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Ã˘¤Ã˘¤í‹¡-íÈ¿ŸóÓÈ úæ™Å

Çrî Çrî Guru-Gaurå∫gau Jayata˙

Excerpts from

Çrîla Rüpa Gosvåmî’s


Translated from the Hindi edition of

Çrî Çrîmad Bhaktivedånta Nåråya√a Mahåråja

Çrî Caitanyå߆akam (1)...................................................................1
Çrî Caitanyå߆akam (2)...................................................................5
Çrî Caitanyå߆akam (3)...................................................................9
Çrî K®ß√asya Ånandåkhya-stotram ...............................................13
Çrî K®ß√asya Lîlåm®tåkhya-daça-nåma-stotram ............................15
Çrî Keçavå߆akam ..........................................................................17
Çrî Kuñja-vihårya߆akam (1) ........................................................21
Çrî Kuñja-vihårya߆akam (2) ........................................................25
Çrî K®ß√asya Pra√åma-pra√ayåkhya-stava ....................................29
Çrî Hari-kusuma-stavakam ...........................................................32
Çrî Tri-bha∫gî-chanda˙ Stava˙....................................................36
Çrî Mukunda-muktåvalî ...............................................................39
Çrî Rådhikå߆akam........................................................................50
Çrî Prårthanå-paddhati˙...............................................................54
Ca†u-pußpåñjali ............................................................................56
Çrî Gåndharvå-samprårthanå߆akam............................................62
Çrî Vraja-navîna-yuva-dvandvå߆akam ........................................70
Çrî Kårpa√ya-pañjikå-stotram ......................................................74
Çrî Lalitå߆akam ............................................................................84
Çrî Yamunå߆akam ........................................................................88
Çrî Govardhanå߆akam (1) ...........................................................92
Çrî Govardhanå߆akam (2) ...........................................................96
Çrî V®ndåvanå߆akam .................................................................100
Çrî K®ß√a-nåmå߆akam................................................................104
Deva! Bhavantaµ vande ............................................................107
Çrî Navadvîpå߆akam..................................................................108
Ã˘¤òÊ™≥柜¢éºÍ (1)
Çrî Caitanyå߆akam (1)

–ÆË¥Ÿ—æÅ Ã˘¤ºŸ≤Í ∞‡™-º≤‹ú-éŸæÊÅ ¥˘®⁄晟Ä

∆“ÆÍ⁄∫í¤@∆Ÿ@®Ê⁄í@⁄¿À-¥¿º‰⁄œ§¥˘∫‡⁄™⁄∫Å |
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– òÊ™≥æÅ ⁄éÄ º‰ ¥‹≤¿⁄¥ B‡ÀËæŸ@—æ⁄™ ¥ÆºÍ ||1||
sadopåsya˙ çrîmån dh®ta-manuja-kåyai˙ pra√ayitåµ
vahadbhir gîrvå√air giriça-parame߆hi-prabh®tibhi˙
sva-bhaktebhya˙ çuddhåµ nija-bhajana-mudråm upadiçan
sa caitanya˙ kiµ me punar api d®çor yåsyati padam (1)

He is perpetually worshipable to demigods such as Çiva and Brahmå who have assumed human form
(as Advaita Åcårya and Haridåsa ˇhåkura) and who have great love for Him, He is supremely radiant,
and He instructs His devotees on the pure practice of bhajana—when will Çrî Caitanya Mahåprabhu
again become visible to me?

–‹¿‰ÀŸ≤ŸÄ Æfií@Ä í⁄™¿⁄™Àæ‰≤Ë¥⁄≤ŒÆŸÄ

º‹≤¤≤ŸÄ –∆@—∆Ä ¥˘®™-¥¢ƒ¤≤ŸÄ º∞‹⁄¿ºŸ |
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– òÊ™≥æÅ ⁄éÄ º‰ ¥‹≤¿⁄¥ B‡ÀËæŸ@—æ⁄™ ¥ÆºÍ ||2||
sureçånåµ durgaµ gatir atiçayenopanißadåµ
munînåµ sarva-svaµ pra√ata-pa†alînåµ madhurimå
viniryåsa˙ prem√o nikhila-paçu-pålåmbuja-d®çåµ
sa caitanya˙ kiµ me punar api d®çor yåsyati padam (2)

He is the protector of the demigods, the ultimate truth and goal delineated by the Upanißads, the
wealth of the sages in both worlds, the embodiment of sweetness which the devotees serve, and the
essence of k®ß√a-prema for all the residents of Vraja—when will Çrî Caitanya Mahåprabhu again
become visible to me?

—∆¬¥Ä ⁄∏∫˘Ÿ®Ë úíÆ™‹ƒºB˝Ê™-Æ⁄æ™Å
¥˘¥≥≤-Ã˘¤∆Ÿ–Ë ú⁄≤™-¥¿ºŸ≤≥Æ-í⁄¿ºŸ |
“⁄¿Æ¤@≤ËØÛŸ¿¤ íú-¥⁄™-邥˴–‰é-™¿ƒÅ
– òÊ™≥æÅ ⁄éÄ º‰ ¥‹≤¿⁄¥ B‡ÀËæŸ@—æ⁄™ ¥ÆºÍ ||3||
svarüpaµ bibhrå√o jagad-atulam advaita-dayita˙
prapanna-çrîvåso janita-paramånanda-garimå
harir dînoddhårî gaja-pati-k®potseka-tarala˙
sa caitanya˙ kiµ me punar api d®çor yåsyati padam (3)

With the nectar of His mercy He forever nourishes His eternal associates such as Svarüpa Dåmodara,
He is very dear to Advaita Åcårya, Çrîvåsa Pa√∂ita is a soul surrendered unto Him, He honoured
Paramånanda Purî as His guru, He is known as ‘Hari’ because He stole away the ignorance of material
existence, He is the saviour of the fallen, and He is always eager to shower Gajapati Pratåparudra with
streams of His mercy—when will Çrî Caitanya Mahåprabhu again become visible to me?

¿–˶ŸºŸ 韺Ÿ∏‹@Æ-º∞‹¿-∞ŸºËùù∆ƒ-™≤‹-
æ@™¤≤Ÿº‹%Ä–—™¿⁄®-é¿-⁄∆YË⁄™-∆–≤Å |
⁄“¿©æŸ≤ŸÄ ƒ÷º¤-∫¿º⁄∫∫∆≥≤Ÿ⁄óÓé-¡òŸ
– òÊ™≥æÅ ⁄éÄ º‰ ¥‹≤¿⁄¥ B‡ÀËæŸ@—æ⁄™ ¥ÆºÍ ||4||
rasoddåmå kåmårbuda-madhura-dhåmojjvala-tanur
yatînåm uttaµsas tara√i-kara-vidyoti-vasana˙
hira√yånåµ lakßmî-bharam abhibhavann å∫gika-rucå
sa caitanya˙ kiµ me punar api d®çor yåsyati padam (4)

He is forever intoxicated in the happiness of relishing the sweetest rasas of bhakti, His form is more
splendorous than the sweet, enchanting radiance of millions of Kåmadevas, He is the crest-jewel of san-
nyåsîs, His cloth is the colour of the rays of the rising sun, and His bodily complexion defeats the splen-
dour of molten gold—when will Çrî Caitanya Mahåprabhu again become visible to me?

“¿‰ é‚œ®‰´æ‹ôòÊÅ —∂‹⁄¿™-¿–≤Ë ≤Ÿº-í®≤Ÿ-

é‚™-í˘⁄≥¨-Ã˘‰®¤-–‹∫í-é⁄¢-–›&Ëùù∆ƒ-é¿Å |
⁄∆ÀŸƒŸ’Ë Æ¤îŸ@í@ƒ-æ‹íƒ-ꉃŸ⁄°ò™-∫‹úÅ
– òÊ™≥æÅ ⁄éÄ º‰ ¥‹≤¿⁄¥ B‡ÀËæŸ@—æ⁄™ ¥ÆºÍ ||5||
hare k®ß√ety uccai˙ sphurita-rasano nåma-ga√anå-
viçålåkßo dîrghårgala-yugala-khelåñcita-bhuja˙
sa caitanya˙ kiµ me punar api d®çor yåsyati padam (5)

His tongue is always dancing by loudly calling out “Hare K®ß√a!” (or the mahå-mantra ecstatically
dances of its own volition on the theatrical stage of His tongue), He counts the names which He is call-
ing out on the finger-joints of His hand, He is beautified by a splendorous thread around His waist, His
eyes are so large that they seem to reach around to His ears, and His arms extend down to His knees—
when will Çrî Caitanya Mahåprabhu again become visible to me?

¥æË¿ŸÀ‰—™¤¿‰ —∂‹¿Æfi¥∆≤Ÿƒ¤-éƒ≤æŸ
º‹“‹∆‡@≥ÆŸ¿©æ-—º¿®-ú⁄≤™-¥˘‰º-⁄∆∆ÀÅ |
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– òÊ™≥æÅ ⁄éÄ º‰ ¥‹≤¿⁄¥ B‡ÀËæŸ@—æ⁄™ ¥ÆºÍ ||6||
payoråçes tîre sphurad-upavanålî-kalanayå
muhur v®ndåra√ya-smara√a-janita-prema-vivaça˙
kvacit k®ß√åv®tti-pracala-rasano-bhakti-rasika˙
sa caitanya˙ kiµ me punar api d®çor yåsyati padam (6)

Upon seeing the wondrous gardens which line the shores of the ocean at Jagannåtha Purî, He time
and again becomes overcome by the prema which arises from remembering V®ndåvana, and because He
is supremely rasika for prema-bhakti, His tongue sings the names of K®ß√a at every moment—when will
Çrî Caitanya Mahåprabhu again become visible to me?

¿¨Ÿ¬ß—柿ŸÆ⁄∞¥Æ⁄∆ ≤¤ƒŸòƒ-¥™‰-
¿Æ∫˘-¥˘‰ºË⁄º@-—∂‹⁄¿™-≤¢≤Ë≈ƒŸ–-⁄∆∆ÀÅ |
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– òÊ™≥æÅ ⁄éÄ º‰ ¥‹≤¿⁄¥ B‡ÀËæŸ@—æ⁄™ ¥ÆºÍ ||7||
rathårü∂hasyåråd adhipadavi nîlåcala-pater
sa-harßaµ gåyadbhi˙ pariv®ta-tanur vaiß√ava-janai˙
sa caitanya˙ kiµ me punar api d®çor yåsyati padam (7)

Surrounded on all sides by jubilant devotees performing nåma-sa∫kîrtana and overwhelmed in great
prema, He dances before the cart of Jagannåtha-deva—when will Çrî Caitanya Mahåprabhu again
become visible to me?

∫‹∆Ä ⁄–°ò≥≤Ã˘‹-Ã˘‹⁄™⁄∫¿⁄∫™Å –Ÿ≥Æ˙-¥‹ƒéÊÅ

¥¿¤™ŸóÓË ≤¤¥-—™∏é-≤∆-⁄é°ú≈é-ú⁄æ⁄∫Å |
– òÊ™≥æÅ ⁄éÄ º‰ ¥‹≤¿⁄¥ B‡ÀËæŸ@—æ⁄™ ¥ÆºÍ ||8||
bhuvaµ siñcann açru-çrutibhir abhita˙ såndra-pulakai˙
parîtå∫go nîpa-stabaka-nava-kiñjalka-jayibhi˙
ghana-sveda-stoma-stimita-tanur utkîrtana-sukhî
sa caitanya˙ kiµ me punar api d®çor yåsyati padam (8)

He drenches the ground with the streams of tears falling from His eyes, His limbs are decorated with
horripulation which defeats clusters of blossoming kadamba flowers, His entire body is moist with per-
spiration, and He is blissful as he brazenly performs kîrtana while standing with His arms raised—when
will Çrî Caitanya Mahåprabhu again become visible to me?

Ç∞¤™‰ íÈ¿ŸóÓ-—º¿®-¥Æ∆¤-ºóÓƒ™¿Ä
é‚™¤ æË ⁄∆Ã˘Ω∫-—∂‹¿Æºƒ∞¤¿œ¢é⁄ºÆºÍ |
¥¿Ÿ≤≥Ɖ –Y—™Æºƒ-¥ÆŸΩ∫Ëú-æ‹íƒ‰
¥⁄¿—∂Ÿ¿Ÿ ™—æ —∂‹¿™‹ ⁄≤™¿ŸÄ ¥˘‰º-ƒ“¿¤ ||9||
adhîte gaurå∫ga-smara√a-padavî-ma∫galataraµ
k®tî yo viçrambha-sphurad-amala-dhîr a߆akam idam
parånande sadyas tad-amala-padåmbhoja-yugale
parisphårå tasya sphuratu nitaråµ prema-laharî (9)

That fortunate person of radiant, pure intelligence who remembers Çrî Caitanya-deva by faithfully
reciting this very auspicious a߆aka will experience powerful waves of prema for Mahåprabhu’s supreme-
ly blissful lotus feet arising within his heart—this is the blessing of the author.

Ã˘¤òÊ™≥æŸ{éºÍ (2)
Çrî Caitanyå߆akam (2)

éƒÈ æÄ ⁄∆B˝ŸÄ–Å —∂‹¢º⁄∫æú≥™‰ Y‹⁄™-∫Ÿ¿Ÿ-

Æé‚œ®ŸóÓÄ é‚œ®Ä ºê-⁄∆⁄∞⁄∫¡´é¤™@≤ºæÊÅ |
Ü¥Ÿ—æÄ ò ¥˘Ÿ“‹æ@º⁄êƒ-ò™‹¨Ÿ@Ã˘º-ú‹ŒŸÄ
– Ɖ∆ÕòÊ™≥æŸé‚⁄™¿⁄™™¿ŸÄ ≤Š邥晋 ||1||
kalau yaµ vidvåµsa˙ sphu†am abhiyajante dyuti-bharåd
ak®ß√å∫gaµ k®ß√aµ makha-vidhibhir utkîrtanamayai˙
upåsyaµ ca pråhur yam akhila-caturthåçrama-jußåµ
sa devaç caitanyåk®tir atitaråµ na˙ k®payatu (1)

By performing the sacrifice of harinåma-sa∫kîrtana, the scholars of Kali-yuga worship K®ß√a who has
now become golden due to taking the sentiment and complexion of Çrîmatî Rådhikå, and who is also
worshipped by those in the fourth order of spiritual life, the sannyåsîs —may that Çrî Caitanya
Mahåprabhu, the father of the sa∫kîrtana movement, bestow His great mercy upon us.

ò⁄¿&Ä ™≥∆Ÿ≤Å ⁄¥˘æºî∆ÆŸjŸÆ≤-¥ÆÄ

úæËÆÍ îËŒÊÅ –ΩæíÍ ⁄∆¿⁄ò™-Àò¤-ÀËé-“¿®Å |
ÜÆÄò≥ºŸ™@©• Y‹⁄™-“¿-Æfi雃Ÿ⁄°ò™-é⁄¢Å
– Ɖ∆ÕòÊ™≥æŸé‚⁄™¿⁄™™¿ŸÄ ≤Š邥晋 ||2||
caritraµ tanvåna˙ priyam aghavad-åhlådana-padaµ
jayod ghoßai˙ samyag viracita-çacî-çoka-hara√a˙
udañcan-mårta√∂a dyuti-hara-dukülåñcita-ka†i˙
sa devaç caitanyåk®tir atitaråµ na˙ k®payatu (2)

Who, while internally relishing the blissful devotional moods of the gopîs, in the streets of Çåntipura
and in the home of each and every devotee there, loudly chanted kîrtana such as “Prå√anåtha Çrî
K®ß√acandra kî jaya ho!”, thereby driving away the grief Çacîdevî felt due to her son Viçvarüpa having
accepted the vow of sannyåsa, and who wears a splendorous cloth the colour of the rising sun around
His waist—may that Çrî Caitanya Mahåprabhu bestow His great mercy upon us.

Ç¥Ÿ¿Ä é—æŸ⁄¥ ¥˘®⁄æ-ú≤-∆‡≥Æ—æ é‹™‹é¤
¿–-—™ËºÄ „´∆Ÿ º∞‹¿º‹¥∫Ëè™‹Ä éº⁄¥ æÅ |
¡⁄òÄ —∆ŸºŸ∆∆˘‰ Y‹⁄™⁄º“ ™Æ¤æŸÄ ¥˘é¢æ≤Í
– Ɖ∆ÕòÊ™≥æŸé‚⁄™¿⁄™™¿ŸÄ ≤Š邥晋 ||3||
apåraµ kasyåpi pra√ayi-jana-v®ndasya kutukî
rasa-stomaµ h®två madhuram upabhoktuµ kam api ya˙
ruciµ svåm åvavre dyutim iha tadîyåµ praka†ayan
sa devaç caitanyåk®tir atitaråµ na˙ k®payatu (3)

Who, desiring to taste the splendidly radiant mellow of mådhurya-rasa and the glories of Çrîmatî
Rådhikå’s love for Him, stole Her infinitely sweet bhåva and concealed His own dark complexion with
Her golden hue—may that rådhå-bhåva-dyuti-suvalita Çrî Caitanya Mahåprabhu bestow His great
mercy upon us.

Ç≤Ÿ¿Ÿ±æÅ ¥˘¤´æŸ ⁄ò¿º–‹¿-∫Ÿ∆-¥˘®⁄æ≤ŸÄ

¥˘¥≥≤Ÿ≤ŸÄ ÆÊ∆¤Ä ¥˘é‚⁄™º⁄∞ÆÊ∆Ä ⁄&úí⁄™ |
Çú–˘Ä æÅ Ã˘¤ºŸ≤Í úæ⁄™ –“úŸ≤≥Æ-º∞‹¿Å
– Ɖ∆ÕòÊ™≥æŸé‚⁄™¿⁄™™¿ŸÄ ≤Š邥晋 ||4||
anårådhya˙ prîtyå ciram asura-bhåva-pra√ayinåµ
prapannånåµ daivîµ prak®tim adhidaivaµ tri-jagati
ajasraµ ya˙ çrîmån jayati sahajånanda-madhura˙
sa devaç caitanyåk®tir atitaråµ na˙ k®payatu (4)

Who is not worshipped by those demonic bråhma√as engaged in tamasika demigod worship but is
worshipped by those sattvika bråhma√as who are saintly in character, and who assumed an extraordi-
nary transcendental form in this world which was naturally blissful and sweet—may that Çrî Caitanya
Mahåprabhu, the bråhma√as’ worshipable Deity, bestow His great mercy upon us.

í⁄™æ@Å ¥È©•˙Ÿ®ŸÄ ¥˘é⁄¢™-≤∆B˝¤¥-º⁄“ºŸ

∫∆‰≤ŸƒÄé‹∆@≤Í ∫‹∆≤-º⁄“™Ä Ã˘Ë⁄&æ-鋃ºÍ |
¥‹≤Ÿ´æóӤ響ŸÆÍ∫‹⁄∆ ¥¿º“Ä–ŸÃ˘º-¥ÆÄ
– Ɖ∆ÕòÊ™≥æŸé‚⁄™¿⁄™™¿ŸÄ ≤Š邥晋 ||5||
gatir ya˙ pau√∂rå√åµ praka†ita-navadvîpa-mahimå
bhavenåla∫kurvan bhuvana-mahitaµ çrotriya-kulam
punåty a∫gî-kåråd bhuvi paramahaµsåçrama-padaµ
sa devaç caitanyåk®tir atitaråµ na˙ k®payatu (5)

Who delivered the devotees who resided in Navadvîpa’s southern village of Kulîna-gråma, who exten-
sively spread the glories of Navadvîpa, who illuminated the highly esteemed and worshipable dynasty of
Vedic bråhma√as in which He appeared, and who purified the åçrama of paramahaµsa-sannyåsa by His
own initiation into that order and by His instructions on bhakti—may that Çrî Caitanya Mahåprabhu,
the most venerable king of sannyåsîs, bestow His great mercy upon us.
º‹ê‰≤Ÿí˘‰ ¥¤´∆Ÿ º∞‹¿⁄º“ ≤ŸºŸº‡™-¿–Ä
B‡ÀËB˝Ÿ@¿Ÿ æ—™Ä ∆º⁄™ î≤-∏Ÿœ¥ŸΩ∏‹-⁄ºŒ™Å |
∫‹⁄∆ ¥˘‰Ω®—™^∆Ä ¥˘é¢⁄晋º‹≈ƒŸ⁄–™-™≤‹Å
– Ɖ∆ÕòÊ™≥æŸé‚⁄™¿⁄™™¿ŸÄ ≤Š邥晋 ||6||
mukhenågre pîtvå madhuram iha nåmåm®ta-rasaµ
d®çor dvårå yas taµ vamati ghana-båßpåmbu-mißata˙
bhuvi prem√as tattvaµ praka†ayitum ullåsita-tanu˙
sa devaç caitanyåk®tir atitaråµ na˙ k®payatu (6)

Who with His mouth abundantly drank the sweet nectar of harinåma and then discharged it from His
eyes on the pretext of shedding streams of tears, and whose constantly jubilant divine form gave
instructions on prema-tattva in this world—may that Çrî Caitanya Mahåprabhu, the benefactor of
nåma-prema, bestow His great mercy upon us.

™≤›ºŸ⁄∆œé‹∆@≤Í ≤∆-¥‹¿¢-∫Ÿ–Ä é⁄¢-ƒ–™Í-

é¿óÏŸƒóÏŸ¿—™¡®-íú-¿ŸúŸ⁄°ò™ í⁄™Å |
⁄¥˘æ‰ªæË æÅ ⁄À’ŸÄ ⁄ÆÀ⁄™ ⁄≤ú-⁄≤ºŸ@≈æ-¡⁄ò⁄∫Å
– Ɖ∆ÕòÊ™≥æŸé‚⁄™¿⁄™™¿ŸÄ ≤Š邥晋 ||7||
tanüm åvißkurvan nava-pura†a-bhåsaµ ka†i-lasat-
kara∫kåla∫kåras taru√a-gaja-råjåñcita gati˙
priyebhyo ya˙ çikßåµ diçati nija-nirmålya-rucibhi˙
sa devaç caitanyåk®tir atitaråµ na˙ k®payatu (7)

Whose bodily complexion is like molten gold, whose waist is decorated with the ornament of a water-
pot, whose gait is graceful like that of a young elephant, and who by accepting that which has been
offered to K®ß√a, instructs His devotees on the glories of mahå-prasåda and especially on how it delivers
one from material existence—may that Çrî Gaurahari, the instructor of all the worlds, bestow His great
mercy upon us.

⁄—º™ŸƒËéÅ ÀËéÄ “¿⁄™ úí™ŸÄ æ—æ ¥⁄¿™Ë

⁄í¿ŸÄ ™‹ ¥˘Ÿ¿Ä∫Å é‹Àƒ-¥¢ƒ¤Ä ¥≈ƒ∆æ⁄™ |
¥ÆŸƒΩ∏Å éÄ ∆Ÿ ¥˘®æ⁄™ ≤ ⁄“ ¥˘‰º-⁄≤∆“Ä
– Ɖ∆ÕòÊ™≥æŸé‚⁄™¿⁄™™¿ŸÄ ≤Š邥晋 ||8||
smitåloka˙ çokaµ harati jagatåµ yasya parito
giråµ tu prårambha˙ kuçala-pa†alîµ pallavayati
padålamba˙ kaµ vå pra√ayati na hi prema-nivahaµ
sa devaç caitanyåk®tir atitaråµ na˙ k®payatu (8)

His smiling sidelong glances remove everyone’s distress, His speech grants auspiciousness to this
world, and whoever takes shelter of His lotus feet obtains k®ß√a-prema—may that Çrî Çacînandana, the
embodiment of auspiciousness who removes the suffering of all the worlds, bestow His great mercy upon
Àò¤-–›≤ËÅ é¤⁄™@-—™∏é-≤∆-–È¿ªæ-⁄≤⁄∏•˛Ä
¥‹ºŸ≤Í æÅ ¥˘¤™Ÿ´ºŸ ¥§⁄™ ⁄éƒ ¥YŸ{é⁄ºÆºÍ |
– ƒ÷º¤∆Ÿ≤‰™Ä ⁄≤ú-¥Æ-–¿Ëú‰ ¥˘®⁄晟Ä
ÆÆŸ≤Å é≈柮¤º≤‹¥Æº∏Ÿ∞Ä –‹ê晋 ||9||
çacî-süno˙ kîrti-stabaka-nava-saurabhya-nibi∂aµ
pumån ya˙ prîtåtmå pa†hati kila padyå߆akam idam
sa lakßmîvån etaµ nija-pada-saroje pra√ayitåµ
dadåna˙ kalyå√îm anupadam abådhaµ sukhayatu (9)

The husband of the goddess of fortune, Çrî Çacî-nandana Gaurahari, will make happy whoever loving-
ly recites this a߆aka, which is saturated with the charming fragrance of the flowers of His fame, by giv-
ing them the shelter of His lotus feet, which grant the highest auspiciousness.

Ã˘¤òÊ™≥æŸ{éºÍ (3)
Çri Caitanyå߆akam (3)

¥˘¥Y ¥‹¡ŒË%ºÄ ¥ÆºÆ∫˘º‹ÆÍ∫˘Ÿ⁄ú™Å |
Àò¤-–‹™ º⁄æ ¥˘∫Ë é‹¡ º‹é‹≥Æ º≥Ɖ é‚¥ŸºÍ ||1||
upåsita-padåmbujas tvam anurakta-rudrådibhi˙
prapadya purußottamaµ padam adabhram udbhråjita˙
samasta-nata-ma√∂alî-sphurad abhî߆a-kalpa-druma˙
çacî-suta mayi prabho kuru mukunda mande k®påm (1)

The demigods headed by Rudra, who are forever devoted to You, have assumed the forms of åcåryas
and are worshipping Your lotus feet. You are situated in Purußottama-kßetra in an extraordinary divine
form, and You have appeared as the wish-fulfilling tree which fulfils the hearts’ desires of those who
have taken shelter of You. O Çacî-nandana! Hey Prabho! O Mukunda! Be merciful to this most unfor-
tunate person.

≤ ∆®@⁄晋º¤À™‰ í‹¡™¿Ÿ∆™Ÿ¿Ÿ⁄晟
∫∆≥™º‹¡∏‹ØÛæË ≤ ꃋ –Ÿ∆@∫ȺŸÆæÅ
¥¿Ë∫∆™‹ ™& éÅ ¥¢‹-¿™Ë ≤º—™‰ ¥¿Ä
Àò¤-–‹™ º⁄æ ¥˘∫Ë é‹¡ º‹é‹≥Æ º≥Ɖ é‚¥ŸºÍ ||2||
na var√ayitum îçate gurutaråvatåråyitå
bhavantam uru-buddhayo na khalu sårvabhaumådaya˙
paro bhavatu tatra ka˙ pa†u-rato namaste paraµ
çacî-suta mayi prabho kuru mukunda mande k®påm (2)

You are ingenious like the great munis such as Dattåtreya and Çukadeva, and if highly intelligent
scholars like Sårvabhauma are unable to properly glorify You, then who possibly can? O Çacî-suta! Hey
Prabho! O Mukunda! Bowing down, I take shelter of You—please be merciful to me.

≤ æ™Í 騺⁄¥ Ã˘‹™Ÿ∆‹¥⁄≤ŒÆÍ⁄∫¿µæŸ⁄“™Ä
—∆æÄ ò ⁄∆∆‡™Ä ≤ æÆÍ í‹¡™¿Ÿ∆™Ÿ¿Ÿ≥™¿‰ |
⁄’¥≥≤⁄– ¿–ŸΩ∏‹∞‰ ™⁄Æ“ ∫⁄#-¿´≤Ä ⁄’™È
Àò¤-–‹™ º⁄æ ¥˘∫Ë é‹¡ º‹é‹≥Æ º≥Ɖ é‚¥ŸºÍ ||3||
na yat katham api çrutåv upanißadbhir apy åhitaµ
svayaµ ca viv®taµ na yad gurutaråvatåråntare
kßipann asi rasåmbudhe tad iha bhakti-ratnaµ kßitau
çacî-suta mayi prabho kuru mukunda mande k®påm (3)

That jewel of pure devotion which the Vedas, Upanißads, and other scriptures could not describe and
which even K®ß√a Himself in His incarnations such as Vyåsa did not clearly describe, that supremely
confidential jewel which emerged from the ocean of rasa, is being distributed on the face of this earth
by You as if it were merely a handful of paddy—O Çacî-suta! Hey Prabho! O Mukunda! Please be merci-
ful to this unfortunate person.

⁄≤ú ¥˘®æ-⁄∆—∂›¿≥≤¢≤¿Äí-⁄∆—ºŸ⁄¥™-
⁄&≤‰& ≤™-º©•ƒ-¥˘é⁄¢™Ÿ≤‹¿ŸíŸº‡™ |
Ç“Äé‚⁄™ éƒÄ⁄é™ËØÛ™-ú≤Ÿ⁄Æ-Æfi∏Ë@∞ “‰
Àò¤-–‹™ º⁄æ ¥˘∫Ë é‹¡ º‹é‹≥Æ º≥Ɖ é‚¥ŸºÍ ||4||
nija pra√aya-visphüran na†ana-ra∫ga-vismåpita-
tri-netra nata-ma√∂ala praka†itånurågåm®ta
aha∫k®ti kala∫kitoddhata-janådi-durbodha he
çacî-suta mayi prabho kuru mukunda mande k®påm (4)

The incarnation of Çiva, Çrî Advaita Åcårya, is filled with wonder upon beholding Your delightful
dancing, to the circle of devotees You are the direct manifestation of the nectar of loving devotion, and
You cannot be known by those who are bewildered by pride in their caste or in their jñåna—O Çacî-
nandana! Hey Prabho! O Mukunda! Be merciful to this less-intelligent person.

∫∆⁄≥™ ∫›⁄∆ æ‰ ≤¿ŸÅ é⁄ƒ™-Æfiœé‹ƒË´¥%æ-

—´∆º‹ØÛ¿⁄– ™Ÿ≤⁄¥ ¥˘ò‹¿-òŸ¡-韡©æ™Å |
Ñ⁄™ ¥˘º‹⁄Æ™Ÿ≥™¿Å À¿®ºŸ⁄Ã˘™—´∆Ÿº“Ä
Àò¤-–‹™ º⁄æ ¥˘∫Ë é‹¡ º‹é‹≥Æ º≥Ɖ é‚¥ŸºÍ ||5||
bhavanti bhüvi ye narå˙ kalita-dußkulotpattayas
tvam uddharasi tån api pracura-cåru-kåru√yata˙
iti pramuditåntara˙ çara√am åçritas tvåm ahaµ
çacî-suta mayi prabho kuru mukunda mande k®påm (5)

Hearing that due to Your abundant, lovely compassion You are delivering those who took birth in the
lowest positions in society, I became very joyful and came to Your shelter. O Çacî-suta! Hey Prabho! O
Mukunda! Be merciful to this fallen person.

¥˘–Äí-ú⁄≤™Ÿ⁄êƒ-¥˘®™-∫‡Äí-¿óÓË´é¿ |
Àò¤-–‹™ º⁄æ ¥˘∫Ë é‹¡ º‹é‹≥Æ º≥Ɖ é‚¥ŸºÍ ||6||
prasa∫ga janitåkhila-pra√ata-bh®∫ga-ra∫gotkara
çacî-suta mayi prabho kuru mukunda mande k®påm (6)

The sweet nectar of instruction oozing from Your lotus face causes amazement to arise within the
hearts of Your bumblebee-like devotees, and You are the ocean of the Harinåma-jewels which bring aus-
piciousness to everyone—O Çacî-nandana! Hey Prabho! O Mukunda! Be merciful to this poor person.

⁄—º™-—™∏é-–‹≥Æ¿Ÿ∞¿ ⁄∆ÀóϢ˿—™¢
∫‹úËØÛ™-∫‹úóÓº-¥˘∫ º≤Ëú-éË⁄¢-Y‹™‰
Àò¤-–‹™ º⁄æ ¥˘∫Ë é‹¡ º‹é‹≥Æ º≥Ɖ é‚¥ŸºÍ ||7||
smita-stabaka-sundarådhara viça∫ka†oras-ta†a
bhujoddhata-bhuja∫gama-prabha manoja-ko†i-dyute
çacî-suta mayi prabho kuru mukunda mande k®påm (7)

Your blissful, fully blossomed lotus eyes emerge from Your moon-like face, Your beautiful, gently smil-
ing lips and Your broad chest are splendorous, and Your arms, which are like two incited snakes, delight
the eyes—O Çacî-nandana, who are more radiant than millions of moons! Hey Prabho! O Mukunda!
Be merciful to this lowly person.

Ç“Ä é≤é-鉙é¤-é‹–‹º-íÈ¿ Æfi{Å ⁄’™È

≤ ÆËŒ-ƒ∆-Æ⁄À@™Ÿ ⁄∆⁄∆∞-ÆËŒ-¥›®‰@É⁄¥ ™‰ |
ǙŠ¥˘∆®æŸ ⁄∞æŸ é‚¥®-∆´–ƒ ´∆ŸÄ ∫ú‰
Àò¤-–‹™ º⁄æ ¥˘∫Ë é‹¡ º‹é‹≥Æ º≥Ɖ é‚¥ŸºÍ ||8||
ahaµ kanaka-ketakî-kusuma-gaura du߆a˙ kßitau
na doßa-lava-darçitå vividha doßa pür√e ’pi te
ata˙ prava√ayå dhiyå k®pa√a-vatsala tvåµ bhaje
çacî-suta mayi prabho kuru mukunda mande k®påm (8)

Hey Gaurå∫gadeva, whose complexion is like that of a golden ketakî flower! In this world I am over-
whelmed by the faults headed by lust and anger, but You don’t see the slightest fault even in those who
suffer from all sorts of them. Because You are forever prepared to deliver such people, I worship You
with great humility. O You who are kind to the fallen! O Çacî-suta! Hey Prabho! O Mukunda! Be mer-
ciful to this unfortunate person.

ÑÆÄ ∞¿⁄®-º©•ƒË´–∆ ∫∆´¥ÆŸóωŒ‹ æ‰
⁄≤⁄∆{-º≤–Ë ≤¿ŸÅ ¥⁄¿¥§⁄≥™ ¥YŸ{éºÍ |
Àò¤-„Ææ-≤≥Æ≤ ¥˘é¢-é¤⁄™@-ò≥Æ˙ ¥˘∫Ë
⁄≤ú-¥˘®æ-⁄≤∫@¿Ä ⁄∆™¿ Ɖ∆ ™‰ªæÅ À‹∫ºÍ ||9||
idaµ dhara√i-ma√∂alotsava bhavat-padå∫keßu ye
nivißta-manaso narå˙ paripa†hanti padyå߆akam
çacî-h®daya-nandana praka†a-kîrti-candra prabho
nija-pra√aya-nirbharaµ vitara deva tebhya˙ çubham (9)

O You who are the joyous festival on this earth! O Çacî-nandana! O splendid moon of glory! Hey
Prabho! Bestow that most auspicious prema for You upon those who recite this a߆aka with their minds
and hearts exclusively attached to Your lotus feet.

Ã˘¤é‚œ®—æ ÇŸ≤≥ÆŸëæ-—™Ë&ºÍ
Çrî K®ß√asya Ånandåkhya-stotram

Ã˘¤é‚œ®Å ¥¿ºŸ≤≥ÆË íË⁄∆≥ÆË ≤≥Æ-≤≥Æ≤Å |

™ºŸƒ-Õ柺ƒ-¡⁄òÅ ⁄Àê©•-é‚™-À‰ê¿Å ||1||
çrî-k®ß√a˙ paramånando govindo nanda-nandana˙
tamåla-çyåmala-ruci˙ çikha√∂a-k®ta-çekhara˙ (1)

Çrî K®ß√a, Paramånanda (He who embodies the supreme bliss), Govinda, Nanda-nandana, Tamåla-
çyåmala-ruci (He whose bodily hue is like that of a tamåla tree), Çikha√da-k®ta-çekhara (He whose
head is gracefully adorned with a peacock feather)...

¥¤™-éÈÀ‰æ-∆–≤Ë º∞‹¿-⁄—º™-ÀË⁄∫™Å |
é≥Æ¥@-éË⁄¢-ƒŸ∆©æË ∆‡≥ÆŸ¿©æº“Ë´–∆Å ||2||
pîta-kauçeya-vasano madhura-smita-çobhita˙
kandarpa-ko†i-låva√yo v®ndåra√ya-mahotsava˙ (2)

...Pîta-kauçeya-vasana (He who wears splendid yellow silk garments), Madhura-smita-çobhita (He
whose face holds a sweet, gentle smile), Kandarpa-ko†i-låva√ya (He whose beauty is greater than that of
millions of Cupids), V®ndåra√ya-mahotsava (He who is the embodied festival of V®ndåvana)...

∆Êúæ≥™¤-—∂‹¿B˝’ŸÅ é’Ÿ%-ƒí‹•Ë%ºÅ |
é‹°úŸ⁄¥@™-¿⁄™í‹@°úŸ-¥‹°ú-ºÄú‹ƒ-驧éÅ ||3||
vaijayantî-sphurad-vakßå˙ kakßåtta-lagu∂ottama˙
kuñjårpita-ratir guñjå-puñja-mañjula-ka√†haka˙ (3)

...Vaijayantî-sphurad-vakßå˙ (He whose chest is beautified by a flower garland of five colours),

Kakßåtta-lagu∂ottama˙ (He who carries a splendid staff for tending cows under His arm), Kuñjårpita-
rati (He who enjoys residing within forest groves), Guñjå-puñja-mañjula-ka√†haka˙ (He whose capti-
vating neck is splendidly adorned with a necklace of guñjå)...

é⁄®@響ŸßÒ-é®@-Ã˘¤∞‡@™-—∆®Ÿ@∫-∆®@éÅ |
º‹¿ƒ¤-∆ŸÆ≤-¥¢‹∏@≈ƒ∆¤-鋃-∆≈ƒ∫Å ||4||
kar√ikårå∂hya-kar√a-çrîr dh®ta-svar√åbha-var√aka˙
muralî-vådana-pa†ur ballavî-kula-vallabha˙ (4)

...Kar√ikårå∂hya-kar√a-çrî (He whose ears are decorated with kanera flowers), Dh®ta-svar√åbha-
var√aka˙ (He who is painted with golden colours), Muralî-vådana-pa†u (He who is highly expert in
playing the flute), Ballavî-kula-vallabha˙ (He who is dearly loved by the vraja-gopîs)...

íŸ≥∞∆Ÿ@⁄P-º“Ÿ-¥∆Ÿ@ ¿Ÿ∞Ÿ¿Ÿ∞≤-¥‰ÀƒÅ |
Ñ⁄™ Ã˘¤é‚œ®-ò≥Æ˙—æ ≤Ÿº ⁄∆ÄÀ⁄™-–Ä◊éºÍ ||5||
gåndharvåpti-mahå-parvå rådhårådhana-peçala˙
iti çrî-k®ß√a-candrasya nåma viµçati-saµjñakam (5)

...Gåndharvåpti-mahå-parvå (He who considers meeting with Çrîmatî Rådhikå to be a great festival),
and Rådhårådhana-peçala˙ (He who is highly skilled in decorating Çrîmatî Rådhikå after coming under
Her control)—these twenty names of Çrî K®ß√a...

ÇŸ≤≥ÆŸëæÄ º“Ÿ—™Ë&Ä æÅ ¥§‰ôö‡®‹æŸc æÅ |

– ¥¿Ä –Èë溟A–ŸY é‚œ®-¥˘‰º-–º⁄≥∆™Å ||6||
ånandåkhyaµ mahå-stotraµ ya˙ pa†hec ch®√uyåc ca ya˙
sa paraµ saukhyam åsådya k®ß√a-prema-samanvita˙ (6)

...comprise this Ånandåkhya-stotram, and whoever recites or hears it will be filled with love for Him
and obtain the topmost happiness.

–∆@-ƒËé-⁄¥˘æË ∫›´∆Ÿ –ÆÍí‹®Ÿ∆⁄ƒ∫›⁄Œ™Å |

∆˘ú-¿Ÿú-鋺Ÿ¿—æ –⁄≥≤éŒ@º∆Ÿµ≤‹æŸ™Í ||7||
sarva-loka-priyo bhütvå sad-gu√åvali-bhüßita˙
vraja-råja-kumårasya sannikarßam avåpnuyåt (7)

Being adorned with all good qualities, they will be dear to all living entities and in the end will attain
K®ß√a’s personal company.

Ã˘¤é‚œ®—æ ƒ¤ƒŸº‡™Ÿëæ-ÆÀ-≤Ÿº-—™Ë&ºÍ
Çrî K®ß√asya Lîlåm®tåkhya-daça-nåma-stotram

¿Ÿ⁄∞éŸ-„ÆæË≥ºŸ⁄Æ-∆ÄÀ¤-è∆Ÿ®-º∞‹-ôö¢Å |
¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-¥⁄¿ºƒËØÓŸ¿-í⁄¿ºŸ⁄’P-ºŸ≤–Å ||1||
rådhå-parimalodgåra-garimåkßipta-månasa˙ (1)

He whose flute-song honey maddens the heart of Çrîmatî Rådhikå, He whose mind is attracted by
Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s beautiful bodily fragrance...

éº˘-¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-º≤Ë-º¤≤-∏⁄•À¤-é‚™-⁄∆∫˘ºÅ |
¥˘‰º-í∆Ÿ@≥∞-íŸ≥∞∆Ÿ@-⁄éƒ⁄é⁄°ò™-¿⁄°ú™Å ||2||
prema-garvåndha-gåndharvå-kilakiñcita-rañjita˙ (2)

...He whose charming pastimes serve as a hook to catch the fish of Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s heart, He who
derives great pleasure from the kilakiñcit-bhåva* of Çrîmatî Rådhikå, who Herself is maddened with the
pride of love...

*When the hero and heroine meet and due to great joy the heroine’s seven moods of pride, desire,
weeping, gentle smiling, jealousy, fear, and anger arise simultaneously, it is called kilakiñcit.

¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-∆é˚Ë⁄#-¥¤æ›Œ-ºŸ∞‹æ@-∫¿-ƒΩ¥¢Å ||3||
rådhå-vakrokti-pîyüßa-mådhurya-bhara-lampa†a˙ (3)

...He who becomes submissive when confronted with even the shadow of the jealous anger of Çrîmatî
Rådhikå, who Herself is controlled by Her dearest sakhî Lalitå, He who is greedy to relish the sweet
nectar of Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s crooked words...

º‹ê‰≥Æfi-ò⁄≥Æ˙éËØÔfl®@-¿Ÿ⁄∞éŸ-¿Ÿí-–Ÿí¿Å |
∆‡Œ∫Ÿ≤‹-–‹™Ÿ-驧-“Ÿ⁄¿-“Ÿ¿-“⁄¿≥º⁄®Å ||4||
v®ßabhånu-sutå-ka√†ha-håri-håra-harinma√i˙ (4)

...He whose moon-like face emits rays which cause the ocean of Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s love to overflow,
He who is the emerald in the beautiful necklace which adorns V®ßabhånu-nandinî’s neck...

∂‹≈ƒ-¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-éº⁄ƒ≤¤-º‹êŸΩ∏‹ú-º∞‹∆˘™Å |
¿Ÿ⁄∞éŸ-é‹ò-é—™›¿¤-¥&-—∂‹¿Æfi¿-—¨ƒÅ ||5||
rådhikå-kuca-kastürî-patra-sphurad ura-sthala˙ (5)

...He who is the bumblebee for Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s blossoming lotus face, and He whose chest is
marked with the musk from Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s breasts (due to having been embraced by Her).

Ñ⁄™ íË鋃-∫›¥Ÿƒ-–›≤‹-ƒ¤ƒŸ-º≤Ë“¿ºÍ |
æÅ ¥§‰≥≤Ÿº-ÆÀéÄ –ËÉ—æ ∆≈ƒ∫™ŸÄ ∆˘ú‰™Í ||6||
iti gokula-bhüpåla-sünu-lîlå-manoharam
ya˙ pa†hen nåma-daçakaµ so ’sya vallabhatåµ vrajet (6)

Whoever lovingly recites this charming stotram, which is composed of ten names of Çrî K®ß√a, the
son of Gokula’s king, and which is saturated with His pastimes, will very quickly become the object of
His mercy.

Çrî Keçavå߆akam

⁄∆⁄≤Æ˙™¿-ºŸƒ™¤é⁄ƒ™-À‰ê¿‰®Ëùù∆ƒºÍ |
∆˘ú‰ ⁄∆ú⁄æ≤Ä ∫ú‰ ⁄∆⁄¥≤-ƉÀ™Å é‰À∆ºÍ ||1||
vraje vijayinaµ bhaje vipina-deçata˙ keçavam (1)

With fresh kadamba buds adorning His ears, garlands of fully-blossomed målatî flowers forming a
splendorous crown upon His head, and a garland of slightly opened and very beautiful jasmine flowers
around His neck, He is returning from the forest to the village of Vraja—I worship that Çrî Keçava.

⁄¥À⁄óÓ º⁄®é—™⁄≤ ¥˘®™-Ç⁄óÓ ⁄¥óÓ‰’®‰

º‡ÆóÓ-º‹⁄ê ∞›ºƒ‰ À∏⁄ƒ “Ä– ∆Ä⁄À-⁄¥˘æ‰ |
Ñ⁄™ —∆-–‹‹¿∫¤-é‹ƒÄ ™¿ƒºŸvæ≥™Ä º‹ÆŸ
∆˘ú‰ ⁄∆ú⁄æ≤Ä ∫ú‰ ⁄∆⁄¥≤-ƉÀ™Å é‰À∆ºÍ ||2||
piça∫gi ma√ikastani pra√ata-ç®∫gi pi∫gekßa√e
m®da∫ga-mukhi dhümale çabali haµsa vaµçi-priye
iti sva-surabhî-kulaµ taralam åhvayantaµ mudå
vraje vijayinaµ bhaje vipina-deçata˙ keçavam (2)

Calling His cows by saying, “Hey Piça∫gi! Hey Ma√i-kastani! Hey Pra√ata-ç®∫gi! Hey Pi∫gikßa√e!
Hey M®da∫ga-mukhi! Hey Dhumale! Hey Çabali! Hey Haµsa! Hey Baµçi-priye!” He is returning from
the forest to the village of Vraja—I worship that Çrî Keçava.

î≤-¥˘®æ-º‰Æfi¿Ÿ≤Í º∞‹¿-≤º@-íË}¤-郟-
⁄∆ƒŸ–-⁄≤ƒæŸ≤Í ⁄ºƒ⁄B˝⁄∆∞-∆‰À-⁄∆YË⁄™≤Å |
–ê¤≤⁄êƒ-–Ÿ¿æŸ ¥⁄¨Œ‹ “Ÿ–æ≥™Ä ⁄í¿Ÿ
∆˘ú‰ ⁄∆ú⁄æ≤Ä ∫ú‰ ⁄∆⁄¥≤-ƉÀ™Å é‰À∆ºÍ ||3||
ghana-pra√aya-medurån madhura-narma-go߆hî-kalå-
vilåsa-nilayån milad-vividha-veça-vidyotina˙
sakhîn akhila-sårayå pathißu håsayantaµ girå
vraje vijayinaµ bhaje vipina-deçata˙ keçavam (3)

Joking and laughing with His friends who are very affectionate due to their deep love, who are very
expert in the many arts of playful revelry such as speaking joking words, dancing and singing, and who
are splendorously decorated with varieties of ornaments and garments, He is returning from the forest
to the village of Vraja—I worship that Çrî Keçava.

–º›ß˛ ⁄í⁄¿-∞Ÿ™‹⁄∫⁄ƒ@⁄ê™-òŸ¡-¥&ŸÄé‹¿ºÍ |
∆˘ú‰ ⁄∆ú⁄æ≤Ä ∫ú‰ ⁄∆⁄¥≤-ƉÀ™Å é‰À∆ºÍ ||4||
samü∂ha giri-dhåtubhir likhita-cåru-patrå∫kuram
vraje vijayinaµ bhaje vipina-deçata˙ keçavam (4)

His cheeks brilliant with beads of perspiration from exertion, His face displaying pictures of young
leaves which have been painted with varieties of mineral-dyes, and the splendour of His curly hair
deriding the attractiveness of a swarm of bees who are restless for honey, He is returning from the forest
to the village of Vraja—I worship that Çrî Keçava.

≤¢™Í-ê‹¿-¥‹¢Ÿ°òƒÊ¿ƒî‹⁄∫∫‹@∆Ä ⁄∫≥Æ™¤ºÍ |
郉≤ ∞∆ƒŸ-î¢ŸÄ ƒî‹-⁄≤∆™@@æ≥™Ä ¥‹¿Ë
∆˘ú‰ ⁄∆ú⁄æ≤Ä ∫ú‰ ⁄∆⁄¥≤-ƉÀ™Å é‰À∆ºÍ ||5||
na†at-khura-pu†åñcalair alaghubhir bhuvaµ bhindatîm
kalena dhavalå-gha†åµ laghu-nivartayantaµ puro
vraje vijayinaµ bhaje vipina-deçata˙ keçavam (5)

Employing vibrations from His flute to assemble the cows, who are digging the ground with their
hooves in great eagerness to see their young calves that are kept bound within the village cowpen, He is
returning from the forest to the village of Vraja—I worship that Çrî Keçava.

¥ÆŸóÏ™⁄™⁄∫∆@¿ŸÄ ⁄∆¿òæ≥™º±∆-⁄Ã˘æÄ
òƒ%¿ƒ-≤Ê⁄òé¤-⁄≤òæ ∞›⁄ƒ-∞›º˘-–˘úºÍ
∆˘ú‰ ⁄∆ú⁄æ≤Ä ∫ú‰ ⁄∆⁄¥≤-ƉÀ™Å é‰À∆ºÍ ||6||
padå∫ka-tatibhir varåµ viracayantam adhva-çriyaµ
calat-tarala-naicikî-nicaya dhüli-dhümra-srajam
vraje vijayinaµ bhaje vipina-deçata˙ keçavam (6)

Beautifying the path with His footprints, His garland of forest flowers made a brownish colour by the
dust being kicked up by the cows running ahead of Him, and the borders of His cloth oscillating in the
gentle breeze, He is returning from the forest to the village of Vraja—I worship that Çrî Keçava.

’®ŸÆ⁄êƒ-∏≈ƒ∆¤Å ¥‹ƒéæ≥™º≥™í‡@“‰ |
º‹“‹⁄∆@Æ∞™Ä „⁄Æ ¥˘º‹⁄Æ™ŸÄ ò íË}‰Õ∆¿¤Ä
∆˘ú‰ ⁄∆ú⁄æ≤Ä ∫ú‰ ⁄∆⁄¥≤-ƉÀ™Å é‰À∆ºÍ ||7||
vilåsa-muralî-kala-dhvanibhir ullasan-månaså˙
kßa√åd akhila-ballavî˙ pulakayantam antar-g®he
muhur vidadhataµ h®di pramuditåµ ca go߆heçvarîµ
vraje vijayinaµ bhaje vipina-deçata˙ keçavam (7)

With the sweet sound of His playful flute elating the house-bound gopîs so much that their bodily
hairs stand erect, and making His mother Yaçodå joyous at heart, He is returning from the forest to the
village of Vraja—I worship that Çrî Keçava.

Ü¥‰´æ ¥⁄¨ –‹≥Æ¿¤-™⁄™⁄∫¿Ÿ⁄∫¿ªæ⁄ò@™Ä

⁄—º™ŸÄé‹¿ é¿⁄Ω∏™Ê≤@¢Æ¥ŸóÓ-∫óÓ¤À™ÊÅ |
∆˘ú‰ ⁄∆ú⁄æ≤Ä ∫ú‰ ⁄∆⁄¥≤-ƉÀ™Å é‰À∆ºÍ ||8||
upetya pathi sundarî-tatibhir åbhir abhyarcitaµ
smitå∫kura karambitair na†ad-apå∫ga-bha∫gîçatai˙
vraje vijayinaµ bhaje vipina-deçata˙ keçavam (8)

Being respectfully greeted with garlands of sidelong glances by gopîs who have mounted the tops of
their palaces, and with His vision drifting over their breasts like a bumblebee hovering amongst a clus-
ter of flowers, He is returning from the forest to the village of Vraja—I worship that Çrî Keçava.

ÑÆÄ ⁄≤⁄êƒ-∏≈ƒ∆¤-鋃-º“Ë´–∆Ë≈ƒŸ–≤Ä
é˚º‰® ⁄éƒ æÅ ¥‹ºŸ≤Í ¥§⁄™ –‹œ§‹ ¥YŸ{éºÍ |
™º‹ùù∆ƒ-⁄∞æÄ –ÆŸ ⁄≤ú-¥ÆŸ¿⁄∆≥Æ-B˝æ‰
¿⁄™Ä ÆÆÆò°òƒŸÄ –‹ê¨™Ÿ⁄B˝ÀŸêŸ-–êÅ ||9||
idaµ nikhila-ballavî-kula-mahotsavollåsanaµ
krame√a kila ya˙ pumån pa†hati su߆hu padyå߆akam
tam ujjvala-dhiyaµ sadå nija-padåravinda-dvaye
ratiµ dadad acañcalåµ sukhathatåd viçåkhå-sakha˙ (9)

Viçåkhå’s friend Çrî K®ß√a will make happy for all time those who faithfully recite these eight verses of
poetry, which increase the bliss of the vraja-gopîs, by making their intelligence shine with unwavering
devotion for His lotus feet.

Ã˘¤é‹°ú-⁄∆“Ÿæ@{éºÍ (1)
Çrî Kuñja-vihårya߆akam (1)

∂‹≈ƒ-≤¤¥-é‹–‹ºŸ⁄°ò™-é®@Å |
é‚œ®ƒŸ⁄∫¿é‚ÀË¿⁄– “Ÿ¿¤
–‹≥Æ¿Ë úæ⁄™ é‹°ú-⁄∆“Ÿ¿¤ ||1||
k®ß√alåbhir ak®çorasi håri
sundaro jayati kuñja-vihårî (1)

Whose bodily complexion is immensely charming like sapphire, whose ears are beautified by fully-
blossomed kadamba flowers, and whose broad chest is adorned with a splendid necklace of guñjå
berries—all glories to that supremely beautiful Kuñja-vihårî Çrî K®ß√a.

–∆@-∏≈ƒ∆-∆∞›-∞‡⁄™òÈ¿Å |
òŸ¡™Ë úæ⁄™ é‹°ú-⁄∆“Ÿ¿¤ ||2||
cåruto jayati kuñja-vihårî (2)

Who is the cakora-bird enamoured with the moon-like face of Çrîmatî Rådhikå, who robs all the
young maidens of Vraja of their self-restraint, and who displays great expertise in dancing gracefully to
the melody known as carcarî—all glories to that Kuñja-vihårî Çrî K®ß√a.

–∆@™Å ¥˘⁄¨™-éÈ⁄ƒé-¥∆@-
±∆Ä–≤‰≤ „™-∆Ÿ–∆-í∆@Å |
íË}-¿’® é‚™‰ ⁄í⁄¿∞Ÿ¿¤-
ƒ¤ƒæŸ úæ⁄™ é‹°ú-⁄∆“Ÿ¿¤ ||3||
sarvata˙ prathita-kaulika-parva-
dhvaµsanena h®ta-våsava-garva˙
go߆ha-rakßa√a k®te giridhårî-
lîlayå jayati kuñja-vihårî (3)

Who stopped the vraja-våsîs from performing their renowned customary sacrifice to Indra, who pul-
verised the pride of the enraged Indra, and who lifted Govardhana Hill to protect Vraja—all glories to
that Kuñja-vihårî Çrî K®ß√a.

⁄∆∫˘º‰® ºÆ≤Ë´–∆-ÀÄ–¤ |
—™›æºŸ≤-ò⁄¿™Å À‹é-ÀŸ¿¤-
Ã˘‰⁄®⁄∫ú@æ⁄™ é‹°ú-⁄∆“Ÿ¿¤ ||4||
vibhrame√a madanotsava-çaµsî
stüyamåna-carita˙ çuka-çårî-
çre√ibhir jayati kuñja-vihårî (4)

With the sweet sound of His flute, which is adorned with all known melodies, He heralds the com-
mencement of His festival of amorous love, and upon hearing the melody of the flute, all the enam-
oured parrots glorify His divine character—all glories to that Kuñja-vihårî Çrî K®ß√a.

é‰⁄é ò≥Æ˙é-⁄∆¿Ÿ⁄ú™-ò›ƒÅ |
¿°ú≤Ë úæ⁄™ é‹°ú-⁄∆“Ÿ¿¤ ||5||
keki candraka-viråjita-cüla˙
rañjano jayati kuñja-vihårî (5)

Whose yellow cloth is more resplendent than gold, whose crown is adorned with peacock feathers,
and who is always ready to delight the hearts of the fresh adolescent maidens of Vraja—all glories to
that Kuñja-vihårî Çrî K®ß√a.

—∆®@-éŸ⁄°ò-¥⁄¿ÀË⁄∫-颤¿Å |
é‹°ú¿Ë úæ⁄™ é‹°ú-⁄∆“Ÿ¿¤ ||6||
kuñjaro jayati kuñja-vihårî (6)

Whose limbs are anointed with fragrant candana, whose waist is beautified by a belt of golden bells,
and who is an elephant bound by the chains of Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s raised breasts—all glories to that
Kuñja-vihårî Çrî K®ß√a.

é‰⁄ƒò°ò⁄ƒ™ òΩ¥é-ºŸƒÅ |
–‹∫˘‹∆ŸÄ úæ⁄™ é‹°ú-⁄∆“Ÿ¿¤ ||7||
adri-kandara-g®heßv abhisårî
subhruvåµ jayati kuñja-vihårî (7)

Whose forehead is radiant with tilaka composed of golden mineral dyes, on whose chest a playful gar-
land of campa flowers swings, and who attends a rendezvous with the gopîs in the mountain caves of
Sa∫keta—all glories to that Kuñja-vihårî Çrî K®ß√a.

⁄’P-íË¥-ƒƒ≤Ÿ⁄êƒ-é‚´æÅ |
≤Ÿí¿Ë úæ⁄™ é‹°ú-⁄∆“Ÿ¿¤ ||8||
någaro jayati kuñja-vihårî (8)

Whose restless sidelong glances separate the gopîs from their household duties, and who is the rasika
amorous hero of the love-intoxicated Çrîmatî Rådhikå—all glories to that Kuñja-vihårî Çrî K®ß√a.

Ç{éÄ º∞‹¿-é‹°ú-⁄∆“Ÿ¿¤-
é˚¤•˛æŸ ¥§⁄™ æÅ ⁄éƒ “Ÿ⁄¿ |
æ ¥˘æŸ⁄™ ⁄∆ƒ–™Í ¥¿-∫ŸíÄ
™—æ ¥ŸÆ-麃Ÿò@≤-¿ŸíºÍ ||9||
a߆akaµ madhura-kuñja-vihårî-
krî∂ayå pa†hati ya˙ kila håri
ya prayåti vilasat para-bhågaµ
tasya påda-kamalårcana-rågam (9)

Those who recite this very sweet and charming a߆aka, which is full of Çrî K®ß√a’s pastimes, will
obtain a remarkable spontaneous love in their worship of His lotus feet.

Ã˘¤é‹°ú-⁄∆“Ÿæ@Ÿ{éºÍ (2)
Çrî Kuñja-vihåryå߆akam (2)

é∆⁄ƒ™ Ñ∆ ¿Ÿ∞Ÿ¥ŸóÓ-∫óÓ¤-™¿óÓÊÅ |
º‹⁄Æ¿-º∞‹¿-éŸ⁄≥™∫Ÿ@⁄™ é‹°ú‰-⁄∆“Ÿ¿¤ ||1||
kavalita iva rådhåpå∫ga-bha∫gî-tara∫gai˙
mudita-vadana-candraç candrakåpî∂a-dhårî
mudira-madhura-kåntir bhåti kuñje-vihårî (1)

Due to His engagement in amorous revelry a smile always plays upon His face, He is devoured by the
waves of Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s sidelong glances, His moon-like face is always jubilant, His head is adorned
with a peacock feather, and His sweet bodily complexion is the colour of a fresh monsoon cloud—in
this way that Kuñja-vihårî is splendidly situated within a kuñja.

™™ –‹‹⁄Œ¿-î≤Ÿ≤ŸÄ ≤ŸÆºŸ≤ØÛ-∫ŸúŸÄ
ú≤æ⁄™ ™¡®¤≤ŸÄ º©•ƒ‰ º⁄©•™Ÿ≤ŸÄ |
™¢ ∫›⁄∆ ≤¢¿Ÿú-é˚¤•˛æŸ ∫Ÿ≤‹-¥‹_æŸ
⁄∆Æ∞Æ™‹ƒòŸ¿¤∫Ÿ@⁄™ é‹°ú‰-⁄∆“Ÿ¿¤ ||2||
tata sußira-ghanånåµ nådam ånaddha-bhåjåµ
janayati taru√înåµ ma√∂ale ma√∂itånåµ
ta†a bhüvi na†aråja-krî∂ayå bhånu-putryå
vidadhad atula-cårîr bhåti kuñje-vihårî (2)

When on the banks of the Yamunå the beautifully decorated gopîs begin playing instruments such as
the m®da∫ga, vî√å, flute and hand-held gong, like the topmost dancer He begins gracefully dancing—in
this way that Kuñja-vihårî is splendidly situated within a kuñja.

⁄À⁄ê⁄≤ é⁄ƒ™-Œ•Íú‰ éË⁄郉 ¥°òºŸßÒ‰
—∆æº⁄¥ ≤∆-∆ÄÕæ˶Ÿºæ≤Í í˘Ÿº-º‹ëæÄ |
∞‡™-º‡í-ºÆ-í≥∞Å –‹œ§‹ íŸ≥∞Ÿ¿-–ÄúÄ
⁄&∫‹∆≤-∞‡⁄™-“Ÿ¿¤∫Ÿ@⁄™ é‹°ú‰-⁄∆“Ÿ¿¤ ||3||
çikhini kalita-ßa∂je kokile pañcamå∂hye
svayam api nava-vaµçyoddåmayan gråma-mukhyaµ
dh®ta-m®ga-mada-gandha˙ su߆hu gåndhåra-sañjaµ
tri-bhuvana-dh®ta-hårîr bhåti kuñje-vihårî (3)

When the peacocks begin singing in the first note and the cuckoos in the fifth, on a new flute He pro-
duces a magnificent, hypnotic melody named Gandhåra which steals away the composure of the three
worlds—in this way that Kuñja-vihårî, His entire body anointed with fragrant musk, is splendidly situ-
ated within a kuñja.

ƒî‹-ƒî‹ é‹–‹ºŸ≤ŸÄ ¥æ@¢≤ ∆Ÿ⁄¢éŸæŸÄ |
∆˘ú-≤∆-æ‹∆™¤⁄∫∫Ÿ@⁄™ é‹°ú‰-⁄∆“Ÿ¿¤ ||4||
laghu-laghu kusumånåµ parya†ana vå†ikåyåµ
sa-rabhasam anugîtaç citra-ka√†hîbhir uccai˙
vraja-nava-yuvatîbhir bhåti kuñje-vihårî (4)

Holding Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s right hand with the very soft fingers of His left hand, He slowly strolls with
Her through a flower garden as the beautiful young girls of Vraja blissfully sing Their glories in sweet
voices—in this way that Kuñja-vihårî is splendidly situated within a kuñja.

Ç⁄“⁄¿¥‹-é‚™-ƒŸ—æ‰ é¤ò響π∞-∆ŸY‰
∆˘ú-⁄í⁄¿-™¢-¿óÓ‰ ∫‡óÓ-–Äí¤™-∫Ÿ⁄ú |
⁄—™⁄º™-é¿®-∆‡⁄%∫Ÿ@⁄™ é‹°ú‰-⁄∆“Ÿ¿¤ ||5||
ahiripu-k®ta-låsye kîcakårabdha-vådye
vraja-giri-ta†a-ra∫ge bh®∫ga-sa∫gîta-bhåji
viracita-paricaryaç citra-taurya-trike√a
stimita-kara√a-v®ttir bhåti kuñje-vihårî (5)

When on the theatrical stage of Govardhana Hill’s plateau the peacocks dance, the bamboos sound in
the wind, and the bumblebees sing, it is as if Govardhana himself is serving Çrî K®ß√a by dancing, mak-
ing music and singing, causing K®ß√a’s heart to melt—in this way that Kuñja-vihårî is splendidly situat-
ed within a kuñja.

⁄Æ⁄À-⁄Æ⁄À À‹é-ÀŸ¿¤-º©•ƒÊí›@߲-ƒ¤ƒŸÅ
¥˘é¢º≤‹¥§ÆÍ⁄∫⁄≤@⁄º@™ŸÕòæ@Ä-¥‹¿Å |
™Æ⁄™-¿“⁄– ∆‡%Ä ¥˘‰æ–¤-é®@-º›ƒ‰
⁄—º™-º‹êº⁄∫ú≈¥≤Í ∫Ÿ⁄™ é‹°ú‰-⁄∆“Ÿ¿¤ ||6||
diçi-diçi çuka-çårî-ma√dalair gü∂ha-lîlå˙
praka†am anupa†hadbhir nirmitåçcaryaµ-pura˙
tad ati-rahasi v®ttaµ preyasî-kar√a-müle
smita-mukham abhijalpan bhåti kuñje-vihårî (6)

When in all directions of a kuñja the parrots begin clearly narrating the confidential pastimes which
Çrî K®ß√a performed in a solitary place, K®ß√a Himself becomes completely wonderstruck upon hearing
them and laughs as He speaks them into the ear of His beloved Çrîmatî Rådhikå—in this way that
Kuñja-vihårî is splendidly situated within a kuñja.

™∆ ⁄òé‹¿-éÆΩ∏Ä —™Ω∫™‰ ¥˘‰÷æ é‰é¤

≤æ≤-麃-ƒ÷º¤∆@@≥Æ™‰ é‚œ®–Ÿ¿Å |
Ç⁄ƒ¿ƒºƒéŸ≥™Ä ≤È⁄™ ¥Õæ‰⁄™ ¿Ÿ∞ŸÄ
–‹º∞‹¿º≤‹ÀÄ–≤Í ∫Ÿ⁄™ é‹°ú‰-⁄∆“Ÿ¿¤ ||7||
tava cikura-kadambaµ stambhate prekßya kekî
nayana-kamala-lakßmîr vandate k®ß√asåra˙
alir alam alakåntaµ nauti paçyeti rådhåµ
su-madhuram anuçaµsan bhåti kuñje-vihårî (7)

Saying to Çrîmatî Rådhikå, “Just see! Upon noticing how Your ringlets of hair are beautifully decorat-
ed with varieties of flowers, the peacocks have become stunned, as if they are silently thinking that
Your hair is more beautiful than their tail-feathers. The k®ß√a-såra deer are glorifying Your lotus eyes,
and the bees are praising Your locks of curly hair,” that Kuñja-vihårî is splendidly situated within a

ºÆ≤-™¿ƒ-∏ŸƒŸ-òé˚∆Ÿƒ‰≤ ⁄∆œ∆-
⁄ì∆⁄∆∞ ∆¿éƒŸ≤ŸÄ ⁄À’æŸ –‰…溟≤Å |
—ê⁄ƒ™-⁄òé‹¿-∆‰À‰ —é≥∞-ƉÀ‰ ⁄¥˘æŸæŸÅ
¥˘⁄¨™-¥‡¨‹ƒ-∏Ÿ“‹∫Ÿ@⁄™ é‹°ú‰-⁄∆“Ÿ¿¤ ||8||
madana-tarala-bålå-cakravålena vißvag-
vividha varakalånåµ çikßayå sevyamåna˙
skhalita-cikura-veçe skandha-deçe priyåyå˙
prathita-p®thula-båhur bhåti kuñje-vihårî (8)

On the pretext of learning from them crafts such as stringing flower garlands, He is served by sakhîs
headed by Lalitå who are expert in the art of amorous love, and He places His lotus hand on His dear-
most beloved Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s shoulder where Her unbraided hair has fallen—in this way that Kuñja-
vihårî is splendidly situated within a kuñja.

Ñƺ≤‹¥º-ƒ¤ƒŸ-“Ÿ⁄¿ é‹°ú‰-⁄∆“Ÿ¿¤
—º¿®-¥Æº∞¤™‰ ™‹{-∞¤¿{éÄ æÅ |
⁄≤úí®-∆‡™æŸ Ã˘¤¿Ÿ∞柿Ÿ⁄∞™—™Ä
≤æ⁄™ ⁄≤ú-¥ÆŸπúÄ é‹°ú-–ÆͺŸ⁄∞¿ŸúÅ ||9||
idam anupama-lîlå-håri kuñje-vihårî
smara√a-padam adhîte tu߆a-dhîr a߆akaµ ya˙
nija-ga√a-v®tayå çrî-rådhayårådhitas taµ
nayati nija-padåbjaµ kuñja-sadmådhiråja˙ (9)

This a߆aka is very captivating because it embodies the method for remembrance of Çrî K®ß√a and
because each verse of it reveals His pastimes. That lord of the kuñjas who is worshipped by Çrîmatî
Rådhikå and Her sakhîs, Çrî K®ß√a, will bestow a place at His lotus feet upon those who recite this
a߆aka with a contented heart.

Ã˘¤é‚œ®—æ ¥˘®Ÿº-¥˘®æŸëæ-—™∆Å
Çrî K®ß√asya Pra√åma-pra√ayåkhya-stava˙

é≥Æ¥@-éË⁄¢ ¿ΩæŸæ —∂‹¿⁄Æ≥Ƥ∆¿-⁄´∆Œ‰ |

úí≥ºË“≤-ƒ¤ƒŸæ ≤ŸºË íË¥‰≥Æ˙-–›≤∆‰ ||1||
kandarpa-ko†i ramyåya sphurad-indîvara-tviße
jagan-mohana-lîlåya namo gopendra-sünave (1)

Who is more beautiful than millions of Kåmadevas, whose bodily complexion is more charming than
a fully-blossomed blue lotus flower, and whose astonishing pastimes enamour the three worlds—I offer
pra√åma unto that Gopendra-nandana Çrî K®ß√a.

é‚œ®ƒŸ-é‚™-“Ÿ¿Ÿæ é‚œ®-ƒŸ∆©æ-ÀŸ⁄ƒ≤‰ |
é‚œ®-雃-鿤≥Æ˙Ÿæ é‚œ®Ÿæ é¿∆Ê ≤ºÅ ||2||
k®ß√alå-k®ta-håråya k®ß√a-låva√ya-çåline
k®ß√a-küla-karîndråya k®ß√åya karavai nama˙ (2)

Who is adorned with a guñja necklace, who is lustrous like a blue sapphire, and who wanders on the
Yamunå’s banks like a mad elephant—I offer pra√åma unto that Çrî K®ß√a.

–∆Ÿ@≤≥Æ-éÆΩ∏Ÿæ éÆΩ∏-é‹–‹º-–˘ú‰ |
≤ºÅ ¥˘‰ºŸ∆ƒΩ∏Ÿæ ¥˘ƒΩ∏Ÿ⁄¿-é≤¤æ–‰ ||3||
sarvånanda-kadambåya kadamba-kusuma-sraje
nama˙ premåvalambåya pralambåri-kanîyase (3)

Who is the source of all transcendental bliss, whose chest is splendorously adorned with a garland of
kadamba flowers, and who is subjugated by the love of His devotees—I offer pra√åma unto that younger
brother of Balaråma, Çrî K®ß√a.

é‹©•ƒ-—∂‹¿ÆÄ–Ÿæ ∆ÄÀŸæ% º‹ê-⁄Ã˘æ‰ |

¿Ÿ∞Ÿ ºŸ≤–-“Ä–Ÿæ ∆˘úË%Ä–Ÿæ ™‰ ≤ºÅ ||4||
ku√∂ala-sphurad-aµsåya vaµçåyatta mukha-çriye
rådhå månasa-haµsåya vrajottaµsåya te nama˙ (4)

Whose shoulders are beautified by His oscillating earrings, whose splendid face holds a slightly
crooked expression due to His playing of the flute, and who is the swan upon the lake of Çrîmatî
Rådhikå’s heart—I offer pra√åma unto that Çrî K®ß√a, the jewel in the V®aja-våsîs’ crown.

≤ºÅ ⁄ÀêÄ•-ò›•˛Ÿæ Æ©•-º⁄©•™-¥Ÿ®æ‰ |
é‹©•ƒ¤é‚™-¥‹œ¥Ÿæ ¥‹©•¿¤é‰’®Ÿæ ™‰ ||5||
nama˙ çikha√∂a-cü∂åya da√∂a-ma√∂ita-på√aye
ku√∂alî-k®ta-pußpåya pu√∂arîkekßa√åya te (5)

Who wears a peacock-feather crown, who carries a jewelled staff to protect the cows, and who wears
earrings composed of flowers—I offer pra√åma unto that lotus-eyed Çrî K®ß√a.

¿Ÿ⁄∞éŸ-¥˘‰º-ºŸ±∆¤é-ºŸ∞‹¿¤ º‹⁄Æ™Ÿ≥™¿ºÍ |
é≥Æ¥@-∆‡≥Æ-–È≥Ææ@Ä íË⁄∆≥ƺ⁄∫∆ŸÆæ‰ ||6||
rådhikå-prema-mådhvîka-mådhurî muditåntaram
kandarpa-v®nda-saundaryaµ govindam abhivådaye (6)

Who due to drinking the sweet nectar of Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s prema is always joyful at heart, and who is
more attractive than millions of Kåmadevas—I offer pra√åma unto that Çrî Govinda.

ÇóÓŸ¿-¿– ÇóÓ¿Ä é⁄®@響Ÿ%-é⁄®@éºÍ |

∆≥Ɖ ⁄Ã˘æŸ ≤∆Ÿ∫˘Ÿ®ŸÄ ⁄∏∫˘Ÿ®Ä ⁄∆∫˘ºÄ “⁄¿ºÍ ||7||
ç®∫gåra-rasa ç®∫gåraµ kar√ikåråtta-kar√ikam
vande çriyå navåbhrå√åµ bibhrå√aµ vibhramaµ harim (7)

Who is the ornament of ç®√gåra-rasa, who wears ornaments fashioned from kanakacampa flowers in
His ears, and who, due to His dark-bluish bodily complexion, is often mistaken for a fresh monsoon
cloud—I worship that Çrî Hari.

–Ÿ±∆¤-∆˘™-º⁄®-∆˘Ÿ™-¥Õæ™Ë“¿-∆‰®∆‰ |
éjŸ¿-é‚™-ò›•˛Ÿæ ÀÄêò›•˛-⁄∫Ɖ ≤ºÅ ||8||
kahlåra-k®ta-cü∂åya ça∫khacü∂a-bhide nama˙ (8)

Whose flute-song pilfers the jewels of chaste girls’ adherence to religious principles, whose crown is
adorned with lotus flowers, and who is the slayer of Kaµsa’s follower named Ça∫khacü∂a—I offer
pra√åma unto that Çrî K®ß√a.

¿Ÿ⁄∞éŸ∞¿-∏≥∞›é-ºé¿≥Æ-º∞‹∆˘™ºÍ |
ÆÊ´æ-⁄–≥∞‹¿-¥Ÿ¿¤≥Æ˙Ä ∆≥Ɖ íË¥‰≥Æ˙-≤≥Æ≤ºÍ ||9||
daitya-sindhura-pårîndraµ vande gopendra-nandanam (9)

Who is the bumblebee that drinks the nectar of Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s bandhuka flower lips, and who is a
lion in the face of the mad-elephant demons—I worship that Gopendra-nandana Çrî K®ß√a.

∏“‰@≥Æ˙Ÿæ‹∞-¿ΩæŸæ úíùú¤∆≤-ÆŸ⁄æ≤‰ |
¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-⁄∆Y‹ÆÍ∆‡™ŸÄíŸæ é‚œ®ŸΩ∫ËÆŸæ ™‰ ≤ºÅ ||10||
barhendråyudha-ramyåya jagaj-jîvana-dåyine
rådhå-vidyud-v®tå∫gåya k®ß√åmbhodåya te nama˙ (10)

Whose rainbow-like peacock-feather makes His appearance very charming, who gives life to the
entire universe, and who is the dark raincloud beautified by the lightning of Çrîmatî Rådhikå—I offer
pra√åma unto that Çrî K®ß√a.

¥˘‰ºŸ≥∞-∏≈ƒ∆¤-∆‡≥Æ-ƒËò≤‰≥Ƥ∆¿‰≥Æ∆‰ |
éŸÕº¤¿-⁄™ƒéŸßÒŸæ ≤ºÅ ¥¤™ŸΩ∏¿Ÿæ ™‰ ||11||
kåçmîra-tilakå∂hyåya nama˙ pîtåmbaråya te (11)

Who is the moon shining on the blue lotus of the eyes of the gopîs who are blinded by love, and who
is adorned with tilaka composed of ku∫kuma—I offer pra√åma unto that Çrî K®ß√a, who is attired in
yellow garments.

í¤∆Ÿ@®‰À-ºÆ˶Ÿº-ÆŸ∆-⁄≤∆Ÿ@®-≤¤¿ÆºÍ |
é≥Æfié¤-é‚™-Àʃ‰≥Æ˙Ä ∆≥Ɖ íË鋃-∏Ÿ≥∞∆ºÍ ||12||
kandukî-k®ta-çailendraµ vande gokula-båndhavam (12)

Who is the fresh raincloud which extinguished the forest fire of Indra’s immense pride, and who lifted
Giriråja Govardhana as if it were a toy ball—I offer pra√åma unto that friend of Gokula, Çrî K®ß√a.

ÆÊ≥柮@∆‰ ⁄≤ºì≤ËÉ⁄—º º≥™‹-í˘Ÿ∆-∫¿Ÿ⁄Æ@™Å |

Æfi{‰ 韡©æ-¥Ÿ¿¤® º⁄æ é‚œ® é‚¥ŸÄ é‹¡ ||13||
dainyår√ave nimagno ’smi mantu-gråva-bharårdita˙
du߆e kåru√ya-pårî√a mayi k®ß√a k®påµ kuru (13)

O ocean of compassion! Hey K®ß√a, weighed down by the boulder of my offences, I am drowning in
the ocean of grief. Please be merciful and save this poor soul.

ÇŸ∞Ÿ¿Ëɵ楿Ÿ∞Ÿ≤Ÿº⁄∆∆‰é-“™ËÉµæ“ºÍ |
´∆´éŸ¡©æ-¥˘™¤’ËÉ⁄—º ¥˘–¤Æ º⁄æ ºŸ∞∆ ||14||
ådhåro ’py aparådhånåm aviveka-hato ’py aham
tvat-kåru√ya-pratîkßo ’smi prasîda mayi mådhava (14)

O Mådhava! Although I am a reservoir of hundreds of offences and through my lack of intelligence

have murdered my own consciousness, at this moment I am waiting for the bestowal of Your kindness—
I hope that You will be pleased with me.

Çrî Hari-kusuma-stavakam

¿Æ-⁄≤⁄≥Æ™-–‹≥Æ¿-é‹≥Æ-ºÆÄ |
¡⁄ò¿-⁄—º™-ºÄú⁄¿-ºÄú‹-º‹êºÍ ||1||
rucira-smita-mañjari-mañju-mukham (1)

Whose gait is more beautiful than that of an intoxicated elephant, whose teeth are more charming
than a row of jasmine flowers, whose bodily beauty is greater than that of millions of Kåmadevas, whose
face is adorned with a gentle smile...

ºÆ-∆⁄≈í™-ƒËò≤-™Ÿº¿–Ä |
¥¿ºŸ¨@-¥¿Ÿæ®-ƒËé-í⁄™ºÍ ||2||
paramårtha-paråya√a-loka-gatim (2)

...who attracts young girls with the vibration of His flute, whose lotus eyes are red due to the intoxi-
cating influence of youth, who exhibits a flowing current of pastime-nectar, who is the sole destination
for those devotees who are pursuing the ultimate perfection...

∫‹∆≤‰Õ∆¿-∆Ä⁄Æ™-òŸ¡-¥ÆÄ |
¡òéŸ%-⁄∆À‰Œé-∆≈í‹™¿ºÍ ||3||
rucakåtta-viçeßaka-valgutaram (3)

...whose footsteps decorate the banks of the Yamunå, whose charming feet are worshipped by
demigods such as Brahmå and Çiva who are the lords of their own planets, whose soft neck is splen-
dorously adorned with a radiant padaka ornament, whose captivating forehead is marked with goro-

⁄À꿤≥Æ˙-∞‡⁄™-¥⁄™¥≥≤-∫‹úÄ |
∞¿-é≥Æ¿-ꉃ≤-ƒ‹π∞-„ÆºÍ ||4||
dhara-kandara-khelana-lubdha-h®dam (4)

...who wears a peacock-feather crown, who lifted Govardhana Hill with His left hand, who danced on
the hoods of Kåliya-någa, who is always eager to play within mountain caves...

º“≤¤æ-騟-鋃-∞›™-é⁄ƒÄ |
é⁄ƒ™Ÿ⁄êƒ-Æfiú@æ ∏Ÿ“‹-∏ƒÄ
∏ƒ-∏≈ƒ∆-ÀŸ∆é-–⁄≥≤⁄“™ºÍ ||5||
bala-ballava-çåvaka-sannihitam (5)

...who always pleases His friends and relatives, the narration of whose pastimes smashes the pride of
Kali-yuga, whose arm-strength is indomitable, who is always in the company of Balaråma and the other
young boys of Vraja...

™¡®¤-í®-≤›™≤-¥‹œ¥-À¿Ä |
™º–Ÿ∞‹-鋃˴¥ƒ ò©•-é¿ºÍ ||6||
çara√ågata rakßa√a-dakßatamaµ
tam asådhu-kulotpala ca√∂a-karam (6)

...who is a desire tree that fulfils the desires of His devotees’ hearts, who for young girls is the ever-
fresh god of love, who always protects those who have taken shelter of Him, who is the blazing sun that
wilts the kumuda-flower demons...

∏é-ÆŸ≤∆-º%-鿤≥Æ˙-“⁄¿Ä |
éƒéħ-¿∆Ëùù∆ƒ-éħ-¿®ºÍ ||7||
kara-padma-milat kusuma-stavakaµ
kalaka√†ha-ravojjvala-ka√†ha-ra√am (7)

...whose holds a bunch of flowers in His lotus hand, who is a lion for the maddened elephant of
Bakåsura, whose flute-song captivates the does, whose voice is even sweeter than that of the cuckoo...

ú≤-ºóÓƒ-é¤⁄™@-ƒ™Ÿ-¥˘∫∆Ä |
í‹®-–Äí-⁄∆∆⁄ú@™-∫è™-í®ºÍ ||8||
bhava sågara kumbhaja-nåma-gu√aµ
gu√a-sa∫ga-vivarjita-bhakta-ga√am (8)

...who defeated monstrous demons in battle, whose great fame is the benefactor which grants auspi-
ciousness for the residents of this world, whose name, attributes, and pastimes are the Agasta Muni
which dries up the ocean of material existence, whose devotees are untouched by the modes of material

⁄–™-¿⁄Õº-–“ËÆ¿-∆è&-∆¿Ä |
î≤-⁄∆∫˘º-∆‰À-⁄∆“Ÿ¿-ºæºÍ ||9||
ghana-vibhrama-veça-vihåra-mayam (9)

...who is adorned with innumerable divine attributes, whose face glows like moonlight, who is the
raincloud which extinguishes the fire of the insolent V®ßåsura, who, being the great enjoyer of amorous
sports, is always prepared to enjoy pastimes in beautiful and appropriately decorated kuñjas...

⁄∆∞‹¿¤-é‚™-ÆŸ≤∆-¿Ÿú-鋃ºÍ |
鋃-≤≥Æ≤º&-≤ºŸ⁄º “⁄¿ºÍ ||10||
kula-nandanam atra namåmi harim (10)

...who is the full moon that dissipates the darkness of the Vyoma demon, who gave pain to the
demonic dynasties and delighted His own dynasty—I offer pra√åma unto that Çrî Hari.

Ü¿⁄– ¥⁄¿—∂‹¿⁄Æ⁄≥Æ¿-
⁄º⁄≥Æ⁄≥Æ¿-º⁄≥Æ¿-–˘úË≈ƒ⁄–™Ä |
ºóÓƒ–ôò≥Æ≤Ä ∆≥Ɖ ||11||
urasi parisphurad indiram
harim a∫ganåti-ma∫galam
a∫ga-lasac-candanaµ vande (11)

At whose chest is Çrîmatî Rådhikå, who wears a splendid flower garland with many bees hovering
about it, who bestows the highest auspiciousness upon young girls, and whose body is anointed with lus-
trous sandalwood paste—I worship that Çrî Hari.

Çrî Tri-bha∫gî-chanda˙ Stava˙

¥À‹¥Ÿƒ-¥‹¿≥Æ¿º⁄∫–‡™-é≥Æ¿º⁄™-–‹≥Æ¿º¿⁄∆≥Æ-é¿ºÍ |
—º¿-≤º@-⁄∆ò’®º⁄êƒ-⁄∆ƒ’®-™≤‹-ƒ’®º⁄™-Æ’™¿ºÍ ||1||
yamalårjuna-bhañjanam åçrita-rañjanam ahi-gañjana-ghana-låsya-bharaµ
paçupåla-purandaram abhis®ta-kandaram ati-sundaram aravinda-karam
vara-gopavadhü-jana-viracita-püjanam uru-küjana-nava-ve√u-dharaµ
smara-narma-vicakßa√am akhila-vilakßa√a-tanu-lakßa√am ati-dakßataram (1)

Who broke the yamalårjuna trees, who delights those who take shelter of Him, who crushed the
Kåliya-serpent and danced beautifully upon his hoods, who is highly skilled in tending domestic ani-
mals, who has secret rendezvous within the caves of Govardhana, who is very beautiful, whose hands
are like lotus flowers, who is worshipped by the Vraja-gopîs with their youth and everything else they
possess, who holds a flute which produces sweet melodies, who is highly expert in amorous play, whose
divine figure possesses all wonderful attributes, who is the most expert at everything...

íË-º©•ƒ-¿⁄’®º≤‹é‚™-¥⁄’®º⁄™-Æ⁄’®º⁄º™Ÿ´º-–‹êºÍ |
∆˘ú-麃-⁄∆¿Ëò≤º⁄ƒé-–‹¿Ëò≤-íË¿Ëò≤º⁄™™Ÿº˘-≤êºÍ ||2||
pra√atåçani-puñjaram ambara-piñjaram ari-kuñjara-harim indu-mukhaµ
go-ma√∂ala-rakßi√am anuk®ta-pakßi√am ati-dakßi√am amitåtma-sukham
guru-gairika-ma√∂itam anunayana-pa√∂itam avakha√∂ita-puru-hüta-makhaµ
vraja-kamala-virocanam alika-surocana-gorocanam atitåmra-nakham (2)

...who bestows fearlessness upon those who are surrendered to Him, whose garments are yellow, who is
the lion which crushes the elephant herds of His enemies, whose beautiful face is like a moon, who pro-
tects the cows, who imitates the singing of parrots and other birds, whose nature is very simple, whose
happiness as He performs His pastimes knows no limit, who is decorated with pictures painted in beau-
tiful mineral dyes, who is expert at breaking the gopîs’ moods of jealous anger, who stopped the Vraja-
våsîs’ sacrifice to Indra, who is the sun which shines on the lotus of Vraja, whose forehead is splendidly
decorated with gorocanå-tilaka, whose nails are a beautiful reddish-copper colour...

º‹ØÛ™-–óÏËò≤ºΩ∏‹ú-ƒËò≤ºî-ºËò≤ºº¿Ÿ⁄ƒ-≤™ºÍ |
⁄≤⁄ꃟ⁄∞é-íÈ¿∆º‹ùù∆ƒ-–È¿∫º⁄™-íÈ¿∫-¥À‹¥¤Œ‹ ¿™Ä
é˺ƒ-¥Æ-¥≈ƒ∆º∫˘º‹-∆≈ƒ∫-¡⁄ò-Æfiƒ@∫-–⁄∆ƒŸ–-í™ºÍ ||3||
uddhata-sa∫kocanam ambuja-locanam agha-mocanam amaråli-natam
nikhilådhika-gauravam ujjvala-saurabham ati-gaurabha-paçupîßu rataµ
komala-pada-pallavam abhramu-vallabha-ruci-durlabha-savilåsa-gatam (3)

...whose vine-like eyebrows seem to fire arrows which are dyed with the mad passion of Kåmadeva,
who annihilates the prowess of the wicked, whose eyes are like lotus flowers, who liberates souls from
the reactions to their sins, who is worshipped by all the demigods, who is the supreme object of venera-
tion, who is endowed with a brilliant bodily fragrance, who is always surrounded by golden-complex-
ioned gopîs, whose lotus-blossom feet are very soft and delicate, whose gait is more graceful than that of
the elephant Airåvata...

∫‹ú-º›⁄±≤@ ⁄∆ÀóÏ¢º⁄∞í™-ÀóÏ¢-≤™-éóÏ¢º¢∆¤Œ‹ òƒÄ

≤∆-≤¤¥-é¿⁄Ω∏™-∆≤-¿Ëƒ⁄Ω∏™º∆ƒ⁄Ω∏™-éƒé©§-éƒºÍ |
⁄≤ú-⁄∆é˚º-ò⁄ò@™-∫‹ú-í‹¡-í⁄∆@™-í≥∞⁄∆@™-Æ≤‹úŸ⁄Æ@-∏ƒºÍ ||4||
bhuja-mürdhni viça∫ka†am adhigata-ça∫ka†a-nata-ka∫ka†am a†avîßu calaµ
nava-nîpa-karambita-vana-rolambitam avalambita-kalaka√†ha-kalam
durjana-t®√a-påvakam anucara-çåvaka-nikaråvakam aru√o߆a-dalaµ
nija-vikrama-carcita-bhuja-guru-garvita-gandharvita-danujårdi-balam (4)

...whose shoulders are broad, who protects His devotees at the time of calamities, who is always very
eager to wander through the forests, who is the bee which hovers amongst the forests of freshly-blos-
somed kadamba flowers, whose voice is like that of a cuckoo, who is the fire which burns the grass of
the wicked, who protects His cowherd-boy companions from all fearful situations, whose lips are a beau-
tiful reddish colour, who by His own great power annihilates mighty demons with robust arms...

溋≤Ÿ-™¢-™⁄≈¥™-¥‹œ¥º≤⁄≈¥™-ºÆ-ú⁄≈¥™-Æ⁄晟P-¿⁄™ºÍ |
∆≥Ɖº⁄“ ∆⁄≥Æ™-≤≥ƺº⁄≥Æ™-鋃º⁄≥∞™-êƒ-éÄ–-º⁄™Ä
´∆Ÿ⁄º“ ÆŸºËÆ¿ “ƒ∞¿-–ËÆ¿ “¿ ≤Ë Æ¿º≤‹∏ØÛ-¿⁄™ºÍ ||5||
çruti-ratna-vibhüßa√a-ruci-jita-püßa√am ali-düßa√a-nayanånta-gatiµ
yamunå-ta†a-talpita-pußpam analpita-mada-jalpita-dayitåpta-ratim
vandemahi vandita-nandanam amandita-kulam andhita-khala-kaµsa-matiµ
tvåm iha dåmodara haladhara-sodara hara no daram anubaddha-ratim (5)

...whose jewelled earrings emit a brilliance which defeats the splendour of the sun, whose restless eyes,
which are decorated with splendorous kåjala, rebuke the restive bumblebee, who rests upon a bed of
flowers on the bank of the Yamunå, who blissfully enjoys with His beloveds who speak especially sweet-
ly when they are maddened with love for Him, who worships His father Nanda Mahåråja, who illumi-
nates the dynasty of cowherd men, who vanquished the intelligence of Kaµsa, and who loves His devo-
tees—I offer pra√åma unto that Çrî K®ß√a, the younger brother of Balaråma. O Dåmodara! Be merciful
and relieve us from the fear of material existence.

Çrî Mukunda-muktåvalî

≤∆-úƒ∞¿-∆®@Ä òΩ¥éË؈Ÿ⁄–-é®@Ä
⁄∆é⁄–™-≤⁄ƒ≤Ÿ—æÄ ⁄∆—∂‹¿≥º≥Æ-“Ÿ—æºÍ |
é≤é-¡⁄ò-Æfié›ƒÄ òŸ¡-∏“Ÿ∆@ò›ƒÄ
éº⁄¥ ⁄≤⁄êƒ-–Ÿ¿Ä ≤È⁄º íË¥¤-鋺Ÿ¿ºÍ ||1||
nava-jaladhara-var√aµ campakodbhåsi-kar√aµ
vikasita-nalinåsyaµ visphuran-manda-håsyam
kanaka-ruci-dukülaµ cåru-bahårvacülaµ
kam api nikhila-såraµ naumi gopî-kumåram (1)

Whose bodily hue is like that of a fresh monsoon cloud, whose ears are beautified by campå flowers,
whose face is like a fully-opened lotus flower upon which a gentle smile always plays, whose garments
shine like gold, upon whose head rests a peacock-feather crown, and who is the essence of all living
beings—I praise that son of Çrî Yaçodå.

º‹ê-⁄ú™-À¿⁄Æ≥ÆfiÅ é‰⁄ƒ-ƒŸ∆©æ-⁄–≥∞‹Å
é¿-⁄∆⁄≤⁄“™-é≥Æfi∏@≈ƒ∆¤-¥˘Ÿ®-∏≥∞‹Å |
∆¥‹¡¥–‡‡™-¿‰®‹Å é’-⁄≤⁄’P-∆‰®‹-
∆@ò≤∆Àí∞‰≤‹Å ¥Ÿ™‹ ºŸÄ ≤≥Æ–›≤‹Å ||2||
mukha-jita-çarad-indu˙ keli-låva√ya-sindhu˙
kara-vinihita-kandur ballavî-prå√a-bandhu˙
vapur upas®ta-re√u˙ kakßa-nikßipta-ve√ur
vacana-vaçaga-dhenu˙ påtu måµ nanda-sünu˙ (2)

Whose incomparably splendorous face defeats the shining beauty of the autumnal full moon, who is
an ocean of playfulness and loveliness, who holds a toy ball in His hand, who is the gopîs’ life-friend,
whose divine form is covered with dust kicked up by the cows, whose flute is tucked under His arm, and
whose words subjugate the cows—may that son of Nanda protect me.

±∆—™-Æfi{-ÀÄêò›• ∏≈ƒ∆¤-鋃˥í›ß˛
∫#-ºŸ≤–Ÿ⁄∞¡ß˛ ⁄≤ƒ-éħ-⁄¥ôö-ò›•˛ |
éħ-ƒ⁄Ω∏-º°ú‹-í‹°ú é‰⁄ƒ-ƒπ∞-¿Ωæ-é‹°ú
é®@-∆⁄™@-∂‹≈ƒ-é‹≥Æ ¥Ÿ⁄“ Ɖ∆ ºŸÄ º‹é‹≥Æ ||3||
dhvasta-du߆a-ça∫khacü∂a ballavî-kulopagü∂ha
bhakta-månasadhirü∂ha nila-ka√†ha-piccha-cü∂a
ka√†ha-lambhi-mañju-guñja keli-labdha-ramya-kuñja
kar√a-varti-phulla-kunda påhi deva måµ mukunda (3)

Hey Mukunda! In the snap of a finger You killed demons like Ça∫khacü∂a, with great prema the for-
tunate gopîs are fastened to You by their hearts, You always reside in the land of Your devotees’ minds,
You always decorate Your hair with a peacock-feather, a charming garland of guñja always hangs around
Your neck, to perform Your rasa-laden pastimes You take shelter of enchanting kuñjas, and You wear
fully-blossomed jasmine flowers in Your ears. O Deva! Please protect me.

æ◊-∫Äí-¡{-Àé˚ ≤‹≥≤-îË¿-º‰î-òé˚
∆‡⁄{-¥›¿ ⁄ê≥≤-íË¥-∆¤’®Ë¥úŸ™-éË¥ |
⁄’P-–…æ-“—™-¥Ø˜ ∞Ÿ⁄¿™Ëôò-Àʃ-–ؘ
í‹PíË{ ¿’ ¿’ ºŸÄ ™¨ŸY ¥ÄéúŸ’ ||4||
yajña-bha∫ga-ru߆a-çakra nunna-ghora-megha-cakra
v®ß†i-püra khinna-gopa-vîkßa√opajåta-kopa
kßipta-savya-hasta-padma dhåritocca-çaila-sadma
gupta-go߆a rakßa rakßa måµ tathådya pa∫kajåkßa (4)

O lotus-eyed Lord! After You stopped the vraja-våsîs’ sacrifice to Indra, Indra became very angry and
sent a multitude of frightful clouds to inundate Vraja with rain. Seeing how the cowherd people were
distressed by this calamity, becoming unlimitedly angry You at once lifted the lofty Govardhana Hill
with Your left hand and used it as an umbrella to protect the entire Vraja-maöala. Please now protect
this shelterless person in the same way.

º‹#Ÿ-“Ÿ¿Ä Æ∞Æfi•‹-òé˚ŸéŸ¿Ä
–Ÿ¿Ä íË¥¤-º≤⁄– º≤ËúŸ¿Ë¥¤ |
éË¥¤ éÄ–‰ êƒ-⁄≤é‹¿Ω∏Ë%Ä–‰
∆ÄÀ‰ ¿óÓ¤ ⁄ÆÀ™‹ ¿⁄™Ä ≤Å ÀŸóÓ¤@ ||5||
muktå-håraµ dadhad-u∂u-cakråkåraµ
såraµ gopî-manasi manojåropî
kopî kaµse khala-nikurambottaµse
vaµçe ra∫gî diçatu ratiµ na˙ çår∫gî (5)

Who on His chest wears a splendid necklace of precious pearls which is like a cluster of stars, who
always transmits prema into the hearts of the gopîs, who became boundlessly angry at Kaµsa, the
crown-jewel of demons, and who has special affection for His flute—may that Çrî K®ß√a bestow upon us
that very rare love for Him.

ƒ¤ƒË¶ŸºŸ úƒ∞¿-ºŸƒŸ Õ柺Ÿ
’ŸºŸÅ 韺ŸÆ⁄∫¿òæ≥™¤ ¿ŸºŸÅ |
–Ÿ ºŸº…æŸÆ⁄ꃺ‹≤¤≤ŸÄ —™…æŸ
í…æŸ-¥›⁄™@@Å ¥˘∫‹¿î-À&˺›@⁄™@Å ||6||
lîloddåmå jaladhara-målå çyåmå
kßåmå˙ kåmåd abhiracayantî råmå˙
så måm avyåd akhila-munînåµ stavyå
gavyå-pürti˙ prabhur agha-çatror murti˙ (6)

Which is engaged in freely performing pastimes, which is dark like a garland of monsoon clouds,
which debilitates the gopîs with the disease of prema, which is praised by all the munis, and which is
fully satisfied by milk products such as milk and butter—may I be protected by that beautiful transcen-
dental form of Çrî Nanda-nandana, the enemy of Aghåsura.

≤≥Æ-≤≥Æ≤⁄º⁄≥Æ¿Ÿé‚™-∆≥Æ≤Ä ∞‡™-ò≥Æ≤Ä |
–‹≥Æ¿¤-¿⁄™-º⁄≥Æ¿¤-é‚™-é≥Æ¿Ä ∞‡™º≥Æ¿Ä
é‹©•ƒ-Y‹⁄™-º©•ƒ-µ™‹™-é≥∞¿Ä ∫ú –‹≥Æ¿ºÍ ||7||
nanda-nandanamindiråk®ta-vandanaµ dh®ta-candanaµ
sundarî-rati-mandirî-k®ta-kandaraµ dh®ta-mandaraµ
ku√∂ala-dyuti-ma√∂ala-pluta-kandharaµ bhaja sundaram (7)

Whose captivating face pulverises the pride of the shining full moon, whose feet are forever served by
the goddess Lakßmîdevî, whose divine form is anointed with brilliant sandalwood paste, who to accept
the vraja-gopîs’ gift of prema constructs mandiras within the caves of Govardhana, who to save Vraja
from the great deluge playfully lifted Govardhana Hill with His lotus hand, and whose neck is engulfed
by the effulgence of His glittering earrings—always serve that Çyåmasundara Nanda-nandana.

íË鋃ŸóÓ≤-ºóÓƒÄ é‚™-¥›™≤Ÿ-∫∆-ºËò≤Ä
é‹≥Æ-–‹≥Æ¿-Æ≥™ºΩ∏‹ú-∆‡≥Æ-∆⁄≥Æ™-ƒËò≤ºÍ |
ÆÊ∆™-∆˘ú-Æfiƒ@∫Ä ∫ú ∏≈ƒ∆¤-鋃-∆≈ƒ∫ºÍ ||8||
gokulå∫gana-ma∫galaµ k®ta-pütanå-bhava-mocanaµ
kunda-sundara-dantam ambuja-v®nda-vandita-locanaµ
daivata-vraja-durlabhaµ bhaja ballavî-kula-vallabham (8)

Who adorns Gokula’s courtyards with His spellbinding pastimes, who liberates demons like Pütanå
from the cycle of birth and death, whose teeth are bright white and charming like a row of jasmine
flowers, whose wide eyes are worshipped by lotus flowers, whose blossom-like hands are splendid like
fully-opened, fragrant lotuses, and whose darçana is rarely attained even by the demigods—always
remember that Gopî-jana-vallabha Çrî K®ß√a.

í©•-¥Ÿ⁄ƒ-™Ÿ©•∆Ÿ⁄ƒ-ÀŸ⁄ƒ-¿´≤-é‹©•ƒºÍ |
ò©•-∏Ÿ“‹-Æ©•º& ≤È⁄º éÄ–-ê©•≤ºÍ ||8||
ca√∂a-båhu-da√∂am atra naumi kaµsa-kha√∂anam (9)

The charming splendour of His face destroys the pride of the effulgent full moon, His jewelled ear-
rings always dance upon His neck, His chest is always adorned with a garland of fully-opened lotus flow-
ers, and for His enemies His arms are very powerful—I praise that Çrî K®ß√a, the slayer of Kaµsa.

—´∆ŸÄ – ¥Ÿ™‹ ∂‹≈ƒ-òŸ¡-⁄ò⁄≈ƒ¿Y-∏≈ƒ∆Å ||10||
tu∫ga-ç®∫ga-sa∫gi-på√ir a∫ganåli-ma∫gala˙
tvåµ sa patu phulla-cåru-cillir adya ballava˙ (10)

His bodily complexion has become golden due to being anointed with candana which is like rising
waves, His lotus hand holds a long horn, He is the embodiment of auspiciousness for the Vraja-gopîs,
the burgeoning vine of His fame mocks the jasmine flower which decorates all the directions, and His
pleasing blossom-like eyebrows are always refulgent—may that son of the cowherd king now protect

Ñ≥Æ˙-⁄≤∆Ÿ¿Ä ∆˘ú¥⁄™∆Ÿ¿Ä
⁄≤∞‹@™∆Ÿ¿Ä „™î≤∆Ÿ¿ºÍ |
¿⁄’™ íË&Ä ¥˘¤⁄®™íË&Ä
´∆ŸÄ ∞‡™-íË&Ä ≤È⁄º –íË&ºÍ ||11||
indra-nivåraµ vraja-pati-våraµ
nirdhuta-våraµ h®ta-ghana-våram
rakßita gotraµ prî√ita-gotraµ
tvåµ dh®ta-gotraµ naumi sa-gotram (11)

Hey Çrî K®ß√a! After preventing Your father Nanda Mahåråja from performing the sacrifice to Indra,
You checked the angry Indra by resolving that all the rain which fell would be dried up and by remov-
ing the thick wall of rainclouds—in this way You protected Vraja and delighted Your clan. I praise
Vrajendra-nandana Giridhårî Çrî K®ß√a and His cowherd clan.

–Ä™™-–‰⁄∆™-柺‹≤-雃ºÍ |
∆≥Ɖ –‹≥Æ¿-ò≥Æ˙é-ò›ƒÄ
´∆Ÿº“º⁄êƒ-ò¿Ÿò¿-º›ƒºÍ ||12||
vande sundara-candraka-cülaµ
tvåm aham akhila-caråcara-mülam (12)

You are like a spear which is always poking the heart of the powerful King Kaµsa, You are always rel-
ishing the banks of the Yamunå, and Your head is adorned with a beautiful peacock-feather. I worship
You, the source of all moving and non-moving beings.

¥Ÿ⁄ƒ™-⁄∆∏‹‹∞—™Ë⁄Œ™-∆–‹∞Å |
ºŸº⁄™-¿⁄–éÅ é‰⁄ƒ⁄∫¿⁄∞éÅ
⁄–™-–‹∫í-¿ÆŠ邥晋 ∆¿ÆÅ ||13||
malayaja-ruciras tanu-jita-mudira˙
pålita-vibudhas toßita-vasudha˙
måm ati-rasika˙ kelibhir adhika˙
sita-subhaga-rada˙ k®payatu varadah (13)

Whose divine form is splendidly anointed with candana, whose bodily complexion reproaches the
hue of a fresh monsoon cloud, who has taken a vow to always protect the demigods, who pleases the
earth by slaying the demons which burden her, whose teeth are bright and charming like jasmine flow-
ers, and whose blissful, variegated pastimes eclipse those of all other incarnations—may that Çrî K®ß√a,
the crown-jewel of those who are rasika and the bestower of benedictions, be merciful to me.

≤∆-úƒ∞¿ ⁄é¿®Ë≈ƒ–ÆóÓºÍ |
æ‹∆⁄™-„Ææ ∞‡™-ºÆ≤-™¿óÓÄ
¥˘®º™ 柺‹≤-™¢-é‚™-¿óÓºÍ ||14||
nava-jaladhara kira√ollasad-a∫gam
yuvati-h®daya dh®ta-madana-tara∫gaµ
pra√amata yåmuna-ta†a-k®ta-ra∫gam (14)

Who creates intoxicating sound-waves with His flute, whose body exudes a hue the colour of a fresh
monsoon cloud, who produces waves of prema in the hearts of the young gopîs, and who always sports
on the banks of the Yamunå—offer pra√åma unto that Bhagavån Çyåmasundara.

≤∆ŸΩ∫ËÆ-≤¤ƒÄ úí%Ë⁄Œ-À¤ƒÄ
º‹êŸ–⁄óÓ-∆ÄÀÄ ⁄Àê©•Ÿ∆™Ä–ºÍ |
é¿Ÿƒ⁄Ω∏∆‰&Ä ∆¿ŸΩ∫Ëú-≤‰&Ä
∞‡™—∂¤™í‹°úÄ ∫ú‰ ƒπ∞-é‹°úºÍ ||15||
navåmbhoda-nîlaµ jagat-toßi-çîlaµ
mukhåsa∫gi-vaµçaµ çikha√∂åvataµsam
karålambi-vetraµ varåmbhoja-netraµ
dh®ta-sphîta-guñjaµ bhaje labdha-kuñjam (15)

Who is dark like a fresh monsoon cloud, whose sweet nature and conduct satisfies all the universes,
whose flute never leaves His mouth, who wears a peacock-feather crown, who holds a staff in His hand,
whose eyes are brilliant like lotuses, who wears large guñja garlands, and who enjoys pastimes in the
kuñjas of V®ndåvana—I take shelter of that Çrî K®ß√a.

„™-’Ë⁄®-∫Ÿ¿Ä é‚™-胉À-“Ÿ¿Ä
úíÆÍ-í¤™-–Ÿ¿Ä º“Ÿ-¿´≤-“Ÿ¿ºÍ |
º‡Æfi-Õ柺-é‰ÀÄ ƒ–B˝≥æ-∆‰ÀÄ
é‚¥Ÿ⁄∫≤@ƉÀÄ ∫ú‰ ∏≈ƒ∆‰ÀºÍ ||16||
h®ta-kßo√i-bhåraµ k®ta-kleça-håraµ
jagad-gîta-såraµ mahå-ratna-håram
m®du-çyåma-keçaµ lasad-vanya-veçaµ
k®påbhirnadeçaµ bhaje ballaveçam (16)

Who by slaying powerful demons removes the earth’s burden, who eradicates the sufferings of saintly
persons, whose great strength is sung about throughout the world, who wears necklaces of invaluable
jewels, whose hair is very soft and dark, who is attired like a resident of the forest, and who is an ocean
of mercy—I take shelter of that Gopendra-kumåra.

Ü≈ƒ–ÆÍ-∏≈ƒ∆¤-∆Ÿ––ŸÄ ™—é¿-
—™‰ú–Ÿ ⁄≤⁄ú@™-¥˘—∂‹¿ØˆŸ—é¿Å |
¥Ÿ™‹ ∆Å –∆@™Ë Ɖ∆é¤-≤≥Æ≤Å ||17||
ullasad-ballavî-våsasåµ taskaras
tejaså nirjita-prasphurad-bhåskara˙
pîna-do˙-stambhayor ullasac-candana˙
påtu va˙ sarvato devakî-nandana˙ (17)

Who steals the resplendent garments of the gopîs, whose bodily effulgence defeats even the brightness
of the glowing sun, and whose strong arms are splendorously anointed with candana—may that Yaçodå-
nandana protect you in all ways.

–Ä–‡™‰—™Ÿ¿éÄ ™Ä í∆ŸÄ òŸ¿éÄ
∆‰®‹≤Ÿ º⁄©•™Ä é˚¤•˛≤‰ ¥⁄©•™ºÍ |
∞Ÿ™‹⁄∫∆‰@⁄Œ®Ä ÆŸ≤∆B˝‰⁄Œ®Ä
⁄ò≥™æ —∆Ÿ⁄º≤Ä ∏≈ƒ∆¤-éŸ⁄º≤ºÍ ||18||
saµs®tes tårakaµ taµ gavåµ cårakaµ
ve√unå ma√∂itaµ krî∂ane pa√∂itam
dhåtubhir veßi√aµ dånava-dveßi√aµ
cintaya svåminaµ ballavî-kåminam (18)

Who delivers those who are saintly from the ocean of material existence, who leads the cows from
forest to forest to graze, who is constantly adorned with a flute, who is highly expert in playing many
varieties of games, whose body is always decorated with pictures drawn with mineral dyes, and who is
the enemy of demons—please meditate upon that Jagadîçvara Çrî K®ß√a, the lover of the gopîs.

Ü¥Ÿ%-é∆ƒÄ ¥¿Ÿí-À∏ƒÄ
ºÆ‰é-À¿®Ä –¿Ëú-ò¿®ºÍ |
Ç⁄¿{-ƃ≤Ä ⁄∆é‚{ƒƒ≤Ä
≤ºŸ⁄º –º“Ä –ÆÊ∆™º“ºÍ ||19||
upåtta-kavalaµ paråga-çabalaµ
mad-eka-çara√aµ saroja-cara√am
ari߆a-dalanaµ vik®ß†a-lalanaµ
namåmi samahaµ sadaiva tam aham (19)

Who holds a mouthful of rice in His hand, whose body is decorated with dust, who is the sole shelter
of saintly persons, whose feet are soft like lotus blossoms, who killed Ari߆åsura, who with His loving
pastimes steals the gopîs’ hearts, and who is perpetually blissful—I forever offer pra√åma unto that

⁄∆“Ÿ¿-–Æ≤Ä º≤Ë◊-¿Æ≤Ä
¥˘®¤™-ºÆ≤Ä ÀÀŸóÏ∆Æ≤ºÍ |
Ü¿—¨-éºƒÄ æÀË⁄∫¿ºƒÄ
é¿Ÿ%éºƒÄ ∫ú—∆ ™ºƒºÍ ||20||
vihåra-sadanaµ manojña-radanaµ
pra√îta-madanaµ çaçå∫ka-vadanam
urastha-kamalaµ yaçobhir amalaµ
karåtta-kamalaµ bhajasva tam alam (20)

Who is an abode of various pastimes, whose rows of teeth are very captivating, who transmits prema
into the hearts of the gopîs, whose face is like a reflection of the full moon, on whose chest Lakßmîdevî
always resides in the form of a golden line, whose pure fame is spread in all directions, and who twirls a
lîlå-kamala* (pastime lotus flower) in His hand—worship that Çrî K®ß√a in every way.

Æfi{±∆Ä–Å é⁄®@響Ÿ∆™Ä–Å
ꉃB˝ÄÀ¤-¥°òº-±∆Ÿ≤-ÀÄ–¤ |
íË¥¤ò‰™Å é‰⁄ƒ-∫óÓ¤-⁄≤鉙Å
¥Ÿ™‹ —∆Ê¿¤ “≥™ ∆Å éÄ–∆Ê¿¤ ||21||
du߆a-dhvaµsa˙ kar√ikåråvataµsa˙
gopî-ceta˙ keli-bha∫gî-niketa˙
påtu svairî hanta va˙ kaµsa-vairî (21)

Who destroys demons, who wears earrings composed of kanera flowers, who plays the fifth note on
His spellbinding flute, and who makes the gopîs’ hearts a dwelling for His varieties of erotic bodily pos-
tures and facial expressions—may that supremely independent Çrî K®ß√a, the enemy of Kaµsa, protect
you all.

∆‡≥ÆŸ¢…æŸÄ é‰⁄ƒºŸ≤≥Æ≤…æŸÄ
é‹∆@≥≤Ÿ¿¤-⁄ò%-é≥Æ¥@-∞Ÿ¿¤ |
≤ºË@ÆÍ퟿¤ ºŸÄ Æfi雃Ÿ¥“Ÿ¿¤
≤¤¥Ÿ¬ß˛Å ¥Ÿ™‹ ∏“Ÿ@∆ò›•Å ||22||
v®ndå†avyåµ kelim ånanda-navyåµ
kurvan nårî-citta-kandarpa-dhårî
narmodgårî måµ dukülåpahårî
nîpårü∂ha˙ påtu barhåvacü∂a˙ (22)

Who by enjoying eternally new, ecstatic pastimes within the V®ndåvana forest makes ever-fresh spon-
taneous love arise within the gopîs’ hearts, and who by joking with them to increase their love for Him,
steals their clothes and climbs a kadamba tree—may that Çrî K®ß√a, who wears a peacock-feather
crown, protect me.

¡⁄ò¿-≤ê‰ ¿òæ –ê‰

∆⁄ƒ™-¿⁄™Ä ∫ú≤-™⁄™ºÍ |
≤@™-À¿®‰ “⁄¿-ò¿®‰ ||23||
rucira-nakhe racaya sakhe
valita-ratiµ bhajan-tatim
tvam aviratis tvarita-gatir
nata-çara√e hari-cara√e (23)

Whose nails are remarkably beautiful, who is the shelter for saintly persons—O friend! Very quickly,
without pausing for even one moment, perpetually worship the feet of Çrî Hari with great love.

¡⁄ò¿-¥¢Å ¥‹⁄ƒ≤-≤¢Å
¥À‹¥-í⁄™í‹@®-∆–⁄™Å |
– ºº À‹⁄òú@ƒÆ-¡⁄ò-
º@≤⁄– ¥⁄¿—∂‹¿™‹ “⁄¿Å ||24||
rucira-pa†a˙ pulina-na†a˙
paçupa-gatir gu√a-vasati˙
sa mama çucir jalada-rucir
manasi parisphuratu hari˙ (24)

Whose garments are very beautiful, who dances on the banks of the Yamunå, who is the sole destina-
tion for the vraja-gopîs, and who is the abode of unlimited auspicious qualities—may that Çrî Hari, who
is the colour of a monsoon cloud and who embodies the ultimate purity, always be manifest in my heart.

–‹ƒ⁄ƒ™-ò⁄¿™-⁄≤⁄êƒ-ú≤-¿°ú≤ |
ºŸÄ ¥⁄¿¥Ÿƒæ éŸ⁄ƒæ-í°ú≤ ||25||
måµ paripålaya kåliya-gañjana (25)

Hey Çrî K®ß√a, vanquisher of Kåliya! While simply playing You uprooted the two Yamalårjuna trees,
You delight everyone with Your captivating nature, and Your dancing eyes reproach restless wagtails.
Please nurture me in every way.

⁄∆¿⁄ò™-⁄≤⁄êƒ-êƒË´é¿ –Ä∏¿ |
⁄∆™¿ æÀËÆŸ-™≤æ ∆¿Ä ∆¿º-
⁄∫ƒ⁄Œ™Ä º‰ ∞‡™-¥¤™ŸΩ∏¿ ||26||
vitara yaçodå-tanaya varaµ varam
abhilaßitaµ me dh®ta-pîtåmbara (26)

Hey Yaçodå-nandana! Your glories pervade all the worlds, You slay all demons, and You are attired in
yellow silk cloth. Please be merciful to me and grant me that most excellent boon which will fulfil my
most cherished desire.

∫Ÿƒ-⁄∆⁄≤⁄ú@™-∆¿-À⁄À-ê©•ºÍ |
é‹¡™ ∏‹∞Ÿ „⁄Æ –¥⁄Æ º‹é‹≥ÆºÍ ||27||
bhåla-vinir jita-vara-çaçi-kha√∂am
kuruta budhå h®di sapadi mukundam (27)

Whose locks of curly hair carry a charming peacock feather, whose forehead eclipses the beauty of a
crescent moon, and whose splendorous teeth defeat jasmine buds—O intelligent men! Quickly seat
that Çrî Mukunda on the throne of your hearts.

æÅ ¥⁄¿¿⁄’™-–‹¿∫¤-ƒ’-
—™Æ⁄¥ ò –‹¿∫¤-ºÆ@≤-Æ’Å |
– ⁄ÆÀ™‹ é‹ÀƒÄ ™∆ ∆≤-ºŸƒ¤ ||28||
ya˙ parirakßita-surabhî-lakßas
tad api ca surabhî-mardana-dakßa˙
sa diçatu kuçalaµ tava vana-målî (28)

Who tends hundreds of thousands of cows, who is highly expert in removing the demigods’ fear, and
who always practices playing the flute—may that Bhagavån Çrî K®ß√a, who wears a garland of forest
flowers, bring you prosperity in all respects.

¿⁄º™⁄≤⁄êƒ-⁄•Ω∫‰ ∆‰®‹-¥¤™Ë}-⁄∏Ω∏‰
“™-êƒ-⁄≤é‹¿Ω∏‰ ∏≈ƒ∆¤-Æ%-ò‹Ω∏‰ |
∫∆™‹ º⁄“™-≤≥Ɖ ™& ∆Å é‰⁄ƒ-é≥Ɖ
úíÆ⁄∆¿ƒ-™‹≥Ɖ ∫⁄#¡∆¤@ º‹é‹≥Ɖ ||29||
ramitanikhila-∂imbhe ve√u-pîto߆ha-bimbe
hata-khala-nikurambe ballavî-datta-cumbe
bhavatu mahita-nande tatra va˙ keli-kande
jagad-avirala-tunde bhaktir urvî mukunde (29)

Who by His loving disposition and sweet nature elates the cowherd boys, the nectar of whose lips is
always drunk by the fortunate flute, who kills the demons, who is given the love of the gopîs’ hearts,
who respects His father Nandaråya, who is a raincloud that showers varieties of nectarean pastimes, and
whose belly contains innumerable universes—may that Bhagavån Çrî K®ß√a, who shows liberation to be
insignificant by imparting blissful prema, bestow abundant devotion upon you.

—º¿-™¿⁄ƒ™ B‡⁄{⁄≤@⁄º@™Ÿ≤≥Æ-∆‡⁄{Å |
≤∆-úƒ∞¿-∞ŸºŸ ¥Ÿ™‹ ∆Å é‚œ®-≤Ÿº
∫‹∆≤-º∞‹¿-∆‰ÀŸ ºŸ⁄ƒ≤¤ º›⁄™@¿‰ŒŸ ||30||
smara-taralita-d®ß†ir nirmitånanda-v®ß†i˙
nava-jaladhara-dhåmå påtu va˙ k®ß√a-nåma
bhuvana-madhura-veçå målinî murtir eßå (30)

Who is loved from all directions by young gopîs, who glances at those gopîs with great love and show-
ers them with bliss, whose bodily complexion is like a fresh monsoon cloud, and whose attire enamours
the three worlds—may the divine form of that Çrî K®ß√a, who is decorated with the garland of His
many names, protect you all.

Çrî Rådhikå߆akam

⁄Æ⁄À ⁄Æ⁄À ¿òæ≥™¤Ä –Äò¿≥≤‰&-ƒ÷º¤-

⁄∆ƒ⁄–™-ê‹¿ƒ¤⁄∫Å ê°ú¿¤¢—æ ꉃŸºÍ |
„Ææ-º∞‹¥-º≈ƒ¤Ä ∏≈ƒ∆Ÿ∞¤À-–›≤Ë-
¿⁄êƒ-í‹®-íÄ∫¤¿ŸÄ ¿Ÿ⁄∞韺ò@æŸ⁄º ||1||
diçi diçi racayantîµ sañcaran-netra-lakßmî-
vilasita-khuralîbhi˙ khañjarî†asya khelåm
h®daya-madhupa-mallîµ ballavådhîça-sünor
akhila-gu√a-gambhîråµ rådhikåm arcayåmi (1)

Whose wagtail-like eyes playfully wander in all directions, and in whichever direction She casts Her
glance, it is as if that direction is garlanded with lines of flying wagtails; whose eyes are also like jasmine
flowers for the bumblebee of Çrî K®ß√a’s heart, and just as jasmine elates the bumblebee, She gives great
joy to K®ß√a’s heart—I worship that Çrîmatî Rådhikå who, due to possessing innumerable divine attrib-
utes, is very grave.

⁄¥™‹⁄¿“ ∆‡Œ∫Ÿ≤Ë¿≥∆∆Ÿæ-¥˘À⁄—™Ä
úí⁄™ ⁄éƒ –º—™‰ –‹œ§‹ ⁄∆—™Ÿ¿æ≥™¤ºÍ |
∆˘ú-≤‡¥⁄™-鋺Ÿ¿Ä ꉃæ≥™¤Ä –ê¤⁄∫Å
–‹¿⁄∫⁄® ⁄≤úé‹©•‰ ¿Ÿ⁄∞韺ò@æŸ⁄º ||2||
pitur iha v®ßabhånor anvavåya-praçastiµ
jagati kila samaste su߆hu vistårayantîm
vraja-n®pati-kumåraµ khelayantîµ sakhîbhi˙
surabhi√i nija-ku√∂e rådhikåm arcayåmi (2)

Who forever increases the fame of the dynasty of Her father V®ßabhånu Mahåråja throughout all the
worlds, and who accompanied by Her sakhîs always plays with the prince of Vraja in Her own ku√∂a
which is fragrant with the pollen of flowers—I worship that Çrîmatî Rådhikå.

¥˘é¿-ƺ≤-Ƥ’Ÿ-Æ⁄’®-—º‰¿-∆è&ŸºÍ |
é⁄ƒ™-¡⁄ò-™¿óÓŸÄ ¿Ÿ⁄∞韺ò@æŸ⁄º ||3||
kalita-ruci-tara∫gåµ rådhikåm arcayåmi (3)

Whose gently smiling lotus face is more enchanting than even the full moon of the Çarada season,
who upon receiving Çrî K®ß√a’s restless sidelong glance feels the supreme impulse of amorous desire, and
upon whose body the waves of beauty perpetually dance—I worship that Çrîmatî Rådhikå.

⁄∆î⁄¢™-ºÆ-î›®@™Í é‰⁄é-⁄¥ôö-¥˘À⁄—™ |
—∂‹¿Æºƒ-é¥ËƒŸÄ ¿Ÿ⁄∞韺ò@æŸ⁄º ||4||
vigha†ita-mada-ghür√at keki-piccha-praçasti
sphurad-amala-kapolåµ rådhikåm arcayåmi (4)

Whose ringlets of hair, beautifully adorned with clusters of various flowers, forcibly attack and
reproach the fame of the tails of maddened peacocks, and whose pure cheeks are reddish from the juice
of the tåmbüla remnants from Çrî K®ß√a’s bimba-fruit lips—I worship that Çrîmatî Rådhikå.

Ǻ⁄ƒ≤-ƒ⁄ƒ™Ÿ≥™Å —≤‰“-⁄–號≥™¿óÓŸ-
º⁄êƒ-⁄∆∞-⁄∆ÀŸêŸ-–ë∆-⁄∆ë柙-À¤ƒŸºÍ |
∞‡™-º∞‹¿-⁄∆≤ËÆŸÄ ¿Ÿ⁄∞韺ò@æŸ⁄º ||5||
amalina-lalitånta˙ sneha-siktåntara∫gåm
dh®ta-madhura-vinodåµ rådhikåm arcayåmi (5)

Whose heart is always moist with Lalitå-sakhî’s pure internal affection, who is renowned for sharing
all kinds of friendship with the well-mannered Viçåkhå-sakhî, who is a treasure-chest for all the glisten-
ing, priceless jewels of Çrî K®ß√a’s prema, and who perpetually displays sweet playfulness—I worship
that Çrîmatî Rådhikå.

Ç™‹ƒ-º“⁄– ∆‡≥ÆŸ¿©æ-¿Ÿùæ‰É⁄∫⁄Œè™ŸÄ
⁄≤⁄êƒ-–ºæ-∫™‹@Å éŸ⁄%@é—æŸ⁄∞Ɖ∆¤ºÍ |
úíÆî“¿-é¤⁄™@Ä ¿Ÿ⁄∞韺ò@æŸ⁄º ||6||
atula-mahasi v®ndåra√ya-råjye ’bhißiktåµ
nikhila-samaya-bhartu˙ kårttikasyådhidevîm
jagad-agha-hara-kîrtiµ rådhikåm arcayåmi (6)

Who is enthroned as the queen of the incomparably prestigious (due to being far superior to
Vaiku√†ha and the topmost section of Mathurå-ma√∂ala) and always festive (due to the constant pres-
ence of the spring season and to being the land of He who is the very embodiment of bliss, Çrî K®ß√a)
Çrî V®ndåvana, who is the presiding goddess of the king of months, Kårttika, who is the foremost of Çrî
K®ß√a’s innumerable lovers, and who is renowned for removing the sins of all the worlds—I worship
that Çrîmatî Rådhikå.

™¢º⁄¥ éƒæ≥™¤Ä ¥˘Ÿ®-éË¢‰¿∫¤œ¢ºÍ |
í‹¡º⁄™-í‹¡é¤⁄™Ä@ ¿Ÿ⁄∞韺ò@æŸ⁄º ||7||
ta†am api kalayantîµ prå√a-ko†er abhî߆am
gurum ati-guru-kîrtiµ rådhikåm arcayåmi (7)

I worship that Çrîmatî Rådhikå who dearly loves Çrî K®ß√a’s toe-tips as much as She loves His very
heart, and so much so that it cannot even be described. As the initiating guru for the joyful cowherd
people, She instructs them on varieties of cleverness and therefore possesses the eminent fame.

º∞‹⁄¿º-ƒ“¿¤⁄∫Å –Ä¥¿¤™ŸÄ ⁄éÀË¿¤ºÍ |
“⁄¿-∫‹ú-¥⁄¿¿π∞ŸÄ ƒπ∞-¿ËºŸ°ò-¥Ÿ⁄ƒÄ
—∂‹¿Æ¡®-Æfi雃ŸÄ ¿Ÿ⁄∞韺ò@æŸ⁄º ||8||
madhurima-laharîbhi˙ samparîtåµ kiçorîm
hari-bhuja-parirabdhåµ labdha-romåñca-påliµ
sphurad-aru√a-dukülåµ rådhikåm arcayåmi (8)

Whose golden complexion resembles ku∫kuma which has been ground upon a pure emery stone,
whose entire form is pervaded by waves of sweetness, who is an eternal adolescent, who feels horripula-
tion all over upon being embraced by Çrî K®ß√a’s arms, and whose mantle is a resplendent day-break
colour—I worship that Çrîmatî Rådhikå.

™Æºƒ-º∞‹⁄¿Ω®ŸÄ 韺ºŸ∞Ÿ¿-¬¥Ä
¥⁄¿¥§⁄™ ∆⁄¿œ§Ä –‹œ§‹ ¿Ÿ∞Ÿœ¢éÄ æÅ |
—∂‹¢º⁄ꃺ∫¤œ¢Ä ™—æ ™‹œ¢—™≤Ë⁄™ ||9||
tad-amala-madhurim√åµ kåmam ådhåra-rüpaµ
paripa†hati vari߆haµ su߆hu rådhå߆akaµ ya˙
sphu†am akhilam abhî߆aµ tasya tu߆as tanoti (9)

Those who lovingly recite this Rådhikå߆akam which describes Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s sweetnesses such as
Her beauty, qualities, and powers, will please the auspicious moon who rises over the charming banks of
the Yamunå, Çrî K®ß√acandra, and thereby have all their desires fulfilled. This a߆aka is sung in the
melody known as ‘Målinî’.

Çrî Prårthanå-paddhati˙

À‹ØÛ-íŸóÓ‰æ-íÈ¿ŸóÓ¤Ä é‹¿óÓ¤-ƒ⁄óÓº‰’®ŸºÍ |
⁄ú™-éË¢¤≥Æfi-⁄∏Ω∏Ÿ—柺Ω∏‹ÆŸΩ∏¿-–Ä∆‡™ŸºÍ ||1||
çuddha-gå∫geya-gaurå∫gîµ kura∫gî-la∫gimekßa√åm
jita-ko†îndu-bimbåsyåm ambudåmbara-saµv®tåm (1)

V®ndåvaneçvari! O Rådhike! Your complexion is like molten gold, Your supremely captivating eyes are
like the restless and wide-open eyes of a doe, the countenance of Your face defeats millions of full
moons, and You are attired in a splendorous sårî the colour of a fresh raincloud.

≤∆¤≤-∏≈ƒ∆¤-∆‡≥Æ-∞⁄Ωº≈ƒË%Ä–-º⁄≈ƒéŸºÍ |
⁄Æ…æ-¿´≤ŸYƒóÏŸ¿-–‰…溟≤-™≤‹-⁄Ã˘æºÍ ||2||
divya-ratnådy-ala∫kåra-sevyamåna-tanu-çriyam (2)

You are the crown-jewel and jasmine flower of all the vraja-gopîs, and Your limbs are brilliantly
adorned with ornaments composed of celestial jewels.

⁄∆Æì∞-º©•ƒ-í‹¡Ä í‹®-íÈ¿∆-º⁄©•™ŸºÍ |
Ç⁄™-¥˘‰}-∆æ—æŸ⁄∫¿œ¢Ÿ⁄∫¿⁄∫∆‰⁄{™ŸºÍ ||3||
vidagdha-ma√∂ala-guruµ gu√a-gaurava-ma√∂itåm
ati-pre߆ha-vayasyåbhir a߆åbhir abhive߆itåm (3)

The most exalted of the supremely rasika and clever gopîs, You are splendidly adorned with all virtues
and granduer and surrounded by Your beloved eight principle sakhîs.

ò°òƒŸ¥ŸóÓ-∫óÓ‰≤ …æŸé‹ƒ¤-é‚™-é‰À∆ŸºÍ |
íËœ§‰≥Æ˙-–‹™-ú¤∆Ÿ™‹-¿Ωæ-⁄∏Ω∏Ÿ∞¿Ÿº‡™ŸºÍ ||4||
cañcalåpå∫ga-bha∫gena vyåkulî-k®†a-keçavåm
go߆hendra-suta-jîvåtu-ramya-bimbådharåm®tåm (4)

Your crooked glances drive Çrî K®ß√a wild, and the nectar of Your bimba-fruit lips is His life-giving

´∆Ÿº–È æŸò™‰ ≤´∆Ÿ ⁄∆ƒ‹§≤Í æº‹≤Ÿ-™¢‰ |
éŸé‹⁄∫…æŸ@鋃-—∆Ÿ≥™Ë ú≤Ë ∆‡≥ÆŸ∆≤‰Õ∆⁄¿ ||5||
tvåm asau yåcate natvå vilu†han yamunå-ta†e
kåkubhir vyåkula-svånto jano v®ndåvaneçvari (5)

O Çrîmati Rådhike! Greatly distressed and rolling on the banks of the Yamunå, I am imploring You
with respectful and humble words...

é‚™Ÿí—é‰ÉµææËìæ‰É⁄¥ ú≤‰É⁄—º≥鋺™Ÿ∆⁄¥ |
ÆŸ—æ-ÆŸ≤-¥˘ÆŸ≤—æ ƒ∆ºµæ‹¥¥ŸÆæ ||6||
k®tågaske ’py ayogye ’pi jane ’smin kumatåv api
dåsya-dåna-pradånasya lavam apy upapådaya (6)

...that although I am an offender, a rascal, and unqualified in all respects, please satisfy me by engag-
ing me in even the smallest service to You.

æ‹è™—´∆æŸ ú≤Ë ≤Ê∆ ÆfiÅ⁄ê™ËÉ溋¥‰⁄’™‹ºÍ |

é‚¥Ÿ-YË™-Æ˙∆⁄c%-≤∆≤¤™Ÿ⁄– æ´–ÆŸ ||7||
yuktas tvayå jano naiva du˙khito ’yam upekßitum
k®på-dyota-dravac-citta-navanîtåsi yat sadå (7)

Hey K®påmayi! It can never be proper for You to ignore this most distressed soul, for Your soft-as-but-
ter heart is always melted with compassion.


≤∆-íË¿Ëò≤Ÿ-íÈ¿¤Ä ¥˘∆¿‰≥Ƥ∆¿ŸΩ∏¿ŸºÍ |
º⁄®-—™∆é-⁄∆YË⁄™-∆‰®¤…柃ŸóÓ≤Ÿ-∂®ŸºÍ ||1||
nava-gorocanå-gaurîµ pravarendîvaråmbaråm
ma√i-stavaka-vidyoti-ve√î-vyålå∫ganå-pha√åm (1)

Hey V®ndåvaneçvari! Your golden complexion is like fresh gorocana (a yellow pigment used in paint-
ing, dyeing, and tilaka), Your sårî is the colour of a beautiful blue lotus, and the upper-part of Your long,
braided hair is studded with jewels, making it appear like the hood of a cobra.

Ü¥ºŸ≤--ºŸ≤-¥˘“Ÿ⁄¿-º‹ê-º©•ƒŸºÍ |
≤∆‰≥Æfi-⁄≤⁄≥Æ-∫ŸƒËY™Í-é—™›¿¤-⁄™ƒé-⁄Ã˘æºÍ ||2||
navendu-nindi-bhålodyat-kastürî-tilaka-çriyam (2)

Your exquisite face shames the brilliance of the full moon, a fully-blossomed lotus flower, or any other
possible object of comparison, and Your forehead, which is like a newly-risen crescent moon, is splen-
dorously adorned with a musk tilaka mark.

∫˘›⁄ú™Ÿ≤óÓ-éËÆ©•ŸÄ ƒËƒ-≤¤ƒŸƒéŸ∆⁄ƒºÍ |
éùúƒËùù∆ƒ™Ÿ-¿ŸúôòéË¿¤-òŸ¡-ƒËò≤ŸºÍ ||3||
bhrü-jitåna∫ga-koda√∂åµ lola-nîlålakåvalim
kajjalojjvalatå-råjac-cakorî-cåru-locanåm (3)

Your curved eyebrows put to shame Cupid’s bow, Your swaying tresses of black, curling hair are splen-
did, and Your eyes, which are wonderfully decorated with kåjala, appear like a pair of youthful par-
tridges (which are said to be enamoured by the moon and are therefore a symbol of amorous desire).

⁄™ƒ-¥‹œ¥Ÿ∫-≤Ÿ–Ÿí˘-⁄∆¿ŸúÆÍ∆¿-ºÈ⁄è™éŸºÍ |
Ç∞¿ËØÛfl™-∏≥∞›éŸÄ é‹≥ÆŸƒ¤-∏≥∞‹¿-⁄B˝úŸºÍ ||4||
adharoddhüta-bandhükåµ kundålî-bandhura-dvijåm (4)

A splendid pearl adorns the sesame-flower tip of Your nose, Your lips are like bandhuka flowers, and
Your rows of teeth are like the bright seeds of the pomegranate.

–¿´≤-—∆®@-¿Ÿú¤∆-é⁄®@éŸé‚™-é⁄®@éŸºÍ |
é—™›¿¤-⁄∏≥Æfi-⁄ò∏‹éŸÄ ¿´≤-í˘Ê∆‰æéËùù∆ƒŸºÍ ||5||
kastürî-bindu-cibukåµ ratna-graiveyakojjvalåm (5)

Jewel-studded stamens of golden lotus flowers decorate Your ears, Your chin is decorated with a dot of
musk, and You wear an intricately bejewelled necklace.

⁄Æ…æŸóÓÆ-¥⁄¿œ∆óÓ-ƒ–ÆÍ∫‹ú-º‡®Ÿ⁄ƒéŸºÍ |
∆ƒŸ⁄¿-¿´≤-∆ƒæ-郟ƒ⁄Ω∏-郟⁄∆éŸºÍ ||6||
valåri-ratna-valaya-kalålambi-kalåvikåm (6)

Your beautiful arms, which are like lotus-stems, are adorned with armlets, and on Your wrists are
bracelets composed of sapphires which jingle sweetly as You move.

¿´≤ŸÄí‹¿¤æéË≈ƒŸ⁄–-∆¿ŸÄí‹⁄ƒ-é¿ŸΩ∏‹úŸºÍ |
º≤Ë“¿-º“Ÿ“Ÿ¿-⁄∆“Ÿ⁄¿-é‹ò-鋢ͺƒŸºÍ ||7||
manohara-mahå-håra-vihåri-kuca-ku†malåm (7)

The fingers of Your lotus hands are decorated with rings mounted with precious jewels, and Your
breasts are adorned by Your large, enchanting necklace.

¿ËºŸ⁄ƒ-∫‹úí¤ º›ØÛ@¿´≤Ÿ∫-™¿ƒŸ⁄°ò™ŸºÍ |
∆⁄ƒ&æ¤-ƒ™Ÿ-∏ØÛ-’¤®-∫Äí‹¿-º±æºŸºÍ ||8||
romåli-bhujagî mürddha-ratnåbha-taralåñcitåm
vali-trayî-latå-baddha-kßî√a-bha∫gura-madhyamåm (8)

Sitting atop the line of hairs which cross Your navel, the central jewel of that necklace appears like
the jewel on the head of a female snake. Upon Your fine, slender abdomen, which is concave because it
must carry the burden of Your full breasts, are three furrows which are like entwining creepers.

º⁄®-–Ÿ¿–≤Ÿ∞Ÿ¿-⁄∆—∂Ÿ¿-Ã˘Ë⁄®-¿Ë∞–ºÍ |
“‰º-¿Ω∫Ÿ-ºÆŸ¿Ω∫-—™Ω∫≤Ë¡-æ‹íŸé‚⁄™ºÍ ||9||
hema-rambhå-madårambha-stambhanoru-yugåk®tim (9)

Around Your broad hips is a splendid, jewel-studded waist-band, and Your shapely thighs crush the
pride of golden plantains.

úŸ≤‹-Y‹⁄™-⁄ú™-’‹≈ƒ-¥¤™-¿´≤-–º‹ÆÍíéŸºÍ |
À¿≥≤¤¿ú-≤¤¿Ÿùæ-º°ú¤¿-⁄∆¿®™Í-¥ÆŸºÍ ||10||
çaran-nîraja-nîråjya-mañjîra-vira√at-padåm (10)

The splendour of Your beautiful knees puts to shame the radiance of round caskets composed of yel-
low gems, and Your beautiful feet, which are adorned by tinkling anklets, are worshipped by red lotuses
which blossom in autumn.

¿Ÿé‰≥Æfi-éË⁄¢-–È≥Ææ@-úÊ&-¥ŸÆ-≤ê-Y‹⁄™ºÍ |
Çœ¢Ÿ⁄∫Å –Ÿ⁄^∆éÊ∫Ÿ@∆Ê¿Ÿé‹ƒ¤-é‚™-⁄∆í˘“ŸºÍ ||11||
a߆åbhi˙ såttvikair bhåvair åkulî-k®ta-vigrahåm (11)

The resplendence of the nails of Your lotus feet defeats the beauty of millions of full moons, and Your
entire form is pervaded by the eight symptoms of ecstasy.

º‹é‹≥ÆŸóÓ-é‚™Ÿ¥ŸóÓŸº≤óÓË⁄º@-™¿⁄óÓ™ŸºÍ |
´∆ŸºŸ¿π∞-⁄Ã˘æŸ≤≥ÆŸÄ ∆≥Ɖ ∆‡≥ÆŸ∆≤‰Õ∆⁄¿ ||12||
mukundå∫ga-k®tåpå∫gåm ana∫gormi-tara∫gitåm
tvåm årabdha-çriyånandåµ vande v®ndåvaneçvari (12)

As You flash sidelong glances at Çrî K®ß√a, You swell with waves of amorous desire, and then You
meet with Him and experience infinite bliss. Hey V®ndåvaneçvari! I worship You, the reservoir of
divine qualities.

Ç⁄æ ¥˘ËY≥º“Ÿ∫Ÿ∆-ºŸ∞‹¿¤ ⁄∆vƒŸ≥™¿‰ |

ÇÀ‰Œ-≤Ÿ⁄æéŸ∆—¨Ÿ-¥˘Ÿé¢ÒŸØˆfi™-ò‰⁄œ¢™‰ ||13||
ayi prodyan-mahå-bhåva-mådhurî vihvalåntare
açeßa-nåyikåvasthå-pråka†yådbhuta-ce߆ite (13)

Your heart is benumbed by the aggregate of the sweetnesses of mahåbhåva, and because You possess all
the attributes of the unlimited varieties of heroines, everyone is astonished upon witnessing Your varied
moods and gestures.

–∆@-ºŸ∞‹æ@-⁄∆°ö˃¤-⁄≤º@⁄°ö™-¥ÆŸΩ∏‹ú‰ |
Ñ⁄≥Æ¿Ÿ-º‡ìæ-–È≥Ææ@-—∂‹¿ÆÄ⁄î˘-≤꟰òƒ‰ ||14||
indirå-m®gya-saundarya-sphurad-a∫ghri-nakhåñcale (14)

All the attributes of a heroine such as sweetness attend Your lotus feet, and that beauty which even
Lakßmîdevî prays for shines forth from the nails of those feet.

íË鋃‰≥Æ‹-º‹ê¤-∆‡≥Æ-–¤º≥™Ë%Ä–-º°ú⁄¿ |
ƒ⁄ƒ™Ÿ⁄Æ-–ê¤-曨-ú¤∆Ÿ™‹-⁄—º™-éË¿é‰ ||15||
lalitådi-sakhî-yütha-jîvåtu-smita-korake (15)

Your are the crest-jewel and flower-bud of all the women of Gokula, and Your sweet, gentle smile is
life-giving tonic for all the sakhîs headed by Lalitå.

ò¢‹ƒŸ¥ŸóÓ-ºŸ∞‹æ@-⁄∏≥Æ›≥ºŸ⁄Æ™-ºŸ∞∆‰ |
™Ÿ™¥ŸÆ-æÀÅ—™Ëº-éÊ¿∆Ÿ≤≥Æ-ò⁄≥Æ˙é‰ ||16||
tåta-påda-yaça˙ stoma-kairavånanda-candrike (16)

The sidelong glances from Your restless eyes act as drops of ambrosia which madden Mådhava, and
You are the moon which delights the flower of Your father’s fame.

Ç¥Ÿ¿-é¡®Ÿ-¥›¿-¥›⁄¿™Ÿ≥™º@≤Ë-HƉ |
¥˘–¤ÆŸ⁄—º≤Í ú≤‰ Ɖ⁄∆ ⁄≤ú-ÆŸ—æ-—¥‡“Ÿú‹⁄Œ ||17||
prasîdåsmin jane devi nija-dåsya-sp®hå-jußi (17)

Your heart is like a fathomless sarovara which is overflowing with compassion, therefore hey Devi! Be
pleased with this humble soul who longs to become Your dåsî.

é⁄ôò^∆Ä òŸ¢‹¥¢‹≤Ÿ ™‰≤ íËœ§‰≥Æ˙-–›≤‹≤Ÿ |

¥˘Ÿ≠æ@ºŸ≤-òƒŸ¥ŸóÓ-¥˘–ŸÆŸ Æ˙÷æ–‰ ºæŸ? ||18||
kaccit tvaµ cå†u-pa†unå tena go߆hendra-sünunå
prårthyamåna-calåpå∫ga-prasådå drakßyase mayå? (18)

After Your mood of jealous anger has broken, the cunning Çrî K®ß√a entreats You to meet with Him
with words of flattery. At that time You become ecstatic and shower Him with sidelong glances—when
will I be able to witness such emotions?

´∆ŸÄ –Ÿ∞‹ ºŸ∞∆¤-¥‹œ¥ÊºŸ@∞∆‰≤ 郟⁄∆ÆŸ |
¥˘–Ÿ±æºŸ≤ŸÄ ⁄—∆Y≥™¤Ä ∆¤ú⁄æœæŸΩæ“Ä éÆŸ? ||19||
tvåµ sådhu mådhavî-pußpair mådhavena kalå-vidå
prasådhyamånåµ svidyantîµ vîjayißyåmy ahaµ kadå? (19)

As the skilful and artistic Çrî K®ß√a decorates You with mådhavî flowers, the touch of His lotus hands
causes the symptoms of ecstasy to break out over Your entire form, thereby drenching You in perspira-
tion—oh, when at this time will I be able to gently fan You with a palm-leaf?

é‰⁄ƒ-⁄∆—&Ä⁄–≤Ë ∆é˚-é‰À-∆‡≥Æ—æ –‹≥Æ⁄¿ |

–ė響Ÿæ éÆŸ Ɖ⁄∆ ú≤º‰™Ä ⁄≤Ɖ÷æ⁄–? ||20||
keli-vistraµsino vakra-keça-v®ndasya sundari
saµskåråya kadå devi janam etaµ nidekßyasi? (20)

Hey Devi! Hey Sundari! After Your love-play with Çrî K®ß√a, Your hair is left dishevelled and in need
of being arranged again. When will You order this surrendered soul to perform this service?

éÆŸ ⁄∏Ω∏Ë⁄œ§ ™ŸΩ∏›ƒÄ ºæŸ ™∆ º‹êŸΩ∏‹ú‰ |

ǵæ@ºŸ®Ä ∆˘úŸ∞¤À-–›≤‹¿Ÿ⁄ôöY ∫Ë÷晉? ||21||
kadå bimbo߆hi tåmbülaµ mayå tava mukhåmbuje
arpyamå√aµ vrajådhîça-sünur åcchidya bhokßyate? (21)

Hey Bimbo߆hi (whose lips are like bimba-fruits)! After You accept my offering of tåmbüla, Çrî K®ß√a
removes it from Your lotus mouth and places it in His own mouth—when will I witness such loving

∆˘ú-¿Ÿú-鋺Ÿ¿-∆≈ƒ∫Ÿ-鋃-–¤º≥™-º⁄® ¥˘–¤Æ º‰ |
¥⁄¿∆Ÿ¿-í®—æ ™‰ 樟 ¥Æ∆¤ º‰ ≤ Æ∆¤æ–¤ ∫∆‰™Í ||22||
vraja-råja-kumåra-vallabhå-kula-sîmanta-ma√i prasîda me
parivåra-ga√asya te yathå padavî me na davîyasî bhavet (22)

Since You are the crown-jewel of Vrajendra-nandana’s beloved gopîs, be pleased with me and ever-so
quickly consider me a member of Your family—please show me this kindness.

é¡®ŸÄ º‹“‹¿¨@æ‰ ¥¿Ä ™∆ ∆‡≥ÆŸ∆≤-òé˚∆⁄™@⁄≤ |
Ç⁄¥ é‰⁄À-⁄¿¥Ëæ@æŸ ∫∆‰´– ò¢‹-¥˘Ÿ¨@≤-∫Ÿú≤Ä ú≤Å ||23||
karu√åµ muhur arthaye paraµ tava v®ndåvana-cakravartini
api keçi-riporyayå bhavet sa ca†u-prårthana-bhåjanaµ jana˙ (23)

O Queen of V®ndåvana! At Your lotus feet I beg for Your mercy time and again and implore You to
make me Your pålyadåsî (maidservant). After You have become indignant due to a lover’s quarrel, in
order to meet with You again Çrî K®ß√a will speak many flattering words to me, knowing me to be Your
dear maidservant. At that time I will take His hand and lead Him to You—aho Swåminî! When will
You grant me this mercy?

ÑºÄ ∆‡≥ÆŸ∆≤‰Õ∆æŸ@ ú≤Ë æÅ ¥§⁄™ —™∆ºÍ |

òŸ¢‹-¥‹œ¥Ÿ°ú⁄ƒÄ ≤Ÿº – —æŸÆ—æŸÅ é‚¥Ÿ—¥ÆºÍ ||24||
imaµ v®ndåvaneçvaryå jano ya˙ pa†hati stavam
cå†u-pußpåñjaliµ nåma sa syåd asyå˙ k®påspadam (24)

The fortunate soul who faithfully recites this Cå†u-puspåñjali which glorifies V®ndåvaneçvari Çrîmatî
Rådhikå will very quickly become the recipient of Her mercy.

Çrî Gåndharvå-samprårthanå߆akam

∆‡≥ÆŸ∆≤‰ ⁄∆“¿™Ë⁄¿“ é‰⁄ƒ-é‹°ú‰

º%-⁄B˝¥-¥˘∆¿-éÈ™‹é-⁄∆∫˘º‰® |
–ÄÆÀ@æ—∆ æ‹∆æË∆@Æ≤Ÿ¿⁄∆≥Æ-
B˝≥B˝Ä ⁄∆∞‰⁄“ º⁄æ Ɖ⁄∆! é‚¥ŸÄ ¥˘–¤Æ ||1||
v®ndåvane viharator iha keli-kuñje
sandarçayasva yuvayor vadanåravinda-
dvandvaµ vidhehi mayi devi! k®påµ prasîda (1)

O Devi Rådhike! You and Çrî K®ß√a are constantly enjoying Your ambrosial amorous pastimes in the
love-groves of V®ndåvana, like the intoxicated king of elephants sporting with his queen elephant.
Therefore, O Gåndharvike! Be pleased with me and mercifully grant me the darçana of Your two lotus-
like faces.


Çrîmatî Rådhikå and K®ß√a are always wandering, walking hand in hand through the leafy paths of
V®ndåvana and playing in the many beautiful keli-kuñjas (pleasure groves). And what do They play?
Hide and seek! But not with Their bodies; how could Çrîmatî Rådhikå possibly hide Her effulgent body?
Instead They play hide and seek with Their eyes, and as Their glances dart towards one another, They
hide from these arrows shot from one anothers’ eyes. These keli-kuñjas decorate the slopes of
Govardhana, Sa∫ke†a, Rådhå-ku√∂a, Nidhuvana, and Sevå-kuñja. Rüpa Goswåmî prays, “O Devî!
Please! Will You grant me the darçana of You both together? Will I see Your smiling faces?”

“Ÿ Ɖ⁄∆! éŸé‹∫¿-íÆÍíÆæŸY ∆ŸòŸ

æŸò‰ ⁄≤¥´æ ∫‹⁄∆ Æ©•∆Æfi؈¢Ÿ⁄™@Å |
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íŸ≥∞⁄∆@é‰! ⁄≤ú-í®‰ í®≤ŸÄ ⁄∆∞‰⁄“ ||2||
hå devi! kåku-bhara-gadgadayådya våcå
yåce nipatya bhuvi da√∂avad udbha†årti˙
asya prasådam abudhasya janasya k®två
gåndharvike! nija-ga√e ga√anåµ vidhehi (2)

O Devi Gåndharvike! In utter desperation I throw myself on the ground like a stick and with a
choked voice humbly implore You to please be merciful to this fool and count me as one of Your own.


Here Rüpa Goswåmî prays, “O Devi! I am crying out to You! My words are coming out like nonsense,
my voice is all choked up, and I am falling on the ground offering my daöavat-praÌmas. I am such a
fool and I know nothing, but hey Gåndharvike! You should please hear my one request: that You write
my name on Your heart as Your pålyådåsî.”

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´∆Ÿ⁄º⁄≥Æ¿Ÿ-⁄∆¿ƒ-¬¥-∫¿ŸÄ ∫úŸ⁄º? ||3||
çyåme! ramå-rama√a-sundaratå-vari߆ha-
çyåmasya våma-bhuja-baddha-tanuµ kadåhaµ
tvåm indirå-virala-rüpa-bharåµ bhajåmi? (3)

O Çrîmati Çyåme! Your Master is even more charming than Nåråya√a Bhagavån and His beauty
enchants the entire creation. You are always at His left side, embraced by His arm, and Your beauty can-
not ever be equalled, even by that of Lakßmî-devî. When will I have properly worshipped such beauty?


Rüpa Goswåmî prays, “O hey Çyåme! Ramå-rama√a Nåråya√a is very beautiful and we can plainly see
that K®ß√a is much, much more beautiful than He! K®ß√a is so beautiful that everyone and everything is
drawn to Him and captivated by Him. But just see! He Himself has become attracted to You! But
Rådhe! You do not want to lie in His lap. He is trying to embrace You, placing His left hand around
Your waist, but You are struggling and saying ‘No, no, no’. You will not accept the shelter of His lap.
Devi! When will I see Your face scowling in this way?”

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≤è™Ä éÆŸ ¥˘º‹⁄Æ™Ÿº⁄∫–Ÿ¿⁄æœæ‰? ||4||
tvåµ pracchadena mudira-cchavinå pidhåya
mañjîra-mukta-cara√åµ ca vidhåya devi!
kuñje vrajendra-tanayena viråjamåne
naktaµ kadå pramuditåm abhisårayißye? (4)

O Devi Rådhike! When will I become Your sakhî, and pleasing You by dressing Your transcendental
form in a raincloud-coloured sårî and removing the anklets from Your feet, send You off to a splendid
kuñja for a nocturnal rendezvous with Nanda-nandana?


Rüpa Mañjarî has many duties, and amongst all of them she is especially expert in dressing Çrîmatî
Rådhikå in perfect accordance to the season. On full-moon nights she will dress Çrîmatî all in white
cloth and rub Her skin with camphor so She shines as white as the full moon and will not be seen in
the forest as She makes Her way to meet Çyåma.

The time is around midnight on the night of the dark moon. V®ndå approaches Rådhikå saying, “O
Rådhe! Do You know that K®ß√a is waiting for You now and that He has sent me to bring You to Him?
Rådhe, please come with me.”

But Rådhikå will not easily give Herself to Him. First She will want to know, “How much does He
want Me?”

Rådhikå refuses to go to Him, saying, “No, I shall not come”. K®ß√a wants Her very much, so seeing
that V®ndå has failed, He sends His friend Subala. Because Subala is very clever in delivering K®ß√a’s
love-laden heart-messages, he has become K®ß√a’s dearest friend and most powerful ally in the matter of
communicating with Çrîmatî Rådhikå.

After K®ß√a persuades Rådhikå to meet with Him, Rådhikå calls Rüpa Mañjarî to Her side: “Hey
Rüpa Mañjarî! I shall go to Him and you alone will go with Me. No other sakhî shall come tonight, but
look, first some changes must be made!”

Rådhikå is wearing a bright red cloth over Her hips as well as a blue covering cloth which is spangled
with gems in such a way that it sparkles as if it is sprinkled with stars. On this dark night She would be
easily seen from a great distance, so Rüpa is praying, “O Çrîmatî, O my Rådhå, You will order me, ‘Go
and fetch My black clothes, and dress Me in them in such a way so that even if My own mother were to
stand directly in front of Me, she would not see Me before her with My head bent down.’ Then You will
tell me that Your anklets are tinkling like the sound of a swan and that I should wrap them tightly in
cloth so that You may walk silently. After doing this, I will silently lead You to a different kuñja a little
distance from where K®ß√a is eagerly waiting. Then I will go to Him and without shame say, ‘Oh, She
will not come to You tonight. She has refused to meet with You.’”

Rüpa will not let her beloved Swåminî meet with Him unless she is sure that He is sincere and will
not take Her company for granted.

Hearing Rüpa Mañjarî’s words, K®ß√a closes His eyes and sighs very deeply in great pain. Then, seeing
His sincere eagerness to meet with Çrîmatî Rådhikå, Rüpa Mañjarî tells Him, “Put away all Your sor-
row—She is coming!” After Rüpa Mañjarî leads Rådhikå into that kuñja and gives Her into His arms,
she leaves Them there together and stands as a guard at the entrance of the kuñja, not only to prevent
any unauthorised person from entering, but also in case Çrîmatî may call out for anything.

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–Ä∆Ÿ“⁄æœæ⁄™ éÆŸ æ‹∆æËú@≤ËÉæºÍ? ||5||
kuñje prasüna-kula-kalpita-keli-talpe
saµvi߆ayor madhura-narma-vilåsa-bhåjo˙
loka-trayåbhara√ayoç cara√åmbujåni
saµvåhayißyati kadå yuvayor jano ’yam? (5)

O Devi! Within a kuñja You and Çrî K®ß√a lie on a bed composed of varieties of flowers which is a
playground for Your sweet amorous amusement. When will I receive the oppor-tunity to serve the lotus
feet of You and Your beloved, who together are the very adornment of the three worlds? Oh, when will
such an auspicious day come?


Rüpa Mañjarî prays, “O Prå√a-priya! My Rådhå! After bringing You both together in that Sa∫ke†a
kuñja, I will collect many beautiful, soft and fragrant lotus flowers and petals to lay on Your bed. You
will sit there together and, Rådhe! With Your right hand You will lovingly place påna in the beautiful
smiling mouth of K®ß√a. Then You will start to enjoy many smiling, happy talks together. He will praise
You whilst laughing, saying, ‘O My beloved! Dearest of My heart! How well You have cheated Ja†ilå
and Ku†ilå!’ Smiling, You will reply, ‘And You! How nicely You have cheated Candråvalî!’ Looking at
me, You will say, ‘Just see how this mañjarî serves Us so nicely! And how much Paur√amåsî and Lalitå
have helped Us to meet!’

“At that time I shall be situated at Your feet, sometimes massaging them very softly and gently and
sometimes massaging K®ß√a’s feet. Sometimes I will have one hand for You and one for Him and mas-
sage You both together. Your feet are everything to me, Rådhe! I will paint them with lines of lac and
ornament them for Your pleasure.”

Regaining external awareness in his form as Rüpa Goswåmî, he prays, “O Swåminî! O my Rådhå! I
used to perform these services for You! I used to do all these things. Please Rådhe, I want my position
and my sevå back. When will You bring me back to You?”

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–Ä∆¤úæŸ⁄º òº¿¤-òæ-òŸº¿‰®? ||6||
tvat-ku√∂a-rodhasi vilåsa-pariçrame√a
svedåmbu-cumbi-vadanåmburuha-çriyau våm
v®ndåvaneçvari! kadå taru-müla-bhåjau
saµvîjayåmi camarî-caya-cåmare√a? (6)

O V®ndåvaneçvari! After enjoying love-sports with K®ß√a on the bank of Your ku√∂a, Your lotus faces
splendorously decorated with drops of perspiration, You will both relax upon a jewelled siµhåsana
beneath a desire tree. When You are in that condition, when will I be able to soothe You by fanning
You with a cåmara?


Here Rüpa Mañjarî is praying, “Hey Swåminî! On the banks of Your ku√∂a, which is dearer to me
than my own life, there is a place which is lush with many kadamba trees and fragrant flowers such as
målatî and campå. Beautiful creepers wind around the trees and the fragrance of their flowers is spread-
ing all around. Your kuöa is brimming full like my heart, Devi, and is decorated with clusters of blos-
soming lotuses. Hey Rådhå! You are lying there with K®ß√a at this location on the bank. You are both
tired from Your sweet pastimes and beads of perspiration are visible on Your foreheads, sparkling there
so beautifully like pearls decorating Your faces.”

What are these pastimes that have tired Them so much? The clever sakhîs, having seen K®ß√a
absorbed in speaking with Rådhå, craftily stole His flute. They laughed and put it to their lips, knowing
that it is always kissed by His lips. When He realised His va懌 was missing, He was immediately
alarmed and cried out, “Where is My priya-vaµçî? Oh where is she who never leaves my side? Where is
she, the dearest companion of My lips?” K®ß√a ran from one gopî to another inquiring about the where-
abouts of His dear flute. Feeling that such loving expressions and such eagerness for association should
be reserved solely for Rådhikå, the gopîs passed the flute around between them, saying, “Lalitå has it!”,
“Rüpa Mañjarî has it!” and sometimes, “Your vaµçî is so unchaste that she has left You altogether!”

K®ß√a and Çrîmatî Rådhikå are lying there together, tired from this play and from their games of hid-
ing. Big, black bees are coming in swarms and trying to enter the flower of Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s lotus feet.
Attracted by the fragrance, the bees cannot see that they are actually feet, but believe they have discov-
ered a new and most wonderful flower.

Many gopîs are there surrounding Çrîmatî. Some are waving the cåmara, so very slowly, softly, and
sweetly. Some are waving peacock fans, and others softly wave the corners of their sårîs over Çrî K®ß√a’s
head to cool Him. Rüpa Mañjarî prays, “Rådhe, when will You say to me, ‘O dåsî, I am very tired. Will
you come to Me? Will you take up this cåmara, such a beautiful one, white and soft, its handle more
precious than gold, and sweetly fan Me?’

“O Devi! I will come! Taking that cåmara and also bringing the fresh, soft leaves of the açoka tree as
well as peacock feathers, I will softly fan You. O Vraja-devike! When will it become a reality?”

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ºí˘‰ ∆˘ú‰≥Æ˙-™≤æ—æ éÆŸ ≤‹ ≤‰œæ‰? ||7||
lînåµ nikuñja-kuhare bhavatîµ mukunde
citraiva sücitavatî ruciråkßi! nåham
bhugnåµ bhruvaµ na racayeti m®ßå-rußåµ tvåm
agre vrajendra-tanayasya kadå nu neßye? (7)

O beautiful-eyed Rådhike! When You will playfully hide in a secret place within a kuñja and Çrî
K®ß√a comes to know where You are hiding and approaches You, You will ask me, “Hey Rüpa Mañjarî!
Why did you tell K®ß√a where I was hiding?” Then I will reply, “No, no, I didn’t tell; it was Citrå Sakhî
who told Him. Therefore please do not frown at me.” When will I speak these entreating words to You,
while seeing You standing before K®ß√a and accusing me? When will such a day come?


Rådhikå and K®ß√a are playing gambling games, chasing one anothers’ counters across the board with
the throw of dice. As Rådhikå begins to lose the game, K®ß√a starts to smile to Himself, happily seeing
that He is winning. Seeing this, Rådhikå becomes angry and, jumping up very quickly, runs away. No
one can tell where She has gone and K®ß√a begins running here and there, searching all over for Her.
Then He takes Viçåkhå-devî’s cloth in His hands and pleads with her, “Where can I find She who fulfils
My heart’s desire?” Though secretly laughing at Him, outwardly Viçåkhå appears very serious and,
pointing to a far distant kuñja, says, “Oh, She is hiding there.”

Immediately K®ß√a runs all the way to that place, watched by all the sakhîs. When He arrives there,
He finds it empty, and although all the sakhîs and mañjarîs are laughing at Him so much that tears roll
down their cheeks, still He immediately runs all the way back. Out of breath, He appeals to Lalitå with
His eyes and she points out a nearby kuñja. But then, from the corner of His eye, He sees that Viçåkhå
is still laughing and thinks, “Oh, Viçåkhå has lied, and since Lalitå is such good friends with her, surely
Lalitå is lying also!” So, instead of following Lalitå’s indication, He approaches Citrå and says, “Oh,
where is My Rådhå?” Without speaking, Citrå directs Him to the correct kuñja with an indication from
the corners of her lotus eyes. Straight away He goes and finds Rådhikå hiding there.

Rüpa Mañjarî prays, “O my life! My Rådhå! I have followed Him there and am waiting outside. Then
when You at last emerge from the kuñja with K®ß√a, You see me standing there, turn Your head sharply
to look at me with heavy eyebrows and creased-up brow, and say, ‘You mañjarî! Why did you show Him
My secret hiding place?’ Then I will say, ‘O Sakhî, please don’t be angry at me. Don’t direct Your heavy
glances and frowning eyebrows at me. I can see Your body trembling in a sudden rage. Right in front of
Vrajendra-nandana, You are chastising me, Your loyal dåsî. It was Citrå who showed Him Your hiding
place. Why don’t You ask Your laughing friend K®ß√a, who certainly knows the truth?’ Rådhe, when will
that day come when You will look at me like that and I will defend myself? Will You ever give that
opportunity to me?”

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—™Ë&ŸÄ éÆŸ ≤‹ ∫∆™¤º∏ƒËé⁄æœæ‰? ||8||
våg-yuddha-keli-kutuke vraja-råja-sünuµ
jitvonmadåm adhika-darpa-vikåsi-jalpåm
phullåbhir ålibhir analpam udîryamå√a-
stotråµ kadå nu bhavatîm abalokayißye? (8)

When You defeat Çrî K®ß√a in a playful war of words, You become immensely joyful and boast of Your
victory to Your girlfriends. Then the sakhîs will express their delight by exclaiming, “Jaya Rådhe! Jaya
Rådhe!” Oh, when will I become fortunate enough to participate in Your victory chorus?


Here Rüpa Mañjarî is praying, “O crown-jewel of sakhîs, my Swåminî Rådhå, when will I see You
heavily engaged in word-battles with the Prince of Vraja? These arguments wherein You cleverly defeat
that Nanda-nandana are the joy of all Your sakhîs!

“K®ß√a is eager to meet with You and is burning in separation from You. He has sent both Lalitå and
Viçåkhå with sweetly-worded messages for You, but You said, ‘No, I will not go to Him!’ One by one He
sent each of His beloved dütîs (messenger gopîs), even V®ndå and Ku√∂alatå, who are very expert at
revealing His heart to You and softening Your heart towards Him, but even they have not succeeded.
At last He sent the clever Subala who said, ‘That young, fresh boy K®ß√a is just ready to give up His life.
He is like a wilting lotus starved of water. Because You refuse Him again and again, He is just now on
the point of death. I am not praying to You, proud girl, nor shall I beg You to go to Him, but You should
at least hear this message and consider its meaning.’

“Rådhike! You are hearing all this and thinking aloud, addressing the sky in a thoughtful tone, ‘Oh!
He will soon give up His life! That fickle boy! How little He cares for His mother Yaçodå who is wor-
shipped by us gopîs. How he has hardened His heart toward His father Nanda. Indeed, how little He
cares for the whole of Vraja! It is solely up to Me to save them. How will they live after His death,
trapped and addicted as they are to His honey-tasting, deceitful words? They will all blame Me for His
death and it will be very inauspicious for Me. And another thing! No one can match Me in argument
but Him, so how will I pass My time without Him?’

“O Devi! Thinking like this, You gather together a strong group of Your sakhîs and, surrounded by
Them, You start off for Rådhå-ku√∂a by the cover of night. When You arrive there, You see K®ß√a sit-
ting sorrowfully, gazing at Your pond and desiring to enter into it in His distress. Although the sight is
charming to the hearts of all, You immediately turn around and without speaking any words, start to
walk back home. K®ß√a calls out to You, ‘O hey Prå√a-priya!’ He is thinking that perhaps you have not
seen Him and have considered all His messages to be jokes. You hear Him, but You do not care! He
starts to follow You thinking, ‘How is this? She has walked so far to see Me, but without speaking She is
now going away again! What could have happened to make Her so angry?’ Devi, seeing that He is fol-
lowing behind, You alarm all Your sakhîs and also all the ornaments of Your dress by suddenly starting
to run. Then that King of Cheats, Vrajendra-nandana K®ß√a, becomes desperate and runs in front of
You, blocking Your progress with His strong vine-like arms.

“Now You shower Your sakhîs with the nectar of the darçana of Your angry face, and, furious with
Him, You ask, ‘O boy! Who are You and why do You stop Me like this? I am just now going to My
home. I should not have to be harassed by any village boy out late at night. I am in a pure state, having
this morning taken my bath in this ku√∂a. I have just come here in the safe company of My sakhîs to
touch this water for further purification and now I am returning home to worship our household
Deities. How dare You touch Me! You are dirty from being in the fields all day and I fear Your heart is
also far from clean.’

“K®ß√a is proud of the strength of His long arms and having You in His embrace, He replies, ‘O beau-
tiful girl, now You have come into My kingdom! I am V®ndåvana-candra, and You must take My per-
mission to leave here!” Seeing these arguments going on between You and K®ß√a, all the sakhîs and I
laugh and cheer loudly whenever You cleverly defeat His crooked words.

“Eventually Lalitå-sakhî says, ‘O hey Nanda-tanaya! Don’t touch my sakhî and don’t speak to Her like
that! Must a simple, pure and honest girl like Her remain shut up in Her house out of fear of rogues like
You? Are the roads not safe after sundown even though we are travelling in such a large group? You
have banished all the demons and left us with the greater demon (there is no greater demon than He
who ravishes young girls!) I shall certainly take a case against You to the High Court at Mathurå. Let us
see what Kaµsa will give as Your punishment!’

“K®ß√a is quite defeated, but He is so proud that He will not accept His defeat and holds You in His
strong arms, flooding You with joy. Although all the sakhîs are clapping and laughing loudly, He is so
shameless that He doesn’t care. O Swåminî! When will I see Your smiling lotus mouth engaged in this
argument and garland You with a string of beautiful prayers as I clasp my arms around Your neck? O
Devi! When will all this be mine to see and hear?”

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™& ¥˘–ŸÆ-ƒ“¿¤º‹¿¿¤-é¿Ë⁄™ ||9||
ya˙ ko ’pi su߆hu v®ßabhånu-kumårikåyå˙
samprårthanå߆akam idaµ pa†hati prapanna˙
så preyaså saha sametya dh®ta-pramodå
tatra prasåda-laharîm urarî-karoti (9)

Any surrendered soul who with great faith recites these eight appeals to the daughter of V®ßabhånu
Mahåråja will receive direct darçana of Her accompanied by Her beloved Çrî K®ß√a and feel the waves
of Her happiness shower upon him. This a߆aka is sung in the melody known as ‘Vasantatilakå’.


V®ßabhånu-nandinî Çrîmatî Rådhikå will very quickly fulfil all the desires of a devotee who surrenders
to these prayers every day with a heart full of deep bhåva and sings them with deep thirst while crying
tears of love.

Çrî Vraja-navîna-yuva-dvandvå߆akam

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⁄≤∫ŸóÓ-º“–Ë∫@ú‰ ∆˘ú-≤∆¤≤-æ›≤Ëæ‹@íºÍ ||1||
nibhå∫ga-mahasor bhaje vraja-navîna-yünor yugam (1)

I worship the ever-fresh adolescent couple of Vraja, Çrî Çrî Rådhå-K®ß√a, who are the abode of all the
arts headed by dancing and singing, who are decorated in a very captivating fashion, whose garments
rebuke the blue neck of a peacock and gold respectively, and whose splendorous bodily complexions
astound a blossoming golden ketakî flower and a fresh monsoon cloud respectively.

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º‹@êY‹⁄™∫¿Ê∫@ú‰ ∆˘ú-≤∆¤≤-æ¤≤Ëæ@‹íºÍ ||2||
vilimpad iva-var√akåvali-sahodarair dik-ta†îr
mukha-dyuti-bharair bhaje vraja-navîna-yünor yugam (2)

I worship the ever-fresh adolescent couple of Vraja, Çrî Çrî Rådhå-K®ß√a. Eclipsing the beauty and
sweetness of the full moon and defeating the freshly blossomed lotus flower’s pride in its own beauty, the
splendour of Their faces elegantly pervades all directions as if it has anointed them with the finest oint-
ments such as ku∫kuma.

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퇓˴–∆-¿™Ä ∫ú‰ ∆˘ú-≤∆¤≤-æ›≤Ëæ@‹íºÍ ||3||
akharva-madanå∫kuça-prakara-vibhramair a∫kitam
madoddhuram ivebhayor mithunam ullasad vallarî-
g®hotsava-rataµ bhaje vraja-navîna-yünor yugam (3)

Their bodies adorned with spots of red sindüra which fell during Their proud lovers’ quarrel and also
with impressions from each others’ nails which are like marks caused by Kåmadeva’s elephant-goad, like
a pair of mad elephants They are deeply absorbed in a festival of erotic love inside a beautiful bower-
house composed of vines—I worship the ever-fresh adolescent couple of Vraja, Çrî Çrî Rådhå-K®ß√a.

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∆˘ú%Æ⁄≤ÀÄ ∫ú‰ ∆˘ú-≤∆¤≤-æ›≤Ëæ@‹íºÍ ||4||
ghana-pra√aya-nirjhara-prasara-labdha-pürter mano-
hradasya parivåhitåm anusaradbhir asrai˙ plutam
sphurat-tanu-ruhå∫kurair nava-kadamba-j®mbha-çriyaµ
vrajat tad aniçaµ bhaje vraja-navîna-yünor yugam (4)

At every moment the splendid lakes of Their hearts are filled with streams of the nectar of Their
intense love, pervaded by flowing currents of joyful tears, and beautified by the freshly-blossomed
kadamba flowers of Their bodily hairs standing erect in ecstacy—I worship the ever-fresh adolescent
couple of Vraja, Çrî Çrî Rådhå-K®ß√a.

Ç≤óÓ-¿®-⁄∆∫˘º‰ ⁄éº⁄¥ ⁄∏∫˘ÆŸòŸæ@éÄ

⁄º¨Õòƒ-B‡í°òƒ-Y‹⁄™-ÀƒŸéæŸ é¤⁄ƒ™ºÍ |
⁄º@¨Ë ⁄∆ú⁄æ™ŸÄ ∫ú‰ ∆˘ú-≤∆¤≤-æ›≤Ëæ@‹íºÍ ||5||
ana∫ga-ra√a-vibhrame kim api bibhrad-åcåryakaµ
mithaç cala-d®gañcala-dyuti-çalåkayå kîlitam
jagaty-atula-dharmabhir madhura-narmabhis tanvator
mitho vijayitåµ bhaje vraja-navîna-yünor yugam (5)

I worship the ever-fresh adolescent couple of Vraja, Çrî Çrî Rådhå-K®ß√a, who instruct each other in
erotic battle, who pierce one another with the arrows of the splendour of Their restless sidelong glances,
and who proclaim victory over one another with sweet joking words which have no equal in the entire

–“ ¥˘®⁄æ⁄∫ú@≤Ê⁄∆@“¿ºŸ®æËÅ éŸ≤≤‰ |
¥¿—¥¿-º≤Ë-º‡íÄ Ã˘∆®-òŸ¡®Ÿ òò@¿¤-
òæ‰≤ ¿úæ؈ú‰ ∆˘ú-≤∆¤≤-æ›≤Ëæ@‹íºÍ ||6||
saha pra√ayibhir janair viharamå√ayo˙ kånane
paraspara-mano-m®gaµ çrava√a-cåru√å carcarî-
cayena rajayad bhaje vraja-navîna-yünor yugam (6)

Accompanied by Their dearer-than-life sakhîs headed by Lalitå who are adorned with qualities such
as honesty and unique cleverness, They enjoy pastimes in the forest, and by producing the captivating
and sweet melody known as carcarî, They attract the deer of each others’ hearts—I worship the ever-
fresh adolescent couple of Vraja, Çrî Çrî Rådhå-K®ß√a.

–‹í⁄≥∞⁄≤ ⁄∆“Ÿ¿æËú@ƒ-⁄∆“Ÿ¿-⁄∆—∂›⁄ú@™ÊÅ |
™¥‰ –¿⁄– ∆≈ƒ∫‰ –⁄ƒƒ-∆ŸY-⁄∆YŸ-⁄∆∞È
⁄∆Æì∞-∫‹úæË∫@ú‰ ∆˘ú-≤∆¤≤-æ›≤Ëæ@‹íºÍ ||7||
sugandhini vihårayor jala-vihåra-visphürjitai˙
tape sarasi vallabhe salila-vådya-vidyå-vidhau
vidagdha-bhujayor bhaje vraja-navîna-yünor yugam (7)

When in the summer season They enjoy water sports in Çrî Rådhå-ku√∂a, which is fragrant with
beautiful new lotuses full of nectar, Their pearl necklaces break and with great expertise They make
melodious splashing sounds with Their arms—I worship the ever-fresh adolescent couple of Vraja, Çrî
Çrî Rådhå-K®ß√a.

º‡ŒŸ ⁄∆úæ-éŸ⁄À⁄∫Å ¥˘⁄¨™-òŸ™‹¿¤-¿Ÿ⁄À⁄∫-

ìƒ@“—æ “¿®Ä “§Ÿ™Í ¥˘é¢æ⁄؈¡ôòÊ⁄í@¿Ÿ |
™Æ’-é⁄ƒ-Æ’æËÅ é⁄ƒ™-¥’æËÅ –Ÿ⁄’⁄∫Å
鋃ÊÅ —∆-–‹„ÆŸÄ ∫ú‰ ∆˘ú-≤∆¤≤-æ›≤Ëæ@‹íºÍ ||8||
m®ßå vijaya-kåçibhi˙ prathita-cåturî-råçibhir
glahasya hara√aµ ha†håt praka†ayadbhir uccair girå
tad-akßa-kali-dakßayo˙ kalita-pakßayo˙ såkßibhi˙
kulai˙ sva-suh®dåµ bhaje vraja-navîna-yünor yugam (8)

When They stake Their necklaces as wagers and begin playing a game of dice, Their supremely clever
friends take the side of their respective master or mistress, and loudly proclaiming their party to be vic-
torious, forcibly seize the wagered necklaces. I worship the ever-fresh adolescent couple of Vraja, Çrî Çrî
Rådhå-K®ß√a, as They are surrounded by Their own intimate friends and witnesses who are expert at
the dice-game.
ÑÆÄ ∆⁄ƒ™-™‹{æÅ ¥⁄¿¥§⁄≥™ ¥YŸ{éÄ
B˝æËí‹@®-⁄∆éŸ⁄À æ‰ ∆˘ú-≤∆¤≤-æ›≤Ëú@≤ŸÅ |
º‹“‹≤@∆≤∆ËÆæŸÄ ¥˘®æ-ºŸ∞‹¿¤º‰™æË-
¿∆Ÿµæ ⁄≤∆–⁄≥™ ™‰ ¥Æ-–¿Ëú-æ‹ìºŸ⁄≥™é‰ ||9||
idaµ valita-tu߆aya˙ paripa†hanti padyå߆akaµ
dvayor gu√a-vikåçi ye vraja-navîna-yünor janå˙
muhur nava-navodayåµ pra√aya-mådhurîm etayor
avåpya nivasanti te pada-saroja-yugmåntike (9)

Whoever with great love recites these eight verses which reveal the qualities of the ever-fresh youth-
ful couple of Vraja, Çrî Çrî Rådhå-K®ß√a, will taste the perpetually new and fresh sweetness of pure love
for Them and attain eternal residence at Their lotus feet.

Çrî Kårpa√ya-pañjikå-stotram

⁄™}≥∆‡≥ÆŸ¢∆¤-é‹°ú‰-⁄∆◊⁄PÄ ⁄∆Æ∞Ÿ´æ–È |
∆‡≥ÆŸ¢∆¤ÀæËÅ ¥ŸÆ-¥Ø˜‰Œ‹ é‚¥®Ë ú≤Å ||1||
ti߆han v®ndå†avî-kuñje-vijñaptiµ vidadhåty asau
v®ndå†avîçayo˙ påda-padmeßu k®pa√o jana˙ (1)

Residing within a V®ndåvana kuñja, this fallen person is appealing to the lotus feet of the king and
queen of V®ndåvana.

≤∆‰≥Ƥ∆¿-–ÄÆË“-–È≥ÆæŸ@—é≥Æ≤-¥˘∫ºÍ |
òŸ¡-íË¿Ëò≤Ÿ-í∆@-íÈ¿∆-í˘Ÿ⁄–-íÈ¿∫ŸºÍ ||2||
cåru-gorocanå-garva-gaurava-gråsi-gaurabhåm (2)

O V®ndåvaneçvara Çrî K®ß√a! Your brilliant bodily complexion eclipses the beauty of freshly-blos-
somed blue lotus flowers. O V®ndåvaneçvari Çrîmatî Rådhikå! Your bodily lustre devours the pride of
beautiful yellow gorocanå.

ÀŸ™é‹Ω∫-éÆΩ∏-Ã˘¤⁄∆•⁄Ω∏-—∂‹¿ÆΩ∏¿ºÍ |
“¿™Ÿ ⁄éÄÀ‹é—æŸÄÀ›≤ÄÀ‹é‰≤ ⁄∆¿Ÿ⁄ú™ŸºÍ ||3||
haratå kiµçukasyåµçün aµçukena viråjitåm (3)

O V®ndåvaneçvara! The splendour of Your garments mocks the beauty of gold. O V®ndåvaneçvari!
You are splendidly attired in reddish garments which obscure the beauty of the palåça flower.

–∆@-éÊÀË¿∆ÆÍ-∆‡≥Æ-ò›•Ÿ¬ß-“⁄¿≥º⁄®ºÍ |
íË}À‰Œ-⁄éÀË¿¤®ŸÄ ∞⁄Ωº≈ƒË%Ä–-ºŸ⁄ƒéŸºÍ ||4||
go߆haçeßa-kiçorî√åµ dhammillottaµsa-målikåm (4)

O V®ndåvaneçvara! You are the crown-jewel emerald of all the adolescent boys of Vraja, and O
V®ndåvaneçvari! You are the foremost jasmine flower ornament of all the kiçorîs of Vraja.

Ã˘¤À-º‹ë柴º-¬¥Ÿ®ŸÄ ¬¥Ÿ⁄™À⁄æ-⁄∆í˘“ºÍ |
¿ºËùù∆ƒ-∆˘ú∆∞-›∆˘ú-⁄∆—ºŸ⁄¥-–È}∆ŸºÍ ||5||
çrîça-mukhyåtma-rüpå√åµ rüpåtiçayi-vigraham
ramojjvala-vrajavadhü-vraja-vismåpi-sau߆havåm (5)

O V®ndåvaneçvara! Amongst all of Your forms including those of Nåråya√a and Våsudeva, Your two-
armed form which holds the flute is the most beautiful. O V®ndåvaneçvari! Your beauty astounds the
Vraja-gopîs, who themselves are more beautiful and exalted than Lakßmîdevî.

–È¿ªæ-„™-íŸ≥∞∆@Ä í≥∞Ë≥ºŸ⁄Æ™ºŸ∞∆ŸºÍ |
¿Ÿ∞Ÿ¿Ë∞≤-∆ÄÀ¤éÄ º“™¤ºË⁄“™Ÿôæ‹™ŸºÍ ||6||
saurabhya-h®ta-gåndharvaµ gandhonmådita-mådhavåm
rådhårodhana-vaµçîkaµ mahatî-mohitåcyutåm (6)

O V®ndåvaneçvara! Your bodily fragrance attracts Çrîmatî Rådhikå, and O V®ndåvaneçvarî! Your bod-
ily fragrance maddens Çrî K®ß√a. Hey K®ß√a! Your flute song stuns Çrîmatî Rådhikå, and hey Çrîmati!
The sound of Your vî√å captivates K®ß√a.

¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-∞‡⁄™-∞≤-—™‰≤-ƒËò≤Ÿ°òƒ-òŸ¥ƒºÍ |
B‡í°òƒ-郟-∫‡óÓ¤-Æ{-é‚œ®-„ÆΩ∏‹úŸºÍ ||7||
d®gañcala-kalå-bh®∫gî-da߆a-k®ß√a-h®d-ambujåm (7)

O V®ndåvaneçvara! The thief of Your sidelong glance steals the wealth of Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s compo-
sure, and O V®ndåvaneçvari! The bumblebee of Your sidelong glance stings the lotus of Çrî K®ß√a’s

¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-í›ß-¥¿¤“Ÿ–-¥˘È⁄ß-⁄≤∆@ò≤¤-é‚™ºÍ |
∆˘ú‰≥Æ˙-–‹™-≤ºË@⁄#-¿ËºŸ⁄°ò™-™≤›-ƒ™ŸºÍ ||8||
vrajendra-suta-narmokti-romåñcita-tanü-latåm (8)

O V®ndåvaneçvara! Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s mysterious joking words render You speechless, and O V®ndå-
vaneçvari! Vrajendra-nandana’s joking words make Your bodily hairs stand erect in ecstacy.

⁄Æ…æ-–ÆÍ-í‹®-ºŸ⁄®èæ-Ã˘‰⁄®-¿Ë“®-¥∆@™ºÍ |
ܺŸ⁄Æ-¿º®¤-…曓-—¥‡“®¤æ-틮˴鿟ºÍ ||9||
umådi-rama√î-vyüha-sp®ha√îya-gu√otkaråm (9)

O V®ndåvaneçvara! Your splendid divine attributes are like a mountain of rubies, and O V®ndåvaneç-
vari! Your personal qualities are desired by Umå, Lakßmî, and all other goddesses.

´∆ŸÄ ò ∆‡≥ÆŸ∆≤Ÿ∞¤À! ´∆ŸÄ ò ∆‡≥ÆŸ∆≤‰Õ∆⁄¿! |

éŸé‹⁄∫∆@≥ƺŸ≤ËÉæÄ º≥ÆÅ ¥˘Ÿ¨@晉 ú≤Å ||10||
tvåµ ca v®ndåvanådhîça! tvåµ ca v®ndåvaneçvari!
kåkubhir vandamåno ’yaµ manda˙ prårthayate jana˙ (10)

O V®ndåvaneçvara! O V®ndåvaneçvari! In a faltering voice, this foolish person offers You these praises
and appeals to You both.

æËì晟 º‰ ≤ éŸ⁄òB˝ŸÄ é‚¥Ÿ-ƒŸ∫Ÿæ æY⁄¥ |

º“Ÿ-é‚¥Ÿƒ‹-ºÈ⁄ƒ´∆Ÿ%¨Ÿ⁄¥ é‹¡™Ä é‚¥ŸºÍ ||11||
yogyatå me na kåcid våµ k®på-låbhåya yadyapi
mahå-k®pålu-maulitvåt tathåpi kurutaµ k®påm (11)

O V®ndåvaneçvara! O V®ndåvaneçvari! Although I am not qualified to receive Your mercy, neverthe-

less You both should be merciful to me because You are the crest-jewels of those who are compassionate.

ÇæËìæ‰Éµæ¥¿Ÿ∞‰É⁄¥ B‡Õæ≥™‰ é‚¥æŸé‹ƒŸÅ |

º“Ÿ-é‚¥Ÿƒ∆Ë “≥™ ƒËé‰ ƒËé‰À-∆⁄≥Æ™È ||12||
ayogye ’py aparådhe ’pi d®çyante k®payåkulå˙
mahå-k®pålavo hanta loke lokeça-vanditau (12)

In this world those who are known to be very merciful are compassionate even to the unworthy and
offensive. Therefore, since You both are the crest-jewel of those who are very merciful, You should be
merciful to me even though I am unworthy and offensive.

∫#‰∆Ÿ@Ä é¡®Ÿ “‰™Ëƒ‰@ÀŸ∫Ÿ–ËÉ⁄¥ ≤Ÿ⁄—™ º‰ |

º“Ÿ-ƒ¤ƒ‰Õ∆¿™æŸ ™Æµæ& ¥˘–¤Æ™ºÍ ||13||
bhakter våµ karu√å hetor leçåbhåso ’pi nåsti me
mahå-lîleçvaratayå tad apy atra prasîdatam (13)

Although I don’t possess even a fraction of bhakti, which provokes Your compassion, still You should
both be merciful to me because You have performed such wondrous pastimes for the purpose of deliver-
ing the fallen.
ú≤‰ Æfi{‰Éµæ–#‰É⁄¥ ¥˘–¤Æ≥™Ë ⁄∆ƒË⁄陟Š|
º“Ÿƒ¤ƒŸ º“‰ÀŸÕò “Ÿ ≤Ÿ¨È ∏“∆Ë ∫‹⁄∆ ||14||
jane du߆e ’py asakte ’pi prasîdanto vilokitå˙
mahå-lîlå maheçåç ca hå nåthau bahavo bhuvi (14)

Hå Nåtha! V®ndåvaneçvara! Hå V®ndåvaneçvari! In this world there are many men who are greatly
compassionate, and there are many demigods such as Ça∫kara who perform magnificent pastimes and
who mercifully grant their darçana to non-devotees and offenders. Yet You are superior to all of them, so
You should be merciful to this offender.

Ç∞ºËɵæ‹%ºÄ º´∆Ÿ —∆º◊ËÉ⁄¥ º≤¤⁄Œ®ºÍ |

⁄À{Ä Æfi{ËɵææÄ ú≥™‹º@≥™‹Ä …æ⁄∞™ æY⁄¥ ||15||
adhamo ’py uttamaµ matvå svam ajño ’pi manîßi√am
çi߆aµ du߆o ’py ayaµ jantur mantuµ vyadhita yadyapi (15)

O V®ndåvaneçvara! O V®ndåvaneçvari! Although very fallen, I consider myself to be exalted;

although ignorant, I consider myself to be a scholar; although wicked, I consider myself to be mannerly;
although offensive, I consider myself to be faultless. Still, be pleased with me.

™¨Ÿµæ⁄—º≥éÆŸ⁄òB˝Ÿº∞¤ÀÈ ≤Ÿº-ú⁄≈¥⁄≤ |
Ç∆Y-∆‡≥Æ-⁄≤—™Ÿ⁄¿-≤ŸºŸ∫Ÿ–È ¥˘–¤Æ™ºÍ ||16||
tathåpy asmin kadåcid våm adhîçau nåma-jalpini
avadya-v®nda-niståri-nåmåbhåsau prasîdatam (16)

Hey K®ß√a! Hey Çrîmatî Rådhikå! If a sinful person chants even the shadow of Your pure holy names,
You deliver even him from material existence. Therefore be pleased with this person who has occasion-
ally chanted Your names.

æÆ’ΩæÄ ≤‹ æ‹∆æËÅ –é‚؈⁄#-ƒ∆ŸÆ⁄¥ |

™ÆŸíÅ è∆Ÿ⁄¥ ≤Ÿ—´æ‰∆ é‚´∆ŸÀŸÄ ¥˘Ÿ¨@æ‰ ™™Å ||17||
yad akßamyaµ nu yuvayo˙ sak®d bhakti-lavåd api
tadåga˙ kvåpi nåsty eva k®tvåçåµ prårthaye tata˙ (17)

If an offender shows even a fraction of devotion for You, You nullify all of His offences. This makes
me hopeful of receiving Your compassion and I appeal for Your mercy.

“≥™ 胤∏ËÉ⁄¥ ú¤∆ËÉæÄ ≤¤™Å 霢‰≤ ∞‡{™ŸºÍ |
º‹“‹Å ¥˘Ÿ¨@晉 ≤Ÿ¨È ¥˘–ŸÆÅ éËɵæ‹Æ°ò™‹ ||18||
hanta klîbo ’pi jîvo ’yaµ nîta˙ ka߆ena dh®ß†atåm
muhu˙ prårthayate nåthau prasåda˙ ko ’py udañcatu (18)

O V®ndåvaneçvara! O V®ndåvaneçvari! I have absolutely no strength to perform sådhana, and I have

suffered so much within material existence that I am now incapable of tolerating it anymore. Therefore
shamelessly I am praying at the lotus feet of You both that You be kind to me.

äŒ ¥Ÿ¥¤ ¡Æ≥≤‹cÊ¿ŸÆŸæ ¿Æ≤Ê—™‡®ºÍ |

“Ÿ ≤Ÿ¨È ≤Ÿ¨⁄™ ¥˘Ÿ®¤ –¤Æ´æ& ¥˘–¤Æ™ºÍ ||19||
eßa påpî rudann uccair ådåya radanais t®√am
hå nåthau nåthati prå√î sîdaty atra prasîdatam (19)

Although I am very sinful, still I cry out to You in a loud voice, “Hå Nåtha! Hå K®ß√a! Hå V®ndå-
vaneçvari!” Please be kind to this piteous, vile person.

“Ÿ-“Ÿ-¿Ÿ∆º–È é‹∆@≥Æfi∫@íË ⁄∫’™‰ ú≤Å |

ä™ŸÄ º‰ Ç®‹™Ä éŸé‹Ä éŸé‹Ä Ç®‹™º¤Õ∆¿È ||20||
hå-hå-råvam asau kurvan durbhago bhikßate jana˙
etåµ me ç®√utaµ kåkuµ kåkuµ ç®√utam îçvarau (20)

I am most unfortunate, and calling out “Alas! Alas!” I appeal for the mercy of You both. Please one
time lend an ear to my meek, insignificant entreaty.

æŸò‰ ∂›´é‚´æ ∂›´é‚´æ “Ÿ “Ÿ éŸé‹⁄∫¿Ÿé‹ƒŸÅ |

¥˘–¤Æ™ºæËìæ‰É⁄¥ ú≤‰É⁄—º≥é¡®Ÿ®@∆È ||21||
yåce phütk®tya phütk®tya hå hå kåkubhir åkulå˙
prasîdatam ayogye ’pi jane ’smin karu√år√avau (21)

O V®ndåvaneçvara! O V®ndåvaneçvari! You both are oceans of mercy. Although I am unworthy and
fallen, in great distress I am weeping and appealing for Your kindness in a faltering voice.

é˚ËÀŸ´æŸ™@-—∆¿Ê¿Ÿ—æ‰ ≥æ—æŸÄí‹}º–È ú≤Å |

é‹¡™Ä é‹¡™Ä ≤Ÿ¨È é¡®Ÿ-é⁄®éŸº⁄¥ ||22||
kroçåty årta-svarair åsye nyasyå∫gu߆ham asau jana˙
kurutaµ kurutaµ nåthau karu√å-ka√ikåm api (22)

Hey Nåtha! Çrî K®ß√a! Hey Çrîmatî Rådhikå! Dropping my face into my hands, I am crying in
anguish. Therefore please give me even a small drop of Your mercy.

∆Ÿò‰“ Ƥ≤æŸ æŸò‰ –Ÿé˚≥ƺ⁄™-º≥Æ-∞¤Å |
⁄é¿™Ä é¡®Ÿ—∆Ÿ≥™È é¡®Ë⁄º@ôö¢Ÿº⁄¥ ||23||
våceha dînayå yåce såkrandam ati-manda-dhî˙
kirataµ karu√å-svåntau karu√ormi-ccha†åm api (23)

O Çrî K®ß√a and Çrîmatî Rådhikå, Your hearts are melted with compassion. My intelligence is very
meagre, yet here in V®ndåvana, I am weeping and in a piteous voice appealing to You both to shower
me with the splendorous waves of Your mercy.

º∞‹¿ŸÅ –⁄≥™ æŸ∆≥™Ë ∫Ÿ∆ŸÅ –∆@& ò‰™–Å |

™‰ªæËÉ⁄¥ º∞‹¿Ä ¥˘‰º ¥˘–ŸÆ¤-é‹¡™Ä ⁄≤úºÍ ||24||
madhurå˙ santi yåvanto bhåvå˙ sarvatra cetasa˙
tebhyo ’pi madhuraµ prema prasådî-kurutaµ nijam (24)

In comparison to all the sweet bhåvas found in Your various eternal dhåmas, Your prema-bhåva is
superior in all respects and especially attractive to the heart. Therefore gratify me by bestowing that
prema upon me.

–‰∆Ÿº‰∆ŸY ∆ŸÄ Ɖ∆Ÿ∆¤“‰ ⁄éÄò≤ ≤Ÿ¥¿ºÍ |

¥˘–ŸÆŸ⁄∫º‹êÈ “≥™ ∫∆≥™È ∫∆™ŸÄ º⁄æ ||25||
sevåm evådya våµ devåv îhe kiñcana nåparam
prasådåbhimukhau hanta bhavantau bhavatåµ mayi (25)

O Nåtha Çrî K®ß√a! O Çrîmatî Rådhikå! I will not appeal to You both for anything other than an
opportunity to serve You. Therefore please be kind to me.

≤Ÿ⁄¨™Ä ¥¿º‰∆‰Æº≤Ÿ¨-ú≤-∆´–ƒÈ |
—∆Ä –Ÿ’Ÿ¶Ÿ—溉∆Ÿ⁄—º≥¥˘–ŸÆ¤-é‹¡™Ä ú≤‰ ||26||
nåthitaµ param evedam anåtha-jana-vatsalau
svaµ såkßåd dåsyam evåsmin prasådî-kurutaµ jane (26)

O Çrî K®ß√a and Çrî Rådhikå, both of You are especially affectionate to the shelterless. I have learned
that the opportunity to serve You is the highest attainment, so please be kind and grant me the service
of Your lotus feet.

Ç°ú⁄ƒÄ º›⁄±≤@ ⁄∆≥æ—æ Ƥ≤ËÉæÄ ⁄∫’™‰ ú≤Å |

Ç—æ ⁄–⁄ØÛ¿∫¤{—æ –é‚Ƶ拥¥ŸY™ŸºÍ ||27||
añjaliµ mürdhni vinyasya dîno ’yaµ bhikßate jana˙
asya siddhir abhî߆asya sak®d apy upapådyatåm (27)

With folded hands placed on my head, this fallen soul begs You both to be kind and fulfil my desire.

ǺƒË ∆ŸÄ ¥⁄¿ºƒÅ éÆŸ ¥⁄¿⁄ºƒ≥∆≤‰ |
Ç≤î‰@® ¥˘ºËƉ≤ î˘Ÿ®Ä º‰ î›®@⁄æœæ⁄™? ||28||
amalo våµ parimala˙ kadå parimilan vane
anarghe√a pramodena ghrå√aµ me ghür√ayißyati? (28)

Aho! When, as You both meet in a V®ndåvana kuñja, will Your bodily fragrances overwhelm my nose
with immeasurable happiness?

¿°ú⁄æœæ⁄™ é®È@ º‰ “Ä–-í‹⁄°ú™-í°ú≤ºÍ |

º°ú‹ƒÄ ⁄éÄ ≤‹ æ‹∆æ˺@°ú¤¿-éƒ-⁄–⁄°ú™ºÍ? ||29||
rañjayißyati kar√au me haµsa-guñjita-gañjanam
mañjulaµ kiµ nu yuvayor mañjîra-kala-siñjitam? (29)

When will the captivatingly sweet tinkling of Your anklets, which shames the cooing of swans,
delight my ears?

–È∫ŸìæŸóÏ-¿¨ŸóÓŸ⁄Æ-ƒ⁄’™Ÿ⁄≤ ¥ÆŸ⁄≤ ∆ŸºÍ |

éÆŸ ∆‡≥ÆŸ∆≤‰ ¥Õæ≥≤‹≥º⁄Æœæ´ææÄ ú≤Å? ||30||
saubhågyå∫ka-rathå∫gådi-lakßitåni padåni våm
kadå v®ndåvane paçyann unmadißyaty ayaµ jana˙? (30)

Aho! When, upon seeing in this V®ndåvana both of Your footprints which bear the chariot wheel and
other auspicious signs, will I become mad with joy?

–∆@-–È≥Ææ@-ºæŸ@ÆŸ-≤¤¿Ÿùæ-¥Æ-≤¤¿úÈ |
⁄麥›∆Ÿ@⁄® ¥∆Ÿ@⁄® “Ÿ ººŸ÷®Ë⁄∆@∞Ÿ—æ¨? ||31||
kim apürvå√i parvå√i hå mamåkß√or vidhåsyatha? (31)

O Nåtha Çrî K®ß√a! O Çrîmatî Rådhike! All the beauty in the universe offers åratî unto the lotus feet
of You both—when will You grant my eyes the opportunity to witness this unprecedented joyful festival
by giving me the darçana of those lotus feet?

–‹⁄ò¿ŸÀŸ-∂ƒŸ∫Ëí-¥ÆŸΩ∫Ëú-⁄∆ƒËé≤È |
æ‹∆ŸÄ –Ÿ’Ÿùú≤—柗æ ∫∆‰™Ÿ⁄º“ ⁄éÄ ∫∆‰? ||32||
yuvåµ såkßåj janasyåsya bhavetåm iha kiµ bhave? (32)

When my long-cherished desire to see the lotus feet of You both has been fulfilled, when will I receive
the darçana of the rest of You in this world?

éÆŸ ∆‡≥ÆŸ¢∆¤-é‹°úé≥Æ¿‰ –‹≥Æ¿ËÆæÈ |
ꉃ≥™È ∆ŸÄ ⁄∆ƒË⁄éœæ‰ –‹¿™È ≤Ÿ⁄™-Æ›¿™Å? ||33||
kadå vrndå†avî-kuñja-kandare sundarodayau
khelantau våµ vilokißye suratau nåti-dürata˙? (33)

Hey Çrî K®ß√a and Çrî Rådhike! When will I be able to see You both from nearby as You freely enjoy
pastimes in a V®ndåvana kuñja or in a cave of Govardhana?

í‹∆Ÿ@æ%™æŸ è∆Ÿ⁄¥ Æfiƒ@∫Ÿ≥æËÉ≥æ-∆¤’®È |

⁄º¨Å –ÄƉÀ-À¤∞‹ªæŸÄ ≤≥Æ⁄æœæŸ⁄º ∆ŸÄ éÆŸ? ||34||
gurvåyattatayå kvåpi durlabhånyo ’nya-vîkßa√au
mitha˙ sandeça-çîdhubhyåµ nandayißyåmi våµ kadå? (34)

Because You reside near Your parents and other elders, it is very difficult for You to meet. At that time
when will I delight You both by bringing You the nectar of each others’ messages?

í∆‰Œæ≥™Ÿ∆≥æËÉ≥æÄ éÆŸ ∆‡≥ÆŸ∆≤Ÿ≥™¿‰ |

–Äíºøæ æ‹∆ŸÄ ƒµ—æ‰ “Ÿ⁄¿®Ä ¥Ÿ⁄¿™Ë⁄ŒéºÍ? ||35||
gaveßayantåv anyo ’nyaµ kadå v®ndåvanåntare
sa∫gamayya yuvåµ lapsye håri√aµ påritoßikam? (35)

As You are feeling distressed in separation from one another and are searching for one another in
V®ndåvana, when will I bring You together and receive from You both ornaments such as a necklace
and a medallion as my reward for satisfying You?

¥®¤-é‚™-⁄º¨Ë-“Ÿ¿-ƒ‹°ò-≤…æ-í˘“—™æËÅ |
é⁄ƒÄ Y›™‰ ⁄∆ƒË⁄éœæ‰ éÆŸ ∆ŸÄ ⁄ú™-éŸ⁄À≤ËÅ? ||36||
pa√î-k®ta-mitho-håra-luñca-navya-grahas tayo˙
kaliµ dyüte vilokißye kadå våµ jita-kåçino˙? (36)

When You are playing a game of dice in a V®ndåvana kuñja, You both claim victory and, both of You
trying to snatch the wagered necklace, become engaged in a lovers’ quarrel—when will I become fortu-
nate enough to receive Your darçana at this time?

é‹°ú‰ é‹–‹º-ÀøæŸæŸÄ éÆŸ ∆Ÿº⁄¥@™ŸóÓæËÅ |

¥ŸÆ–Ä∆Ÿ“≤Ä “≥™ ú≤ËÉæÄ ¿ò⁄æœæ⁄™? ||37||
kuñje kusuma-çayyåyåµ kadå våm arpitå∫gayo˙
påda-samvåhanaµ hanta jano ’yaµ racayißyati? (37)

As You lie on a bed of flowers within a kuñja with Your bodies entwined together, when will I receive
the fortunate opportunity to lovingly massage the feet of You both?

é≥Æ¥@郓ËÆÍî£-&‹⁄¢™Ÿ≤ŸÄ ƒ™Ÿ-퇓‰ |
éÆŸ í‹Ω∂Ÿæ “Ÿ¿Ÿ®ŸÄ ∫∆≥™È ºŸÄ ⁄≤æË÷æ™Å? ||38||
kandarpa-kalahodgha††a-tru†itånåµ latå-g®he
kadå gumphåya hårå√åµ bhavantau måµ niyokßyata˙? (38)

Aho! When will you appoint me to repair Your necklaces which were broken during Your erotic
encounter within a bower-house composed of vines?

é‰⁄ƒ-é≈ƒËƒ-⁄∆–˘—™Ÿ≥“≥™ ∆‡≥ÆŸ∆≤‰Õ∆¿È |
é⁄“@ ∏⁄“@-¥™&Ê∆Ÿ@Ä º©•⁄æœæŸ⁄º é‹≥™ƒŸ≤Í? ||39||
keli-kallola-visrastån hanta v®ndåvaneçvarau
karhi barhi-patatrair våµ ma√∂ayißyåmi kuntalån? (39)

O V®ndåvaneçvara! During Your amorous sports Your peacock feather becomes detached and O
V®ndavaneçvari! Your hair becomes dishevelled—when will my desires to replace Your peacock feather
and to braid Your hair be fulfiled?

é≥Æ¥@-é‰⁄ƒ-¥Ÿ⁄©•´æ-ê⁄©•™Ÿé≈¥æË¿“ºÍ |
éÆŸ ∆Ÿº⁄ƒé-B˝≥B˝Ä é⁄¿œæ‰ ⁄™ƒéËùù∆ƒºÍ? ||40||
kandarpa-keli-på√∂itya-kha√∂itåkalpayor aham
kadå våm alika-dvandvaµ karißye tilakojjvalam? (40)

Aho! After Your erotic play, when will I draw fresh tilaka on Your foreheads and re-arrange Your scat-
tered ornaments?

Ɖ∆Ë¿—™‰ ∆≤-–˘⁄ì∫B‡@ÀÈ ™‰ Ɖ⁄∆ éùúƒÊÅ |

ÇæÄ ú≤Å éÆŸ é‹°ú-º©•¥‰ º©•⁄æœæ⁄™? ||41||
devoras te vana-sragbhir d®çau te devi kajjalai˙
ayaµ jana˙ kadå kuñja-ma√∂ape ma√∂ayißyati? (41)

Hey Deva! When in the kuñja Your chest is without a garland of forest flowers, I will place one upon
You, and O Devi! When Your eyes are without collyrium, I will replace it—when will I decorate You
both in this way?

úŸΩ∏›≤ÆŸ∫-™ŸΩ∏›ƒ¤-¥®Ÿ@≥æ∆ƃøæ ∆ŸºÍ |
∆Æ≤ŸΩ∏‹úæË¿‰Œ ⁄≤∞Ÿ—æ⁄™ ú≤Å éÆŸ? ||42||
jåmbünadåbha-tåmbülî-par√åny avadalayya våm
vadanåmbujayor eßa nidhåsyati jana˙ kadå? (42)

When will I prepare ripened, golden betel leaves with various fragrant powders and place them in
Your mouths?

è∆Ÿ–È Æfiœé‚™-麟@“Ä è∆ ∆Ÿºªæ¨@≤‰B‡À¤? |
⁄éÄ ∆Ÿ éÄ ∆Ÿ ≤ æ‹∆æË¡≥ºŸÆæ⁄™ ºŸ∞‹¿¤? ||43||
kvåsau dußk®ta-karmåhaµ kva våm abhyarthaned®çî?
kiµ vå kaµ vå na yuvayor unmådayati madhurî? (43)

Aho! What am I, a sinful man, and what are these appeals to render very intimate service that I am
making? But who would not be maddened by the rüpa-mådhurî and lîlå-mådhurî of You both? (In other
words, everyone is maddened by them; I am also maddened by them, and that is why such an insignifi-
cant person as myself is appealing to You for the opportunity to render such elevated services.)

ææŸ ∆‡≥ÆŸ∆≤‰ ú≥™‹¿≤“Ë@ɵ扌 ∆Ÿ—晉 |

™æÊ∆ é‚¥æŸ ≤Ÿ¨È ⁄–⁄ØÄÛ é‹¡™º¤⁄µ–™ºÍ ||44||
yayå v®ndåvane jantur anarho ’py eßa våsyate
tayaiva k®payå nåthau siddhiµ kurutam îpsitam (44)

Hey Nåtha V®ndåvaneçvara! Hey Devi Çrî Rådhike! By that same mercy of Yours by which I reside in
this V®ndåvana, please also fulfil my desire for spiritual perfection.

韥@©æ-¥⁄°ú韺‰™ŸÄ –ÆŸ ∆‡≥ÆŸ¢∆¤-≤¢È |

⁄í¿Ê∆ ú≈¥™Ëɵæ—æ ú≥™ËÅ ⁄–±æ™‹ ∆Ÿ⁄°ö™ºÍ ||45||
kårpa√ya-pañjikåm etåµ sadå v®ndå†avî-na†au
giraiva jalpato ’py asya janto˙ sidhyatu våñchitam (45)

Hey V®ndåvana-vihårî Çrî K®ß√a! Hey V®ndåvana-vihåri√î Çrî Rådhike! I am constantly speaking this
Kårpa√ya-pañjika-stotram, therefore my humble entreaty to You is that the desires which I am express-
ing be fulfilled.

Çrî Lalitå߆akam

¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-º‹é‹≥Æ ¥Æ-–Ω∫∆-îº@-⁄∏≥Æfi-
⁄≤º@°ö≤˥鿮¤-é‚™ Ɖ“-ƒ’ŸºÍ |
Ü%‹óÓ-–È„Æ-⁄∆À‰Œ-∆ÀŸ™Í ¥˘í≈∫ŸÄ
Ɖ∆¤Ä í‹®ÊÅ –‹ƒ⁄ƒ™ŸÄ ƒ⁄ƒ™ŸÄ ≤ºŸ⁄º ||1||
rådhå-mukunda pada-sambhava-gharma-bindu-
nirmañchanopakara√î-k®ta deha-lakßåm
uttu∫ga-sauh®da-viçeßa-vaçåt pragalbhåµ
devîµ gu√ai˙ sulalitåµ lalitåµ namåmi (1)

I offer pra√åma unto the haughty Çrî Lalitå-devî who is the charming repository of qualities such as
beauty, sweetness, and gravity, who engages in wiping away the glittering drops of perspiration from the
lotus feet of Çrî Rådhå and Mådhava, and who is perpetually immersed in the most elevated mellow of
sauh®da-rasa or undivided absorption in fulfilling the heart’s desire of her intimate friend Çrîmatî

∆è&-⁄Ã˘æÄ ò⁄é™-òŸ¬ òº›¬-≤‰&ŸºÍ |
Ɖ∆¤Ä í‹®ÊÅ –‹ƒ⁄ƒ™ŸÄ ƒ⁄ƒ™ŸÄ ≤ºŸ⁄º ||2||
vaktra-çriyaµ cakita-cårü camürü-netråm
devîµ gu√ai˙ sulalitåµ lalitåµ namåmi (2)

I offer pra√åma unto Çrî Lalitå-devî whose beautiful face mocks the brilliance of the full moon, whose
eyes are ever-restless like those of a startled doe, who is famous for her extraordinary expertise in the art
of dressing Çrîmatî Rådhikå, and who is the repository of unlimited feminine qualities.

¥¢Í¢ŸÄÀ‹éŸ∫¿®-é°ò‹⁄ƒéŸ⁄°ò™ŸóÓ¤ºÍ |
íË¿Ëò≤Ÿ-¡⁄ò-⁄∆í“@® íÈ⁄¿ºŸ®Ä
Ɖ∆¤Ä í‹®ÊÅ –‹ƒ⁄ƒ™ŸÄ ƒ⁄ƒ™ŸÄ ≤ºŸ⁄º ||3||
gorocanå-ruci-vigarha√a gaurimå√aµ
devîµ gu√ai˙ sulalitåµ lalitåµ namåmi (3)

I offer pra√åma unto Çrî Lalitå-devî whose body is adorned with a splendid sårî as brilliantly coloured
as the multi-coloured tail-feather of an ecstatically-dancing peacock, whose upper body is covered with
an immensely attractive bodice, whose hair partition is decorated with shimmering red vermillion, and
who wears various necklaces and other jewelled ornaments. Her golden complexion defeats that of even
gorocanå (a bright yellow pigment employed in painting, dyeing, and tilaka) and she possesses innu-
merable good qualities.

∞›™Ä‰@ ∆˘ú‰≥Æ˙-™≤æ‰ ™≤‹ –‹œ§‹-∆ŸΩæÄ

ºŸ Æ⁄’®Ÿ ∫∆ éƒÄ⁄é⁄≤ ƒŸî∆Ÿæ |
¿Ÿ∞‰ ⁄í¿Ä Ç®‹ ⁄“™Ÿ⁄º⁄™ ⁄À’æ≥™¤Ä
Ɖ∆¤Ä í‹®ÊÅ –‹ƒ⁄ƒ™ŸÄ ƒ⁄ƒ™ŸÄ ≤ºŸ⁄º ||4||
dhürteµ vrajendra-tanaye tanu su߆hu-våmyaµ
må dakßi√å bhava kala∫kini låghavåya
rådhe giraµ ç®√u hitåm iti çikßayantîµ
devîµ gu√ai˙ sulalitåµ lalitåµ namåmi (4)

I offer pra√åma unto Çrî Lalitå-devî, the charming treasure-house of all good qualities, who instructs
Çrîmatî Rådhikå in this way: “O Kala∫kini (unchaste one)! Rådhe! Listen to my beneficial words!
Vrajendra-nandana is very guileful. Don’t display Your mood of gentle submission to Him; instead, in all
circumstances always be contrary.”

¿Ÿ∞Ÿº⁄∫-∆˘ú¥™‰Å é‚™ºŸ´ºú‰≤
é›¢Ä º≤Ÿí⁄¥ ⁄∆ƒËèæ ⁄∆ƒË⁄“™Ÿ’¤ºÍ |
∆ŸíÍ∫⁄óÓ⁄∫—™º⁄ò¿‰® ⁄∆ƒùúæ≥™¤Ä
Ɖ∆¤Ä í‹®ÊÅ –‹ƒ⁄ƒ™ŸÄ ƒ⁄ƒ™ŸÄ ≤ºŸ⁄º ||5||
rådhåm abhi-vraja-pate˙ k®tam åtmajena
kü†aµ manåg api vilokya vilohitåkßîm
våg-bha∫gibhis tam acire√a vilajjayantîµ
devîµ gu√ai˙ sulalitåµ lalitåµ namåmi (5)

I offer pra√åma unto the abode of all good qualities, the supremely charming Çrî Lalitå-devî, who
upon hearing Çrî K®ß√a speak even a few crafty words to Çrîmatî Rådhikå, immediately becomes furious
and embarrasses K®ß√a by speaking sarcastic words such as, “You are so truthful and simple-hearted, and
such a chaste lover!”

∆Ÿ´–≈æ-∆‡≥Æ-∆–⁄™Ä ¥À‹¥Ÿƒ-¿ŸÿæŸÅ
–ëæŸ≤‹⁄À’®-郟–‹ í‹¡Ä –ê¤≤ŸºÍ |
¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-∏ƒŸ∆¿ú ú¤⁄∆™-⁄≤⁄∆@À‰ŒŸÄ
Ɖ∆¤Ä í‹®ÊÅ –‹ƒ⁄ƒ™ŸÄ ƒ⁄ƒ™ŸÄ ≤ºŸ⁄º ||6||
våtsalya-v®nda-vasatiµ paçupåla-råjñyå˙
sakhyånuçikßa√a-kalåsu guruµ sakhînåm
rådhå-balåvaraja jîvita-nirviçeßåµ
devîµ gu√ai˙ sulalitåµ lalitåµ namåmi (6)

I offer pra√åma unto the supremely charming Çrî Lalitå-devî, who possesses the aggregate of divine
qualities. She is the receptacle for Çrîmatî Yaçodå-devî’s parental affection, the guru of all the sakhîs
who instructs them on the matter of friendship, and the very life of both Çrîmatî Rådhikå and the
younger brother of Baladeva.

æŸÄ 韺⁄¥ ∆˘ú-鋃‰ ∆‡Œ∫Ÿ≤‹úŸæŸÅ

¥˘‰÷æ —∆¥’-¥Æ∆¤º≤‹¡ØÛÒºŸ≤ŸºÍ |
–Y—™⁄Æœ¢-î¢≤‰≤ é‚™Ÿ¨@æ≥™¤Ä
Ɖ∆¤Ä í‹®ÊÅ –‹ƒ⁄ƒ™ŸÄ ƒ⁄ƒ™ŸÄ ≤ºŸ⁄º ||7||
yåµ kåm api vraja-kule v®ßabhånujåyå˙
prekßya sva-pakßa-padavîm anurüddhyamånåm
sadyas tad i߆a-gha†anena k®tårthayantîµ
devîµ gu√ai˙ sulalitåµ lalitåµ namåmi (7)

I offer pra√åma unto the supremely charming Çrî Lalitå-devî, the treasure-house of all good qualities.
Upon seeing any young maiden anywhere in Vraja and discerning that she is inclined towards her
priya-sakhî Çrîmatî Rådhikå, Lalitå immediately fulfils all of that maiden’s internal desires and satisfies
her completely.

∆æŸ@Ä ⁄∆⁄≤⁄Õò™∆™¤º⁄êƒË´–∆‰ªæÅ |
™ŸÄ íË鋃-⁄¥˘æ-–ê¤-⁄≤é‹¿Ω∏-º‹ëæŸÄ
Ɖ∆¤Ä í‹®ÊÅ –‹ƒ⁄ƒ™ŸÄ ƒ⁄ƒ™ŸÄ ≤ºŸ⁄º ||8||
varyåµ viniçcitavatîm akhilotsavebhya˙
tåµ gokula-priya-sakhî-nikuramba-mukhyåµ
devîµ gu√ai˙ sulalitåµ lalitåµ namåmi (8)

I offer pra√åma unto Çrî Lalitå-devî, the embodiment of all divine virtues and the foremost of the
sakhîs of Gokula. Her primary task is providing enjoyment for Çrî Rådhå-Govinda by arranging for
Them to meet, and she has more longing to perform this merry task than she does to enjoy the entirety
of other types of festivals.

≤≥Æ≥≤º›⁄≤ ƒ⁄ƒ™Ÿ-í‹®-ƒ⁄ƒ™Ÿ⁄≤
¥ÆÒŸ⁄≤ æÅ ¥§⁄™ ⁄≤º@ƒ-⁄B‡œ¢¿œ¢È |
¥˘¤´æŸ ⁄∆éŒ@⁄™ ú≤Ä ⁄≤ú-∆‡≥Æ-º±æ‰
™Ä é¤⁄™@ÆŸ-¥⁄™-鋃Ëùú∆ƒ-é≈¥-∆≈ƒ¤ ||(9)||
nandann amüni lalitå-gu√a-lålitåni
padyåni ya˙ pa†hati nirmala-d®ß†ir a߆au
prîtyå vikarßati janaµ nija-v®nda-madhye
taµ kîrtidå-pati-kulojjvala-kalpa-vallî (9)

If a person with a cheerful and pure heart recites this a߆aka in praise of Lalitå-devî, who is superbly
ornamented with the qualities of beauty, grace and charm, Çrîmatî Rådhikå, the effulgent wish-fulfilling
creeper in the family of V®ßbhånu Mahåråja, affectionately draws that person toward Her and adopts
her among Her group of sakhîs.

Çrî Yamunå߆akam

∫˘Ÿ™‹¿≥™é—æ ¥%≤‰É⁄∫¥⁄%-“Ÿ⁄¿®¤
¥˘‰’æŸ⁄™-¥Ÿ⁄¥≤ËÉ⁄¥ ¥Ÿ¥-⁄–≥∞‹-™Ÿ⁄¿®¤ |
ºŸÄ ¥‹≤Ÿ™‹ –∆@ÆŸ¿⁄∆≥Æ-∏≥∞‹-≤⁄≥Æ≤¤ ||1||
bhråtur antakasya pattane ’bhipatti-håri√î
prekßayåti-påpino ’pi påpa-sindhu-tåri√î
nîra-mådhurîbhir apy açeßa-citta-bandhinî
måµ punåtu sarvadåravinda-bandhu-nandinî (1)

May Yamunå-devî, the daughter of Sürya the sun-god, always purify me. She saves those who touch
her from going to the realm of her brother Yamaråja, and merely seeing her exonerates even greatly sin-
ful people from the reactions to their sins. The attractiveness of her waters captivates everyone’s heart.

¥‹©•¿¤é-º©•ƒËYÆ©•úŸ⁄ƒ-™Ÿ©•∆Ÿ |
ºŸÄ ¥‹≤Ÿ™‹ –∆@ÆŸ¿⁄∆≥Æ-∏≥∞‹-≤⁄≥Æ≤¤ ||2||
måµ punåtu sarvadåravinda-bandhu-nandinî (2)

Yamunå-devî adorns Indra’s massive Khå√∂ava forest with her enchanting current, and upon her
blooming white lotuses, birds such as wagtails always dance. Simply desiring to bathe in her crystalline
waters pardons one from even the greatest of sins. May that Yamunå-devî, the daughter of Sürya-deva,
continue to always purify me.

≤≥Æ-≤≥Æ≤Ÿ≥™¿Äí-∫⁄è™-¥›¿-∆⁄∞@≤¤ |
ºŸÄ ¥‹≤Ÿ™‹ –∆@ÆŸ¿⁄∆≥Æ-∏≥∞‹-≤⁄≥Æ≤¤ ||3||
måµ punåtu sarvadåravinda-bandhu-nandinî (3)

Sprinkling a single drop of her water upon oneself frees one from the reaction to even the most
heinous crime. She increases the flow of rågånugå-bhakti for Nanda-nandana Çrî K®ß√a within one’s
heart and benedicts anyone who simply desires to reside on her banks. May that Yamunå-devî, the
daughter of Sürya-deva, always purify me.

Ã˘¤º‹é‹≥Æ-⁄≤⁄º@™Ë¡-⁄Æ…æ-é‰⁄ƒ-∆‰⁄Æ≤¤ |
ºŸÄ ¥‹≤Ÿ™‹ –∆@ÆŸ¿⁄∆≥Æ-∏≥∞‹-≤⁄≥Æ≤¤ ||4||
kånti-kandalîbhir indranîla-v®nda-nindinî
måµ punåtu sarvadåravinda-bandhu-nandinî (4)

Yamunå-devî is so inconceivably powerful that although she flows through the seven oceans which
surround the earth’s seven giant islands, she never merges into them as ordinary rivers do. Being an inti-
mate witness to Çrî K®ß√a’s wonderful pastimes, she makes those pastimes arise in the hearts of those
who take shelter of her. Her dark, shimmering beauty defeats that of even a precious blue sapphire. May
that Yamunå-devî, the daughter of Sürya-deva, always purify me.

ºŸ¨‹¿‰® º©•ƒ‰≤ òŸ¡®Ÿ⁄∫º⁄©•™Ÿ

¥˘‰º-≤ØÛ-∆Êœ®∆Ÿ±∆-∆∞@≤Ÿæ ¥⁄©•™Ÿ |
ºŸÄ ¥‹≤Ÿ™‹ –∆@ÆŸ¿⁄∆≥Æ-∏≥∞‹-≤⁄≥Æ≤¤ ||5||
måthure√a ma√∂alena cåru√åbhima√∂itå
prema-naddha-vaiß√avådhva-vardhanåya pa√∂itå
måµ punåtu sarvadåravinda-bandhu-nandinî (5)

Ornamented by the supremely enchanting land of Mathurå-ma√∂ala, Yamunå-devî inspires rågånugå-

bhakti in the hearts of the loving Vaiß√avas who bathe in her waters. With her waves which are like
playful arms she worships Çrî K®ß√a’s lotus feet. May that Yamunå-devî, the daughter of Sürya-deva,
always purify me.

⁄Æ…æ-í≥∞-∫ŸèéÆΩ∏-¥‹œ¥-¿Ÿ⁄ú-¬⁄Œ™Ÿ |
ºŸÄ ¥‹≤Ÿ™‹ –∆@ÆŸ¿⁄∆≥Æ-∏≥∞‹-≤⁄≥Æ≤¤ ||6||
måµ punåtu sarvadåravinda-bandhu-nandinî (6)

Yamunå-devî’s supremely attractive banks are further beautified by the celestial fragrance emanating
from the flowers of the kadamba trees which line them and by the presence of mooing cows. She is
especially delighted when Nandalåla’s devotees assemble on those banks. May that Yamunå-devî, the
daughter of Sürya-deva, always purify me.

∫⁄è™-⁄∆ØÛ-Ɖ∆-⁄–ØÛ-⁄é≥≤¿Ÿ⁄ƒ-¥›⁄ú™Ÿ |
ºŸÄ ¥‹≤Ÿ™‹ –∆@ÆŸ¿⁄∆≥Æ-∏≥∞‹-≤⁄≥Æ≤¤ ||7||
måµ punåtu sarvadåravinda-bandhu-nandinî (7)

Hundreds and thousands of swans glide along the waters of Yamunå-devî, who is worshipable to the
demigods, Siddhas, Kinnaras, and humans whose hearts are dedicated to the service of Çrî Hari.
Anyone who is touched by her gentle breezes is released from the cycle of birth and death. May that
Yamunå-devî, the daughter of Sürya-deva, always purify me.

é¤⁄™@™Ÿ⁄¥ Æfiº@ÆË¡-¥Ÿ¥-ºº@-™Ÿ⁄¥≤¤ |
ºŸÄ ¥‹≤Ÿ™‹ –∆@ÆŸ¿⁄∆≥Æ-∏≥∞‹-≤⁄≥Æ≤¤ ||8||
kîrtitåpi durmadoru-påpa-marma-tåpinî
måµ punåtu sarvadåravinda-bandhu-nandinî (8)

Yamunå-devî distributes transcendental knowledge throughout the three worlds known as Bhu˙,
Bhuva˙, and Sva˙ as she flows through them, and singing her glories burns to ashes the reactions of
even the greatest of sins. She has become supremely fragrant due to the sandal-paste from Çrî K®ß√a’s
body melting in her waters as He enjoys His water-sports. May that Yamunå-devî, the daughter of
Sürya-deva, always purify me.

™‹œ¢-∏‹⁄ØÛ¿œ¢é‰≤ ⁄≤º@ƒË⁄º@-ò‰⁄œ¢™ŸÄ
´∆Ÿº≤‰≤ ∫Ÿ≤‹¥‹⁄&! –∆@Ɖ∆-∆‰⁄œ¢™ŸºÍ |
æÅ —™∆¤⁄™ ∆∞@æ—∆ –∆@-¥Ÿ¥-ºËò≤‰
∫⁄è™-¥›¿º—æ Ɖ⁄∆! ¥‹©•¿¤é-ƒËò≤‰ ||9||
tu߆a-buddhir a߆akena nirmalormi-ce߆itåµ
tvåm anena bhånu-putri! sarva-deva-ve߆itåm
ya˙ stavîti vardhayasva sarva-påpa-mocane
bhakti-püram asya devi! pu√∂arîka-locane (9)
Hey Süryaputri! Devi! O Yamune, whose forceful waves are so purifying and who is surrounded by all
the demigods! Please increase the current of bhakti for He who liberates people from their sins, the
lotus-eyed Çrî K®ß√a, of that contented, intelligent person who recites this prayer—this is my supplica-
tion at your feet.

Ã˘¤íË∆∞@≤Ÿ{éºÍ (1)
Çrî Govardhanå߆akam (1)

≈ƒŸ—æ˴驧Ÿ-º%-ºæ›¿-∆ú-∆¤™ |
¥˘´æŸÀŸÄ º‰ ´∆Ä é‹¡ íË∆∞@≤ ¥›®Ÿ@ºÍ ||1||
praty-åçåµ me tvaµ kuru govardhana pür√åm (1)

You are surrounded by dancing peacocks who have become maddened upon hearing the sweet vibra-
tion of the flute which adorns Çrî K®ß√a’s lips, and splashing against you, the high waves of Çrî Rådhå-
ku√∂a make fresh, green grass and creepers sprout upon you—O Govardhana, king of mountains!
Please fulfil my desires.

æ—æ˴錟@⁄B˝⁄—º™ ∞¤⁄∫∆˘@ú-Ɖ∆¤-
∆‡≥ÆÊ∆@æ@Ä ∆⁄®@™ºŸ—™‰ “⁄¿-ÆŸ—æºÍ |
⁄ò&Êæ‹@°ú≤Í – Y‹⁄™-¥‹°úÊ¿⁄ꃟÀŸÄ
¥˘´æŸÀŸÄ º‰ ´∆Ä é‹¡ íË∆∞@≤ ¥›®ŸºÍ ||2||
yasyotkarßåd vismita dhîbhir vraja-devî-
v®ndair varyaµ var√itam åste hari-dåsyam
citrair yuñjan sa dyuti-puñjair akhilåçåµ
praty åçåµ me tvaµ kuru govardhana pür√åm (2)

Astonished by your excellence, the Vraja-gopîs proclaimed you to be the best servant of Hari, and all
the many varieties of jewels such as moon-stones which are found upon you give you a shimmering lus-
tre—O Govardhana! Please fulfil my desires.

⁄∆≥ÆÆÍ⁄∫æË@ º⁄≥Æ¿™ŸÄ é≥Æ¿-∆‡≥ÆÊÅ
é≥ÆÊÕò‰≥ÆË∏@≥∞‹⁄∫¿Ÿ≤≥Æ晤ÀºÍ |
∆ÊÆfiæŸ@∫Ê⁄≤@û@¿™ËæÊ¿⁄¥ –ËÉæÄ
¥˘Ÿ´æŸÀŸÄ º‰ ´∆Ä é‹¡ íË∆∞@≤ ¥›®Ÿ@ºÍ ||3||
vindadbhir yo mandiratåµ kandara-v®ndai˙
kandaiç cendor bandhubhir ånandayatîçam
vaiduryåbhair nirjhara-toyair api so ’yaµ
pråty åçåµ me tvaµ kuru govardhana pür√åm (3)

With your caves which are like palatial temples, your roots which are radiant and delicious like lotus
flower stems, and your fresh, flowing streams which are transparent like vaidürya gems, you give great
delight to Çrî K®ß√a and His friends—O Govardhana! Please fulfil my desires.

ÀÕ∆⁄B˝Õ∆ŸƒóÏ¿®ŸƒóÏ ‚⁄™ º‰±æÊÅ

¥˘‰Ω®Ÿ ∞È™Ê∞Ÿ@™‹⁄∫¡¶¤⁄¥™-–Ÿ≤Ë |
¥˘´æŸÀŸÄ º‰ ´∆Ä é‹¡ íË∆∞@≤ ¥›®Ÿ@ºÍ ||4||
çaçvad-viçvåla∫kara√åla∫k®ti medhyai˙
prem√å dhautair dhåtubhir uddîpita-såno
praty åçåµ me tvaµ kuru govardhana pür√åm (4)

Your peak is resplendent with coloured minerals which have been washed by pure love and which
serve as the bodily ornaments of He who is the ornament of all the worlds, Çrî K®ß√a, and your caves
always reverberate with the blissful sound of the flute—O Govardhana! Please fulfil my desires.

¥˘ŸùæŸ ¿Ÿ⁄úæ@—æ ⁄∆¿Ÿú´æ‹¥ƒŸ≤ŸÄ

é‚œ®‰≤Ÿ–È –≥™™º±æŸ⁄–™º±æŸ |
–ËÉæÄ ∏≥∞‹∏@≥∞‹¿-∞ºŸ@ –‹¿⁄∫®ŸÄ
¥˘´æŸÀŸÄ º‰ ´∆Ä é‹¡ íË∆∞@≤ ¥›®Ÿ@ºÍ ||5||
pråjyå råjir yasya viråjaty upalånåµ
k®ß√enåsau santatam adhyåsita-madhyå
so ’yaµ bandhur bandhura-dharmå surabhi√åµ
praty åçåµ me tvaµ kuru govardhana pür√åm (5)

Because Çrî K®ß√a always sits upon them, your large rocks have become very splendorous and beauti-
ful, and by maintaining the cows you have become their dear friend—O Govardhana! Please fulfil my

⁄≤∞‹@≥∆Ÿ≤Å –Ä„⁄™-“‰™‹Ä î≤-∆‡≥ÆÄ
⁄ú´∆Ÿ úΩ∫Ÿ¿Ÿ⁄™º–Ω∫Ÿ⁄∆™-∏Ÿ∞ºÍ |
—∆Ÿ≤ŸÄ ∆Ê¿Ä æÅ ⁄éƒ ⁄≤æŸ@⁄¥™∆Ÿ≤Í –Å
¥˘´æŸÀŸÄ º‰ ´∆Ä é‹¡ íË∆∞@≤ ¥›®Ÿ@ºÍ ||6||
nirdhunvåna˙ saµh®ti-hetuµ ghana-v®ndaµ
jitvå jambhåråtim asambhåvita-bådham
svånåµ vairaµ ya˙ kila niryåpitavån sa˙
praty åçåµ me tvaµ kuru govardhana pür√åm (6)

Having defeated Indra, who to destroy Vraja sent a multitude of frightful rainclouds capable of inun-
dating the entire world and who is the enemy of Mahißåsura, you destroyed the enemies of your fellow
mountains—O Govardhana! Please fulfil my desires.

⁄∏∫˘Ÿ®Ë æÅ Ã˘¤-∫‹ú-Æ©•Ë¥⁄¿ ∫%‹@-

Õö&¤-∫Ÿ∆Ä ≤Ÿº 樟¨@Ä —∆ºéŸŒ¤@™Í |
é‚œ®Ë¥◊Ä æ—æ ºê⁄—™}⁄™ –ËÉæÄ
¥˘´æŸÀŸÄ º‰ ´∆Ä é‹¡ íË∆∞@≤ ¥›®Ÿ@ºÍ ||7||
bibhrå√o ya˙ çrî-bhuja-da√∂opari bharttuç-
chatrî-bhåvaµ nåma yathårthaµ svam akårßît
k®ß√opajñaµ yasya makhas ti߆hati so ’yaµ
praty åçåµ me tvaµ kuru govardhana pür√åm (7)

Situated like an umbrella upon Çrî K®ß√a’s umbrella-stem arm, you earned the perfectly suitable name
of ‘Giriråja’, the king of mountains, and K®ß√a Himself first arranged that a sacrifice should be offered to
you —O Govardhana! Please fulfil my desires.

íŸ≥∞∆Ÿ@æŸÅ é‰⁄ƒ-郟-∏Ÿ≥∞∆-é‹°ú‰
’‹©®Ê—™—æŸÅ éóÏ®-“Ÿ¿ÊÅ ¥˘æ™ŸóÓ |
¥˘´æŸÀŸÄ ºÊ ´∆Ä é‹¡ íË∆∞@≤ ¥›®Ÿ@ºÍ ||8||
gåndharvåyå˙ keli-kalå-båndhava-kuñje
kßu√√ais tasyå˙ ka∫ka√a-hårai˙ prayatå∫ga
praty åçåµ me tvaµ kuru govardhana pür√åm (8)

You are an assistant to the playful pastimes of Gåndharvå Çrîmatî Rådhikå, you are decorated with the
bracelets and garlands which She has left behind in your kuñjas, and you are beautified by the råsa pas-
times which Çrî K®ß√a performs at your base—O Govardhana! Please fulfil the desires of my heart.

Ç⁄Æ˙-Ã˘‰®¤-Àê¿ ¥YŸ{麉™™Í
é‚œ®ŸΩ∫ËÆ-¥˘‰} ¥§‰ÆÍæ—™∆ Ɖ“¤ |
¥˘‰ºŸ≤≥ÆÄ ™‹⁄≥ƃæ≤Í ⁄’¥˘ºº≥ÆÄ
™Ä “Œ@‰® —∆¤-é‹¡™ŸÄ ™‰ „Ææ‰ÀÅ ||9||
adri-çre√î-çekhara padyå߆akam etat
k®ß√åmbhoda-pre߆ha pa†hed yas tava dehî
premånandaµ tundilayan kßipram amandaµ
taµ harße√a svî-kurutåµ te h®dayeça˙ (9)

Hey Giriråja Govardhana! May the lord of your heart, Çrî K®ß√a, very quickly increase the bhagavat-
premånanda of those who recite this a߆aka of yours and joyfully accept them as His own.

Ã˘¤íË∆∞@≤Ÿ{éºÍ (2)
Çrî Govardhanå߆akam (2)

≤¤ƒ-—™Ω∫Ëùù∆ƒ-¡⁄ò-∫¿Êº@⁄©•™‰ ∏Ÿ“‹-Æ©•‰
ö&ôöŸæŸÄ Æ∞Æî⁄¿¥Ëƒ@π∞-–PŸ“-∆Ÿ–Å |
∞Ÿ¿Ÿ-¥Ÿ™-ìƒ⁄¥™-º≤–ŸÄ ¿⁄’™Ÿ íË鋃Ÿ≤ŸÄ
é‚œ®-¥˘‰æŸ≤Í ¥˘¨æ™‹ –ÆŸ Àº@ íË∆∞@≤Ë ≤Å ||1||
nîla-stambhojjvala-ruci-bharair ma√∂ite båhu-da√∂e
chatra-cchåyåµ dadhad agharipor labdha saptåha-våsa˙
dhårå-påta-glapita-manasåµ rakßitå gokulånåµ
k®ß√a-preyån prathayatu sadå çarma govardhano na˙ (1)

Serving as an umbrella upon the bluish pillar of Çrî K®ß√a’s magnificently effulgent arm, Govardhana
resided in K®ß√a’s lotus hand for seven days and protected the afflicted cowherd people of Gokula from
the great deluge—may that Govardhana always bring us auspiciousness.

∫¤™Ë æ—ºŸÆ¥⁄¿í®æ≤Í ∏Ÿ≥∞∆-—≤‰“-∏≥∞Ÿ≤Í

⁄–≥∞Ÿ∆⁄Æ˙—´∆⁄¿™º⁄∆À™Í ¥Ÿ∆@™¤-¥›∆@úËÉ⁄¥ |
æ—™Ä úÄ∫⁄B˝Œºé‹¡™ —™Ä∫-–Ä∫‰Æ-À›≥æÄ
– ¥˘È߲Ÿ´ºŸ ¥˘¨æ™‹ –ÆŸ Àº@ íË∆∞@≤Ë ≤Å ||2||
bhîto yasmåd apariga√ayan båndhava-sneha-bandhån
sindhåv adris tvaritam aviçat pårvatî-pürvajo ’pi
yas taµ jambhadvißam akuruta stambha-sambheda-çünyaµ
sa prau∂håtmå prathayatu sadå çarma govardhano na˙ (2)

When Çrî Pårvatî-devî’s elder brother Mainåka Mountain, out of great fear of Indra, the enemy of the
Jambha demon, abandoned his affectionate friends and relatives and quickly entered the ocean,
Govardhana pulverised Indra’s pride—may that most ingenious Giriråja Govardhana always bring us

ÇŸ⁄∆œé‚´æ ¥˘é¢-º‹é‹¢Ÿ¢Ë¥ºóÓÄ —¨∆¤æÅ
ÀʃËÉ—º¤⁄™ —∂‹¢º⁄∫Æ∞%‹⁄{-⁄∆—∂Ÿ¿-B‡⁄{Å |
æ—ºÊ é‚œ®Å —∆溿–æÆÍ∏≈ƒ∆ÊÆ@%º≥≤Ä
∞≥æÅ –ËÉæÄ ¥˘¨æ™‹ –ÆŸ Àº@ íË∆∞@≤Ë ≤Å ||3||
åvißk®tya praka†a-muku†å†opam a∫gaµ sthavîya˙
çailo ’smîti sphu†am abhidhat tu߆i-visphåra-d®ß†i˙
yasmai k®ß√a˙ svayam arasayad ballavair dattam annaµ
dhanya˙ so ’yaµ prathayatu sadå çarma govardhano na˙ (3)

Assuming a massive form and proudly proclaiming “I am Govardhana, the king of mountains”, Çrî
K®ß√a ate the mountain of four kinds of foodstuffs which were offered to Him by the Vraja-våsîs—may
that most glorious Giriråja Govardhana always bring us auspiciousness.

ÇYŸµæ›ú@-¥˘⁄™¥⁄Æ º“Ÿ≤Í ∫˘Ÿú™‰ æ—æ æ◊Å

é‚œ®Ë¥◊Ä úí⁄™ –‹¿∫¤-–Ê⁄¿∫¤ é˚¤•˛æŸßÒÅ |
Àœ¥ŸƒΩ∏Ë%º-™¢™æŸ æÅ é‹¢‹Ω∏Ä ¥À›≤ŸÄ
–ËÉæÄ ∫›æÅ ¥˘¨æ™‹ –ÆŸ Àº@ íË∆∞@≤Ë ≤Å ||4||
adyåpy ürja-pratipadi mahån bhråjate yasya yajña˙
k®ß√opajñaµ jagati surabhî-sairibhî krî∂ayå∂hya˙
çaßpålambottama-ta†atayå ya˙ ku†umbaµ paçünåµ
so ’yaµ bhüya˙ prathayatu sadå çarma govardhano na˙ (4)

Even today the sacrifice to Govardhana which was inaugurated by Çrî K®ß√a Himself is re-enacted by
devotees on the first day of the second half of the lunar month of Kårttika. In Govardhana’s lap domes-
ticated animals such as cows and buffaloes always play, and because of all the fresh green grass which
grows on his slopes, Govardhana has become these animals’ dear friend—may that Giriråja Govard-
hana bring us auspiciousness.

Ã˘¤íŸ≥∞∆Ÿ@-Æ⁄æ™-–¿–¤ ¥Ø˜-–È¿ªæ-¿´≤Ä
„´∆Ÿ ÀóÏË´é¿-¥¿-∆ÀÊ¿—∆≤Ä –°ò¿⁄؈Š|
ÇÄ∫Å’ËÆ ¥˘“⁄¿é-鋃‰≤Ÿé‹ƒ‰≤Ÿ≤‹æŸ™Ê-
∆Ÿ@™Êú‹@{Å ¥˘¨æ™‹ –ÆŸ Àº@ íË∆∞@≤Ë ≤Å ||5||
çrî-gåndharvå-dayita-sarasî padma-saurabhya-ratnaµ
h®två ça∫kotkara-para-vaçair asvanaµ sañcaradbhi˙
ambha˙-kßoda praharika-kulenåkulenånuyåtair
våtair ju߆a˙ prathayatu sadå çarma govardhano na˙ (5)

Greatly fearful due to having stolen the jewel of the fragrance which emanates from the lotuses rest-
ing upon Çrî Rådhå-ku√∂a and Çrî Çyåma-ku√∂a, Govardhana is chased by the two protectors of that
fragrance, silence and tiny drops of water, meaning that he is always served by a cool, gentle, and fra-
grant breeze—may that Giriråja Govardhana bring us auspiciousness.

¿Ÿ∫¤¿¤®ŸÄ ¥˘®æº⁄∫™Å ¥Ÿ&º‹≥º¤ƒæ≥´æŸÅ |
∆¤@⁄ò-∆˘Ÿ™ÊÅ ¥˘¨æ™‹ –ÆŸ Àº@ íË∆∞@≤Ë ≤Å ||6||
kaµsåråtes tari-vilasitair åtaråna∫ga-ra∫gair
åbhîrî√åµ pra√ayam abhita˙ påtram unmîlayantyå˙
dhauta-gråvåvalir amalinair månasåmartya-sindhor
vîci-vråtai˙ prathayatu sadå çarma govardhano na˙ (6)

Govardhana’s stones are always washed by the many waves of Månasî-ga∫gå, the river which increases
the Vraja-gopîs’ great love for Çrî K®ß√a because there K®ß√a performed the pastime of becoming a boat-
man and collecting a rescue-fee from them. May Giriråja Govardhana bring us auspiciousness.

æ—柱æ’Å –郓⁄§≤ŸºŸÆƉ òé˚∆™¤@

À‹èƒÄ ≤Ÿ≥æÆÍ ∆˘úº‡íB‡ÀŸº¥@®Ÿ⁄B˝í˘“—æ |
æËôòʺ@∞‹é¿¡ò—™—æ ∞Ÿº-¥˘¥ÄòÊÅ
Õ柺-¥˘—¨Å ¥˘¨æ™‹ –ÆŸ Àº@ íË∆∞@≤Ë ≤Å ||7||
yasyådhyakßa˙ sakala-ha†hinåm ådade cakravartî
çuklaµ nånyad vraja-m®gad®çåm arpa√åd vigrahasya
gha††asyoccair madhukara-rucas tasya dhåma-prapañcai˙
çyåma-prastha˙ prathayatu sadå çarma govardhano na˙ (7)

Naturally enclosed by emeralds, the toll-stations at the many ghå†as around Govardhana emit a
charming effulgence which makes Govardhana’s elevated plateau appear darkish. Situated at each of
these toll-stations is the lord of all, Çrî K®ß√a, the topmost amorous hero who will accept no other toll
other than the gopîs’ offering of their bodies—may Giriråja Govardhana bring us auspiciousness.

íŸ≥∞∆Ÿ@æŸÅ –‹¿™ 郓˶Ÿº™Ÿ ∆Ÿ∆Æ›éÊÅ

胟≥™ Ã˘Ë&Ë´¥ƒ-∆ƒ⁄æ⁄∫Å ⁄’P-⁄¥ÄöŸ∆™Ä–ÊÅ |
é‹ÄúÊ—™≈¥Ë¥⁄¿ ¥⁄¿ƒ‹§B˝Êúæ≥™¤-¥¿¤™ÊÅ
¥‹©æŸóÓ-Ã˘¤Å ¥˘¨æ™‹ –ÆŸ Àº@ íË∆∞@≤Ë ≤Å ||8||
gåndharvåyå˙ surata kalahoddåmatå våvadükai˙
klånta çrotrotpala-valayibhi˙ kßipta-piñchåvataµsai˙
kuñjais talpopari parilu†had vaijayantî-parîtai˙
pu√yå∫ga-çrî˙ prathayatu sadå çarma govardhano na˙ (8)

Around Govardhana are many kuñjas which are filled with wilted lotus flower earrings, lotus-stem
bracelets, and peacock feather earrings which are scattered here and there, and with broken vaijayantî
flower garlands scattered upon the beds. These kuñjas display the sweetness of Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s love
and give Govardhana a wonderful, charming splendour—may that Giriråja Govardhana bring us auspi-

æ—™‹{Ÿ´ºŸ —∂‹¢º≤‹¥§‰ôö˙ØÛæŸ À‹ØÛæŸ≥™-
º‰@±æÅ ¥YŸ{éºò¢‹ƒÅ –‹œ§‹ íË∆∞@≤—æ |
–Ÿ≥Æ˙Ä íË∆∞@≤∞¿-¥ÆB˝≥B˝ÀË®Ÿ¿⁄∆≥Ɖ
⁄∆≥Æ≤ ¥˘‰ºË´é¿⁄º“ é¿Ë´æ⁄Æ˙¿Ÿú‰ – ∆Ÿ–ºÍ ||9||
yas tu߆åtmå sphu†am anupa†hec chraddhayå çuddhayåntar
medhya˙ padyå߆akam aca†ula˙ su߆hu govardhanasya
såndraµ govardhana-dhara-pada-dvandva-ço√åravinde
vindan premotkaram iha karoty adriråje sa våsam (9)

Those who with pure hearts and firm faith recite this charming composition which describes
Govardhana will obtain a deep love for the lotus feet of Çrî Govinda and be granted a dwelling at

Çrî V®ndåvanå߆akam

éÆΩ∏é é¿⁄Ω∏™-¥˘⁄™éÆΩ∏-é‹°úŸ≥™¿Ÿ |
–‹í⁄≥∞¿⁄≤ƒ‰≤ º‰ À¿®º—™‹ ∆‡≥ÆŸ¢∆¤ ||1||
kadambaka karambita-prati-kadamba-kuñjåntarå
sugandhir anilena me çara√am astu v®ndå†avî (1)

Where groves of kadamba and other trees are crowded with gopîs who are greatly delighted upon
hearing Çrî K®ß√a’s flute melody, and which is fragrant due to a gentle breeze carrying the scent of lotus-
es blossoming upon the waters of Yamunå-devî, the daughter of Mount Kalinda—may that Çrî V®ndå-
vana be my shelter.

⁄∆é‹©§-¥‹¿-–ÄÃ˘æŸ⁄B˝⁄¥≤™ËÉ⁄¥ ⁄≤ÅÃ˘‰æ–Ÿ™
–“–˘-í‹⁄®™ŸÄ ⁄Ã˘æÄ ¥˘Æfi“™¤ ¿–-Ã˘‰æ–¤ºÍ |
ò™‹º‹@ê-º‹êÊ¿⁄¥ —¥‡⁄“™-™Ÿ®@-Ɖ“Ë؈∆Ÿ
úíÆÍí‹¡⁄∫¿⁄í˘ºÊÅ À¿®º—™‹ ∆‡≥ÆŸ¢∆¤ ||2||
viku√†ha-pura-saµçrayåd vipinato ’pi ni˙çreyasåt
sahasra-gu√itåµ çriyaµ praduhatî rasa-çreyasîm
catur-mukha-mukhair api sp®hita-tår√a-dehodbhavå
jagad-guru-bhir agrimai˙ çara√am astu v®ndå†avî (2)

Which is superior to Vaiku√†ha and thousands of times more auspicious, which bestows the dåsya,
sakhya, våtsalya, and mådhurya-rasas, and to whom even Brahmå, the four-headed spiritual master of
the entire universe, prays to for receiving a future birth there, even as a blade of grass—may that Çrî
V®ndåvana give me shelter.

⁄∆–Ÿ⁄¿-∆¿-–È¿∫ËÆÍíº-¿ºŸ-òº´éŸ⁄¿®¤ |
⁄B˝¿‰∂-鋃-∆⁄≥Æ™Ÿ À¿®º—™‹ ∆‡≥ÆŸ¢∆¤ ||3||
dvirepha-kula-vanditå çara√am astu v®ndå†avî (3)

Where multitudes of blossoming creepers exude an aroma which amazes even the distant Lakßmîdevî,
and which is eulogised by swarms of buzzing bumblebees who are attracted by the abundant nectar ema-
nating from the blossoming flower-trees—may that Çrî V®ndåvana give me shelter.

’®Y‹⁄™-î≤-⁄Ã˘æË∆˘@ú-≤∆¤≤-æ›≤ËÅ ¥ÆÊÅ
–‹∆≈í‹⁄∫¿ƒñÍé‚™Ÿ ƒ⁄ƒ™-ƒ÷º-ƒ÷º¤-∫¿ÊÅ |
∆‡@™Ÿ-⁄éÀƒæŸñÍé‹¿ÊÅ À¿®º—™‹ ∆‡≥ÆŸ¢∆¤ ||4||
kßa√adyuti-ghana-çriyor vraja-navîna-yüno˙ padai˙
suvalgubhir ala∫k®tå lalita-lakßma-lakßmî-bharai˙
tayor nakhara-ma√∂alî-çikhara-keli-caryocitair
v®tå-kiçalayå∫kurai˙ çara√am astu v®ndå†avî (4)

The land which is marked with charming impressions such as the lightning bolt and goad which have
been made by the footprints of the eternally youthful lovers, Çrî Rådha-Govinda, whose bodily com-
plexions resemble a flash of lightning and a fresh monsoon cloud respectively, and which is decorated
with fresh buds and shoots trying to emulate the tender beauty of the nails of the Divine Couples’ lotus
feet—may that Çrî V®ndåvana give me shelter.

∆˘ú‰≥Æ˙ –ê-≤⁄≥Æ≤¤ À‹∫™¿Ÿ⁄∞響-⁄é˚æŸ-

¥˘∫Ÿ∆ú-–‹êË´–∆-—∂‹⁄¿™-úóÓº-—¨Ÿ∆¿Ÿ |
¥˘ƒΩ∏-ƺ≤Ÿ≤‹ú-±∆⁄≤™ ∆ÄÀ¤éŸ-éŸéƒ¤-
¿–◊-º‡í-º©•ƒŸ À¿®º—™‹ ∆‡≥ÆŸ¢∆¤ ||5||
vrajendra sakha-nandinî çubhatarådhikåra-kriyå-
pralamba-damanånuja-dhvanita vaµçîkå-kåkalî-
rasajña-m®ga-ma√∂alå çara√am astu v®ndå†avî (5)

Where on the order of Çrîmatî Rådhikå, who is the daughter of Nanda Mahåråja’s intimate friend
V®ßabhånu Mahåråja, V®ndå Sakhî increases the festival of divine bliss for everyone by arranging for
the happiness of both moving and non-moving living entities, and where roaming herds of deer expert-
ly relish the sweet melodies played on the flute by Çrî K®ß√a, the younger brother of the slayer of the
Pralamba demon—may that Çrî V®ndåvana give me shelter.

∆˘ú‰≥Æ˙-–‹™-∆¤’®Ë≥≤⁄¢™-≤¤ƒ-驧˴鿟 |
≈ƒ™Ÿ-êí-º‡íŸóÓ≤Ÿ À¿®º—™‹ ∆‡≥ÆŸ¢∆¤ ||6||
latå-khaga-m®gå∫ganå çara√am astu v®ndå†avî (6)

Where peacocks, upon mistaking K®ß√a for a fresh raincloud due to His dark bodily complexion,
become maddened and dance, and where out of loving attachment Çrîmatî Rådhikå, the daughter of
the sun-god’s friend V®ßabhånu Mahåråja, proclaims, “This V®ndåvana is mine,” thereby greatly
delighting the creepers (who are female in gender), female deer, and the females of all the species of
birds found there—may that Çrî V®ndåvana give me shelter.

º≤Ëú-¿®-òŸ™‹¿¤-⁄¥À‹≤-é‹°ú-¥‹°úËùù∆ƒŸ |
¥˘æËí-⁄∆⁄∞-–Ÿ⁄’®¤ À¿®º—™‹ ∆‡≥ÆŸ¢∆¤ ||7||
jagatraya-kalå-guror lalita-låsya-valgat-pada-
prayoga-vidhi-såkßi√î çara√am astu v®ndå†avî (7)

The land where the divinely beautiful, splendorous kuñjas give testimony of the cleverness in lovers’
quarrels of Çrîmatî Rådhikå, who possesses countless virtues, and which witnesses the sweet dance steps
of Çrî K®ß√a, who is supremely expert in all the arts—may that Çrî V®ndåvana give me shelter.

º∞›B˝“-∆∞›-òº´é‚⁄™-⁄≤∆Ÿ– ¿Ÿ–-—¨ƒŸ |
Çí›ß˛-í“≤-⁄Ã˘æË º∞‹⁄¿º ∆˘ú‰≤Ëùù∆ƒŸ
∆˘ú—æ –“ú‰≤ º‰ À¿®º—™‹ ∆‡≥ÆŸ¢∆¤ ||8||
madhüdvaha-vadhü-camatk®ti-nivåsa råsa-sthalå
agü∂ha-gahana-çriyo madhurima vrajenojjvalå
vrajasya sahajena me çara√am astu v®ndå†avî (8)

Where Çrî Giriråja Govardhana, having been awarded the rare distinction of being the topmost ser-
vant of Hari by the gopîs, is gloriously manifest, where the arena of the råsa dance, which thoroughly
astonishes the gopîs (or the queens of Dvårakå), is situated, and which is permeated by multitudes of
flowering, fragrant forests which radiate the brilliance of the entirety of sweetnesses—may that Çrî
V®ndåvana be my sole shelter.

ÑÆÄ ⁄≤⁄êƒ ⁄≤œé‹¢Ÿ∆⁄ƒ-∆⁄¿œ§ ∆‡≥ÆŸ¢∆¤-
í‹®-—º¿®éŸ⁄¿ æÅ ¥§⁄™ –‹œ§‹ ¥YŸœ¢éºÍ |
∆–≤Í …æ–≤ º‹è™-∞¤¿⁄≤Àº& –B˝Ÿ–≤Å
– ¥¤™-∆–≤‰ ∆À¤ ¿⁄™º∆Ÿµæ ⁄∆é˚¤•˛⁄™ ||9||
idaµ nikhila nißku†åvali-vari߆ha v®ndå†avî-
gu√a-smara√a-kåri ya˙ pa†hati su߆hu padyå߆akam
vasan vyasana mukta-dhîr aniçam atra sad-våsana˙
sa pîta-vasane vaçî ratim avåpya vikrî∂ati (9)

This a߆aka brings remembrance of the qualities of Çrî V®ndåvana, the best of all forests, and by recit-
ing it with great love, that sinless person who while residing in V®ndåvana has mastered the senses and
is sincerely engaged in the practice of pure bhakti, will obtain loving attachment for the lotus feet of Çrî
K®ß√a accompanied by Çrîmatî Rådhikå and will become happily immersed in Their pastimes.

Çrî K®ß√a-nåmå߆akam

⁄≤⁄êƒ-Ã˘‹⁄™-ºÈ⁄ƒ-¿´≤-ºŸƒŸ, -Y‹⁄™-≤¤¿Ÿ⁄ú™-¥ŸÆ-¥óÏúŸ≥™ |
Ç⁄æ º‹è™é‹ƒÊ¡¥Ÿ—溟≤Ä, ¥⁄¿™—´∆ŸÄ “⁄¿≤Ÿº! –ÄÃ˘æŸ⁄º ||1||
nikhila-çruti-mauli-ratna-målå, -dyuti-nîråjita-påda-pa∫kajånta
ayi mukta-kulair-upåsyamånaµ, paritas-tvåµ harinåma! saµçrayåmi (1)

O Harinåma! I take complete shelter of You. The nails of Your lotus feet are worshipped by the glow-
ing radiance emanating from the necklace of jewels known as the Upanißads, which themselves are the
crown-jewel of all the çrutis. You are also worshipped by the liberated sages.

úæ ≤Ÿº∞‰æ! º‹⁄≤-∆‡≥Æ-í‰æ!, ú≤-¿°ú≤Ÿæ ¥¿º’¿Ÿé‚™‰! |

´∆º≤ŸÆ¿ŸÆ⁄¥ º≤Ÿí‹Æ¤⁄¿™Ä, ⁄≤⁄êƒËí˘-™Ÿ¥-¥¢ƒ¤Ä ⁄∆ƒ‹Ω¥⁄– ||2||
jaya nåmadheya! muni-v®nda-geya! jana-rañjanåya param akßaråk®te!
tvam anådaråd api manåg-udîritaµ, nikhilogra-tåpa-pa†alîµ vilumpasi (2)

O Harinåma, who are sung by the sages! O You who have assumed the form of syllables to give great
happiness to the devotees! All glories to You, meaning may Your supremacy always be manifest. If You
are spoken only once, even disrespectfully or in jest, You absolve all of one’s frightful sins at the root.

B‡ÀÄ ™^∆Ÿ≥∞Ÿ≤Ÿº⁄¥ ⁄ÆÀ⁄™ ∫⁄è™-¥˘®⁄æ≤¤ºÍ |
ú≤—™—æËÆŸ%Ä úí⁄™ ∫í∆≥≤Ÿº-™¿®‰!
é‚™¤ ™‰ ⁄≤∆@è™‹Ä é Ñ“ º⁄“ºŸ≤Ä ¥˘∫∆⁄™? ||3||
yad-åbhåso ’py udyan-kavalita-bhava-dhvånta-vibhavo
d®çaµ tattvåndhånåm api diçati bhakti-pra√ayinîm
janas-tasyodåttaµ jagati bhagavan-nåma-tara√e!
k®tî te nirvaktuµ ka iha mahimånaµ prabhavati? (3)

O sun of Bhagavån-nåma! What learned scholar in this world is competent to describe Your unsur-
passed glories? Because even åbhåsa, the dim light of Your early dawn, swallows up the darkness of igno-
rance which blinds the conditioned souls and enables them to envision hari-bhakti.

æÆÍ∏˘“˜-–Ÿ’Ÿ´é‚⁄™-⁄≤œ§æŸ⁄¥, ⁄∏≤ŸÀºŸæŸ⁄™ ⁄∆≤Ÿ ≤ ∫ËíÊÅ |
Ç¥Ê⁄™ ≤Ÿº! —∂‹¿®‰≤ ™%‰, ¥˘Ÿ¿π∞-麉@⁄™ ⁄∆¿È⁄™ ∆‰ÆÅ ||4||
yad-brahma-såkßåt-k®ti-ni߆hayåpi, binåçam åyåti vinå na bhogai˙
apaiti nåma! sphura√ena tat te, prårabdha-karmeti virauti veda˙ (4)

O Nåma! The Vedas loudly declare that a devotee’s karma, which cannot be eliminated even by res-
olute meditation on impersonal Brahman, is at once mitigated by Your appearance on the tongue.

Çî-ƺ≤-æÀËÆŸ-≤≥Æ≤È! ≤≥Æ-–›≤Ë!
麃-≤æ≤-íË¥¤ò≥Æ˙-∆‡≥ÆŸ∆≤‰≥Æ˙ŸÅ! |
´∆⁄æ ºº ¿⁄™¡ôòÊ∆@∞@™ŸÄ ≤Ÿº∞‰æ ||5||
agha-damana-yaçodå-nandanau! nanda-süno!
pra√ata-karu√a-k®ß√åv-ity aneka-svarüpe
tvayi mama ratir-uccair-vardhatåµ nåmadheya (5)

O Nåma! May my love for You in Your many forms such as Agha-damana, Yaçodå-nandana, Nanda-
süno, Kamala-nayana, Gopîcandra, V®ndåvanendra, and Pra√ata-karu√a, always increase.

∆ŸôæÄ ∆Ÿòé⁄º´æ‹Æ‰⁄™ ∫∆™Ë ≤Ÿº! —∆¬¥B˝æÄ

¥›∆@—ºŸ™Í ¥¿º‰∆ “≥™ é¡®Ä ™&Ÿ⁄¥ úŸ≤¤º“‰ |
æ—™⁄—º≤Í ⁄∆⁄“™Ÿ¥¿Ÿ∞-⁄≤∆“Å ¥˘Ÿ®¤ –º≥™ŸØˆ∆‰ÆÍ
ÇŸ—æ‰≤‰Æº‹¥Ÿ—æ –ËÉ⁄¥ ⁄“ –ÆŸ≤≥ÆŸΩ∏‹∞È ºùú⁄™ ||6||
våcyaµ våcakam-ity udeti bhavato nåma! svarüpa-dvayaµ
pürvasmåt parameva hanta karu√aµ tatråpi jånîmahe
yas tasmin vihitåparådha-nivaha˙ prå√î samantåd-bhaved
åsyenedam-upåsya so ’pi hi sadånandåmbudhau maj-jati (6)

O Nåma! In the material world You manifest in two forms: as våcya, the Paramåtmå inside the heart
of each soul, and as våcak, or the sound vibration of names such as K®ß√a and Govinda. We know Your
second form to be more merciful to us than the first because by worshipping the second form through
vocalising it, even those who have committed offences to Your first form are plunged into an ocean of

–›⁄Æ™Ÿ⁄Ã˘™-ú≤Ÿ⁄™@-¿ŸÀæ‰, ¿Ωæ-⁄òÆÍî≤-–‹ê-—∆¬⁄¥®‰ |
≤Ÿº! íË鋃-º“Ë´–∆Ÿæ ™‰, é‚œ®! ¥›®@∆¥‹Œ‰ ≤ºË ≤ºÅ ||7||
süditåçrita-janårti-råçaye, ramya-cid-ghana-sukha-svarüpi√e
nåma! gokula-mahotsavåya te, k®ß√a! pür√a-vapuße namo nama˙ (7)

O K®ß√a-nåma! You destroy the sufferings of those who take shelter of You, You are the playful
embodiment of saccidånanda, You are the embodied festival of Gokula, and You are all-pervading. I
offer praÌma unto You time and again.

≤Ÿ¿Æ-∆¤®Ëùú¤∆≤!, –‹∞Ë⁄º@-⁄≤æŸ@–-ºŸ∞‹¿¤-¥›¿! |
´∆Ä é‚œ®-≤Ÿº! 韺Ä, —∂‹¿ º‰ ¿–‰≤ ¿–≤‰ –ÆŸ ||8||
nårada-vî√oj-jîvana! sudhormi-niryåsa-mådhurî-püra!
tvaµ k®ß√a-nåma! kåmaµ, sphura me rasena rasane sadå (8)

O life of Nårada’s vî√å, O You who are like waves of essential nectar in the ocean of sweetnesses! O
K®ß√a-nåma! By Your own volition, please always sweetly appear on my tongue.

Ɖ∆! ∫∆≥™Ä ∆≥Ɖ
Deva! Bhavantaµ vande

Ɖ∆! ∫∆≥™~ ∆≥Ɖ |

º≥ºŸ≤–-º∞‹é¿º¥@æ ⁄≤ú-¥Æ-¥óÏú-ºé¿≥Ɖ ||1||
deva! bhavantaµ vande
man-månasa-madhukaram arpaya nija-pada-pa∫kaja-makarande (1)

O Bhagavån Çrî K®ß√a! I am offering a prayer to You. Please attach the bee of my mind to the nectar
of Your lotus feet, meaning please let it have a taste of the rasa of those lotus feet by which it will then
never be able to become attached to anything else.

æY⁄¥ –ºŸ⁄∞Œ‹ ⁄∆⁄∞¿⁄¥ ¥Õæ⁄™, ≤ ™∆ ≤êŸí˘º¿¤⁄òºÍ |

ÑÆ⁄ºôöŸ⁄º ⁄≤ÀΩæ ™∆Ÿôæ‹™! ™Æ⁄¥ é‚¥ŸÆÍ∫‹™-∆¤⁄òºÍ ||2||
yadyapi samådhißu vidhir api paçyati, na tava nakhågramarîcim
idam icchåmi niçamya tavåcyuta! tad api k®pådbhuta-vîcim (2)

Although Brahmå in his samådhi cannot obtain a glimpse of even a ray of the tips of the nails of Your
feet, still hey Acyuta! Having heard of the waves of Your astonishing mercy, I yearn to see You.

∫⁄è™-¡Æ°ò⁄™ æY⁄¥ ºŸ∞∆! ≤ ´∆⁄æ ºº ⁄™ƒ-ºŸ&¤ |

¥¿º‰Õ∆¿™Ÿ ™Æ⁄¥ ™∆Ÿ⁄∞é, Æfiî@¢-î¢≤-⁄∆∞Ÿ&¤ ||3||
bhaktir udañcati yadyapi mådhava! na tvayi mama tila-måtrî
parameçvaratå tad api tavådhika, durgha†a-gha†ana-vidhåtrî (3)

O Mådhava! Although I don’t possess even a sesame seed of bhakti for You, by Your supreme power
which makes the impossible possible, please fulfil the desires of my heart.

Çæº⁄∆ƒËƒ™æŸY –≤Ÿ™≤, é⁄ƒ™ŸÆÍ∫‹™-¿–-∫Ÿ¿ºÍ |

⁄≤∆–™‹ ⁄≤´æ⁄º“Ÿº‡™-⁄≤⁄≥Æ⁄≤, ⁄∆≥Æ≤Í º∞‹⁄¿º-–Ÿ¿ºÍ ||4||
ayam avilolatayådya sanåtana, kalitådbhuta-rasa-bhåram
nivasatu nityam ihåm®ta-nindini, vindan madhurima-såram (4)

Hey Sanåtana! Your lotus feet put to shame the sweetness of heavenly nectar. Therefore please make
the bee of my mind undistracted by material desires and give me eternal residence at Your lotus feet—
this is my only prayer.

Çrî Navadvîpå߆akam

Ã˘¤íÈ•˛-ƉÀ‰ –‹¿ Ƥ⁄î@éŸæŸ-

—™¤¿‰É⁄™-¿Ωæ‰ ¥‹¿-¥‹©æºøæŸÅ |
ƒ–≥™ºŸ≤≥Æ-∫¿‰® ⁄≤´æÄ
™Ä Ã˘¤≤∆B˝¤¥º“Ä —º¿Ÿ⁄º ||9||
çrî-gau∂a-deçe sura dîrghikåyås
tîre ’ti-ramye pura-pu√yamayyå˙
lasantam ånanda-bhare√a nityaµ
taµ çrî-navadvîpam ahaµ smaråmi (1)

I remember Çrî Navadvîpa-dhåma, the eternal and blissful land which is splendidly situated on the
charming banks of the holy Bhågîrathî River in Çrî Gau∂a-deça.

æ—ºÊ ¥¿…æ˺ ∆Æ⁄≥™ é‰⁄ò™Í

é‰⁄òôò í˃Ëé Ñ™¤¿æ⁄≥™ |
∆Æ⁄≥™ ∆‡≥ÆŸ∆≤º‰∆ ™ùûŸ-
—™Ä Ã˘¤≤∆B˝¤¥º“Ä —º¿Ÿ⁄º ||2||
yasmai paravyoma vadanti kecit
kecicca goloka itîrayanti
vadanti v®ndåvanam eva tajjhås
taµ çrî-navadvîpam ahaµ smaråmi (2)

I remember Çrî Navadvîpa-dhåma, which some say is Vaiku√†ha and others say is Goloka, but those
who have realised the truth know it as V®ndåvana.

æÅ –∆@ ⁄Æ’‹ —∂›⁄¿™ÊÅ –‹À¤™Ê-

≤Ÿ@≤ŸÆ˙fiºÊÅ –›¥∆≤ÊÅ ¥⁄¿™Å |
Ã˘¤íÈ¿-º±æŸm-⁄∆“Ÿ¿ ¥Ÿ&Ê-
—™Ä Ã˘¤≤∆B˝¤¥º“Ä —º¿Ÿ⁄º ||3||
ya˙ sarva dikßu sphüritai˙ suçîtair
nånådrumai˙ süpavanai˙ parita˙
çrî-gaura-madhyåhna-vihåra påtrais
taµ çrî-navadvîpam ahaµ smaråmi (3)

I remember Çrî Navadvîpa-dhåma, the land which illuminates all directions. Attractive with its gen-
tle, cooling breezes and various beautiful trees, it provides Çrî Gaurasundara with a wonderful facility to
perform His midday sa∫kîrtana pastimes.
Ã˘¤—∆®@Ƥ æ& ⁄∆“Ÿ¿-∫⁄ºÅ
–‹∆®@-–Ë¥Ÿ≤-⁄≤∏ØÛ-™¤¿Ÿ |
…æŸPË⁄º@⁄∫-íÈ@¿-∆ퟓ ¬¥Ê-
—™Ä Ã˘¤≤∆B˝¤¥º“Ä —º¿Ÿ⁄º ||4||
çrî-svar√adî yatra vihåra bhumi˙
vyåptormibhir-gaura-vagåha rüpais
taµ çrî-navadvîpam ahaµ smaråmi (4)

I remember Çrî Navadvîpa-dhåma, where with her many waves the Bhågîrathî joyfully flows, and
where steps composed of gold decorate the river banks.

º“Ÿ≥´æ≤≥™Ÿ⁄® 퇓Ÿ⁄® æ&

—∂‹¿⁄≥™ “ʺŸ⁄≤ º≤Ë“¿Ÿ⁄® |
¥˘´æŸƒæÄ æÄ Ã˘æ™‰ –ÆŸ Ã˘¤-
—™Ä Ã˘¤≤∆B˝¤¥º“Ä —º¿Ÿ⁄º ||5||
mahanty anantå√i g®hå√i yatra
sphuranti haimåni manoharå√i
pratyålayaµ yaµ çrayate sadå çrîs
taµ çrî-navadvîpam ahaµ smaråmi (5)

I remember Çrî Navadvîpa-dhåma, where countless golden palaces are splendidly situated and where
Lakßmîdevî resides in each and every home.

⁄∆YŸ-ÆæŸ-’Ÿ⁄≥™-ºêÊÅ –º—™ÊÅ
–⁄؈í‹@®Êæ@& ú≤ŸÅ ¥˘¥≥≤ŸÅ |
–Ä—™›æºŸ≤Ÿ â⁄Œ-Ɖ∆-⁄–ØÛÊ-
—™Ä Ã˘¤≤∆B˝¤∂Ä —º¿Ÿ⁄º ||6||
vidyå-dayå-kßånti-makhai˙ samastai˙
sadbhir gu√air yatra janå˙ prapannå˙
saµstüyamånå ®ßi-deva-siddhais
taµ çrî-navadvîpam ahaµ smaråmi (6)

I remember Çrî Navadvîpa-dhåma, where the residents are adorned with all good qualities such as
knowledge, compassion, forgiveness, and sacrifice, and are praised even by the sages, demigods, and per-
fected souls.

æ—æŸ≥™¿‰ ⁄ºÃ˘-¥‹¿≥Æ¿—æ
—∆Ÿ≤≥Æ –ŸΩæÊé¥ÆÄ ⁄≤∆Ÿ–Å |
—™Ä Ã˘¤≤∆B˝¤¥º“Ä —º¿Ÿ⁄º ||7||
yasyåntare miçra-purandarasya
svånanda såmyaikapadaµ nivåsa˙
taµ çrî-navadvîpam ahaµ smaråmi (7)

I remember Çrî Navadvîpa-dhåma, where Çrî Gaurasundara performed pastimes such as taking birth
and where the blissful home of Çrî Jagannåtha Miçra is situated.

íÈ¿Ë ∫˘º≤Í æ& “⁄¿Å —∆-∫è™ÊÅ

–óϤ™@≤-¥˘‰º-∫¿‰® –∆@ºÍ |
™Ä Ã˘¤≤∆B˝¤¥º“Ä —º¿Ÿ⁄º ||8||
gauro bhraman yatra hari˙ sva-bhaktai˙
sa∫kîrtana-prema-bhare√a sarvam
nimajjayaty ullasad unmadåbdhau
taµ çrî-navadvîpam ahaµ smaråmi (8)

I remember Çrî Navadvîpa-dhåma, where Çrî Gaurahari and His devotees wandered here and there
performing sa∫kîrtana which was so full of prema that it immersed everyone in an ocean of ujjvala-

ä™≥≤∆B˝¤¥ ⁄∆⁄ò≥™≤ŸßÒÄ
¥YŸ{éºÍ ¥˘¤™º≤ŸÅ ¥§‰ÆÍ æÅ |
Ã˘¤ºôöò¤≤≥Æ≤ ¥ŸÆ¥Ø˜‰
–‹Æfiƒ@∫Ä ¥˘‰º –ºŸµ≤‹æŸ™Í –Å ||9||
etan navadvîpa vicintanå∂hyaµ
padyå߆akam prîtamanå˙ pa†hed ya˙
çrîmacchacînandana påda-padme
sudurlabhaµ prema samåpnuyåt sa˙ (9)

Those who joyfully recite these eight verses of poetry, which bring remembrance of Navadvîpa-
dhåma, will obtain that rare love for the lotus feet of Çrî Çacî-nandana Gaurahari.


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