27-Reontoy v. Ibadlit A.C. CBD No. 190 January 28, 1998

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Reontoy v. Ibadlit A.C. CBD No.

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Republic of the Philippines

A.C. CBD No. 190 January 28, 1998
CORAZON T. REONTOY, complainant,
This is a complaint filed by Corazon T. Reontoy for the disbarment of her counsel, Atty. Liberato R. Ibadlit, for
having been negligent in handling her case for partition, accounting and reconveyance then pending with the RTC-
Br. 4, Kalibo, Aklan.
Respondent lawyer admits that he was the lawyer of complainant Corazon T. Reontoy in Civil Case No. 2805
which was decided by the RTC against his client. He likewise admits that he received copy of the adverse decision
on 19 June 1989 and filed his notice of appeal only on 17 July 1989 when the expiry date to appeal was 4 July
Respondent alleges in his defense that after he received the adverse decision he immediately contacted
complainant's brother Proculo Tomazar and requested the latter to inform complainant that they lost the case and
that after going over the decision he (respondent) was convinced that appeal was futile. He also requested Proculo
to tell complainant to communicate immediately with respondent if complainant disagreed with him on his position
not to appeal the RTC decision anymore. Confident that Proculo had conveyed the message to complainant and
having failed to receive any advice from her respondent intentionally did not file the corresponding notice of
appeal. But after Proculo informed him later in his office that complainant wished to appeal the decision, he
forthwith filed a notice of appeal, in the interest of justice, on 17 July 1989.
The notice of appeal having been filed beyond the reglementary period, the trial court on 16 August 1989 denied
the appeal and granted the Motion for Execution of Judgment of the prevailing parties.
In the investigation conducted by the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, complainant presented her brother Proculo
Tomazar to deny, as he did, that he was authorized by her to communicate with respondent regarding the case,
claiming in fact that he had no knowledge whatsoever of subject civil case.
The testimony of Proculo Tomazar corroborated complainant's testimony that she had never authorized him to be
her representative either to the court or to communicate with her counsel for the reason that Proculo was unlettered.
Complainant further testified that when she went to see respondent in September 1989 to check on the status of her
case the latter merely told her that the period to appeal had already elapsed and then returned the case records to
We hold respondent administratively liable. Indeed it was his fault in not appealing within the reglementary period
in the belief that appeal would be useless. It was highly improper for him to adopt such opinion without any clear
Reontoy v. Ibadlit A.C. CBD No. 190 2 of 2

instruction from his client not to appeal the adverse verdict.

A lawyer owes entire devotion in protecting the interest of his client, warmth and zeal in the defense of his rights.
He must use all his learning and ability to the end that nothing can be taken or withheld from his client except in
accordance with the law. He must present every remedy or defense within the authority of the law in support of his
client's cause, regardless of his own personal views. In the full discharge of his duties to his client, the lawyer
should not be afraid of the possibility that he may displease the judge or the general public.
A lawyer has no authority to waive his client's right to appeal. His failure to perfect an appeal within the prescribed
period constitutes negligence and malpractice proscribed by Rule 18.03, Canon 18, of the Code of Professional
Responsibility which provides that "a lawyer shall not neglect a legal matter entrusted to him and his negligence in
connection therewith shall render him liable."
Had respondent filed the appeal on time he could have easily withdrawn the case later so that he could have the
time to confer meticulously with his client and then decide whether to pursue the case to the appellate court; or, he
could have withdrawn his services and advised complainant to look for another lawyer before the period to appeal
lapsed to give his client a chance to ventilate her case on appeal.
Respondent claims that he nonetheless filed a notice of appeal in the interest of justice. Notably, respondent filed
the notice of appeal on 17 July 1989, or only after the period to appeal had already expired. The belated filing of
the appeal cannot in any way mitigate respondent's liability; on the contrary, it would show ignorance on his part.
As a lawyer, he ought to know that his notice of appeal, having been filed beyond the reglementary period, would
surely be struck down for late filing.
In sum, respondent utterly failed to perform his duties and responsibilities faithfully and well as to protect the
rights and interests of his client. The record shows that complainant lost the case and suffered the corresponding
loss of her real property in Kalibo, Aklan, consisting of her undivided share or interest in five (5) valuable parcels
of land. Certainly, complainant paid dearly for respondent's ignorance, laxity, if not incompetence, by failing to
appeal on time.
WHEREFORE, respondent, Atty. Liberato R. Ibadlit, is SUSPENDED from the practice of law for one (1) year
effective upon finality hereof.
Let copies of this Resolution be furnished the Bar Confidant, the Integrated Bar of the Philippines and all courts
throughout the country.
Davide, Jr., Vitug, and Kapunan, JJ., concur.

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