Sri Cauragranya Purusastakam

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r Caurgragaya-puruakam

An ancient prayer by an unknown Vaiava author

, fi- |
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vraje prasiddha navanta-caura, gopgann ca dukula-cauram
aneka-janmrjita-ppa-caura, caurgragaya purua nammi (1)

Who is famous in Vraja as the butter-thief and He who steals the gops clothes, and who,
for those who take shelter of Him, steals the sins which have accrued over many lifetimesI
offer prama to the foremost of thieves.

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r-rdhiky hdayasya caura, navmbuda-ymala-knti-cauram
padritn ca samasta-caura, caurgragaya purua nammi (2)

Who steals rmat Rdhiks heart, who steals the dark lustre of a fresh raincloud, and who
steals all the sins and sufferings of those who take shelter of His feetI offer prama to the
foremost of thieves.

- , - |
- B, B & ||3||
akican-ktya padrita ya, karoti bhiku pathi geha-hnam
kenpy aho bhaa-caura dg, da-ruto v na jagat-traye pi (3)

Who turns His surrendered devotees into paupers and wandering, homeless beggarsaho!
Such a fearsome thief has never been seen or heard of in all the three worlds.
r Caurgragaya-puruakam 61

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@- B, B ||4||
yadya nmpi haraty-aea, giri prasrn-api ppa-rn
carya-rpo nanu caura dg, da ruto v na may kadpi (4)

Even the shortest utterance of His name purges one of even a mountain of sinssuch an
astonishingly wonderful thief I have never seen or heard of anywhere.

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dhana ca mna ca tathendriyi, prca htv mama sarvam eva
palyase kutra dhto dya caura, tva bhakti-dmnsi may niruddha (5)

Hey Thief! Having stolen my wealth, my honour, my senses, and my very life, to where can
You run? I have caught You with the rope of my devotion.

--, -- |
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chinatsi ghora yama-pa-bandha, bhinatsi bhma bhava-pa-bandham
chinatsi sarvasya samasta-bandha, naivtmano bhakta-kta tu bandham (6)

You cut the terrible noose of Yamarja, You sever the dreadful noose of material existence,
and You slash everyones material bondage, but You are unable to cut the knot fastened by
Your own loving devotees.

--, fi |
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man-mnase tmasa-ri-ghore, krghe dukha-maye nibaddha
labhasva he caura! hare! cirya, sva-caurya-doocitam eva daam (7)

O stealer of my everything! Hey Thief! Today I have imprisoned You in the miserable
prison-house of my heart which is very fearful due to the darkness of my ignorance, and there
for a very long time You will remain, receiving appropriate punishment for Your crimes of
62 r Gauya Stava-Stotra eva Gti-guccha

--B-- |
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krghe vasa sad hdaye madye mad-bhakti-pa-dha-bandhana-nicala san
tv ka he! pralaya-koi-atntare pi sarvasva-caura! hdayn-nahi mocaymi (8)

O Ka, thief of my everything! The noose of my devotion remaining forever tight, You
will continue to reside in the prison-house of my heart because I will not release You for mil-
lions of aeons. This ataka is sung in the melody known as Upajti.

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