CFJ Anatomy Physiology Primer

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Anatomy & Physiology
A Primer for CrossFit Trainers |


HUMAN MOVEMENT ANATOMY AND FUNCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
SKELETON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
BONE IDENTIFICATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
MUSCLE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
MUSCLE IDENTIFICATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
JOINTS AND MOVEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

CARDIORESPIRATORY ANATOMY AND FUNCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
HEART STRUCTURE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
ELECTRICAL EVENTS OF THE HEARTBEAT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
BLOOD FLOW THROUGH THE HEART. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
EXERCISE AND HEART STRUCTURE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
VASCULATURE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
INTEGRATION WITH THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
ADAPTATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

KIDNEY ANATOMY AND FUNCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
WATER IN, WATER OUT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
WATER BALANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

FREE BOOK RESOURCES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

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Anatomy & Physiology
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A Primer for CrossFit Trainers |

Trainers are in the business of creating fitness. They apply exercises to their clients in order
to induce adaptations in structure and function that lead to improved fitness. In order to
do this effectively, reliably and safely, the working trainer must understand the structures
they are stressing with exercise to produce the functional change that is fitness. This is the
primary reason we learn anatomy and physiology. We need to understand the materials
we work with in our occupation in order to accomplish the job we are expected to deliver.

Secondarily, there are communication reasons for learning structures and functions.
Telling a trainee that he might have pulled his thyroid as rationale for hamstring pain, or
telling a fellow professional about a clients ver-tee-byou-lar (not the correct ver-te-bral)
issues, does little to portray one as a knowledgeable professional. Anatomy and physiol-
ogy form a common language that connects the trainer, the therapist, the clinician and
the client. We must learn our profession inside out to earn the respect and recognition
due an expert.

Understanding how something is built will help you understand how it works. The
biological and engineering adage form equals function is quite important in exercise
and fitness. When we want to get better at an exercise we need to understand how the
structure of the body contributes to its performance. When bones come together at
moveable joints, they create levers. Levers are simple machines, and this fact makes the
bone-muscle-joint assembly a biological machine that produces every movement we
make in exercise and life. Anatomical technical errorssomething as small as too narrow
of a bench-press grip, starting a pull with the bar too far away from the shins or running
with the elbows held away from the bodycan significantly reduce performance. Simple
changes in structure can also change function; adding mass to a muscle makes the angle
of pull closer to the optimal 90 degrees for force application, and losing mass reduces the
number of muscle protein-interactions that can produce force, the good and the bad. This
is anatomy and physiology in action.

The best place to start in the study of what makes a human move is learning the bones
and muscles that actually allow human movementin that order. The bones form a
moveable scaffolding that allows the muscles attached to it to create gross (large scale)
and fine (small scale) movement. Everything we do in the gym, at work, at play and in
daily life is dependent on the ability of the muscles to move two or more bones through
their range of motion.


The skeleton is comprised of 206 individual bones. It is a relatively easy learning task to
memorize the names of all the bones, as there are lots of duplicates, such as right femur-
left femur, right 12 ribs-left 12 ribs, etc. Furthermore, some of the 22 bones of the skull are
not specifically relevant to exercise, so we can trim a little bit more of the memorization
task. But before we begin naming names, we need to examine the basics of how bones
are built.

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The bones most closely associated with movement are the long bonesthe femur of the
thigh, the humerus of the upper arm, the tibia and fibula of the shin, for example. These
long bones form the levers that make movement possible. But there are other types of
bones, too, and each of the four types has a characteristic structure: long bones, short
bones, flat bones, irregular bones.

We will focus on the structure of bones that most directly affect movement: the long
bones. They are named long bones simply because they are the longest bones in the
body. They have a characteristic anatomical structure (Figure 1). There are eight areas of
anatomical importance in long bones, with likely the most familiar being the epiphysis
and the epiphyseal plate (commonly known as the growth plate).

EpiphysisThe term epiphysis describes the end of a long bone. There will be two of

Epiphyseal PlateThe epiphyseal plate is a thin but diffuse layer of cartilaginous tissue
located between the epiphysis and diaphysis. There are many active cells that divide to
produce bone growth. At full maturity, the cells cease activity and the plate fuses with the
existing bone. At that point, longitudinal growth (gain in height) stops. Contrary to many
misdirected and uninformed opinions, weighted exercise does nothing to harm these

DiaphysisThe term diaphysis is used in reference to the shaft of the bone.

Cancellous BoneThis feature of long bones has also been called spongy bone as it
appears similar to the texture of a very tightly pored and rigid sponge. Cancellous bone
is usually found closer to the epiphysis and functions to help absorb external mechanical

Compact BoneCompact bone is found in the shaft of the bone and is comprised of
mineralized connective tissue. It gives the skeleton much of its ability to support and

CartilageThis is a fibrous tissue that lines joint capsules where bone meets bone. The
more a bone end is exposed to physical stress, the thicker the cartilage will be. So system-
atically loading bones in exercise is a healthy undertaking for bone and joint health.

Medullary CavityThis central cavity is the site of bone-marrow genesis. Marrow is

responsible for blood-cell production.

PeriosteumThe periosteum appears as a fibrous sheath surrounding the bone.

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Figure 1.
A trip to the pet aisle of your local grocery store will yield a nice example of a long bone. For a couple bucks or
so you can pick up a swine femur and explore bone structure. If you happen to have a radial arm saw handy you
can cut the bone longitudinally to reveal its inner structure.


The next step is to learn the names and locations of the bones of the human body and
how they are arranged to form the scaffold of movement. At this point in our learning, we
are associating the names of the bones with locations in the body. A later and separate
step toward expertise would be to learn all of the small bumps, ridges, dips and holes on
and in individual bones that provide attachments for muscles or create other functional

We will divide the skeleton up into parts or regions: the axial skeleton and the appendic-
ular skeleton. The axial skeleton is so named as it creates the longitudinal (vertical) axis
of the body. It runs from the skull down to the tailbone and includes the skull, vertebral
column, ribs, collarbones and sternum. The appendicular skeleton is comprised of the
appendages: the bones of the arms, legs, hands and feet.

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Table 1.

Skull Vertebral Column Chest

Frontal (1) Cervical vertebrae (7) Sternum (1)

Temporal (2) Thoracic vertebrae (12) Ribs (24)
Parietal (2) Lumbar vertebrae (5)
Occipital (1) Sacrum (1)
Zygomatic (2) Coccyx (1)
Nasal (2)
Maxilla (2)
Mandible (1)

*Bones not listed = 20

Bones of the axial skeleton. Numbers in parentheses (x) are total number of that
bonetype in the body.

Figure 2.
The observable bones of the skull.

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The skull, vertebral column, sacrum,

coccyx and ribs as they appear in the
human skeleton. The cervical, thoracic
and the lumbar vertebrae are generally
referred to in an abbreviated form: C =
cervical, T = thoracic and L = lumbar,
followed by the sequential number
of the bone when counted from the
top of the section. For example, C3
refers to the third vertebrae below the
skull, T7 refers to the seventh thoracic
vertebrae (all thoracic vertebrae attach
to ribs), and L1 refers to the first lumbar
vertebrae (which is immediately below
the 12th thoracic vertebrae, T12).

Figure 3.

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Figure 4.
The Rib Cage is part of the axial skeleton and attaches the vertebral column to
the posterior. Anterior viewleft. Superior viewright.

Table 2.

Shoulder Arm Wrist * Hand

Clavicle (2) Humerus (2) Pisiform (2) Metacarpals (10)

Scapula (2) Radius (2) Lunate (2) Proximal phalange (10)
Ulna (2) Scaphoid (2) Middle phalange (8)
Trapezium (2) Distal phalange (10)
Triquetral (2)
Hamate (2)
Capitate (2)
Trapezoid (2)

*Collectively known
as the carpals

Bones of the upper appendicular skeleton. Numbers in parentheses (x) are the total number of that bone type in the

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Figure 5.
The bones of the shoulderthe scapula and clavicleare part of the appendicular skeleton and articulate with
the bone of the upper arm: the humerus.

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Figure 6.
The upper and lower arm bones of the appendicular skeleton. Note that the radius is
on the thumb-side of the arm in all orientations.

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Figure 7.
The upper appendicular skeleton is a key element of effectively transferring force to any exercise apparatus
held by the hands.

The bones of the wrist and hand

are the terminal pieces of the upper
appendicular skeleton. Here we
are grouping eight bones of the
right and left wrists into one group
called the carpals. This is sufficient
detail for early anatomy learning
and memorization. 1 = radius, 2
through 9 = carpals, 10 through
14 = metacarpals, 15 through 19 =
proximal phalanges, 20 through 23
= middle phalanges, 24 through 28
= distal phalanges.

Figure 8.

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Table 3.


Leg Ankle and Rear Foot* Mid- and Forefoot

Femur (2) Calcaneus (2) Metacarpals (10)

Tibia (2) Talus (2) Proximal phalanges (10)
Fibula (2) Navicular (2) Middle phalanges (8)
Patella (2) Cuboid (2) Distal phalanges (10)
Cuneiform (6)

*Collectively called the tarsals

The bones of the hip

form the transition and
connection of the axial
skeleton and the lower
appendicular skeleton and
are key elements of human
movement during exercise.
The ilium, ischium and
pubis bones join to form the
acetabulum, the point of
articulation for the lower leg
at the hip.

Figure 9.

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Figure 10.
The upper and lower leg, bounded by the hip above and the ankle below is composed of four bones. The
femur articulates with the tibia and fibula to extend the lower appendicular downward to the terminal ele-
ment, the ankle.

Figure 11.
The hips, knees and ankles form the basis of almost all functional exercises. Under-
standing how they are built and function is important for every fitness professional.

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Figure 12.
The ankle and foot complete the lower portion of the axial skeleton. As we did with the wrist, we are
grouping bones of the right and left ankle and rear foot into one group called the tarsals. This is sufficient
detail for early anatomy learning and memorization.

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Everyone who eats meat is already familiar with the basic physical appearance of
muscleits texture, its color, its weight. But seeing these little slices of muscle do not
provide us with an appreciation of the overall structure of an intact muscle doing what it
was designed to do: be the engine of movement. Composed of thousands and thousands
of individual muscle cells, these engines act on the levers formed by the bones and joints.
Together they create movement.

It is the unique structure of muscle at both the microscopic (small scale) and the gross
(large scale) that enables contraction and force generation. We will briefly examine both
of these levels of structure in order to understand the basic anatomical and physiological
nature of muscle cells and whole muscles.

A muscle cell is an animal cell and contains the same basic cellular organelles and parts
you learned in junior high and high school.

Cell MembraneThe lipid bi-layer that separates individual cells. The membrane also
allows certain substances to pass in and out of the cell. This characteristic is important in
metabolism and during the electrical events leading to contraction.

CytoplasmCalled the sarcoplasm in muscle cells, this is a water-based suspension

containing other cellular substructures and metabolic substances. This is also the site of
anaerobic (non-oxygen requiring) metabolism that supports high-intensity work.

NucleusThe nucleus is the largest cellular organelle in mammalian cells and contains
nearly all of the cells genetic material or DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).

MitochondriaOften called the powerhouse of the cell due to its role in aerobic
(oxygen requiring) metabolism that supports lower-intensity and long-duration work. The
set of reactions intimately involved in ATP (adenosine triphosphate) productionknown
as the citric-acid cycle (or Krebs cycle)and the electron-transport system are located

RibosomesThese organelles are the site of protein synthesis and are essential to life
and exercise. Proteins in muscle create the ability to contract. Proteins in the blood carry
oxygen. Proteins everywhere drive metabolism. Proteins are used to create architecture
and function.

Endoplasmic ReticulumThere are two basic types of endoplasmic reticulum. You

probably learned them in school biology: rough endoplasmic reticulum (having associ-
ated ribosomes) and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (having no associated ribosomes).
In muscle, these organelles are involved in producing lysosomal enzymes, secreting
cellular and membrane proteins, adding carbohydrate to proteins, synthesizing lipids,
and metabolizing carbohydrates. The endoplasmic reticulum is also a regulatory center
for calcium-ion storage. The large stores of calcium within the sarcoplasmic reticulum are

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vital to muscle contraction and can be rapidly released into the sarcoplasm, which, in turn,
initiates contraction in muscle cells.

Golgi ApparatusThis organelle is composed of membrane-bound vesicles. The Golgi

apparatus works in conjunction with the endoplasmic reticulum by modifying outgoing
substances for delivery to their intended destination, both inside and outside of the cell.

There are some other very interesting and functional microscopic structures that provide
muscle its capabilities. These derive from the nature of the proteins that comprise the
actual contractile apparatus. There are two key contractile proteins that enable muscle to
contract. They are:
1. Actin
2. Myosin
These proteins form the business part of the muscle cell, where contraction and relaxation
takes place. Two sets of myofilamentsone thick, the other thinare arranged in alter-
nating lines, with two identical sets longitudinally across from each other, separated by a
central space. Each set of myofilaments thus arranged is bound to another set of proteins
that make up the Z-linesone at each end of the assembly. One entire unit, from one
Z-line to the next, is known as a sarcomere (Figure 13).

Thick myofilaments are made primarily of the protein myosin and held in place relative to
other myofilaments. Thin filaments are composed of the protein actin. Other regulatory
proteins are bound to actin and act as regulatory proteins that moderate the interactions
between actin and myosin.

Together and when appropriate, neural input creates the appropriate chemical conditions.
The interactions of actin and myosin will create contraction. Simplistically, we can say that
an electric nervous impulse hits the muscle cell; mineral ions such as calcium, sodium and
potassium get moved around to spread the impulse throughout the cell; and a molecular
reconfiguration allows actin and myosin to interact and bind to each other. This binding
causes a shortening of the muscle cell that brings the two ends of the sarcomere (the
muscle if considered in total) toward the midpoint.

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Figure 13.
Schematic of muscle-cell structure and contraction.


Muscles and tendons are often thought of as separate structures; i.e., a muscle just has
tendons tacked on the end to connect it to two bones. This isnt the actual biological real-
ity. The connective tissue that creates a tendon is present in the body of the muscle, too;
we just dont think of it as being a tendon.

Immediately surrounding each muscle cell there is a layer of connective proteins (like
collagen) surrounding the individual cell. The connective layer around one muscle cell
merges with that of its neighboring muscle cells (think of a box of toothpicks as the
muscle cells). There is also a second layer of connective proteins that surround groups of
between 10 and 100 muscle cells, then this layer further merges with the layer of connec-
tive tissue that covers the entire outside of the muscle. These layers of connective proteins
are important, as they will have both structural and functional effects for tendons.

At the belly of the muscle, the ratio of muscle to connective tissue is quite high, with
the volume of muscle being large compared to the volume of connective tissue. As you

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near the ends of the muscle, the number of muscle cells present tapers off and the ratio
of muscle volume to connective-tissue volume flips. When there are virtually no more
muscle cells present, a tendon proper is present. Note that the length of transition from
muscle to tendon can be quite different between muscles, as can be the length of ten-
dons. The muscles of the skull have very short tendons, and the tendons of the tensor
fascia latae run virtually the entire length of the lateral thigh.

This particular architectural arrangement between muscle and tendon allows muscle to
generate force through the shortening of muscle cells and to transmit that force to the
relatively non-stretchable connective-tissue network. When a muscle cell contracts, the
shortening of its cell body length pulls the connective tissue attached to it along with it
and toward the middle of the cell. This creates tension and a change in length that is trans-
ferred through the connective-tissue network and ultimately ends at the tendon-bone
interface, where the bones are pulled closer together to produce body movement (a joint
will be involved).


At this initial level of learning, we are forgoing the traditional meme of learning the
muscles: learn the origin (the name of the bone and bony feature the muscle attaches to
at its proximal end or ends), learn the insertion (the name of the bone and bony feature
the muscle attaches to at its distal end or ends), and then learn the muscles function or
functions (when it contracts and what parts of the body are moved).

Rather, here we are learning the muscle names and their geographic locations on the
body. As you learn muscle names and locations, simply locate the muscle on your body,
put your hand on it to reinforce your understanding of its location and then move the bits
of the body around the muscle. By doing so, youll get a basic idea of what it does. Keep
it simple for now. We would, however, recommend that later you more formally study the
anatomy of the body to learn the nuances necessary for a functional mastery.

As a coach, you will never get to see the inside of the body to identify muscles. You have
to rely on your ability to associate areas of the body with the muscles residing there. You
will need to see the muscles without actually seeing them. Figure 16 illustrates this basic

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Figure 14.
Schematic of muscle-cell structure and contraction.

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Figure 15.
Posterior muscle names and locations.

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Figure 16.


If you look at a construction or painters scaffold, youll see that something connective
is added everywhere two pieces come together at joints. Just like scaffolding elements,
bones dont and cant do their job without some means of connection. Bones will invari-
ably connect to one bone or several bones through a joint, and in some instances through
multiple joints. The elements of a joint are the bones joined, the tendons of the muscles
that cross the joint and the ligaments attached to the bones.

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Extension Flexion Relaxed Standing External Rotation Internal Rotation

Elevation Depression Relaxed Standing Protraction Retraction

Shoulder Circumduction


Figure 17.
The many movements possible at the shoulder.

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Hip Circumduction

Abduction Adduction Extension Flexion

Internal Rotation External Rotation

Figure 18.
The multitude of movements possible at the hip.

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Its the elements of a joint that establish range of motion or flexibility. The majority of
range of motion relies on the ability of muscle to stretch. We dont want stretchy tendons,
as that would inhibit the ability of muscle to transfer force to bones. Think of it as trying
to pull a weight with a bungee cord versus a rope. Which is more efficient? We also dont
want stretchy ligaments, those dense collagen bundles connecting bone to bone. Lig-
aments are there to limit the maximum distance the bones of a joint can be from each
other. They are safeguards from dislocation. In normal exercises utilizing normal flexion
and extension of joints through complete ranges of motion, the risk of ligament damage
and dislocation is low.

Some joint movements are easy to describe and understand, such as flexion and exten-
sion of the elbow, hip and knee. Extension opens the angle of the joint like opening a
book. Flexion closes the angle of the joint like closing a book. But there are numerous
other names for movements of the body beyond flexion and extension, such as opposi-
tionthe movement of your fingers to touch your thumb. Some terms can be confusing,
as in the case of dorsiflexion and plantar flexion of the ankle and foot. Two flexions of the
same anatomical structure? Sometimes you have to come up with clever ways to remem-
ber each. Dorsi refers to the back, so dorsiflexion is movement of the foot toward the
back (lift your toes off the floor while keeping the heel on the floor). Plantar flexion is
movement of the forefoot toward the ground (moving the heel upward while keeping the
toes pointed downlike pushing down on a shovel or digging a hole to plant something).
The following figures present common movements of the shoulder and hip.

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The cardiovascular system is as essential to exercise as the muscle and bones. Without it,
energy cannot be delivered, nutrients cannot be delivered, waste cannot be removed,
body heat cannot be controlled, and more. Like the muscles and bones, the heart is adapt-
able, meaning that its structure can be changed with exercise for a performance or health
benefit. Conversely, being sedentary can change its structure, and this can yield perfor-
mance and health decrements.

We know exercising the heart is beneficial, but we also need to understand the heart in
three perspectives:

1. How is the heart structured?

2. How does the heart function to support exercise?
3. How does exercise affect the heart?


Everyone possesses a physically functioning heart that is architecturally the same, with
only normal and minor variations between individuals. The majority of the heart is
composed of muscle that encloses spaces. Essentially, these exist as chambers wrapped
in muscle. The arrangement of the muscles around these chambers is important as the
heart is a biological fluid pump, pumping blood to all points of the body (that have blood
vessels). It pumps blood constantly from birth to death. If we consider the present average
lifespan to be 76 years, that works out to 2,796,192,000 pumping actions (beats) over the
lifespan. That is a lot of work. The energy required to drive blood through the vessels has
been calculated to be 0.0023 calories (kcal) per each heartbeat. This equates to roughly
6,518,900 calories used over the lifespan just to pump blood. Thats about 235 calories per
day spent on driving blood through the arteries and veins.

The human heart tips the scales at between half a pound and three-fourths of a pound
(250 to 350 g). In general, the size of the heart is related to the size of the body containing
it. A small body has a heart on the smaller end of the scale of norms, and a large body has
a heart on the larger end of the scale. You can see examples of this in the animal world:
some animals have hearts about the size of the end of your pinky, while an elephant heart
is bigger than a basketball. A very quick and easy and somewhat accurate way to visual-
ize the size of your heart is to simply make a fist. The fist is approximately the size of your
heart. This is not an absolute and accurate measure but a ballpark estimation.

The human heart lies at about a 20-degree angle (downward, your right to left) just pos-
terior to the sternum, somewhat centered within the ribcage (a little biased to the left).
The big blood vessels coming out of its top will be toward the right and the narrowed tip
of the heart will be toward the left. Its lowest excursion is above the level of the bottom
of the sternum. Further, it is nestled in between the lungs, liver and diaphragm and
endowed with some shock-absorbing and metabolically available adipose deposits (fat). It
is a very well-protected organ.

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The heart is divided first into superior (upper) and inferior (lower) segments. The term
segment is used here as the heart is not symmetrical and the term halves is not appro-
priate. The upper segment contains two small chambers called atria (singular = atrium).
Each atrium has a superior entry opening and an inferior exit opening. The atria are fairly
thin and look reminiscent of very small and partially deflated whoopee cushions. The
function of the atria is to accept blood from the circulatory vessels and then move it with
pressure into the lower segment of the heart. The short distances and large-diameter
openings through which it moves blood allow for the light musculature present to func-
tion quite well. Both atria are subject to essentially the same work stress and have very
similar structure.

The lower segment contains two much larger chambers called ventricles. Ventricles also
have entry and exit openings but are much more heavily muscled than the atria. The
thicker musculature is necessary for the ventricles to accomplish their pumping function.
Both ventricles must produce higher forces than the atria for several reasons. Higher pres-
sures are required to move blood greater distances upon emergence, and the blood must
be pumped through smaller and smaller peripheral openings and vessels.

The cardiac mass is also divided into left and right segments, with each segment contain-
ing one atria and one ventricle. This is a functional and morphological division. The right
segment composed of the right atria and ventricle is considered the pulmonary side. The
pulmonary side receives oxygen-depleted blood from the body and routes it to the lungs
for oxygenation. The left segment, composed of the left atria and ventricle, is considered
the systemic side, receiving oxygenated blood from the lungs and delivering it to the
bodyall systems, hence the descriptor systemic circulation.

The right and left ventricles share a common muscular wall termed the ventricular
septum. The remaining musculature forms the exterior cardiac walls. The exterior wall
of the left ventricle is much thicker than that of the right ventricle. This is a functional
consequence of the left ventricle muscle having to produce more force to move blood
through the systemic circulation. This means the left side of the heart is the high-pressure
side, capable of creating an average arterial pressure of about 100 mmHg (the same units
of measure as barometric pressure) in order to drive blood out of the heart and to all parts
of the body, whereas only about 25 mmHg of pressure is required to move blood through
the pulmonary circulation.

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The basic organization of the heart.

RA = right atrium

LA = left atrium

RV = right ventricle

LV = left ventricle

Figure 1.

The muscle present in the heart differs anatomically and functionally from the muscles
that move the body (skeletal muscle). That is because the individual muscle cells (myo-
cytes) differ in structure. A cardiac myocyte differs from a skeletal myocyte in shape and
how it communicates with its neighboring cells, and it has only one nucleus (versus many
nuclei in skeletal muscle).


Within the walls of the heart, groupings of specialized function cells conduct and direct
electrical impulses through the heart, from the top of the atria down to and through the
ventricles. This network of conductive cells moves those impulses in an organized geo-
graphic and sequential manner. This culminates in a sequential muscle contractionatria
then ventriclesthat squeezes blood through the heart without allowing backflow.

The electrical activity driving muscle contraction can be recorded and visualizedits
the electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) thats part of your physical checkup or seen on your
favorite medical TV show. Electrical activity must precede contraction; it is what stimulates
the heart to beat.

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There are seven commonly accepted components to the cardiac electro-conductive path-
way: sinoatrial node, inter-nodal tract, Bachmanns bundle, atrioventricular node, bundle
of His, right and left bundle branches, and Purkinje fibers.

Figure 2.
The conductive elements of the heart depicted in respect
to their locations to other structures.

In a normal and healthy heart, the stimulus to begin the cardiac cycle of contraction
begins at the sinoatrial node. The sinoatrial node stimulates both atria to contract and its
impulse passes to the atrioventricular node.

The atrioventricular node lies essentially between the bottom of the atrium and the top
of the ventricle. It acts as a sort of anatomical timer, allowing atrial contraction to occur
before sending the impulse on to the ventricles.

The atrioventricular node leads next to the bundle of His below it. The pathway runs from
the node into the muscle between the ventricles, and then it divides into the right and left
bundle branches, which direct themselves and their offshoots to the right and left ven-

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tricles, respectively. These offshoot branches are called Purkinje fibers, and they branch
and divide extensively down the length of the septum between the ventricles and then
go up and around the exterior ventricular walls. This arrangement creates an enveloping
conductive network that permeates the ventricular muscle. This creates a nearly instanta-
neous ability to spread the contractile stimulus throughout the large ventricular muscle
mass, both right and left, so it can contract as a single unit.

It is this electrical organization and network that produces the sequential and separate
contraction of the atria and ventricles; the blood can then be moved in a controlled and
directional manner that is responsive to biological demand.


We will start the description of how blood travels through the heart on the right sidethe
pulmonary side. The right side of the heart receives deoxygenated blood from the body
into the right atrium. The blood is delivered by the superior and inferior vena cava and
collects into the coronary sinusa sort of juncture between the superior and inferior vena
cavaand passes through a one-way valve into the atrium.

After atrial pressure changes (goes up) and the valve closes to prevent regurgitation
(backward blood flow rather than vomiting), the blood is pushed through contraction to
another valve and into the right ventricle.

The blood from the right ventricle is destined for oxygenation in the lungs via the pulmo-
nary artery (the pulmonary circulation). The chamber will fill, and then after ventricular
contraction, the blood will exit the right ventricle through another valve and make its
way to the lungs. Once the blood passes through the lungs (where it picks up oxygen
and drops off metabolic waste), it returns to the heart by way of the pulmonary vein. It is
worthwhile to note that the pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein are exceptions to the
rule that arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the heart and veins carry deoxygen-
ated blood to the heart. They have opposite roles to their naming convention.

The oxygenated blood exits the pulmonary artery (through another one-way valve) and
enters directly into the left atrium. Once full, the pressure within the left atria rises and
forces open another valve, and blood moves down into the left ventricle. Rising pressure
in the full ventricle shuts the entry valve and opens the exit valve, and the blood leaves
the heart through the aorta.

The aorta is the most important artery in the body in terms of blood delivery. After
emerging from the heart, it arches back toward the vertebral column and becomes known
as the thoracic aorta, and then the abdominal aorta as it passes through those cavities,
respectively. All the important appendicular arteries (like the subclavian and iliac arteries)
and visceral arteries (like the hepatic and mesenteric arteries) are derived from the aorta.
The majority of the blood leaving through the aorta is destined for the systemic circula-
tion, but a portion of it is immediately redirected from the aorta into the coronary circula-
tion. The coronary arteries are those that feed into the cardiac muscle and keep the heart

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supplied with everything it needs. These are also the arteries where heart attacks occur
(through blockage).

Figure 3.
The route of the blood through the heart.


The heart is a muscle, and like skeletal muscle, it can adapt to being loaded; conversely,
it can adapt to being unloaded. Where any muscle is concerned, one important adaptive
possibility is hypertrophy, the anatomical enlargement of a cell or tissue. Historically,
hypertrophy of the heart has been considered to be a negative adaptationa pathologi-
cal condition that is damaging to function and health. Modern diagnostic tools are much
more informative, and we now know better that not all cardiac hypertrophy is bad.

There are three basic types of hypertrophic alterations to cardiac anatomy: pathological
hypertrophy, eccentric hypertrophy and concentric hypertrophy.

Pathological hypertrophy is characterized by an increase in the size of the heartspecif-

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ically the left ventricle. In this disease process, think of the left ventricle as an uninflated
balloon. Something occurs in the heart that induces the space inside the ventricular cham-
ber to get bigger (a number of things can cause this). Now think of what happens when
you blow up a balloon. As the balloon gets bigger, the walls of the balloon get thinner and
thinner. In pathological hypertrophy this happens, too, only the dimensions of the heart
get bigger. There is no added muscle mass, and the muscle walls thin. This is a problem as
it corrupts pumping efficiency.

Eccentric hypertrophyor runners heartis a beneficial adaptation that allows the

heart to more efficiently pump higher volumes of blood through the working body. In
this scenario, the overall heart mass does get larger, driven largely by increased size of the
left ventricular chamber (to hold and pump more blood) and the addition of the needed
muscle mass to keep the ventricular wall at normal thickness.

Concentric hypertrophy is also a beneficial adaptation that allows the heart to move
blood throughout the body against high pressures of resistance. High resistance pressures
occur anytime there is an occlusion of blood vessels. This happens during high-intensity
and high-resistance exercise and work conditions. Here, the chamber size stays essentially
the same size, but there is muscle mass added to the left ventricular walls that increases
their thickness.


The heart is connected to the vasculature: the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venuoles
and veins. These structures are so thoroughly connected that the term cardiovascular
system is the standard rather than cardiac and vascular systems. Given the importance of
these systems to life and movement, we need to establish an appreciation of their basic

Arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the heart (note the pulmonary exception
mentioned earlier). Arteries can be hugelarger in diameter than your thumbas in the
case of the aorta. There are also small arteries, down around 100 mm in diameter (such
as the coronary arteries). Below that diameter, the vessels are called arterioles. Once the
arterioles get as small as possible, they become capillaries. These vessels are only microns
in diameter, big enough to allow passage of only one erythrocyte at a time.

The analog to an artery is a vein. Veins carry deoxygenated blood toward the heart (note
the pulmonary exception mentioned earlier). Arteries occur in pairs with veins. A vein that
pairs with an artery at any given location is a little larger in diameter than the artery. The
larger veins mean they have a lower pressure inside them, allowing the blood from the
higher-pressure systemic arteries to flow into them. The right atrium has the lowest pres-
sure in it than all of the circulatory elements so the venous blood continues to flow down
the pressure gradient into the right atria, where it begins the cardiac pressure cycle again.

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Figure 4.
Gross comparison of a large artery and a large vein pair. The veins lumen is larger.
The artery has thicker and more rigid walls.

Blood vessels are adaptable to stress. If there is a hypoxic stress (low oxygen content pres-
ent), it results in tissue hypoxemia (low oxygen in a tissue), a cascade of local hormonal
and anabolic events occur that produces new capillaries and new arterioles. This process
is called angiogenesis. It can happen in the heart and it can occur in skeletal muscle. This
is considered to be an endurance-friendly anatomical adaptation, leading to improved
capacity to deliver oxygen to working skeletal muscle. Angiogenesis from exercise also
provides a survival benefit in the heart muscle. A more expansive vascular bed from
angiogenesis gives the heart muscle more tubes to draw its blood from. If one route
of blood delivery is blocked, a newly created collateral vessel or vessels can deliver the
needed blood to the heart tissue. Think of this as a traffic detour off an existing highway
after a wreck, where the cars backed up behind the wreck get redirected to other roads
but still get to the intended destination. The creation of collateral blood vessels through
exercise-driven angiogenesis does not prevent disease processes from occurring. Things
such as atherosclerotic progression can and do occur, but angiogenesis can explain, in
part, why fit individuals experience myocardial infarctions far less frequently than seden-
tary individuals.


Another system that is closely entwined with the cardiovascular system is the respira-
tory system. They are so intimately aligned in structure and function that they are often
merged into a single reference term, the cardio-respiratory system. We should be familiar
with a number of elements of the respiratory system.

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We cant see them, we cant touch them, but we certainly can feel them when we are
training really hard. And they are certainly important to exercise performance in training
and in competition. The lungs are intimately intermeshed with the heart and vessels in an
elegant system of supply and demand. This is a system that delivers a critical element of
life and exercise: oxygen. In most instances when we are hanging around and going about
our daily business, and even when we are following physicians recommendations for
exercise (low intensity, long duration), this elegant system carefully matches the amount
of oxygen delivered to the amount consumedsupply meets demand. Under these con-
ditions, we are using aerobic (oxygen requiring) metabolism to supply the energy needed
to power these low levels of physical activity. With aerobic exercise, ventilation rate (how
many times we breathe per minute) can increase about 300 to 400 percent during sus-
tained movement.

If we amp up our exercise intensityrunning at near-sprint speeds or increasing in exer-

tional effortventilation rate can exceed baseline by more than 500 percent. But even
that accelerated rate of breathing cannot provide the aerobic metabolic machinery with
enough oxygen to keep pace with the demand. As a result, there is a transition to anaer-
obic (non-oxygen requiring) metabolism. Shortly after the transition to anaerobic metab-
olism, the body will fatigue, and exercise will have to slow to an aerobic pace or cease
completely. Anaerobic metabolism is a short-lived source of power.

So no matter what type of exercise we dolow to high intensity, long and slow to short
and fast (and everything in between)the lungs are critical anatomical structures. Of
course, the lungs are important even when we are not exercising at all.

Humans have two lungs. Each is divided into segments called lobes, which are defined
by indentations or creases intruding into the exterior surface of the lung. The left lung has
two lobes and the right lung has three lobes. The lungs sit in the thoracic cavity, bounded
in front, behind, to the sides and on top by the axial skeleton (ribs, sternum and vertebral
column). The thoracic cavity is bound at the bottom by the diaphragm. As the diaphragm
is attached to the contour of the lowest ribs, the lungs can extend no lower. The rigid
structure of the axial skeleton and the moveable nature of the diaphragm enable the
respiratory function of the lungs (moving air in and out).

There are other elements of the respiratory system that help move atmospheric air into
the body. Air first enters through the mouth or nasal passages, passes through the larynx,
goes through the trachea (windpipe), divides into the right and left primary bronchi,
then it enters the lungs about one-third of the way down their lengthroughly at the
mid-sternum level.

The primary (exterior) bronchi do not feed into the lungs as most people usually visual-
izeas straws feeding into balloons or big hollow sacs in the chest cavity. This is most
definitely not the case. The inside of the lung is filled with millions of membranous sacs

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and hundreds of miles of small blood vessels. If you poke a lung, it is not like poking a
balloon, it is more akin to poking a big, warm marshmallow.

The membranous air sacs within the lungs are called alveoli. There are about 300 million
in a human lung, each sac about one-third of a millimeter in diameter. This provides
an extremely large surface area, working out to be approximately the size of a tennis
court if spread onto a flat surface. You can calculate this yourself with simple algebra =
300,000,000(4r2). Capillaries cover almost the entire alveolar surface and do so in such a
complete and thorough fashion that it is almost like a sheet of blood covering the surface
of each alveolus. An extremely thin barrier (0.3 m or 1/84,667th of an inch) lies between
these alveoli and the capillary blood; it is known as the blood-gas barrier.

The chemicals present in the barrier allow oxygen to easily diffuse into and carbon dioxide
to easily diffuse out of the capillary blood stream. This is important because the heart
pushes all our entire cardiac output through the pulmonary capillaries and past these
alveoli, where the blood must upload oxygen and offload carbon dioxide.

After a primary bronchus enters a lung, it branches extensively, with the tubes getting
progressively smallermacroscopic to microscopicwith every sequential division. There
are over 1,000 miles of air-conducting tubes in the lungs. Think of them as the piping to
move air in and out.

The nuts and bolts of all gas exchange can be found near the end of the divisions of the
respiratory tree. Ninety percent of the exchange occurs at the alveoli, clearly demonstrat-
ing their importance. The remainder of the exchange occurs in the respiratory bronchioles
and alveolar ducts, the last tube-like structures before the alveolar sacs.


Most exercise programs create respiratory adaptations that allow us to do more work or
to work faster. One ubiquitous adaptation is in the form of improved vital capacity of the

Increased vital capacity results from virtually every exercise system, from yoga to running
to weightlifting and more. The additional respiratory work done during training increases
the efficiency of breathing so you can draw more air into the lungs and move more air
out of the lungs (vital capacity is the maximal amount of air the lungs receive in and then
push out in a respiratory cycle). The inspiratory muscles get better at pulling in air, and
the expiratory muscles get better at pushing air out, so a larger percentage of the total
space in the lungs gets filled up and then emptiedresidual volume of air in the lungs
after exhalation goes down. The more demanding the exercise system used, the larger the
gains will generally be, but there is an anatomical limit of lung volume in every individu-
ala top end of improvement that cannot be exceeded. Some systems just enable you to
reach that anatomical plateau sooner.

Refer to The Paradox of Aerobic Fitness Prescription for a larger consideration of cardio-
vascular and cardiopulmonary fitness.

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Everyone sweats. Everyone pees. If not, they are in a world of hurt.

It may not be readily apparent, but there is commonality in the two watery products
above: The kidneys control them through their abilities to regulate the amount of water in
the body. The kidneys work to control the purity (for lack of a better word), the dissolved
constituents in body fluids and the consistency of fluid volume within the body (fluid
homeostasis). To accomplish these important duties, the kidneys filter gallons of fluid from
the bloodstream, rid the body of metabolic wastes and eliminate excess mineral ions pro-
duced as a result of physiological processes. They also create, recycle and return needed
substances to the circulation. In the average person, this means the kidneys will process
and filter about 50 gallons of blood a day (about 190 L) and remove about half a gallon (1.9
L) in the form of urine.

It is important for fitness professionals to understand the basic functions of the kidney
and know some detail of the concepts of fluid balance and hydration.


The kidney is part of the urinary system. This system is composed of the kidneys, ureters,
urinary bladder and urethra.

KidneysThe kidneys are two bean-shaped organs (ever heard of kidney beans?) that act
as filters of blood. They also produce urine. They lie to the right and left of the vertebral
column in the abdominal, cavity approximately just below the 11th and 12th thoracic ver-
tebra and under the diaphragm. The kidney itself is divided into two layers: the outer renal
cortex and the inner renal medulla. The cortex contains the beginnings of about a half
million tiny tubular and vascular units of filtration: the glomeruli. The remaining portion of
the glomeruli penetrates deep into the medulla, which essentially functions to collect the
filtrate into the collecting duct, which exits the kidney to the ureters.

UretersAbout 10-12 inches long, these are thin tubes leading from the kidneys down
along and flanking the vertebral column to the urinary bladder. The ureter walls are lined
with smooth muscle, and the action of the smooth muscle actively conducts urine pro-
duced in the kidneys to its temporary storage in the urinary bladder.

Urinary BladderThe urinary bladder is the point of urinary collection before urine is
disposed of by urination. The bladder is a hollow muscular sac. It is quite distensible and
can hold approximately 350-500 ml of urine (12-16 oz. or a standard beverage can). The
bladder sits on the pelvic floor, generally lying between the rectum and the pubic sym-
physis. Before urine can be expelled, two sphincter musclesthe involuntarily controlled
internal sphincter and the voluntarily controlled external sphinctermust be relaxed.
Once the sphincters have relaxed, urine exits the bladder to the urethra.

UrethraThe urethra is a tube that conducts urine from the urinary bladder to the exter-
nal environment. It is approximately 2 in. (5 cm) in length in females and approximately
8 in. (20 cm) in length in males. There is a urethral sphincter that allows further voluntary
control over urination.

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Figure 1.
The basic organization of the renal system.


The kidneys serve several essential regulatory functions in humans:

1. Elimination of nitrogenous wastes (nitrogen-containing molecules such as

ammonia and urea) and other toxic materials from the body.
2. Reabsorption of glucose and amino acids for reuse within the body.
3. Production of hormoneserythropoietin (red-blood-cell production, renin
(blood-pressure regulation), calcitrol (vitamin D metabolism).
4. Maintenance of the water, electrolyte and acids/base balance.


Well consider part of the fourth major functionmaintenance of water balancein a bit
of detail. The regulation of fluid balance begins in the glomerulus. These tiny units are the
heart of filtration and urine formation. The basic parts of the glomerular apparatus and

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their part in the process are:

1. Glomerulus: a tuft of capillaries that perform filtration.

2. Bowmans capsule: an enlarged, cup-shaped and incomplete capsule
surrounding the glomerulus.
3. Proximal convoluted tubule: tubular reabsorption.
4. Loop of Henle: sodium and water balance.
5. Distal convoluted tubule: tubular secretion.
Glomerular filtration is the first stage of urine formation. It is a passive and nonselective
process where fluids and small dissolved materials are pushed through a membrane
by hydrostatic pressurethe pressure inside the glomerulus is higher than outside the
glomerulus. The net effect is that water and solutes (ions and small molecules) can pass
out of circulation for inclusion in urine. Larger blood-borne materials such as erythrocytes,
leukocytes, platelets and plasma proteins cannot pass through the exclusionary mem-
brane and are retained in circulation. An increase in blood pressure increases the rate of
filtration, and dehydration slows the rate of filtration and urine formation. So, exercise
per se increases the immediate rate of urine formation through exercise-induced hyper-
tension unless significant dehydration occurs as a result of sweat loss over a long exercise
bout during which environmental conditions favor sweat production. This latter occur-
rence would act to counter the exercise effects and potentially reduce filtration rate and
urine formation.

The kidney is often thought to have an auto-regulatory mechanism in operation that

maintains a constant glomerular filtration rate in spite of fluctuating arterial blood pres-
sures. At rest and with very low levels of work, this is correct. However, with continued
heavier levels of sport training, it has been noted that resting glomerular filtration rate is
affected through a statistically significant reduction.

There are two processes active in urine formation:

Active Tubular ReabsorptionThis is a process that reclaims molecules such as glucose,

vitamins, ions (especially sodium ions) and amino acids for circulation in blood. It acts
against the concentration gradient present in the glomerulus. The presence of carrier
or receptor molecules with high affinities for filtered molecules drive the process, but
once those molecules are saturated (cant bind to any more solutes), any excesses will be
excreted in urine.

Passive Tubular Reabsorption Sodium concentration differences created by active

tubular reabsorption create a strong osmotic gradient, and this causes water to move
out of the filtrate and back into the blood. When water leaves the tubules, the relative
concentration of any substances still present in the fluid inside the tubule increases. If the
concentration gradient (difference in concentration inside and outside) is large enough,
dissolved materials will follow the gradients out of the tubule.

The loop of Henle is one particular part of the glomerular tubule that is important to
fluid balance. The descending part of the loop is impermeable to sodium; as water exits,

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relative sodium-ion concentrations inside the tubule increase. In the ascending part of the
loop, the tubule is permeable to sodium but impermeable to water. In this portion of the
loop, sodium leaves the tubule by diffusion, and the remaining fluid inside of the tubule
becomes more diluted. Minor hormonal and electrolyte actions regulate how much/
many mineral ions are inside and outside the loop and thereby control how much water is
retained or eliminated from the body.

Not every substance dissolved in blood or that is filtered out ends up being reabsorbed.
Many are not reabsorbed or are only partially reabsorbed. These would include metabolic
and nitrogenous products of protein and nucleic-acid metabolism, such as urea, creatinine
and uric acid. Potassium ions are also eliminated if they are present in excess amounts. If
the bodys pH is too low (too acidic), hydrogen ions are included in excretions.


Water balance is simply homeostasis. The amount of water consumed in food and drink
and generated by metabolism must equal the amount of water excreted in order to
maintain healthy function. There are biological and behavioral influences on how much
water we consume (thirst) and how much salt we consume (salt craving). The kidneys have
a role in maintaining this balance. In broad, basic strokes, they do this by conserving water
(ensuring less is removed from the body), producing urine that is concentrated (less water,
more solutes) relative to blood plasma, or by removing water from the body by producing
urine that is dilute (more water, less solutes) relative to blood plasma.

The major biochemical player in this process is arginine vasopressin (AVP, also known as
anti-diuretic hormone or ADH), which, when present, induces water reabsorption. When
the hypothalamus in the brain senses blood is too concentrated, AVP is released. This pulls
water back into circulation. In opposition, when there is a large returning fluid load to the
heart, AVP production is inhibited. This allows water to be removed from the system.

Sodium (of sodium-chloride fame) is the single largest solute in extracellular fluids, so
this single molecule determines the amount of solutes per unit volume of body fluids
(increases salt concentration in the blood). This ratio is tightly controlled, as it is critical
for most life functions (think about the importance of sodium in propagating the electri-
cal signal in muscle contraction, for example). This implies that sodium balance must be
closely regulated to facilitate function or prevent destruction of cellular structures and
disruption of cell and tissue functions.

In practice, when you train long and hard in a hot environment or just dont drink enough
water, your body becomes dehydrated. You lose water from the circulation to form sweat
in the former instance, and water consumption does not meet the rate of elimination in
the latter. In both cases you are losing proportionately more water from the blood than
losing sodium (the primary solute of interest). This increases osmolarity. In this situa-
tion, the kidneys will act to conserve water in order to stem further loss of water and the
resultant increase in sodium concentration (note that no new sodium is being put into
the system). It should be obvious that this is a survival mechanism; the body is naturally

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protecting itself. Further, the body is quite capable of functioning with transient low-wa-
ter intake (or transient no-water intake); the correction to the situation is consumption of
appropriate amounts of water when it becomes available.


If you are like most people, you were told in school, at home, in the doctors office or on
TV to drink eight 8-oz. glasses of water per day (remember that the average U.S. drinking
glasses for home use are 12, 16 and 20 oz.). Conveniently, this works out to the half-gallon
(1.9 L) of urine the average person would excrete each day. While this seems like a great
one-size-fits-all prescription, it really isnt: This concept has never been tested. It derives
from an unsupported recommendation in an archaic nutrition textbook. Does a 110-lb.
(55-kg) exercising female need the same volume of water consumption as a 330-lb. (150-
kg) exercising male football lineman? Of course not. The need for water is driven by met-
abolic rate and magnitude. The football lineman uses a much larger volume of water to
support the biochemical processes that must occur to support his large mass. Even at rest,
the basal metabolic rate of these two example individuals differs by two- or threefold.

So how do we approach this problem? Not enough water can have negative effects on
performance. Ask any weight-class athlete about how they perform after cutting weight,
and they will tell you performance is not up to its potential. But dehydrated athletes have
set world weightlifting and powerlifting records, they have won gold medals, and they
have completed marathons. Although dehydrated cells do not function optimallyas
all metabolic processes take place in waterthe body can continue to function near its
current level of readiness.

Fortunately for most gym goers, dehydration is never a problem. There are always drinks
available if needed, but the real reason its not a problem is simply because the average
training session is not long enough to cause dehydration.

Lets break this down into two questions:

1. How much water do we need to lose before performance suffers and bad things
2. How long would a workout have to be in order for dehydration to occur and
exert effects?
How much water do we have to lose before issues appear? It really depends on your body
weight. The following continuum shows the percentage of body-weight loss needed
to cause decreased performance, acute health problems or death. Note that a gallon of
water weighs 3.8 kg or 8.3 lb. as you peruse the continuum, and put that figure in perspec-
tive with regard to your own body weight. A 200-lb. male, for example, would have to lose
almost 4 gallons of water (about 32 lb., or 16 percent of body weight) to be at risk of death.

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Figure 2.
Dehydration Continuum. The continuum assumes that you are completely hydrated
bladder emptied, and bowels voidedas a baseline, and that the water loss is a result
of short-term water restriction and exertion, not as part of a pathological pre-existing
condition. Note that this is a continuum, and that effects and symptoms gradually appear
as dehydration worsens. Individual differences should be expected.

How long does a workout have to be to cause an athlete to lose 5 percent of body weight?
Can you even lose 5 percent in a single workout? It depends. The biological safeguard
of thirst kicks in by about a 2 percent loss. So if you can ignore the signals your body is
sending you, and you can refrain from drinking even though your body is telling you to,
and you can continue exercising for long enough, you can lose 5 percent of your body
weight. Research tells us that in extreme instances a human performing severe exercise
in severely hot and humid environments can lose 1.5 L (0.4 gal.) per hour. If we put this
into the context of the continuum above, to reach 5 percent dehydration, a fully hydrated
person would need to avoid drinking and perform near-maximal exercise in high heat
for between 80 and 210 minutes (an hour and 20 minutes up to three-and-a-half hours),
depending on body weight. Recall that 5 percent is where performance losses and
symptoms begin to emerge. Reaching the more profound levels of dehydration would
require double and triple these durations and would only be a factor in very extreme and
long-duration events.

If your training session is less than 30 to 60 minutes in duration, in any environment, there
is no advantage or benefit from drinking during the session, nor is there a danger from
not drinking. Perhaps the best use of water in this instance would be to douse yourself to
get your body temperature down (if you were outside in the heat).

Conventional wisdom and defensive medicine over the past few decades have led us
to the point where the populace, fitness professionals and even clinicians believe fluid
consumption should occur before training, during training and after training. Essentially,

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A Primer for CrossFit Trainers |

overconsumption is promoted. The guidelines responsible for these beliefs were puta-
tively developed to defend against some rather dire heat-injury problems induced by
dehydration. In normal training sessions, even in the heat, hydration status does not have
a strong correlation to heat injury. Adding water to the gut of a heat-injured person does
not cure the problem; getting body temperature down by any means necessary does.

Conversely, too much water can carry with it a separate set of problems. The kidneys can
easily deal with small-to-moderate excesses in water consumption. However, significantly
large and excess fluid intake can lead to hyponatremia (low sodium content of the blood
and tissues). This particular pathology was once a very infrequent finding in sport and
exercise. There appears somewhat of a correlation between increased reports of hyper-hy-
dration and hyponatremia and the evolution of hydration standards into the current
recommendations from exercise-professional groups. Historically, these guidelines have
heavily recommended that you drink before you are thirsty (disregard a physiological
survival mechanism), drink consistently during exercise and continue to drink afterward.

Hyponatremia is most frequently found in running participants who run at a slow pace,
who by virtue of lower exertion (slow pace) or environmental conditions sweat less,
and who drink water frequently before, during and after running long (marathon-scale)
distances. If we take the guidelines for pre-hydration and hydration during running as
written without individualization and assessment of current hydration status (0.7 to 0.9
L in the four hours prior to running and 0.4 to 0.8 L per hour during exercise), an average
marathon participant who runs the route in approximately five hours will have consumed
2.7 to 4.9 L of water by the end of the race. Potentially and conservatively, the runner
might have sweated (in a hot environment) 3.75 L in that time (0.75 L per hour). So, about
half the runners could be over-hydrated using the current guidelines.

Because average exercisers do not weigh themselves each morning and calculate poten-
tial water loss, nor do they check for urine osmolality (a laboratory check for hydration
status), they do not have a means to monitor and adjust their consumption to alter hydra-
tion status. As such, most trainees simply follow the advice of the authoritative bodies and
drink continually before, during and after exercise, placing themselves at risk of over-hy-
dration. We as exercise professionals can help them avoid the risk of under- or over-hy-
dration simply by getting them to follow the biological imperative that has kept us alive
throughout human history: thirst. Having drinks readily available to trainees when they
are thirsty is a safe and effective way to maintain and improve performance without
the risks of under- and over-hydration.

For a more detailed analysis and explanation of the science and issues surrounding hydra-
tion read Waterlogged by Dr. Tim Noakes.

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Anatomy & Physiology
A Primer for CrossFit Trainer |

Grays Anatomy of the Human Body

Human Physiology


Cover Image Shaun Cleary

Figure 7. on page 12 Image Cheryl Boatman

Figure 11 on page 14 Image Apple & Cheese Photography

Figure 17 on page 22 Image Chris Nolan

All Other Images and Graphics Lon Kilgore & Killustrated

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