Beginning Reader Lesson Plan 1

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Reader Lesson Plan

GR Levels: C - G (LN through Early WWP)
1 Hour Lesson Plan

Component Purpose Activities Outcomes
Reading Practice Increase SW Rereading of texts: Were the books too easy /
Time: 20% vocabulary, fluency, & too hard / just right?
confidence through Independent Reading
10 minutes rereading practice Partner Reading
Remember: Beginning Read the Room Missed words:
Readers will acquire Other: Since this is our first lesson that includes the
new sight words
Reading Practice component, the books are
through rereading Reminders:
familiar books unfamiliar to the student. As the student reads
books from the Guided Reading Section, I will add Did you complete the book
those books to this section for the student to log?
practice reading. The student will choose two books RR check once/week?
that are on her independent reading level Book Level: Acc %age
(PrePrimer B) to read 3 times each.

Books to choose from this week:

Rainbows by Karen Alexander (Guided Reading level D)

At Home in a Shell by Charlotte Jordan (Guided Reading
level D)

Ice Cream by Briar Wilton (Guided Reading level D)

Adapted by W. Snow from Book Buddies lesson plan.

Word Study Build sight word High frequency word activities (word wall, word bank, etc.) Automatic sight wd.
Time: 15% vocabulary Recognition?
Point out phonetically Activity: I will introduce her to the Barbie Word Board that
15 minutes
regular components of
we will be adding words to that we learn throughout our Sight words needing review:
High frequency word lessons. Once she has mastered a word, she will add the
activities (word wall, word to her board. We will start with the words she missed
word bank, etc.) on Pre-Primer list and some from the Primer list (here,
Increase complexity of where, came, good, have, now, our).

awareness tasks
Automaticity with
Pickup- I will lay out the words the student
letter sounds does know (here, where, came, good, have,
Spell short vowels now, our) and some words that the student got
words & high correct on the assessment (blue, three, two,
frequency words run, you). I will call out words and the student
will pick up the word. If the student does not
Segmenting & blending
at onset-rime or know the word, we will stop and go over the
phoneme level word- and allow her to write the word on a dry
Teaching word erase board. We will repeat the activity until she
families, digraphs & is able to pick up most of the words. We will
blends, & medial short
play word bingo next lesson to keep reviewing
these words.
Words: here, where, came, good, have, now, our
blue, three, two, run, you
Segmenting & blending work (Push/Say): Able to blend / segment
early LN: onset-rime (beginning sounds) sounds in orally

mid-late LN: phoneme level (b-m-e sounds)
Able to blend/segment

words (P & S It)
Last week we worked on ch, tr, and c. I will be adding dr, j
sounds this week. The student is confusing affricates and

this activity will set up her reviewing the different Confusions?


Adapted by W. Snow from Book Buddies lesson plan.

Sequence of P/S (reinforcing taught word features):
Rap-tap-cap-chap-chip-hip-rip-trip-trap-track- truck-
chunk chip-chap-dip- dap-jip-jet- drip-drop-
The letter tiles required are:
ch, a, d, c, c, i, j, h, k, p, r, t, u

Word Study Sorting: Sorted correctly &

Features for sorting:_____________________________
1. Model First, then Guided Practice
Picture/Word Sort Self-corrected sorting
Chap Drag Trip Jog
(picture) (picture) (picture) (picture)
Chum Drag Trap Just Other:
Champ Drank Trot Jet
Chant Drip Trash Junk
Chunk Drop Trim
First, I will model the word sort by doing a think
aloud with the picture cards. I will have the headers
out on the table (Chap, Drag, Trip, Jog). After I model
the sort, I will ask if she recognizes any features from
last week. We worked on ch and tr last week. Then I
will have the students try to read the words for me to
know if the words are too difficult for the student.
We will then do the sort together and place the
words under the correct headers. Continuing to make
connections to the words and the feature.
The student will then independently do the sort.

Adapted by W. Snow from Book Buddies lesson plan.

2. Extend and Apply:
Writing Sort
I will give student a dry erase board and
have her write the heading along the top
(chap, drag, trip, jog). I will read the words
that have asterisks next to them and have
her try her best to write the words under the
correct header.
I will be looking to see if the student is
writing the correct affricate and not
confusing ch, tr, and dr like she did on her
spelling inventory.
Fast Read
Timed Sort
3. Overall Accuracy with Sorting:

Sort: App. Percentage Correct:
No. of words/cards?
__19___ ________

Writing for Apply phonics Writing for Sounds (2-3X/week): Represented taught sounds
Sounds knowledge correctly?
Time 5% Sentence 1: _Drop the jet in the trash. _ Spacing, Beginning Capital

5 minutes Letter, Ending Punctuation?
Sentence 2: _A chunk of a chip just fell in the trap. _____
Letter Formation?

Guided Reading Apply decoding skills & Book: _At the Track by Gary Pernick __ Level: ___E____ Was the book too easy / too
Instruction word identification I chose At The Track because it contains words with hard / just right?
strategies in new text
Time: 20% affricates we have been working on (tr, dr), and it will Missed words:

Adapted by W. Snow from Book Buddies lesson plan.

10 minutes Teach self-monitoring review blends. I will be sure to guide her in making those
strategies connections before we read and while she is reading. This
book is on her instructional level (Guided Reading level E). Used information from
1. Select instructional level text. book introduction: yes / no
2. Read title with students & discuss cover. Other:
3. Have students make a prediction.
4. Discuss pictures, words, & patterns in the
5. Model and support decoding and word
identification strategies.
6. Students read the book independently.

Teacher Read Develop oral language Book: Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus by Barbara
Aloud Increase vocabulary Park (Guided Reading level M)
Model comprehension
Time: 20% Theme (if any): Visualizing and Connections
10 minutes Foster joy of reading

Interactive read-alouds (fiction & non-fiction)
Junie B. Jones is beyond the students instructional level.
This is a read aloud that we will read throughout the
lessons. I plan on reading one to two chapters each lesson,
depending on what time permits.
This book allows students to make many connections. The
book starts out on her first day of Kindergarten and
meeting the teacher. It allows students makes connections
to her life and also visualize what is going on in the story
based the text. I will stop as I am reading to have student
discussion the connections she is making.

Adapted by W. Snow from Book Buddies lesson plan.

In the students writing sample, she used a lot of
dialogue in her writing. She did not attend to
punctuation. As we read, I will stop and point out
the quotation marks around what the person is
saying, and the punctuation at the end of
sentences. I will model what it would sound like if I
did not attend to punctuation and what it sounds
like when I do attend to punctuation.
Vocabulary- anxious and exhilarated
- Talk about how Junie must have felt on her first
day of school. Say that if she felt nervous then she
felt anxious. Use it in a sentence for her. Say she
also must have felt exhilarated- which means
excited and happy. Ask her about a time she felt
QAR (in my head or in the book)
Language Play

Writing Writing simple Activity:
Time: 20% sentences, lists,

10 minutes
narratives, or Journal writing
The student is having trouble with reversing the b and
d. Show her the bed paper and how b is first then the d
makes the end part of the bed.

I will prompt her to write in her writing journal about one
of the connections she made to the text. She can choose if

Adapted by W. Snow from Book Buddies lesson plan.

she wants to share about her first day of school or how
Junie B Jones felt on her first day. I will encourage her to
use our new vocabulary words (exhilarated and anxious) in
her writing.

Writing for sounds in teacher-dictated sentences
Pattern writing (based on familiar books)
Interactive writing modeled by teacher

Adapted by W. Snow from Book Buddies lesson plan.

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