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Date of Exam: 02.05.

2016 Roll Number 8 What is the significance of banded solver 2 1 AN


SRI ESHWAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 9 Difference between material non linearity and 2 1 U
Internal Test III MAY 2017 geometric non linearity.
10 What are h and p version of the FEM? 2 2 AP
ED7201 FINITE ELEMENT METHODS Regulations: R 2013
PART B ( [5x 13] = 65 Marks)
Time: 3 Hours Max marks: 100
(Q6 -No Choice Question)
PART A - (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)
(Answer ALL Questions) Q. No Question M Co# BT
11 (a) Determine the nodal displacements, element stresses 16 2 AN
Q. No Question M Co# BT and support reactions for the stepped reactions for
1 List the various weighted residual methods and 2 2 R the stepped bar loaded as shown in fig 11(a). P1 =
explain the concept behind these techniques. 100KN and P2 = 75 KN. The details of ech section
of the bar are tabulated below:
2 What are the advantages of weak formulation? 2 2 U A steel E= 200GPa area= 1200mm2

3 Write down the Poissons equation for a 2 2 AP (OR)

triangular element.
7 (B) Write short notes on i) CSG ii) B-rep in solid 16 2 AN
4 What is weak formulation? 2 2 AN modeling
8 (A) Write short notes on shading and explain any two 16 1 AN
5 Distinguish between scalar and vector variable 2 1 U shading algorithms.
problems, giving suitable examples. (OR)
8(B) Explain Warrnocks and Watkins Algorithms. 16 2 AN
6 Derive the constitutive matrix for a plane stress 2 2 R
element. M Marks CO# - Course Outcome BT- Blooms Taxonomy
R Remember U Understanding AP - Apply
7 What do you mean by mapped meshing? 2 1 U AN Analyze E Evaluate C Create
(K.Sathish)Assistant professor/Mech, sece).

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