred to Internet minor changes

This document is intended to inform and assist the reader in the application, use, and maintenance of PPG Flat Glass products. Actual
performance and results can vary depending on the circumstances. PPG makes no warranty or guarantee as to the results to be
obtained from the use of all or any portion of the information provided herein, and hereby disclaims any liability for personal
injury, property damage, product insufficiency, or any other damages of any kind or nature arising from the reader's use of
the information contained herein.

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PPG Industries, Inc.

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