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CLASS: BE (Mechanical ) Semester:-VIII


Lecture 04
Periods per week.
1Period of 60 min. Practical 02
Tutorial --
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 04 100
Practical --
Oral Examination 25
Term Work 25

Sr. No. Details Hrs.

1.1 Introductory Concepts: Introduction to FEM. Brief History. General
FEM procedure. Applications of FEM in various fields. Advantages and
disadvantages of FEM.
1.2 Differential Equations in different fields : Types of Differential
Equations. Primary and Secondary Variables and types of Boundary
Conditions. 6
1.3 Matrix Algebra: Matrix operations, Gauss Elimination Method to get
inverse of a Matrix. Partitioning of Matrix.
1.4 Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal rule, simpsons 1/3rd rule,
Newton cotes formula, Gauss quadranture formula, Gauss quadranture in
two dimensions.
2.1 Approximate solution of differential equations-- Weightaed residual
techniques, collocation, Least squares and Galerkin methods.
2.2 FEM Procedure : Definitions of various terms used in FEM like
element, order of the element, internal and external node/s, degree of 7
freedom, primary and secondary variables, essential boundary
conditions, natural boundary conditions, homogeneous and non-
homogeneous boundary conditions.
3.1 Minimization of a functional. Principle of minimum total potential.
Piecewise Rayleigh-Ritz method. Comparison with weighted residual
Module method.
03 3.2 Piecewise approximations. Basis of Finite Element Methods.
Formulation of matrix method--stiffness matrix; transformation and
assembly concepts.
4.1 Example problems in one dimensional structural analysis, heat
transfer and fluid flow (Stepped and Taper Bars, Fins, Fluid Network,
Spring-Cart systems, Plane Trusses, Beams). 9
4.2 Elements of variational calculus. Band-width, aspect ratio, coarse and
fine meshing, etc..
5.1 Two dimensional finite element formulations.
Module Introduction, Three nodded triangular element, four nodded rectangular
05 element, six nodded triangular element, compatibility, four nodded
quadrilateral element, eight nodded quadrilateral element, nine nodded
quadrilateral element.
5.2 Natural coordinates and coordinate transformations: Alternate
methods for deriving shape functions, Natural coordinates quadrilateral
elements, Natural coordinates triangular elements.
5.3 Isoperimetric. Algorithms for solution of equations. Convergence
criterion, patch test and errors in finite element analysis. Method of
Elimination. Sources of error.
6.1 Finite element formulation of dynamics. Applications to free
Module vibration problems. Lumped and consistent mass matrices. Algorithms
06 for solution of Eigen value problems. Transient dynamics problems in
heat transfer and solid mechanics.

List of Experiments:
At list three exercises from the following areas.
1) Structural analysis
2) Thermal analysis.
3) Fluid dynamics.
4) Mechanical vibrations
5) Coupled field/ multiphysics
Each exercise shall cover tasks like Model-preparation, Mesh generation, Simulation, Post-
processing etc. in any analysis software such as ANSYS, NASTRAN, ABACUSS etc.
Students shall attach the solution of above exercise as part of term work.

Course Project
In course project students shall integrate and apply the knowledge gained during the
fundamental courses of Mechanical Engineering. The projects will be developed by teams of
maximum two students (using any analysis software) and shall consist problem definition,
model preparation, appropriate selection of elements, mesh generation, post processing,
simulation and validation of results.

Theory Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of total seven question, each of 20 Marks
2. Question one will be compulsory and based on maximum part of syllabus.
3. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a)
from module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
4. Only five question need to be solved.
In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of
respective lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.

Oral Examination:
Oral examination will be on maximum portion of syllabus.

Term Work:
Term work shall consist of minimum 03 experiments, assignments (one on each module) and
written test. The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work (exercises/assignments): .. (10) Marks.
Test (at least one): (10) Marks.
TOTAL: . (25) Marks.
Text Books: .
1) The Finite Element Method its Basis & Fundamentals O.C.Zienkiewicz, R.L.Taylor &
J.Z.Zhu, Butterworth-Heinemann, Elsevier
2) Finite Element Method, Reddy J. N., McGrawHill
3) The Finite Element Method in Engineering , 4th Edition, S.S.Rao, Academic Press,
4) Finite Element Methods for Engineers, U.S.Dixit, Cengage Learning
5) Textbook of FE Analysis, P.Seshu, Prentice Hall
6) Introduction to Finite Elements Methods by Desai and Abel, CBS Publication.
7) Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering by Tirupati R. Chandrupatla & Ashok

1) Introduction to Finite Element Methods by Erik Thompson, Wiley India.
2) Finite Elements Hand Book by H. Kardestuneer.
3) Concepts & Applications of Finite Element Analysis by R.D.Cook.
4) Bathe, K.J., Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis, Prentice Hall of India.
5) Huebener K.H., Dewhirst D.D., Smith D.E. and Byrom T.G., The Finite Element
Method for Engineers, John Wiley, New York.
6) Finite Element Methods ,Logan, Cengage Learning
8) Finite Elements Analysis , George Buchanan McGrawHill
9) Finite Elements Analysis , C.S.Krishnamoorthy, Tata McGrawHill
10) Concept and Application of Finite Element Methods by Robert Cook, Wiley India.

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