M9391A Pxie Vector Signal Analyzer: Keysight Technologies

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Keysight Technologies

M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer

1 MHz to 3 GHz or 6 GHz

Data Sheet
Table of Contents
Product Overview 3
Technical Specifications and Characteristics 4
Definitions for specifications 4
Recommended best practices in use 4
Block diagram 5
Frequency 6
Amplitude 8
Dynamic range 11
Spectral purity 14
Data acquisition 16
Measurement speed 17
Format-specific measurement data 17
Environmental and physical specifications 21
System requirements 22
Software 23
Setup and Calibration Services 24
Support and Warranty 25
Configuration and Ordering Information 26
3 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Be ready for tomorrow - today
RF requirements keep growing while timelines keep shrinking.
To help ease the technical and business pressures, the right Reference solutions
test solution provides continuity in measurements and
Application specific reference solutions, a combi-
longevity in capability. The Keysight Technologies, Inc.
nation of recommended hardware, software, and
M9391A PXIe vector signal analyzer (PXI VSA) is the next
measurement expertise, provide the essential com-
logical step in RF signal analysis.
ponents of a test system. The following reference
solutions include the M9391A PXI VSA as a hardware
The M9391A PXI VSA, combined with the M9381A PXIe vec-
tor signal generator provides a complete solution for fast,
high quality measurements optimized for RF manufacturing
RF PA/FEM characterization and test, Refer-
test environments.
ence Solution for the industrys fastest envelope
tracking test, rapid waveform download, tight
To help you get proven results even faster, Keysights PXI
synchronization, automated calibration and
VSA can be used with X-Series measurement applications
digital pre-distortion. For more information, see
for modular instruments, 89600 VSA software and System-
Vue. These software applications enable you to investigate,
LTE/LTE-A multi-channel test, Reference Solu-
validate and test your RF communications designs.
tion for faster insight into carrier aggregation and
spatial multiplexing designs. For more informa-
From fully modular hardware to software leverage to world-
tion, see www.keysight.com/find/solution-LTE
wide support, the PXI VSA is the low-risk way to manage
change and be ready for tomorrowtoday.

Product description
The M9391A PXI VSA is a modular vector signal analyzer for
frequencies from 1 MHz to 6 GHz and up to 160 MHz analysis
bandwidth. The M9391A is comprised of four individual
PXI modules - M9350A downconverter, M9214A digitizer,
M9301A synthesizer and M9300A frequency reference. A
single M9300A frequency reference can be shared between
multiple instruments to minimize footprint.

The flexible, modular design of the M9391A enables you

to efficiently scale to multi-channel signal analysis to test
multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) devices. Capability
can also be scaled with options for memory, frequency range
and modulation bandwidth which can be easily upgraded in
the field.

Power amplifier and front-end-module design validation
and manufacturing
Radio transceiver design validation and production test
MIMO and multi-channel device test

Figure 1. M9391A PXIe vector signal analyzer with four modules consisting
of the M9214A digitizer, M9301A synthesizer, M9350A downconverter and
M9300A frequency reference.
4 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Technical Specifications and Characteristics

Definitions for specifications Conversion type operating range
Temperatures referred to in this document are defined as follows: Conversion types Frequency range
Full temperature range = Individual module temperature of 25
Auto 1 MHz to 3 or 6 GHz
to 75 C, as reported by the module, and environment
temperature of 0 to 55 C. Image protect 1 MHz to 3 or 6 GHz
Controlled temperature range = Individual module tempera- Single high 400 MHz to 3 or 6 GHz
ture of 40 to 51 C, as reported by the module, and environ- Single low 1.1 GHz to 3 or 6 GHz
ment temperature of 20 to 30 C.

Specifications describe the warranted performance of calibrated Additional information

instruments. Data represented in this document are specifications
Mixer level offset modifies the receiver gain prior to the first
under the following conditions unless otherwise noted.
mixer of the receiver. A negative setting improves distortion
Calibrated instruments have been stored for a minimum of 2
(i.e., TOI) at the cost of noise performance (i.e., DANL). A
hours within the full temperature range
positive setting improves noise performance at the cost of
45 minute warm-up time
Calibration cycle maintained
Performance described in this document applies for module
When used with Keysight M9300A frequency reference and
temperature within 3 degrees of comprehensive alignment,
Keysight interconnect cables
unless otherwise noted.
When used with a Keysight M9018A PXIe chassis, compre-
Characteristics describe product performance that is useful in
hensive alignment requires chassis FPGA version 1.05 or
the application of the product, but that is not covered by the
product warranty. Characteristics are often referred to as
When configured for multi-channel, phase-coherent
Typical or Nominal values and are italicized.
operation (shared synthesizer configuration), instrument level
Typical describes characteristic performance, which 80% of
warranted specifications only apply to the M9391A which
instruments will meet when operated
was previously calibrated with the M9301A synthesizer,
within the controlled temperature range.
showing a valid calibration indicator. For all other M9391A
Nominal describes representative performance that is useful
channels, specifications revert to typical performance. If
in the application of the product when
using an external LO distribution unit, such as the V2802A LO
operated within the controlled temperature range.
distribution network, specifications for all M9391A channels
revert to typical performance.
Recommended best practices in use All graphs contain measured data from one unit and is repre-
Use slot blockers and EMC filler panels in empty module slots sentative of product performance within the controlled
to ensure proper operating temperatures. Keysight chassis temperature range unless otherwise noted.
and slot blockers optimize module temperature performance The specifications contained in this document are subject to
and reliability of test. change.
Set chassis fan to high at environmental temperatures above
45 C
Maintain temperature stability for best multi-channel phase
Set chassis fans to maximum
Maintain stable ambient temperature
Perform warm-up with session open and representative
acquisition waveform running
5 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Technical Specifications and Characteristics

Block diagram

M9300A PXIe Frequency Reference (+13 dBm sine

all 100 MHz Outs)
M9301A PXIe Synthesizer
3 dB
100 MHz RF/LO Out 1A
External Trigger Trig 2 (front)
100 MHz PLL Out 1 to PXI Backplane
100 MHz 3 dB
3 GHz to 6 GHz RF/LO Out 1B
Out 2 Banded
Divide Switched
(1 to 110 MHz) 100 MHz 100 MHz by 1-2-4-8
Filter 3 dB
Ref In Out 3 RF/LO Out 2A
PLL Bank
100 MHz
3 dB
10 MHz OCXO Out 4 850 MHz RF/LO Out 2B
100 MHz by 1 or 2
(RF Outputs: 187.5 MHz to 6 GHz)
Out 5 (-10 dBm to +10 dBm)
3 dB
100 MHz In (+13 dBm Typical)
Divide 10 MHz 10 MHz Out
by 10

10 MHz OXCO Out 100 MHz 3 dB

(10 MHz, +10 dBm Out

to 16 dBm, sine) (+13 dBm

M9350A PXIe RF Downconverter M9214A IF Digitizer
RF Preselect 1 MHz to 6 GHz
1st LO IF
Bypass 300 MHz ADC FPGA RAM
Pre-amp Calibrator Signal
Single Conversion Path
2.1 GHz Signal
BPF Processing
Image Protect Path IF Conditioning IF Out
/ Filtering ASIC
3.9 GHz
X 36
100 MHz In LO
2nd LO
X 24 LO 100 MHz Out 100 MHz In Signal Clock
Generator Clocks
(+10 dBm typical) Conditioning

Figure 3. M9391A PXIe vector signal analyzer block diagram with four modules consisting of the M9301A synthesizer, M9350A downconverter, M9214A digitizer
and optional M9300A frequency reference.
6 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Technical Specifications and Characteristics

Frequency range and resolution
Option F03 1 MHz to 3 GHz
Option F06 1 MHz to 6 GHz
Tuning resolution 0.001 Hz
IF frequency Nominal
15 MHz filter 326 MHz
40 MHz filter 240 MHz
160 MHz filter 300 MHz

Analysis bandwidth 1
Maximum bandwidth Option B04 40 MHz
Option B10 100 MHz
Option B16 160 MHz

Frequency switching speed 2,3

Acquisition Standard,
List mode switching speed 4 Sample rate bandwidth nominal Option UNZ, nominal
Baseband frequency offset change 5 100 MHz 80 MHz 5 ms 27 s
> 100 MHz to > 80 MHz to 5 ms 102 s
< 180 MHz < 144 MHz
180 MHz 144 MHz 5 ms 15 s
Arbitrary frequency change 5 ms 320 s
Non-list mode switching speed 6 nominal Option UNZ, nominal
Baseband frequency offset change 5 5 ms 310 s
Arbitrary frequency change 5 ms 2.3 ms

1. Instantaneous bandwidth (1 dB bandwidth) available around a center frequency over which the input signal can be digitized for further
analysis or processing in the time, frequency or modulation domain.
2. When used with the M9018A PXIe chassis (2-link configuration: 1 x 8 [factory default]) and M9036A PXIe embedded controller.
3. Settled to within 1 kHz or 1 ppm, whichever is greater of final value. Does not include data acquisition or processing time. Amplitude
settled to within 0.1 dB. Channel filter set to none. Applies for all conversion types.
4. Time from trigger input to frequency and amplitude settled. Minimum IQ sample rate 6 MHz. Minimum spectrum acquisition 4.8 MHz.
Minimum power acquisition channel filter bandwidth 4.8 MHz. For lists with first point < 400 MHz or for frequency changes
from > 400 MHz to < 400 MHz, add 40 ms.
5. Baseband offset can be adjusted from carrier frequency within limits determined by RF analysis bandwidth and IF filter bandwidth.
Synthesizer frequency and amplitude are not changing. Baseband offset settled to within 1 kHz.
6. Mean time from IVI command to carrier frequency settled to within 1 kHz or 1 ppm, whichever is greater. Amplitude settled within 0.1 dB.
Simultaneous carrier frequency and amplitude switching. For frequency changes from > 400 MHz to < 400 MHz, add 40 ms.
7 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Technical Specifications and Characteristics

Frequency (continued)
Frequency reference (M9300A PXIe frequency reference module)
Reference outputs
100 MHz Out (Out 1 through Out 5)
Amplitude 10 dBm 13 dBm, typical
Connectors 5 SMB snap-on
Impedance 50 , nominal
10 MHz Out
Amplitude 9.5 dBm, nominal
Connectors 1 SMB snap-on
Impedance 50 , nominal
Amplitude 11.5 dBm, nominal
Connectors 1 SMB snap-on
Impedance 50 , nominal
Frequency accuracy
Same as accuracy of internal time base or external reference input
Internal timebase
Accuracy [(time since last adjustment x aging rate) temperature effects
calibration accuracy]
Frequency stability
Aging rate
Daily < 0.5 ppb/day, after 72 hours of warm-up
Yearly < 0.1 ppm/year, after 72 hours of warm-up
Total 10 years < 0.6 ppm/10yrs, after 72 hours of warm-up
Achievable initial calibration accuracy 5 x 10 -8
(at time of shipment)
Temperature effects
20 to 30 C < 10 ppb
Full temperature range < 50 ppb
Warm up
5 minutes over +20 to +30 C, with respect to 1 hour < 0.1 ppm
15 minutes over +20 to +30 C, with respect to 1 hour < 0.01 ppm
External reference input
Frequency 1 to 110 MHz, sine wave
Lock range 1 ppm, nominal
Amplitude 0 to 10 dBm, nominal
Connector 1 SMB snap-on
Impedance 50 , nominal
8 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Technical Specifications and Characteristics

Input level
Max safe average total power +30 dBm (1 W)
Max DC voltage 25 Vdc
Max RF input (specified performance) 1 to 2 MHz 0 dBm
2 to 4 MHz +4 dBm
4 to 100 MHz +12 dBm
100 MHz to 6 GHz +30 dBm

Expected input level setting

Pre-amp ON 170 to 0 dBm
Pre-amp OFF 170 to +30 dBm
Pre-amp AUTO 7
170 to +30 dBm
Resolution 0.1 dB

Absolute amplitude accuracy & total absolute amplitude accuracy

@ 46 C module
Full temperature range Controlled temperature range
temp10, typical
Total absolute Absolute Total absolute Absolute Total absolute
Conversion type Frequency amplitude amplitude amplitude amplitude amplitude
accuracy 8 accuracy 9 accuracy 8 accuracy 9 accuracy 8
40 MHz IF filter Module temperature within 3 C of alignment, pre-amp ON & OFF
Image protect 3 GHz 1.78 dB 1.72 dB 1.27 dB 1.21 dB 0.46 dB
> 3 GHz 1.54 dB 1.48 dB 1.19 dB 1.13 dB 0.46 dB
Single All 1.47 dB 1.41 dB 1.22 dB 1.17 dB 0.45 dB
160 MHz IF filter Module temperature within 3 C of alignment, Pre-amp OFF 11

Image protect 3 GHz 1.46 dB 1.34 dB 0.96 dB 0.85 dB 0.33 dB

> 3 GHz 1.54 dB 1.48 dB 1.16 dB 1.09 dB 0.45 dB
Single All 1.18 dB 1.08 dB 0.94 dB 0.86 dB 0.36 dB
160 MHz IF filter Module temperature within 3 C of alignment, Pre-amp ON 12

Image protect 3 GHz 1.68 dB 1.60 dB 1.18 dB 1.10 dB 0.39 dB

> 3 GHz 1.55 dB 1.49 dB 1.21 dB 1.15 dB 0.45 dB
Single 3 GHz 1.09 dB 0.96 dB 0.85 dB 0.72 dB 0.29 dB
> 3 GHz 1.36 dB 1.28 dB 1.04 dB 0.96 dB 0.39 dB

7. At expected input level 37 dBm, pre-amp is switched on.

8. Total absolute amplitude accuracy is the total of all amplitude measurement errors. This specification includes the sum of the following individual specifica-
tions: linearity, expected input level switching uncertainty, IF bandwidth filter switching uncertainty, absolute amplitude accuracy. The wide range of settings
used (i.e., expected input level, etc.) are tested independently. The individual error contributions are calculated as follows: a 99.8 % proportion and 95%
confidence are computed for each parameter on a statistically significant number of instruments. The root-sum-square (RSS) of these four independent
Gaussian parameters is then taken. To that RSS value, two environmental effects and measurement uncertainty are added. One environmental effect is that
of temperature (full and controlled temperature range, as defined above) and the other is the temperature variation of 3 degrees around a field alignment.
Applies over the following subset of settings and conditions: expected input level 50 dBm to +30 dBm; input signals within 60 dB below expected input level;
40 MHz and 160 MHz IF filters; input signal at center frequency over full frequency range.
9. The absolute amplitude accuracy is the amplitude measurement error when only changing frequency. The expected input level, conversion type
and IF bandwidth settings remain the same and the error introduced by those parameters are not included. Pre-amp auto/OFF expected input
level +10 dBm and 12 dBm. Pre-amp ON expected input level 30 dBm.
10. Typical specifications shown at M9350A downconverter reported module temperature of 46 C and a corresponding environment temperature
of 25 C.
11. When using pre-amp auto mode, applies for signal level within expected input level >37 dBm.
12. When using pre-amp auto mode, applies for signal level within expected input level 37 dBm.
9 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Technical Specifications and Characteristics

Amplitude (continued)
Amplitude repeatability and linearity
Input signal relative to
expected input level setting Specification
Repeatability <0.05 dB, nominal
Linearity 13
>35 dB 0.12 dB
0.03 dB, nominal
35 dB 0.21 dB
0.04 dB, nominal

IF flatness 14, 15
Analysis bandwidth IF filter Nominal
40 MHz 40 MHz 0.08 dB
100 MHz 160 MHz 0.09 dB
160 MHz 160 MHz 0.10 dB

IF phase linearity 15
Analysis bandwidth Conversion type Peak to peak, nominal
40 MHz All 1.0
100 MHz Single 0.8
Image protect 1.7
160 MHz Single 1.4
Image protect 1.8

13. Input level 20 dB above the noise floor and dither on, no change in hardware settings, below expected input level.
14. Amplitude deviation from the mean error of the entire bandwidth, all conversion types.
15. Expected input level 0 dBm. Center frequency 250 MHz.
10 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Technical Specifications and Characteristics

Amplitude (continued)
IF bandwidth filter switching uncertainty 16 Specification Typical Nominal
0.4 dB 0.15 dB 0.09 dB

Expected input level switching uncertainty Specification Typical Nominal

Pre-amp Auto/OFF
Max input to +5 dBm 0.45 dB 0.14 dB 0.10 dB
Crossing +5 dBm 0.63 dB 0.24 dB 0.17 dB
Pre-amp OFF
+5 to 50 dBm 0.41 dB 0.16 dB 0.11 dB
Pre-amp ON
+0 to 50 dBm 0.64 dB 0.27 dB 0.21 dB
Pre-amp AUTO
Crossing 37 dBm 0.95 dB 0.19 dB 0.12 dB

Amplitude switching speed

Arbitrary amplitude change Standard, nominal Option UNZ, nominal
List mode switching speed 17 5 ms 136 s
Non-list mode switching speed 18
5 ms 1.5 ms

Input voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) Nominal

< 10 MHz 1.7:1
10 MHz to 2.5 GHz 1.4:1
> 2.5 GHz 1.7:1

16. Amplitude error relative to the reference IF bandwidth filter of 40 MHz.

17. Settled to within 0.1 dB of final value. Does not include data acquisition or processing time.
When used with the M9018A PXIe chassis (2-link configuration: 1 x 8 [factory default]) and the M9036A PXIe embedded controller.
18. Mean time from IVI command to amplitude settled.
11 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Technical Specifications and Characteristics

Dynamic range
Displayed average noise level (DANL) 19
Conversion type Frequency Specification Nominal
Preamp OFF
Image protect < 100 MHz 145 dBm/Hz
100 to < 700 MHz 137 dBm/Hz 147 dBm/Hz
700 MHz to < 5.75 GHz 140 dBm/Hz 148 dBm/Hz
5.75 to 6 GHz 129 dBm/Hz 146 dBm/Hz
Single <1.2 GHz 148 dBm/Hz 154 dBm/Hz
1.2 to 3.1 GHz 143 dBm/Hz 152 dBm/Hz
> 3.1 to < 5.4 GHz 138 dBm/Hz 149 dBm/Hz
5.4 to 6 GHz 133 dBm/Hz 148 dBm/Hz
Preamp ON
Image protect < 100 MHz 162 dBm/Hz
100 MHz to < 2.7 GHz 156 dBm/Hz 161 dBm/Hz
2.7 to 4.4 GHz 155 dBm/Hz 160 dBm/Hz
> 4.4 to < 5.6 GHz 152 dBm/Hz 157 dBm/Hz
5.6 to 6 GHz 141 dBm/Hz 154 dBm/Hz
Single <1.1 GHz 157 dBm/Hz 161 dBm/Hz
1.1 to < 3.6 GHz 154 dBm/Hz 158 dBm/Hz
3.6 to 5 GHz 151 dBm/Hz 156 dBm/Hz
> 5 to 6 GHz 146 dBm/Hz 153 dBm/Hz

Third order intermodulation distortion (TOI) 20 TOI23 Distortion24

Conversion type: auto Frequency Specification Typical Specification
Preamp OFF 21
400 MHz +15 dBm +20.5 dBm 52 dBc
> 400 MHz to 3 GHz +18 dBm +23 dBm 52 dBc
> 3 GHz +20 dBm +23.5 dBm 52 dBc
Preamp ON 22
100 MHz 9.9 dBm 2.5 dBm 56 dBc
> 100 to 850 MHz 7.9 dBm +2 dBm 58 dBc
> 850 MHz to 2 GHz 4.3 dBm +5 dBm 47 dBc
> 2 to 3 GHz 0.9 dBm +7 dBm 41 dBc
> 3 to 6 GHz +1 dBm +5 dBm 32 dBc

19. Expected input level of 50 dBm. Mixer level offset +10 dB.
20. Two tone, 100 kHz tone spacing.
21. Expected input level 5 dBm. Mixer level offset +10 dB.
22. Expected input level 25 dBm. Mixer level offset +15 dB.
23. TOI = third order intercept. The TOI is given by the input tone level (in dBm) minus (distortion/2) where distortion is the relative level of the distortion tones in dBc.
24. Expected input level -10 dBm with preamp off and -30 dBm with preamp on.
12 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Technical Specifications and Characteristics

Dynamic range (continued)
Second harmonic distortion (SHI)
Conversion type: image protect Frequency SHI, nominal26 Distortion, nominal27
Pre-amp OFF 25 1.35 GHz +35 dBm 45 dBc
> 1.35 GHz +95 dBm 105 dBc

Nominal Dynamic Range at 2 GHz

DANL and distortion relative to mixer level (dB)

Pre-Amp O, Single - High











-40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5
Mixer Level (dBm) (Queried)
3rd Order Intermodulation DANL (1Hz RBW) DANL (30KHz RBW)

Using 15MHz IF Filters with 60MHz tone spacing for 3rd order intermodulation measurements
Figure 4. Dynamic range at 2 GHz, pre-amp OFF,
single-high conversion type.

Nominal Dynamic Range at 5.8 GHz

DANL and distortion relative to mixer level (dB)

Pre-Amp O, Single - High











-45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10
Mixer Level (dBm) (Queried)
3rd Order Intermodulation DANL (1Hz RBW) DANL (30KHz RBW)
Figure 5. Dynamic range at 5.8 GHz, pre-amp OFF,
Using 15MHz IF Filters with 60MHz tone spacing for 3rd order intermodulation measurements
single-high conversion type.

25. Expected input level -10 dBm. Mixer level offset +10 dB.
26. SHI = second harmonic intercept. The SHI is given by the input power in dBm minus the second harmonic distortion level relative to the input signal in dBc.
27. For 0 dBm input signal.
13 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Technical Specifications and Characteristics

Dynamic range (continued)

Nominal Dynamic Range at 2 GHz

Pre-Amp O, Image Protect

DANL and distortion relative to mixer level (dB)









-40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5
Mixer Level (dBm) (Queried)
3rd Order Intermodulation DANL (1Hz RBW) DANL (30KHz RBW)

Using 15MHz IF Filters with 60MHz tone spacing for 3rd order intermodulation measurements Figure 6. Dynamic range at 2 GHz, pre-amp OFF,
image protect conversion type.

Nominal Dynamic Range at 5.8 GHz

DANL and distortion relative to mixer level (dB)

Pre-Amp O, Image Protect











-45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10
Actual Mixer Level (dBm) (Queried)

3rd Order Intermodulation DANL (1Hz RBW) DANL (30KHz RBW)

Using 15MHz IF Filters with 60MHz tone spacing for 3rd order intermodulation measurements Figure 7. Dynamic range at 5.8 GHz, pre-amp OFF,
image protect conversion type.
14 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Technical Specifications and Characteristics

Spectral purity
Phase noise 28
Conversion type Center frequency Offset Nominal
Single low 1.1 GHz 10 kHz 120 dBc/Hz
Single high 1 GHz 10 kHz 119 dBc/Hz

Nominal Phase Noise at 1 GHz



Phase Noise (dBc/Hz)

-120 Image Protect








Oset (kHz) Figure 8. Phase noise at 1 GHz

(1.1 GHz for single-low conversion type).

Nominal Phase Noise at 5.8 GHz



Phase Noise (dBc/Hz)


Image Protect







Oset (kHz)
Figure 9. Phase noise at 5.8 GHz.

28. Mixer level offset +20 dB.

15 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Technical Specifications and Characteristics

Spectral purity (continued)
Residuals, images & spurious responses
Non-input related spurs 29 Conversion type Frequency Nominal
Expected input level
Pre-amp ON
0 dBm (measured at 50 dBm) Single All < 120 dBm
Image protect All 30
< 120 dBm
Pre-amp OFF
< +5 dBm (measured at 50 dBm) Single 3 GHz < 120 dBm
> 3 GHz < 116 dBm
Image protect All 31 < 105 dBm
+5 dBm (measured at +6 dBm) Single All < 98 dBm
Image protect All 32
< 90 dBm
LO related spurs 33 Offsets from carrier Frequency Nominal
200 to 10 kHz All 82 dBc
10 kHz to 10 MHz All 55 dBc
First order RF spurious responses 34 Offsets from carrier Frequency Nominal
10 MHz 200 MHz to 6 GHz 60 dBc
Higher order RF spurious responses 34
Offsets from carrier Frequency Nominal
10 MHz 200 MHz to 6 GHz 60 dBc
Image responses 35
Conversion type Frequency Nominal
Image protect All < 68 dBc
IF rejection 36 IF bandwidth filter Frequency Nominal
15 MHz 400 MHz < 57 dBc
> 400 MHz < 105 dBc
40 MHz 450 MHz < 57 dBc
> 450 MHz < 98 dBc
160 MHz All < 85 dBc
LO emission 37 Conversion type Frequency Nominal
Single 3 GHz 72 dBm
> 3 GHz 62 dBm
Image protect All 88 dBm

29. Mixer level offset at 10 dB, input terminated, with 50 load.

30. From 4.72 to 4.88 GHz, specification at <-108 dBm, nominal.
31. From 4.72 to 4.88 GHz, specification at <-96 dBm, nominal.
32. From 4.72 to 4.88 GHz, specification at <-80 dBm, nominal.
33. Expected input level 0 dBm. Mixer offset level -10 dB.
34. Conversion type: image protect, pre-amp OFF, expected input level -20 dBm and mixer level offset 0 dB.
35. Excitation frequency: [F=2*Final IF] MHz, expected input level -20 dBm, mixer level offset -30 dB.
36. Suppression of signal at IF frequencies when tuned at least 2 x IF BW away.
All input paths, image protect, expected input level -30 dBm. Input signal at -30 dBm and mixer level offset 0 dB.
37. Expected input level -50 dBm. Mixer level offset +10 dB.
16 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Technical Specifications and Characteristics

Data acquisition
Maximum capture memory Non-list mode List mode
Option M01 128 MSample (512 MB) 128 MSample (512 MB)
Option M05 512 MSample (2 GB) 512 MSample (2 GB)
Option M10 1 GSample (4 GB) 38
512 MSample (2 GB) to ~ 1 GSample
(3.999 GB) 39
Minimum length 1 sample 40
Maximum length Full capture memory 38
Maximum sample rate
Option B04 / 40 MHz 50 MS/s complex, 100 MS/s real
Option B10 / 100 MHz 125 MS/s complex, 250 MS/s real
Option B16 / 160 MHz 200 MS/s complex, 400 MS/s real
List mode
Maximum number of segments 3201
Trigger sources External, magnitude
Trigger modes Per acquisition, interval timer trigger
Delay range 41 500 ms to +500 ms, nominal
Delay resolution 1 sample, nominal
External trigger signal frequency range 10 to 30 MHz for pulse
External trigger signal level TTL
External trigger signal duty cycle range 20% to 80%
External trigger signal waveform Sine, pulse/square, ramp (symmetry 0% to 100%)

Channel-to-channel synchronization 42
Timing Phase
Skew 400 ps, nominal
Jitter 43 50 ps, nominal 0.3, nominal
Repeatability 44
80 ps, nominal 1.0, nominal
Adjustment resolution 45
50 ps 0.05
Drift over 12 hours 20 ps, nominal 0.5, nominal

38. The default mode for allocation of capture memory is AgM9391MemoryModeNormal, where the digitizers memory is shared by both the default
single acquisition (capture ID = 0) and all the other acquisitions with non-zero capture IDs. In particular, the memory for the default single
acquisition is allocated from the area unused by the list acquisitions. If the available memory is not sufficient for the single acquisition, the user
must release memory allocated for the non-zero capture ID acquisitions manually, thus increasing free space. Total memory usage is limited
according to the memory option. Note that the maximum size of acquisition is 2 GB in this mode. To perform the default single acquisition with
memory size larger than 2 GB, AgM9391MemoryModeLargeAcquisition must be selected. The non-zero capture ID acquisitions cannot be per
formed in this mode. All data acquired with AGM9391MemoryMode Normal will be invalidated.
39. The maximum size for a single list point capture is limited to 512 MSamples (2 GB). However, with option M10, total capture of up to 3.999 GB
is available across all list mode captures.
40. 64-bit mode, 2 samples for 32-bit mode.
41. Negative trigger delay limited to capture size.
42. Multi-channel capability only supported with up to 8-channels when configured with a Keysight M9018A PXIe chassis with FPGA version 1.05 or greater.
Characteristics measured at 400, 900, 2400, 5800 MHz and apply in Auto Conversion mode at frequencies 400 MHz with IF filter = 160 MHz. V2802A LO
distribution network used for phase synchronization for more than 4 channels.
43. Jitter indicates measurement-to-measurement variation and applies over short time interval at room temperature without resetting or reinitializing a driver
44. Repeatability indicates stability of alignment between channels across power cycles and IVI sessions, with identical cabling and hardware settings (fre-
quency, span, sample rate, etc.)
45. Channel time and phase offsets can be adjusted using OffsetDelay and OffsetPhase properties respectively.
17 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Technical Specifications and Characteristics

Measurement speed46
IQ data capture 47 Nominal
Large block (50 MSamples) 1.5 s Transferred in 100 kSa or 1 MSa blocks
Small block (100 captures, 100 ksamples each) 292 ms Transferred in 10 kSa blocks
Adjust level, freq (10 ksamples) 1.7 ms Transferred in 10 kSa blocks

Power measurements 48
Channel power settings & filter bandwidth Acquisition Time Averages Nominal
3.84 MHz 400 s None 1.8 ms
10 7.6 ms
100 s None 1.3 ms
10 4.1 ms
50 s None 1.3 ms
10 3.4 ms
30 kHz 100 s None 3.9 ms
10 30.4 ms

Format specific measurement data

GSM 49, 50
Parameters Nominal
Global phase error 0.9, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 GHz 0.17
ORFS dynamic range 200 kHz offset 36 dBc
250 kHz offset 41 dBc
400 kHz offset 69 dBc
600 kHz offset 73 dBc
800 kHz offset 77 dBc
1200 kHz offset 80 dBc
1800 kHz offset 78 dBc

EDGE 49, 50
Parameters Nominal
Residual EVM 0.9, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 GHz 0.23% rms
ORFS dynamic range 200 kHz offset 37 dBc
250 kHz offset 42 dBc
400 kHz offset 69 dBc
600 kHz offset 73 dBc
800 kHz offset 77 dBc
1200 kHz offset 80 dBc
1800 kHz offset 77 dBc

46. EVM, ACPR and servo loop test times for the RF power amplifier test, reference solution are included in the solution brochure 5991-4104EN.
47. Capture block, transfer to host memory, 160 MHz BW, excludes frequency transitions below 400 MHz, with M9037A embedded controller
(2-link configuration: 1 x 8 [factory default]).
48. Transfer to host memory, 160 MHz IF bandwidth filter, excludes frequency transitions below 400 MHz, with M9037A embedded controller
(2-link configuration: 1 x 8 [factory default]).
49. Synthesizer PLL mode set to PLL mode best wide offset.
50. Expected input level 0 dBm, input signal (total power) 0 dBm, mixer level offset +10 dB, conversion type: Auto, PeakToAverage set per signal peak to average.
18 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Technical Specifications and Characteristics

Format specific measurement (continued)
WCDMA 51, 52 Parameters Typical Nominal
Residual EVM 2 GHz, 1 DPCH, 1 carrier 0.5%
ACLR dynamic range 2 GHz, 1 DPCH, 1 carrier Adjacent 68.1 dBc 69.8 dBc
(power mode) Alternate 70.7 dBc 71.7 dBc

802.11g 51, 52, 56 Parameters Nominal

EVM 2.4 GHz, 20 MHz BW 52.8 dB

802.11a 51, 52, 56 Parameters Nominal

EVM 5.8 GHz, 20 MHz BW 48.1 dB

802.11n 51, 52, 56 Parameters Nominal

1-channel 2-channel 54 3-channel 54 4-channel 54
EVM 2.4 GHz, 40 MHz BW 52.0 dB 51.6 dB 50.6 dB 50.9 dB
5.8 GHz, 40 MHz BW 48.6 dB 46.6 dB 45.3 dB 46.0 dB

802.11ac 51, 52 Parameters Nominal

1-channel 2-channel 54
3-channel 54 4-channel 54 8-channel 54
Preamble only
EVM 55
5.8 GHz, 80 MHz BW 46.5 dB 44.3 dB 43.0 dB 43.6 dB -41.2 dB
5.8 GHz, 160 MHz BW 44.7 dB 43.4 dB 41.7 dB 43.3 dB -40.1 dB
Preamble, pilots & data
EVM 55 5.8 GHz, 80 MHz BW 49.4 dB 48.6 dB 47.3 dB 46.4 dB -42.3 dB
5.8 GHz, 160 MHz BW 47.5 dB 47.5 dB 44.7 dB 45.1 dB -40.1 dB
SEM 5.8 GHz, 80 MHz BW see Figure 10

802.11a/g 54, 52 Parameters

SEM 2.4 GHz see Figure 11
5.5 GHz see Figure 12

802.11e 54, 52, 57 Parameters

OFDMA WiMAX EVM 2.5, 3.5, & 5.8 GHz 48.3 dB, nominal

51. Synthesizer PLL mode set to PLL mode best wide offset.
52. Expected input level 0 dBm, input signal (total power) 0 dBm, conversion type: Auto. PeakToAverage set per signal peak to average.
53. Synthesizer PLL mode set to PLL mode normal.
54. Multi-channel performance data applies when each channel is configured with its own independent synthesizer. Sharing a single synthesizer will degrade
EVM performance approximately 1 dB.
55. Mixer level offset = +5 dB
56. Mixer level offset = +10 dB
57. Mixer level offset = +15 dB
19 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Technical Specifications and Characteristics

Format specific measurement (continued)



Spectral Emissions
-30 Limit



Figure 10. WLAN 802.11ac SEM
at 5.8 GHz, 80 MHz bandwidth.



-30 Amplitude




-70 Figure 11. WLAN 802.11a/g SEM

at 2.4 GHz, 20 MHz bandwidth.



-30 Amplitude




-70 Figure 12. WLAN 802.11a/g SEM

at 5.5 GHz, 20 MHz bandwidth.
20 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Technical Specifications and Characteristics

Format specific measurement (continued)
LTE FDD - single channel 58, 59 Parameters 1-channel, nominal
10 MHz BW EVM, 0.7, 0.9 GHz 52.2 dB (0.25%)
ETM 3.1 61, 62 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 GHz 51.0 dB (0.28%)
10 MHz BW ACLR, 0.7, 0.9, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 GHz Adjacent 64.2 dBc
ETM 1.1 63 (power mode) Alternate 65.5 dBc

LTE FDD - MIMO 58, 59, 60 Parameters 2-channel, nominal 64 4-channel, nominal 64 8-channel, nominal 65
0.9 GHz 49.8 dB (0.32%) 50.1 dB (0.31%) -52.6 dB (0.23%)
2.0 GHz 49.2 dB (0.35%) 49.3 dB (0.34%) -48.8 dB (0.36%)

LTE TDD - MIMO 58, 59, 60 Parameters 2-channel, nominal 64 4-channel, nominal 64 8-channel, nominal 65
0.9 GHz 50.7 dB (0.29%) 50.3 dB (0.31%) -56.3 dB (0.15%)
2.0 GHz 49.0 dB (0.36%) 49.0 dB (0.36%) -54.8 dB (0.18%)

58. Expected input level 0 dBm, input signal (total power) 0 dBm, conversion type: Auto. PeakToAverage set per signal peak to average.
59. Synthesizer PLL mode set to PLL mode normal.
60. Multi-channel performance data applies when each channel is configured with its own independent synthesizer. Sharing a single synthesizer will
degrade EVM performance approximately 1 dB.
61. PDCCH power boost = 1.065 dB
62. Mixer level offset = +10 dB
63. Mixer level offset = +15 dB
64. 10 MHz BW EVM, R9 downlink, 64 QAM, open loop spatial multiplexing
65. 10 MHz BW, DL, TM9 multi-layer, TM4 closed loop spatial multiplexing
21 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Technical Specifications and Characteristics

Environmental and physical specifications
Operating Individual module temp 25 to 75 C as reported by the module
and environment temp of 0 to 55 C

Non-operating (storage) Environment temp of 40 to +70 C

Type tested at 95%, +40 C
Humidity 66
Operating random vibration Type tested at 5 to 500 Hz, 0.21 g rms
Survival random vibration Type tested at 5 to 500 Hz, 2.09 g rms
Shock/vibration 66
Functional shock Type tested at half-sine, 30 g, 11 ms
Bench handling Type tested per MIL-PRF-28800F
Altitude Up to 15,000 feet (4,572 meters) 67
Connectors RF In SMA female
Complies with European EMC Directive 2004/108/EC
IEC/EN 61326-2-1
CISPR Pub 11 Group 1, class A
This ISM device complies with Canadian ICES-001.
Cet appareil ISM est conforme a la norme NMB-001 du Canada.
Warm-up time 45 minutes
M9300A 1 PXIe slot
M9301A 1 PXIe slot
M9350A 1 PXIe slot
M9214A 1 PXIe slot
Dimensions Module Length Width Height
M9300A 210 mm 22 mm 130 mm
M9301A 210 mm 22 mm 130 mm
M9350A 210 mm 22 mm 130 mm
M9214A 210 mm 22 mm 130 mm
M9300A 0.55 kg (1.21 lbs)
M9301A 0.54 kg (1.19 lbs)
M9350A 0.56 kg (1.23 lbs)
M9214A 0.36 kg (0.79 lbs)
M9300A 18 W
M9301A 25 W
Power drawn from chassis
M9350A 30 W
M9214A 35 W

66. Samples of this product have been type tested in accordance with the Keysight Environmental Test Manual and verified to be robust against the
environmental stresses of storage, transportation and end-use--those stresses include but are not limited to temperature, humidity, shock,
vibration, altitude and power-line conditions. Test methods are aligned with IEC 60068-2 and levels are similar to MIL-PRF-28800F Class 3.
67. At 15,000 feet, the maximum environmental temperature is de-rated to 52 C.
22 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Technical Specifications and Characteristics

System requirements
Topic Windows 7 requirements
Operating systems Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Processor speed 1 GHz 32-bit (x86), 1 GHz 64-bit (x64)
(no support for Itanium 64)
Available memory 4 GB minimum
8 GB or greater recommended
Available 1.5 GB available hard disk space, includes:
disk space 68 1 GB available for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 69
100 MB for Keysight IO Libraries Suite
Video Support for DirectX 9 graphics with 128 MB graph-
ics memory recommended
(Super VGA graphics is supported)
Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or greater
M9391A vector signal analyzer instrument drivers
Keysight IO libraries Version 16.3.17914 or greater

68. Because of the installation procedure, less disk space may be required for operation than is required for installation.
69. NET Framework Runtime Components are installed by default with Windows 7. Therefore, you may not need
this amount of available disk space.
23 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Instrument connection software
Keysight IO The IO library suite offers a single entry point for connection to Free software download at
library the most common instruments including AXIe, PXI, GPIB, USB, www.keysight.com/find/iosuite
Ethernet/LAN, RS-232, and VXI test instruments from Keysight
and other vendors. It automatically discovers interfaces, chas-
sis, and instruments. The graphical user interface allows you to
search for, verify, and update IVI instrument and soft front panel
drivers for modular and traditional instruments. The IO suite
safely installs in side-by-side mode with NI I/O software.
Module setup and usage
Keysight soft The PXI module includes a soft front panel (SFP), a software- Included on CD-ROM shipped
front panel based graphical user interface (GUI) which enables the instru- with module or online
capabilities from your PC.
Module management
Keysight Connection expert is the graphical user interface included in the Free software download at
connection expert IO libraries suite that allows you to search for, verify and update www.keysight.com/find/iosuite
IVI instrument and soft front panel drivers for modular and
traditional instruments
Driver Development environments
lVI-COM, IVI-C Visual Studio (VB.NET, C#, C/C++), VEE Included on CD-ROM shipped
LabVIEW, MATLAB LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, MATLAB with module.
Programming assitance
Command Assists in finding the right instrument commands and setting Free software download at
expert correct parameters. A simple interface includes documentation, www.keysight.com/find/commandexpert
examples, syntax checking, command execution, and debug
tools to build sequences for integration in Excel, MATLAB, Visual
Studio, LabVIEW, VEE, and SystemVue.
Programming Each module includes programming examples for Visual Studio. Included on CD-ROM shipped
examples net, LabVIEW, MATLAB, LabWindows, and Keysight VEE Pro. with module.
Signal analysis software
X-Series The X-Series measurement applications transform modular PXI Licensed software.
measurement VSAs into standards based RF transmitter testers. Provides For more information, visit
applications conformance measurements for many communications standards www.keysight.com/find/pxi-x-series_apps
for modular including : LTE,
instruments WLAN 802.11ac and others.
89600 VSA 89600 VSA software sees through the complexity of emerging Licensed software.
and existing industry standards, serving as your window into com- For more information, visit
plex signal interactions. Quickly characterize spurs and harmonics www.keysight.com/find/vsa
with speed-optimized stepped spectrum measurement provided
by 89601B-SSA option.
SystemVue SystemVue is a system-level EDA platform for designing com- Licensed software.
munications and defense systems. Used with the M9391A, For more information, visit
SystemVue enables you to create model-based design validation www.keysight.com/find/systemvue
tests to ensure consistency from design to manufacturing.
24 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Setup and Calibration Services

One day startup Gain access to a technical expert who will help you get started quickly Included in base
assistance with the M9391A PXI VSA and its powerful software tools. The flexible configuration
instruction format is designed to get you to your first measurements and
familiarize you with ways to adapt the equipment to a specific application.

Calibration and traceability

Factory calibration The M9391A PXI VSA ships factory calibrated with an ISO-9002, Included in base
NIST-traceable calibration certificate. configuration
Calibration cycle A one year calibration cycle is recommended.

Calibration sites At Keysight worldwide service xenters For more information visit
On-site by Keysight www.keysight.com/find/infoline
By self-maintainers

N7800A The M9391A PXI VSA is supported by Keysights calibration and adjust- Licensed software.
calibration and ment software. This is the same software used at Keysight service For more information, visit
adjustment software centers to automate calibration. The software offers compliance tests www.keysight.com/find/
for ISO 17025:2005, ANSI/NCSL Z540.3-2006, and measurement calibrationsoftware
uncertainty per ISO Guide to Expression of Measurement Uncertainty.
Keysight calibration The Keysight calibration status utility helps ensure your M9391A is Included in base
status utility calibrated by managing the calibration interval and providing messages configuration
regarding instrument and module calibration status.
25 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Support and Warranty

Global warranty Keysights warranty service provides standard coverage for the country Included
where product is used.
All parts and labor necessary to return to full specified performance
Recalibration for products supplied originally with a calibration
Return shipment
Standard Return to Keysight warranty3 years Included
15 days typical turnaround repair service
R-51B-001-5Z Return to Keysight warranty5 years Optional
15 days typical turnaround repair service
R-51B-001-3X The express warranty upgrades the global warranty to provide, for 3 Optional
Express warranty years, a 5 day typical turnaround repair service in the US, Japan, China
3 years and many EU countries.
R-51B-001-5X The express warranty upgrades the global warranty to provide, for 5 Optional
Express warranty years, a 5 day typical turnaround repair service in the US, Japan, China
5 years and many EU countries.

Core exchange Keysights replacement core exchange program allows fast and easy For qualified self-maintainers
program module repairs. A replacement core assembly is a fully functioning pre- in US only
calibrated module replacement that is updated with the defective module
serial number, allowing the replacement module to retain the original
serial number.
Self-test utility A self-test utility runs a set of internal tests which verifies the health of Included in base
the modules and reports their status. configuration
26 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Configuration and Ordering Information

Ordering information

Model Description Configurable options

M9391A PXIe vector signal analyzer: Frequency
1 MHz to 3 or 6 GHz
M9391A-F03 1 MHz to 3 GHz
M9301A PXIe synthesizer M9391A-F06 1 MHz to 6 GHz
M9350A PXIe downconverter Switching speed
M9214A PXIe IF digitizer M9391A-UNZ Fast switching
One day startup assistance
Analysis bandwidth
Module interconnect cables
Software, example programs and product M9391A-B04 40 MHz
information on CD M9391A-B10 100 MHz
Return to Keysight warranty3 Years M9391A-B16 160 MHz
Base configuration
M9391A-M01 128 MSa
M9391A-F03 Frequency range: 1 MHz to 3 GHz
M9391A-M05 512 MSa
M9391A-B04 Analysis bandwidth, 40 MHz
M9391A-M10 1024 MSa
M9391A-M01 Memory, 128 MSa
M9391A-300 PXIe frequency reference:
M9391A-012 Phase coherency
Required for 10 and 100 MHz
warranted Adds M9300A PXIe frequency reference: M9391A-UK6 Commercial calibration certificate with test
specifications 10 and 100 MHz (M9300A module can sup- data for M9391A (M9301A,
port multiple M9391A modular instruments) M9350A, M9214A)
M9300A-UK6 Commercial calibration certificate with test
data for M9300A (module only)
For configurations of the M9391A PXI VSA, including com-
Related products in recommended configuration
binations with a single or multiple M9381A PXI VSGs, please
consult the M9391A & M9381A configuration guide, literature M9037A PXIe embedded controller
number 5991-0897EN. M9018A 18-slot PXIe chassis

Indicates recommended configuration

27 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer - Data Sheet

Configuration and Ordering Information

Software information Accessories

Supported operating Microsoft Windows 7 Model Description
systems (32/64-bit) Y1212A Slot blocker kit: 5 modules
Standard compliant IVI-COM, IVI-C, LabVIEW, MATLAB Y1213A PXI EMC filler panel kit: 5 slots
Y1299A PXI solutions startup kits
Supported application VisualStudio (VB.NET, C#, C/C++), VEE,
Y1243A Cable kit for M9301A LO distribution
development environ- LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, MATLAB
ments (ADE) M9021A PCIe cable interface
Keysight IO libraries Includes: VISA libraries, Keysight M9045B PCIe express card adaptor for laptop connectivity
(version 16.3 or newer) Connection Expert, IO monitor Y1200B PCIe cable for laptop connectivity
Keysight Command Instrument control for SCPI or M9048A PCIe desktop adaptor for desktop connectivity
Expert IVI-COM drivers Y1202A PCIe cable for desktop connectivity
89600 VSA Software 89600B-200 Basic VSA software
(version 17.21 or newer; 89601B-300 Hardware connectivity
Related products
Option SSA added in ver- 89601B-SSA Spectrum analysis
sion 18.5) 89601B-AYA GP analysis Model Description
89601B-B7T cdma2000/1xEV-DO M9381A PXIe vector signal generator
M9380A PXIe CW source
89601B-B7R WLAN 802.11a/b/g/j/p
89601B-B7X TD-SCDMA M9300A PXIe frequency reference
89601B-BHD LTE FDD M9018A PXIe 18-slot chassis
89601B-BHG LTE FDD - Advanced M9037A PXIe embedded controller
89601B-BHH LTE TDD - Advanced
X-Series Measurement M9063A Analog demodulation Advantage services: Calibration and warranty
Applications for M9064A Vector signal analysis
Keysight Advantage Services is committed to your success
Modular Instruments M9071A GSM/EDGE/Evo
throughout your equipments lifetime
transportable M9072A cdma2000 /cdmaOne
perpetual license. M9073A W-CDMA/HSPA+ R-51B-001-5Z Return to Keysight warranty - 5 years
M9076A 1xEV-DO R-51B-001-3X Express warranty - 3 years
M9077A WLAN 802.11a/b/g/n/ac R-51B-001-5X Express warranty - 5 years
N7800A Calibration & adjustment software
M9081A Bluetooth
28 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer 1 MHz to 3 GHz or 6 GHz - Data Sheet

myKeysight For more information on Keysight

Technologies products, applications or
services, please contact your local Keysight
A personalized view into the information most relevant to you.
office. The complete list is available at:
www.pxisa.org www.keysight.com/find/contactus

PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation (PXI) modular instrumentation delivers a

rugged, PC-based high-performance measurement and automation system. Americas
Canada (877) 894 4414
Three-Year Warranty Brazil 55 11 3351 7010
www.keysight.com/find/ThreeYearWarranty Mexico 001 800 254 2440
United States (800) 829 4444
Keysights commitment to superior product quality and lower total cost
of ownership. The only test and measurement company with three-year
Asia Pacific
warranty standard on all instruments, worldwide.
Australia 1 800 629 485
Keysight Assurance Plans China 800 810 0189
www.keysight.com/find/AssurancePlans Hong Kong 800 938 693
India 1 800 11 2626
Up to five years of protection and no budgetary surprises to ensure your
Japan 0120 (421) 345
instruments are operating to specification so you can rely on accurate
Korea 080 769 0800
measurements. Malaysia 1 800 888 848
www.keysight.com/go/quality Singapore 1 800 375 8100
Taiwan 0800 047 866
Keysight Technologies, Inc.
Other AP Countries (65) 6375 8100
DEKRA Certified ISO 9001:2008
Quality Management System Europe & Middle East
Austria 0800 001122
Keysight Channel Partners
Belgium 0800 58580
Finland 0800 523252
Get the best of both worlds: Keysights measurement expertise and product France 0805 980333
breadth, combined with channel partner convenience. Germany 0800 6270999
Ireland 1800 832700
Israel 1 809 343051
Bluetooth and the Bluetooth logos are trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., U.S.A. Italy 800 599100
and licensed to Keysight Technologies, Inc. Luxembourg +32 800 58580
PCIe and PCI EXPRESS are registered trademarks and/or service marks of PCI-SIG. Netherlands 0800 0233200
cdma2000 is a registered certification mark of the Telecommunications Industry Russia 8800 5009286
Association. Spain 800 000154
Sweden 0200 882255
Switzerland 0800 805353
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Opt. 2 (FR)
Opt. 3 (IT)
United Kingdom 0800 0260637

For other unlisted countries:


This information is subject to change without notice.

Keysight Technologies, 2013-2015
Published in USA, July 10, 2015

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